Milverton Sun, 9 May 1912, p. 7

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pli caused by confla; Victo and Winnipex. Three big fires took APRIL FIRE LOSS $1,850,058 In Twenty Cases Conflagrations Caused Damage Exceeding $10,000 oria, lace in this cit es’. summ: lagration in 1910 was $25,593,315; in 1911 it was $21,459,~ e fir “ four months of cattle, nine horses, 466 chickens, 16,000 bushels of wheat and oats, caboose. attributed to fa defective Studes anregays Lede incendiarism, one each frot tor blowing out, asphaltum ignit. ing sparks from an engine, match- ‘and many were of unknown ori+ ae re ary ate 700 barrels of potatoes, Heer a street car, an & atomolile, and a Lhe Mackay- Beuretts iene some cargo of Titanic victims. docked at Halifax with her grue- THE NEWS TN A PARAGRAPH HAILEYBURY DISTRICT TOWN Selected by Government to be PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS ENTRES ae AMERICA, Prices of eis ony Cheese and Othor at Home and Abroa Pai ae "Bib, all-rai). 3 American failed, 8830, track, Baye ay. port wheat-70 to, Tao, onsale, Bran Monitobs bran, 925, in bags, To- ronto freight, Sho} SEES, x, PRODUCE, areca to $4.50 barrel. eee oall Yots of handpicked; $265 to $2.75 per bushel. Tene eTeAetes, tn Atos, 11 to 120 per Baled Hay—No. 2 would probably, >fine $17.60 to $18 w ton. Clover, mixed, 818. $14, on. tras REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE |. Prof. Mickle Puts Total at 247,000,000 Ounces, Including Oré Already Mined WEALTH OF 6 tion of Cobalt camp ate all known | leutationn: and as the results corre- spond so nearly with previous esti- OBALT'S CAMP pea ueapee = inter wheat, A despatch from Toronto says: )ness blocks, two stations, cue Tums, per ooent Be a 0 $4, vat seaports and at $4 > , . Paani Pay | is 764.10 | for home poneumptio Manitob A despatch from Cobalt says: (mates of local mine managers weight Fifteen lives were lost and damages mills, two iron works, frat patents, $570; second patents, Prof. G. R. Mickle, P: 1 Mi tories, two churches, two Sables sou, id strong bakers’, $5, on track, To: | Fro! ickle, Provincial Mine | is given to the figures. If any error bo the amount of $1,355,055 was 3 abhouses or,.at a meeting of the Cobalt|is made it is in speexer many ee : | two picture shows, two boathouses, *Qinnitoba wheat—No. 1 Northern, $1.19, L caused by fires in Canada during}, of the following: on track, Bay ports, ail-rail; No. 2 North:| branch of the Conecien Mining In-| Fifty-six per cent. on value April, according to the estimates|Flour mill, drill-shed, police post, ee wa aay ee eter) (ir ite ee amen tecl tno. vate pepete. Oden ORTENSEeE HR the: non veins, representing a value of $65,- mi the Monetary Times. The] pool-room, hotél, art a a losses due to fires in March last and] greenhouse, facing mill, sampling Fe rR oa so od le i emo penne ing vai ste million ounces, | 000,000, but the total output of the in April, 1911, were 24 lives and $2,-| plant, rolling — mill, skating rink, Beas—No. 2 shipping peas, area including 35 millions from undis-}camp is not confin uture pro- 261,414, ‘and 20 lives and $1,317,900 | kiln, ‘office ‘building? motor works, Oate—Car lots of No. 2 Ontario, 49 %9 teareiee Le eight 2S on|duction from the present veins and respectively, The property loss| elevator. There were also 30 he fario, 3 to S222; on ‘track, ‘Toronto je dumps e estimates are bat those undiscovered, e possi- extra W. ©. feed, ost. careful mathematical cal-|bilities are for a process that will ae exceedingly low values pay- able. A PEACEFUL DEATH. Ship’s Surgeon Contradiets State- ments as to Terror on Faces. “es despatch from Halifax says: » Thomas Artastrong, surgeon on Fashion Hints The cass a aged death: sult Centre of Temiskaming. Baled Straw—$11, on track, Tor Sa A nn ae of ines war 97 during the Brat four|UAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER) 4 acsngich trom ‘Toronto says'| fh Eee oe hess sateen a the pe pub'| SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. t , eight | months of the The THE GLOBE IN A y_Wholes 3 = eed intone Pete ed veavte Ruts Sate wae SIT: ooebacs 10L0-(b ed, 900% = Hates) Mine ie ie, tl Seen mite igen 18 at aghoice| were ‘digtorted with terror” when| In general, it may be said that ) y ’ UTSHELL. ep rai a e pace a * ie Iba fowl, 12 to < fi to: Sol tur found’ He said: “I was on duty — are becoming larger. aes of Temiskaming. ‘The long-looked-| keys, ie. Live poultry, about fe lower| on the deck during the recovery o ace band is used in the hair in The electric wires of-the body, called nerves, should be properly insulated and connected, eae Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your made see tie EGGS, CHEESE. r—Dairy, choice, 26 to 270; bakers’, f about ten bodies that had receiv- a serious ree their faces were sleet of the more common ribbon 5 @ Touches of woo] and silk embroi- TH all the various organs of the Eyes. mental th Cait Tare infer =e ie als eat dat calestaal 1'; in fact, so peace- | deryed are seen on some of the new fnto.a smoothly working and perfect ee RU eect om euccuintcol tatoo: [sar a eee ee el ‘vas dificult to realize | girdles. : system under the control of a sym- 5 nition aidsbecwune of certain other ‘Cheete--New cheese, 15 to 151-2¢ per Ib. |that théy were dead. Some had n embroidery patterns ob- metrical brain, one which has not| Port Colborne is to have a branch advantage ae petition er arms folded and legs crossed, | long, square, and triangular eyelets been mens by Sess seseeeet Works Buffalo Union Furnace | wong the towns of the dist ict for| cured me {Hoa SRODDCTS | if they were taking rest. For| appear. SORE EYES. Lhe Saeies Capeia th y oh Ferguson of Stratford has | the eset ee Huileybury,| 15 !%¢ perth, tm case lois: Some) Ks sort vet the renee. a Sue. Srmpatiene An entirely new fabric is a fag, re y affection of the eyes, how- ever Tight, ought to have the most} while careful treatment, both because furnishing pores and pleasure Ss the Fay an ~ | bein; the fate been pees City Engineer at The dairies supplying milk to London, oe hi ave been cut off by has gained, has be: and Haileybury, Ne’ Cobalt and Englehart all sent de- Medium to Mght, 17 to, 17 12 1S1-tes rolls, 124-2 to i8c: backs, 1 tuardiereee, 1B ithe? tabs, 131-20; pails, NTREAL MARKETS, No. 2 N feed, Sneavy, ib to akfast bacon, by such statements, I may bead say that a majority die: death, and the minority were ‘iii thin white wool with a border khaki colored ratine. Strictly tailored street suits of brocaded taffeta are shown among the ee models. t i r se serious troubles often be; ‘A man having all these organs | the. inspec ing their claims some atiee . with the same symptoms that ac- abi constructed and adjusted}, The ferry states between the two | “uch ere eae ican 23 ie do Mesoat White, Sbites No 3. doc Wito; | tives and frien eee ae Hat: pancake crowns and company minor ailments. That is] can regard himself as a healthy in-|Soos have Bet redneed from ten | *#® ch SE eee aa aor got Hanley Manitaie Seeds) Or. the disaster have this conso- aounte Pi = and little. or no trim- particularly true in the case of con-| dividual, possessing within himself | cents each way to five. aur BONNE No. ‘ 160. Flor Manitoba, Spring as Me the departed ones did} ning are featured. Ear ahomainn oes power of ronce ot Cul | Hts oc sgucenen ty pel] eas ones, (ES eae arin wie eg | Champagne colored, noel Meigs; ; overcome by di Be BE) Poet Gaon Pi SUCCESSION DUTIES. to ; Jace fe teetenannte g gaa aang Se sep cee lO Rae tty aw og coun Hat OG vane hac yield readily to ordinary cleansing| | ELLIS KILLED PORTER, rifles tothe corps of British cadets| Halt-year oe Falls Far Below ‘yi jo Bie. ar” No. net | 54,000 Go Out as a Protest Against| | White is pestins da ioptneee to soothing applications; but it — who will visit the Toronto Exhibi- That of Hast Year, sates, Butter “Choleert Shooting of Companions, sana drag aendabooton eG < i F ery. 251-2 to 253-40; ds, may "abs be caused by the most vio- | Makes api of Murder and en ; ae from Toronto say! Samer age Preih, 25. to Bite,” Pota.| A despatch from St. Petersburg| Revivals from the enolase period let ly peitnaay Crit, known: to ads Self-detence. ele watiee a French girl, was|The six months’ record of succes-| toes, per bag, car Tete, $1.80 to $1.85. says: Fifty-four thousand workmen | are making their appearance anit medical si lead to loss, of) Sian unlock Mydieni| A despatch from Kinmount, Ont.,| ment at Montreal ie utente pen aa eee ee UNITED STATES. nc te) Lette SOUL RAIA eye Mane Mae the moment. will be of si USA) 10) V a rotest again ie 8! Ans Ww) i foulard wi. Beptenisht aber Saale defo as Court be Canvoll let lama to the Provincial Treasurer's estimate, |My, Mis: Sestomnee ies down of miners by soldiers on April| greatly in favor tox morning frocks seo ualy) pees ‘ent shenid 0 ie eerie pared ie # land to | but the large total rolled up in the | 10 $100; No. # bard. S1if to $14 17. The Minister of Commerce stat-| for wear in the parks. By ema ae tan eH rteR and his residence as fot a Park |first half of the previous financial | (1118; Xo, S wheat, 810 Kot ne arm: |oti in the Douma ‘Thnreday that the| * Taffeuan crepe. aniiad and Tur- * although until t loctor pera it Children’s Hospit year has not been approached. The} J%0") eo vos, Quirke x Ee if| Gouernment would conduct a com-| kish toweling are “equally in the is always well to keep the eye as s. Weisz, now in Montreal, was ix mon’ tal is $356,675.25, mr —Firat patente, $5:10- to 9 anette enquiry into the deplor-| foremost march of fashion. clean as possible with a mild boric n | deprived of her husband and almost| Compared with S524,207-06 for the rere Be gat ear» 82% [able alas inurl seven) Mohlin. hee x alles pola ne Bi aclitson , esiar wledped@eat. Gb: every cent she had in the world by |balf year of 1910-1911. The succes- ay rags? aWheat-No of, old ‘piners apse sat ne 80] now and appears on many of the b k y faa Mtinis-dikste sion duty revenue for April was Megs a os | wounded in a fight with Russian| smartest evening gowns. BCRHOhE Coun ae Mee Ma eG ht a Pe aNia lh yee _ | $88,615.73, compared with $135,387.- felon 14 xen eaen, on HAG! [soldiers at the Lena gold mining dion plaiting has been Ly). .l whatever is the Cayuga Indians on the Brant re 3 . P ‘ 801-40, all x, ki April 1 No details of' yj matter with are wind, dust and Ais ae ae shooting to Inspec-|serve are pressing. their hundred-|59 in the corresponding month of | ¢hrongh rn, 154 to gio, all on tregt,| workings, April 17. No details of vived, and many newest strong Tight shout i am or Reburn with apparent coolness. | year-old claim against the United| last year. ey—Malting, $124 to $1.38. the fighting or its cause have been skirts are treated in this manne:. n epidemic of Bete He shes ane met sie Aa States Government for their annu- SOA eNOS pes aera mua el oe phiety leather ie vitis attacks a school or a commu-| Toad. . Both of us carried rifles. | ity. — Sere ae iid hi nity, ‘the greatest care should ‘be Porter asked me. it T was looking ‘Point Baward hotelmen disposed PREFERRED DEATH TO ~CHOOL coer a a _ ae THREE MEN KILLED. They are rather nazom. ; : ir n we —_ [Sola “ae. 8? to. 87.25, fair ai BY — . ee eee are! paervopead Srey bet misect met wiign lousl option came fata force, (YOMNK, Vancouter. Boy. Comunitted | cud coat ot S50 ty AL oc ort cay Team eas Tato Wakag8 CORDIEISE (G0 eee hore tact or by the use 6f common tow- ee my ‘Ten hot him in| by giving free drinks to all-comers. Suici then’ usual, and aie tomer ‘rome from Four Persons. worn with the Lat hh ‘els. or sponges sh. ite of Mar self-defence, I then dragged and} Capt. Lardner of the search shi ES 675 Seales of tslocved) Youu ee ; anier gown is being vigur- gens atuarbent | bu carried him to a spot in the bush RacPateiicnneet ec atscsedctheroans ian cmtees aren, Mancouret): Bl Rosa ond Tae to 9998 b er ewes rele A despateh Troy ously exploited, but its ultimat e C., says: Ernest Clarke, aged four-| cao cars, Sheep were scarce and in'de-| Says: Three men were killed out- b cleaning the, eye: sho 1d 1 Re about 200 vant from the road. yiction that further search for the success is by no means certai ths ae sear s should always Bee the nga frame bean eee living with his parents at 98s |™and at S6 8 10 4680 Der owt “ior ones. ate Heyy and a boy was slightly injur-|" Stockings are frequently inlet urned imm Act estes - £5 Eighth avenue west, committed sui- uke rade in calves was active at}ed on Wednesday eee eye near | with real lace, an ae) again even Another erie ea and painful cost OF LIVING. ORY Hiupies: peoneeetepraice cide on Thursday BORE: prefer- anging from ELA) te 8 caot, Ae St. John’s, Quebec, embroidered with affliction »is the sty, boil that forms on the‘edge.of ms bene ttl mice Prices Presta bees ain fete tranbucbiatin for tyre THIRST ep eet ie Some ieee Moonee he vic Gattle Batra, choieg| leaving St. John’s at 8.48, and due | "Nearly all the new parasols have chiefly attacks young ple ofboth} Lee men making the highest scores in| 4p strenuously to going to school | hesyy,steers mecium to and export. $301 in Troy at 10.50, struck a waggon | a’ nineteentl ry air abput sexes between thes ‘Enel Mutter Fredieted. tiaik core astne Dominion Glee to, ass tent his father to ae , fi $0 $130; "mized Tight butcher, containing two brothers named |them and are flounced or fringed A despatch from New York says:| Association meeting. 2 peek ey ae is _mo- ners, $2 t0 $3: hole | Biuther, ewe, frm at | Fayette, a companion named Marsh, | The linen of this dees is soft per| Work, the expert declares, and tl e|holiday as usual this year, but the ther that he would take poison first. When hi eee and drapes as well as the general condition is poor. The next twelve months will see|| The Canadian sinices Railway tote eal: Se eae Stockers— of the ac- that reason the constitutional treat- | some new records in high prices for |interests announce that Toronto| the ne eee ante he rete acy seen ‘| cident was told here by a brake-|en materials, making exceedingly ment is important; when the sto-| meats, eggs and butter is the yeast would be connected with Guelph quickly that Rulers Eola. va io ee. ag Pe 160] man of train No. 6, the one which | pretty models. are doing their|of Mr. Preston, Sailer of the Pro-|and Bowmanyille by radial lines by| stopped he shot himet Aeeusk ibe: Lea mes $8 2 $9; bucks | Struck the waggon. The I By Be collar is now in vogue, ork properly, sties will not recur—| duce News cold season has|the end of this year. teu pnledeisinie insta e! sha alle 8 to. $5: soring lambs, 4 to $7 ° yron cascade unless, inde: ar cauned by | put the hens PeesGeiuid insher > May, sath: will be observed. ac a s $885, fed and watered, and $835 to $8.40, TOO MUCH CONSERVATION. dshehiful ‘variation of the ubiquit- eye-strain, in which case pi fob. . nie here supply of butter in sight is not ike ly to satisfy the public demand. for Irish and Belgian importations. The cabbage crop is short, and cab- Governmen take steps in the future looking to the observance of to|King George’s birthday on June 3. GREAT BRITAIN. The Royal Society of, Literature WIRELESS ON LAKE STEAMERS New Bill of U. S. Merchant Marine A despatch from Washington MINERS e STRIKE. Anthracite Workers Have Rejected the Proposed Agreement. B. C. Fears Oil-burning Engines Will Injure Coal Business. A despatch from Ottawa says: Hon. William Ross, Minister of Mines and Forests in British Colum- oe eta ea edges are a feature of the season, and are met with on BE feta Bee Lingerie, laces, and e broider, Silk i are most invariably re- lieved with lace or lingerie, but lace plays the eseniget role in the sea- : a vei and jenderness, it se elke. artichokes, are be om, | decided ta confer the gold medal 0 : Regulations regarding lite- lags Goetetnte Gommittse of ine| eh the Geeerament, Het Tears that | sons fashio . , s é : pdoiruseaigte’ uae When eee thee sieduahe wor dosinrony: chatiniag noth ets saving appliances on American-| anthracite mine workers, turned| the, cegulatoon orapelling all rail | Sheer linen’ and cotton tissues, fa ed, a littl A) oy, ce pene bev deane sind bound The paste inquiry into the loss| owned ships will be extended to| down the tentativ agreem| ac-| ways in British Columbia to use oil | having small motifs or fanc; r- form le incision should be price by Jeap S- | of the Titanic was op foreign-owned vessels as well by @/ cepted by their o i after Decem¥er, 1914, so as to avert | ders in open English eyelet embroi- made, oe relief will be immediate. ened on Thurs- iding. day, Lord Mer: Hey proming, & rs and the ane konane ee forest fires, will be a pee to ae dery, are charmin; —Youth’s Companion NET RESULTS OF ENQUIRY. the House Merchant Marine Com-|thracite operators at the meeting saa. industry. He wishes the new| Although richly colored gowns ~on UNITED STATES. mittee. It also requires passenger | of the full conf y Jar, 1 bers of WHAT CONSTITUTES HEALTH, | What U. 8. Senate Commission Has 1 ger | 0: e full conference committees &ystem of gents ottrol are popu Hd jarge numbers o. oatahene E cats Sains the Be joard of Bisho of 4 he Me- aes One Bacal ga ee be eauip- of the sutinaciienuesies ae the | to giise given a trial. apts wonte’ e esi ad the med: 5 t! Episcopal C! tl - with wireless, ut wou. mine wor 1c] was he! ind n in ser; up the qualities which constitute a! A despatch from New York says:| Haband te es Se ihe empt. Long Island Sound passen-| Thursday. aes indirect recogn: nition BIG BU ILDING BOOM ee ee perfectly healthy one says he| The net results of the Titanic inves-| miles touching amusements. 1 ships from the occan-going re-|of the union in the appointment o £ ‘ me tigation and the proposed recom- mendations of the Senate Commit- tee that een conducting the | w Suit against the Taternational each ship are among other features a Grievance Comuti e for every :|mine, as set forth in the tentative agreement, was not.enough for the Permits Issued in Brantford During April Totalled $281,655. R. PRESIDENT. Despatch Says Sir Thos, xy bacco, alcohol or drugs of any kind. } enquiry here and in Washington |of trade and asking that it be dis-|of the measure. committee. ts members wanted] A despatch from Brantford sa: it Has Been Appointed. BR aa wre sore ined RAs by Sena- | solved bes oe Ree the Govern-| — iia oe full oe ere s the” ey the ae past eh? is Ls A despatch from London says: 2 . , with plen-| tor Smith, chairman ol ment in the United States District SEO eck-off sys by which the un-| broke all previous records in fr ; ; ty of breathing space for health, mendations, will in-| Court. ao eee. See TE ga Cacatclne Sohail te touting, oomitaetlte tatal vale? otapore oe Beitenas ot the. rand an extra corner or for clude double Lee for all are ? h e pay envelopes of the miners, | ation reaching $281,655, This is an v, succeed work or disease. The muscles should | vessele, full oat equipment, so i What s the the eight-hour work day, a larger | increase 220,090 over ae M. Hay ho lost his ie Be well rounded and flexible; not | scarchlights, danger signals, double] “PHANTOM" SHIP FOUND, crease in wages than 10 per cent.,| 1911. For the first four months this | in the Titanic disgater,. Bir The tehes at night. two-man wireless service and avoidance of the north- . erly track in the iceberg season. la ~ uiring an Interest in a Success- Was a Cargo Boat Bound From New York to Genoa. A despatch from Algiers sek The year steamer which w: in the vicinity of the Titanic ae to Use of Cooking When you don't have to? Post years, practically, in-short, aa that the original demands called LABOR WAGES IN THE WEST. Common Variety Can year, permits have issued valued at. $426,615. ib Naas Toronto’s tax rate was fixed at 184 mills. * mneeted with both Te and the Canadian Pacific Railways, and is one foremost authorities on railways ir Great Britain. Ti e a have been argo boat Kura, Day and Mechanics © ee Industrial Company foe Nae York fet ewcas wk SE a Wed: e A despatch from Winnipeg says: Take A Scoepful “anorast in Tn sam Tiss 1 she oe ‘ Re a ; I oasties Hayter Reed, general superintend- GI Each— sofa manufacturers af wien Tette Neve Move ot AvE 18a ; rer Canadian Pacific hotels, ar- h jar ood foo B an ed tum ner onde fo the holders of in She has no wireless apparatus. The eed. from t Thursday Side By Side The Preterred Bosh i iraipeac aakne Sit Snip ait poucte giiet he enenucer kill a morning. ‘“The ay r labor Prt aia tn aaiton othe ae ane ea eeheren 8 La Sp ont Ue slight | ate Bel fully and fully throughout ‘ewes “declared he, ‘Take “St. Lawrence” en ually with the Common St e Titanic was wrec © |1 cooked ai ry ‘4s perfectly astoundin Granulated in one Banas ar hed or cone, cara tie See irate Hapsise Toes oe te LYE a | eas areas seal settee oes nt et have to ote ‘paid on the Proforrad, and whon 6 ser cent. ready toservedirectfrom [| not persuade them ta sugar in the other. & pale en. tha Breterer ie wadition te.the % det aur reenler. Read esata package with cream, and sol oa any se Leas time, “ matter Look at “St. Taw es a wl sare © common ‘ a aa ata a va gener tion, of companies, with CONSTABLES SHOT. sugar if you like. : ee ean carn @3 ats anl a Pr Syst a f unable One Man Killed and One Wounded These thin bits of toast- ia : ee ii erates. Rest at pelnt S t, and i it rf soated oe inmnite. its in ih A hake meee ot ee _ by Kees) WAS BURNED TO eth : : eS ee = Bays: + brary + 2. small block of a wane. une extenons bee titudseae : onera Hees S di 4 aes a F Nova Scotia Hunter Perish: Absolutely i Absolutely sone : F Hels ¢ : ‘amons Noy i - intaatnbae In the preferred stock of successful Canadian In- night gives brief details of a fatal|| fying and SEE INS i Best Suga Pure Feta) nes, have been the safest which Canadian Inves- encounter between a oe of Pro- v3 = 4 aah: £ _ Ns ie ian fugi-| Js’ ; ” espa’ ‘rom ‘Truro, ddey io estat try trom Jars gute, Sr The Memory Lingers” |) .5.. Ralph McCabe, @ well-known | gj 3 one ofthe chotest gars eve seGned with a standard of pasty We would bo ee AG ae ree containin 2 ato have-one of Teprest sire, HACIONAL SECURIT CONFEDERATION LIFE TES CORPORATION, LTD. BUILDING, TORONTO, road, milk Brovlail I Constable Kr Kindness, one five officers in pursuit of the aiates was shot and ni Constable Loring was shot in the arm. The other three constables in the party are missing. Made by y Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Factories Oanadias resident of Sra near Truro, rd ‘Windsor, Ontario, Canada. and one of the fa: is hunters of this country, with a Saat at tea ly 100 moose, was burned to death lin his a eatly Wednesday morn- ing along with his stock and most of the eile of the barr. Analysis shows, “St, Lawrence Granilated”{o_be 9 9/100 to 108 « “Most. every ane ‘sails St Tansee Sugar.” ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR |'REFINING CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL. 65

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