AND DELICIOUS millions who drink NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRD ve Certainly 7 Atadectst, 25° per tor, OR, WHAT THE TARUSH SAID. recom mend LAND’S SHORES. e . JLIPTON’S : | | msc FROM ERIN'S GREEN SLE | Reece Sa - ru~ Co Neatache Wafers | THE WHITE LADY ; FRAGRANT e == =, \should be moved as little as pos- CHAPTER XX. Se rare SPAS as aie alk Happenings in the Emerald Isle of jaible- after the. covers “have bem), 7 went back 10 Tene aitne: alent, | we, Jevisi, Robbers: .bowaraly,, Jarutal Interest to Irish. 2 tightened. It is best to have ad-| Dur less bitter than when I'left it; went | jougue. They were, insulted, | taunted. men. : justable shelves. In this way one in the vain search fr" 7 mocks of days gheated, out, of their hard-earned wages; : may economize space and utilize all in “the "vainer search for friendship. "| ion°to ucceps terms and endure infamies| G08 farthest forthe money | 4 farmer has been fined five shil- there is without crowding. “py ‘night-and by. day the result’ was Which it made my, bloo iI” to. thine | aii Tings for fait “drivi ro the same. London did not want me; Lon-| Wich if made my ooeen was less mis: as gs for furious driving at a fu- Brak f bape of reper the Ase don was sublimely indifferent to my ¢x-|erable than that of the outside hands. neral. % SON side of the fruit cupboa: loor. istence; London rated me at a value be-| the instrument which crushed the out A deaf mute named Qui FOR) THE UANNING SEASON. |this write the number of cans is beoclf’ (i the Kenekare: Fane oe | ue, bands mas; called, ys Ms, Solomon; ‘Abbey. Tuam was He eee In the operation of eattnehnd each kind of fruit you put aw: ji piney caste cnh a ® hundred wien | or work wp, to the threshold of starva- FRELIGTS ARE DANGEROUS ning near Galway. preserving the most important thing eet a aon vee a Teseiae st the sulted; in ‘ovary ca case i was refused, A i ler oe Sry Ma pane Turbitt, harbormaster of is the getting ready,. and this be-|top of the sheet of paper, and cach |countryman, a discharged soldier, a iab- ‘on. the whi th — ort Stewart, was drowned by fall- TH gins far in advance of the actual|time that you remove a can mark|@a°nd' mich chattels; ‘Lotdon, ‘was con-| 2h Ofte wore: ruman,tn all London] oy py NG STORIES 0 ing out of a boat. : E STANDARD canning day. Kettles which haye|it off. You can then see at a glance | ducted on strict, ie mera dona’ | a,devilish grin, to some poor girl, “work's ES OF THE| Isaac Allen of Mount Shannoi ARTICLE - SOLD never been used for any other pur-| What fruits you have on hand with-| herein there ‘ie no. quarter given and | Yers, Sek today, we're only making. to SEAMAN’S DREAD. while fishing. in the Shannon land- EVERYWHERE preserving, spoons, {ut moving the jars about. Madge ee Spe ae alan Sm and| 100k round in a day or two I may be ed a pike weighing 25 Ibs, knives, forks, skimmere, dippers,|. When you want to open a fruit| ook" the snubs an without | fast to keep the tee i kato cane Mr. James Cecil Johnston has funnels, jelly bags, fruit press,|jar instead of prying open with a| frown, Life was tet, £09 recta qus tome) lime minis undersiood the system. Some-| What Became of the Twenty Per-| been appointed private secretar, strainers, scales, measures, and all bills, just hold the jar top in warm |get work, so! If not=sol There was the| they” period of ‘probation. Sometins “ to the Lord Li a 8 pe D} sons on Board the Mario necessary implements should be in|Water for a minute. You will be|Myer oo as en worst, and the, {e¥,Would, come to the point at once Cavan District Council has made a state of perfect order and clean- murprised to see how easily the lid|iong’ nights. ‘The long nights when 1! Py,Gucing, the terms. Bometines, put vey Celeste. Rersnecicnte Sc WUNa ears liness. Have enough suitable jars, | Will come off, and besides you will | wandered about the areas | city Tooting | mene and get cursed for their pains, 0 es under the Labo: Act. cans, glasses, etc., with rubbers, | avoid cutting ad hhands,-as often-|thy, and anding none, During my Are ee hel eee ona area ate taee Bs spaced uote at see the Pcie ont ie tops and covers at hand, plenty of| times happeni short stay in Lond elit fected panne embit-| \lave-driver, and hesitated as to whether ng and abandoned ships pos: one haa © OU paraffin, labels and cloths for me young ho nels eper, venturing teat tna! onldteas and the the ution “Ot | th ther, ieee aa thot A ipo Wiese aoe oes Seether in the stores of Sohn Seige’ k's Bee ing and handling utensils. A long-|0D her att ‘Preserving, may: like those I met, were. often armor! my hands off him, and put out my hatred suggests one of the greatest dan- ah ike gaa senebar nee cha without which ot ands (athe Se panes om a, and OEE Oat OF ANd | gore of the bea—the derelict vessel, ew police station in Fitzgib- sleeved apron of red calico will not streets of the Ghetation, capital. Indeed, | Black Jack. , be ns li show stains. The table will be ab-| Five boxes of currants will yield| I, wore ‘this mail myself." and kept my | = ee Ree ton sel Dub yen eens cee anak solutely clean if several layers of | Hine glasses of jelly. inate yore (Eta beers cekindcrats suc ac aa A Ua cma ener mei ene en. Sah newspaper are spread over it. If) Six pounds of peaches will yield mern fronte, Thad also learned that ‘one| In the sequel I was glad I waited. One| to overcome this peril is that em-| Complete. : P Or. Ih, 5; may smile and be a villain; and it was! afternoon I had been with a parcel to the | bodied in the Derelict Vessels (Re-| A school of music isto be estab- re is any danger of juice being Raines pint jars of preserv only-at imtervale, ‘whe _the sense of lone-| railway station, and on returning to, the t) A b 4 i lished in Limerick fo sf dropped upon a good floor or lino- en pounds of peaches wall liness becam hie when HS factory I heard the familiar sound of a| Port) Act, 1896, by which, if the r young peop le, : a BHee Aa pees thivet for human intercourse’ under whins | @itl's voice pleading with the ogre in his| wreck is within 100 00 miles from the| Particularly children of the poo: EW.GILLETT leum, papers may be spread down ex n glasses of ‘mar I suffered in the midst of the great hu- United Kingdom, the Trinit He classes. abare alae, peck of quinces will yield man se8 was past bearing, thet T forced | Mt Salomon. -Yon mig rt ne ee amet Ener |. Dr. Hayes) Gispeasing doctor of eer Procure the best fruits and vege- eae glasses of jelly. Mootiack, some prowling te acgnstable Or | Guat a: few dorons, Airy Solomon; only 8| erent itt And teen be oe im | Rathkeale Union, has resigned af- oi tre tables. sp ire fruits neve! ke| Four pounds of Saeed will yield |in his cups. ew, ot a bite’ of bread.” y is by no anes va i TORONTO.ONT. z papa tie sit dongh mee iRfa Wint tareotapoeaer xia’ was from. a recontre of the latter 2 ell on no. You must wait, Now | easy tek to destroy a derelict. One eA service exten ling over half a iso in ing conversation with | out it get oui way of doing so is by aun and | century. Bi 3 ed. office rey are 2 granulated sugar for all preserves, || Four quarts of crab “7 nies, GHA or ees me out of the |The Jew waa g iounging £Setore the empty | this is only within the power of aj The death has occurred of Mr. ‘ jellies and jams, light brown sugar|sured after cutting small, will yield |aréary Babylonian labyrinth at Jast. — Sreerate, with “a meer on his foul, f9t| battleship, Destroyi “derelict | William Henry Butler at Dublin iNage stri r spiced fruits. Heat th ten glasses of jelly ly: We ‘had boon comparing notes, ead 1| face anda Feeking: ‘oigar in hie dirty, fat 1p ying "a gocher dal RES rR MN Fr 4 ane heard the gong of the village strike for jallics i 5 at the sugar had told my companion that 1 way out figers ae erat im, with her back to me, | by blowing her up is apt to make 2 ie members of the] each hour of that fearful night. The for jellies in the oven before ad- Morera. of work, when hie said, in a thick voice,| Was a young me ae. aud poorly elad,| matters worse at times; huge | Northern Circuit, nitoes swarmed round, his face, ding the fruit juice. Do not cover oilers 2 leet nd ty ‘vere! £ a ee owas crviN€, | baulks of timber floating about are|, Many provision dealers of Dublin | but he dared not brush them off. while cooking unless you want Cabbage should always be boiled|et "by another pot. of orien, “he, Sam| , "Please Zolomon, just a few dozen. |as dangerous to shipping, and even | have raised the price of bacon 24)” Hours rolled ‘on, and his endur- trouble. se [icieeteas waters. Sanders,, might be able ‘to “put ime on Lee “ae you ‘only Tia pot onl A Invisible than the derelict her- | i2 the pound as a 2 result of the em- ance was well-nigh exhausted, Put jars, covers and qubbors inal To een celery and lettuce fresh, | 1 paid fo: and no Bread in "She 0 self w: ae hyd Se: t when at length the welcome dawn pan of c r and bring gradu-|stand the roots in co r. rehanee, ke any price, Amoue “he Béarde ol Trade ae: jomas eil, a farmer, was} began to light up the eastern hori- ally to a boil 5 to 20 min- atoravon: your. woodbox. if erheea an Took “here,” said Solomon, ‘just|cords one reads of the Fanny E. | ¥noc oak down by his horse and) zon. On the approach ‘of the day iy iuien, the fruit is ready |you would have it handy to move Hi" Lt miler GP rate" ht] ie" malice Mish nce aate"ytut| Wolston, which was abandoned, on| ampled te death while driving [the tiger rose ‘and ‘stalked away, empty the jars and place upside} about. imetie.” Eh ctober 15th, 1891, and travelled growling sulkily, to a thicket al down on'a Hot cloth, "Put on the| Change dish water often—it is| yt 2a,P goenion ae, hat, ofa | Mt Splemons, leat te ope ett |about 000 milon before he wae, The Londonderry Nationalist die-| ome distance; and then te sll sterilized rubbers. Place a knife | better both tor the hands aad fos [eee eect at, he, guirt factor My Feouroa | for God's sake. “If 1 don't get some money | last seen in mber, 1893; while | trict hae been disturbed ever since and wearied Biubabe felt that he in the jar while filling, so that bub-| the the nae ld. called’ fotore mine es Defore night my sister will die. She will.|the W. L. White, which was aban-| Lady Day, when the olioe had to was safe, bles will break. Fill'and overflow| Never bang an oven door, if you Minctory”" of Balomon Brothers con-|, The. gil stepped forward” and lifted up |doned on March 13th, 1888, eighty | ™4Ke two baton charges. ‘4 One would have thought that af the jars. Remove the knife and|don’t wish your bread or cake to sistea 2 i second and third floors of a Seni ee ee There was aj miles from New © 1G, =. Kala oh ackson O!|ter such a night of suffering he overflow again. Screw on the steri-|fall. Close it gently instead. the second foot a email Sedsoom hd boon | Pisce, andin it T saw her face.” =" |cognized by somo forty vessels, | PTI nua siding bie mesa! would have heen too thankful, tor . . i -f It the fi ‘- q tops immediately: | Aftor| 7 flowers frech, clip their |eomvered. into" an fe, aan age bed At r lind "ote oa ocase nade | conega shout the Noth Atlaotis-for| i took’ up~ mobok -eyehing, tol thay eee Men ea eee aE 4 ing the tops on, ah into hot} stems and change the water every |a big attic, served as a workroom. took a few whiffs at his cigar, ‘Spy abe: deathbed vila ase athe ago. ay aie PA 4 parafin over the rubber, thus fill-/day. Also a pinch of salt helps, — | ,i,fRe oftee X found 8 huge, pasty-taced, pomemptuonsly. the Hebrides on January 23rd, 1889. | YF ravi Gsake caver oi fake easily diverted from this purpose. ing any tiny air passage. Place| Cloves plac tween winter |a high stool writing, He was in hie shire kyo san bape on THE MARIE CELESTE. vas evicted from her holding on the | “aeoey sete. bad eteetsheak. bis the jars upside down until cold. | beddin, Case nd slant sleeves. His shirt had not recently come cramped limbs and restored his RRGReoR the jerk cad putin a or, te 8» blankets and Clothing @t0| from the laundry. His akin suggested the| Never.” said the girl, vehemently. Some derelicts tell their own|Farlam estate at | Portlongfield: jeinggish cireulation, he reloaded abs US SHEN A aaat aegae ice arg! rahe pac eG AN “fou Ge beet’ ol dmatied | Story of tempest oF fire which has Ralloalabsvay, lest. April, hes 106d matchlock,, and coolly, proceed: 3 yam ¥ ba ¥ ised your *) caus a ed to finish his . With his canning fruit is that of retighten-!' To get rid of the objectionable |"’1' is work you wants or wages?” he - i Recaesl Danse; pat A . + be H f hell thers Pista inscrutable myster- ‘erng rnnell’, any ann@ | match lighted, he vanes alone to ing covers of glass jars after|gmell of cabbage while cooking, put|**¢d me, when I stated my business. °|me, and his jaw. fell. What do you |2 Coll, fish brie - re reoei 5 I said f want: a ded, rt jes h b 0) ishermen, wate ane ze 8e- | th Her same have become thoroughly | a _icee of chareoal in the second yan te created, to dont want suy- ig my. Band oh ‘Gene ould. aes A Ue ate Suey UAVS beetle aanihte wheter pots edon, pares si Rin aeod ay als Eaeoe eal ss ae id Sank ie Hora Less Ceti baa eee lary |y Know you, and Ti help you | Take the ice case of | When pe. aa capsized ue both | head while he was in the very act - rR eae aoe nt, which is White felt hats can be cleaned pate emits OMY, & Place for s inal, rent out weeping, and withont look-|the Marie Celeste. In BSBA Were.dre of charging. formed by the rubber ring of com-|by dusting them with white corn |Pa?,,,a™lane tnrned.10 his dene “Now, said I, turning to the Jew, “Tn| 1876, she left Boston for Medi The Board of Trade retums_ of mon fruit jars coming in contact|meal and brushing the meal thor-| door, 4 to the | not akto words by telling you what you | ranean h pauperism show Belfast to be the ‘ “ ” are, a 2 with the ess wluab.canbey the jars| oughly out one $604, BQRememe, siding round | Me, for fou, roy AL Eat ep sou" Bands.” | twenty persons, including the pan lowest i in the, ono with 94 per TENDERNESS REPAID. me hod i . A spoonful ey flour added to the alas noone’ ‘8 such Togues. ae Ses SE sprang, 8 pi, tain’s wife and pele: daughter. th Br tod Bri ing Bec h —_— itech top wih bling |i eep Zhe om ooh edu ea han | aoe No SE Gare ttm of gs a i | Mee Gu Grcion ot Cnr" ie tele Danther : an leave your name.” » seiner yy the col- Patel hip sail safel 3 Li Li 5 fruit, put on the sere rings andj pa: ZX said I would, and began to write it| lar. dragged, him hed him” * with his te] across the Agente alm ties Shad he ’ Bell ¥ ee ig It was @ glorious day in the mid- $ serew the covers on as tight as pos- mat paper-ehades for the lamp or|. “Ah, hat” aid he, you're a scholar. | Yalking:stick ‘until my was tired. intended destination be fore the oh ee ae west ed sible. If this method is followed} candle can be dipped in a solution | fB¥,F¢ Togues. "We want a worker |, 2! ‘thn threw him to the tender’ and mysterious tragedy w: surance Company, de. dovcte all her gle of gees ee An veas pee et P Pe ateiech jar of fruit: will-ha'w taro| of alum they aro lees Ukely to onto | Tsemeckea cally: Gait was < Sak |e ee songs trom the She was sighted not far from Gib-| ‘time, money and energy”? to wo dee ceieinarga Hin Seige ears 3 thing. If old lids and rubbers are erp He eyed me suspiciously, yas hee eQclight when thoy heard ‘that| raltar by the crew of a coastguard | ™4n’s suffrage work, a i Se rilaetee age Pie UR te pee at veld to test them before] An old Japan tray can be rejuv- body and ire “Ala Wisves Deeceae ae the ouent back hasily to to their ‘seats, for| boat, who rowed towards Ae Se et with almost staring rapidity an tis ‘ing precious fruit. Do this/enated and its usefulness prolonged |°Y'Stpented aa hatte and was foi, Eon tne thon tiers ee Ota wait: very sail was trimmed, and at a A FEARFUL VIGIL. speed, As it approached a corner Pine ta putting a little ei water if you give it two coats of white | when ‘he came down from his perch, ect hurried jher into an omnibus, and able ae pete was nothing remarks a, of the field eeveral birds were een An 8, ecreriak on the lids,|paint and on amel. ny, same and adrose, ave mo ov‘r" ot fe OUI DOL Mee RETO. te stat tee ae: en! A Hindu Hunter’s be erience With | to rise suddenly from amon, and farcing upside down for some|” If goot falls on a carpet, do not Early "and Horan to aak ine" sitine of BOM He would et be able to! start s| they approached it they could tell pei long retail: The! tect tnast aS, : x tablespoon placed|try to brush it off. Spread a hand- ne ae ath, ered 2 Dts mt I lett ee I said in a low voice, “do you| that Raavave: Wee ona th for no was there and dn noticing the binds Within a glass jar while being filled|ful of well-dried salt upon it and | réterences, don well, how | ,,She, Dressed my arm gently and said | ON Was at the wheel, and there was} An extraordinary tals of a Hindu| he thought that there would be a i eericr - erack-proof, sweep up salt and so her. (one ba had 1 beet, Oa ot work, what was pee a meets eas wel OO signs of life anywhere. hunter’s presence of mind erase self-) nest there. He was a kindly man “ ithe success of the can-| If you wish to bring out the fla-|" When I told him 1 had just left the|iust as J tell you. Here is a’ covercign, A DEEPENING Seer control is told by Enea} ‘oung in| and oa the reaper approached the ning of fruits depends upon the ar-|yor of vegetables to perfection, Reet en eee She Stan bone: We Sone tes: So |>, The aaiaegeaeepened when thal ot esd chard peg? | mepee fea msn edad rangements of the preserve closct.|add a teaspoonful of sugar to the ” poli “{ was wounded and | something to support her, wrap Rigen aT ekeboled: Nevin sol wail wee the authority of Helpless little nestlings, but to ‘The position is a serious matter. If) water in which they are boiled. aigcargea find bring her to Islington, I will wait terbe boa tate os ris ta eat be Colonel | Campbell, a oN De cer! the reaper would mean trouble, possible, the closet should face a] Add a teaspoonful of baking pow-| “My left arm is injured. T a Carrie thcsted coway® Mionos,, su olen debe hap “ in the Indian service. A tiger had | which he knew his men would, not POO 1S po’ i m unfit for sg » and T| hy te wee. ritsainl nor w: north or west wall, never a south|der to old potatoes when mashing | *rvice.” : Front to Islington and engaged a decent | POBts Bs carried off a number creat from | take quietly, or east window, for low tempera-|them and beat briskly. This will Doe ate I 2 Seen mn pete ee ae ela) Ra asiies oy ne alee aga thing to indicate the vicinity of a small village in In-| The reaper tore along and was ture maintained without special ae make them light and cream: x an sesiee “an able ’ WMlooked at him | above ten pounds left of the money I had | ‘2% ther had been encoun-| dia, Bussapa, the chief hunter, re-| almost on on the spot, when the farmer Sige Vetion ial Abeloe ; : PY ticks [Tm RTM Smile; and felt. tempied to| saved, in the Crimea, and Thad a no.| tered. Oontinuing the investiga-| solving to put an end to these de-| sprang forward—he could not let it ee a a peer ros ake tk If a sewirlg machine needle sticks Sonvinie hhim of this in a practical man-| tou that, before it was expended I eould| tion below, they found evidence | predations, found where the beast’s bene = “Stop! he prolly “Stop! Se ene See ch sel, sag nga | ee ind} "| ak Meaty Hea cee | at game Su | BUR eS al won’ "t. . i j . ” eight inches, just wide enough for|a bit of rather teat soap. Tei wel ani i, "Agood morni ee oe heehee Fall Gnished ee allt fe a ret dating basehlad patti Aste thie art Eran le en “ mi . TR as: neta uae ice these Cake-beaters should be rinsed as | “the Jem irtaod in ei a < ae the| HANDLORE AND SYMBOLISM. | meal was also on the table in the His only rotestion in case of at- rare ent, wet audible to ne eects cornent meme an <a as used, and any dish that has| f0om frowning , ti ‘TShould think ‘At 10 Si . ane cabin, To crown all, the captain’s | tack o; st part of the tiger was a| farmer, his men unwillingly cheer eggs in it should be filled with|eive yous chance, 1 voeng i igns of Weakness and aia Aird watch was hanging above his bunk, Aisbuake | 8b roo ae m4 ily, strode forward ‘one needs to be told that presserves cold water until time to wash it, |°tipvie, you'd take a nominal wage?" Wi i iii Hakeingcal bp th his The farmer hastily, strode forw. il Aine to, wash i Pe ee bss at He Ce a hen a Man Is Lying. ond, oa it wae sill Gakings the 798" /tiger put: ia bie a iPpeeTEnee: [to the spot whore the binds badd . : e . sel must hav. unced on the bullock, an pale » he saw—whiel cleaned. witha mitre’ of fal [7g den embed ca hat | ih, fy AY HB NE, he] te previous wentyour_ hours Depnt” Wats he wa gern |aethet et eth Reet jJer’s earth and alum. Then brush |to, get any more? “Have you a pension?” | as few men ean lie with their hands | Everything in the vessel was in per-| himself with the warm flesh and of a nest, his own little three-year pero The gloves hould met sixpence a day’ for'a”yeat,” I apa oe order, cas a aavers bie ‘s his sie vee es ibs old La ii oe Coe eins ned. qtiml that’s better. Then you'll zeslly| A man who holds his thumb tigh SER is long, clumsy posey of wild flowers clu in Every householder should havo 20.5 Buch tatty uly fOr potas | 1y Rosey eine! ieee nn the alanieet tigi ee ieee through the bush and Bn her chubby hand. But for his kind plenty of dus ‘or cleaning| "I dov't want’ much wages,” I said,! power. Strong willed persons hold sSsiaee The tiger was wounded, but not| heart in wishing to saye the birds lays. Sometimes old sheets can be | yi! 1 work E must: ive. een ray | heir thumbs Sataida when alanine suggest sania and nothing to in-| killed, “fe rose with a sullen growl, | he would have een his own child utilized in this way. New dust|and tapped ‘hie “nose ith “tis "Ae r,t 5 | dicate pirac peered round as if to try to discover | torn to an awful death. | Sheets are best made of cheap cali-| ,U90k here, he oad, Soall it a shill "Shaking orice avhen sreeting waa kee coastguard ceeds be ee its assailant, and being unable, UY come for Salt ae, i inspection of ¢ ut with | acoount of the bush and the ‘gath ( . ‘ take iodine stains out of cloth-| y:Hiatesronnt “ian siive d"Yon thnk | porton Was mmeracne’ ‘hat etch | the exception of a mark like the eut| ering gloom. to. see ing rub them h ad ammonia {famed ore ee Apens oats ie when a man of an axe on the forward bulwarks, | the Ban, en more pam “al and rinse well before was! n- »” he called out, slapping his fat lds up his hands it is a sign of upon the other method is to wash with PIS Ep pep nee ne You halfway. spec ere later made) Bussapa was kneeling only a few Cobol andartake With Cgatcsuderandl eisicte mecmatersT asia. Benetton ridoneg seat a a UZ Jin every possible direction, bit] yards away, completely defenceless, then clear water. {ganas "On Es Banat, Just be weapons. An outlaw says “Hold from the day the Marie Celeste left) Had he dared to reload, his move- me a light work. One-and-three a | Up ote hands!” meaning thereby | Boston to the present time none of! ments would have proclaimed his nd ee” eleven shillings | +o make his victim powerless to re- the twenty souls on board has ever| whereabouts, and his wouhded GRAINS OF GOLD. a bragain coy Reece BPP TRE been seen. enemy would hire sprung upon him Without adversity a man hardly e-salt, “Just namo your tow-| When a man kisses the hands WAS IT AN OCTOPUS! atone He the io TP whieh Dyeloy nOWs aa he presi agai 0 grave INSONIMIGHARDSGN COntiniwae” | “TWielatmee et Ne #8 honest or not.) bo yon, What happened to them! Many) was eutting into. hi tosh "hut. he aN | ‘There is nothing in which peo; “T always say what I mean.” rete the Nene of kings. By ths theories have been advanced and | dared ae move an “Then you're a fool, and you won't do. w.| rejected. One of these—almost too} ‘There he knelt, iting sition sod wit” they ind 20 la ait et Baca Tages POTTY schoo | fernble t inane, bok whch Ds aon whle Join, frowt, of hn igh at. dg Ment, away “without answering, and] When an oath is taken it is done fits in with eee, rise the] was the let? growling hoarsely See ye State, before her hus- | slatterniy: oo inl overcook” mo, | BY raising net ight Hand OF laging | De as Srgeres US Eisenia ne aver bie event aoe Pe jong QUITE WGA, band, a mother is responsible for and anid, “hp 50 it upon one eye on ate bush, whence he Cs 6 her ‘children’s upbringing. —Mrs, piay ae engaged teal boars hag Aaah consecration of bishops, Ploture the vessel gliding quietly | peared to spect dangei Inspector—"‘An abstract noun is Alice Hai : ook, $9 go at six ‘in the morning, and | Driosts and deacons and also in con-| long. Tt is dinner-time, and oly) wind blew hicrier treat intone nohfaphing warban tisk oh but can: fan ean scarcely be under a|”“Phere's ono comfort, rented: fog |Aemantion the laying of bends is the | O58 i 8 eens man Fe cae eae ee mmncnt ontiled MURer: | not touch. “Can you me an nig greater delusion than to suppose) ame away from my oe thought 6 essence o} wheel. pueden y nes ee ae ve tched man kept perfect-| example?” * that he can in any instance add. to|and Tin an alays vine ti ee ince. A bishop. gives hie blesaoe sith | Sete Da eee Seen ae Tommy—‘‘Yes, sir; a red-hot & his happiness by a saerifice of prin- | Hike ne @ hiding | the thumb and first and second oe of the crew to the Stars a mak ihe pain of his cramped position poker }?? Py ot Sepia TEE TRE AGL ok the sewing Monday I began work.| gers. In this the thumb repres One by one they are enfo y the] increased every moment; suspense SOR sg See . mon said, there were “no terrible arms until all are captured, | became almost intolerable; but the iar hovre'; rer-| God the F. : : tA Sah ei Oe ee eae BS |About the avers ere dom ‘est clent | the the ombiem of Goa the Son Taser when it sinks to the depths with its| motion of a limb, the rustling of.a|, Education begins with the cradle the business before midnigny. ane se inger stands for God the| Prey. The peculiar cut on the bul-| leaf would have been death. He]and ends only with the grave . : of ken within the ecinay! oe ue ie hil. ties also: were vaguely defined, dren “tends toward the ‘for tion | ¢luded such tasks as ‘Backing’ ee fat Hal Sean the three together sym- of character. —Balloy | Ree rst. hirts and handker- | boli boly' Trinity one of the crew striking desperate- Se ee The race is divided into two clase-| ters, POPP asa Cate 1 | Phe weddi ing ting is placed: wpon|¥_ ab the ereature as. its horrible : & Si Shees > Bathe eae aca al a este aero ue seatt weraeeom cee: | RP ARMERS: MILK! i mvs D something, and those who sit- still | druaredanie: shalt “Abul? BP ‘havo. en| hand to show.that after the Trinity,| | And who can say that tis ls . - ON matise wasn’t it done | {ured jt bevond the ond of the rst week | man’s love, honor and duty are | fancy picture of what happen Ww: peeve gf fall'and ter milks. Tf the other ae NE nen ae dome nus tae rg olde ferent considerations. | given to his wife. For seafaring men, when they ga- f are now contracting for fall and winter mi you at the house of a poor widow. a laundres,| Beside the deaf and dumb there| ther together, with no. sceptical are producing two or more cans of milk per day and ave Sasa ready somehow | hed-rid act a mana the ie re aeoneeoe eae people, seth ee eet age sarin a have good stables, Giliehonee, ete., and a train service pai ture iti “ o fi ) ip ot the fey noblebewnune no anehte f ME Fagan to [thee handgs nn “| maed‘oxperences aoal, Jot to Toronto before 1 o'clock, write us. We take all drum beats before you when you go 2 ple, ve hie ote: 5 panne ae Se es inystery you produce—furnish sufficient, cans, and pay on the mon scoond. Se - ea ° te out into sour daily atlebcloa, afd | utah ese meer cogaerl hat ae eee eee 10th of each month. Tne row: B, your coming | "as obliged to, wait for ‘an opporttinity. opportunity came, but ne until] I when you return from your daily |nad near ea ait h masher tee. despionble orcaturdl on often <ib tthe “things wef -GILY DAIRY COMPANY, LISTED, TORONTO, ONT. victory or defeat.—R. L. Steven: "| ea Rtn "werk and blackgu: mame for | who gets a good deal of encourage- eons i ae that seem to ake life sae r . Lape place was a slavehole. ‘The girls. anv 6 worth