ee Le Bree a Cue | RD Oe Seaman aT Tree ee. ite ae Ree, meee 9 TOE WEARY hee THAT COTERS PAIN Women ere Themsclves to Blamo ; ee Mucb of Their Suffering. re weal eak, yet under or impure blood their lives be smoother and they pauls longer retain their natural cl dizziness; fits oe depression; pa Dr. Pink Pills have brightened lives by making the new, good ealth, a: jo toning u ia a)) reba shat organs phate healt! among many. Miss Cora St. Catharines: Ont. “Ever since the a mv back, severe Seadashes also meh jiroubled with ins and hi not ty De W ‘Mliame’ “Pink I got a supply. and soon felt and [ con- felt. any ill effect. backache now, seldom a heada and all ee have disnppea too higily af Dr. hope this letter will me who suffers as I used medicine dealers or Co.,, eckille ssenger on a don’t you ever go Any this at r don't like it ver can git off an’ valk, a apne’ the conduc- tor. “Oh, my no,’’ said the passenger. “T'm not in such a hurry as that. TAKE NOTICE. We publish simple, straicht testimoni- “press agente. interviews, fro om 7H over Wiattied thor tentity the feerite nat IRABOR TINIMENT! the nat oF medies SaNagps” TENIMENT: 760.,, LIMITED. DEVIL TAVERN STILL EXISTS. Was sities Resort of Ben John- jon and Shadwell. At i present time it would be difficult \don tavern But in the eighteenth cen- tury 1 Fleet Street London, still in cal. “The Devil’s Tavern’’ O- called o7 he proximity of Dunstan’s Church and the fi re. olen = an interlude between G the Evil One. This was anes Johnson's favorite t, and here he presided over a lub" of which he was the founder. “The firs spoken to Scylla’s hate was wril after I h ith my friends a 3 at the Devil Tavern; I had drank ile that night and had brave no- Te ‘was also the resort of Shad- well, Pillorized as Og by Dryden i: in his “Absolom and Ackhivepheli emotio: here Killigrew laid one of the scenes in his “Parson's Wedding. Swift, in his ‘Journal to Stella,” the human document of a passionate being, mentions dining ith ee Here Goldsmith, in his us hours. played at card: aod oe 1751 Dr. Johnson assembled - merry and almost famous party celebrate the publication of the Gerighetal Mrs. Charlotte Lennox’s “The Life of Harriet | war raticu vigorous | sound sleep. Here is an instance from t A. Cor-| tion as some change of activity 888: | advisab ge of fourteen { have suffered ie wil penwinl ieee ned BG “| riers puts too io be sean hu eause Edison Does. Don’t try to emulate Thomas Edi- itation or rapid fluttering of the aeons. is not a suitable es ligestioy emulation. He is the only on, his kind. eal ae and plenty of hours is nature’s sure indi To pee pass & thing. But make a habit of passing fatique gies great a strain on t! man organism: and the degeneration of the tissues. a. The Best Time of Life. Des Swi't was ee ne Us wrote tuar his alee aga an) hed, though mee of the wo je Shirt” and ane 5 8 ng eee of Thomas Hood's career. He was 48 vears old when he wrote S Cramps at Night. Agenizing Pain Prevented by Keeping Nerviline Handy On the Shelf, A Case in Point Illustrated. De cramps—the symptoms are not to be mistaken. Suddenly; and without warning the patient) experiences such agony in-the stu- mach as to contort the countenance } and cause him to ay aloud for help. it is that the wonderful, power of Nerviline can make itself felt—it cures su quickly. “Last summer { was ababen with a frightful attack of cramps. feared. the pan in my stomach uld ki “My eyes “oulged out and the eins in ey f stood out like | whip-cu My ies attracted a nebo if an angel had charmed away the pain In ten seconds J was well. Nerviline has a wonderful name in this local-ty, and is considered best for cramps, of accident or emergent sickness. pene famil line, 50c. : trial size, 2c ae or The Cattrrhozone Co.. Buf- . N. ¥., and Kingston, Canada. Seas _| body with money. 7; | Miners Liniment Cures Distemper. A Look Ahead. Mrs. Suetyee eet think of it, dearest one. -five years from day before yesterday will be our silver anniversary.’ When | Marine Eye femed When I y y ests Fine—ActaQuict'y. Your a rag hind Taner Eyes pinnate Need saints one rine cad ed ty Pare i ne hottie, Surin ‘i> “aseptic Tubes, ne. Ese Remedy Conc ‘chicags As She e Saw Its — Extracts Corns! uc Gives Instant Relief To use Putnam's Corn Extractor The sting disapp in the evening, where bo had er new maid in c i. Marv.’” 7 she said. tdi any was the reply E INDICATES. Wrong to Work Twenty Hours 2. ea is fatigne result ie n- | Rutternut. ‘the! $1.00. een done a At 44 Require Prompt Remedy r who came to my assistance. and in y i an § a nwument or two handed we hata Unlarls where hes Blajests san sce) Although severe tempests often teaspuonful of Nerviline in some vate apartment lash both the ree and the Paci- eureunes saree Perhaps, as is only becoming in a fic oceans into mighty waves, there t seemed as she dis. | reason to Wel jeve that the must diarrhoea, flatulence. sisoiee and ms ver § e 2 7 aE yi Wi ver seen such waves as thuse des bowel disorders. I urge all mms *5 st vear at Windsor. old hae ite|erbed by early navigators, which jdomestic storm waves Queen | Were reposted to r-se to the height HL LEGRADE. |, |Sfarv who ie nothing if not old of one hundred or even one hundred No home is safe or can afford to{ fashioned in her idea eaten) Ge tpi feet La Reruapes te ceeds ae ad advautenct ‘| disopproves of the Iwsurfous ten, | deed 8 sented sphche cae whos | ‘T having. Nerviline on. hand: in case \Ge77Y of the age, shich. has: sprq cad Se rr Se Manv a society somebody is a no- iS ply. ‘The wid th’ cuspidore for | JUMPING BEANS. Looks Quite Satisfy You >? Your Color one if You Snuffer From Pimples, Vere is ' Good Advice. . el Ae gh ‘Do Yair, ‘Seoret of This Curious Product of the Vegetable World. The “jumping bean,” which is al- SS eS those who have not before seen the specimen of the vegetable k'ngdom, is the product of a smal] bush which —* grows in the northern part of Mexi- Fine Results in Two Weeks, co. Within each blossom are two fer- tile seeds and a ad: which is the pene of a small, ly ac- tiv whose peaches are responsible for as ave said t emerges from aie pone it pees me a beautifully colored moth. The seds of the jumping bean blossom in the month of May. Then the fe- male moth sepoctts one egg on ile pollen “ the flowe: e flower aovetopa it forms a el iinerier hay shell tid ‘th a convex shape on th other. Within this the chrysalis de- | velops into a grayish brown worm ee one-tenth of an inch in lengt be lor two years with a raat ae ugly ae pimples that spread over} My color was pvor, a evidently compietely out rder. Certainly it was a most of) Sespairing sort of a case. a use} ® PE various treatments did but * elp me. tied of six months, or until the | res a hole through the end of its vised Se Leone bet pas | shell and flies away as a moth. = ronto, Ont S| Hamilton’s Ces By the Forelock. felt I was getting ike T have used this rem edy for a long He Riffians. a warlike tribe which aE and now wouldn’t be wi thot | us fourd along the north-west coast mts a The males shave the Shale of the skull, with the excep- fen of a sma'l patch on the upper ee ae The hair on this eal have “tt you are in blocd or hedclachoa: 2 is allowed to grow to its full - torekeepe ae abd piniieds 58 ees ton t, i Pil Mandrake and a kind of pictail, ppendage is provided for the onhee to grasp when hauling the owner up to hea- ven at the moment of his death. itarrhozone C. Kingston, Canada, < = ee STEADY HL Pores D. BERLIN TO HAVE REAL QUIET. the Streets Are to Be Kept Clean and Safe. antended to | | And | Firmest of All. te “For fifteen stion and ions jee). meee so bad myself to one en Als caused aye. Ey “Pe th: umbrellas k or a sticks must not carr: : at m me to jase: ee gned to sibel it. the safety of the passerby. Nes windows or doors of houses, | dant sy: mptoms of | as he ett flats, shops. or restaurants, in which palpit music is being played, may be kept ness or dist the Ng auess: ete. me practice oe whistling, sivg'ng skating or loud talking re any ‘ind toi capeciiale me fo: ndanger the quiet of as a surgeol shall “be “The result of leaving ota charge of raring, | and drinking Postum w rams or trucks loaded with re-j marvelous The sounding meta! of any kind are for-| wrought forthwith. my ae pease to drive in a manner enleu- ed and my normal eonaion aed to cause nerve-shattering health was restored.’” pon request. Read per, remains of fruit, cigars dittle book. or _cizarettes may be teen into. ville.’” in pl th trect, ae es. ne edreae dust is a: Houseliolders are required i = water. adding sugar to taste ter to keep the footpaths in Pants a enough eream to bring the color to; | their premises clear of snow and, geiden brow lice hetween 7 a.m. and 8 p. 1 nt Postom is convenient be er 10 pm in the oS a “side. | there aste, and the flavor is dangerously icv. or; always uni ae Suld by grocers— jases must be sptt nkled. bes -cup tin 30 cts., 100- cop tin 50 | QUE MARY INES ROSES. an 5-enp trial un mailed for gro- cer's name aps Q-cent stamp for postage. anadian Pustum Cv., Ltd., Windsor. One ae Se ee THE W AVES. Hundreds of New. Bushes In Buck- ingham Palace Gardens, Queen Mary's eee rer = |the rose, and some: dreds of n [trees have been placed in the SS dens at Buckingham Palace. partic- Their Heights Vary in the Different Ovrans. ee Duchess of York. endous veas are those that run tre south of the Cape of Goud Hope and Cape Hor Sailors in modern times have ne- h was provided for her entertainment nearly two feet. In these more prosaic days we can only say | that the highest wave yet measured ad-an altitude of about fifty-two Gonsentette retrenchment |lately at Ruckincham Palace And | when oe honsehold staff complain- ; h ed of the feod provided recently ES and the vehiesh Weed aie abe wl hey were quite at ee to quit ie royal househo! t even to the servants. ly s in the southern ocean, Onty Ae coun QUININE” That is VE BROMO, QUININE. Teck tor the signature of E. ROVE. Gurea a Cold, jo One Day. Gurce Grip. in Two Day: ! Free food for F thought may be had plea five to t at any public library n the Mediterranean, from sixteen te nineteen feet. Even the smallest of these mighty waves has great destructive power, for thev often travel at a speed of trertv-five miles an hour thirty feet high contains thousands Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Onc-sided. Gibbs—It’s easy to trade your reputation for money. ibhs—Yes. / but are up against it if you want to trade back. rense fores is exerted against any structure. the ruin wrought is like- ly t be impressive. Twe creat sizeof the waves in hich” hy stil) running. increases the sti This worm lives inside its ce)) for ave wood ae yer must 1 tool A curious custom exists amongst | or. ars I have suffered! lente in result of coftee | wrote last August: urgeon the other stantly Hy injurious be-; food soon after | ate, je pnt 10 WHY KEEP Of COUGHING Here Is A Remedy That Will Stop it ou fealize the danger in # noir eh? Then why don't you get rid of it? _ Yes, you can shake it off, even thongh it has stuck to i for a long time, if esh air as much as. ip ase strenyth with plenty of wholesome f ol, and Nabin-Co e vrup of Linseed, Licorice and This reliable household remedy has broken up thousands of hacking. per- sistent coughs, which were tat as troublesome as yours, and what it has Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice and Chloredyze contains absolutely no rmful drurs, and so can jada, Limited. tuke © Two of a Kind. le Hiram—‘‘If yer want ter edjicate \'em to i as much trouble to rear my dog thar ez I did with son Ike. “But that dog is no good.”* Jncle Hiram—"‘Neicher is Ike.’” PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS ill refund money it PAZO 0 cure any cose of Iech- i or Protrading Piles in 1c pust WN AIR. Turbidity of Atmosphere So Ac- counted for By Scientists. y points in America and Europe come reports of an unusual turbidity of the atmosphere, which egan last summer and still con- tinues. This is manifested in a marked diminution of the intensity of solar r the pyrh A Surgeon’s Tete Should be ae placement of the neutral points s ospheric rization, a haz; aie ee of he Aves ere of Pishop’s ring around the sun. From Dub covered with a thin film ol h no halos de- . sickly brightness.” ers in Russia, Switzerland, Sweden avd Germany. well as America, ae an unusual lack of blueness tl Ky. seems to be every reason to attribute these phe- nomena ‘to the p' atmosphere of were. observe ee of Krakatoa ag Mont. Pelee, jin those cases lasted for som is poured on the monument. boy pointed to the monument. and Pr ing ee to the oor ‘Gs a crime.” A cheerful man can always get attention when he has a tale of woe to tell. Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Culture Defined. Gabe—"What is culture?” Steve—‘Culture is when you speak of the house beautiful when you mean the beautiful house.” as surely as if you put it into the child’s domach? You wouli not put coar.e mass cf animal it colored by various mineral poisons as many ccude salv szre) ints your powers! vcleats ic purity. Ask these w have prov.d i All drungists and stores 508 bo oF Zam-Buk Co., Toronte. for price, Svout BE W YOUR HOME — he Good Old Times. talk enthusias a any of his Majesty’ 's male sul by scents. paints, cosmetics, es, artificial teeth false hai iron stays. ‘is hogs ra heeled shoes, or bole hall ineur the ely off in sorcery, and oat ike mi 'ors. and that the marria; j conviction, shal] stand EE void.’ CONSUMPTION 5. All suffering trom Consum3‘In Gelds, Beonehitie. Carvnaitis wet Ly Lay) that it does you 29 c R. COPELAND, 511 Pape Ave., Toro |; < Ethnology. 'eac man-hunting tribes. il — “The Regularity-——— of the bowels is’ an absolute ne it decays ae vain elineoes ening, sickening or gripiag. Use r. Morse’s Indian Root Pi CHENILLE CURTA al Kinds of he Late CURTAINS ate enirisi AMERIGAH DY<ING.CO , eee " Queen E., TORONTC SS AEE TS Syrup and Suga to Win Gold Ca $100.00 in O In order to etimulete interest wo hold a prize cortest f involving the om of. £700 0) wil the CHAMPION ning a priz e We sim at quality. and if vou | g ge 3S g 3 Eis we) ‘Rend at ance Just consider.~ Here wit ing every breath of house—a foul-smell: your family. And you willingly have one without . about the Good!