‘or Weal or for Woe: Or, A Dark Temp‘ation A CHAPTER X. We to ville, whom ‘we. left Sy Resta eee et Redicove Fall. ja tine second day, which followed, the Claire to the Hell,‘ na long leter to Gay Beaglag: aoe ee for he could endure the geparat fon no longe: 1 the shadow of “he lindes ig, precisely at eight ring. We mea eens And, "although t was widely at variance 8 th:* he se tr week Aa ieeats welen Salcek sponds wien Fecing Testlersly up and down in the shadow of the waving trees. e "moments irnered slowly by, wen no ape ones oh ‘iad elinred by: plate “Tonge: ‘ince che tutching 2t icwy. terr like the pre monition of coming evil, Perey m: Yay, through the tiazy October eanlight 4 humble home, consuring hirwieif, 6 inly, ‘while he was he luvary t taste could ocure. mined to call for Gay_up- “Surely her eicter. Hex ae: te alowe 8 bi surrounded with all $ uugest or money oH hasard He lerved stairway that od 16 bee: humiter rage. th a ata Hire, | once twice—thrice he “anes ked at the door, receiving n to his sum- mernet's and. somal tree ppliee Herdly lerowing what he mured, bis h: do it, Percy t ‘one moment he gazed wildly about! ‘Good, Heaven!” he ¢ ese rooms toh orer king. hin hie e‘aculated, male ax are empty—Gay has He leaned heavily agrirst the doorway, bathed im the cold amber mo might sha streamed in unon the hare ges sarnugh he nneurtalned window, putt OW ‘blow. whe seemed to teke un the} ery he ‘uttered, and avewer mockingly: THe blow*wes so a-dden and urexnected thet he | completely bewildered; “his : ‘At that moment he saw a woman in the ha}l below. called to her in a strange, unnatural, wont her aicter “onre em worn hay SEH Vauligue: [oe We eeetnis: looked” wt] Ie Fa ee ene ee Heagl's derd » nig, mn Porhos Little Gov ed him ea hestily and had fled from hi d fled from y and had fie im. The, thought, wes so bitter, tt almont tock he yowed to him- Toh heaven and earth 08 band tested the frat, dranent of ‘the eo tot rey; he little krew that th’s 2 * aret stroke ot ore wits. “had “Voth tke Gay Esterbrook for Mila pfter w eh th Prssaic adjol ctr ke ot the midnight hour, icy ES rele horven, flecked with f bets the Priuclonl” detective’ oflces (out Avon e je meches fia bark sftoation baa b- en secured to un. Hera in. the quter Aid rot rpisa fro} before He had no ferr of for: Me erent, pennies erscteny Tete The kroh woe he *u nd nd handrame AT wate gat | “he threshold. wish to see avery Roe it who has Perey stomped short in the gre: “t “confusion, breaking down’ com-| © Dies ‘e! Bly 1 emiled grimly. un-| resi the do the mo:t ory minDRE ay elevorrant Tae ‘bud, | ited off the pretty daughter, onda hn ba! muh » as he pe 7 watnrscned qarea thouchts prot rk vn: y to tal | 2 “ty more T To: No book ever evn: ory. but I assure no word; and, ae bets. he looke?’ ver; torarte? folies hes fed “eye, no, lew bi tren viplett te y wi uufidenly whiage work! pay gk eect to | Ee ‘of hair on tis peidedly amazed. He Pow Gus eas, suits age Pyne “Perey Gi nee zw mre “ae admireion, andso: Bapney x ernie ere And Perey did ae sat rine hi self in. describing iho ie ured Gav. to | 3 it he ureed Gav to by were returning fp ceand ball—nlend~ last she conser: ith gee GNA fe whieh he had write Bnng. corcehie” ets ing ear her until a How they hag y batted sce at ms to ee sur eo knob: se touch. srineing yglowiy back’on les = Metical hia uk secntrat ite regretted having ve nO | ii to. re | whit smnre me thrs Py would mm place, 8 loverthe very thoasht was madden said the devective: as Perey F a acca ri Leave ee your addr aM ould wich to comm rere down the address, feel: aly sorry for the hanusome young hus- band clinging to such a frail s:raw of ope. an bis ome, mind Jone butore: Bemey. had concluded. he had settled nia oir e you bitzerly repenting her aad, “hasty. coats Tings, will be able to trace the yo lady te any oe can,” eaid the de: sctive, bow- She: young: ain 1e doo: the uEmgat ee your ac 1 knowlege =p spats said ett grasping ind that. was streiched to him. 1 cannot, Twill Tot believe to T'would se soon think ot ene “playin ie me paced mb: the mighticet pain that ever, racked man's brea: pushed” reakfest untast- ed, and he had barely ‘risen from the table ere Evelyn aire was announced. s neetis pctere iat he ty atep] morn.ne- {0 greet Sore ne ai, slender A a thee sieraing ight, holding her Bias lush. ettishy curls, her bionde face fresh. ing as the morning itself She guessed at the frst. glance at his handoome face that he ginst have, d:scov: eted Gay'a departure from. a her we. for ber Tike *Rie” she thought these: y. “ee 9 the wrath that 4 time to sow. th irs mst and hatred inh le to her line, holding y, gloved hand i t for an ear'y morning can: ttl iat the imou're see how Pat ccigoceeily, to tke so much ii ol ea wih grave curt- sk you, Cla:r: cag ain fu hed hot” af ‘the “coldnces words ani her dainty fo re ike de ga a ot that prompted m you were geting along. “You x terest in 2 Pek oti goes | the postr-an advancing ee Y the broad aoe | bled walk. Shortly after the servant pleved thre eters on the silver salver on the center- r aaitrerced. off his. tr mew. the contents well, Ey as inetiwarcanls erie broke the peal. CHAPTER XI nee the memorable red. nppmeek had nessed si rey Gove wae rayeling the the sudden inspeararoe ‘sarin. hd. opened and ea owed | eae Satt rot have bee Dletely lost to the wor a ace Se night, ehe « stcod in m erD. aoe a moment a death-like silence reign- e The girl hed surrrised, the coun ers in the yery, mid ork. and Harold 3 thrill of horror, even bs! thet the docm of tert Se AM ee ora are bound sour irosoled onth to deat w! a brother. or a wife aire held un his white hand reste of silen is eves ‘at the muttering group ioaad he leave old Trema with, Pe oe will be tempongible in this. ure. nter ev ahs 1p Bre lorie tak | Teey: burst out Gov. chrilly, agi her préud. detent yous oa An goon se 1 can’ make, my tape fie thie harrible: tlaoe. tha whale: world know vour ferribie tare, at you may be brought to speedy ju: ver then im “Hearse cries anewered this fearless re- rk. ett spised vou befor ine whet _y He "set smiling grimly. “Come with me.” ho coid abruptly, draw. ie her bee We eid this no torcibie thet. the dak curly heed come. in shero US with the die he held in bia rieht ha her: trom he * “epout of bloo pi ee a moan into the sunk ci without m8. my wav" he eateries the slight. closer embra toca hands "Pefore we dien ieht we tle, the elt “Firtle beat laimed harchly. ed, e dark even. were looking in- to his own with defiance and horror in j their lovely denths F ina shalt, standing with folded Srme before her mow now juate ever hed for me is. ELS wees eaid an agitated whisner, “but tell vou the feral conseqnence your Tiscovory ‘ire broneht down yorr head There weet red. wnat he ssid wee nerfectly frae—the Ge nibh orbae te defy the law of man would hava no runte tn ravine one. Jew -0f God. Theg sae ane eee a ws She nad, out cm shite arms to the #, hittak. ery. apd pretty little bride rept ho" loner. poerailon cto jay’ aa and his toeely ole ot nd frre on only to, little bride rd ie i jar eri stilt the as ed darkeved Ra #0 thought of Gay's he ; forred Toe, to ‘accompany the abe ering help me: shall search the th bounds when heer, his Sicls wamecupoeciee eles “What shall T do?” encne ing her ithe sett tiga “On "Heaven shall I ste Peril _besets Bane jot fate is wring- og Teady conse ow oe ight Pere: secured the Percy | “loved die ‘ttle bride 6o madly vo RIZAL Pere the famots detective, In un- indy. “t shrouded ; ‘I's = ae more rapidly in wai what little respect you| : aiter the t funeral has taken place. Just what you need after a hard day’s work—A Refresh: | : ing cup of LIPTON’S TEA Goes farthest for the money in half cour the board vith sand, web with eae is my |® well-beaten egg. i : 5 beautsrut Gay You rot mine nereret| Eagle Cak Sie ot nga waier to width: & fen axpmasok oi) pass.onateiy; “you eanrot change be'scant half cup of butt lof vito! fate destiny hes marked out for you. Y.u tter, one cup} are mine by all the powers of love, mune of sour milk or buttermilk, one cup! When stitching chiffon or any | 708_shall, be while live.” lo! d . such material on shine, use Shep pees a opped raisins (se eded, of ie nent ablestaresd=and- pi | Ho interrupted her with aa exclamation |COUrSe), one egg, two cups of flour, UA eee coe sea of impatience ¢ ful of soda dissolved % StP a, ow the t b sid; ready— Piaia or qiiltnave™s cleat oe age im "waiting in the. sopse-wood_by_ will leave ‘this Pep RS 4 tow bow yout may mort love you, By beautiful her fi he: athe air of tr ™ er Gome wa: Cape, from him ‘in the impenetr-tble ‘dae’ ne Xt waa her only hove, and she gr at it as a drowning person catches wiirematre was com: nt. (To be continued.) * AUGUST BEBEL. Zan ee nee defied and beaten eae ck, the famous leader he German Socialists, me publiched the story of hie 1 Thou~h 73 yea rs of ace, Bebel is 1s 4.250 000 vote eu sen 10 m-mbers to Ri be! was | add iletely deceived by her Dissolve fat salt pork , three ou ers a while se began to T | boiling salar four tablespoons | eubsi ne cup een r?”’ asked El. cuit. pas Clean and aging : suekenes Hest oo ation pot} One by @'and put salt pork 5 Eat yoru be became aypcliuea agri ome eee 2 oe tour he lost many of his best cus- til Swell browned. Add water, wer prena. ome simmer, on back of range! pics ing aeaAee or Be en Bisa ee passed his repres- | or en tender. Season, add brourd een there dee eG jaguar. ion x s Beb2l was confined in a/ flour and cream blended, let boil Presently Lopez stooped dow fortress for three years, bu ti} up once, and set paste in eee 2 picked up a fracment of Bes undergoing detention he w: follo Cut strips paste in’ ye low, and h ae it up, remark- “ the ete : 5 po eae: inside of ed. “H D 3 2€8, any Bs ou aS career 1 it. our in chicken. eae i as aroused the greatest -|eover in ‘place, over top eae isn ae ee asm and Loyalty eae liquid, pinch ‘the ers, gether, set in oven. a “ae ah “tera. fo pieces an SS light and brown. Invert on pl bik ok Gail noth aes Animals 2s Thermometers. ter, and serve eurrounded wi ith m except a few irae of ekets have a tendency to chirp Pe®s aiigid Ge “few bits of charcoal and when this is aed add the har To ove ae stains from vai oe sponse the piace with a clean r: brus fo Water bottles and decanters can pie. Be cleaned wi sh off carefully with ae Dainty Dishes. Sauce.—One tal up si Lenton Egg a fi ei xu in saucepan. them together, ani tear Fad the paper when the a meg. lowly, covering with piper a ani the cake has risen to its eig! Buttermilk Cakes.—One quart Be stale, one level (eeraantats han Stone ae be aiveced some white cloth. eS BRAZILIAN PIGS. An Explorer Describes a Battle Be- tween Them and a Jaguar. a ee fs add the flour, stirring all the time, ee you es will fi a Ge oe ating Pai bate autickly on a hot, well-greased wild pigs of Central and Bon a ae have a reputation ok for ferocity and indomitable pluck tra evel in large droves, and uy me cold y cooked fi ce ering Saat eoake 80: fish, oo Here is a i dish and Place Periiile it ee with minced gher- kins and a few bruised § e explo: companion named the forest between two n saus arrang met of the pile sardines freed from ekin a Wdohly tuee heard mone at an split in halves. Cut : |Home lettuce hearts. “ermine Sy meats one s.!”’ ex. claimed Eliott, “Roast ato pe | pork tor SSNs ask = on!”’ was ate only com- fe Beigel he way to a smooth paste! 7°" if range Mik HowAk Of teehee: boiled He ee dee oon i eae exes, a piich of cayenne, a grate Se Sepa acne ee malice cack tee Sasa ae ee few minutes ae came to th each of ohye oil and vinegar. at a s well before adding it to eg, ere “chev saw, | fi ty ty. acre ‘Cook Tough Beotsteak—If you! $4 vaiily erd-ay want it for a aretly dinner, jaguar that was si SOE steak ‘résda. about 9:20 or 10 trembling on the top of an ant-hill, Oisioek eam. about five feet Ses : “Don me potato beetle. . ay “Let's with flour, salt, and pepper at a We Hee t got too cretion and fry to a nice brown i B ie amm ion, sand we can’t af- the lw: ay: ford to ite: any. ee cov | ‘The jaguar, with his tail well up cook slowly teaveredy. until noon. Tf in the air out of reach of the foe, io uch add Ws pes about on fhe top of oiling kettle from hos 5 ate will ee sly tender steak. ken the gravy with a four and send to table in| another, ks. “Fiow long is this going to last?” | sai Be Hite peak iivsiee Soup.—One pint gs net red ot ees fay oysters, one pint cold weter. i ae ee or th get: onion, ‘stalk celery, dash mace, tired of his Egat phe th : ni through the pep: aste, two eeg yolks. Just then the jasvar let his 4 Wash Ae chop fins aaa on’on, €rop. the pigs ha: celery vate: en. hold cf the unlve y appendage, and ty Ra catiae Scald d thicken hod pull into the ist with butter and fiour rubbed to- eee le battle ensued. Add oyster liquor, strain-' Fro ing out oysters, mace and salt and low bad pepper as ne beaten egg yolks. do not boil. a ta car he on to above the rolling herd of is Bice jaguar would rise pis, ae cotild Wertcen danlng 4 ly blows on every side. ‘Then Chicken Potpie-—|he Pe uk agsin, and be buried ae one-half cup| urder the bedies of his raging foe e ne and pour ‘Tiet eae but ‘ashione Ohe (8-pound) ur ith It and Pepper to taste, short F eynehronously or in It is clai Rena that iHtey cold weather. The een 4 at four es for each degree the tet Se Cer act as baromet Ibis said that while frogs remain yellow noi but fine weather may be cee bi assume a brow! approachi spider seen spin- ning its ae in the morning heralds | in right i position they are “ett ‘until “Tt would be 2 than uses for you ad. Dissolve han eodeae 50, but it isn’t com- Pesta ait Oadiatlcopaunlisle of cold | niet ; in 109,000 the chicken finely] square miles Seok Hiss weet tive “Many a man sta nds in. front of a bar) and Swallows ie ride. in Sandwiches. eee oe rench. Cheese Taking Eskimo Census. fora, erent Spat shoes The ‘‘work’’ ahead was find mai t how many Eskimos and other Slice. He Sead thi ae se Saeed human See lived one the ba: jit with a layer of the marmalade or Strawberry or peach flavor jam. genau be used for the best results. nother slice st ee Plays an nd. serve for after am of Chicken: piadg lite al reapta of ae si meat, latin, a lf is of ehiboinE ae one cup- ful milk, seasoning Sas salt, but- ren between SAE Bay rae Great Bear, on the east and west, and the fifty-eighth degree and the retic eet on rth. and, sovt! s begun more of the great bay. it while it is wel et In this here season,” said. Unele Tea can be had on demand. Black, Green or Mixed. Samp Sealed i Packets Only. Packet on sonic: Address LAMA.” Toronte Two Heroines, Miss Alt and Mme. (HOW 10 JUDGE CUTS OFM cat One bright feature of the Balkan) AN EXPERIENCED BUYER OF- FERS SOME POINTERS. The Quality of Meat Depends On Great Variety of Fretors. become a good. judge ei- of aa ‘it is helpful to have a few WOMEN T THE waR 2 lives no! outering: | dn a Gonutee Seok ir names, which deserve to be writen in letters of ects are as Alt, M Schn ‘easily learned. but the .qualit a a * Soro aged ees the meat depards on ae ny fos % TS, as oe me of the animal, breed, a ied ee that it is Soa te - choosing, and tet wk y wise in accepting inf: cott: m the dealer Xt ie is ¢ SAE senretary 5 the prides oes Jf on keeping: abe ete zaltistes T- class meat ed for the noble work beca: ® Having ‘Bana sick a a ld not induce ee red ee customer men ae 4] See * The. very Taee eam gave UD meat which some louukeas 2 far more arduous yj and uae work of tending the a ee Sy wh: Mme. Behineider is is Pra Hate Heat 7 woman of ne Mr. Bi ing is the i eeiten a alist and “playwrit) Mr. e wee OF Mase Alt. a ean one say to ie do justice to her? Picture a grand, on me seep white-haired sia Bae with a nt supplemented bv o er a back, going t: amid p yiesta’ will Gui be meee stricken aoldiens ardiing them in anced than e case if a Aus filthy, sneared ie con larger amount of inferior meat were ¢ them, gi st n medi Soe, Sa pee: not genersly Ae doing evervt her ener nnder is just as cis = to increase their Paras on the that ek ehaaier euts of m: cold, hard grovnd. vell the dearer ones, Seed a as about with al heavy pail of hot soup. 1 Before "thers “Europeans, and these two her men wore the alvavs oP mi e met hea oe mmerand: on ie 9 pay 16 cents for aonb a ee conditions a contains neadly Gale ee the peakably worse even ths OTe The deed were left on the ground, untouched, tended, unmoved. There was sich everywhere en may He oe s real p of- 2 50 se when the wHeit of heed ae entrails, crop and bones \is taken into account. here is much discuss‘on revard- STRANGE REGION OF THE SEA Phenomena on Line Between Ma- deira and Brazil, Mariners aay hat a in the midst of the Atlan here the twenty-fifth mer are est from Greenwich crosses ey equator, there Les a region of mystery. It is on the line that shins beat ss Medeira ly w past half-century has it ee Ac ed, and its strange phenomena re- ported. noes investigator agp that he a mov ved a ep ils the eat of iat surface jealer ae drawn poultry, ard he” that he could ph a tor Ave ee t that ‘ pol all ot his stag eo Mint aot was left on h’s ham Tt is greatly to the housekeener’ i |, well-d S w the sea about h: ile from Bi vessel ne Seared: For entrails about two minutes i ‘up vio- ~ but a is howeht 5s hae bah a from subterranean f ptomaines. It spring. Throughou fay there} hag been eH ‘hat after death were observed ey patches Of dis-| the istegtinal jut with their con- colored water, ha me) tained: iucteries ate ahiestecaas ane ch the walls of the sian 1es bia the muscle fibre, and this rro- goes on even though the Pale is ee Ata very ea Temnerature. In places cold: idee coe "a are required by law to be as oh, the aeons = extensive shoals Thes id similar peoneie are Sonne atly cheered in this part the ocean. Often a ship reports that she has experienced a viole:tt shock, similar 4 ne wh ee en is struck Ba a great abe is heard, like that of a heavy chain running ae h Se-pines, a: the zt quivers like a leaf ia the win ay: U another smooth water, a vessel has peer ns to nach ae n'y. as if she had r a ae storage as applied to whole of beef and mutton. fee i ref great service to the buyer, we aa ee that aie ean aries ten- der by ke The storage ‘of fish and pus is ner £0 efore this part of the ocean was as thoroughly sounded ard survey- ed as it is now, these phenomena were attributed to the presence of “yendered by cold- thenay ghle ‘subject is bei ed ee mapees ete Mt the process fa carried out in thes best ard the eoods ace. tees See d the meee fird that he got no sou: a 's with his deep- after experiencing one thes a w generally believed that bac ce Pearignaees are the true cause of these one What = Felt. : si Bee lehahies eee sked the chil- |; heir ae Reeeecr es, ‘spe. Storage sat fruits. raid: seca ee us many out-of-season arti-— what you really feel ins‘de. Lit tle Willie, in his second attempt, wrote: ‘Inside I feel a fi S es seasonal Baeacion, an ee to be the only fresh material _ aes sae it & ne ae teen: see ae lungs and stomach, an the ‘emove from gn e and add the! Left Workman’s Wife $75,000. sane h I feel an apple, a co 2 ball, he Rept Aa a long period for cream, areal aap ed, lit-| Mrs. Lene the wife of a-ship/|a pickle and a glass of milk.’ mane purposes. . Stand away to cool,| yard laborer, of Dun eee: eo a ried 2p ae eee IS seed on thin-| pear soos end, Hae sou e in) te es Sure Car Tas Most” Costly Dishes, S 'y cut, butter fortune of $75,000, left to her os and. with 1 See See uth whom she odee Leas iss, asin Wht | ee off ‘riends ans ues juently do “ re, iviny im al 8! F- ‘ore 5: Hkawice “with: thelr allie ie eent Tips to Housewives. Fae ete ‘to Australi, where he a S Peer g employ-| at of the ceremony. To indicate a} When pesan = Diveatpla. wee prospered as a farmer. so e birth the wheel is stopped with the] leave the top o 0 hold i rele una ised he left all his |™ ibs tatn—How seca i arms in a slanting position, but at} For Tammie ae use dus “e and property to Mrs. Langson} who in- id NOE AERIS fos a ashed * Tt is the roperty ce a more acute angle than for a mar-| three tablespoons of fine cracker | tends going ie ‘Chili, s arch coun- |i He hidiself of aniokiny Ona Onl Davidoff Pr riage and with the two upper sails | crumbs to a pie. It is better than| try her husband is a e unfurled, Should a miller die the. when more eggs deat = zs ails of his mill are all furled and} To dry Spee sweater so it J Another er Thought. the wheel is en ee a the | will not lose roportions, sha] Uncle Josh Bete: ‘Sometimes I feel sure,”” said oa ie = “that I bat bon a ‘throne | waved a er his cheery ae are going to stand on} por and wave a rug