To the Public We, the undersigned ee of Linwood, have in the past been trying to accommodate Bon ee in the matter of credit to just as great an extent as was possible. This has led to a large extent in the development of a business that is hard to swing on a credit basis; especially with a limited capital which a credit business should The wholesalers have recently Placed business on a more string- ent basis, cutting off the discounts that were frequently given for pay- ments made within 30 days. Now all accounts with wholesalers are cash at the end of 30 days. This means that we are compelled to abolish the credit system entirely or strictly limit the time of credit to THREE {MONTHS, - This we have decided to do, and after the beginning of the year accounts will be rendered quarterly, as follows: April 1st,2July 1st, October Ist January Ist, and SETTLEMENTS. MUST BE MADE. This discon- ee of the credit business is 0 much to the dissatisfac- as to our inability to con- on a liberal credit basis apital which we have at Bope that our patrons will le ee circumstances and Ol 'y with the aa ons Aap we feel as- it they will find it much done towards the bet- pf our service, Yours truly, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Holzschuh en- mber of their friends Toronto. is at pres- ote of Waterloo. spends the boll ideya Seonia: Paced home her “Ranshan. of Listowel, spent a few days Mie Boitses and Marille of Lebo: gisabec Oped nik ato dive Wikh Mr and Mrs, Win: Coote. ss Florence Connally returned to stratford after holidaying her rmstrong. of ronet visiting at Win. Galler’s, Mc Rest Noel; ot Binuea wax’ 4 visitor in the burg. Mr and Mrs, Kd. Holzschuh spent a couple of days last week with El- mira fri isses Vera Bruci Beatrice Strome. of Gk senate scent the he h their friend Miss Doroth ian. n Beggs and Misses Ethel ire guests of ith Brenner. of Toronto. is visiting tee sieer ee el ee “Mr. Lambert ‘s bro- ther, Will, rethened m4 Milverton ob Walter Tanner 28 Li onto. spent Friday at the home ae Raped Tamner. y friends rs. Wesley alingham a fell ae ere two a few weeks ago. will be improving ford. spent the Ch hie Sa hol lidays with Mrs. Wm. Johns IT GROWS HAIR Here are Facts We W: a You te Prove wes Sis Ris] In all Our exper ‘ience with hair ton- loesn’t prove tory to you. we a¢ our store. ee to you the money you paid us for i gest “93” Hair Tonic acts seienti New Year Term opens on Monday, January 6. 1913 EDWIN G.MATTHEWS, Princiral oying the germs whic! sponsible pas penetrate tot the hair. stimulating and po aisalia them. It is a most pleasant toilet necessity. is delicately perfum will not gum nor permanently the ae Stain We want youl to get 4 __ bottle. of ae “93” Hair Tonic and use it as Farmers! Just received a large shipment of Molasses Meal Oil Cake Meal Lalso carry a full line of Stock and Poultry Foods and all Poultry Supplies. Grain Bags for Sale e i. D. ATKIN MILVERTON, ONT. all, abe pany of i ae ‘Hig aoe is ey military a mn: individual, members are Bae ae tiua wialeceacipas Each one is an athlete of denies hnysical build and each one averages and five feet 1 of General Sir John ted Canada, nest_company were retui en. which he men v 4 strong, although nly entire company reported on the night of the finest company Winter Term from Jan. 6 ns of $1138.00 ae epnctments Cormmerci: ind and Telegraph: MAW rite for free catalogue to-day D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal < "= RY.FISH&CO, = _ LINWOOD : s.. Dealer in Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Ete, Ghia, Flour and as and Furniture “Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand tharched in to return thejr arms, Displacing ce Ties. In 1910 eastérn cedar composed 40 per cent. of the ‘otal number of eros chased in the Dominio: Wo Wil wo er gent. and to fifth lace in importance o} a ts place has: bean taken 1 of which wood 40 per Sent. of the ties ust in 1911 were m: a vali if per cent, Douglas fir per ok itis 1 par! co eer eas next in 01 Sie than in 1910; ur rehased in ailway de. solgpmneat ie the: West is s Isgely re- Hpotaitia (ae ths beceee Another Last-Ditener. Alphonse Verville declared bald ness, r ofits That Wonderful Event F THERE is a time above all times when mee oe he in partes physical conditon it is the ao ee n sui ais m headact = cam rg ee moet zi cane Seats er neat 2 host of other ailments which should be'climinat LIE justice to the new life about to be ushered into this world. DR. PIERCE’S as FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION = a a l by urement segrmepard ior ove en Ba tene orto it ppearance luring e : pesoe, ieee is made casi by is use. Tho ee of women have Dates ae you in spi tablet form, or you ean send al box of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription 2 Yout 50 one-cent stamps for a tri invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, Tablets, to Dr. Pierce, at I It is your priviledge to write to Dr, Pierce for advice, and it will be gladly given free of cha: arge, Of course all communications are confidential. A PLEA FOR THE “UNFORTUNATE Dear Friend. It is am old story —| Mr. cher.” of Christmas holidays Krop 1 Mrs. Peter Kropf. of Huron oe with his mother Mr: A ‘sleigh load of Young people oe Poole enjoyed e@ at. Welles Miss z accompanied by Afiss . Linder pak Milverton. spent _ the week-end Mr. and oie gone to Uncle Sam’s oney ee all gone—too often shun-|§, d by friends who fear the dread Gaemtone even hospitals Dayid Kropf have ne —dying unless lomains to spend hei: JS th skoka Free | and Mrs. C. Behwint ate ives tells ‘or the Fontaine Sea- their | Christma dinner at the home of Mr. jand Mrs. P. Mamz, a miaiees believe that Canada—|" Mrs. Waller. of "Toronto. is spend- ‘avored land in all the world— the holidays » with her parents Mr is “Filled with thousands. of Sond Sa and Mrs, J. J. Scheefer e their mam ke | Mr. Jack St share 2 aise the help urgently needed t6 these poor nick: eam” aiffering | es and Mrs. R. Fleming. Me and to extend the work of providing | airs Jobn Fleming’ and Mra for those secking admission. halmers attended “Perhaps you Know of one leneres eae at Listowel on Wed- ave been saved and in w: deat nesday er, of Welle ee Sunday w: an Na and Mp P: mebl. G, Berkner and fam- W. Opper. . of Brunner. Ww spent the ho! tas with her ‘cousin Will you help? Every dollar counts j Miss M. lem: ours faithfully, _ Chaliers and granddaugh- Fergus. are visiting Ww. J. GAGE. Chairman of Exzc Rugbter mas E 8.—Since writing the above.. ted oe Mr. and urs to me that a number of 00d friends. have within the pe remembered the ae it tee ne ‘S. Schmehl uns r. and Mis J. gavel of Mil- ed with Mrs. A. Helm on sh sincere lastest Mrs. He Hoffman. of Mil- v1 already se the acknowledgement already sent. oe jet mehl. of Alii ease: re pe Nadass with her mother Mrs, mn Christmas Day the home of Mr. 0: 0 highly respe {eft on an extended tour after which they. will return to congratulate and may ay through life be strewn with the roses: Mr. R Master is spending ae holiday wong at Mr. Jas. core “It your sbildsen ars subject to tacks watch for the ee hoarseness. Gi tain's Cough Remiedy child becomes hoarse and the att taay be warded off. For sale by dealers. PUBLIC NOTICE! Ee w oe esbclaa ohild coreee <i a reste. their oe — cae cgi ae and ch 2eeS er. 5 ‘ri remain with him imi casual acquain Ci oe in his countenance thi he Se though the words were unex press Around the World Empresses « of Russia and Asia Pacific feo) The Ly cee the Christ es in Taewe Ww Sat Gu ciiheaveorne south empton April eee and Port of Toronto. Med- iat ‘Sdlbor is _gpending the vacation is hom mpress ot A: ‘Arch mn May pate ital ing sim- *MeDo: jondld. of -Strat- ewing acquaintances ini s retaiey this Se Dr. J. ie of ee General hospital. ee: ride. of North Battleford. » Tobn, re Rate for Entire Cruise $639. 10 Peete ye Ot Re 1aintenance between and and departure of the young people of this district spent a pleasamt evening at the home of Mr. Jas. Stewart on Fri- Empress of et particu! lars Tron CP: Agents or MG. ~D. PLR'y. ‘toronto. F. W. Thomas Local Agent Mrs. John Henry and Mas- aay. Mr. and tter Robbie of Sebrimgville. ber an soa nominally a stat he eae attend a it may sai that he Pataca himself as the nucleus of a Canadian Labor party. “Tribute to Dr. "When the Mendel: peared ¢ oir eee Te tonto was in ] pais last season dians heard 8 tari ia the rel - CHRISTMAS — tad, NEW YEAR RATES Single Fare Dec. Bt 25, 25, ood “for ree Dee, 21 and iyeoot ie teturn” ce 2 1913, e-Third D ey pliment a Dr. oat which i tas been looked. Tt w one approached a tab! oe ce ided are by a particularly i impos! le litely and, shook gee fuzzy i bowed a “You all cain’t sit down heah. This heah table is reserved foh. ‘Doctah fo Jan, 1, good for return a. «3rd, 1913 "Between pnt Stations in Can: Arthui so t to Detroit and Port Huron ae Eute mae ao } a preparation ¢ "Here is a remedy that will —oure why age ea ns its cures of this | Christmas visitors at the home ~ of M . Hart | Miss M. Kink of Lakes! de aspen he: Peedeent with her friend Mrs. Jas SCHOOL REPORT. “e Ha Ppy ae steho ae is ae Phe ft Dee of Dee- and Se eben sOnty those = who have 60 pe. ere Sr, 4th—M, tha "Buddenhagen 245, Prosperous 3) fo tictose cer Ji eee New Year Nafdiger 248. Laura Kerr a G25 mo isch 246. ie Moehl- Alberta Becker 225. Gordon cage + 190. -Valen- tine ‘Nataiger 1 vee aa ‘Schmidt 168. Freddie Grop; r. Pt. Gertie 1 fab: 158, Melville | Kerr 138 in pt Odella Schneider 115. Miss K. L, Borider, Fa jek oe began taking Chamberiain'a Tablets She has taken au bottles of them meds tae Sick head- dered si m- Rem of real merit. on ae oy Seer eae G ride. ~ ealled on friends’ here this|o were | ¢ Robb. Teacher | HAWKESVILLE Intended es ie week, Mr. and Mrs. mningham are visiting at es Tauses SED her Mrs, Geo: ‘ge Forwell and daughter Alma ae “at Berlin on Friday. rs. 8. eee saturday in Elmira. — ettie eae is aes T hom: Mr. ae Bacto epee Monday in Berlis Spent. of Hamilton, Mises Hoste Dorsoht of Bamber is visiting ‘wit! gratidpar, ee hiner open? Saturday in Ber fin. Mr. J. Messinger. of Berlin. is vis- iting at his home. essrs. J. and T. Walter are visit- ing friends in Detroit. Messrs, Kritz and Modac. of Berlin, me. of . were Sund: a visitors here r his home in Bricker: of Alderside, Alta.. is visiting his unéie scllttie top uen cane Oh Sreettan the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Moore. SCHOOL )L_REPORT. The following is the re port of No. 5 Mornington. for the cat November and oe ary oe niley Sco! Vi—Willie Radire 70. Eereobe Sante 70. Austin Hawthorne Jr, IV—Ethel — Peffers. 10. Boyd 61. Jimmie eed 57. Oscar aye mers 50. Violet Reid John West Sr, UI ‘Mabel Hawthorne 79. i Reid 83. Florence s 52. Lorné Riddell 45. mca Harel phan nae eels . Mary Débson 81, 1 Me- = Somer dae! id 87. ces Her- tort. 64. “Olive Befters 57. Jr. Pr,—Edwin McGregor. Lidena MoGregoi. Mervyn Hurst. Emerson y) George Average attendance M. L. Jewett. Teacher. When you eine for a want a reliable medi- sant ae safe to take Tae ANNUAL MEETING —— oF THE —— MORNINGTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Win For sale “ an HELD 1S MILVERTON FRIDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1913 At One O'clock p.m. ‘When officers for the ensuing year will be ectigt nai 9 chae baslheas te ute ted, ‘The annual report will also be read. C.R, Yost, Pres. Wm, Zimmermann, Sec. | Railway Tine. Tables Canadian Pacific Guelph and Goderich ast Goi Grand Trunk Southbound Ske 8 SYNOPSIS CF DOMINION LAND REGULATIONS d of a fam- sold, may euDa rs availabie Do- eiting nine fies “of Tih of at least 80 acres occupied by him or by his , danghter, brother or] apt rs fo tng the eime: Fequirel tocarn h ent) and cultivate fifty der homesteader who tia pomestead ight a emption may enter epee stead in) certain districts, acre. Duties.—Must reside Beepecigoate canes itt erect a house worth $300.00 ere home: Price $3.00 per six months in ty acres and Deputy ofthe Mi ipa ‘of the Interior N.B.—Unauthorized publication ot eae ae vertisement will not be paid for. COMMERCIAL. Fall Wheat. -$ 90 $ 90 To all our Customers — and Friends _ We again eh to thank all our old customers and also the many new ones for the very liberal support which they have given us during the past year. We will try’ and merit a continuance of that patronage for the com- ing year by fair dealing and the best goods at the low- est possible price. Settling Time ! As this is the time of year when our bills are very heavy, we ask all our friends to help us and make their settlement prompt. We want $2000.00 by Jan. oth, will you help us to get it? Our Great Stock-Taking Sale Commences Friday, Jan. 10th LOOK-OUT FOR IT W. K. LOTH J. E. WEIR, \ WE WISH YOU ALL A erie hie and Happy . New Year ... Milverton J | Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right.: iano Geo. d. Coxon Compliments. of the _ Season to al a medicine (all dealers. ts, es- | Pota' em. get well |: dealers. | Bi