NOTES MAND COMME ie TheMilverton oon ca ee THe SUDAY $83. smn THE HOPE OF RUSSIA. FVERY THUXSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, Milverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES ;a1x months. 50 cents: ar, fear cit ie batouce, suscriners irs will be liable to pay $1.50 per rear res re CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Blunt for Arat tasertion and tyne cout per Nac tor cate subsequent inser: on will be charged for all transient adver: dvertisements without specific directions xii He inserted wutil forbid and charged ace Changes for contract advertisements must Bein the office hy noon Monday. @ cntion. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor a BusinessCards Dentistry. LEDERMAN, potas Lie- laity, above the Bank of ‘Bamilton, Milverton, Medical. B. PARKER, M.D. P.L TYE, M.D, DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE. MILVERTON Flours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 to 6. felock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. 1m. DR. F. FORSTER, E. Rove and “theont only. Opshalmic Hos} Moretti Rng. Knox Chace Badal tegel H. B. MORPHY, K-C. i rloo St., opnosite Phone 267. LISTOWEL, Offices: Listowel, Milverton dJoney to Loan J C. Mains W. J, Baxter MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, Ontario BER BERWE ET SK: €, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, ETC, Office: Gordon b 5 STRATFORD, Veterinary. RR, Veterinary phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Societios. NI VEETON LODGE, 473 -M., G.K.C., Milverton, ees peer Monday evening on or Petite (oll mivou cree allie Schuen mker’e la ren always we . G, Guenther, W. M, Ae de iets stacy. No, 99, Milverton, mere Rothaermel & Son’ ‘isiting brethren nines weleoms, Smith, C.R., N. Zimmerman, Ree-Sec, 10, 0. f., silver ‘Stat Lodge,” meets Ok Friday iaholetsltaver Bitlis: Dew ig brethren lw Village Clerk inthe Woir block over the Bank of Hamilton. Hotels. EXCHANGE HUTEL, Brunner, Un. Joh Lie PR, Sepa: mane nd at Sohnianoaton ae i gana: RAND ee RAL HOTEL, rton t-chves accor Fonmercint tenvollere sud other dante roomie Goad tabling. ‘ands brands of liqnors and cigars, Chas. ‘fitter, "Proprietors BAS Aaa HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, e best accommodation fur commercial bene id others Two lar; ly the choicest of Wines, Qnors and Cixars at the bar. Good warm Gables, George F. Pauli, Proprietor. TUE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, Division Snack No. 5 Milverton, eet ainrtiets Elina, in art days—April a0 29th, October 24th immermann, clerk. i ‘a, Jan. 11, 5 i We. County t Sittings wi in jury _ Court ae: Stratford, June Wh at 2 o'clock, without jury—Oct. | = t, 2p. ma, SO SE Tables. foe BEN Ms ‘Pacific art st fetaps am. = 26 B28 40 3.59 Mitinwec ¢ gpponite post efiee ONT, i Mil ro at to it White, ths busied one of the mee Some years ago a British iterary periodical declared war on ‘‘tags’’ ieee overworked quotati ts mpaign was successful in a mea- sure, although it cost writers con- siderable labor to find tively unfamiliar quotations. some time there has been-a sort of movement against ‘thackneyed phrases’’— a very different thing, bear in mind, from stale quotat-oas or from incorrect, inelegant, vulgar expressions. We must not say, for example, ‘‘the fact is,’’ even whea there is point in the phrase. must avoid ‘‘on the one hand,” ‘‘in other words,” “‘curiously enough,” q “to be sure,” and many other phrases just because they are hack- neyed. But, alas, what phrase is hack- mi neyed in an old language? To rule out all hackneyed phrases is to| at come perilously near _preciosity, which is worse than the offense com-| f plained of. Freshness and variety are excellent things, and it is bet- er to say ‘‘in reality” than ‘“‘as a matter of fact.” But ‘‘in reality’’ must in turn become hackneyed, ' and what then? The judicious writer or speaker will choose a middle course. He will try to be fresh and individual, but he will not unduly trouble him- self about his phrases so long as they naturally, spontaneously ex-|%, press his meaning, and so long as he has ideas to express. Give us ideas, thoughts, clear, and sunple | phrases and sentences, and the rest! ; will, as a rule, take care of itself. ' po | Vulgarity, bad gram slovenly habits of speech will kee lovers of good Eaglish busy eaough pe without worrying about phrases \that, because of their very aptness| ‘and streagth, have been constaat- |e0 ly used. | Rot Sir George Birdwood, iaentael formerly professor of anatomy and physiology at Bombay, finding iself at the age of 80 full ‘as well as of years, gives us sage ounsel on how to reach a ripe o.d age. One knows that Sir George is a hearty, hates nonsense, especially scientific twaddle, as he hates Nick. Away with all scientific prattle, he seems to say. But why not quote him? Don’t think about your health. Enjoy yourself much as possible. Ignore dietary les. Learn penienta what suits you. Look on the bright side of things. In other words, do exactly as you please? Not in the least. Igaore dietary tables, savs the bluff Sir mar, loose and by the = of vigor ‘al bluff old person, who 5° oe d ae ne illness Se oe: S oe £8" Ta BN THRONE ‘BRA faye toe a he charm and VICTIM RECOVERED AND were he to die grave complications Russ INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JANUARY 5. AT WORK FOUR WEEKS LATER. —The Creation, Gen. i. - to 2. 38. Golden Text, Gen. 1. 1. Verse 1. In the Doginnting: “the bea beginning = the sneer of 1 wings sede “Oh, I am glad ae is a which we see, and in the midst o! Now it belongs t fous. Had it which human vistors unfolds, Mies « boy it would have belonged to Russia.’’ But oe next three chil- dren proved to be girls, also, so bull ssia ae of How Life Persists in ou for gecarsean couple wete| ‘Those Thought to Be Fatally the fret eet Injured. ee Physicians and employes about to the gray matter within th brew word after what he thought a fatal perforated | . brain that gifeied so little harm that a jail seatence followed for the pitiable creature. True enough, hem die, but many of et remain a.ive long enough to tell all} , about the affair to prevent the po- lice from looking for the pe pete tor of a dark and dastardly de: Thus, it may be realized how con- tinuously the mind of man will fur- ther the vital activities of the body. He thinks steadily, con- nectedly, his pulse | beats violently, he breath g after the bullet has ane an ues ones through his brow. Often the end < name here pears in the plural, though used w: gular verb, created (Heb. eae This usage of the plural, which is very common in the | Old Testament, is best explained as the ‘ shaped, fashioned. necessarily mean thi it does denote ‘“‘the production fe siete fundamen- sov- alto- gether transcending that naoeeccsetl by man. a 2. definite interval after his last wishes haye been express Tt is useless to fare far afield for va void—A compound expression, signifying formless mat- of them ee is perennial in its in- terest. O’Hara was a granite blas- ter; he was sone dat the oruas The Tsarevitch. ores which creates and sustain life|that when a boy was born the joy (Job 4), and to whic! at-| of the nation knew no bounds. The tributed the supernatural ell Tsarevitch is guarded with the spiritual gifts raordinary Beea care, and the future of this wers of man: “J am full of power handsor boy is far pirit of Jehovah, and eu: Se aa of might’ (Mic crevicie of a eset tamping device was a vanad’um <teel machet w nae bar of stee | right through the ieee ee 8 jeranium. It penetrated the left cheek just beneath the ae steer bone, went ‘socke et | Moved upon—Or, was brooding upon. God said, Let there be—Note the ee and. deliberate purpose omnipotence im e have foreshadowing of p the personal sense in he Ce “the Word’’ is ted | in sos the News! Co: . 33. 3, ey | tho want printe: were the heavens! = MAINTENANCE OF ARMIES. A Big European War Would Para- lyze the World’s Business. What wou!d be the cost of a Euro- he very pinnacle at be $ = shaped ead e. hole leer than a half-dollar and jas long as a good Bat cheap cigar. as a but jovah —Here thought of as a| ching in itself, independent of the heavenly ries. Compare = lexcept for the w he was ouite eens. aad aE ark four weeks lat Swallowed Terdvare Store. of ‘Connie: arkable calenlat:ons on the Taking as a basis the expense in- curred by France during the war of 870, he reckons that, assuming for sor aeres se sake of example, that the six That thou ‘hauler take it to the te ns of the Triple Alliance and | urd there some re- joint. Where is the wav to the dwelling! of light? 1 And 8 for eee 2 where is the 4) And that thou shouldest discern n the ‘0 the house out taking iato account the other es | expenses 4. Good—Suitable for the work! hi je) 3S ee ee te: the} "cand what would be thei inter priestly author unquestionably anal cond Mont he asks, "The Peri of twenty-four jel conten SNe ae our eek Na See [with general paralysis, and wou! es pee v means of subsistence |and smell beer, he eat Tiieelt dot and swallowed 203 various and sun- George, but, adds the cautious Sir \George, learn by experience what) is good for you. Enjoy yourself as| much as you like, says the first Sir / George, and don’t worry about your | health, but the second knows th: yalue of fresh air and of exercise. of good temper and moderation. In > fact, Sir George can’t deceive us| with his hearty, plausible air. His life has been full of checks aa balances, and instead of doing as| he pleased he has pene learned, | like most men who live to a ripe age, to please himself with what he onght to do, —_ DOGS TAUGHT TO STEAL. While Canine is Chased Master Ac- quires Money. ‘The suse of the police dogs in Paris, had a singular result. nha have taken to train ine the intelligent companion se =o men entered a store SS ed for a pound of cheese. The wo- met Sat dispensed such wares has- ten er customers. drew. ladv’s attention to a d which vad tale Ser te display rot poultry a large chic At ve the ie ‘gave chase, Tl catch the dog and upon her return discovered her loss. Meanwhile the anal tar ea went home and laid the t the door of a mean says eras s0 much as tearing the ‘passing gendarme observed the wives sight and wait ted Present- bas he two men approached and promptly ‘erential te spoils, ineluding edibles and valuables of { various re ea in the flat being ‘taken (tot e station. where “the thieves awa trial. Decrease in London Crime. In his charge to the Grand Jury London Sessions, Mr. Ro! i | of the session, and he w: say that thee list of ehareas aa rt = ie aloe in the list | i charges, ee ee ae year 1912. fess pared some five something beaten out, o: down firm, and forming a solid bar- rier or pegs eee! the — woe sno so teee in | which wi it and thos mob’ nn, the earth's: surfane.” ‘The cai ie there te to work self was oe of as fiat and would they “cell. their products! roun disk, supported ‘partly | How could they be exchanged or v the ay ar ck iv by tannrorel All the large eS ie vast abyss of waters consttn and factories where the m of | ing ‘‘the g labor is completed would have ta be whats jearth. Up from these aitterrancan| shut. Even agriculture would b waters hidden channels conducted | imposs:ble. the waters he | “No more purchases or sales. in| either the economic or the financial rom | death of labor, an abrupt stoppage of the heart’s action in the national 5 aren sm of all the nations at war, ith profound teagtion. on all others cacak wale be the conse- quences of a general in the present oe ai tong ob ates dry articles, consisting of nails, tacks, Keys, wateh chains, horse- shoe nails, knife blades, handles, tins, dog collars and two and a half, ounces of broken glass. In his ac- count of this marvellous human bite general 01 would To whom reat deep” to-day. “Heart Was Stitched. : iiacaool e human mechanism’s strengt efficiency under the worst Scents conditions is to be found in the nu- merous non-fatal injuries and ace: dents to the heart. ee in a street fray wae left h the dagger run through the He was taken to the Ee He r suffering from paresis, passed a into heart. He ‘Similer cpinions are he'd by Paul ae epeanticas memaber of the In- as relatively small, one of France’s leading and ae must be borne in aie such as vegetables and cer po; a a seed—t Canable of. self tion aul at the same time] } Deedee focd for man Prwhe rein—That is, ia elf. a had some slight di “the fruit month, and tl er- NORWEGIAN POLICEMEN. Special ae = the Chief Police- oma ne word is one that is applied to rep- tiles, crocodiles, and other aquatic monsters. avery jiving creature that mov- eth.— Bo hes and other crea- tures oo glide through the water or creep along its 25. ae ee + Teletrne more especially stic animals. though Saget als animals. 27. Created—The repetition of this word adds e solemnity | with which the creation of man is introduced p tural products of the previous year wherecn she could draw for a long eriod. She would thus be in far in better one than many, for instance. which would ‘ find the Aas difficulty in ob- They. are not, ss. an contemporary | taining imports, being cut off by Babelonian mvthology, thought of the English fleet on a8 one hand “| and by “Russia on the bs “Bat,” ids, St is “het the war that, saanted nations would have the hardest times. for many years would be necessary to repair the losses oe heal the wounds,” AY marck, vice-president | Stavanger, and one in of the Becitt "of 2 ae Economy, | sand, says the London Sissdard aisetiner Sa that the consequences of an abrupt cessation of all this ety throuch a general war would be calculable i in its vastness. sate the children and see that they f ies wonderful revelation kept ee the streets as ene ven than the an ng beer Teen all perform |" ‘or Tlie fonnetion of conseio Teeland May Denis —___ Jeceasional night duty and- “patrol | the ie (versa, 21), “To drink or not to drink? That is | some ‘of the worst quarters of the 31. Tt was very good—The fina-| the seston now provoking a lively SES the exception verdict pronounced upon the ce Althing, the Parlia- licewomen at Christia whole work of | ereation, in whieh| men’ land: at its sessions in ee a complete official uniform, each portion foe “the capital. The ne’ Se sed in plain in HOny. ‘with the Test. ae of De ue a ne men who succeed | oe best. | life ane “been cheerful and a ne ae about their bus smile on their faces and; Dee the crown and lion of , | to distinguish them 20, go, there se Breen: a nt. in: sae “the Chance es Pane of} holic di ake their. no e men, Teng | rough and tite it ey aud so fc is ago, and he is stil ee and well bers of Pa a A boy recently | _the. chiet ie ed from oodiny e We Seck to Cultivate the Habit the Habit of Exactness, the Gval is One to Bz Desired Where is the trouble with our on grounds of faith, or values with day{ We. liv of ry e knowledge. This, too. reality. In m. We are a the hour cf high “resolve, i in the ex- of iach ng @ th where the world is no dr where au truth is eyes are opened and the tru’ ee ae oe arran; a glass; revealed A case, where all pune eae th.ngs!| This is why literature, ek it, to be p:geoaholed. e insist on deals-with certain values—with hgh ae ee of Score and that is anaes with aptenidid resolves, with aloes! to. Shp aa that is a char- ‘is fo: Pe poe is most valuable. try is just the language of faith. carry this on contribute less © xtreme that life of England than Herbert Speae” ¢ lose sight of the dangers of at clearness. We forget Ae universal a pr: ner it eludes the aunt defini- |On the other hand, we can scarce! ‘ion, covers a whole row of pigeon- |celebrate the value of love, ~ hole and fades in a ths of mys- The Beauty of Heroism, r the ideals or sieeriyet aa any other way. Talk about fa Is > ‘not the Suan Test a sant te not aces emis: cui cae of its eS hep me- But So Are Facts of Faith. ve understand it any _ bette S an The formula H20 is valuable as a Wordsworth, who wing mbol of water, eae a will not lines seonts ‘alabaster sou and ae the place of a A “silve: ee can we ie rt ev ver heard of the discovery tea: a is possible to delve and digs|o and develop the spirit of until we fancy the mole knows mores than he lark. Facts of analysts are good, ‘Here fs just the chee ot the e ever : ne! in} esus. Was of “Sampbell that the pole star is Saher teacher before Shoe of lit- "lin reality three stars, not one; and eralist, the analyst, the skeptic man can at moral grandeur stood in such been snbeiey ng of character, can reach ports of amazement? erfect !”? purity ard, heavens of truth, even “Ye must be te again! pe Resst i he is totally ignorant of many not evil!’ “Lay not up for your- the hase tbls shed facts of sci- selves treasures ee earth!” “It. Fuse Even Renan felt compel.ed is easier for a ca ame] to ge through mind his readers that ‘‘Colum- the eye of a needle. ‘All th’ us discovered America, ictal oe are possible o him tl ‘tain to that believeth.” a some. pare: some And wealth of meta- ry esriod and tions are most strange and iadefea- phor and story, his words stri sible things. Christianity is not eae with a prae Be convine an IE a po an exper: otl ere s that are mee Tedennate in eee essence, |like the Tene ‘that pee out when elusive in their ig, almost in their high demands, vet a commanding spiritu- has forced from “Never SESS oa system of thought, but to which apake I is nae it leaps with an intuition, jus-ifies Hooper Ferris. TOMO CORRESPONDENCE & a6 INTERESTING (BITS OF GosstR) FROM ae Helis a jmedical and sci Late tel Lis World and has Literally sures 01 ome and hono ‘As often “happens, however, in the ease 0 nee) Temperance Reformers—The of a man with Le ES fessor Macallum has made mpion “Marrying Minister”— Professor A. 8. Macallum. great excitement when his name was p membership, 1 the Acad a FE usiness| is sgh a urnishe! at would have | Noe ah ue 2 spe ‘emper: Ontario had it 6 the Spence, family and 3180. ¥ it whea been ri "ithe fret. week of Januar: RSS os prezent arrangements, ae denied est, for on the Sianicipal, en day 00% ice ont nest m sity bein ties ered s * trom. abit ‘bed Of atheism’ there are NO. @ atheinte e hotel here at. fi. Sere nossibly a few iso! {ea individu: ose cases it will p. off like the Baro mith its one lone h the lendershin of the Bierce others, 296 | ! municip: carried local angen and ma ee been cut ol “athe provinces % are 1 option . and retain the license syatem. an as School Teacher. aw otek ane Wiker Unloved Insect ‘Systemati ce in Ine dustry. e he Wasps appear to be ee nigh “eacher , teaching at bundy ¢ industrious as ants E Secame. principal. iat authority has fee ee chat the car. when the Domirion ging] doctiiie ce any wasp w: iI ih work, neith hy va f labor is pene 82) ia ae aap! s nest. Sor ft various cen and eampaizus others appear to ba erored a great |murses and guardians, Ww mes others Be engaged as Baper -maker: and maso E ees ais ia are at all is ly fond of hor hile snes particuli ‘coward the if it? chiet wouaaies Lb hives and carry off by force as m they ean gorge of their of ey thbors’ honey. his chances of sneenes at The eeinee ag the wasp worl alwavn, dcubifnl-yinstead cf bei He ny He does ds easily ai “rewhat austere ia hin man pores Heres sing tie the a etic, but not. alw: : Ta many hin most Tran trait | tril be the Tace that he An oe era His brother, Spence. lot 80. well ices mae, ‘since 180be Secretary * Sle be oe until w them a the! e a8 i town that he spirit 4, the 1 mo means polized in the “ ae nce enth: Ee eetie tae y, life “he went, “nto the il appoint. rying minister” 36 Je seegeet o of. ‘athletics, by his pee. ee oat oo ie _ Courts, san bone church a Morrow has married over Sos Ee ihe a ,, ia newly-arrived Eng: o eet hes