Milverton Sun, 9 Jan 1913, p. 2

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Dot You Feel | Mo. iy, Irritable, Depressed When = That Janewid, e Lagey, Easily-Tired Feeling Comes, i Eee Liver is Slow. ‘Tells How te Gare Quickly. “Even when ow was young I ee pills ¢] ae eS marvelous degree Pills, and I a maintain the most perfect kind Ith by using them just once 2 twice oe we It is E. V. Erlanger, well known at *Gionesater’ who relates ie above experience. She proved what you and all others, men and ‘women, can prove—that Dr. Ham. iton’s Pills are best for restoring health and is, 25e. box, five for $1. on at all It drags and storekeepers, or paid by the Catarrhozone Co., Bultalo, x ¥., and Kingston, Canada. Pi CHINA ADVANCING RAPIDLY. Missionary Thinks Republic Will Be Perpetuated. here is no reason to that the Chi nese Republic will inet be perpetuated,”’ said the Rev. James Smith, a missionary ipicly returned from China. aitbere are a great many able en among the Chinese and the le are becoming good grace the rule of a tare. oe are from 300,000,000 to 400 000,000 people in China pro- Per, ineluding Manchuria and Mon- Of these about 10,000,000 are in the overthrow of dynasty. “Under the old regime none the le were allowed to use for ey they ea ernment aS sae those in authority ate to squeeze from all classes of indus- Manchu dynasty and restore the ot warlike race, are docile, in- telligent and industrious. For 300 ere was no incentive for the ordinary Chinaman to endeavor to P! ettcr his condition, because if by support of as officers of the Gov- | Roa ‘uled him. ernment who “There a no inducement for the display of industrial SE which the Chinese confe: about cacti he United aod iron than any other; other minerals; a ntry, of peace and the intelligence ‘of the people and with a stable re- publio China wil] soon rank with the 4 Eesees ‘of nations, Se He Admitted It. “English as she is Japped’’ is the title oF an article in a recent num- ber of the Oriental Review. The Seen capacity for using our mot tongue with atrange to this delicious sign on a Japanese er’s shop : oh Karinura, Bisneat Loafer in Tokyo.” as HARD FOOT CALLOUSES REMOVED QUICKLY feet that shouldn't costs: Fecommended by. draceiste. There are. pote, on oe 43 yet -people expect a i Beet to @/ none equal Grape-Nuts in my esti- j| benefit to me for I feel like a aif- .|a site near e | has been installed with srery requi- | [SAMBLING MANILA | IN LONDON | Police Reveal pointed Gaming Houses. 'o thuse who know London (Eng- land) it is no news that, given re- Auisiie ay: tal, it is a simple mat- Engniea, or the many clubs which es in are toid of a wealthy ye vineial losing $25,000 at a si! and another case of an heir to intes estaces his patrimony | wichin a fortnight. |X “] believe gambling to-day is heavier than in the time of Charles | Fox,” a well-known clubman ‘Tt is rare when | there is not some goss.p heavy, ,Piay at certain west-end | », clubs. gal ts on there. | Eee of say pee which is des- | magnificent | i Be and, apart from the drawing-, where the board loth holds men and women fasci-| Champagne is uncorked with freedom of mineral water, an handsome plate is set out with the choicest fruits. All cat mnt, but he can well treat his guests sumptuously. as in one night $200,000 to $250,000 may change hands. THE BEST TEACHER. old Experience Sul Holds the! Palm rence | —plain old experie: ience—is able to carry a big load yet without getting swaybacked. estern. woman found some phic staat food trom Old Experi- a good, reliable teacher. eee writes: “T-think I have used almost every breakfast food manufactured, but For real pautical iaega and ; exper ation. “I was greatly bothered with weak stomach and __ indigestion, | -| with formation of gai mee eating Hef. tri any. es for it, Ba did not find re! “Then ue T must ae and | see if I could overcom diffi- | eulty that way. was Grape-Nuts becanse the doctor fold me I could not digest starchy fi od “Grape- Nuts food has been a great ferent person since I begun to eat i It is wonderful’ tome how strong my nerves have become. I advise everyone to try it, for ex- Pi Ever read the ahove letter? A_new ona aonears from time to time, "They ace Benuine, true, and full of human interest. _—* ‘PAPER FROM BAMBOO. Scottish Engineers Have Perfected + Plans For Its Manufacture. Scottish ee have perfected of pi i3|ha A MODERN MIRACLE (Suimptuously-Ap He Had Eezema 23 Tears and Dee- tors ale “No This is 4 experience of a man = lives at 101 tinued for twenty-five : hat time four AR medi- lal saan tried to cure each ae up the case as hopeless. tu Mr. Marsh reme- dies ie ail kinds, but he, also,. at ‘or. two! pears: he d to wear loves day and ni; en came Zam-Buk! But he soon about | peat out that Zam-Buk was ditfer- . Within a few weeks last gave it up. Parad nearly. four years:asu 2 them very bad, and they itched and terviewed the other day, Mz Marsh} Lured so I could nai Boat tie ‘When I said: “The cure which Zam-Buk| 60t the Cutleura Ointment T tried It. "Now tirely cured me."* (Signed) Mrs. atest Lie alsalut py Per as War, fn 1,19 men er rom the day pat West cadcore Cuticura Ointment are old Varoughet the world. - Bond'ka Poker trace of eczema, and feel) D. & ©. Corp., Dept. 53D, Boston, U.S.A., sure it ee never return | for free sample of each with 32- If you suffer from any skin trou- | it with one cent write, mated a notable decreas>, | immensely impro: existing “eystem of State “i ees in schools was founded half ot the nineteenth century, e edict of the steer ie il had 4 077 public When in 1864 the zemstvos number - of |! when es iappeared. 186 sa onl. schools, investigated. Marsh, the genueman referred tuo, Delorimier Avenue, Montreal. For twenty-tive years he | as Paris. t had eczema hands Public attention has been drawn wrists. The disease first started in lately to the cpportunities afforded red blothes,- which itched, an London by we police raid on @ when seratehed became _ painful. gaublng cstablishment conducted; Bad sores fol Ge unui. h.s| the highly decorous neignbor-| hands were one raw, 1 mass | hood cf Wiiton Terrace, Belgravia a. lof SiGe: DLS sins aerate cane| It is outside the eee ok the t pee with this great clubs that the mania is found ae sulted in what le had x oe eee — sirong. ited powers A ae all abe ofa compiete enre!| ith she Cuticura Boap 4 — ao police are a ser-ous handicap to cola the cure was no temporary fog her now —as far an 1 ye es It is not en It was permanent. He was| «1 a groat deal with piles. I advantage from the pune going cured to the present moment I have coats: ae in London, is fur- ble, cut out this article, nished throughout with exquisite it the name of this paper, and ma‘l} fest of green j turn postage, to van Buk Co., To: nto, We will forward you by re- al ciate ais « ibcaeye © BOE bai a eestial bee: of ate Tule | t of Blood. © | ing-rom, boudoirs, and darkened’ All druggists and stores wel this} Colonel H. Gore-Brown, the rest rooms for jaded Bae, | peas Taek 0c, box. or three ‘faivt-hearted’’ V.C. who went This house also is famed for the! for $1.95. Betuse harmful: “substi: , through all the scenes of slaughter generous ale of ite catering. futen the Indian iny, won the i Victe: MORE SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA. Edueation Making Rapid Strides Under Czar’s Policy. Popular education in Russia making rapd strides 80 much so that the next statistics the siege of Lucknow by the muti- of people who can neither read nor | neers and was not long ago ao esti- dency from June 30, ae to Au al per cent. paiats ‘on, will certa: ate indicate formed the deed of yale for ie In [teen years pubis ae instruction has ee a in were established, the schools increased rapidly, and at the end of the 60s there were in Russia 22,770 schools with 1,490,915 Tanai brought his men cately pupils. Under with 2.970.000 present Czar ' have- rec! yupi This the schools opened by zemstvos were granted a State sub- | standing all he enh slaps sidv of $190 fur every filty while the teachers got increases in | fre sight of blocd.. My fee sal; oa e present time’there are in elementary schools | 7 male and female teach- Rests 100 £95 with 154,17 Alexander III. popular! education made further advances, and at the end of his reign the num- er of schools had reached 43.385 pils. educationa! matters ceived increased attention. | “My fear o* peas is a Mee x an ers_and’ 6, 180 510 pupils. schools 56.910 have der the reign of Nichol as IL., During the same schools has risen Beane re A teacher in the § now begins on a salary of $172 a After five yea itl efter ten yea 148. year. aximum is only = been of Seif ond day rosie dinners and a bale of ay. ew to Its close : au ie ‘twelfth: ae stil] un- il, gentlemen,” sai liff, entering es, s us the in advance; State schools | sev blood of men killed beside me, yet Ij an INPLES THIGKLY seu ewe SCATTERED ON HOE In Bed Condition. Pimples Large, Face Sore and ftchy. Badly. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ~ ment Cured in Two Weeks, ; nown in fot Me tat BR. Oke, April 2, 1912, =f SCALY ECZEMA ON FACE | | ‘Ontario.—‘My little girl, aged tarted with a skin on Gatinet signs of benefit, and a uide ‘her faze, 80 5) called in the doctor and he there were | two write across is arte: | FAINT-HEARTED V.C. DEAD. sight of b ger, ee suiderly@ at his home at Shank- se ight, recently. He ae an cee o* Colonel Seely, the is secretary for war. | He was one of the defenders in shut up in the resi- the total 31. It was in August ie per- he r.ceived the Sane Cross. sortie in order to spike as s that See Jeying Se Miatences the last fif- | Placing himeelf a “the head of ps men, Captain Gore-Brown- of then was—sprang firet and ae he year into the reb:I battery. He shot the sentry dead with ne revolver. Over one hundred o} emy were the second | men. The guns put out of action. |back to the Residency. own words prove that his heroism was not the simple daring jof a reck’ess man, but a triumph ‘cf will over a ear inherently sensitive. In an interview in a Lon- ‘don paper three eae ago, he said: Under the the ; whol’y unable ith- schovls, | during th> mutiny I live in ee of ings in e eee events of life are aieh that ity ut your finger in my pre- sence 1 should be so overcome as to be unconscious. can not explain Of these | it except bv supposing that in un- | height of warfare a man’s personal the | Sensitiveness is ,completely over- shadowe industrial | ‘Though T shot many a Zebe in 23 to 2,- f Lucknow as ‘the sj am too faint-hearted to see even an anima} led to the slaughter. an one ocension I was working a chan a bullet. went right through th head of the man on the opposite es a bullet came throveh 9 Inon- hole and struck the man beside me aid the pe a (1. a8/ed all over me. Yet I was quite e*lm and undisturbed a the dis- Treman, charge of my dut; ake Reason. plans for payee on a large esis from bamboo. Kagi (Japan) a sue site to bet in the first p) 300 tins a. with room ah: any development. In this case the pulp will be treated in Formosa, and sh‘ pped in rolls or sheets to the paper mills at Kobe; just in the same manner as the wood pulp of Norte Sweden, eee and Finland shipped United Kingdom to food the Brita BiprE mills. It is aipet that in the Far East bamboo pulp will enable Eastern mills to compete with the British atd American import: paper of the finer qualities.” The process of pe ahs from. ve one than that from ments may cheapen the the supply of the cane is practically inexhanetible. Moreover. the bamboo is a plant that can readily be cultivated. If any particular species is considered or the paper-making pur- I-bred bet she is. Never corrects h Mes mublicl no matter what whe may he.’ milk, Always where. Win Toasties Crisp sweet bits. of toasted Indiin Co-n, 10 be 2 served with cresm or Ready to Eat Direct From _ Package — Always Delicious. Sold by Grocers every: : “The Memory Lingers” Canadian Postum ees, Co., Ltd. indeor.- Ontario. « ‘Why do you Bunpoee. he has such Looked . " Hero of Lucknow Who Feared the| + en. slain by the captain ‘and a few of his | {22 , wore successfully | 28 z anything from your rght in the neck. His ‘blood gush: |falo, = ‘ t Substantial ie “Well, Soe of himself a good |? Breakfast |)°" Sea Pleasure || When Your ur Eyes Need vare ; Fiewhets Ou fen Oe ey Stor Red, Wea oe in every package of tatel Be fagsa Bree: Hite: ’ ‘comy att our O Ua a “Patent Med- : : siaty Pete te Sueunfan ence Nae Po: EGER AEe ES A ost ~ Murine Eye Remedy toa Chicage A pretty aS always knows at least two or three girls who ats jea- lous of her. Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget in = “One On Dad. men bate kid story is vouched somehow oe it sounds famil: me- you Ae) ways say you! prayers at ight, my little man Fa sk. Jergyman. oe as “Why, what do you me: “He don’ t have tonyon see he never gets” till ii ag ete ray MODERNIZING “JERUSALEM. | Bids Fair to~ Become Again’ iGe Chief City of the Hebrews. The latest indication of the pro-| cient tramway system, says ine American Hebrew. The walls en- close 209 acres, of which 35 acres are occupied by the temple enclo- sie eu owing ee impossi- 10 eoehbsaide: of owl: immigiar a who still con- tinue t2 arrive, building has been proceeding outs'de the walls to a very considerable extent. The consequence of the presence ‘of this exteraal population is that first one and then another of t Jewi-h, and the Holy City seems in a fair way to become once more in ‘act’as well as in name the capital city of the Hebrew race. eru*alem is soon to have its own tramway service, as a concession for the purpose has already een granted to a French company, whic will start laying the tram Ines in the course of the summer. An English company has applied for a_concession to illuminate the city with water by the construction of large reservoirs near we'ls epee: at a distance of about sixteen mi from Jerusalem. The muniipality | is a’so cons dering proposal paving the sireets and countrileting: sewage works. A modern fire-ex- tinguishing apparatus a-d a tele- phon» installation are also to be nch-Belgian company, with the co- Bae of the Jaffa- Jerusalem y Company, said to have applied for a conces- sion to carry out the project, for which Col Parliament is now necessary. Ae. 3 (Lumbago Cured Every Ach: Gone Thousands still | Suffering That Can be Quickly Cure by” “‘Nerviline.”” The Case of Haroli P. Bushy. “Three years ago I discovered t ma n ct to lumbago might. just as well be dead as live”? These ‘words open the sin- cere, straightforward letter of H. P. Bushy, a well-known man in the plumbing and tinsmithing business. “One attack came aiter another, | 2 ic could scarcely ie before. ~ ing enough. to get at the core of the pain. I read in the Montrea! Wit- ness about Nerviline, and got. five bottles. It is a wonderful medicine —I could feel its soothing, pain- relieving action every time es was my blood by tal meals. permanently, and I urge everyone e thick, white, o‘ly | -to-date, diols pain- destroyer like ee “Please pub ie ty lette: world over. r ai ‘all to hear of Nerviline 2 z Don’t, be cajoled into receiving dealer but “Nerviline.” Large family size bottles 50c., trial size 25c., all deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buf- N. Y., and Pipesiony Canada. Not having coal is no. disgrace. We've been in that condition num- erous times. Minara’s Liniment t Cures Golds, Eto. “Why, ‘Willie, you don’ + seem to be enjoying yourse! self.”? ‘‘No, unc'e, 'm having a miserable time. Auntie told me ae eat as much as wan! ted t. TO CURE A COLD. COLD, IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine ‘Tablets. Druggisis refund ae GROVE'S signature is on each box. n idle rumor never. ‘spends a ae in the office of a busy man. Minard’s Linlment Cures Diphtheria. “That bride across the way is the e her. it aceounts, th her leading an idol existen < Sup “DODDS r the} money if it faile to oure, | 141 simply lag dp re NATIONAL oe top headaches” ow and surely. opium, morpeties Ba Don acetanilid Br athbe, a q esis! as yenacel at your acetin, aceti AFFLICTION OF THE CZAR. Russia a Shocked Over He Hag- d Appearne The on a made his first Se lie appearance since the tragedy his son’s illness and the people are oe at his changed looks, writes ee seit winner been ae soldiers who have won the St. for bravery in war. men among the tables with kingly marae of eet At the recent celebration of pe wi e people lechaiar to utter a sound. He sat in a bent at- titvde near the head of the table for a few mapnte then bowed sadly and witl The Czar’s e grief-etricken attitude | over his son’s affliction is weighing upon the whole country. Next February is the third centenary of the Romanoff dynasty. It was ai novneed jammer, during the celebrations of the centenary of the cow campaign, that the Czar z 6 FARMS FOR SALE w. RAWSON, Ninety Coiborn . Sane UNDRED aCRES—COUNTY Good Haake; Salt ngs; Chean prd_on EVENTY-SIX ACRES fa, buildings and anple ore win KW. DAWSON Toronto 6) ACRES—CLOS) SET) LONDON MARKET; MORES g Moa a table. erchange the Western FOME WORK, $7.70 $10 PER ewe - s| HOW: grant clirblo parties to home, whole for us at or ADRES. th i buting Co... STAMPS ANO COINS. — asente us before too late. Dr. Bellman 3 Co. Limited, Collingwood: Ont, SR uerihvciae ipa! co! Stones, Kidney trouble, Lamba, and kindred ‘Silments pon new German © i new turing. Company ‘of Tinwines he programme jnst issued is of a most melancholy character for the four successive lavs. There are to be church ser- vices in memory of the dead Roma- intercession for the present genera- he mass of people who have been looking forward to tohatine and holidays are grumbling deeply at the oly the Czar and court are iv? ‘orthcoming celebrations. i8 | tion. 8 4 R = & resh sre! table methods of the Novoe Vremva have been made. Its present furi- ‘ous campaign against Jews and for- eioners fails to: cover up the evi- dences of corruption. ‘or a long time the Vremya con- dveted a bitter camo aoe a e Russian fleet ie Then came a significant inter- val of silence. Now the Vremva is th naval programme of ie 099 090. Mivard’s Liniment Co., Limited. Gertlemen.-I have used MIVARD'S LINIMENT from time to time for she past twenty venrs. It wes recom reminen lcian aie es the seolted it the cereet Nova Rent Tt dees the d ctor work is ertigntenty good in cases of Rheamatiem ay truly, G. G. DUSTAN, Chertered Accountant. Halifax, N. 8. Sept, 21, 1905, Do not dvell too shuch upon your failures. Do not look back t much. regret is not a fitting luxury “‘for) ss who have their fortunes to a FILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if-PA70 OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itoh ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles day: BULGARIA 18 PRIMITIVE, Cattle, Morses and Wine Are All Inferior. Balkan war has shown the Rulearian army the modern methods of the Bul- gaint enenaelvans aad as belian ve all the stories written about the Bulgars one would think the Beate wv the correpondents, is far trom being the cave. The Pulgarian peasant is very li Life will not bear this = Wy trospection and indulgence in vain} The Heart of a Plansisthe Action. Insist on the Montreal, ye Toremo, New cae Second BOILERS == ewer cmos. “TANKS AND Ci IRON WORKS POLSON "23,498" 1OPONTO Engines and Shipbullders write * 3 co Totn Hallam, Mal Dep’ 89 ss 111 Front St.£, A Serious Question. ’ “Has Jobkins any money ?”” ask Pan ton “Oh, he must have,” said Gar ay. “Oh, we all must Harec but have Rit taid Hickenlooner, jMinard’s Linkment Cures Distemper. ‘ She—‘‘Now you must eens y fice women are better 1 than don” £ 10 istor, anything about seven devils being east t of man.” 1 course not; he has every one them still! WAS A GONFIRMED DYSPEPTIL Now Finds it a Pleasure fo Enjoy Meals is a case which seemed as. tlemer—T have mmc! roan! ARBs te bencfits rece fons Dyspepsia primi'ive and } im- its his pros rity. If he exports in large quantities wheat, barley and corn, wine. on _the is mediocre and inferior ee Turkish tobacco ; his cat- tle are of an inferior breed. Been he ‘small and his hogs thin. ‘hen, in direct contrast, as if to balance the etal the Bulgar-| in ‘roses magnificent and their red a cond ie perfume. pacha Into ‘“attar,’’ contributes consider- eg to the prespeny of the coun- In some est demand is is pe Sights ier AT aoe had confirmed dj with al i) wretched ee ee “ ry eerist’s, by the National D: d Che:nical of Canala, sited So siouteeal, So Reastioby ate ae HOTEL TRAYMORE — If OCEAN Fi _ ATLANTIC CITY, Ne J.

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