... Busy ... Stock-Taking E are very busy at our annual stock-taking and would ask our numerous cus- tomers and friends not to spend all their money until we get finished, when we will put on our Winter Sale. Re- member that when we put on a sale we do not only cut prices a little, but we cut them Good and Deep. So kindly wait until our Great Sale, about the end of this month. Announcement later. Come in and settle your ac- count if you do not wish to have it sent by mail on Jan. 14th. All accounts are ready. | | HLM. SCHAEFER MILVERTON, ONT. y ; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A RELIABLE ‘MAN IN MILVERTON A tharsunate reliable concern would like to get in touch e with someone well known in MILVERTON and district a —someone who can follow up inquiries and intelligently present a high-class proposition. References required— must have someone who will not misrepresent—simply state facts. This is a‘permanent and highly profitable paedog for the right man... Apply — : H. W. McCURDY, 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. > NG NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN Pech mera ‘ho are ‘are failures i ae re ate lures is ite—you a i eeu as rey and vitality, Don't eine Fou have treated with s, used eleotxie belts and. tried ose ethod. Tre snatched een cigegtar ieee red Rappiness ta hundreds eds ‘of homes and Z ual case, Only curable, cases ac a visit Milverton lod, | bear Grand Poiriaroh Clapp: Ltnwool. “Migs MeCormick. of Millbanlk, spent a few days in town this week. Mrs. D. O’Brien and Wm. Faux. of Peterboro. spent the week- itors at Mr. P. Kreutaweiser’s on P. Thorpe, of Birtish cetimbis is visiting his ‘brother on the 13th line after an absence of 34 Bes ‘Mr. daughter of Toron' Year's dinner with the former’s moth-. e Misses Louise vas Carrie Suit- w. Year's un- der the parental roo! Th Ts. were visitors in Acton and Berlin on ‘uesday. * On Trdey Mr. H. S Wallace. bank mee ene ame 0 ersburg. is usin. Miss Freida Hahn of tay sce Mary Manser left for her me in Toronto after spending a the fese-and with Mrs. M. Karley Miss Connor. of Toronto. has been act hs principal of the “Wright was a business visitor in Toronto on Frida: Mr. Ed. Koehler ae New. Year's with friends in Dra: HESSON. mong those that spent the holi- aes in Hesson were } —Mr. J. Gohl. of De pal nts Mr. and Mrs Year's at ‘her iss Ida em. vot Berlin, under the eaelal roof, “Mrs. B. Knoblauch — spent | New New Year's at Hhinowel Mrs, A. Love and fantily spent the hovidays. at, Toronto. ‘MF. Love visit- ed ot Mrs. aa “Middieholtz 3 has been on _We hove d again. soo1 spent the holidays at his home in, Mr. Albert Haid whe has been the Went arrived hom POOLE. Mr, Stuart J. Mayberry ‘is spen ing a week with friends in Listow a (Miss E. Engel visited with her sister. Mrs. Everett. Millbank. over New Year's. ‘Mr. and Mrs. P Schmebl spent Tuesday. with Mrs. P. Helm. Mill- ban! Mir. A. Dahms Sundayed in Strat- iy r. Edward re made a trip to os on Mont ir. Marshall. oe ee New ene with Mr. ent R Levi Jacobs and daughter, Lavina. visited Mr. and R, P Salvadge on New, Year's Skane ¢ New Year’s visitors at Mr, A. Dahan's were; Mr C. Schmidt. Nebraska; Mr. pened poeiiord. Misses Mary Schmidt a: id Anna D mi on. le attended ae tones) ot her es r,Neu- stadt on Saturday la: NEWTON. Mr. J. Middieton | has moved into Mrs. J. Neilson Mr. has pur- chased fhe house lately vacated — by Mr. Mid ; 3 Miss ret Neilson. of Stratford. visited her friend Miss Florence Wag ner last wee' Mrs, ‘Thos. Hutchison and Stella King spent a day last wee ss . Archie Holmes enter- umber of their friends t ing friends woo! wee cu nere she intends to oer of Oddfellows will ge Friday night to gone business th ears. io Sa Ee Be Yeagine Conic a Ste aes Canadian business sa ee ilies aa follows Windsor, Ont. ones B. McDonald was “at home oS a number of ipcsee: slew. Yates ‘DOCTORS ADVISE of | can in}, Say fice Aoaie Kisvland left Thursday ethe: jor eds 98 per cent, of [bulb at the end of OPERATIONS “* ~| Saved by Lydia E. ‘Pinkham’ 's Vegetable Compound. Swarthmore, Penn. — “‘ For fifteen years I suffered untold agony, and for ‘one period com neatly ‘0 years not praise jou Vaniatls Compound toohighly. Byerrvagsinaa betes ~ | th: mmend it ‘and young decals pad ey ‘Mrs. Emity SUMMERSGILL, Swarthmore, Pa. Canadian Woman’s Experience: Fort William , Ont.—‘‘I feel as if I j| could not tell others enough our und and soon health and strength and could not wish to sleep better. I know ee eesae ne have taken it for the aa they join me in prais- a. A. BUFFY, 631 Sout ia) Vickar Street, Pout ‘Williams, Ontaric ‘ince we tee that all feat nials which we ae are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. aed ngit. es. suffering in If you want special advice write to Ly rm e Cos (confl- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. eG NG. Messrs. Robert and Richard John~ Friday after spending the week with pen ds in Sarnia, Detroit and Chic- eae. Irvine Millner and sisters ee spent Tuesday evening at of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston Bailey, Hilda and Russel. eae ew Year's Day with friends in Listowel. fir. and we Fred Starr and fam- ily spent New Year's with friends in ove aa jor ington, spent the folie a thei home he ir, and Mrs. e ae Aean eae at the ee DoE Mr, Li Tebane Mr. “Schaete r and his mother of thern Alberta. are the — guest of Mrs. Schaefer's brother. Mr. John sen Irvin Millner entertained a few pr ectauies an Monday evening. rsons troubled with partial par- ¥ benefited ected parts tho: oughly when applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. “This liniment also reliev- te rheumatic pains. Bor sale by all dealers. PEFFERS. eee shipped a car load: of Monda: who has spent lamp- es secaat the holiday Sere eres mry Peffers returned Fri- day ovening after spending a week with her daughter. Mrs. Will. Dick. of Stratfo: ‘At the annual school meeting. Mr. the retiring trustee m_ thes Mr. meiepter fitends: arias fie in the spring as usual. Mr. Ezra Kuepfer and sister have ‘iana of gone on an extended visit to I Mr. and Mrs, Eyan ae te e days | or j not ‘then pee had no’ w. MACTON. and Mrs. Thos Hanley. of Bes last with’ tl Ae line of Peel. spenii New Years’ Day with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. Henry Ernst. Mr. and Mrs. ‘abbert entertain: ed a few of their friends on Year's nig Mr. oe. Mrs. Thos Hackett. of Lin vood. spent Sunder with the latter's father Mr. Wm. Newton Year's Sah a aud Ms dwar ks, Linwood. /Misses Verna Verna and Tabbert spent ee Re eusas with Miss “Mr, Tre eph Nurse and ai home of Mr. Anthony Newton one day last week. _ Intended for last week ‘Miss Iona Nurse \spent a few days with her friend Miss Vera Bruce, of jan. Mr; and Mrs. John Hackett and and Mrs, Walter is . Allin ha: 1m visited one day last week with Mrs. W. Alling- ham, of Dorking. Messrs. Wm. Meachin and Fred f bee ee eae are spend- plead: Mr. or containing 1008 pares wt i eneravi stamps to prepay cos! und i oth ‘sent of wrapping and postage. FOR SALE alves coming 1 year old. Apply oe 8. NAFZIGER. N_ half. ar 17. Gun 5, Mornington. 1 pd LIVE POULTRY: WANTED Will pay highest cash prica for all kinds of live poultry also unsalted butter. July 17—tf §. GLEECKMAN. Milverton. | ° Newton is spending her vacation with her aunt Mrs. Thomas Hackett. of Lin ‘Mr. Anthony Newton and family ir, Win. and family one ae Chrisumas with their sister ett. of Linwo is mother Mrs. John McCor- William Newton peat his 87th is dau, Linn school ‘mecting passed Ada Mr, MecWhinney was Saskateh- Tralee. is] is Bs, Joe Boyd. of Mani-| on Pri i _| Mr. Arthur face of Durham, call toba. with lier sister. Mrs. M. Kocher | endan ay evening with a slim at-| jon friends in the Glen on Sunday Mr. Jobn Sciling. of Logan — wit = pycil ak MLR ace a | Maes ane Aveta truce Des Bie ae relatives, a aa ead business ‘tp to town Friday evening.| te Toronto after spending some, time ong thos - Be one oe rien S| Mr. and Mrs, Thos ‘Tanner and fam with eg parents here. d were: Mrs. Davi an and Susie at}iiy 5 pene Sunday and Monday with 2G. Quickfall’s chopping mill Gowanstown: Misses “Tens 48-| friends in Poole. runs nae Thursday and F: and aie at Chas, Voll’s: Miss Barbara and Mrs Grabean Lavery dete | = be tots Tallest aunty Vollmer at Linwood: : Thuraday-tor thes home i Torneo spent Big Alex, Uiby ot Seaman a Dave Tanner. of Hamilton. call- Suan wih Miss Bila Quickfall is at present visiting his parents Mr. Lr. Dave Tanner. of Hamilton, call- |" "fies Edwards bas returned to MIll- and Mrs, Henry Isley. 4 nesday evening. bank after spending } hee holidays here Mr; and Mrs; Wim Smith ond tam"). ‘Miss Mary Connolly of St. Jos.| . Or. and nyder. spent ily of Litowel: Mr. and Mie’ Gea |eph'’s. Guelph. is spending a couple of gynday at Flo Canrohell- of Glenallen study. ot fr: [Mogks at her parental horas, Whe family reunion of Mr. and Mrs, us, Chas, Voll event Sunday at Mr | Ss, “au"Renahan returned bome| James Contes ss a0 incoresting = eat. iday aft di vent ofthe Ones as season when Miss Jessio, Keitfer_ of Gueloh, and Brey et spending the: tholidays| event of the Obrists ite af Cnn | ae net of Berlin. visited | "yy, Allingham made a business Charis Wesley. of Dul Ww. eee trip to Linwood on Saturday. undy. of Toronto, aa iiss soon e ee e Spent “New Mrs. Thos. Li Rack ck Hawkesville. algo the Mise- handsol ie home was pens ifully dec- fea fo: the occasio: the ree picn s of many ents. ack McMillan. "of Elmira. vis- ‘en so his (mother one, day we Mis. E. Rennie ‘is spensliiie a few weeks with her ‘brother W. Ty- ack. of Hawkesv' rs. W. Giese spent Sunday with Mrs. euce Here is a remedy that will cure your cold, Why waste time and mcn [ey experimenting when you can get Chamberlain’s Cough Remed a medicine of real merit. For sale ao all dealers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of James Coutts. late ofthe Village of Mil- erton. in ‘the County of Perth. Dagen Decease Notice is hereby given. pursuant t ith day of pial i by: Po: FARM FOR SALE. That ee et Jand known ag lot 14. con, 14. Ellice. containing 100 acres ee of cultivation. well fenced. well drained, drilled well ith water piped to house and stab- les. 10 actes good bush. 9 acres fall . good orchard. land railway — station. house. bank barn) abd strawshed 78x38 and 32x47. _ Good v e closed in yard. For ‘urther particulars apply to JOHN REIS. Jr.. Brunner. 4 FARM FOR SALE, That valunble Bani farm. consisting west half lot 11. con. 2. of the town- of Morningt containing 100 "e: arm is erected a bai supplied in hou: need. is fi 2 miles from Milver ther Most ‘divece connection for April 1st gailing is 2 eceta, (of, Brita from-St, Tohs Rate for Entire Cees $639, 10 Exclusive of maintenance between ar- varticulars address Box 170. Stiiver- ton. Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. {n the matter of the Estate of Char- fes Schluetter. late of the Township of Wellesley. in the Koad of Wat- erloo. Gentleman. Dee! otice is hereby given in es ee . 26. aut ‘Henry. Schluetier. Linwoo Ox or before the ist day | of their pie ed full statement Ait ar) of ine claims and the nat’ the security if any. he! iy ies ae further ae notice fiat: whose aim or claims notice shall not have Seen received at the time of such dis- tribution. Dated at Linwood: this 7th day of January. A.D. lenry onesies Behluetter. etter. -Executors. Real Estate For Sale house Fulton attest and Brice $1450. in ten Coes Wellestey. 1 Ouse. oe bai Splendid new Soe and on corner 0! Pacific avenue. easy. Possession Lot 2 ee soars a the Bret Pignihes fake wnt immediately after the said ee ms of whose one T shall D. Wann “perso 222 ioe nto ste guest MAKE. THIS TEs | How to. Ton It Your Hair is Diseased. _ Even ie you aes a Juxuriand head know 0 nditi eptendia land 3-4 valle tenia Topping. | 500. security (if any)| — Sta “|s RAND TRUNK Svcrem CALIFORNIA sun AND ‘ THE SUNNY SOUTH | ‘The Grand Tronk Railway is the — most direct route from all points east through Canada via Chicago, Detroit ~ or Buffalo. a3 Only Double Track Track Route | Rround trip tourist tickets Boe “Terms | | 50 acres.| | Elma, AC- ion, al¥ in grass veniered Ae 1 sium itoh ents, Auitauleite h 1-2 Lot 13 Con, wee aanate 6 100 acres. : ie people ‘ull a-hair out of your_head. if the the root is white proves that When you want “a reliable medi oe oe Freate prom, ould ‘be weidet ‘ull the h eyeryoue on atment to try Rexall “t Spode New- Shaleerer ver eras and ss water.