H.M.SCHAEFER MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, ONTARIO “Ht Shines For All” $ WILLIAM K. LOTH MARRIAGE LICENSES MILVERTON, IssuER OF STRICTLY CONFIDENTIA~- ONTARIO Vol. XX—No. 28 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, January 16, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher F Metropolitan EEEELEEEEEELELEEEEEEDEEEEL Bank Head Office CAPITAL PAID U RESERVE FUND Bes “UNDIVIDED PROFITS DRAFTS and MONEY OR' : TORONTO $1,000,000.00 1,431,888.26 DERS Issued payable mesaaelae desired. The SAFEST y. of remitting money. See LEEEEEELEEEICE LEGS and CHEAPEST sieeeeeeteteees pol erton Branch: Cc. G, WALKER, Ma: ar ba ank Branch: J. H. ALLEMANG, Pro. Migr Dinar Branch: G. &, ZEIGLER, Wapeaee bbbbbeee FIRE, LIFE AND AGCIDENT I NSURANCGE Also some good Real Estate i around Milverton, Western Real Estate I have some choice Western Real Estate—good buying. n and : A. L. HARTMIER, NOTARY PUBLIC, (Over Bank of Hamilton) Milverton AT MOHR' FISH ! esos FISH Ss FRESH HERRING 15 15 per Ib... . FRESH WHITE FISH .30 10 .30 per doze FRESH WHITE HER- RING R per Ib... FRESH WATER HER- RING, salted, doz... RING SALT WATER HERRING per dozen .. DIGBY HERRING per Ib.. FRESH HALIBUT 15 BLOATE per Ib... . per half dozen. FRESH HERRING FRESH OYSTERS per quart FRESH WATER HER- FRESH WATER HER- ae) 25 3.50 9.95 per keg. per pai! HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE + 3 = 3 LOCAL NEWS ¢ + e 4 + Attend Engeland’s sale. itt: Geo. © Grouy: soens, Bumday jn i Matec sad Children’s Coat : ed. Engelant Sa Miss Eva vena: attending the rd. Sun- day with her sister. Mrs. E. A Murr Mitche! Miss L, Becker, of _ Berlin. isiting her aunt. Mrs, Ferran. of Temele Burn’ chmidt spent Sun- midt. of Milverton. On Wednesday afternoon of — las eee Mrs. alker Saecisheds mber of her friends at a thimble a. i Pane Blliott left on Hees ay r Wroxeter where she will spend a Se Ce ae Langford returned weeks with her sister. 3 r. Mitchell. Shs, Parker and daughter. Mary left on Tuesday for Woodstock where they will spend the remainder of the ena friends. n McFarlane. chief _archi- m Bridge W on Hamilton. is cere visiting other and other friends in melas: x Mis: licon of BE Sebringville. spent Thursday and Fri. | tt day as the guests of Mrs. F. Mr. R. D Ross. of Newton. has dis- his feed and seed business to who will . take beginning of pace about the Mar Dr. and ee Sloan. of South Porcu- pine, and Mr, Wm. Niles. of Clinton. nocompanied Mr, R. Hanna to fiege ore ibeclaet oe Eokesutinve tives days. Mr. Rumford. of Galt. arriy- ed at ‘ailyerton on Saturday evening and joined his wife ani fomily, a spent a ie thern States. 's Institute oe at Mill- J. G. Sole Agent for Coal Sonanak STANDARD ANTHRICITE HAMILTON ST. MARYS STOCK riage nounced. of Fl epee “Tenn only feegheer of Mr. and ingham. 0} Al- . to Dr. Sweeney. of which took place 7h. The annual meeting of the Bur © m8 ongregation will be held ts. ‘The dance given in Cook’s hall on vices of the Pastime club was a successful affair. There attendance of outside mucsts and very fa provide against a Day” is not the only better able to meet the that come your on re aouoone ao » Wher rteous, et possible ‘ Rainy reason for regular gives e feol- nm foot- ing and to take sivantare ne Sppetanities ue Bank of Hamil- for “ pos of coal as ou: ent banking ser- Is ‘We haven't had much heavy frost tT Hob -not engtial: to-avit, tie ‘iniera|a yote of “162 ; ° the ice. 21 a sail lant. stal law in the United new law com- es into effeot Oct. 1. A decision which will be of interest ti LeSueur, of Ott ‘papers he |t® local option communities was hand- has relating thereto must be return-|ed out by Judg: fe. of Ber- “iG. Li ‘oronto. a {lin upholding i fought case Se ae the Dulication newspaper adve: vf the famous and depart. jan’s life, ‘There will 1 Ukely. be appeal to a higher tie- | frate’s convi There is a Stiff race for the War- rom G is about 70 mil through a val vear. such 4 line di Tory course. ae observers of the struggle.—Goder: line is Carine ny ee tbat. athe CP. rtisement, pany in its appeal against te magis- ietion. contended bie ee advertising was not that the Solic- bsg ‘has been reported ‘at Sarnia that GP line ill spn be Halt #5 this et oderich. i fine vot the a shore. s by land. and wiaabie Teale son try. s|which is porns ee Tumored that the C. set aside ee appropriation fo construet CPR. ie present Another 3 splays which is to operate r. is also after a char- ee, and will yn Georgian latter ss Hee nt time was spe mn . Robt see “ of Hib- Miss Sarah Roney) and Mr. and M: Hugh ilton. of Seaforth. spent Mr. an Friday of Jast week witn Mrs. avidson. of Kuhryyille ny service (most acceptably. At the even- ing ‘service Miss Becker and Mr. = chinger ‘each sang a solo that wa much appreciated by the large con- aregation. st important matter sen new school board will haye to tenders will be called for without de- lay. If le the would like to hav | wiiinene, lectures pe in that church on ay. evening. Jan. 21st. This a is destriptive . |} of life in London will be illustrated with beautiful lime light views of that great cit; e lecture will also be interspersed. with illus- trated songs and recitations. Popular orice: to! : ing stolen property. It is to be si ei oped that when all the evi- ce comes that “Doe.” will be roved to and innocent as ia 2 the Mays chen a frolicked — and gamboIod about the streets 0° Milv.r- ton. Miss Leone ee whose mar- Mr. Ji e adh Place 22nd. by about torty Fat her friends when they social way.—Stratford Beacon. Monday when the following officers were appointed for fhe year 1913:— Jerk. W. D. Weir* treasurer. Wm Zimmermann: bac Spen- cer: auditors. J. O. Gro: L. Hlartmier ; chief of police and sanitary inspector. Wm. Hartmier; medical of- cer of health. Dr, P. L’ Tye; mem- ber board of health. H. M. Schaefer; J. E. Weir, members library board. J sch: caretaker. C. Griese day with ver consin. Miss Mary Soh: : bu week Tr coatina: n sonation last Thursday evening last under the aus- i was a good | that | bui column appears reports | be ames Douglas gee off announced, to tak turday the last day of the great nae at Engeland’s. MU coal Paennindh must be settled by es ist—J. familt: sale on Mill street. one of the best “ballding lots in town. Apply par Sale ‘Cheap=—t% barrel farmer's feed boiler. suesett Henry Schneuk- er. Milverto: Don't toreee to get ard Overcoats. Suits and Underwear it Engeland’s while the sale last: All accounts o to me must be ng settled by Peb. bth. -cither by cash mann ba: sano ymber |. B. Furniture Go. for pee RD who ¢: App 0 Planing Mill Co. Oudiveviun: of New. ‘am. burg’ a ‘he guest ‘of Dr. and Mrs, PLL. mn Thursday and: Friday last. Mr. Geo. Roe signed of his milk business to Mr. Hopf who com- teas last to serve Mr. Ror a customers. ‘Mr. Arthur Herp. of St. Catharines. writes; “I take great pleasure in en- bone you a dollar for the renewal {the Sun. It is always a weleome Sisitor.” M: L Opper and daughter. Ro:- ena after spending six week: Werton. and, Morning ton returhed to their home at Duf- ton. Eee on Tuesday last. Owing to the heavy expense recent- lv ilding oper- ations we are all accounts be seid by cash or note el ee Fel Zimmermann & ntion of He ta pee Toronto and Sy pees Bast returning. All outstanding accounts due Wim. r blacks: mithing aed Me us are kindly SRS owing above date and setts before save The people in the parad of oes, t withou it the con. master. very enjoy: ev snes oo peer Ee ght ‘at t ampbell.. mall hours 0} wl Shick a dainty lunch was served..— Stratford Beacon. ir. A. y. K.C.. M.P. Gee he Wallace Liberal-Conservative As- esday, at Gowan: town. verton. M another speak Joartionlarly: well att enthusias' ended and awvarnin, this regulation ‘will be prosecu’ akota. Pro! E he has discovered sel- are those aa forget their own Tal fish ends long enough and are libe enough in their ideas urage gvery public and private enterprise. who are ready with brain and purse to push every project caleulated to jld up a town or community as the foundation of its permanent success Help the town by boosting it abead and ent una eins good people to _ i cate therein. va majority ‘of 230 the Hoe ns has adopted the Trish Tomiaal ists. i Sir ion ichard ¥ SGartwright qavacated the ame plan in Can: rhe souiitors! Teport of Court Mil- yerton. No. 99. C.OF. was read in the lodg' a : ay. evening and showed the finances of the Court cers were installed fo SP. G. Smith; ©.R.. 8 Spencer; ves R, Boseas Zimmer- |. Weir; Treas .H. M. FS. Sahacker- “ahuo, A eee 18 ow. tora: Por. oe Sarkar D4 Tye; ‘Anditors. J. ©. Grosch. N McGuire. COUNTY COUNCIL 1874 see Beacon Old Fyles The Porth County Council for the vear 1874 is composed of the follow- hher the recipient of a granite- ware shower. The happy gathering {ing gentlemen; Reeves. Jas. ‘Trow. took place at the home of Miss Hoff- Easthope> L. Wil South man’s parents. Mrs. et e3 Hoffman. Sebringville. and a st enjoyable evening was spent in a a Es The village council reorganized on | dine! hope erford. ington; Sam Roe. Elm: W. Follis. Wallace: W. Btty. Logan R. i. Bain, Fullarton; J’ MeComnell. ‘Hibbert ; Be peates: Wal William tson. ices Sirationd; Ms Babb. Mitebell “Mer. Andrew MacBeth left last week} ™ a ance 33. =e MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the average per- ce 8 were given tled to .c. Second~ class nors. while 60 p.c, is considered ass according to the departmental orge Gernhaelder 77. Os- cenGucuttion (ak 6 Geen 6h Winnitred Grosch 64. Bertha Long- ire 63. Pearl Miller 58, Mary Lan: arlie Barr 98. Wilmot Bun- bert Ranney 48. Sadie Gropp Gertie “1—Gordon 61 Kom a 59. Wikot ede 55. Ger- Zimmen Carle Roe 1 Ae Grant Roe ow a low percent~ cess may be obtained at the final ex- aminations. N. R. Boyce. Principal Room IIL ber gent. required on eae and 60 per cent. on 359. Perey Meee Root, Ir over. pass 60 pe ors 70 Tuck- Gowing. R.“Bundsch ‘aul, J, Bundseho. G er Class—Honors, H. pokbelner. 3 Btn oe M. Hantiton . Thompson. P. Hants, >. Ranne W: Miter. J. SEE. 1. Peppler. Lenore Thompson. Teacher Pass: E Lucas. Room I Honors. 70 per cent. pass over 6) p.c la: ‘A—Honors. Beulab sippel ri gis at Bund- cho Cecil Dobson. Ryers Pfaff. Jack eee Harold Weir, Mer- dith Pr wa ne Department that some rs. vina Jacobs talers are selling cigarets from pack-| Beata Mohr. Frank Kelterborn. Will. ares which is a violation of Section] ig Schneuker. Pass. Roy Hoffman. 132 of the tobi and cigar regul: Class oo one Stewart Pug tions, which states that eigarets must | Gussie Gleeckman. Louis Schmidt. stamped | Fiore Berlner. Hoy ikin on roll S. Ada Beamer. Teacher. 1.0.0 F. INSTALLATION The ees new hall in was taxed to its utmost athered eeatbtion of officers. At the con- slusion of the routine business D. D. McFaddin and suite. of Mill- Tank took and in a very ef! cient manner installed ae followink ~ W Siiont aveeches wore delivered by being the sul 5 ce Paget and Grand y, ir. Geo, Guenther catering the wants of the members It is lerpeoted “that on Friday even- ing of this week the degree team. silver Star will exemplify the initiat- ory fe r three | candidates. LATE PETER MeDOUGALL the funeral of the late Peter Me- Dou; ad death occurred at oveaine for appe! late pesidanos on service at the has i St. ig ee of “Odaetiowshit mechanical inting office very Iporalas ia in es ye during bis residen we parties in account with ciate RLS to’ kind- ly call and make settlements. We 1 48. aveeee attend- t bject for much favorable Se £ the charge for an e) MILVERTON ¢ COUNCIL. iverton. ie 14th. ae p.m. Milverton Say IS t thi 5 eouncil chamber. Semis cit hee? ent. Reeve Miller presidin, Minuti of last re mplighter 55.00; grant to Sick Children's hospital. Toronto, 10.0) grant to library board 100.00, wed by Parker ded by Pieffer. that the rere apd souncillop ith the Milv erton “Light ae a about sear and Daniel Bellar at $150.00. The Talmage tender was accepte: zits Oa oS $6 gots Walton and insp the McDonald to purebasing the same if satisfac- that ee in By-law No. 153 a: Beeve poun' o H. B. Morphy. MP.. fo lel hist shat the taxes on ter before the proper authorities. es Salen ble raiamond: oi z pins and Moved by Park rings, Suddenly the ‘door of che at whereas the Dominion govern-| room opened and two men entered. ment haying purchased a site for 4) Both were over the lower office in Milverton, “sre. themum| part of the face with bandana hand- . | teipal ena of said village in session | ,erehiefs. The one was short and ssembled cca our wae ale inolined to be stout. the other slen- te et tall and spoke in a palpably resentative at Otta’ urge upon ciara voice. The tall man did : ie: Rost Ot fiee Department the des-| most of the talking. With loaded M, imi y ig the eonstruct-| revolvers pointed at gamblers, es office building aS/¢he tall man ordered t wk — to : sveedity 98 co aig eee e up against the wall. Then while une En oesou D. Weir. Cle’ | #2 small man ci m he went them all for everything they had in HOLLOW POTATOES oS During the past season there has been a go any complaints m2 ootato growers. that although the jeld has been good, many of the lar- ing The | ‘clerk was instructed to write WALTER WHALEY CHARGED WITH RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY, Winnipeg Free Press. Jan. 6. it which exemplifies wonderful patience act pace “hold-up” were not forthcom- The details of the affair are as fol- epee Bevan men were in an upstairs room in the hotel in ques- tion laying both poker and roulette. thelr possession in the way of money gest and finest tubers a und on cutting be hollow. This is an oc- is not un mon in this tigsue are a idly expand to their full size saint of ten: ing or rupture of sult, followed by deg: mae on anit! whiel condition is in sae main one nee to the securi a large yield, and st farmers rill Pott prefer to wth by Itivatio takes § tubers becoming "ho! PARCELS POS POST IN U. 8. in-their respective chairs; pas 5 Uncle Sam has begun the expel Siegners eRe G-JE | ment of 2 parcels post. With the in, coming is mai epte: oe rese © Suener Bicol commiale of practically all kinds up toa oe Con.. 0. Finkbeiner : R8.8..| aximum f fou rellaeed eight. N TLS. sat Wa |One of the first of these pa a8 NG. Kore Minkbeiner; LANG. N,A|# seb of dishes sent to the wife of the Bmmeroanns RSV. G. Cuchher. |S eset a coitn toga Oe LS.V GG. Jas Ranney;| tica cle ags : At ds. ah practical.use, howe ioe. we 208 been made of the op- portunity ft “upping parcels ,by post eae res fioiatng oh the hall) ‘stead of by express and ata greatly $700.00 have recently been expended. |™ ee ‘ost Se ee lnnameatode arcels pos! system in 1883, No par- was to exceed seven in ‘or to be more than three and ce weight was increased to elev leven pound par- cel being 64. * The aernlecy it system is not nec- ssarily an ae upon ress companies. It will probal ly be Boat . a tage of a CARD DE THANKS. Roe ade se Seas: Mr. his ee “business Geo. Hop! desires to tl : 0 so liberal ny ere Creek the eee eight yt A co1 same * “respestlly Baten | tor bis Sntaees need the money. admis: ~ | “Doe.” Whal 5 me story leaked ot © | ficulties and. that | bring ea \ allowed this Me ig ama s| the moment w1 & tract any attention from the o1 en reported to the investigated ibe we Tittle ‘ormation could they get t they sediee at first inelin-d to ae tea the tati this morning in con- latter” and the only that the old-up and «thus at. Craig is Belinea for “Doc,” thermore said ‘that ; ‘ ‘ : t @ his pets buzzing rumor had gained curreney Aneffort “ being ma and it is probable that such will Walter Regardii ing the “atbeat of ee says ;— Whaley. the Daily Provin imax wihotel een 00. . charged with peat the jewelry ion. he re: 1 Sshence he secured it, The robbery Decuirred at the hotel managed by Whaley. at the time. It ways n the vl nd ‘the anet Resmi of cash _-—————— NEVER ¢ ees IN : to get married?” sd aie you aie mat going | oe " fa here = I me 1 sso e happy im-law. Well OE ay ‘did fe want thank the ieee customers bu mn / Always’ Aaeest oe Sone & Lewis esires to ins Mr. eae that he he, as purehas- Attridge At Milverton. on Jan. 9,to|ed the barber. pool and tobacoo bust Abe Attridge. a} ness oe Sonceee i> ate nd solicit : ‘tauebler. piesa FNS Yani me, Patrons hereafter may 5 rest ee ‘of satisfactory tonsorial <iitena Engeland's sale. All Dry| work ae hae tment’ Goods and Clothing reduced. You} ~ ; Know what it means to have the| All catatanaiae aecoints inakek ie choice of our gigantic stock. Enge- settled either by cash 01 pte: on or land & Sons. re Feb, ist. Geo, ie * Goso