Milverton Sun, 16 Jan 1913, p. 2

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a The Milverton Sun VERY at Se MORNING a The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ir, $1; six months, 60 cents; three © acne 28 cents, te ad: Peace: Subscribere arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES neh. E Menccen ip peoieiroran < iaiertion ie four ance per Hine fe for each subsequent inser- on au be charged for all rane lent adver- a dvertisements without specific directions -will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- sordinzly. contract advertisements must bei in Ee aac os noon Monday. telephone orders will reeetve prompt attention: MALCOLM Mac’ Pablaher an. Propdietoe BusinessCards Dentistry. R, ERMAN, Dentist, Lic- wliai of pa | Surgery, and Mi ialty. above ite Bank at Haetion: Milan Medical. ¥. PARKER, P.L. TYE, M.D, DRS. PARKER & AVE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o’clock a. m.,and 2 to @ ‘clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. mn. R. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Waterloo St,, opposite | Phone 267. ng. Knox chad, Btratie rd. Legal! H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Rey ata Up ae aera Solicitor for Bank of Ha LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ereoen Offices: Listowel, Milverton ey to Lo: J C, MAKINS MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - Ontario FoR. “BLEWETT, K, CG, BARRISTER, “SOLICITOR NOTARY, ETC. Office : Gordon block, opposite post office STRATFORD, ONT. Veterinary. W. BARR, Veteri alert, peers Ontario Ver College, Toronto, al dia om Miomestiowiad animal Plinue or Diiete as peoeibily atiecter to Societies. Milverton, on oe ee ok, reth- ren always welcome, @ Guenther We M W. J, Zoeger, Secy. ©, 0. F., a Milverton, meete every second ae last Tuesday of evory mouth, at 8 o'clock, in their hall over Rothaermel & Son’s hardware store. Visiting brethren always welcome, G. Smith, C.R., N. —— Reo-See. a, Lodge,” No, ea, “aileron sabes, riday night ab Tao acim their Saifover Pople Dre Visiting ‘brostem always wnke Smigh, N.G.; 1. Ky ¥ Be Becy., G, A. Barth, R. Seey. nee Public. Notary Public, Auer iene ioene Gounty of Perth , Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills sar Mortgages drawn and Affidavits Village Clerk, Office inthe Weir block t the Bank of Hamilton, Hotels. SS alee ES EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John in a Prapeletaty bar. Race ina laryeaiabing: GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil! ‘ion ie . Ritter, Proprietor, - QUEENS jeea teas inonett tion for comm travellers ad | other ‘Two lag rooms, the choicest of Wines, La: quéreand Cigers at, the bar. warm stables. George F. Pauli, Provrietor: yn to Commercial es e bar: and. liquors Prop wea $1.50 per day. We. Wirt, Division Court No. 5—Milverton, Mornington, Bina, | che 68 to 72 SBaluzing inthe Ist concen. and east of lot 26 in concession 2 18 Tnelanive tiles, north of the 13th sthope, north of he 4th, June Oth, August 26th, W. ae ler! F ave Guonther, baile jistowel—Court days, Jan, 11, March 8th, May sth, Ju ith, Noy. 13th, Wm, | Bright, clerk. eles Seaburger, bailiff. | unt yur t— id Goanty. Court Bitings. with jury, at the Cont EBB st Sti tra jane June Tth, Dee, 10th at 2 o’el ay Coart Sittings Seitintejary = OnE Teen op Railway Time Fables Canadian Pacific lerioh Going’ west a.m rowel onth Solug north mn pam, 00 bay Bid nig: 28 a1-08 7: 28 jot threescore years and ten. W. J. HANLRY | inary Saigon Milverton, Ont. | eS INOTES AND COMMENTS If one believed all one read, one would arrive at the conclusion that no eae part of the community had its heart on nothing so much as on eee the Psalmist’s limit To alto- ‘gether there is no conceivable excess to lwhich some people will not resort. Since Sir George Birdwood attri- buted his successful pursuit of “senility” to a “certain playful deviltry of spirit, a ceaseless mili- taney, quite suffragettic,” all sorts of octogenarians and centenarians have been writing letters to the London Times. One correspondent boasts that his grandfather sus- tained life for 101 years by reading all the leading and special articles of that. paper. Other correspon- dents place their reliance on ‘“‘un- fired food,’’ eschew all flesh as they would the devil, sun themselyes ov the roofs in a state of nature, and otherwise court that inner harmony and balance of function which is supposed to spell longevity. Tt is a common saying that no- body clings to life like those who are about to lose it, and nobody ably sweet. But there is also a say- ing that he who would save his life | fo must first lose it, and to worry too much about life and health is to violate this precept. The rules of longevity are simple. They are | summed up in three words—moder- ation, exercise, philosophy. — A Viennese physician has come to the oi aeees that too much sleep causes disease more menacing to | life serts, come from the deposit of sub-|* stances that in waking hours are drained away from the organe in which they are deposited, unless} the person who sleeps much eats little. He believes brain workers! > do not need as much sleep as those who work hard with their muscles and that’ nervous aul fatigue. Are there any known laws about the relation of sleep to individual | {) |\well-being? From the varicty of seem that there adstone in his later | years is id to have slept thirt ‘to fourteen hours a day; Raison sleeps about five. Women are com- monly believed to need more sleep than men, but both men and wo- vary greatly in individual The only safe rule is for each of us to find out how much is AF needed for health and vigor, physi- ‘eal and mental. Generalizations “concerning sleep are misleading and mee sometimes dangerous. caer Sees UN'S RAYS PIERCE WATER. | Smooth Surface Acts Like Glass of oi-house. Bathers are familiar with the fact that water which is [eel i is apt to be warmer than thi ir. This i is ae: explain: a ore to the feats. which a heat rays being taken surface, while "he able or ight ‘S penetrate deep, Buch places até always, rich in animal life as compared w the waves and. eee ee is al ia pools,’ d ‘om. the other fjords aon i a al eich is covered oni at high ti the ast within ond bone aes water: to the faeee WHE? Gouks Fapinly debe the chill nights. a distance of a fathom or so orcctiy whe au y and pri temperature at the three fathoms or more Sieh eae me remirkibly Rone ex- ceeding 100 rees Pahrenkeh hie the aiKtace will fall to less decrees. This is because the “sortace javer prevents the es- of thorteoser warmth into the an aa. serving the same purpose s the glass roof of a hot-house. to effect, that is what such a pool ‘cies fl endure at all the EN at conditions pools get stocked L Pauonier x read Ch Lucille. —_———-* Carolyn—"‘T ean mind like a book.” can blame them, for life is undeni- Z than over-eating. Gall stones, | gravel and allied diseases, he as to : sopeeeely isti NV |ilustrates the voice INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JANUARY 19. .3. Golden text, John 8. 84. se 1. The serpent was more subtle—Crafty. The peculiar habits terious and supernatural. for this reason regarded as the em-| poate AB eae wisdom in a bad |v: narrative oe not Henley ide lentify the serpent with Satan. This nentiaeiece be- longs to a later period, appearing first in the Apocryphal Book Visd 2.. 24, ~ “Nevertheless through envy of the devil sane denth into the world: and they thi do hold of his find it Gon: versely the devil is in the New Tes- tament, though perhaps figurative ly, called “the old serpent’? (Rev. 12. 8), ‘he old serpent, he that is Satan, deceiv- called the Devil and’S er of the whole worl hae unto the woman- not ee s are sown in the oe of “the mone and she is ready a little later to hear without protest the bold denial of God’s command by Ee tempter. The woman said—She corrects the serpent in a way, showing ihat Adam, who had the command stricter than it RES enh command as given |to Adam said nothin shot not touching the fruit. er Jewish legend explains that in correcting the serpent’s misrepresentation lthe woman could not refrain from ja slight ex anger ation on her own ‘ hi nd nt. See niioreiaow the Spd pushed her hand against the tree; \she touched it, and, of course, no- tdi aia sure, ‘that ae can astebe en) thee Lest ye die—The common expla- |ation | s Jehovah's word, “For in thou , eatest thereof {thea Pat sural die” (Gen. 2. 17) RAG ERY eee No. 478, | views given to the world on this |is, that this expression is inteaded jf mean “become mortal’; per- [eee in the sense of not being per. mit ter his Sraureren to [eat Pat “the tree of life. thodox Jewish seston given an the Talmud is that with God ac lay is as a one sane dae actually ad aie when he was only nine hundred and thirty years. old, the threat was carried out consistently with ie nbpoded meaning. shall be as God, knowing go ood cad evil—The vempter holds out the hope of a great Boge to be secured by disobedience. ‘he iin mediate reward, adroitly though flacou eae forward, Sas sets out of sight the remoter penalty We note ne vhe suggestion of jealousy or envy on the part o contained in the tempter’s words. 8. hovah God g in the den—Both the name and the 8 STULTCROM EDIE are character- of the primitive narrative, of sahil our lesson passage forms a part. the garden is the home of Jeho: and, like some ae Jand- are er, he strolls in his gardén to en- joy the cooling Tera AR itis ores ing hour. The man and woman in this imagery are Jehovah’s sery- ants, appointed to care for his gar len The suggestion that Tis dia not know where Adam w. in keeping with the cae nee pomorphism of the the deeper religious significance of the narrative Jehovah’s question of conscience which, after every sin, challenges the man who seeks to deceive him- self and others concerning his wrongdoing. 10. IT was afraid, because I was. naked—The man tells only a half truth in his continued attempt to diesen ence, the Se ee 1—The man’s ar showed that he possessed nowledge, such as could only have come to him from eating of the forbidden tree. 12. The woman whom thou gayest —The implication is that the man neces Jehovah himself to blame. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY cr nac! Lesson UI.—Man’s first sin, Gen. of |her ;\errant. lover, f God} make the narrative. In}domen. 24. Chenin ae the Old Testa- me: e cherubim us two cherubim gua: my merey-seat, ible dwelling place on 25. 18-22), ere Sam. . 4; Ezek. 1. 95 aU 1; Psa. 18. 10. QUEEN Rainn TACT. In the bright days of her reign at Buckingham Palace it came to the knowledge of Queen Alexandra fhe some years been in 1 Ber- had suffered Hie eerie affair of the Queen lecaudee sent for the girl, and after learning all al the matter, consoled her. a ae ae aundceae: for a ange. Then her Majesty summoned the who also held a mestic position in the Palac: a kindly and tactful homily. Alexandra, with humorous sent. the young man also to Sand- Hing ae tly thereafter the couple | coal Pe eal to town, and there was a wedding sequel, with the Royal blessing. a Sak MUSICAL LEGS AND WIN How Katydids Fiddle and Seven- teen-Year Locusts Drum, Many of the little folks of field and forest have fine musical instru- ments and play them Diehy and Ho for three or four months ef the year. The ee grasshop- pe! id, is the leader of the band. He has two sets of wings, the outer ones used for flying, the inner is fastened a set of strong veins. hi g- common little green grass- His he uses his hind leg for this leg is a tte af little beadlike | Tumps, from each of which se a songs thrill out on the anne air. His poor little mate tries to In the imagery of the ere sam sacar ars fiddler is the cricket. His is loud and shrill. One cae ay wer or by. day, is his rule. He ef boat known to change his ae ied the clouds eee the sun for a while in t me insects beat ue drums Bie they want to make ee ee -year locust has ee fastened They are fixed firm and |} tight, and to each one is attached a strong uss which the insect ean tighten’ or relax at will. It makes a sound something like beat- ing on a tin pan and will drown out Sey. other musical note of the/a y- mmer “queer player is the death-watch beetle. He burrows into old wood, and makes a tap-tap- oh as he pushes along. © longicorn beetle 2 produces rating soo by. the See of his scaly y others. of our fairy ke fidends: cave musical iF seems yangements that make us think ol fiddles. In ae the violins of own use wer by these ttle faddiers of nature. man seeks to evade responsibility for discbadistiee and shifts the in turn the: ser- upon hi is expelled fr: religious teaching these verses omitted from slag prnted text is in striking harm with what we i eaest ‘kien concerning the relationship between sin’ and rrow, between disregard of the iy? y and individual and 2, As ane of us—An emphasis pn ee Even so man still blames God and the ~ existing order of Why Called Infiuenza. things for his own sh i Inf Miocene iaine ton aad 1BS1. Like her husband, the wo-| tata noel messing influence, It was thus entitled by the Italians in the seventeenth century. because i ase to the ess hi Bee as far baa as the four- teenth century, there being records of its appearance in France in 1311 mn i A Little ee “T don’t profess t much,” remarked the en Shae “but. se atat “mani s likeness 2 aud choice. $2 ee dinsovers ed ee ancthing war he just hie you paid. for it.” probably suggested | to a | all would be well in Vervan. ‘|“Put y: “FROM BOWE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. le What is Going on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Motherwell Town Council pur- pose to purchase the local gas works, ee station to cost $4,- 250, is to be erected at Clarkston. Scottish ironworkers wages have been increased by five per cent. The Scottish mines at Glasgow have decided to contest six Scottish seats at the next election. In Eyemouth the places must be closed all and at ten p.m. on other da: Mary Beunst or Penman, the old- est female miner in Scotland, has died at Lochgelly in her 92nd year. Dundee and Aberdeen are to com- bine on urging the extension of their senaes of underground tele- graph cables. rough a fire in Johnstone’s caravan at Coatbridge the other day, a six months’ old child was trightdally burned. By eath of James Anderson, bake, ‘Bunforntne one of the old: 5 + known residents has undays, pe Ray rv people in Crieff have been coud with the annual gift of coal, ee by the late ex-pro- vost Mac! The new Didee at Portnacraig will not be re: one for use until spring on account of delay in get- ting the ppndonk fone The amount of money Macduff town council haye now on hand, received as their eee of the rent of Duff House, is $2, Nearly $300 worth of ney ran to waste as the result of a collision between a cable car me a lorry in Leith Walk, Edinburgh. causing great color is sealin, Many villagers in Braehead have again received from Mr, Janes Wil- ea of Westsi Eyoos; a cart ol a. winter’s see Hutchinson, Pai New- haven, was killed by falling from the roof of a tenement at. Street, a distance of about eae feet. The other day an insured parcel | th containing about $400 w. sent from Dundee to Perth by rail, dis- appeared, and so did one of the porters. a motor mail service, but rock and Kilburne are to be left ui The Edinburgh police have been notified of furtl nection with posto! pillar boxes | in the ci A Stine of letters | were damaged. ‘A new coal pit belonging to the Glengarnock Iron and Steel Co. at eee has been eA, water lew accoun {number of fine hairs, When Mr: bee of 10,395 were ©} Graseboppet duws We Oe eet nave evn Gounell will pur. fa and forth over his wings his love | o1.ase the remainder of the Moat)! ae by the Duke of Be Hane At Coatbridge, plans were {| Co erection of a new school at ae cor- i to be seen in the small Village of Yoon in the southern part of the county. On each side of the main ee ing to a writer in the W were built with the object ot keep- ing theadevil out of the vi ore than a hundred seas ago ve bee ough. uri ‘iously > Te: spite of all us aeteay make his parishioners gi eeems that the village folk did as improve very vapldlys and he de- cided that eee must be done tected by their crosses, it was U that the Evil One would not care to enter’ the village and eee Whe- ther th 's hopes were realized it is unfortunately impos- e houses stand eee ee An Anatomical Fact. ae a ae boy, aie a out, please.’ The fete eeiandes the tip of | at his tongue. 3; “No, no; put zt sale out. “TI can’t. doctor.” the d trossed oe 5 Ps fa scenes on to me.”” refreshment |¢ 1S = pe The postal authorities at Beith, Dalry, Iiwinniog, ete., are to have | PE Glengar- | co foot her onieanes in con- | In ts be the num- rhe Dean Se ee sae r the Divorce Courts of their 0 - | nificant Making ae ye not that I must be about Father’s' business Laake 3 49: rned to Nazareth and be: rpenter. us ot of the Father’s pines as something remote from and foreign to our daily task—to he about God’s usinesq means to desert one’s home and homely occupation to go as a missionary to China. Doubt- less that is God’s business, but it is just as ie that the caryenter, the miner, the merchant and tke a) pray, “ bread,” but experience proves that God does ‘not, in answer to pi Ye ae cae dade jes * bread. comes it arrives along the channels of ordinary Industry and Commerce. Not long ago a charity worker oe a family in great dis- ress, a sick SOE hungry chil- ao n, a dise man out of Whence came the bread? om the neighboring _ bakery. Whee did the baker obtain the necessary flour! From mills. And where did the mills ob- rain was only the ‘ey link in the chain. If one link een missing the hungry family "Gould Yet Haver Week fed 7k charity worker was about the fathers business it is. GOD’S BUSINESS AND OURS The Most Important Task of the Father is th® the flour} have of Men ‘ equally apparent that the farmer, the miller and the baker were aboud . : 4 His business also. new year resolution that one can make is that he will per- form his work in the world as a member of a co-operative sommmnda? wealth oxaglly as aS he had bee! commissioned to that task by the issi Almighty Himself. “A servant with this clause aoe ea siaees is for Thy _ Who room Lawatt Makes that and th’ action fine.’* So Jesus for twenty years became % an Je oe became a 4 fect man by firs Being a on Carpenter. * Livingstone became a great mission- It is a mistake to say that man. is making man. You are raw material out of which a man is 4 worthy task and perform it with might and main.—Rev. Dr. Frank Oliver Hall. TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE INTERESTING BITS OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. A Notable Judge—Wages of Girls—Some ine Positions—-Agitation Divorce Court. is no more picturesque figure in Boroute than ae Morgan, one of, the ge Morgan is noved for three things: wie itivatinan of heart, his earelesaness ‘of conventions and hi on awyers defending persons acct eorts of offences know his peculiarity leave no stone unturned to eft ca ed ome, before 0 |The language he us re graphic six ded. Ken- tence, if you were being dealt with in gnottion place, ‘which ‘shall el he will aD merey with a obiect, should hot prove to be ‘worthy and anfomansterms to. some back rege agers His Informal Courts. Morgan does not believe much in ue trappings of courte. He will often re- ceive lawyers on business bent in his oF a mm and like as not ee me eir ory in ee Sante organ has held his_present po- a He laem ‘of the few Canadian in the British West Indies, ahaiie ‘his carly the plantations there, Quer 30 "neo hie who wag an Auglt- can clerj mame Wy Oauela one act tled in Barrie.” Judge Morgan ii! to Fe editor of the Barrie Herald, and on occ sion ran the hand press. law ‘claimed im, however. Before his, appointment se A Girl's Living Wage. TO KEEP THE DEVIL OUT.” | sero are cisoussions from xime to time pass fe phet og spn snles 3 oe Sey sen Soe : . Binls living away from hom oronto Curious Scheme of English Parson Some employers mean hie. mat the reonal responsibility on this to Make People Good, Batter While th ie an attitude that | i at it is undoul ly true it Some of the more out-of-the-way |i great number of gists trom. the coun parts of Cornwall gland, can | try livia in, boarding houses, in Zoronto f . af a arely ‘ing ou! offer many singular sights to 1] me of the loading employers of labor er week ab the lowest a ; Sag seis self-respect, Hitachi ie, jaite ee thas even $6.00 eo hot. act ally wage.\ It may ais eet alone on for a give: ut ake 0 pro: Vision, er "omereeu nelos or. sickness. ven tat nerdenee & Sout ting of the pen: nares that is not popular in thie day or fete tion. ums for Capable Ones. girls % keen, demani sexe mental. capacities to do shat, 15 somite to be almost inaustry. Divorce Court Proposed. . F. B. Johnston, K.C., by his ad. Johns: silnation only the Tich can air. hich, like ot * propery Tafsput een 3 ‘aver: i Gonteter: Stien only some 2 see eras granted by P: out of the wmmelice provine: that, one of these Prince Edi is | bwo e which to think it over. a "|have a trick which is far too g hotel sit or ,|throngh Ceylon was the mest of & " a an exchange. ‘To. over L was startled by hearing the fe sobavatralae. ae ed | prefer milk to ephes else. As & Mr. certain death, we a sat like sta- “he sitggeation for the cae t oni spectin | Parliament more have been secured from Toronto. than from all the rest of the matte: UNABLE TO SLEEP. Till Conjurer ae Woman How 4 Trick Is Done. Every eonjurer knows that, in pees is so puzzling that m the audience are pee the loudest applause. immediately it is ended, atv folk in the audience to bogey their ap- preciation “ot what they seen until’ they have had a biti 22 ot say that they always arrive for one individual member of the I recall such a trick. It average good trick with a and quite unconscious of the fact that { the trick had been much too a woman in the posienes taught conjuring. particulars about my fee, the ae it would take to learn, and so 01 stuttered out thas tl by my slate trick, which she seen three evenings before, that she ot heen able to see; and health would be seriously sajuiet if she did not know the secret that trick; she could think of noth- ing else. satisfied the woman’ oes and in so doing earn her husband’s gratitude, a, od COBRA COMES AS A GUEST. — Woman Saves Her Life by Rare Presence of Mind. Englishman in travelling ard official of 'Ttincomalie, “The dinner was excellent,’* he says, “‘but when it was about half — wife of my host tell the native ser- vant to place a bowl of milk on & knew at once there was a 6n: somewhere in the roo! hasty movement’ might have meant tues; but, for “all that my eyes were ie ae = “This inc ost of ising is Bometting. terrible, b said the young

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