oc would ask our numerous cus- tomers and friends not to spend all their money until we get finished, when we will put on our Winter Sale. Re- member that when we put on a sale we do not only cut prices a them Good and. Deep. kindly wait until our Great Sale, about the end of this month. Announcement later. Come in and settle your ac- have it sent by mail on Jan. 14th. All accounts are ready. Busy... E are very busy at our annual stock-taking and little, count if you do. not wish to k-Takin but we cut So H. M. SCHAEFER MILVERTON, ONT. Vonks cia watnercul pecpio AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A RELIABLE A thoroughly reliable concern would like to get in touch with someone’ well known in MILVERTON and district —someone who can follow up Bass and Sa ene a high-class must have someone who will not Teagan simply This is a permanent and highly profitable position for the right man. f H. W. McCURDY, 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. present a state facts. MAN IN MILVERTON PES Apply— JD (you PAY WHEN CURED mE ALL RISKS 7 SN Ciba he dw Noe Baca Sree §@~ NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT 3 of tt poretiomy Eee Gs ing Symptoms if dent ar d gloomy, 8 aed ode Ae pimples.on the fave, eyes sunken, hi Our New ence the brain becomes active, NERVOUS ee ee ey pomtcy sash SE gh ieglc ‘so that net Le ‘becomes bright, the face fi a clear; iy and tho morals Ph Sod sacmel syotenm are iniegraueee ne eae more vial waste from f earned dollars. We READER: i elie Books Free— oe Dow’ le quack end fabirs rob you YTHING. PRIVATE TE_ AND ited you, writ hate iiestaiad on ME TREATMENT. "The Golden My QUESTION LIST Fo} of your iD CONFIDENTIAL gant olaon Fre of Chras Garon PREOUES ns. KENNEDY & KENNEDY — Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich, EE see us pedents i Wi inde Medical Instit ment in ini “Windse ame "Ont. tute in Detroit Offices whichare; in business only. aires ait iene aa liane ‘DRS. KENREDY & KENNEDY, Winder, Ont ¥ TEMPLE IS DEDICATED SIKHS IN VICTORIA HAVE NOW A PLACE OF WORSHIP: | Simple, But Impressive Ceremony, Is the Basement Will Be a Room For Recreation. Sunday, Oct. 6, witnessed in PARE ‘an event which was to Anglo- people an occurrence of much inter- est. It was the dedication of a Hindu, or more properly speaking, a Sikh, temple for divine worship. By many persons the occasion would have been designated as the dedication of a “hea- perpetual of idolatry cate at vellanes soit ing the and to be condemned as a wor of darkness rather than light, says Walter W. Baer in ian Courier. 8 impressed tlie ‘conviction that “In-tny oa: irs he that feareth God and worketh aseepled of Victoria is ga Purposes, the whold established upon ent foundations. Upper Room" is the sanotuary, the of the fraildiie specifically. dedic an holy place. No pari Se ing rooms for the _Briest or minister, ished roughout for the! preparation of fori. The seat tary arrangements civie bylaws. There a IN MEMORTAM ie ey of 4 Amelia Duench. Lin. died Deo, 18th. 1912, aged is years We'll meet; nor greet no apiine: in t'me Oar. trien Sar estes words of chee: Our hearts in sorrow at for hér x her we knew To think het sisi a ond. should die, No more on carth to dwell sets that love the golden tints ‘And with them you have passed a And o’er your peaceful. silent dust ne ley ely flowers shall sweetly while’ ee oft will gather round safely watch your lonely tomb, Parents down with sorrow rise cheer up and banish’ grief; For. though you all are thus bereft The Lord will bring to you relief. Sisters ais ympebere weeping for the a Betore you low in palin Think at “the ohangeless here: en life is not a fleeting Spot eae Aneta thou hast passed from Passed safely to that far off land. Where sraiatans tobed in whiteshall A ponostul joyous. happy land. Yet cee we hope to meet thee. When the ee of life is fled Then te heaven with joy to greet thee Wihere no Fane ell ae is shed, A FRIEND. Linwood. Jan, 8th. 1913. THE LATE MRS, HAMILTON One of the oldest scttlers of _ the township of Mornington passed away advanced age of nearly 86 years nee a brief illness from la grippe on embe: thi ne Hamil daughter o ugh Walker. mmagh. Treland. and was born in 1827. In 1 d gam. recto Derrynoose. blessed ees a « fainily of ten children a is pe attachment to the throne and unconquerable conviction that hath made Ss sone flesh all thi has been sub- jected: aise Hindu women were present; sole remnant of the domestic mem- who had een denied the Bont ta Babe thelr wives into Canada. There was also an English woman, the wife of a prom- inent Hindu of Vancouve:, who had married the swarthy India, iio. adoringly. called himself her hus: er second marriage, and, oth if is a childle Nad ae | She declares —save for of belief or arti- cles of faith the Sikh religion approxi- must er, and they believe in the human ra nd up: rand to Mieheepp aie ct development—for ike most “Onenial peoples, they ‘or. worship. ei 07 y Tecognize a priesthood th @ priest exercises no hority over belief or conduct. He is fee et Iinister for the Te allows Whicticene tal Gear Spee sla He goltntcers hinge Viees and receives no official stipend salary. “There are adaptations of Methodist se a 2 the eitobelioe Oh she fers Botta! Ge the seaunluy of oil icone e the sacrament. They have, als, much resembling the “Methodist. “fellowship meeting,” ich — e of the Friends or Quakers — those “whou the spirit moves” exhort, testify or pray. These Breeticos are not, traceable to e tie Ut is for th ation of their erected te mples in British Colinitia y being determined to fet their rath Eirspities (ncn tao warkt Tees do, not antend to hang their harps up- lime Cane ratirisetily ask rE cai oe sing the songs of Zion ina strange land?” HESSON. at Frank Kieffer made a business to Sear on Thursday. we from rely took in the Mr. Edward St Spa inler left for Wat erloo Monday where he has Beoared @ position. ir. J. Morn. of Goderich. has engaged as ane nfor the separate oe a a “B,Do wn Eee et ‘ie Eda ilies Spent Sunday a nee Pa been on the Eni ooveri and aire rant oe St Clem- Mrs. ‘fd. ents. called at the home of Helm. z y the Sth 1847. Mr. and ef a ge go themselves with _ Methodidl loved by all. funeral took place ta the Carthage Methodist ceme: Bh conducted under a pro! Rev. J. W oemeane te Be BS Eon e® and. Christian qualities and said ‘that ber life was Saiktete The - pall- of 30 children and ne a grand- mother of eight child Here is a remedy that will — cure your co! waste time and mon ey experimenting when you can get aration that has won a world- all dealers. WARIBU BURG. School re- pened last Tuesday with gville yw: Le ry had a peciperais quantity je tend the mar’ red. Harlott and Charle: ote. South where de colored baat ree. Waissed Maggie and Bessie Arthur, of Kalvin. Rove county. are visit- ing fri a, Mise Meniaie Div. “s Ce present visting finde “the paren- roof. It is 16 years sinee Miss Dill rrere ar, Braydon Henry of Cargill. re- wed acquaintances here last wee MiBliss Sarah Riehl Bee. des week visiting friends in Mil Clarence Otto left last week tor Berlin where he intends spend- ing the winter. Rey. Mr. Pherril, of Sebringville called on some of his econo natae Fruithill last Priday. Mrs. A. R. Tabor. of Crider, Mo hi ith sick head- atten: isp land's sale. Goods ‘and Clothing reduced. know aha ei to hav choice of our gigantic stock. Enge- & Sons, ane | ine 2 years old, SILVER WEDDING One of those happy events which d not regularly occur took place at the lence of ‘Mr. Mrs. Hen: onnenberg. Gf the 16th con, en celebrated the 25t! eir wedding. etween and ipee and fifty guests had been ited a large percentage put in their appearance These were treated to a sumptuous -—repast of oysters fowl ete, After dinner was ‘served oe all present Sid cane anole gue ice to the go ings provid ed Rev. rgusson. of Monkton. being presentt. called the happy gath- sclnen “Wedding.” twenty-five en esents were numerous an araterally acknowledged by the reci- roved beyond a doubt bay renee For twnety-five hie they haye traveled toget! So the changes of the world and er. Int the “oatheey oy medias true; May es to e be many and With aie sss of heaven ever oresent. As touether they journey through. If your children are subject to at- watch for the first may be warded off. For sale by all FOR SALE s Bull. com- Apply pd A black ‘Abendeonk: “A Pedigreed. «0 CHAS. LOHR. Milverton. LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Will pay highest cash prica for all kinds of live poultry ‘also unsalted butter. 8, GLEECKMAN. Milverton. July 17—tf 1 west half lot 11. con. 2. of i a medicine of real merit. Wie sale as if FARM FOR SALE. That paréel of Jan m as lot 14. ae 14. Ellice. ant ning acres in good state of cultivation: ce ell Heston well drained, drilled well closed in dase ae further particulars apply to & 3 REIS. Jr.. Brunner: Ont ey FARM FOR SALE. That valuable farm consisting of the town- iy Morningtor containing 100 ares, On the farm is erected a ban arn. hay and idtiving shed. pig pen and large cement silo. house is f brick and has large veneer kitch 22 woodshed. fa ee water is applied in y is well Tents is free and has a good orcha 3 es in grass nd 20 acres in hardwoot bush. miles from Milverton, For further particulars address Box 170. Milver- NOTICE TO CREDITORS {n the matter of the Estate of Char- fes Schluetter. late of the Township of Wellesley. in the County of Wat- erloo. Gentleman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given in pursuance a ny. held by them. the artes ioe eae 0 the claim: © S ° a1 8 g ES Be =f 3 3 $ Ey 5 z for the said assets or any part there- ff whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such dis- tribution. Dated at ieee this 7th day of musry. A.D. ee Chars Sehluetier, ry Schluetter. Exécutors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of James Coutts. late of the Village of Mil- verton. in the County of Perth. Drover. Deceased. — Notice fiereby fH given. pasaieny to . 26. See against the estate of the above 0 died on a Heinle 19th day of November. 942. send by post cs or ames. ; with full particulars of their ee a statement cir accoun us naturp:of the aesGrity Gf any) held. em. ‘And further itake notice that Iwill ae parties entitled theret rd ly to the claims of which J ice and that sets as the said estate or any part ereof 60 distributed to any person or pe of whose claims I shall not then have had notice, w. D. WEIR. Milve Dated the 4th day of January, ot PLEASANT EVENING AT GOTHAM. ensting ree arg «as. ete Samuel h anniversary | % ‘one hundred | 23% * | faction. Thevelcoted officer! fan th surnett. anager Mill President, PAP in agence Satya The annual syndicate miveting of the ‘Attor tha gassed Gotham threshing company was held in the dining ro ee ere" spent also to Mr, cial part of the business was trans | ert Hvmers for their good acted. their report ‘showing a very svor season's " Bring your butter and eggs. Enge- land & Sons, oe a As PE REE CP PONS Whe eR Nes PRES Pe oe he Pe aE EA I Bye Pere bE Star Town of Southern Alberta @man | angay | The Future Railway ; Centre | HY are the three Transcon- tinental Railways now con- structing no less than 300 locomo- : tives and 23,000 cars for use in the Canadian West? NOT on the strength of a boom? On the con- trary they are but endeavoring to keep abreast of the tremendous cur- rent of solid progress that is making the West fairly hum with prosperity. CARMANGAY, the heart of the finest spring wheat section in South- ern Alberta, is going to capture a big share of the railway development in Alberta. ; ' CARMANGAY is situated at the strategic point on the Little Bow River where all rail- ways attracted to this fertile district must cross, thus giving the town a tremendous advantage as a shipping point. CARMANGAY will handle more wheat than any other point in Southern Alberta, A mil- lion bushels from the 1911 crop went through Carmangay. Half as much again is a conserv- ative estimate for 1912. : CARMANGAY is the objective point of no less than four railway surveys to-day. Her four mammoth elevators are already unable to cope with the tremendous traffic of the dis- trict. Three new elevators are planned. CARMANGAY will not only be a great wheat centre, but is going to ship the immense out- put of first-class coal which underlies the entire district. : - Railway Development would alone en- sure the success of your invest- ment in Carmangay. But Carmangay does not depend upon rail- ways aloue for her expansion : To-day Carmangay is a thriving, -hustling, in- sorporated — municipal- ity, building for the fu- ture in brick and stone, of which they have their own materials. three places of business to-day. J Carmangay has one of the finest brick and stone schoolhouses in Western Canada. Carmangay has a pure Carmangay has fifty- © natural water supply. { ' A ; : : ‘ 4 The finzst residential lots in Carmangay ars in AlisViste Not a eukurb, but ins:de- property, but one block from Post-office and City Hal!. Lots are guaranteed high, dry and level. Tf you stop to realize the situation at Carman- gay to-day it would be simply a matter of how. many lots you would buy, at once, Our hand soniely illustrated . booklet tells the story. of 7 ath Carmangay, with facts, maps. and figures. : Cut out this coupon and sexd it to us to- day. Western Canada Real Estate Co. » Chas. Lehmann, Special Representative ) Branches t - g . Montreal MAIL COUPON TO-DAY. _ = tes Mosters: ane Real Fstzte Co. Hamilton Building, Tor >nto, Ontario. Ee tthosrt obit rr a, | yf tl ane Doo st. et sate papal