Milverton Sun, 30 Jan 1913, p. 1

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“St Shines Hur All.” Sun, Vol. XX—No. 30 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, January 30, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher PEELE LE EELEILE EEE EES Fs Metropolitan Bank evereyy LOCAL NEWS ty. EOTOTO CAPITAL PAID UP Head Office : RESERVE FUND AND “UNDIVIDED PROFITS DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS TORONTO 1,000,000.00 1,431,888.26 Milverton Branch: Fe whe whe ake ae a ae ae ae wf wf ak ake a af af whe Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST way of remitting money. ©. G, WALKER, Manager EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EE EEE EEE, " J. G. D. L. @ W. ST. MARYS SCRANTON LIME STANDARD Oo a KEPT IN ANTHRICITE STOCK HAMILTON Sole Agent for Septeepeeetes sess rs. F. W Thomas will ee op the vthied Friday of every m« Antirew: MucHeth pent sever: al ays. last week in Berlin and Wat- “his ypinale Mason. of Stratford. Benner eo. Pugh. of Kenosha. Wis. is'ting his mcther, M-s SE Wi iscxton e Club will in Cook's hall an the evening of Tuesday. Feb. 4th, igh load of young Reople from Gilvertans enioyed = elissiey sanlec oe catetde ge tana st. Messrs. R. Mill A, Beggs. ler, of Milverton, and of Morntnntan are this FISH! i (ERESH_AND SALTED AT MOHR’'S FRESH HERRING 15 15 15 .30 10 .30 per Ib. FRESH WHITE FISH per Se igeis Ben RESH HERRING FRESH apie HER- “RING perlb. FRESH WATER HER- RING, salted, do: SALT WATER HERRING jozen .. DIGBY HERRING Dried, per box. BLOATERS per half dozen... FRESH OYSTERS per quart ... FRESH WATER HER- RING per keg... FRESH WATER HER- RING per pail...... 3.50 2.25 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE weekcatcnriag bis meciuucqes ae Aen «ae heads off, Enge sounty cou + an js aed young people from the | Mr. leary Kelly ob Wellesley, ce | village were pleasantly entert»ined osed of a [the home of ‘Mr. and Mrs, Geo §.|% vel B yle aioney Mondiantons dn Mende y or tect enin; The population St. Paul’s congregation, Carluke, o! io Hendedgon which Rev. J. W Cameron. torcile pee is 260.436¢-an incre of North Mornington. is pastor. has |°Ve™ Pee be tion of a y just passed the best financial ycar| Re Campean. of Kir in its history been le tothe parish o: fr Chas, Hofferd. CPR. (coer |trolia while Rev. Fr. Hussey lat Buda: Se et tpruee ini trolia tias bee stationed at Kinkora is nother Weed. te 1s neoumpated and Mts, J A by his niece. little Miss Miss Mildre ‘1 jot, Glenallan anes 1 Hahn. of Berlin ent of their only dani E | and Mis. A “Hampel raturned| Hite Mr. DP" Merbert Ww ram. their: honeymoon an’ Saturday |bank. the ri A take place on even'ng and spent Sunday at January 2 i ome of the bride's parents Mr. and | Canada’s publ chelate Wan Mrs, Wm, Hartmie Booth: will talfe. the form of a terri- | A very pleasant evening spent | torial training oe e bi ted in fat the home-of Mr, and Mrs. @ Sch-| Toronto at. a cost 000. * chit e Mil rton Bipale wistc ee | Furniture Company. Lim- 1 erton. has been ineorpor- as O00. the by c. R. Honderien, A. Eydt. oe N i. Honderich Mr. W. J Dobson. ee at the jured ole ah necessitate a lay up ‘or some FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANGE Western Real Estate I oe some choice Western Real Estate—good buying. Also some good Real Estate in and around Milverton. A. L. HARTMIER, NOTARY PUBLIC, (Over Bank of Hamilton) Milverton Miss Nellie MacBeth Regina me east to attend the whole sale millinery ope Ee at Toronto is spending a week or two at e home of her brother. Mr. Maleolm MacBeth. of Milverton b A ox social will be. held by the League of Methodist iday evening. i m including a t Oity Line | tascho. e Gasol will e possession abou Man Mrs Connell will likely es up maatdenee Reserve and Undivided Profit ‘Total Assets Over .. HABIT OF is is not your HARNING power that will yea sure ees against the time when your earn- ing power will be reduced. A savings account at the bank of Hamil- ton would be a h efficient, attenti whether the account be large or small. Milverton Branch: R. J. Ranney, Manager in the later elp toward acquiring iis same courteo! all deppeitale SAVING: The ion is given to Box Social i In connection with Trinity Church, Elma, will be held in the Church Basement on Friday, Ev’g. Feb. 7th |: AT 7.45 P. M. GOOD MUSICAL PROGRAMME will be provided ALL WELCOME ! DAISIES BLOOMING IN- JANUARY Chesley Enterprise Me sane co ee ople coming central California. where the Sass frou been dest: ti RELIGIOUS HISTORY INTERESTS et Few find hureh history iets ing. Yet it is almost impossib! even the To tk i the Bark of flere fe most effective the world ever fation of faith. WW. ears decisions — ibether tak place gasoline will ne ‘retailed at % cents per gallon. i emay and uncertain aapely is piven'e as the caus Mr. yb ir was successful in ecuri e in the contest any farmer and many farmers con- templating cementing ‘stables are vis- g his placi tr and Mis. Ht Hasenpflug. Mr. Pfeffer. jr.. aOr Bienen noe Ered, Zimmermann, all of M ry. of Stratfor1. of Mildmay the funeral of the late Mes, Henry Roth.—Tavistock Gaze: ce close to our rence social and political life in Canada. as well as in Europe. that it is worth reading up and un- derstanding. as lived thing: ‘ ees Ottaw: va Free Press _A well known ‘Ottawa alderman de- was his testimony yeste: “HARRY LAUDER’S SACRIFICE Hamilton Spectator Harry Lauder. during bis present ys. hman has an unconseion- all powerful long: |= On Monday last Inspector Rev Hugh Fergusson of the Children’s Aid Society charged a Mornington wom. an before Police Magistrate Trim _of mewleot of her family and of permit te we a R flied ive eeoek Tae rol an! oe ig them oe ‘dle gn dissolute lines. He then eommait: ted the Sal ily-of four fo the care of the Children’s Aid Society. three to fifteen lead useful lives. . A meeting of the san brites eM Se pee Company was held i office on Fiiday Sat Th josses in mains are nearly all in con- nection with strect lights, The foll- owing officers’ were flected Yor 1912; week-end with her firiend | 5% | harmful— Bie disposal ofthe Minister of Inter-| and m: pte ‘that Mr. “Li ptables are said to bea model. for | 23st. eS. w Yanted by John Ebersol. Mil vemaree Foams, $8 Sent: ort Alsi St, nada porsnip read i . granulated sugar for St a su 00 wort eh td eae Pee ec on Mill street. one of the pert building Tots in town. Apply Roe es person ‘wanting coarse sali salt should leave their orders vith hn Fewings. Mil So far we Hay: benaee winter with no big Storms such as we exper: enced last winter. Wan sitleate STH eH BEBE bus a N. Planing — 2 Save friends of Mr. Geo. w in be glad to ne Pie he hae utlts recovered, from his recent oper- Superior Herring. pri per ditorsbip of Mr As Harriston town it will Bi in six minutes flat.— arket’is de idealy flat ae te sneeae time. Ow. ely and “Merehant of Ber! dignant- over the f w wresal they have is ineffective or Dowltavely ae will place his remedy at re Weir, acting for the ete loc 1} option interests. has asked t! a re: sherofit ea lawsa wit! town. pieture show was atineod inthe town shell 6 Ww Sago a is interfered ith the revenue of his show that night. However. this is not the cause of complaint. He pays a prov- incial license and claims ithat he should protect and further tha the whéle outfit was not fireproof and that the constable hadi no right to allow it in the town hall.—Wiar- ton see was ourrent in Hamilton the G.LR eS move its shops. Hare Stratford to t a EF 3 & 2 s ee a: eS 3 cs in ity where it is reported to have bought a large block of land. It been. stated several tim th: the company has bg plans regarding Hamilton. and it is believed tl shange in offici made — recently marks the beginning of other impor- tant hanes nnual meeting of the Welles- Chalm: pellineer directors. her aes ihelm. D. H_ Ke’ Ny. Ww. ore fata ‘Ga um Geo Zirn. Hurh Motariet. eipel. John Dab- xr. Arthur Freeborn. Frank Adams. - Sues J. vets John H ‘Berg. J. ve Se tch. F. A, Hammond ank Jas. Mr. FecgEr: Ketening officer. de- clared the Io “law in K'n- cardine search by one and ‘two-fifth votes. is a dicappoint- pene ts ccbeindd npaee and the chan- ly cast may be thrown Mathes President. Malcolm M: a el th; vice-| Raid along the 8 awrence borde’ president. ‘inkbeiner: secre-|in 1866. Colonel Mathes he w: tary. ‘Weir; treasurer and onll- generally called was a man very po ecto 8. Whaley: ai ou Lodis| ular with all classes. was oe .|and unassuming. -|the old school and no one ay have at a Scotc! able love of siller' taker of plan’ nt, J. G. Grosch were ‘appointed auditors been more squrteous, or ‘kin manner... th =A eae Ww. he hasa cers fini Pros tists aniaber shipment of Lake 50 | were: Reev ing to the mild w:nter. yrosucts | sti Another car potatoes expected about Thursday. Jan. 30th. at Mohr’: All 1912 accounts must be settled before Feb. 15th. John = Fewi: ings. Millbank 3-2 20 Ibs. granulated See for st o qe See to a customs Coal sive for sale—base burner parlor cook. double heater. Cheap for cash. Engeland & Sons, Mrs. Carter. of Stratford, is at present spending a few mers wit oy cae: § Cooper, has been re give address on “The Model Wife”. delivered recently to the Millbank ladies Woman's Institute. nday evening next in the Methodist church and has con- sented to do so. All welcome. Wall have. car. salt Monday. Feb h 1 and rmers rhe Want iaalk anaala eal ou abe 1 $6.50 per salt. $6.00 Ibs, Fine salt barre: Piss ane ons. Reeve James Hill, of Mitchell, was on nesday, the council that co | Great Snaps on Suits ||. The balance of our Winter Suits consisting of Scotch Tweeds and Fancy Wor- steds, will be sold at 20 bent. DISCOUNT This ee will be good fro dan. 51 fe Feb. 15 AU No. 1 goods Don’t Miss This Opportunity V. R. BERLET Merchant Tailor LINWOOD MicPhevson Perret aretaker F. Branston; Gaol Surgeon, Di h. ord: “Audi W. Johnston and Hems MANY putes and education. Cana -oisiaes ay mone steadier AAS s and purple hills of j hid to mingle in the veins of many 4 ro: ne | Wi ballots by whieh process “oes ‘Megas sa we Provincial e German element in Canada’s c him as a -and: spite the fact that pees oe death of Sorieceeieed more in ns as citizens of that the Teuton blood—so st: by making Germany as well a he moves al P spokes man for this “Dominion, THE “RED HAND” OF ULSTER. stminster Gazette red hand. eee gules, s been duly Ulster—the leader of the ee that the first per- the land should be yal families, cheap by con- ps oF pean and what a ek a £0) pomrery Morhington. on Jan. ofthe | to Mr. .and Mrs. Wm” ‘Hymer. son, their re n. ‘foremost | Cm ‘rong f both Botan ‘ the place of ely visitation: When | t} tel The well-known armorial sign of church. eee Th | BETTER ib spite THAN, WARFARE 2 yu ww York Her: o1L) BANK, Miss Pearl Thomas. of Waterlon, visite d Miss Jean SEpug' last wee: Simon Muleahy. of Melville, . is visiting his mother, Mrs, P as, Lowrie. Toronto. spént the misfor- ae Morrison’s room Coghlin and Miss Hus- sar, of Atwood, spent Sunday at Mr, Geo. Coghlin’ Mr. . C.PR. agent at Mil- verton. called on frienda here on Sat= urday. Mrs. Martin Bich and A. Ament. of Listowel. vis wd BS Sunday a ne home of Mr. The League, ot the Methodist church xpect to entertain the Mil- verton and Glenallan Leagues ‘Thurs: day night. The debate Knox chure! subject. rybody welco: Winkler uhioped a ier ont of pe to Toronto om Monday. Mr. Sam Harron. shippe! toad of cattle to Montreal on Tuesiay orrison. of ine ne sister, Miss A. Morrison. The Women’s Institute met at the e of Mrs. A Big fins te! address on “The Model “Wite™ Seniehe MILVERTON BOY WINS DINSTIC. TION. Gordon Egbert baa) was born in Milverton about ago: al had the foundation of is education aid in the Milyerton public school s been wit & at Torou- ;|to University and recently carried off the Cecil ies scholarship. Sia eens Anson Erie Dicey. and oth- er famous juris Bel Egbert is just 21 years of age.’ THE CATHOLIC 6 onnsus OF fgets ‘The Catholic Dincsay ice 1913. compiled just. published and inal Bourne’s _ anthority. ishops. 3.- Britain Ss : 4'647.380; total for Great Brit rs reland there 8,242,670 Catholics. itish America has 9.195.916 Cath- . including ve iie in Canada. ustralia ae Brake ‘he aber ie Catholics in e Brit 2.968.814. an isareaae in_twelv ae BA of BBR. se successful year in the, history. of th the al revenue from me sources co-operation and rs and friend: of the congregation, Blenel HALEY Dated at, Milverton. eae ach, 1913 @ RU versiseriea: ent— 1 fa whip ee a tel Wales there are |j and pee: for Ji e1L ons Mo: attentively listened to and much eopree iated s, Jas Rutherford ave a “very ante re pting paper on “The Girl in the (Messrs, Hamiiton and Scott Coulter spent Tuesday evening with conutegitieiil authoring aren rmldeth the basomont of Grace church, A pro- gram was rendered enibers of the choir and éongregation. including s en A eae know so well ie cyl as usual in Grace church on Sunday. Sermon Subjects. “Char- ity’ and “Strong Men,”. Serylee Asb x | Wednesday. Feb. 5th. at 7.80pm. A. Y.P.A meets Monday ares Feb. BURNS Mr. James Harold Maize. of Fai tis: Nellie E. Dowd Spent ina week siting her sister. Mrs. Boyd. at Britton, Wat tsan pbene the week- r, John Moore's. Sears a severe illne: he annual report att North ‘Morn- church was held on Monday branches, After the business of the year had been reviewed luni ed social 't! enjoyed. ni r of people from this vic~ Pee ae tba at an interest- f at ‘ton on Saeueday. last chetaecn | the? teams of wton and a was 4-0 ie favor of ar the Bur: Says rd Bale and” Tere tor, his old hom fer a visit before returning to est. W. D. WEIN"! 5 SALE RFGISTER. tou ‘ x lord of the territory. en “the |The Catholic population of the w Tuesday Feb. 4—Farm stock. im: oats were nedring the shore two is estimated at 292,787,085, plements. hay grain and roots ies took the lead; in one of them thers —------— Gbrition B, Ropp, Lot 8. Con. Bt was an O'Neill. who. fearing that the BURNS CHURCH FINANCES 2 other boat would land first. seized a Pa eal sday. Feb, ae ce eri hatchet severed his left hand from| ‘The annual report of Burn’s church ay implements for Sm: ot the a and it forward on the | Milverton. was presented to the con-|2 Con. 5. Mornington. a land. Having thus touched the lary’|gregation at thei ui eting lasi eas: Feb. 7th—Farm ok os first. 0: founder of that Monday afternoon and the Presby-|implements for Peter Well nort fale which gave so many chieft-|terian people of Se Pate ‘reas | halt Lot 18, Con. 1. j- Mornington, 1 1 ans to Ulster. aaa whose blood son to rejoice. 191: s west of Hesso nts. beteete for Chas, Coot ‘Mornington. about one mile w of Hesson. ke b. oh Farm stock Wednesday. Fe pene as ington, one-mile west ray ‘Feb, 15th—Horse, buggy. Secunda Fe honsenold effects for eutter. To! pee ‘oss. New! Feb, —Farm “sto: ao ae ct nous effects cat st half Lot 2. Con. 1 Te Data vans an eae alf miles bree. of Peffers_ station. ; TAYEOR—DITINER sol mnized by 1 Very me

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