Milverton Sun, 30 Jan 1913, p. 5

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Pee es ea Cee ; Ltnwoon. JANUARY e friends of Mr. isk Callag- 4 é EF ay The Ontario _Baltvay Rot ine cuaes awe Senet ominee HA revise come up for consid- a SC ER Ss eration at he anprosghing session of + futies some months ago ieee the Legislat il health ds making excellent ‘The pi rinsina ‘hew provisions are. in gress towards thas y of ~ & ee ae friends i tae brief a follows ; é : Notwithstanding anything in ‘the 3 . act regarding telephone contracts the a a |e ard in d i the terms CUM Selatan et a e paeaepee gies ui|| OVERGOATING Boren tee excineva Ceapbl SUITING and i : SA : ‘ j a E areeh us TROUSERING Miedo site se me ~ you will be interes! in ihe typewriter of Comes to a Close fore the agreement or amalgamation : : lin, light touch. Set “She board may make opders in re-| | AnY,mit whois a lover of igen tas Geer a good tailor-made clothing : : on Saturda thi fie Binge: should investigate the-val- irman, All presen’ ork anne With the Monareh Typeroriter lighe touch | lay ide va : jin. online garstedee i ning’ and wish the lod isa matter of typebar mechanism, simplic- _ : bee eaten showing at bottom prices. tat nae ee ity, balance and a something of mie- : chanical men call a ea a lcrum. | B : epee ea di to thi friend: Carthags As the sale comes to close, cut- anpriear aia igied’ «fice (hay |e eaten Sateen ane mot th Williams spent other fact is, and it . a ae admitted by ¥ : week’s vacation with friends in New- : : ‘ : iden i ae Good selection to choose to other typewriter makers, that oe! ting becomes more acute to move protect. at its own expense, the pub- from. #8 oHon noe ‘Bliss Meliie Sehmurr spent a few : cue thee Ga Sede AL lic in respect to any highway oross- days last week with friends in Ber- T g goods. See We Boned tay eecconitie nthe JM Fleischhauer Mik Tone Friedman left on he a whiel Gaus Thursday for Brookiyn be operated until the board satisfies| | Suits from... $14.75 up E itself that this can be done without || Overcoats from $10.00 up ||. Mrs. Thos, Calder is visiting with Never mind the technica +h express goods may : é 2 like poor policy on our part, but te olleeled aad Ganched: J Gowan and Mrs. Seblocgel, of Any company or officer thereo? al- a lin. spent a few days of last nek we need the money and you may ; sportation of goods | ——— rile SEN ee omen Bios ROTA ne tet et abe WELLESLEY COUNCIL. eae eee acon il i a minumum fine > = need the goods. Another three Sate fone eee at tis Meyer Milling (Os: and’ nee mined ee iiae i L miet rganization on |his family and household effects into as a wonderfully light touch - : reeing. may r days ends the sale. ix the compensation f wi y-|Mr. Henry Pommer’s new residence eager 7 sent; Reeve. A ommer on the corner of Alfred and Pi tisk, 1: Bacoh:| ne Wm. Reid, 9¢ Toronts ‘spent — it has the iz thi k-end at Mr. Frank Bak other essential: After this week we will be too : oie eg ed by the 2 ata SEE sy : gc, dante a 2 - Koehle visible reraripe x Z a ye eit 1 to p.m. $1 75° O. Frey, di piieee te RENE busy with our spring shipments 7 Wi Finn, - ‘Mento ett spent Satday ts Wallestey. pitty Aes bo ae a > ES antin ; Aaron Ziegler.|° Mr and Mrs. Jo ‘Sh 1s 0 g to devote time to Winter Goods } 2 eee. ee oe Sew days of st Weck i et puleadid Mansa 4 uci ehneRs yee layed’ a|Sohott, do. 4.50; Henry siete, shov- ‘ fe or to special sales of them. Better ly game at Newton last Satur-|elling gravel, 2.50; Lette ite era ragatin ori es atm Send. je, illustrated 2 : : Ors Send apiken 3-100 Aeaere W Dr. MeEechern Keak provide for your immediate wants Wen Peet a eretae seen gag | ates Ba Drie ee r “01 vr} nt a few days of net week ee joini ie i Ss to bala fn and anticipate many of those for Piny octet ae or 842" D"Mekachorm. rant Lin rap ee Monarch Department . . . jan hour irited co) t woo! public lib: Hu it) i ent last week next winter—it will pay you. slaying good hockey. |Per, OP. Hekesril, #800; 7 He ee fee ; Remington Typewriter Company P. ummer. to aki eee hia ome be “LIMITED an icipal elections |wish hi D ase ish a speedy recovery. 144 Bay St. Toronto, Ont. For the balance of.our sale we will put out a lot of bargains not ; z ss ; Rave entire p678. ie members of the Epworth Dea- advertised in our last week’s ad. tion, A return mach will bs played |A- Bo cee se Thao Mew at) oe ee eo so ; at 2 than ACD. 3 af whe WHAT ABOUT YOUR at North poralng teat on Saturday af- p er uae : . . moon, Feb. ist, The following was : i + lund ing was. held. An enjoy- We certainly have barga ns gal- the litesup? Newtal=Goal. BR. Hein- ted with D. cade ate ran sue cover point. (# a to con- | Mr, Jas, MekKenty ot Berlin, spent ore. Bargains n ttempted at Wilber "Yost; 7 ates Davidson; [st fe : ai H ashin : ther Yes be Davidwons some vere 8 ie Sepia aaa MeDonlt left wing, [Bible Health. et, wecreese: peer e Aid of the Presbyter ouse urnishings? I A 2} r sl vs any sale before. Weal Se pe 8, Mabon ha Bydaw No. 87) the mameatvor ee, ee oe tn Teer eae : . Se Ast 3 ML Boully and W J) Hayes were ie ate ae: : inserted being the auditors for the|” 4 Henry Schluetter . Wath: centre, We i. Wandells left grad te re Le eee oe pent aunlay eae ome e th Haye you seen our big assortment of ing. H.W, Waddell; right wing, bsg AL = “@\latter’s parents at Bridgepor' : Be sure and call before the sale Elmer Watson. earetaler of the Towashio, Hall’ for ac W. J Beggs & Son. 0 BEDROOM, DININGROOM and ends or you will be sorry that you om DOcrOs omarion | ued by. tina ema [eEa f eS PARLOR SUITES, E re aero 8 . ‘ ille. tw ie i x % % ch Sickness Due to Bowl Dis-|adjourn to mect again at the Town-|4uotais stallion “Hi st. g ite. did not take advantage of the OD Se geet 2 oy [eilp Bally Orpenill ; ae “Boo Hen, inde oa bls peat . coJ ae a ebruary. 1913, at 10 o’c! mock cee s weve many bargains offered. A doctors's first question when consulted by a patient is. “are your WARThURG. _at the 8 We have exclusive control of ; Bai 2 W. J & Son a The recent mild ‘weather played s : vels, and! he re Pee Ye} containly deserving of credit for m ; id liver. and that this condition te Coneesions are pre Pare. pe importing into this seetion aie RUGS : and: LINOLEUMS . . 5 og Oe Donets ie deoaitteer ae tended the Opening of the new Lath: certain Chie eae and carry an immense assortment which will separ you re : t © “eran church in Sees on. Sunday 3 4 well to look over when making your selections, “THE BARGAIN STORE” a pelo rie dy for co HD Merwin Stinson of ee the paves: committee of — the ig Y' lec Bs Ebihis’ omits nse week epurebasing age < cs MILVERTON, - ONTARIO We are ge Mae toes fo ae atte pureed eee Be Baagh aad : se to re-| Tol ¥ for the sum of suageads 2 $ Ha shes" ad totter cre Ss 200% a arn, oF oe [Bate CREE ey DI te z SESE, satisfaction. "4 is % Linwood to st Shite ‘sand, Clinton v 4 nN and Undertaker | r Rexall Orderlies are eaten like oan-|{§ baying him trained and expects to Stratford. It is Wkely that the wo e ane, Milverton, Oat. tT | dy. : have aeooth-|""iir. red, Harloff sold a fine team on Sew Ci: Ce of geldings to. Mr. Harry “Ackersvil PEE Seg Yjer for $550, Alf Middlediteh also] Bh do noi . gripe. cause ; : flatulence, excessive looseness. diarrh- ia iyed 9515 for «neal span of geli-| mnie startling news reached, be oC same fore hat Mr a or other annoyin annoying effect Quite a number from ae attend: ‘ < : e ‘They ey ae AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A RELIABLE || s:c'sr'ftie ies" LM omen eee | | Vour New Harness iNeand Mr afi fot : ine Yaka eee , ‘ a Rexall Store—The Publio Drug Store Rie ehtece vit MAN IN MILVERTON MAWKESVILLE Mr ahd 1 ‘and 'D : : oc list . Siegler and J. Da mer. eee ie, oa Ne am. had harnessed one an Leave your next order for a Set ‘of Harries: fi A thoroughly reliable concern would like to get in touch |}|Forvell’s. ne . SU eager ss Price ta ess ° he yther ih ‘ with us. We have employed an experienced : a abe rs, mann ai ss Ey ea gh ener with someone well known in MILVERTON and district |}|Sugden visited at 'Waterloo'a eoupie| Sit W. B Krusp: has erg:ged Jno. cam Se utes “at aun man who has worked in the best shops in the —someone who:can follow up inquiries and intelli ] ote one ee aged had not re wend 6 the bot a country and understands the business thor- Higb-cke see oR te? intelligently Charles Basonbier, of Berlin.| 0 year with Mt. Ackersviller. 0! expeoted went out wh Svahly, In prices shee will find “us nee present a required— s Gadshitl a Mr ‘ Miz, Henry Dal has been eonfine i aut Reve someone who will not misrepresent—simply Geo: orwell intel es “as po his bed ‘for: the past yeas withita.| RAN ane Se pid Gable Sutter. of : A grippe. is a = Pa ‘ = Fs ad state facts, This is a permanent and highly profitable nae We are sorry to report that Mr. |Berlin. are a e ing “9 Repairing Dicmatly Ge : J so ee for the right man, Apply— fr fwell took in the Blmira~|Wm. Bunch is again confined to the eS Inbuch et ae Attended to : 0. Cc 5 | |[fBieston Bookey inate last“ Friday house with an abscess on the check: Nee a h. Test 0 ae Ot ce ea ee H, W. McCURDY, : iss Grace Markham. of Listowel.| - DORKING oof jis visiting under the parental. r _ 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. and Mrs, 8 Scherrer attendea|, Mz. Frank Allingham and daogh- aq ste at. Wost Montrose Inst Wed-| te.,Jessie. left on ‘Saturda ee nesday So fend the funeral, of the former's fath- Messis, L, Goodwin and F- Bulmer |& stained Send “alin ge of iB of ‘Wallenatein, spent Sunday evening | Fears ce ig atl oo oun ne Mr, and Coote. spent | iv Ee Hivey renewed old acquiain- z Dengesceae ee Tredey Wednesday and Thuray at Cross. : aS Agent Wanted for Milverton | WOULD POLICE THE ocRAN Sgicney te ser aaa Mr. Geo. Logal’s > Powel for “The Od Reliable” Me “oe Hat Call i ee Barl Givers left oa eter schioo . “ Nations can work together and it ae FONTHILL NURSERIES : is altogether likely ‘that ere Jong they | 8 pend 8 fexe oe Has eNve reacts one Pie tesa ae ona ei SSS SRE SRS ill work unitedly in vari $ a arsday Mr.|Mrs. Henry Ernst bu t hope ‘for 2 eee reas ers now being taken for spring delivery 1913, Prospects bright for und: : wi the ‘ nas “and |speedy convalescence : Z i ee he season's trate: ix very nation. and particu “getting as far as Mr.| . Misses Margaret eas “ana Dor. f Sy £2 tetas perience nantceneacys We tamtriietous snieeabe GSS ie sell rat Stocks in ; i = Pp. Doherty's fetore they were cap. | OOny bri nies 5 Snes he country and Ornamental Trees {in the tow: en a ey soratches’ no: eee love wi ee ee aie : : anne ae ‘Lavery lett on Satur- Atetvin in Norse = Wallenstein, Westy yage ‘ fe eri ota ae Mee OE ee day to spend a few days at Palmers. | spent Su Ae a , STONE & WELLINGTON, :: ‘ amavement Wil te bppoeel by. the hea pid” Mae? Wanker ani ‘ 008 ies. as ee will be Aaegelys put oo Ms ¥ : Beh? Wi earaieen ts ee a i of commission by the success of the|8T4 srry to lose them ne sae at wren witht Les, It oroposed international navy. Me P. <Gacikwrall aa Miss ars. 2 guests of oe EVANGELICAL, cHuReH eS Ber on ieee pestis Rev. A. D. cs Pastor, sae: ; is : te w wels regular?’ He knows of construction etka with ; : ae opening of ere ‘he bill was s z oH c romoted by Mr. H. B Morphy M oo es f grown up i “ roof, : Mr. Ivan Nurse spent ‘Monday ‘in, Quite a few in. the } promise key ea : Sie on ae d at ones. but it may take |e cigs r o inaugurate ie “Will the e for. the past" week | ee one railway. “companies. essay till enue, to} nold it ao fe eee “but they "sure ae aycnet the seventh concesi and gets possession iss

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