Milverton Sun, 30 Jan 1913, p. 7

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Adrianople Repudiated 2 he despatch from C ii ws: A crisis in Turkish affairs me on Thursday with dramatic it-brought to the top the revolutions of 1908 and 1909, + resigned, and Mahmoud |ing the ‘Cabinet resign am 43 Thureday Se Enver Bey Tal: ven “expt a ey ‘hat aa ce War and commander of the consti- ; army which enthroned ed V. as Sultan, was appoint- Grand Vizier. On Wednesady il, representing (AZIM PASHA IS KILLED rkish Government Overthrown and Cession of after lemonstration here on and But Nazim Pasha’s os ee fired from a window of the Porte at | ‘ee? tl _ the intellect and wealth of the na-/Tn spite of this tragedy there was HAPPENY THE GLOBS IN A NUTSHELL, {n General Before Your Rc Nazim Pasha, the ee War Eyes, The Grand Vizier, | Minister and commander the Cease and the Ottoman |Turkish army, was shot Sica dur- Toronto ney establish houses f. workingme katchewan was d: fire. Ses of heart failure on her way factory phe op O'Connor, of Pete THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH FROM ALL OVEB Canada, the Empire and the World The bine cee x Fort Sas- -d by 4 young Noreen: ae ee Miss B. Millured, of London, boro’ ied Thursday aoe at St. Scenke for to If ordered together. WISCONSIN INcui Box 239 Racine, wins. oR BOOSTING CANADA. Missionary Work in Britai A despatch from Winner says! Western Canadian: m- i each, aa CLAY BELT NOT ALL GOoD. Prof. Fernow’s Warning in an Address Before the Conservation Commission. Ad lespatch from Ottawa says: morning ean estry in the U That there is a widespread miscon- More Than 12,000 Canadians oe = t|which both the doultural and tree-growing zt could be theroughly well tested. They Do Not Agree. mission. ‘The chemical analysis of regarding the unfitness of eighteen of the more promising sells, he announced, shows several the northern Ontario lay bel tor them to be undesirable, and but|‘@7Mg,, White,» one up to the standard of a good | gnoitr ip Mey sae eign, lass virgin soil. Though these facts may | *P©! ten cat was up in that ae ‘of th: cow SS SS Sa sins SY f immigration, Mr ° i ly five or wix days fone: at the age of 75. - aa see all records for immigration | °f the country may be disappoint- robal all ‘ o uaeed Winger mthce ne: | Col elon” Amletant Postofies| Mh: He Es WHITTENRERGEE. eclipsed this year. Speaking on the ing, vet, stated Dr Fernow,. the | Ese alon the tna of perce tee roclamation ordering the vacci. | Inspector at lon, has ee ap-| Superintendent ee the Middle Di- immigration ‘outlook this year, he|@utlook for agmoultural develop. |” From that he goes nation of all persons resident in | Pointed to succeed Dr. ell. |vision, who has been appointed in viow of all the’ crgur | Ment is undoubtedly brig, but too Stead aha | | pronotoss judgment on Wnt US ee ve toch cSt Tamer’ © Methodist’ Chute. | Gonotal Superintendent over the| stances therefore we are justified in |*®®2guine expectations are being en- | 29,000,000 naked within seven years. 1 Montreal, will not fe aa. bak thal Womtara Gitar line, of the Grand | predicting a very considerable in- fertamed ond “should ‘be guanled | taqiMy font elle reces ee Noi Se che OR aah dhe Ee hae may be mov. corner |Trunk, including the Northern line. Jorease in the numbers of immi-|€ainst. Th some respects the re-| pon mMt Dut ee ee new eases have developed, and all|° the property. ——— + grants entering Canada this year|™Oval of timber from sections of conveyed an entirely erroneous im- Pees. Golndee Bandas A Selegation from Northern On- trom . Great’ Britain, Hurope, -the 6 Counbry: da * northern, Ontario) i valon “He Geen 4a samples stmo men whom tho popula lechools, hare boon ordered clown [Hi siked dn Government tox 0 |ELECTRIGITY QN THE FARM | zie western and ‘aster’ states [av have w sod cect mt mmance |Past, Ho soley to 18 amp J cighteon- mie AES Aare Th fact, look tot sie. largest yol| Ores fhe ebeut wall bathe evetie. | oan adeno che Galpin ‘samples which issing Centr. ume of Immigration this year that An intelligent direction of as Eva Booth on her initial miesting in’ Mas: TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE ght s BITS OF COSSIP FROM IB -OUEEN: OPEV: James Whitney al his word of commendation for Mise Booth a Vv: -m; Is the water supply In Deskiy ge Her’ Electric System on the Defe eee it Massey wall has beon agitated by the re: estion of whether water w! bir question one ea x The city audiences in the hollow OUR TRADE ¥ WITH BRITAIN. wont | Details of Canada’s Exports and is Imports for the Last Year, “gtion he te lake bettom, and therefor iissie| ‘The British Government's return destruct | of the trade of the United Kingdom ‘the | has just been issued. The follow- ing statistics have special interest for Canada, The total amount of wheat im- *|ported into the United Kin, to|during 1912 was 109,582,539 cwts. . acuareate eonten slits to, which tbe ed in 1912 was 6,800, value Sug 508, against 42,305 (£781, 436) ;|in 1911, and 78,691 (£1,449,781) in 1910. Canada last year sent 387, 41 ts. of bacot pe 1910 411,935 ewts., value reper Se a down hill fo altogether novel. Only 27 ewts. of Can: Miowever, learned professors, have eae ciy. their. heads over the prol Bret which they admi * figure corresponding pretty ciel to those of the two years previous. Miowe goa beste bring the ‘rater Fai tom the be weights of Scarboro into the o pome ‘way or other east be - f lanned salmon, 211,616 ewts. ES doubt the bile f maki , Sek. saece gchction a esiility ot making against 169,070 for 1911, aud 264,760 An Attack on the Hydro, ie 1910. y of ‘No little interest has nned lobsters are of ae Satie the attack made upon the. yds | iseist being 28,764 cwts. system of Ontario by a New York co1 for Newloundland, and cay ewts Buttes of luvestigation, bent wisere “last rear by the New ork Stat ature. a 788 from other countri F ‘ith 1 exception tthe at by the local eompeting corporations t ‘its ie the at t oriticism of Ontario's pet pub- lie own scheme, 200,000 from Sweden n the other aide the aseaunt: |The United Reaanie cai sey Hall during her recen Sir ee of | ony, A deputation of shipbuilders ask. ie Dominion jon against Great Brit Britain, 7 rd Roberts’ ost pSpeist ; will be married In Febru: woman cullrage 8 a British Commons. United 8 States. The United States despatched a mete pare! foree to protect foreigners in . Root attacked the Pan la sion regardi for further consideration powers, —_tr____ 1/Any Headache Cured, When You're Dull, Tired, Restles: Day and Night Something Is Wrong in the Stomach. Publishing nan pace th est Cure Is Hamilton's Pile. A Prominent Q pce never milton’s Pile, rowed for by the Ase! istant Manager of Buccess aeld, ., Mr. J. H, Callander, a ypemies help ba! stomach, feel strong and well. For Parsee indigestion and stomach disordere 1 Government tor British and United States competition and aid he by way of bonus or subsidy. stroy all prospects of carrying the in the Tired Systems Re-toned to those who uso and this fact 1 Beasts ot SUFIRE: | socks tonio on the Hoe elven and make ATTENTION OF SCIENCE. Keep Apace With Latest Knowledge. Probably fow of our industries have occupied 50 rt of the. scientists durin, past ne years as agric! This ie not Hur oece grape al V the ae ‘of the land consti- de- | tutes the sheet-anchor of prosperity | 2° of any nation, while, moreover, the § aki up till w 78 ie was mos snnvahive workm: established centuries ago. General. bring hom e farmer the use- didn Ras B Mexican rebels fired on United |ful eaonte O88 which eee ata aes . States troops patrolling the border. lecting—electricity, says Oham- Turkey di to abid bers’ Journ: A despatch from Cornwall says: vice by the powers, and cede Adria- merica ee are ae pa Tinsedey gril tae eat) employes dem she 6 Tag-room of rence alee reserving the Aegean ay commercial nstrati ibs [ee , ab Milles Boles way a8 An Itinerant Circus. A spacious’ canvas tent and a multitude of anical cer one and all dependent upon elec- ricity, are by powerful crane pate i place to place. s When the show reaches a promis- are working conditions. | machines may tiny motors to perform such opera- tions as pumping, driving thresh- ing-machines, wood-splitting, bone- e! ry : set in motion and stopped milked by slecrcat: devon with re ete., whizzing merrily seer by in the p: >» |paration of for dine purposes. Nota ee duty on the ident that the one prescription Ss Dr. ti ada, being oe a 5 farm is overlooked; electricity is “by. 2,406,388. gallons esa cana it ae dt Gace) |applionbla to all, cOntaide Glectal ES en ani y-driven trucks of all’ descrip- is nn abt 4 Diber United k Kingdom exports to | treat SAL isp aie haklinn mg | Home ine a male Hight van to a w ‘Ago, no, detailed ftuanelal al report has ‘been id_all organs connected with tho sto- ) own doing Tons, 1912. ‘made by the Hydro ic Commission. 4 Tons, Whence the peteswist 2,426 a Bee DOG | eal bare sail ceo “4 rere 8. 259 1 mould renence meas epee: [2 The value of the further exports x be allowed. for ‘depreciation of “the |inely ude nancial statemei 17, Linen piece goods, 346. 6,652 aterproof app’l. + 292,363 Rowell, leader | Glass & earthware. on, hae eis eh «| Writing paper . is | Printing paper 129,732 e Try This One. The Old Sry you = late this tim ld Man gic a new one —Why, I took Sozzle home from ie what made A special meeting of Council was held here on Thursday morning at which the health au- tion of Dr. Baumann, M.H.O. and Kingston, Canada. ——————_t§__—_ SMALLPOX IN. WATERLOO. “| Schools Are Closed and General Vaccination is Ordered. A despatch from Waterloo says: horities reported the exi The girl who is ambitior a name for herself pasa ends = accepting some mai club and = wife made me take hin back agai us as far as actual legislation is Typical Revivalist. “sa little fue but mith the epirit of her thang The woman who sticks to Hes hus- Fnor Bir Jolin Ha i th te like ie mi iin Gibson” introduced isa mend his w: ae ane Money Talks HE first pumierabiane when in- US Berlin. Doctor “as Placed It At the Dise| _ posal of Minister of the Interior from the bactenibiowinie with whom | ‘riedmann conducted some experi- ments twelve years a; Berlin, Ger- indi re in posses- tuberculosis serum, foes decid the Investor from 6 to 6 pei We oan offer high-class bonds in nations of $100, $600, and toed the small in Beers has the opportunity — it ta esha are Banks, Trust Companies and large investors. a ial be glad to eubmis par culars of certain issues which we | now have on hand. | ally ieee his serum, : ded to do so. place there is a small work- chon fal equipped with bench, an- ue and so on, such as may - pee upon any up-to-d: iso- lated farm, where repairs of all de- scriptions may be effec’ witl electricity as the sole source of a iNeE is the domestic side forgotte: The Farmer’s Wife is shown the w arduousness of ere labors in cook- sewing, The point ious machines require, 1e and simplicity of their control. The popularizing electricity. One American Sees ry is spending over $100,000 m this campaign ane Suse heouments res to , than pages of news- paper advertisements and acadamic diseussions. It “showing the ” to quote an American col- — ism, “‘on the spo faa anti Weddings in Leap_ Year. ne So far as returns have been made up leap year did ‘not swell the mar- riage statistics. are given for this, but those mostly peru A held to be the m4 Connie movement ; 3 ee employment a wo- men and the rise in the standai AGRICULTURE IS OCCUPYING The Farmer of To-day Is Eager to much attention ‘Ol ae content to follow the | ‘ead The soil has been vastly improved both by which tour the oornkey in Sie same we to lessen the the the movement has ever known.’ FIRE DRILL SAVED 20 20 LIVES. Girls Escaped From Fire in a Boarding School. A despatch from Montreal says: Some in their bare feet, all of them prominent families, pupils in Edgar pubis out in a hurry aigetly before o'clock. All got away without per- sonal harm, Bae very a was cal. to dietebute SI ee, DIAMONDS IN RAGS. ere eng: in their regular jon of sorting paper s across one lot which to the factory in ares oe go from New York. The able lan 8 | select boarding school of the ee Gram, ke Xi in experimental farm there by ation is needed, says Dr. per acre to prepare this land for farming, and therefore it is not cheap land. S8o far, besides Te : ai good returns. The southern slope of the clay belt, however, offers bet- ions. Many settlers will be misled into taking up unsuit- w recommended that it Sonia be well for ] ly and estab- have been b north country, _ i eevee Engle- hart and other districts ye oon- clusively the fertility of the soil.’” PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS SEPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADES CENTRES OF AMERICA 7 catia, vides Cheese is ore Produce at Hom 3, 900 onsale Wheat-No. 2 $30'to.$4o es car lots outside, ranging down to 700 for P Ontario Oate—No. 2 white, 330 to 340_at western points, 370 to 38c on track, To- Tonto. 1m Oate No. 20. W. onte, 411 track, Daria Nox BG, Ws, 400 foods anand pee ae Corn—American No. 3, all rail, Toronto, 660. ppene—No. 2, $1.18 to 61.20 car lots out i Buckwheat—No. 2,616 to 60. Bye-No, & Rolled Per bag of 9% pounds, e202! per aire, $4.70, wholesale, Wind- sor to Mont Barle) —ased ing, 63¢. to 650. iiitesd “Manitoba, gy co to, 820, in nes ck, Toronto; short dings, 626; Ontario bran, $15 to 820, 1 bage; ‘shorts, $22, ave since reach TURKS LOST HEAVILY. Despatch Gives Damage to Particulars of Fleet. A desp: a epee Constantinople | * Bays: The T kish losses in the na- ed. the Greek vat Il e: they inflicted important losses on the Greeks. Ns weet 5 HAS SAVED D FOUR LIVES. anged. Medal Presented to aa George Cowan, | ster No. I'he Taga hie 2a. of St. 841-80; July, ey “acked; May, 881-8 bid A heres nes a eee as says:| _ Stock cok Markets 3 an, z anor ore Sel of, the best Geo wan. Hea Pete e ‘factor: pre- sented with the Hamilgon ane s, a ugust, when was blown off the pier at Port Stanley. Thy eee th: per: een ae Cow- Epa sceumdlate Gace th el ea wholesale, 100 20 tia 9 | to era f | $20.00. ed from Bane Selected lots of pee sold at ii oe minds, weighed off ees ron to'§ 96.50, prea He tO $5.50. 4 wen; extra, 83 per dc 4 Ns 2.40 per doze) try uot: Mae ieel RE Shi on, fowl, 8 0c; ducks, 110 to 1803 liv to Mo; geese, 90 poul- tty, 20 to 3o above live quotations, except ing: dressed turkeys, at. 20c to imes, $2.60, and $2.60 for hand- erg vtarkeys, 160 Branswicks, $1 per 8. Ayia Onions-Per case, $2.36 to §2- Provisions. Wholesale dealers are selling to the trade as follows:— Smoked and Dry, Salted. Meats Rolle Smoked, 14340 to 150; 8, medium, i7¢ 17 fo; “heavy, teiz0 to ior breakfast buook, thos jong clear bacon, tons and caces,'14 t-2o to 143-80; backs (plain), £1 1-20; aeks (peameal), 220 fmcked me crk Short Mhard-‘Tierees, 13120 to 13340; tubs, ie. Baled Hay an ute Quotations, ‘raek 80, No. ty $15.50 Montreal Country Produce. Montreal, Jan. 28—Cheese—Finest west erns, 13c; do., finest easterns, 121-2¢ to 1234e, | Butter—Choicest creamery, 291-20 to 293-40; do., seconds, 2c to 27¢. Eges— Brosh Se to ape, do patented, 280 10 2903 do., No. 1 stock, 24 to’ 250; <lo., ‘No. 2 stock, 180" ates tae bag, car lots, iS tS tee valle ce Markets. 28 —Wheat—May, are aa Brae: Xo, EG REN. BIS Ge No. 0. to. a a yohow 42 3-86 fo Me Ons Noot mite, 30 3-40 to. 311-20. Bye No. 2 Sf to 89, Bran—$19.60. Flour— toes, 850 per bag; r aie yOur t of pickle, to less than |, A SPANISH ROMANCE. ing Makes Duchess of Widow of Late ae Canal lejas. © Maria de Canalejas, widow of the ill-fated and deeply lame: ful jas, with rever- sion to her children in due 6 sion, In these formal terms does the Eppont Gazette ‘of recent date an- crown the life romance of love—of the one who (ORE Ne will wear a hes When Canalej: and his briiene 4 neal leigh quali- ties were beginning to give promise a young man a-'he met the daughter of an humble panish family with limited means ‘ a Manitoba Flour—First patents, $5.30 in| w sity compelled to earn Cee an a ear at find 12 | ate "bags: sogondpatentn $6, fn jute her own livelihood and help suport cotton bags, ten cents more per barrel.| her parents, Beit ad nounced them gemtine. The dia- | "ontario Flour “Winter wheat flour, %| needle and fangs rae is ba! are worth several thousand | per cent. patents, is quoted at $3.95 to a dollare Bios, taste for dressmaking she became ier o shes tags es Country Produce Wholesale Hime bap oe worked in a wealthy 5 } " Bi Oold-etors 250 in| family under an’ assum: name. $50-PILGRIMS DROWNED. gabe ots: treat ope aie ‘eel ‘at Ho to| There Canalejas wooed and. won Moh Caravan 0 helm.| “Cheese Prins, new, ‘ldte to ise, ana] her. a > , db at a. a ge, new, at 141-20; old cheese, twins,| Whe! Canalejas occupied the dupstnte ss utiee-Croamory tint dic to S20; do,,| Premiership for the first time some A despatch from oe Egypt, solids, 290 to 300; Dairy prints, 20 to 2e;|dames of the Madrid aristocracy says: Three hundred and fifty Mo seen Solfo n ung ana Who bad entry to the palace and to in 1 we they hoped ah woud eo barred from attending court functions, “Canales went to King Alfonso d said: ‘Sire, where I enter m:; wito enters also; and I crave ter ied me I place my resignation in your ~ iat 's hands.’’ e king soon ut matters on @ proper footing. RID YOUR FEET OF SORE CORNS Quite easy now to eXtract any kind of @ corn—just apply Putnam’s Corn Extrac- t works wonders, tops the pain quickly, thi thick tissue is softened, corn. Toe is left smooth—not a mark left. Use only Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac- tor, recommended by druggists and sold in 25¢. bottles His oF He boasted loudly of the pies His dear old mother used Hi mi e never said a word ab Dyspepsia pills he ares aa take: What a Fall Was There. ae We understand he fell i few Hesed om a8 ann ee but ihe eal een ding ‘was done at Oe Phe Noe pee into, it,” but 5 right through it. m $3 to $5 and er 10 p pounds, Calves $3 to $10 a ae to size and $9.25 per 100 pout ‘Toronto,’ Jan. d_butcherin Se ie "rae paids “for, me from $5 to Obligation Roth Ways: ; “Some of those pictures are genu- ¢ old masters,” s aid: ae Cum-

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