Empresses of Russia ce of ie wil 1 ‘ae franche and seeding} Si Liverpool June 1sth, trip will Mont S : rent oa Tohn, Exclusive of maintenance riyal time in England of “Empress of Ru: at tony een, rite M. ¢, Murphy, DWP. Ww. “Thomas Loc: ses : ANADIAN SP Lea eae Around the World oe sty sailing a i be announced late tc is Rate for Entire Cru'se ss 10 and stop over Get particulars from C.P. and Asia seats IT lea between ar- dd departu: Agénts or A., GP, Rly al Agent SALE GLYDESDALE HORSES |’ A sale of 25 iniharted big Clydes- dale Stallions and Mares, (mostly mares) will take place By publie. auc: tion in Mil¥. on Tuesday. 18th. commencing at one o’clock p.m ‘This is the sea gebloment from Seot- et she Iyoue smastee to" [them to a Shetland or scrub stallion; Three de Commercial, Shorthand and in Ontario. Students may enter at D.A.McLACHLAN, - CENTRAL BUSINESS Stratford, Ont The best practical training school Graduates are placed in positions. Write for our Free Catalogue at once. COLLECE lepartments Telegraphy. any time, Principal {0+ are [pion Hiawath: th en show us the drafters you gei | i from this class, “We are from Mics. “Lot 2 oon = tere a case! cee j sores se. bank barn, straw | These mares and fillies are sired: never-failing spring of water.| eading id Band an opteodid land 3-4 mile from epee: | Bu ised team different pre aes miles from Stratford. $10.50. } n different parts of Scotla Lot 29. Con 8 Elma, 100 aores.| cannot pick ap every day the ‘ame house. good bank barn. land the up-to-date farmer in ou coun- 1 im grass. A bargain $5,150 | t th e ‘owth and d | Station Hotel, Milverton. 11-2 3! | ment Of this beeutitul suburt but I) storey. metal clad. frame stabling.| am afraid you might think Iam t eee shed. doing a bar business of | ing to boost it. but I anf not. | $20.00 per day. $2,600. One | The population cf Vancouver and| cash. balance on note. | suburbs is made up from every nat-|" Lot 8, Con. 11. Mornington, 20 tes y res. bri ba: dri Som any — Of) school . @ to post office. 304 00. | ver. ee | ae Elma, 100 ac-| Malas cha here Be by Talso carry a full . Foods and all Poultry Su Grain Bags for Sale 1. D. AT. MILVERTON, O1 Farmers! Just received a large shipment of ‘y Molasses Meal Oil Cake Meal Stock and Poultry line of pplies. s KIN NT. the winner of the in succession. Cawdor ©: oh N b before 0 Dighton and great br. ieee pre Allanda!e. Don’t fail to attend this great sal aia Tiawa- Lacks ot vancanver= 8 Os the following intere=ting A. eee us lett oe ee He, has been reeve ee sav acrt tter ;— splendid land. two houses. *7 Kerrisdale. B.C.. ae 16 1818] copmis'in eagh banks Darel Bix60, hog To The Editor of The ven _and pen house 28x40. driving Dear Sir—Looking at the jabel ef|shed 22x24. good stabling. curb silo my paper I notice I am a couple cf |12x30 capacity 70 tons, 2 spring wells weeks in arrears. and now encio'eitaps in kitchens 3 windmills, ev for ol, sin bush. no wa - of Fulton street an nd ye res 70, sue cultivation, al¥ in grass | brick _ veneered | ba with : 3, never ‘failing d¥illed well Saeabiing: plenty a bei sia farm. W.D WEIR & SON JNO SF ves ha cement Auctioneers op en, and is ‘no eve T out 13 inches ie Wheeling js|P. R. runs through thi set very fone there are no cutte: or |$6.500, S A. i. HARTMIER’S LIST OF siege ip! tke ‘simply because no one} Pas of that i : Al ‘Real Estate For Bales : $3000 | | veniences. e modern red brick hot west side Main St. all moc better for the mor White brick dwelling on bl $1700 pinion $1600 nd ext house on Tempe New ted brick e ‘good location. RAND TRUN MEXICO se AND ...... THE SUNNY S Grand Tronk R e from through eee via Chie or Buffal CALIFORNIA FLORIDA i Only Double Track Route tte Rround trip tourist tickets giving RAILWAY, SYSTEM OUTH the ints east ago, Detiolt PUBLIC NOTICE! red brick house on Pacific ue. first-class, good lot and 4 fine location. ASoe FOUR Deautiful farms for vale in Morni ing- fid Elma. Call-and get particulars. HARTMIER OVER BANK OF HAMILTON Ast,, on Pacific Av Railway ‘Time Tablas Galindian Fa acific oe and Goderich ber, Lath, Shingl a Apple Butter of th be zi RS C.BOEGEL, LINWOOD kee] ‘on hand Coal; Lime, Cement and a ail kinds of Building Material, such a " tc. V. Meyer, Manager Cider ‘se quality Dealer in Leb bebeeb eter herbed Peet! RY.FISH&CO. : * £ —_LINWooD "Goal: Cement andjLime ~ Motar Stain, Ete, "Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture : Bove Costs Constast'y Kept on Hand erect a house oe $800. pe OF LAND BEGUES TONS erson who is ties sole head of a fam- the ape son at the Dominion Lands Agency, or Sub: | agency for the district. Entry by proxy may ny ageney, on certain conditions by father, mother, son, daughter, sister of intending hot Duties biz imoath's residcace upon and ‘cultivation of the land in es three years. aiiceee wed and ocenptes by tim or by his father, mother, son, daughter,. brother or sist Incertain districts a homesteader in good standin; = miay preempt a quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties —Must Feside upon "tle homeste or preemption six month six yeas from date of hoy guveatvod catty Cacia ime required to carn homestead pat: eng) and cultivate fifty acres extra —Mu cou ceaucec cars’ Acantiente fifty acres and " Deputy of. he Mi tater LD the Interior ‘vertisement will not be paid for. je1-6m xtra built to order, ready for oceupant y| July 17—tf. 1 acre. | the - pré ee; | the = premises. is} Fine es ee Milverton. “'N.B.—Unauthorized ee of this ad- en of the _| land. 20 ro C. Pri red ack ane in the winter a trying jodrney in al A LARGE. | 2iein, worth. 82.000. eM Milverton. on : aeres. 4 a re. [comfortable dvvsling. flat ban, Good 9 Millbank station on hou: i tn Se eee soft water, Now my ‘deck Sie conta write a ¥ acre of land. beautiful lawn. - This Iot of stuff about B.C. and i $1300 will sell for ing Rieu ahd cities Bie Ole a 8002 ale. r such reading | Hot 12, Con, 9. ‘Wellesley, Western your val-| Section, 200 ores. corner lot, frame ae oD yoo oui | house. bank barn. straw shed and wits, Some-{other out buildings. well watered, duet comes | Rood bush. 3 miles to Linwood. A a ene and|SBap at $8.50 nyo stop Eileing 684 coueht Grail fiot’ 3, Gow 12. ait the East Half of Lot 38. Con. 13, Elma ou for using up somuch |Good frame dwelling house. bank barn of your valuable space and wishing | 4riving shed. hard and soft water. vou all the compliments of the sca. |Plendid farm. convenient to_ school - churches and market. Price $6,500. Yours. truly ies ee house on East side of 4 Milverton. Price W.D. WEIR hue house Terms| nk b, y- dco task brick house arm. Price r. and Mrs 6. J. Miller. a daugh- The Listowel Business College Teaches actual busin departments, The br atuden New Year Term opens on Monday, January 6, 1913 EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal SEED OATS FOR SALE “Banner Oats weij ee 34 to 37 Ibs, to the measured bushel. Wer weeds, Term spector at Lon in 10 bushel lots or over, ELIA NAF- ZIGER. Lot 17. Con. 5, Mornington, Post Office vice Branch, 1913, Depart LIVE POULTRY WANTED ee BRS Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent. . 80th. to a and Mrs. MILVERTON. 0 NT. rate in. a dapghter <2 ses es peace as Grosch—At Bente. Sask., on Satur- ar ace ist a Mr and Mrs. 8. P. ‘ er. Miller at Wellesie on Feb. 3rd. to Mail Contract ! eee TENDERS addressed Pos’ Sup ‘tment. Ottawa. 14th January. 1d t{ Office In- : ©. ANDERSON. erintendent, Mail Ser- Will pay highest cash prica for all kinds of live poultry also unsalied butter. 8. La pans Milverton. FARM FOR & SALE. awa times CHARLES or MRS, WM. Er ane on eat yeee. Kubryville and over Rural ee HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. brick residence on Geoi ‘Three fine rge upstairs. double 2 oar aud: dtatakesoam: Weieien with tained at 00! a r ki 756 | a Mapa lenee Ott: uni ces the 14th March 1 1913 Mail Contract a the st ebations in the oe of | ve: an f His Majesty's Perth, “Bust be sold to wind up the |scsenced contact 1 estate. Apply to W. D WEIR. or to The south % of Jt Lot ae si ane econd concession of ™ Smee to - SEALED TENDERS addressed the Village of P 0 Postmaster General will be re- bank barn. 150 a til noon on Fri- for the con- ‘Kue ie of the ip of Mornington. eae last yn dated th | ote Table Oils, Sateens, Dress Goods Silks, Embroideries and Ribbons, Etc. The Aftermath of the Big Sales Hundreds of satisfied customers visited our stores during the sale days, and we wish to thank our many patrons for their liberal patronage during the sale. We feel satisfied that the price inducements amply repaid them for their trouble. 2 Furs and Fur We still havea few, but they must be cleared out re- gardless of cost. Men’s imitation lined Coats, Ganon otter collar, ge! price 22.50, for . 18.50 — Men's imitation lined coats, Opposum col- as Be Be 18. Postar = 14.00 Men's Coon Lined Cais. Riecas Lamb collar, ee for - Otter collar, regular 20:00, for _ 2 Ladies’ ‘Imitation ‘Lined Coats, German 16.00 — 14.50 =