watching — out of is corners of Table lin n and wels, bed : linén, ‘body ne “Thane 8 WS well. | Be what you. need after a (he, shen 03 washed vertis then_ ‘day's! work i j ertisements i ork Bement bled oat hal ty tha ea advertisqments 9 she, : ly pal tll : eying. cold GOMES I oc Land se conoehtness ‘volored, helothes,: wooléng: ey :.°1 2A good plan‘is ‘to Tobit ithe. saicaiiea ; ; erhight. “Toro this; wet the gar be Soaked, “rub! thi aoe ent to at Ww aes) a ints : stelgkd part, et sued Hae a mie symone eae ve cd He tht p esiih one: pers nd thosd6w ritelina to stg soiled ‘ito: sioghes eh Bs a aur ‘clothes y Do! not She. ae Gresik Mech | Bptil we slack up atthe e- Hackensack Be | ape a road Zxe been running on the perpey 7 rte? CHAPTER XVII.—(Cont’d) be! as joments' later the:capriage: dae.) Sorat ay stachy Ghd, Tobe ‘ 2 the two sisters, accompani- or heart that, Pe é natin Uh aie Ee gals ie i ~ lafeh, returned {00 &NOH gteot aud, hear tha fate eee Bin seep, papy Agno th : at Boys ae water ie d Saas + A Grade and Mr. Chesleigh were:in: a-<ni 5 oatheren E 4 5 perrror af n ving “one™ bar’ hi ey 7 Shae ae Sed = Sei ea sl| cy “a x reste soar Shy A sae Sane & Wn Tie : : HaleRle xe Qour Mad Taber iste ase |S ot ea opuinty Dishes!” of cold water, Heat, gradually um! ssing. Bpteill aK wocbs ine wah * [ihe good -0 ee A Pyoursell eles Des ‘bam eee 4 Ss se e : tik ‘soap. a stisadlved (about snp y @lay for fishet ; x She ‘Ocates of world > a ds Well as to the hoble Young, man Ww! im. .gtnar ei akes.—Sift one-| hour). inse> clothe s:o? from he ha: aCe wi i thi t a pt Ey ad the “by vthewoadgide “that Th @ ; . a working’ on Gir great - ar Eee, a % fT a ‘or emoadet keine 7 pride r peconcy poutine 2 = jiter of a pour oF Hour into a | wat Tin which they have sodked. Avi es a rR military world is de- < bs 4 i Bis oat Chesigigh turned tq} Withont ‘anothes. ‘word, a : : i @ and pPowr jean Be ee eee more and more 2 rh er, Wo! é oa Tih, melt ae Erees a pedidste! “abot: 80 pitifully by aod ornel | ds 4 nig like 9 baby. Dont Foe aoe cee ay washing ‘ is I nes I the 4 Hfecting. its equipment. “Th 4 phe plea is of lution soap to ny good si rt soe ee 72 debri Sait rie. portable, quick “e rifle: dr eggs, hae cieeriay of into: iveien te gee ry ae Greenland Pickens, Li ide on ffphed Arom:the: neabioabon Rea epos e ed of the | B . ie Abs odked: bib is ised parub: bain, ‘OP ita wash’ “piteliy ke ree her. cine bit! ed the: 4 re a. f : : diag “heed ane Shite rahe m rs ae “At the notion. Le a on i at en “ mt @t last she sunk’ dow Fa of in-achotaov water: becomes aes Na gant footie fs en ze Behon light os Whi mie ites: Clothes cannot. -be made 3 hig position, cuits are ‘Coot 4s; eat 3 Can in dirty «water. * ettlg ie ‘Repl 2 ot i sana and a ead ih nee “Wash woolens ine Tukey wate, tonigrrow, HabHiy | 9 te dto.-mm: Be 3 1 water tn thi peagy i F do: Hale, old bos, teak youre mucin gout on asp pel ery ashing, of wooléns is ft £he\ Same’ nm ing Semile; | Fdranced ae down Sey: Inst Craton nel trunnion ane ee TY art ge | nisl 3109 ce i 8 ie) Si 1 Boies i an. event. basta happen. id h gets tcoosubltid § rst, watey int ellows M and the present to ym- ie 8 the i Viol Pueare hin eee eae ree ‘a Sieg i te Heh ee} ea may be served ee tere are mi Inds therchange, | {Form of Toothache. SOF St Bail % aces PH hake hi fallroad! iuxinees | 22: arse Ehothe soxerbbojad re : guests had not “missed them from toured “+ hone oroniche there thieht,: ies fire usin; ballroom. When they ald 50 ‘Good pais have good ispepn to wag-at-ite-holghe; but dri the |mear “then ea. x i, fc fick ee ees cm loscin Dressing Géyins-+sMake sae on aha ghey shuld he gi mimites » HohOUe exhaust- ‘tumultuoue=throbbing rot ito opisopat = » if they could ex-| ing the supply of water. nok etiam reson ou frernselves in wordae ge nia i Sige, SHEE | gh them pet down the dark-lantern aie on aT Ct paar ed with this weapon fe, avi ia Gate who had | nie eles ae Sos : mai * ; G@eer wou * OB... ~Gay- uld--scarcely.repress.a scream _o! a Pn piee = ereny Baa neste paar terror sou ppruns 2 her lips ag she % nut dt Seis SER coen Kp faco-of Hagold | at ener 1 ae a rE aS id have Kogeuized the ark, slqigtar i aur “edad = aa ane ng tl Fiat WM candinat vle| iaetiet ee tke hon fluith siairbestis pew or | Hemeye from ihe: daipen ‘and fold. 3" t@ the most expruciating form |ten BABE oF eee ose momentarily interrupted betwee jen them, Abin qui a A. not ;hai Tens ‘out’. ; I sh until she choose: to. aad. i : jar pie See OR RAS Sir fohn Bland- . 5% CLES WOXA... Eieg aaaie ae oo from the, en-1 wy; ih ir bei land-Satton. ee found ests ida TT ee eapacats ee ane ay x guest w: Grace “Leighton enjoyed” immensely the curiosity ‘and the mystery Nell’s | pree- the masked. ball ¥ prediction has come Snrepe! panted. thes To's a roman on Seeeaee cautiously; ‘ no sone Bi She'll be crnshed mais pled—beneath the 2° in connecting. me wi is ried: the old engineer, rea r you-on-thesbest h ire of, petahiration starting: out’ on we i Doin 5} Hhab they may even have a tooth: ES Giville's beburip te ache their_tusks. tal, Noe on ot, Dress Ian offort “bork of intense hotson, on cup of rive in thr hen 4 a fest the ligt in tn ah a : 101 angry Tone would at aroha Bia oe Ones * n one considers that an ele- ifpehe knew it was,” she thought, | { eenerat-diepatohed “im TRS SE PER Ee cups of cold water, heating it quick- pe f * Hees ‘bring in pos es italy vould {t be too late? All the agony rot iS Tt quis phant' tngks are eight. feet roomie her Taos ni nlezous, dancing | t Pat hic crowded. into the awful and letting it boil five minutes. |Steam Zand: tl long land fy. Rr hy ee nid, -4 Tt WA far dnto the wee ma hours when ‘ aie LES cana’ jorer > rise in cold xz:watergzand | Fe! f the’ s¢ cal | hache: 4 e ffind batts broke: sup andthe last to soap, but it aust Add © Blant #« hy eto oe 2 ‘oxer ‘the spot Where ep : fie Rewie neek fa ona ert oe E, die bebe sae < cot sao aap: a ald slack saEpC is, e Foor pen nlan al | Pr ails. tof» of Fearkal, ordeal, in shopp aiadips.of elephan' sandla 4 w presence of mind im. With iron t littlesehe ee Pane bat she pata ohecked her mie * , h time. se; | will and Aen: ic ateels tie sprung out| 28 pepper. Cook until tender |) Ti aaa s een tee ee this 4 asleep, | “I will tell her to-morrow what | wants twenty minutes to ; nn ment offre hans enepene fll. "fand-then-add- one-half ewp-of-grated ; cutest for 25 yelites said. “At some of the esting, of diphtheria, 3 4 sengdtion ghe created,” ae bee re - a : : = ls loosing ven ups cheese and two tablespoonfuls of : | one time I used t aalke post:mor- |a dread disease much iprevalent in a ae, tone: Pte) ave ‘ter, Yiixifg them in With a fork. ; : : tes pert ve tr Soft sic ehod Pongels @ model sanitary bakery , ro Grilled Oysters.Use Jarge oy- |i ipa i 2 om ipa ct the. Zoologica for Lisbon slim “dwellers; se. a idor. 4 : entthinetes later Jone-Leighton-same| S201 million. Come of nal AT nae ; t ’ yy plan na re, swiftlg down the corridor. a oy Passes aR Sn thing and the £ i nd o i “thon found.that they .some: ‘gbricken' n yon ss Gasnelts i | CHAPTER XVIII thunderod _pamtingly over the spot, where i ed. Thea we. 7 a2 4 | times’ suffered: from r-abscesses in gale. > een great, pushed {it Roay ays teint Wergeescd=#ith horror. at - j y thelr teeth, which ist hive “atised'| led: ba: deans ae e ple mex in, % ‘Ther wtenr, Bright moonlight, dri ts into ae, peeneny ee ae hem oe Sirffe: of white, eilvery | "Great Heaven! what should she do? Tt, also has Ves, ‘found that the light, fi Hage -every_ol Dan in_ Dhey-—inten: o~wreck the train, and at, hyateriaal. quivering cry, b ty room plainly ide head uo Tone watohes on that trait was the lover abe worship: aoe iad} animals may even. haye toothache os 22S pao m the white | ped co mai fo: in; their ‘ake ‘owin, he forma, she gasped. “I—I— alps g-to the forma y. We with Tremaine and hie gampanion rose oak tralia or-or odie: : tion of.a pe nde 29 Hie: inom ithe-mo phe inarg, | athe -greaty dark, yel st tter,.and_ serve very hot = is , Ao ei ‘on ‘record where can Liehee vite on vtO WIN F beh such: IPF bine whnite-li Tes ee iay ¢ a rounded "cheeks put one Leighton doet| ror, and’a few moments later the cound | ie, Wile lips--nakiaie-and /aiteniy, Dror: ie SHE Mistdecllino : elobhiaiv' weit pad ih the Stra! her SSB ave roved pani the sere goung | ca Fang dully out wo” | which she had just passed, Gay, fell back Cherties-—Wash thoroughly a quar- {After “its | death abséeés: s the pillow to something ising! i lenge reigned, and Gay knew|!# the-engineer's strong arme in a deediter ofa pound of rice, and boil it|/: fold in, one. of its thieksy aie et spstaetag but. Beha ea as white, sr lee folds acrose the back | yeh iernine, work eas “done, na" she | in a quart of milk until the rice is |, One of.- the; keepers. of. the ele, | You did. Of a ehair ¢lose by the window Knew. too; the tain, "fegighfed” with hug : aN pda caer pricaBastcrteaie so f 30) A, oy of tage ‘breaks: from one Leigh-| an ‘souls avid “Bearing: her’ young hus} Hee =the = a} Soft ;.thensadd ha oonful;o! EEE | phant- house: atathe logical -Gar= —e Tne: cn SE aes ulmmering Folds band, was 5 speed ig with each passing P oak ARISTIDE BRI ‘AN dens-said-that the young! relpbuaite Sha “has jteroenized the frosted white | emt, onto heas ae salad Tek of her own vite a gelatin inoa~cup of cbld é ‘ > foften secs to'stiffer’ agonies ‘with Pelee 7 Se aL Ae ane through .Gay-g cones brain, Harold be continued.) water ton tye hours. The: new French Premier. ‘their t wt Ai Er aaracr at maak He om ‘the ‘oor panes companion passed: ead ee on th aden L . g IE ie “hey ie Bah outting. the HA i esi it, where they fell ay ae st mi m * 7 e) Lou i ir teefh hurt them ph. ahd near then the e’yathered- clus, gang eatd, eomaine omen hite teeth HABITS THAT HATE. “THE VALUE OF ICEBERGS. he id. "One youngster here, who er a es 20 aenee 7 awakens Gay, and she strugeles ine EE AR ae Blessing to Newfodudiada “ana * to have: .toothac the ese a i ing posture just’ as Tone, wheels },oaq tora ‘mile of $0; 4 will be a good | Will Hit Back if Discontinued Too ru Seopa si i cat Her black eves flaming ape a half-hour before you hear her whietle. North Atlantic Fishermen. ucked the finger of-his “trunk al d ak! a eas a blanched ‘al-| ‘The number of lives-which have ntgaivou, Know,dkbep on t into a mould and \been lost during “the past * year seotidee: ‘all their te whe top ne ; dared you take advantage of our | 4, i iheratel stooped to such a diabolical i 7 fionolt a ity by “coming to the ‘bal! unin: | ‘heme, sirolled leisurely away, elosely| Habits can hate quite as bitterly #/ ae, pant “i inten 2 e + Fices bs) the"emembers how “devoved the daritang rn enone) wae eerrie’ |as humans. : leave on. ice. hrough cillisions with “Seeborge|of their molues Breaks off-and It's’ the “Bes ; hand fairy eee ae oe gay there dlutehing.des-| --A man who, had nee it a habit! “Deviled Oysters.—Melt one table- | £0! > frozen north, has’ revealed stump grows again.” % Send Post Card to-day fo parc d grou lfaliea ‘Mier away’ docmtactty, “ant foal at a the thomy med 0 slip by with | {0% tWelve, years past to spend one | sp conful of butter and add one tea-/ifi no uncertain manner the extent] “When ‘an elephant’s #Both—a8, |PP 74 St. Antoine eos Hany hese the rapidity ‘or Signe. week of his annual foliiey in Be lof this foe upon the high seas. The| rather, a. portion of tl med a moment nntil the| failed to do so last year. fe aiciee oh the: trcine ue {i eped on rd the fatal bridge, warned her of its alls, hergs have been sighted, in southern | out it. sounds:like:.a piete: dain. " |latitudes’ which’ hitherto have heen i stave picked them up asi ball far Tidged, 1'Qid, not, think thigte. would be consequences? His habit aehees red Gay, tremulous- iy. ed she ‘Sawin Mise {* wan 1| DY. rendering him ill’ for the first}naif oup. of oyster juice, ond table. |tesarded as beyond their reach, Leighton's anger distorted Face, SE cee adie ened ae | sme th He ea : The popular mind hag beeh riveted Bi einig te 330: do? “Oh, 2a Th: lore, my lovef you spoonful of Worcestershire rf Jong-turned jeel- with a eruel Shall, ef i solated instance : etsy ber ot i a shall not-die the horrible} No: n ‘isolated instance n the subjéct by the niimber ‘6 nee: pivacious Youngman; pass: A pers she - foe has marked out habits can be. = i tter of fact, “We hvill settle this matter; tano ath, oie mortal ren of how venoinous habits Fapsidenita: ut, as a matter of fact TGH-SRE Whe Peet epniea ye "Band ara Tet the attenipere ve Yow om Twill die in| an has been laid up for two or cos ot feientists have heen aware of their |i28 Wheré an old colored man was fry Ep whee pe + OF a persgds bel Dae par ‘The far-off shriek of the on-coming train | ¢h Be: when he wy, for Eb oe movements pa ears, bus Setting fire ‘to ‘the dead ‘grussi| IP GHAMPION Horibel and he wilt tuea ‘you away” from Poused: hex aur bMithy eles in. the. worla Perce ees may Der on sured of | Aumbers a1 2 tieadoWy. al nim thi: F ie eens Bt Once Now hat t-come Ot oid fave doo: gets round again, he‘complains pt So far as recent” it 2 . ts ins cash br Aadie-tfie! Sobrest Took ig thege. thitigs, closely, T seo that [Moe saa iene: Gay turned her taco up| that “weak feeling” in his legs. It’ bergs have se wished Dan’ t do: that, Uncle to ihe Abe ioeet olay oink, J theyfBplong ‘to my sister Grace. I wonder |, For. tarfenmed “thy ening carer ee s aeor iteberg: that!’”, “Why. so, oa ene 80 ts the most “aitisfacory. washr, ever @_ that} failed~ to recognize them before, |‘¢ the -star-gemme toddae: Rotlatiy of the sort; it’s habit. a a{se far south as in ‘former seasor Voriawilll wale ee ae bE Uradlcie ue 3 You just, have stole-them from ner | ee ee rele Gan had decid: legs. havé become used to béd, and Some years ago one huge bore! Ol isekias yonemye’s “neret. in oe ray wh hed) wich Ua run oof Meroe | TRARY Sve iy omg tv a Ash toon to change thelr Habits |opeptele oe fng ast n TEMPS eve ta menther the wari ware | UACeng You-arei_ newer tind] nl LGM Bae Jo be no © rom, er white 8 to re io, pe Caen Oe A . the only.ene where the whole top fie Reaeeal acensatio 8 tO: FEbw ill ever know that his same was on, nt Of innetio : for-thirty minates in ahot oven. If een, De SATHE Teh ae wit all fo “out an? be as iknaw you did itt” ofclaiméd Tone {HDS 86 X faced death iteelt for his dear} Tp fans, 16 s the opimion of a well- ‘ deen na vant Lei ny Hiding, sctose fits Rohn the |i Ea Gere Baas set known physician that, any kind of i 8 yy white couch; and. grasping: Gay. tightly ise of the Fhabi bound to ‘‘hit bai if i - f mecha oa 1g t205%R by tie white arm snd chakiug her rough “ite mattied poeepnstte bene habit, ig boun ack thts ahi ti d th ttl hy om moment; but he never cared for me; | little shorter time an: en pu ing : ly ond ai fotret Me heatt, out ot hie{Re discontinued too\ abruptly. No rou id tind! “pompous, {le déatoi “Befote Gay could ‘ttet the retort that them under the flames for five! o get perhaps, if-I die ito saye him, suddenly switch off meat eat rday td kneel their ‘origin off the western coast’ of was strolling down the street, when. | ly been loaned her,-but ‘had-been het gome~some ta knéel upon Seelared the He add’a quart of boiling water Bel pruns “a her lipe—that™ Soe ostume ‘jh: 4 1 not Be %o het aiay, “se igh gtger und wBiee |, o, Veeptable diet,, for Instance, reenland, whose’ mighty icé-ciip'|'he was spoken:to. by a “pons woman hs are one on sean jhoreelt == Miss | cer amy-nhine, and I etiopld Hear my love's asd remain well. Peat aint dow te tie see Ree se moRniDg, sir, marked: “Yor need ‘not, attempt 10. deny. it.. No qe aes en th ey Lh T almost think, }-Nat only; so, but with some stron; ‘sliced on. {tozen rivers come. into contact | the “Good= “nrorning, ma- | wont ou i moe aye anti the! tim ere oae thought rose fabits,-such as the taking of drupe se Nith the water they-break off. in aia, aed tie ee “Le Bapkt frei tur-youtrom Leighton Hall knees “where shee ads fn thine Hensal, ond cessation often megns -death ge: ‘masses)< ee ‘solid iblocksifpeet you are makiig™& good thing withe«he ‘morning's light, T with, a face a death; dashed | striking example’ ofthis was ane neasuting, a aqtiartet. of a rhile in| Out of‘ attending to that rich Smith } so HELce ppcral tot jones ie nies tigen below sq@jof the authot, De Quiney. He ee ‘ener th bagi and sate enting a dedd-}boy ??* suggested the lady,’ “ON, tom fone. Gay, 20k wiles of mrvown meee 2 Oi Sia in to k a habit) of taking four) out t re [onions and | cight of several milion ths, When | Yes, a falrly. good tea,” voted. dhe, “4 we iter ioe se euch anidows <a swallow the| ounces of laudunum per” dag the | Soekrslowly, Till they, ate; gellowe AW, . whic the winter breaks and the cuprents |doctor,..somewhat, angril * ‘eannot = dys Tei mn Hall: too. \soon please m Without a 'word “poor Little Gay ‘rows fromthe couch -where she had flung her- Bape, tho. wen 2098 110 De Yarled into it, " Z whispered the sla won't fgreet: that-itye tho thiew the! brick eet Eovlige of First ~ Poca an flow his sound of her - Hike Bets Ste was. Toot, drpwned, in te eae rug and thunder of ‘the coining train. Xd Would the: engineer & her would x es, my. dear; » but I am|ers moistened with ho sorry te say that’ it he not apply. o_.mms* trouser buttons fe: a | as so on! And}$o on?’ \Fa-}garnished _ with. hide ee! ‘crack- il on Labrador ‘coast, or tovber ground: ne jecesaniohg the islands’ dotting a oe Washing Clothes. [tenses "thrilling, wo Gay aisot upon Thectrack | vith a death- Take “St. Lawr is ao ; noe sunshine, water and soap i Set may be said to be essentials tp Suc- Af craawatet tor ofa launde: ground the shore oe esha ae Scoop. ch a one [sults re is cee ar and; and ‘they rate up ae the ice- eh Ph ight over the. lovely sioragat iat 9c; wig eletiaer jeiciien agure ee ike a ROP statute directly in the path. ¢ my, love,” murmnrod ié“thie engineer does, not Steer pe BWapt On to thes fatal | , The ‘prayer she tried Sein fer a dled on misty Etrelnel® fort fake igre ahs tion, health and happiness. mp, |terzible slare thes Read Feet car See me; POI Ba A box of Na-Dru-Co Dys- ; 5 der eis rays of ‘the sun, while : pepsiaPkBleks oben : ee i . ce an @lectric nage yeuot. th addi aL ot te vi gg the, chojces eee tetie-Gury? Seni Pahl weaken: ie Iabrie and infure aeard tnd cate oe é that a Se ee edd S ‘the hands. Th be used awa: ae ; ee oF har hmerged ES z = « an TN yee of the: watery and” aval 4 hhose..which, sir a i cs sey SARE aa bist Sofie woarsct tag > rule, ‘followagl. ihaiprocess ran farther atid s4¥* winnie? S REEISERIER Sih; + -o MONTREAL < eee rt idher south, the are ; steamship. 3 : Saray * c : - hs er] |. [eifemntanemenateal eect ne Sea : lemme aie —— epee! Yubded se bivpll a eioleed anistbban Lea ‘gitla val erst 2 set: enn fing Basse POY Oa thi od Lets m hina vei Pers know what SIND of nae 208 Goods ‘are made oe upon the a Car = 1 —E__San Lxeeaaagygeeneaees Same ieocmes onan EIS okies eet Btw tt stad