“The Arcade” Predictions for February: “Colder Weather” ( WEATHER is promised for February. You may have de- ‘ cided to slide through the winter with that old overcoat of yours. Now, why not invest in a new one at ¥%4 off. 10 Overcoats, reg. $14 to $15 for $11.20 New Spring Goods Prints, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Ginghams, ¢. Denims, Etc, Specials for Saturday Dromedery Golden Dates . Ammonia Powder Sunkist Raisins, 2 for 5 lbs. Cooking Figs for.. Ginger 20c lb., 2 Ibs. for. W. K. WELLESLEY. The Farmers’ Institute eee eoe held last Wedne: sday were a len program and large attendance we the Ee ce Dave Gasi scho fae f le 5th at A. seht’s general store — Mr. Andrew Eydt Kingwood. ha rchased ingham farm west of Crosshill for his gon George session some time in the Deginning ery unfortunately fell. down the ce 1 ar steps It should be the desire of every|nal injuri woman's heart to possess a diamond r Herman oe on the tick list.—Mr - ai ring or gem-studded locket. We| Kennel. of Crosshill. can show an assortment of jewelry | {Tiends and relatives that will make you think yourself in Alladin’s Cave. priced at figures| Jantzi to Noah Erb last Tuesday sn, that will inerease your wonder. Our| i avery jolly time store fs prominent among the jew-j About 400 enestx were present. i DON'T 1 ‘BE BALD everything is reliable. Come in and| Nearly ees May Sone A Splen- let us show you how little money d Growth of Hai it takes to buy the best, Yours. for artistic jewelery. reliability and at- tractive prices. have a ae that has a re- sont of retarding baldness and. pro- moting hair growth in 93 out of every P. H. BASTENDOREF |": ia 2 stat iti vi i ipairscd eee" Milverton, Ont.| Scop ae bat ate : il a dave'n put our claims to an ac- Any man who is a lover of good tailor-made clothing should investigate the val- ue in woollens we are now showing at bottom prices, grand and up-to-date concert wi 's Associa day last ‘The Ha on ators fully ite hours consisted 0} plays. Pumpkin ‘ ige: Unole's Boots dna jeene on a Suits from ... $14.75 up || Railroad Car. Instrumentals, Sanaa geen rope ee eect i ie a «| Trousers . $3.75 to $5.00 [| oupacity, Several people Mare one ing paid double the admission fec Good selection to choose c habe Fleischhauer : th mberg young people. A mee was held afterwards and - a dainty lunch served. “We hope to see hi ung people hold such enter- tainments frequently, ET th test ath di hi Wie manig L"escneti wilson ae ecg gt oa ‘Stronger Junge, liver an ‘idneys, As well as item, feel the bad effect if the stom- ach is deranged. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery helps the stomach to digest CR Neth, perly, starts the ‘woma mar the iy Maer tal voll Dood the various organ get rid, te’ boo, i= od ae stead of being ily the refreshing influ: free laces one- extract of native Plants has ‘wrapping e' | week but as the correspondent LInwool. * The regular monthly meeting — of the Wemon’s Institute will be held at prepared and all ladies are cordially inyited to attend.—Mr Joseph o'3 Bs 25 her Hesse eae at their to gor i Monday nate Tre R. spending a vacation in Berlin.— GPR. noted for being on time left a belated passenger one day his shadow on now living in hopes of Be store an ample supply urday morning. Funeral took place e ende! bass! and Mrs Christ Tabbert ai Mrs. Win Burnett spent a few days last week with relatives in ae ‘irs. fabbert is a - fined to her bed at Mr. Conta ate “3, We hope for a speedy recov ery._Mr Herman Wismer took in the concert at Bamberg Vednesday last—A anilting bee was held at the home of Mrs. W. ilker on Thurs- ay of young people ° nent a few in Drayton this a Skee x ‘Maines and O'Don- spent the week-end at ie Frank _McCardle’s —Mr. James in. spent Sunday un- mtal roof.—Mr Christian Schlueter is wearing a broad smile. is a boy._Mrs Jos. Hay returned e ranrdase after spending a va- ee in Arthu i ae a i Toronto on Fri- —Miss Fern C or ty spent the week-en Mr. wise 5 a Frank a holidaying —Mr Joh a hier Mi Ts ecerasa ot Cessablk: fala a dy es Kay on his di Rares Wee. re t of a wedding this tt failed e are umable dan account 5 35 meieks Ble tace S85 ioe aeeSSo23 ab beres 5 : SSS Se Mr. and, Mrs Snyder spent t Flordale.: —Mr and Mrs, R Messrs. I Milner. and M. -Lanahan. of the ‘tath con... ay: Monday even- tual ¢ x We a certain Rexall 98" Hair onio” will eradicate dandr act Prints vi JANUARY peters {0 pieces regular 124c yd. for ........... 10¢ un growth. that wo personally give our aS day last aunt (Graftons) reg. 14c yard ERG 12c¢ s sitive guarantee to refund eve: isited in Guelph a e U ctl 0 n jenny ald ts for jt in every instance Sweater Coats : where it does d ei Tapiicn: ts oe mene entire satis- : — For Men, Women and Children exall “93” Hein : is e of Hf hove and good nt eas clear spring water. 1; | CBee? from. Mrs. C3. Mer ‘tin. Boone 2 Sweater Coats, reg. 85c, for . s ill. Va.. who is the mother of eigh- « “ i on uk eae ; is delightfully perfumed. and does ila: ‘Mir: i 7 1.25 z urease oF gum the Twolsd Gh athiseh tactic reat Oona oe is 1. 500. 1.00. ye - OVERCOATING anes tad See ai certainly take (tion by Chamberlain's Tablets atter G oe “ « 450 « SUITING and no risk. only a tiaue ative The lead te be erage now Pia ee “ yoR « Rexall Store—The~ Public Drug {Commend these tablets to the publle. 5 1.75 TROUSERING ieee! Sold by all dealers. 3 « “a 999. & BAMBERG Barkin, Ba Bier ee 3 2 1 Be 2 in St. Marys — asby. of Guelph, shipped a car of stock from here on Monday. — Miss Hilda Bailey is spending a few days ith friends in Toronto—Mr ~ and Mrs. M Lavery spent ‘Tuesday with friends in Listowel — Cassell ‘unloaded 8 on Tuesday. ‘The price is vsg0 per bus, PEFFERS. Wedding Dells ax are ringing | and will continue, to chim Ww Waddell. of Seathelaie Man. visited enjoyable -time was spent by all pres- This is the season of the year when mothers feel very_much — concerned ine 3 m Saturday.—Mr Ni nd Miss Jean Allingham «attended the Sr Se panne on Wednes- -| day. and Master Willie nt n Millbank on puseasy wight and re- ng 5 du oted here and Mrs. James Rafferty an obit be ren. of Waterloo. spent Sunday and Monday wn.—) ie Leduc. of Waterloo. s) di n town.— Miss Clara. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Martin it. died suddenly Sat- MACTON. Miss Minnie Nurse. of Barer y is DANGER PERIOD OF WOMANS’ LIFE —Mis: Nevion not aaa iat their aun’ Mrs. Thos ackett. 0! woo! Allingham. of Millbank. and Olive MéNichol. of aoe Saturday with: Mrs, Interesting Experience of Two Women—Their Statements Worth Reading. White Oak, Ont.—‘‘At Change of Life » | when doctors could do no more and I was st mn League to “DONEGAL, Revival services have been con- all I can to advertise it as a genuine wo- man’s medicine.” — Mrs, Sy MANNING, White Oak, Ontario, Hair Goods’. The sroreenian ae of us Frank Pem- ber of Pember Hair Store and Beauty Culture fae of Toronto, should in- ment of natural wavy switches, braids, puffs and transformation, the equal of which has never before been seen out: side of Toronto. Professor Pember Will also examine and diagnose free of charge all hair and scalp troubles and a) advice may be relied est natural hair. A visit will be undoubtedly worth your while at the Grand Central Hotel WEDNESDAY, FEB’Y. 19TH Ladies who for any reason cannot visit the hotel per- sonally, write or telephone and Mr. Pember will call. verson of, Mrs, Lang. who im her de- -jolining years resided with her danigh: ‘the. — of Mrs. Kirlin. ter. Mrs. J.B. Ritter, Decea Circleville, Ohio.—“'T can truthfully | / ice devoted ReRAY | yea: member of tie Lutheran obur NA-DRU-CO say that Ts never had an; durin; ¢ ti continued taking it. My health is better Ruby Rose Cold Cream | f2=it bas bec for reveal naa al. «-«2an would take it they would es- A tollet delight, ioe ee re cape pain and misery at Hie time fragrance o! of life.”— Mrs. ALICE 358 W. chapped hands serie and ae and keeps them so. ost delicate complexion against exponure weather, Try it— Mill St., Circleville, Ohio, The Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman’s existence. [SMOKERS WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco ON HAND. COME IN AND SEE IT. ydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, oe certainly appreciate it. In 250. opal jars, at your druggist’s, pee DRUG ane ie eee co. 184 J. E. WEIR, : Milverton a ;ANADA, An-advt. in The Sun brings results e—=s—="The Event of the Season” SS ==) Ritter’s Annual Clearing | | =| lls Lets) | Z| For 15 Days Sale Beginning Feb. 6th - and - Ending Feb. 22nd For 15 Days a The Following Merchandise will be offered at these prices | Dress Goods 18 Pieces of Dress Goods at HALF PRE 2 pieces regular $1.50 yd, for . 75 G29 22 ‘ mee oN on o Wrapperettes 6 pieces regular 15c yd. for 6 « Maga a All Aviation Caps and aie All a 00 lines at, All 5 All Be : ‘ Underskirts: > Eiderdown Skirts, reg. : .00 for... Blk. Sateen 50 “ « « “ « “ y « hA-NMNw! 295 «| 150 ee ee 25 piece regular 45c yd. for. 60c “— Cretonne, reg. 15c for Gingham, reg. 20c for \ Shawls 1 dark grey wool, Teg. oe os for. 8 one Comb 4 « 1 1 1 1 off ue 750 Men's" and Boy's Suits and 71 Overcoats per cent. Ladies’ Underwear All $1.25 lines at “~ "100. 10 “u 50 “ 95 Children’s Bear Skin Coats 2 Bearskin Coats, reg. 3.25 for 1 “ “ © 375 2 « “« & 3:00 1 & « “ 975 Imitation Fur Sets Imitation Fur Set, reg. 3.75 4.25 ’ 1 1 1 “ “ou “ 2: “ «wo “ Gloves and Mitts For women and children at 25% off, 1 lot Men’s Caps at.. 1 lot Men’s Fancy-Shirts at . Groceries REDPATH or ST. LAWRENCE Gran- ulated Sugar 18 Ibs. for $1.00, or $5 ewt.: Try our GREEN SADOA TEA at 30c Try our ROASTED COFFEE at .... 25c 35¢ Early Breakfast Coffee erouna at 25¢ Cascade brand Salmon, per t Canoe Tomatoes per tin.. Peas (Aylmer) per tin. Coen « er ||]. SS SS) Thistle brand Baking Powder McDonald Tobace a eee Pure Ginger at. All Fancy China displayed in window at 25 per cent. off regular price ~ Geese John Ritter [hs ~ mm] Millbank |} GSS SSS SS SS) *‘