The Milverton Sun. Pu FVERY anges MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, Milverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1 : six months, 6 cents; three 5 cents ce, Subscribers ‘will beliabicte pay $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES 6 Mos. 8 Mos. $40 $25 N22 i2 12 1 3 2 1 Bight Re Son Seat amotio gad four cents per fine (or cach subsequent Inaee tion will be charged for all transient adver. Haements te. wertisements without specific directions xi pe inserted until forbid and charged ace for ‘Changes for contract advertisements must bein the office by noon Monday, attention, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor BusinessCards ° Dentistry. . R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, eatiate of Dental $: Lie- ua reity, Crown and Beas: ease ‘sed ae Hours 9 a. wbove the Bank of Medical. m Hamilton, Miivneen ¥. PARKER, M.D. PL. TYE, M.D, DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC pa sa STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o’clock a, m., and 2 to & felock p. m, and 7 to 8 o'giock p. an. DR, J. R. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, e and Throat ing. Knox Church, Stratiord. Legal H. B. MORPHY, K.C, Barrister, - Notary Public, - g Convernotte, Solicitor for Bank of H. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, | Saien OBtoes: Listowel, Milverton Mo: an JC, Maxins, W. J. HANLEY MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, Ontario F. R. BLEWETT, K. C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, ETC, Office: Gordon block, opposite post office 'RATFORD, ONT. Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, | Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College, Toronto. ‘Treateall diseases | much relie of domesticated animals. Calls “T never suspected that coffee phone or othe Pius pittobuly uiienies to. | might be y condition. pele hes you need after a '8 work—A Refresh- ee find LIPTON’S TEA Goes farthest for the money ye BACK FROM WAR HOSPITALS. a i Doctors and Nurses of England Es- ! tablish Great Record. at there are three political ‘The doctors and nurses of prisoners of note on the Island of Women’s Sick and Wounded Con-|Maho—King Kobanga of Us vey Corps have returned to Lon-|King Assibi of the Gold Coast, and \don, pence from their three} King Prempeh of Ashantee, says a Im ser at k Kilisseh. | writer in ¢ © Last Fro Their raat establishes a record efident Sag they dara stthe work ese earned {the admiration of tl t hours of their fee 3) Ss were treated in Ithe Bulgarian hospi ine, decent ig to an error of judgment in men; chivalrous, grateful and bo;- sloting a British Commissioner as Marriage Lottery Held. ish, pleased with their treatment. | the piece de resistance for one of| at Smolonsk, Russia, the annual qT marvellous recuperative | his feasts, an expedition was sent | marriage Ey nedertis chook powers, shown on many occasions |to Ashantee, the country annexed : us the rapid healing of long ne- lected gangrenous wounds, Mrs. Sto bart ascribes to the simplicity of n Conaidering the rough hospital ar- ‘angements and the bad sanitation it is amazing that only one patient died. coe corps had reason to Be thank- !ful for its earlier training, for in genuity was demanded ne all de- partments, and not least in the kit ch en. The cooks had even to skin |ermine, worn over a pair of land dismember the carcasses of|soiled ‘pajamas, his Ma Modding ulti. > ceived me on the veranda of his v4 little dwelling in the pre Tombstone Weather Prophet. to be vith ri Seveet is the constable, who guards him and plese the taste of grateful pa-| who acts as interpectee ween the ie eee nue ope ot tients. King’s very scanty store of English | 116 5maicst Parishes in England, sive out numbering only fourteen houses, + —____ Now, I am not an entire stranger | Possesses__ & mysterious tombstone sie Rate a ee ee ek ee THRESHED HER. but this aa with Pr rempeh ot RERES ene Nii eee hie = Ashantee was one of the most. re. |Sn7us to rain. Tt is regarded in the 15 Long Years. markable Ebert Chatey cary) 0 eeren Una y Sparometer: |. “For over fifteen years,” writes Lees ee Pe r fee taoet, Meanie Fone reece ute, ils, we'| hovered in the neighborhood of 130/NO More Neuralgia, man, a coffee drinker, I suf-| "° ghee ee eae a [fered from Spinal Irritation and|@esrees in the shade of the house ; I was treated by but did not get | Nervous trouble. | good physicians, Societies. Eee LOD: » GRC, GE, No. 47 F., No, 99, Milverton, meets Visiting brethren always: welco Smith, C.R., N. Zimmerman, eesegs es “Silver Star ge, No. 202, Milverton, every Friday night at 7.30 p. their hall over Public Drag Store.:, Visiting brethren always. wat come. W, Smith, N, iy ~K, Loth, F. Secy., G, A. Barth, : Notary Public. Z WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- ~° Ww. D. tioneer for the County of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn and Affidevits mi Village Clerk. Office i ‘i the Woir block | over the Bank of Hamil Hotels. i ey EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor. Best liqu cigars al it a0 GRAN! verton, gommercial travellers and others. “large ‘ogms, Good stabling, Best rauds brane. of liquors and cigars, . Ritter, Proprie ~ quEENs HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. nae 1D ree cominercial Seana ee other: sample rooms, feta ines, = Anes and Cigar = the bar. Good w: itabl Pauli, Proprietor pays special attention t ercial | trade, Splendid sample rooms, Best | wines and liquors served at the bar Rates $1.60 per day. Wa. Wirt, Prop Division Court ‘No. 5—Milverton, Mornington, tine - lots 63 to 72 ii ineluaive in e Iet eonces- rt ‘ourt days—April emt nies ‘mann, clerk, ade. | ACCO! | e | (ea is just as injurious, because it same drug was down- ‘hearted and discouraged , but pi house, I drank tasted anything more delicious. “From that time on I used Pos- tum sae of coffee and soon mprove in health, His mal y Pither things that I never though: ‘would be able to do again, in this wor! he is good, I sleep an and Wise sit is worth living, ind my acquaintance iigalalest Jie Postum, it was eak and ta: ae ppolreee ee Shier the digs ence when it is made right—boiled ing to directions, She w: glad to know this because ccffeedid Now her folks Road to Wellville,”’ in pkgs. ‘There’s a reason.” Postum now comes in concentrat- _form} called on ta level teaspoonful in a cup of hot |water, adding sugar to taste, at nough Sean to’ vee the color to | golden aks ae is convenient ; there’s no waste; and the flavor is always aoe ‘Bold Py ee 100- ch 5-eup fil tin mailed for gro-| ‘eer’s name and 2-cent stamp fo: postage. Canadian Postum Cereal Co.; Ltd., Windsor, Ont. (eek “Mamma, may I play ibe John- sine Cross?’ ‘‘No, Georgi He’s boy. - Let-him olay. Saittitite ae bad boys.”’ ‘‘Well, that’s al! right, mamma. His mother a8 ’m the worst. toy in the stree ARck| NA-DRU-CO Ruby Rose Cold Cream | A ee oie See ae ekaulalte fragran ch lakes THE RULER OF-ASHANTEE IS NOW A PRISONER. Seycheile Isles Turned Into Prisons of Former Rulers of British Lands. The Seychelle Isles, off Africa’s We Ht cortataly appreciate it. 1 260, opal jars, at your druggists. SRTORAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL ee ANADA. LIMITED, lepos ms have, on one n added to }) to the dominions of the British Crown. tee CRANES ener BEST HOME Spm ges if Goo made enienied by a neat picket fence le from the leg ead ert bodes ct we people he and his tribesmen had J Card, Story Booklet, and Booklet giv "Of Dyeing over other colors: : The JOHNSON: miGHARD ON CO. Limited ce Palace to Cottage. lace and a remarkably suecess- ful financially. w to the British Empire, and its ruler forced to exchange his skull-walled palace in Kumasi four: roomed tin-roofed cottage in the outskirts of Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles. Here, surrounded by the huts of the chieftains he: accompanied him into exile, he live: n the meagre aes granted bia by the B. sh iment. Clad in the fi ig cotton robe of red and yellow, which is the West African equivalent of royal The young girl who e r faa ieee Five thousand one-rouble tickets were sold, and the money, which would have been equally divided be- tween the prize and its winner had she refused Hae as she had the right to do, was, as is customary, presented to the young couple as a His Headache Cured A Journ Tall of The Advantages of 1 Nerviline Hi til the The Smell of — in the third place, I w: what to talk to his Wanee ae After an awkward pause, during which the King shuffled his feet es place fairly reeked with Fifty yeara nr Nerviline was coast to coast, and in pase of oe this trusty ninety: secved-the : : mie iy paces MW Mo mia aaa opt nS a - Bed -aivay aiulete OF | ine doctor's bill small. @o-day Nerviline fi : still holds first rank in Canada among Ashantee to one of his attendants, pain-relieving 1 grbela- ca Meme who shortly returned with _® tiDX |} you can find that doesn’t use i tray holding a bottle of whiskey, a| from Port tern Og ue a ciphon of lukewarm seltzer and a couple of very dirty g] After | “For twenty sate we have used Ner nother long and tuncouttortab le line in our home, and not for the world pause the King asked me if [| woul is withoutite “aac remedy for plan's hae all pain, earache, toothache, cramps, head- e something to drink. ted Taking it for gran ater e |e a ee oe peh’s capacity for drink would be | "0 preparation so use iM = ehh shee er food, 1) “et every mother give Nerviline a tri u r glass, ‘ it’s good for children, good for old folki you can rub it on ag a liniment or take it internally, Wherever there ie pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse anything but aie ate Large family bottles, es trial brim with whiskey, giving to _Myse. ithe drink sanctioned by civilized eustom. “In my country,’” — the King, leaning forward, ‘and speaking in the broken English whishtbe had Beeld peler ana Catkrshotoie 90, ‘ingston acquired from vernmel . chaplain, “bad men sometimes a ee to poison King, so King turns drink other way round,” and suiting the action to the words, he turned the ioe: aecn pine. belies rie the beer glassful aaa whiskey. “Why don’t you get an automo- bile?’ “I don’t know whether T could manage one or not.’ oy r argument. You took the same ° | chance, Side, jyou, when you ac- ie quired a ol rted canniba} w ae he literally turned the table oe WIFELY DEVOTION. all right; but it doesn’t say not to let your wrath descend upon the son.”” BOYS ~ GIRLS "i It’s the “Best Ever” Serid Post Card to-day for particulars. 74 St. Antoine St., Montreal, Can. Works Fifty Years to Ereet Mem- “orial to Husband. ~~ A e $4,100, a value out ee all proportion wath Six su: ronndings, has been placed in the eee le of the village church “at Don et ainenele in the canton of Argo- yiesBsiieerlag Miss. timepiece was etened ase memorial for a B orn nearly everyone had toreitten but its striking will-be an hourly re- minder of the wifely devotion of Mrs. Honneger, his widow, who toiled for more than half a century al ie years’ since she has worked as a household sei vant or in the fields, hoarding er earnings. labor- ‘fg excessive self-denial, ly’?” habits. mad. y¥|could for me. * interest in ‘therefore held to be not of the na- af F” u The Ages of of Man, While BEAR EeY all bid him hail He come: this tearful vale vith a weak and puny wail. In saute the world delightful seem: He has-his igh exalted dreams, And while he follows shining gleams spires. He finds to make his acer ate He has to r ‘oot ag por! And with his heart aes ce and thew. Perspires. led Lead But nee his fleeting sands will eee As an authority says—“ Truth well expressed makes the best advertisement ”—then here’s one of the best advertisements in the paper. LADA" CEYLON TEA Zs the best flavored = most economical Tea in the World, Beware of oe profit bearing substitutes, Packets only. And wiee his toiling day is done, Then man, when seen his little sun, Expires, ANOTHER DIAMOND FIELD]: Se If nobly he has lived his life, And battled fairly in the strife, His memory; with goodness rife, Shifting Sand Dunes of Demara- land Leaye Precious Stones in Sight. Luderitzbucht is the principal port of German Southwest Africa, se valliaaihe GoCmescEs newly dis- Sl covered diamond fields of Demara- land, lying among the great sand dunes Eanes of feet in height, in contin’ across the granite ae that follows the line e the abet cues the Orange river — OPERATION FOR PILES FAILED Zam-Buk Was Then ‘Tried and Yorked a Cure. _ Writing sa Jobless, B.C., Mrs. of the proprietor see » Says: “T dinary remedies seemed utterly un- able to give me any ease. Final I decided to undergo an operation, and went to the Sacred Heart Hos-|*0 Wainea pee Spoka @ dhey per) During che eros el Thea ormed an operation and did °YTbeen in German Southwest Africa For a time certainly pat within ie r, months the trouble started again derful stories o} scauistaus of vast wealthy ypites a. traveller. dea Seune e where twenty negro laborers, deed everything I could think would work paces ait a soret be likely to do any good, but still| Se°") ees Selued ae eee Teontinued to suffer, and the thoot-|{i ago q00,000, ia thtee dasa ing, burning, stinging pains, : dull, aching and wretched “worn-|*t 2 Poimt about 10 miles from out’ feeling that the disease eauses to continued as bad as Ore day 1 ron about Zane Buk and thought I would try it. irst one or two boxes gave me more ease than anything ed tated 80 eas over $300,000, ingle aftern. ines Gen for Finds, in a Other as wonderful been related and T had cased to ime wonder that in Damaraland men on together different and better, and Uh = ah tot tea saw m-Buk was going to cure me. Wak went on using it, and by the time I had used six boxes 1 was delighted to find my- self entirely cured, That was three years ago, and fiom then to the| nog phordnt-time there has been no re- turn of the trouble.” of the pavement which on in- Druggists and stores everywhere, | vestigation would prove to be from 50c. box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, | the fragments of a pees bottle or for price other negligible glasswa: _ How Germs Are eee The great mass of the diamnods of Damaraland are found in the nar- row valleys STARCH oe A POISON. Said to Be ‘Causal of ps Dis- rders in Engl; Recent action of ie health au- thorities in England against a drug- an of tare 10 50, witl overseer to every 10 or 12 men, 3 cient quantity of stare! poisonous, has created widespread crawl “slowly on pe “knees ster sand in search of the ge es ah one carrying a bottle in ae he drops them as they are found. Fifty laborers will thus about an acre a day. Ed gems are continually on the march. Coast Constantly Shifting, ast of Damaraland is us For 51 he giant sand dunes, pushed cnesasiaate by the winds from the the sea returns. Some of the largest of these dunes have been known as the eye can reach and the ever on- oun sand behind pours over the is like a limitless brown Nia- To venture far among the sand dunes without a a compass is to court almost certain death. SE The Wrong One. A young man had been calling now then on a young lady, when, one night as he sat in the parlor waiting for come mamma, that is not the one!’’ iy A Decoy Duck. After a girl has tried eyery other way to get a proposal and failed she takes to standing at the side door with her sleeyes rolled up and an apron. on. this country. It may be that the general inves- tigations and examination of in- You cannot follow this panticular prosecu ae result in similar investigations e United afford brain-befogging headaches, infant foods have proved inpurious through excess of starch. The British Medical Journal has the following to.eay in connection with this case : e A Scoopful “There is overwhelming evidence Of Each— that the gestive disorders to B id which many young children are sub- Side By Side ject have resulted from feeding them upon foods largely of starch. Hitherto no very great effort has been made to’ prevent ‘Take “St. Lawrence”? sugar in the other. Look at “St, Law- other: fealth eat ness of them. “The medical officer of health of the County of Rutland, Dr. Chris- topher~ Rolleston, has. wever, succeeded in obtaining a conviction before the local, justices against a chemist for selling a preparation s nee which contai f 70 per cent. of Dractionl and ‘cl as to the harmful- FS a ey Bes ward o| unaltered: starch ‘Test, i plat: bpopoint, ana you will see that is one of the choicest sugars ever refin that few sugars can boat Try it in your hom “Absolutely Sugar Pure - with a standard of purity 1" to ees 99/100 to 100% as being suitable for an infant only “Bost every dealer sells St. Lawrence Sugar,” st. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED, MONTREAL. 6s. a few days ld. of the mixture was erates to be into a basin to be mixed to the | : wate! ‘then to he o was contended by ee chemist that the boiling would convert the oe inte ar, and this view was s ab y a member of the | Bociety ot Publie Analysts. Send us This Expangion made = Prolte TO ANY GIRL Bracelet is a beauty. It is wel gold mate and will ft am ‘ame and address and we will aud s0e! tareh apie ane Spor they 70 per cent. of : starel Se sp contain rovealed to her rs when the the widow, no t persia citizen of Br -m.- ‘ the clock started other ee roms Ls lent the ane sence to the inion have" dir phe and 2S -Counsel—""Mr. Fenkinas yo » goodness to answer me, a fow. 0 Rey 3a Kine” — teed ty wceper.