Milverton Sun, 13 Feb 1913, p. 3

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@ ets, || IN THE DOCK 4 te He is stan sling in the dock, cow- ering betwes i two wardens. It i from hanes betta than fear, that ‘is head is bent, and he struggles to avoid the merciless, peering gaze of the Court, says London Answers. Once only does he look up, and then his eyes meet those of one in whom there is neither scorn nor accusa- a oe wife. not gents her since his ar- cm aba iendwe ao tiie oF Ise guilt. the past six months he took “Daring good ae i is young, you mou d Ea to be a husband ai ‘And therein, poe lies” me ‘tragedy of his is Hy You know their story. antic lovers, seelity, and now at last—the police- othe clerk mumbles a name, ahd a man steps into the witness-box, and ‘tells the magistrate how a number of small. sums had been missed, and traced to the prisoner. "He shudders at hearing the offi- proud of her husband. she will speak of him with bowe ‘ow will she teach her child is solicitor cross-examines the witness, but the evidence is un- shaken begins to’ realize that his convietion is serine le exaggerat in ‘his own mind the enormity of his offende: He bag visions of being sent for trial, and sentenced to a long term of impri- sonment. And then, for the first time, there flashes upon him the pag etee that she will be left al ne ue ae the. world—alone with her ¢ Tove ‘shy he grips the side of the dock ; until her physical weakness puts even this beyond her reacl Or some vile sweater will be stunted. hen it grows up its life will be ey shadowed by much for his Soon his solicitor rises to address the Court, You may grasp the grim irony of his position. Tt was for the sake of his wife and child that he stole the unds-from his employers. were things the unthinking doctor said they both must have. And now it is pretitely his wife and child who will suff Such is his se "that he forgets | 7 that there are mitigating cireum- stances to his'sin. He catches dis- jointed fragments of the magis- trate’s address “Your employers » . another chance, e hound over Ae sone up ie ndgment if called He. leaves the cour rt a free man. SORE Eis, “has EMPIRE’S POSTAL BUSL SS. Great Increases in the Various De- partments Are Shown. The repogt of the Briti¢h Post- master-General, just issued, states that the ‘Imperial rest of the Empire there was an in- crease of about 33 per cent. in the Feud previous. Money a. to British North Estimate of weight nae etter despatched ie the King- lom to Canada and Newfoundland: Letters and postcards, 713,000 Ibs. ; LONDON’S HOMELESS POOR. teen for the homeless poor i Road to the Temple, but if it prove: successful its scope will be widened. The Commissioner of The ticket tl Pensa te w fie the night at a number o' ating voluntary institutions. So W. K. VANDERBILT. ‘ommodore Vanderbilt died Ae left a fortune of $100, as This vast estate came down hi son, William H. Vanderbilt, an Will Be Care 108 Throush Tickets ae ee providing Central London will apply in its first stages onl, ie area be- tween the ankment and Oxford Street, and from Vauxhall Bridge where there is room for the holders’ of the tickets. he office will be opened at eae and the applicants will be from ste to shelters sen| a ie ener ughtnrion aedple tou o-oper- mee to the two grandsons, Cor- eling and William K. Cornelius SCOTCH PEOPLE AND GHOSTS SUPERSTITIONS DIE HARD IN THE HIGHLANDS, iss herence to Belief in Super- natural Eyents, wha follow freits freits Them follow!” is an old Scotch saying | ee expresses much of the philo- | phy of omens, * for it indicates that au bes a ae in Save a fous fatalietio belief ia impending evil coun rections epages ha arrests the endeavor that might Metropolitan Asylums Board in the ae ran Boo cciel there ae nes ioshood: ee ofthe Wighlenders ot: Brovland dis an of "|hardly; indeed, th still dence, sis will tue up abstiers aziong thé lone ehielings af mang A and casua certain ‘i hesther clings to ihe seanty soil of the rocky Grampian; Have Dread ae Il-Luck. ew people would be nowadays if the se sneezed while making one It was believed, however, that this alarmed by burning a little with which the mattress was stuf- fe Then it was unlucky to stum- ble on the threshold of a delta nd house or to return for hing that had been forgotten, and it was a dowie day for the man who had anytl Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, the misfortune to witness the pass- ing of an rn to be considered ex- ceedingly unlucky rescue a man, and many a poor wretch perished as the result of this barbarous belief. The i foreign to the habits ‘of Hoare lity and kindness of the people, was stamped out. person desired he death of another there was the couplet to be eried through the Heike of the door of his room “Will ye come, or will ye go? Or will ye eat the flesh of cranes?” > Ill luck attended as if you met a man on his way rent has since died, leaving William power through his own efforts. was born in 1849, cation could buy, and his “polish”? ties, he chose a life r an ment of the New OW. “Under 0. K. Rat Vanderbilt came to know side of the business. ade a id five or six rieiee tutelage of Rutter, years under the gress toward the top. As an exe cutive he showed marked ability. Willia k. Vanderbilt ‘that — th New York Central Railroad was greater trackage system of the day than any other Se eae oo Gold, performance of and etre the judgment. Donal. Gh, alse imposition; oft got withou merit, sa ont ceitbont deserving. —Shai es ie wings, and ~some- sometimes they _imust be sot flying to bring in mor given to pleasure religi likely to shar half.—Sir Walter Scot So long as we oe = ‘serve: s long as we are lov. would almost say that we are indis pensable; and no not eCsnkiire and criticism never anybody. If false, the; S you unless wanting ii ‘is weak points eee failure and trouble.—Glad- stone. eines 2s Kitten’s' Good Memory. money | he ‘ac. | tions, such a! eri eae and ee 's capabili- entered: the anaponiaont depart- York “Central dines, a Vanderbilt system then as tter, who was lat- er president of the railroad, young every corer study of each separate Vander- ilt was enabled to make rapid pro- m 01 parcel through the ability of enabled to absorb all smaller com- peting companies and to give it a et Hope always strengthens to the uty, gives courage, Meangatlon is an idle and most times they fly away of iranaaieas When one- half ‘of the Sabbath is is re much ot te other by others 1 att is apie ee fhen: he ‘has a friend.—R, Ly hut nnot ie anly ¢chat- acter, and if true ae +5 aman! and forewarn him arkable case of filial ingra-| sh Uniae cn ais part of a black kitten’ lies, (rar Sac ae ie Ot aan lated (oidletea catecen plod teces tie evil influence), or if you met a bare- meaded man. People would go out of the way to avoid a hare or a pig, were quite convinced that things ‘would turn out all wrong a) with them it they washed their |hands in water in which eggs had Geeuehaicd ere were many more premoni- ,| the animal were warm or cold! The | appearance of black clouds on the nd first day of the tew year, which picdee no good for the persons over | whose houses or lands they ap- peste and so on; but the difficul- ty generally lay not. in detecting omens so much as in interpreting them. Beasts Had Significance. he © many curious super- stitions apart animals, and a few of these are by no means dead even to-day. What Highland schoolboy has not pe haters into | the awal nad se cniseeeann e S| squinting eyes! ie seeneht recalls a verse that used e popular in the north :— “Seven herrings are a salmon’s ; all, ’s fill, Seven seals are a whale’s fill, And seven whales the fill rot n Glee ein Croin.”” This Civein crn i just our sea which is sometimes tagged on to the thyme just quofed :— it Croins He iis fill of - | “Seven Cirei th devil himself e big pee Fulfilling a Dream. Then he was ready to fulfill his earlier dreams. Satustaclory ee r the allics ible. eugents altered with the miets of Bulgaria and Servia m Paris. It is ae Le that Venezelos had ready the war, wit the battlefields, ote number of men engaged on either side, tl prohable result. This, however, may ‘be mere fable. The certain fact is that ‘hrough his wise and economi-. cal administration, and the tremen- [ready for war, did more Te eac! Districts Almost Old-World in Ad- v | Agar, IN AFRICA TO KILL. Three Hundred Parties Per Year Se ce Continent. 1, in his little book ‘Njuiniane tells us that quite 300 sporting parties visit British East Africa annua! t if wi a = 90,000 pounds. Most of this large um. goes into the hands of the na- ives: In Nyasaland the sporting li- |censes are much more moderate ia cost than in British East Africa. |In,the latter the sportsman pays 50 | of pounds for shooting a very limite g nigsbereots chels aaeniae Setellien is an extra charge of 10 pounds ta shooting one elephant, and $20 for a second elephant giraffe there is. also a. special cense required of 10 pounds. Many districts are closed for certain game in British East Africa, and to find ay re one has to travel a long Thea hants, however, we’ are told, are still numerous ‘the wilder parts of Nyasaland, and are partic- ularly abundant ntral and northern Angoniland. They are us- ually found in herds of from four to five to over a hundr themselves. These nes as a ain have the heaviest he heaviest single tusk idea weed aie oe pounds, and the longest 11 feet 5% inches. Elephant shooting, in Mr. Lyell’s opinion, is the herdeet sport in ex- istence, entails great ardships on the hunter. ions are very common in Nyasa- n | land, but are seldom seen owing to their nocturnal habits. In central Angoniland they kal large numbers Kc nd "during the rainy season, when nd game difficult to cate Ganecally they follow herds of buf. ‘alo; they are very fond zebra and eland meat, but refuse nothing when really ae “Great care,” 5 yell, “should be taken oe fae Bie shot we it ne not dangerous, as a rule, a lion in the first aatenee, Tho Ce begins when it has to be followed up in the thick grass or bush. If the first ballet is badly ‘aimed, a lion will often fen a Tot eri saw- like grunts Nyasaland. ‘Their will often be heard at night. —<— RAZOR ENDED ED TOOTHACHE, Aerie ae ee Himself and tle Blind Son. seems to have je re- cently for a terrible double tragedy in the East End of London Startled by the words, ‘Daddy is dead,” muttered by his little son, neighbors. rushed upstairs at a house in Fern Street, Devons Road, Bromley-by-Bow, and found Henry for adranother ot tne Glare a Wind bay of nearly two years, named Cecil—lying on a bed with their throats cut. appears that Agar had suf- fered recently from violent tooth- e. He went ao the pea in the cloeniine have too! extracted, but the attendee: it is said, thought that considerable danger would attend its immediate removal, aceordingly, returned home ere his foe son, a blind boy, was oy ‘ing. Nothing apparently hapeeues to arouse the suspicions of his wife, and at dinner time she sent another son to tell his father the meal was @ $ ry. The “child came down hurriedly | # with the ‘dramatic announcement, “Daddy is dead,” and_ neighbors | © found both the man and the baby lying with their throats cut. ene y Was a bs dle-aged man’ in reales employment, and he is de- ribed as ee been very steady ad respectable. oa of Bank Note. is ertain ceremony hich tetas the tenth and burial of a Bank of England note. It is only three days after its cancelling that it is carried to its last home in the bank note bees: Its. first dark day of nothingness is spent | ¢ in the inspector’s office, where se vere judges sit in indement on its irtue. the second day uring and its thirty of foxy: me asat ‘en an done oe are “say, ‘a | Paid notes; and then, on the even- ing of their last day in the upper regions of light and air, they Ae carried down with scant ceremon: in huge bags to the bank note ih ——— _ How to Work All the Time. My rules for being able to work all the time are: Sleep all that is: possible. Get rid of all physical ills. When one interest ‘flags, new Always — on hand a supply of se are soe oe a method Stat a can A learned direct- Hor hi eat was furnished with firi find 6 x roundabout | 728: FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM WER BANKS AND BRAS. What is Going op in The iienmanes i ing and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. It is preposed to have a naval volunteer reserve at Leith. About 800 attended the ball in aid formed at Bo'ness and thirty mem- bers have enrolled. A movement is on foot to present ex-Lord Provost Mearns, Aberdeen, with his portrait. Mr. James K. Millar, of Saskat- seers is the new Canadian emi- gration agent at Glasxow: he Dundee. e making strong efforts to abolish she system of betting by football con e estate of ae elnig ford, has been purchased by Mr. Robert H Halket, Blythswood Square, lasgow The death has occurred of M Robert Joseph Gillander, formerly burg! chamberlain and poor inspec- tor'ok Vorttsee’ The pa at Gourock are making | ley inquiries in connection with the finding of the body of a child on the beach at Ashton, Bitter complai: pollution of the Almond and Bruich streams. The County Council are ‘0 investigate. At en show of the Glasgow and District Cage Bird Association, 500 entries were zeae and all sections were well filled. long services as treasurer. After being for several weeks following the disastrous fire, Furnacebank pit, Devon Colliery, tes has just been re-opened. The Duchess of Roxburgh is a suc- cessful angler on the Tweed. She has landed a number of salmon, some weighing over 20 Ibs. Berwick Harbor Commission are y for a peerings order for ihe conneeacnt So Ses 8 the res ae of the River Tw: ber tecltoa ta tie price of, scar the Telabugeh and Leith master bakers h educed the price of the four pound lo: Considerable di: f West Gounack, near Blairgowie, Belonging to Captain Hill-Whitson. Board o! eer report states tha serine Sune mained good in Edinburg, and the usmard Frorerens in wages contin- 8 a . Thompson, of Abbeyhill, driver of the Dalkeith to passenger train n and killed at Dalkeith railway sta- tion Aberdeen, J. Palmer, master of the North Shields | eat Ate: n Prince,” was fined $200 for fish- ene at night and not, showing the ne- cossary ifs he King’ 8 bounty of $15 has been ees by ry, Kenner ttage, Cutler, eA berpesatiee) who gave ‘birth fe triplets, a son and two daughte Big dovelonrenta incon mining in the Portseton district of East e given to about 1,200 extra hands, ee FIRST CHIMNEY FOUND. Tt Was Demolished by an Earth- re in { quake in 1347, Tn the excavation at Pompeii and petulspenm no The earliest mention of the chim- Bey seems to be in an ancient Vene- an inscription loorway, ae it is written that in 1847 cer- He alice i therleqth of ete and it seems to have run through “Through this the heat passed ely subterranean ovens called ‘‘hypo- eausts,”” which remains were Se in buried cellars of houses built on the Bay of Naples. But i in this there. is no axienee of y chimney in the me the invention of the Shamneye: fires | i were made in excavations pits ‘op tee beneath the floor of habia mans ‘was in the po fires lighted they wats not designed to make houses habitable, seeming- but were merely an indication of "hospitality to friends, se, when occasion called ee and night in verv cold penthiet i 2 Midd! Steeiestay fashion of house-warm- fore the’ ‘ seventeenth centu: lieve is no vider nts are made of the | so DEMOCRACY OF GENIUS: Only Two Hundred in Every Mil- lion Reach Real Greatness. The dictionary of the names of eminent men compiled by S'r Fran- cis nears listed 2,000 persons who cane and mated with Slee hus- Weed and wives to-day, yet the Suey monarch “iat found a ie iat kings is usually by a ies todienation : often rod ad faithful men, but without the splen- ie abilities which created the dyn- ast, S pari the other shows that amon tors, James Watt alone may as inheriting his talents Roe hand Galto) shepherd. Of the poets, Scott was the son of a Scottish lawyer, Tenny- son of an obscure clergyman, Shel- of a country gentleman, an Southey of a Bristol linen @raper. It was a barber who fathered the artist Turner, and Roi vironment for his kinsfolk, but nei- ther he nor Wren, the architect, nor ined them seats qa Feet Lt Blame the Geographs. Ask any hundred English men, women or children what is the name of a capital in Russia and every one of them will reply, “St. Peters- burg,’’ says the London Mail. It may be a small matter, but in point of fact the proper name is ‘‘Peters-, bur; he English are the only ‘olk who insist upon the ‘‘Saint.’’ The city was foun 3 Great and is nam is quite true that Peter was one of ie most extraordinary men that saint. He neither lived nor die a Ne odor of sanctity, and it is 0 find out how it became the Heclich Bea to miscall the splen- did town he founded. Facts and Fancy. Tf the ee a potas how can it ever come A fifth of the eee: of France are farmers. Many a man puts his money and his faith in a speculation, and later on draws out his faith, It takes a month to weave one square foot of Persian ru; Half truths make whole troubles: alparaiso has female conductors ‘on its Peni ears 8 easy enough shut up chickens at night, but it’s another story to shut them up in the ear morning Watches were invented in Nurem- burg. The first watches. were egg- shape Fe ath er your Heer don’t rob the other birds. Buy Living Fish. nhagen has lel fish mar- if built by the cantons With e exception of the larger yarie- ties, like cod and halibut, all the sh’ are, kept alive in tesselat tanks filled with running -water. er town where all the fi er cheap or dear, are so beautifully fresh. In the harbor there are a large number of wooden boats eet holes and filled ae ‘hese boats just float on he fee of the water, and the iiine fish are taken out of thom when wanted. But as every one can wheels, and the live fish are btought the doors of the people’s houses. “— ess Coming to a Boy. judge from thefollowing adver- tieaeat appearing in the Pioneer of Allahabad: ‘Wanted, a: e strong God-fearing pace oman pable 0} teaching the Shorter Cacbehiatn wil orking know- lose 0} original sin, Apply, stating salary required, eee L 394, Pioneer Press.’ rs COCAINE GRAZE IN PARIS THE HABIT HAS BECOME A REAL EPIDEMIC. — Greater Danger to the Community Than Is Opium or Mor- phine. > eh Following the revelations made during the summer of #l e Lun. Asylu ae again this. Weake partied rr pub ‘Accordin, to these doctors there is now a veritable epidemic of the rune ray with the sinister re- , but merely be- cause they see onee friends make it is fact, now a matter o! mere fashion time past have peed earely, gather- ing facts at firat 8, or looagt? as it is now taken, “he uausl method ta merely wallow or inhale a pinch throuat the nose like snuff, and to such a pitch has the ° etazegrownthat it is now a comm. see in the fashionable sight cafes of Mont. martre women seat or enameled ike a side them, from which from time to time a pinch o! pernicious w ne crystals and inhale t them feverisl Ges Trafite. The sale of the drug, of course, is strictly aS by govern- ment under the ae a, tos svors one unable tor’s prescription, but the illicit trafic in cessfully carry on ecu pacers ade the very eyes of tl ice, us of these are prepared to sell at any time of night, and us cocaine fiend who finds he has ruw short ae supplies has only to throw a pel to a window wherein a special set of light is burning. small basket is then stealthily low: ered at the end of a string, and in % the customer puts a certain num- ber of francs. | The basket is then withdrawn and in-a moment is then ‘Tet down with more or less the equivalent in cocaine. his device is only resorted to, however, after o’clock in the morning, since as long as the ‘cafes and night restaurants remain open, res of wait 8, etc., are ready c small quantities. These obtain the y real or forged doctors’ prescriptions for a small amount, which pat fill repeatedly during day at twenty or thirty chem- ists’ shops. A remarkable feature of: the co- caine trade is the regular rise in the price every night as the supplies begin to run short. ag £3 a gram before dinner and an how Lor two after midnight will pay BY or $10 for the same quantity, which is generally. adulterated. Nervous Derangements. ‘An additional reason for the ’ is not only the ease taken pea injections or smoking de because a the fact that it "takes its full effect on the system at once does not require, like other drugs, ee practice before | it can be en- Oo aaiie cognizable,” maniacs are easil says the two-authori- tain time they are® trembling of the limbs.and with de- rapgements of the nervous system, to small insects, which’ they imagine are pissing between the skin and. the NAb a later Sage the aluonnn tions become The victims for which, at the end of the journey, they often find themselves unable to last stage is the “tunel asvlur. a distressing physical re- sult of the ee Sa Oe ot cocaine is an affection of the b. of the nose. which ii is eventually Nee stroved through the shrinkage of the blood vessels.’’ af These, statements are producing a very strong impression on the buble of-all classes and a wide- printed papers, commercial papers, If there ect evidence ‘avail- samples, 6,992,000 Ibs. ; teak from. | has occurred in Liverpool, Englai man among the allies, his name has Wahet a: page ee catia movement is. on foot for ‘anada to United Kingdom: let-| A few days ago a customer threw 4| not been disclosed, ats |" Nover allow the mind to dwell on| ble “ent 8 setisfactors method fad ie aaslaasnean regards the ters, 544,000 Ibs, ; pinto eer piece of meat between them. sebich in the meantime say that Eleuther-| te ha may not be useful. Theres Bubs comb aetran ctlarners sale, both authorized and prohibi- é ete., 1,742,000 Ibs. was secured by the mother cat. jos Venezelos is the brains behin ‘aste no effort. Never worry. Wackle bs sagt ted, of this drug, which, it, is felt, e number of parcels issbateles the surprise of everybody the iitten the campaign, that the ue Never ss excited unnecessar-| " °” if_not ‘check time, is likely “ . ed to Canada. in 1911 was 505,151; | sprang at mother and drove her | Jiant Balkan generals are rely ——_—_-¥- le a grave national danger. re. aed from ee 200,405, out of the house. Since then he | carrying out plans te Tittle | spe, Sa aay het. should be anes Hard ‘Luck. \ against 410,898 and 164,760 in has. mounted guard over the led man made y and them ae without pebs cae Correct Combination. year previous. to prevent her return, and alt] though $ about it. ee x paces wits bas a pri-| >> DDK T NEED IT. —— + has attempted time pie time a Ss a.word tthe whole doatring vate fortune “First Doctor—Well, what has he? ‘ — average man is willing to| to’ return to her h Not oné man in a hundred has| Interest and ie for efficiency, iend Oe wker-“Verv. orivate;| ‘Mummy, I don't want a ath. Second Doctor—It is-a beautiful. money. for any old thing— item, ee and nagratetl sense enough to take care of money, and for protection sl Dr: E LL. ve ies personally been ac-/I’ve not been out, so I’m left over mith the exception of taxes. ! son bars uke after ue ‘inherits it. Thorndyk mainted with it.’ clean from yesterda; ‘nephritis, Tiryngitie al $1,000.

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