WHAT A REAL TONIC WILL DO Strikes at the Root of Disease and Gives New Health. If you look in your dictionary you ill ‘ind ihe word ‘tonic’ ‘ine that Fear ee o ARMENIAN WEDDING LONG. “Happy Man” a Paradox Through Taxing Celebration. Armenian wedding is not readily forgotten. It lasts for sev- eral days, and starts with a gen- and ie ling to- ut without ambition, tired out after a day’s wor! one organ seems to be at fault, bol: the whole system is lacking in health. ‘hey do not sleep well and are al ways tired and Epos meny alanis headaches, backac and stoi All ese people nee ed the of Dr. Williams’ Pink The beneficial influence of is medicine e whole Engels The least exertion me so greatly that I could hardly breathe. stairs, would choke 1 nervous, in fact a complete wreck, and would sometimes have to re- main in more at a ti Williams’ Pink Pills, and my experience with them was that they made a complete cure. ’ Pink Pills have done for me they will do to other women if given a fair chance.’’ If you are ‘at all fail to try Dr. unwell do not Williams’ Pink Pills, tie Medict ine Co., = "roskville, “K Petti Petticoat Fad Fad. Many girls these days are mak- ing themselves white satine. n with pu frocks, and have the sheen of silk. Get a good quality, See preferably, and cut in one of tl new petticoat patterns of straight lines. Finish the button with: a deep hem, five or seven inches, a at little cost or trouble. ming usually costs but three or four cents a yard and may be sewed on by.the machine. prallag pete are made in black satine ear under dark gowns and women have two or three of each kind instead of the usual cam. mac! and gives a smart look to the akirt e trim- brie pettitcoat or unserviceable silk. Diddling the Doctor. An Irishman was servin, g in a re. Not liking the tried to evolve a trie he could get hom be he went to the doctor and told him his syesight was bad. The doctor looked at him for a while ie igh Otow n you to me that yout eyesight is Pat looked about the room ‘Well, doctor, do then,’’ replied Pat, “I can’t.’ —_———-4t_ ¥ he ‘will you aded, ‘ utes you are not sable’ to 1) me and think.’ = “Tan. Only the things I think vwhile I’m listening to you don’t »get me anythin; ‘ ‘DON’T NURSE CoRNS TRY THIS REMEDY | You can’t be disappointed with Putnam's fires, more t them at the y | a very seasonable little homily up- Mar, please quit talking for a few min- |y. ink.” give a man a boost when he gets near the to] longest way around has its short- {eae an ie cae a Paani loses his money on | sure comes fore pleasure is in the die- tional health isn’t going to improve your midst of the uproar it is Armenian etiquette that the “happy” man shall totter in with faltering foot- steps and blanched face (it has just der) in order % ae through the. or- deal of prepar: e is first Publi shaved, and then adorned with the varigue gifts sent by the pede elec bro- thers next fall ppon ita, and with ats mae that he speedily stands s Nature made him. Then ee Rane reclothe him in new "|in their right hands throughout the | fn, operation. The evening terminates with bon- musi appear- ance by riding to anne bride- groom walks. on the obliga‘ to aaeeaee e about march j r | procession to the altar, inte ee foreheads are bound together with however, another possession. ea ages suffer- ing race, the Armenian: peels Grains of Gold. Seat rents, more than anything else, has caused a great mass of ide artisan classes to lin church.—Mr. Many have about the origin of evil Honey © never recognized art as that power vahih it say fo Mr. Michael Ballin, re Under General French VETERAN OF BOER WAR WHO LOST EALTH ON THE VELDT TELLS EXPERIENCE. Good Advice for All Who Have Indiges- tlon 8. or Stomach Diso: his home at Waldegrove, N. 8., no one is better known than Sergt. Mater Cross, late of the 4th Queen’s Own Hus- sars. Spéaking of the ill-effects of a cam- paign up an's Ss itution, the Sergt.-Major red under te General French during te gta tsa wat in the capacity of Sergt.-Major. It was perhaps owing to a anne diet’ of bully beef, hard tack, and bad water, but at my stomach entirely gave ont. I in such a state that I could eat nothing without the greatest suffering. ‘The ed Se re did not help me mi an vi ths ago a friend told ae he had been a great suf. ferer indigestion until he tried Dr. Hamilton's Pillsthey cured him. I co1 fess it was without much faith I bought 1 feel 2 them others and {1 every case the result hae been similar to mine. “Quick. snre results attend the ste t. indigestion, make on feel uplifted and ‘strengthened. To Tenew or eubits: he: Ir. ilton’s An always prov. prescription. . per box, five fot for $1.00, all deal- ie or the Catarrhozone Oo., Buffalo, N. ¥., and Kingston, Ont. Bitter Bits. The world is always eager to Few things are perfect. Even the who is afraid “e we mé place where du ity always Wes a poor rule that won’t work both wi but drinking to a man’s | use cece clee nice is world- cera vicky ith i “Yottle, oot oon {OME Siation “of what the phsose teoly |e co completo outit with eumeien et pens ication to last. two mont! ee oe 2 aor ik know Whento stop! eave Ga none the Sona ot inanracie hard rubber inhaler costs “4 ee smaller sizes with glass inhaler, Sab were: 1 suppose ‘Your after it'e too late, horse-power, i would ee Mae a attane OMT RT kee ughter is happily married?’ Mrs. * 00 produce as much energy | keepers, or post paid from the Catarrho- jagsby-—‘‘Indeed she is. Why, her | """"* Liniment Cures Diphtheria, | as the 70,000 horse-power developed | zone ¢ Con, Buifalo, N. Yo, and Kingston, ba cues iathat Boas 1 pen] Ment Man be: Comfort wlasiuireaner ies Taner ret antic si er, 1 le mei 3 First ClerkHow man the neighbors com-| te work on the eight-hour-day| FISH “STULL IN Ga ATALER. work in your ae The ti Vee aban mite tem, e figures would give a a a Becond Clerk— “Oh, I should say, ey Tey GONNA Race hee tO eae 380, 000, shat ‘being the Madiin River Jordais No: Ineonveni- roughly, about a third of them !’” neighbor has a ie el Makes the Clothes a’ : White as Snow| Try It! wufactured by bably iors feyen NY eggs. hicken house at all. ‘Some of the) beén whitened with a little pow-|, 8 | the ™ | this periineVclat: oe Scere tensively until results of 1913. thousand horse-power, tremely doubtful whether one per- SHE COULD NOT HOLD. CUP OF TEA DOCTORS AGREED TORONTO NURSE HAD BRIGHT’S DISEASE. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her after five years a ge a hene- fit after first box. ronto, Ont., Feb: 3 (Special).— Mis ‘Alberta Goffin, a nu liv- ing at 40 Wright ae been interviewed in reported cure narvene or Ki ney Trouble by Dodd’s Kidney Pills, She states that the report is true in every particular. “My sickness,” Mrs. Goffin says, “was caused from a nervous dow! id what the doctors called eneable Bright’s Disease brought and long nurs- was treated by three doctors and was a patient in two hospitals, but gradually got weaker. Reading experiences te other sufferers like myself lead m Kidney aa es weak aj hold a man ‘t tea without spilling some of its contents. felt a benefit ne taking the first. box of Dodd’s Kidney Pas and eight or nine tees cured m completely I can now walk a maile without fatigue.” you haven’t used Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills y of your neighbors will tell you they ‘of pimples, blackheads and Do You Wish to Im- prove Your Complexion, Hands or Hair? If you wish a skin clear other annoying eruptions, hands soft and white, hair jive and glossy, and scal free from dandruff and itch- ing, begin today the regular |, use of Cuticura Soap for the toilet, bath and shampoo, assisted by an occasional light epnliceion of Cuticura, Ointment. No other method is so agreeable, so often effective and so economical in treating poor complex- ions, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling ‘hair. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment havebeensold through- out the world for more than a generation, but: to those wishing to try them with- out cost, a liberal sample of each will be sent free with 32-p. book on the care and treatment of the skin and hair. Address ‘Cuticura,’ Dept. 25D, Boston, U. 8. A ee XN Fashion Hints Pink Crepe Skirts. Negligees and petticoats atte ing are everywhere to be pink crepe de spine plain one untined, wi elbow length is finished with the border of eider down; it is priced at $7.95, and could be made more ee for about half the n at one side on the skirt, but si gown is spoiled by a white flowered satin girdle. For those who care to dress a little out of the of greenish yellow nearly of mustard tone ; its material matching. caps are of clear white : woman may make herself very cl Ss in the present styles in her boud Fashion Hints. Sheer batiste in new embroider- ea designe bids fair to be a favor- e this cor ason the Tudelat styles bid fair to be quite a Pronounced feature in the spring fashion always cure Kidney Disease in any form. —#_____ NESS OUTLOOK BRIGHT. Crop Has Been Gathered, Housed and Marketed. Bradstreets’ Review of the busi- ness year contains this forecast for 1913: BU Big Favorable conditions are in the majority as the new year opens. Easily first in this category are basic crop results, which tend to exe st e ondition, and cheap- r food, which lies at the base of all industrial effort, Ae eel to e one beneficial featur to future crops, it m: the » though ae a smaller area than a year ago. ers now on the books of man- bookings run beyond the spring and up to the fall, as in iron and steel changes manufacturing costs unlikely. re oT a all able or illing to w is the least im- notan foundation “oe future good consumptive dem: Conserva- tism bred of pase: a of strain made for cautious buying, and nowhere are burd ae the confenes nee Sea revision of the th ane to be the consensus latter operation should pushed rapidly to a conclusion te i i ly ey market will have, if anything, a favorable effect by tending to limit pecu an something definite can be known ultimate crop Eapibitep * Siaveea es cleared my head, strengthened my throat, The average man is apt ak | took sma that rank breath and soreness very glibly of so many saiteent or | in the but it is ex- thro: er, of Another neigh: | | ajhen peas that has pro: been since it The ventila- 8e N ‘never leaned,. no ee is ever given, nor New aa can this be kept perfectly fresh for an indefinite tim a|a certain amount of air insi y |shell and dissolved in the eben of the cause the egg to d extent no matter hat method of preserving it is gets rid of the air by plac es oe through the porous ve car- bonic acid gas and ‘inctunert aie wholesalers are he eggs are then sealed up in tin sufficient. eep most lines busy|cans, when they can be kept for until spring arrives. In lines where | any peri in a Ee place; the pel same as canned pean :|Chest Colds, meas FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT COUGH The direct-breathing 20 Just note ee uma poe clear- how where the trouble Beaty ie. zone did for me," Georgetown. stant pain over ite eyes. e It seh. hase | of Galilee is to this of travellers. done b; use of nets, proba construction apostl fie turies been don f ith the m Adelie but ee silt In that THESE EGGS WILL KEEP. Sucks Out Air, Puts to Take its Place. new process for preserving ia id as the advantage that the eggs age In eggs ordinarily there is the This mes if oe in will certain egg. e new system, "theretore, first ig the Be vecinm. -Atter the wk hes iin Boe enka cap ce ane Can’t Be Cured By Cough Syrups SYRUPS GO STRAIGHT TO THE STOMACH WHICH ISN'T AFFECTED. cure, “Catarrho- which instantly reaches all “atleoted parts Is best Remedy. shows arrhozo1 always oures—it gets can speak of, the moses Gatarrho- writ . Fernandez, important figure in- eran life fe had any sone at cats rr trouble, cut o1 l_experiments— ence to Finny Toilérs. he nbundance of ns in the Sea day the wonder | 5; Most of the fishing the Be involves the ntical in 1g ith young 5 inl : seas to as my so! iheske andl Laie easton! Lady: well as I did the last one you r have not the sete taste that I} had sides, my camera y puis old. Slo SAVE THE BABY. Baby’s Own Tablets are the one edicine to make |}! baby well and keep him well. ||| hey are guaranteed government analyst to be free from | [. ey 1 dard, Mani writes — ‘IT have used Baby’ 8 Own Tablets have to thank them a my little one Som 1 r | that even their own statements con- fli THE RIGHT WAY bisrenireR, Trine TYE, OLDS, ETC. o au horses, rong ten, ‘colts, stallions, MINFLUENZA, Tigea Compound. of them. It acta on the and glands, It routes the disease by expelling the dis- ease germs. It wards off the trouble n matter how they are “ex ”-Abso- Tntely. free’ from anything {nurious. A child can safely take it, Sold by drug. gists and harness deal Al wegen Drugglats Spohn Medica! Co. bed Pao ua att Pees) A Really Smart Man. “He always says the right thing at the ight times doomn't i “More than He ee ays keeps tent at a sat ‘time. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money it PAZO OINTSTSONE (oils towareeny pee ote §ng, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in (to 14 days. © people are so full of fight | 2 Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. He that will believe only what he can fully comprehen: st have a rey long he: very short eed.—O. C. oe = ys Need Care No rting—Feels ee for Red, Weak, BEA Eyelids. Tilus- Aart hae cb. yuccossful Payaislans® Prac- Now dedicated to the Pub: lst ht, 266, and Be per Bottle, are ptic ‘Tubes, medy Co., Chicago woman informs her ee ee ‘that she has something to to him, it means that he is due a a scolding. : vod Wlurine Eye Re Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget In Cow: Some people give themselves ne and others ate constantly be- eee that man over there? He is a bombastic mutt, a wind-jam- | mer nonenity, a fehe alarm, and an FARMS FOR SALE. H.W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne treet Toronto. G 00d, STOCK “FARM OF | 600 ACRES - Aes eth Three ei Jarge Bank Bank Bara. ‘ust be sold quick. Price is ws EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN tobe, ears and. Rankaighewsa rth the money for [ 3AVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontarle on ‘my. lst. If! you. wan! ‘arm H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. NE HUNDRED ACRES — OXFORD ¢ County; soil gravelly loam, frany house; fram outbuili ny Real Estate Exchange, Londo _ STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLECTORS-HUNDRED, DIR. SS “ferent, Foreign log Album, only Seven conte isthe Stem pany, Foronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ANTED — LIVE WILD nee fall kinds, Pearson, Poultry: Vv Guelph, B ARGAIN — REGULAR 2c. SHEET Music at eae Sample copy 6a. Specialties Agency, 1836, Winnipeg. ANCER, TUMO! ie ee Wee es and wae out pain by our home treatments Write us before too late, Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwo. Fy ALL STONES. KIDNE BL. a iat Sa trouble Gravel ind: RS, extern San Canada, of Limited, Wiantpes: When buying your Piano insist on having an “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action © ||| encumberer of the earth!” Would ue coal” ees ||pyouauind iariting ait that down for backs ae me?” ‘Why in the wor pene mamta el etes iy ached “should Tablets ‘are sold by medicine |1/iike to use it on him some time.’ e , 0 a box from The Dr. Williams’ ARPET DYEIN Medi Bisbal 1 Oe tere accent ee British’ Americ ng Co ; peed Nid RT Gold Medalist, aa fats Hood’s Bit of Fun. An English beer-vender wrote BOILERS pie ig a ae over his shop door: si forte pai AA = MOKE STACKS, " aconts for starts. om Hood, qiotawts seid it was) | rant vendesiog and Heating trate rig] 1ROW. WORKS Pathe feed the 2 ‘man nella Hood POLSON timireo TORONTO explained, ‘‘is i Engines and Shipbullders The Nova Scotia “Lumber King” says: Seer Maas LINEN, (eh iniment in got my foot badly jammed lately. 1 bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT and it as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. What They Say. Elderly Suitor—‘“But a man is as as he feels, you know.” “Er—yes—after he géts old RE = COLD IN rake! Cakanry: BROMO. athe Tablets. BW ai yee money if it faile gh hier GROVE'S are ces is on ea Malicious. Gladys—I refused Fred two. weeks ago, and he has been ong Ethel—Isn’t it about time he stopped celebrating? Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. . Generosity. “But, George,” protested the lovely girl, ‘your salary is only $20 kk, and we can’t live on that!” exclai $10 a week Be do you SPEND THE WINTER IN sees Al st on stl fides variable routes, a! ery. The Los | Angeles ie, Ante ia Chicago daily 10:16 p.in. for Southe fornia, jan Francisco, Overlay ed. Tearing ‘Chicago, 230 om three days en route, provide the. best of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaves ‘Chicago daily a 10: cisco. and Los ane tates ailueiaeed Sieretars. on caputings Hon to B. Hl. BennettG. A., ‘Chicago and North Wester n Ry. 46 Yon: ge St., Toronto, Ont. Tommy—‘‘Mamma, wat is eco- ee Tommy's ann a—'"Eeo- a\ husband —I don’t like this picture 80 O} abe * Photographer—Ah, madam, was when I oung ; and, be- se of th toes othe of ene ree the cen- wil to be} Be ye with: ai most: e deceived with the ing co: sda oe a ae To Color Grey Hatr FREE pag oy Gel Eile ItGrow. thin ve to yout alo sy bald tops Itching, re og dan rut an id mak an OF ere: Stow, hate eta glossy. You lave only to send ue With 10s. enclosed for mailing anywhere ent, at our ov a Wate Torday. ‘Address DR. PROSS! 3 Comtalaslonor Street, Monte fe F U RS from all over U. 8. and Canada, Why not ehip to ue? You wili sooner or later. Send for pri stand on to WE HAVE STARTED & PRIZE ing an outlay of /yarying from $100" (first. prize) Should you not aro tap and. we will ai then outer’ contest wana Prizes will be given for. 16th, closing date o you neces Ww: ina the best Don’t fail to write at once for copy oa the fullest information, 58 Wellington St., COMPETITION In th it of purity of goods involv. the Tnteren esha aiviaea Into 46 prizes Competition is limited to users of the GRIMM CHAMPION. vaponaron and want to gett) ow using one vot our "EVAPORATOR, write to ug, stating No many TY cost su competition. THE GRIMM MANUFACTURING COMPANY, alioes $500 » MAPLE SYRUP PRIZE CONTEST he best value out sand are ited to your, net ‘cash. prize, thus’ reducing cont of it samples -of syrup and sugar eent Samples from every competi. show ePintows of STHby MDRISenl ‘our Se Contest Circular,” giving Montreal, Que. sea ‘closet to) re It Has Bee disease and filth. steps e a daughte: home—and force se it—in all weathe: Why, man, it’s outrageous! E . show little it would cost you to in Closet—right in your own home. will appreciate its privacy and how. LOOKING TROUBLE ~ Every. farmer wh o allows an outside for Trouble —disease and illness —for himself and his entire family. That nine out of every ten cases of illness on the farms are directly traceable to the batsids. Just think! You allow this bere to remain within a ey convenience. Make up your _ mind now to Ee rid of that. outside privy. We wilh i show you _ Mail This Coupon to Us RIGHT Now ey THE GOOD HEALTH FOR \ main on his farm is Looking n Proved closet—that horrible sink of \ your family—your wife and F6—winter and summer. . avehially when you consider > stall a Good Health Sanitary Imagine how your family