> a Ee ee eS RPE ne a a a a er ~ LITTLE VICTIMS OF ST. VITUS DANCE Its Most Common Among Chil- dren of the School Age Tf your child—whether boy or girl is idgetty, emotional and awk- ward, you should watch it care- Roly: os it may Tet Be as req not ae ‘still, hes move with strange actions, their limbs jerk and their features twitch nervous- Speech is confused ai whole muscular system control. These are among St. Vit symptoms of d trouble that afflicts growing girls noth du: ring most eigen e ‘illiams’ ol age. Pink Pills are ic that did for her it gee to grow- be ing worse. 6 grew so bad that she could not fed herself and her | thou, speech was so badly affected that we could scarcely understand her. .d jerking of her . At this junc- 8 iy they have Sey and she is healthy an as you can Ey Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by ail mae Seale os yeh by e mail at 50 ce: for $2.50 fro * Williams? Medicine Ga Br aseise Ont. ——_+*»___ RAYS FOR GOITRE CURE. German ets Claim It Is Very It wasn’t so many rs ago when @ diagnosis of peice ae as equiy- alent of a sen‘ to di The cause was ene Seainly, a be in the vicious activity of the thyroid @) and surgeons began treating the di by the partial remo’ oe oe glands with more or less he latest ep in the treatment of # is described by Drs. Seiaicn aaa Phossthaty, of Berlin, been working ri nee aap: sTib6 het glands without ny harmful effect on the ——___kr___. A married man’s manni never 60 eatistaatbty an when “h mnitnts, relatives drop. yin = noes OURED IN 6 TO 1 DAYS four Et Tefund money it PAZO NTMENE faily to cure any caso of Tice. g, Blind, Bleeding or Prosruding Piles in The troubles of marriage only ‘begin when a man tries to shirk its responsibilities, Minara's Liniment Cures Distemper. ; men ‘eometimes sange their opinions. “Yes, Mr. Growcher, ‘But eh he of people mistake for an opinion is simply the mental echo of some other man’s dqud a voice.” When Your Eyes He Heed Care el ge. Mini lod by our Ocullsts—not a “Patent Med- jotne: ed t0 the Pub- East e baa Mm far ties, 20 and urine Eye cae Co., Chicago Minard’s Liniinent Cures Diphtheria. Prospective. Tenants — There one great disadvantage eect | use ; it i That's no aihadvauta were to bre: nearly so fast. SUFFERED 2 MONT ~ WITH HEMORRHOIDS Sian with Itching Sens Sensation, Kept’ Awake at Night. Caused Great” Pain, Thoustt Operation Only ure. Cuticura Soap, and Oint- . ment at Cured in 6 Weeks. it., Toronto, Ont re this ntarto.— "I oo 2 awake at night. I forenit kinds of ied dif- of ointment to a OS is | the coFoltsral aneeolog pound ut wd, In aubeantnl aatelans Prao- | tion in Vi Mes Sire Sa out it poulds’s | burn ore OZAR AND CZARINA WORRIED ee Less of Jewels Thought to Foretell Royal Family’s Health. ee Ozar and Ozarina of Ruesia are re than us perturbed over & Ae infarorabl le omen that has occurred in the Royal palace. You have heard before how super- larly—and his wife, being continu- aye surrounded by it, has become aa bad as Every now y al isthe tote Majesties at pre- sent. It was lost unaccountably by mpress at the funeral of the Grand Duke Vladimir, and ugh almost the wi of the Rus- T | slan secret police have been search- ing Bal it since, not a trace of it can be found. The real origin of the diadem is wrapped in mystery, but rd off evil spirits, it doesn’t seem to have been very successful in her case. it the great thing about this diadem is that the pearls and capes hs which it is composed foretell by their condition tie. ek | being—or otherwise—of the Rus- sian Royal family. If danger im- parkle Nita while eo tones resume their pristine ‘What them particularly anxious to have this talisman by m just now is + the oe state of health, and the Joss of the diadem seems to their superstitious minds to have the worst signifi- cance, SPL ta AR A Bad Heart, Many Firmly Convinced They Are Dying of Heart Trouble, Have Of- ten the Strongest Hearts, wake up at night, heart ea you throbbing like a steam engine. Your breathing i short and irregular; pains and abdomen, al. of indigestion, wl form on the stomach and press against ser pees read what happened to Isaac Mallon, of Belle River, Ont. T was a weak, sickly mented in my stomach, I ae and sain often waken asf and heart aaa meu “I co my doctor and used reme- ates that my friends advised. Nothing helped. “One day I received a sample of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, and my oure ene ed. lay I have @ vigorous appetite, strong heart action, and no sign of in- digestion. I Seal younger and healthier than_ever befor epity or storekeeper sella Dr. ue Pills, 250. per box or flve boxes for mail tae The Catarrhozone o., Bullao, No N ig en paieas, Canis. MAKE PEANTS “DRINK TRON. Amount” In Spinach. Increased Its Cause and Cure| SHE USED ONLY THE NATURAL GREU WAS RELIEVED OF HER HEART DISEASE. jst Kidneys right with 's Kidney Pills and all her troubles vanished speedily and completely. Eel Creek, Oumberland Oo., N. a ne epee ae Seterits from Heart foe Made her ie so run aoe nervous an pressed that all the aticens had gone out of her life, and never ex- of heal th. Her simple foe is the best. evidence cee no case = Kidney Disease ued Kidney Pills qill not otra sy wey tated by five doctors,” Mrs. Leadbetter states, “Four of them did me no good, The fifth operated on me and that gave me relief for a time. I had Female, itaee and. Heart trouble, | 1 wad nervous n down that my friends aid see uisak T woe oo ge Be advertisement led me to use Dodds Kidney Pills, and I have found in them fore for all my troubles. not praise Dodd’s Kidney Pills toe highly. Female Trouble and Heart Dis- ease are caused by Kidney Disease. The natural way to cure them is cure the Kidneys by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Jk. IS MOST THRIFTY NATION. From Sayings Bank oo Switzerland Firs iss Gover of the Swiss Poon and th 8 of thrift at their disposal. It ap- plied direct to the savings banks to supply the information required. ven banks out 0 Govern- = request, states tho Manches- , England, Guardian, but the pe 1,047 all sent in ‘tall particu- lars o! rk, Everywhere it is apparent that thri uch on the increase. For instance, in the ten years from sia 308, Bavaria 99, Saxony 405, and | Wurtemburg ee pos 270, the ited States q a Ai 129, Sachi as yet has no post- office sa' yank, and n. penny savings o vavinae tia aiitiongt -tirer- ake | of her savings banks will open an im of 1 france or. ly three At the end of 1908, oe year in ieee the sw ms lying i in savings the credit of Swiss sub- jared with not quite 40,000,000 francs in 1897... Se. eae 3 by under “way. at. ical sta- ity of iro Baste, with a view to the effects on human system when those pins are used as food. “Artificial- prepared focds containing iron ne not always produce the scenes feat, because tl i ey Epes It is b prove is eo other Fe rerniinbes ee a ‘ ‘CLASP KNIFE IN MOUTH. Prisoner Admitted Its Usefulness in Picki Br eekele in the district of Jalpaigni, iaigal: iiss was a sud- den epidemic of petty the! and burglaries. The police, completely baffled some time, finally af- a view to further in- 01 83, gy, Banry of ig 170th ras x. Xe HER HEARING RESTORED tonishing Deliverance of Woman Thought to be Hopelessly Deaf. New York | Special.—Fully con- vinced that her hearing has been permanently restored after years of eorueS wee head es and al- most total deafne: ae City, has now been persuaded to tell the story of her wOndeEntt de- liverance. After having spent hundreds of dollars o1 anical devices, me- dicines and doctors’ fees, she de- cided that this latest discovery, however simple an in Mrs, Barry’s case and -|it holds out for them. may her in confidence for’ full details, ee she offers to send gratuit- ousl, pant aE “ase BN Tt. is meal costs a man a ge to listen to flattery. Minard’s Lintment Cures Colds, Eto. —+ ot HOW NOVA SCOTIA WOMAN 133, oi 122, iy a the Netherlands 89, and R 2 reatine 10 and LOGGING SLASH. Greatest Menace to British Colum- bla’s Forests. October the Forestry Branch oe e can be no certain hope of con- st resources ill the east, ao ates logging operations, is d ec eaten née of rangers shows that once a fire gets a start in elash of men cannot check ib. A fire at Golden, B.O., last June was quoted as an example. This fire started in slash where logging operations were being © 3 3 E hn} yes #3 RE & 5 ® a ile ee a& loggi A large force of fire-fi hts proved helpless to. stop its ravage Bo ference assented that this slash problem is becoming more in- sistent ond dangerous every year, as the quantity of sl acti as chairman of the, meeting, that the Forestry Branch was to. insti- tute experiments as soon as possi- ble to determine the safest and most economical method of dispos- ing of logging slash. No More Bronchitis Throat Distress Cured. gene Sufferer Tells of Quick Relief From **Catarrhozone.”” Every breath carries healing balsams to the slok sore places In the nose and throat, Montreal this time gives ses geaee of for the modern a tarrh and bro i Instead of taking. i drugs into the stomach, or rin an old-fashioned spray, the sensibl now-a-days Joseph Daoust did, and writing from is office at 67 St. Paul St., he says “I guffered for” ypars from the wort hronic bronch: : ead of Oatarrhozone and bought an outfit, In ugh, a tee endor: tarrhozon' ich is a scientific preparation for throat troubles and Catarrh. It is not a “cure-all 1e dollar outfit contains an indestructible, hard rubber inhaler and medication + his'* treatment. All dealers or post paid from the Catarrhozone Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada, Senn See “Now They Don’t Speak. Maud—‘‘So Jack with something eae ad he? The dear fellow! What was it?’ Marie—“‘I don’t think I should yo Maud: T insist.” You thick, dear.’” The Important Question. eee she sing?” «wtih or without ? “With or ete “what Her music?’ ‘No, with or without coaxing.” Minar ecg waters ue 1e time ay bad attack of Quiney, es ‘aid m 3 for two weeks ointa i etre tee mp. again forming my throat, I bathed in iy nee MIN- @ [Ae Rb 1S Si Isis BISeq! s Sa: 4. * ISSUE ea Viear—Amid all Ge troublem | See ee ee i ee ee dy, a pe sed pe Stack of Gainer ic ahs. tree-wie-of ‘MIN- at your gratitude fia Bpaetione ' ENT. does not fail. Mrs. Grundy — No, | st, gon. fae sir; rheumatiz is bad, indeed, but| . I trae aor I still ’ave a\ bac! = to”: pered down three stori “Tl have her on the Senn ina minute, chief; I’m waiting for her to curl her "An Arab went to his neighbor eee the permits us to with a repre when,we don’t wan' nad compared me|dence and oco druggists. % WHAT FOLLOWED A OUT. A Magistrate's Arondert Expert- Mr. J. E. Acoli a ae of hs Bays “Four years ago I had an aocl- slip] the station and fell on a freight pra sustainin; @ bad cut on the front of my we dat thought this would eae stead of doing so it deyeloped into er end as into a form ot eczema whicl idly and aie stated on the other leg. Both legs and sore that I could "|My doctor said I must stop work and lay up. ‘After six month this trou- t better I got wo which mous cure me, and in the end it di r a year since Zam- -e in my case, and there has been no ace of the eo- zema or any trace of it.’ AML seette Gal aerate isa 0c. box or post free from Zam-Buk to, Toronto, upon receipt of price. CITY LIFE AND PHYSIQUE. Town Men Better Developed Than See en. Ag eal used to be said and ection ite the Debilitatine effect of urban lite upon Individual phy- sique. It ar taken for ened thas the Ce militia- arguments for the encouragement of English agriculture by corn laws and other protective legislation was the Becosesty 3 of preserving that ik Yoo: manry 0! whi al- leged to funn the aie sinew oft the kingdom. en one attem to adduce accurate statistical one of this development, however, one dost not find the exp proofs so readily forthcoming. __ Statistical data to prove prove the Eee ae not to be had in this owe aie go to those countries of continental in conse- Bienes practically the whole adult male population is subjected, sec- tion by section, to physical examin- ation of exactly the same scope an nature. Now, the evidence that comes from all these countries—and it is bas © measurements of many lions of men drawn from notion that city life is | a eed debilitating. On the contrary, the percentage of those who are rejected each year for failure to meet the minimum re- quirements in height, weight, chest _and so forth, is in igher among oe from the rural than amo Kd ng tl d from the population of the (ergs cities. itary tai have seoduanely, athe great wars of tl ce) P: physical degeneracy, "Gio ‘sracses now. ob le gives no conclusive proof of i Health, Saori and vigor evi- f mi upation than upon cleanliness. peuek of diet, and prompt attention to minor bodily ills. fee Bs {FOOLISH TO KEEP CORNS Putnam’s Extractor Removes’Em certainly had aa the Sprweee on} No o Sold in 2c. potties sand recommende An Ambiguous: Question. aie $ ib?” you come by it honestly ee it stopped. Then fellow coming along asked, ‘Where are you going wi that umbrella, young fellow ? yee dropped the umbrella and ran.’” sai ‘SIXTY MILES - ll GIN PILLS §oc.a Be 1.50. if. Fouad Wetonal rug and Chemical ‘oronto, 134 i bub in-|* read very rap-|it was sae a swell umbrella oe 5 GARDEN OF EDEN. Theory of Sir Willlam Willcocks Rogarding Its Location. tian en- Pe Mat ze have been identified by Sir William. It was while studying, » and mappin; starting work ae Re of Eden ‘es away through the Suez, over Pharach’s bones in the Red Sea, through the Straits of eek el ere. up the Persian mee five huvidied fatlew up ths wandeaue teri and Euphrates. a Mr. Niggard—I’m sorry to say, dear, regarding—er—that. birthday gift 1 promised you—er—diamonds are up in price now, higher then T can afford— Mrs sorry, dear. is disappointing— Mrs. Ni Yes, it's too that you'll have to pay more than you can a = a igga Mr, Niggard— cae it ON Wash Day Se Makes the Clothes as Bluings 10 Whiteas Snow cents. y ttl Manufactared The Johnvon-Richa ‘Limited, Bion CHENILLE CURTAINS |x ‘nd all Kinds of horse hangla LACE CURTAINS YEO Au0 clenngo PRES Gold Medalist. A MOTHER’S PRAISE OF BABY’S OWN TABLETS Mrs. ting Lambert Fecuetie ville, Qu in the ts were doing for other ‘children, to try them for ee babe who was mitleiing from a) pation stomach trouble They erat like a pan and alway ence and reco and van 76 a mm! my friends.’’. Baby’s Own Tablets eure constipation and indigestion; Brockville, Ont. HR Griggs—It is said that coal left exposed to the elements loses ten r cent. of its weight. - Briggs—I left some exposed and there was a much greater loss than that. OMO QUININE” That is UATATIVE BROMO QUININE: for the signature of E. W. GROVE, Sites Gold in One Day. Cures Grip ia wo Easy come, easy 80,3 is as true of success ag it is of money, Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. FARMS FOR SALE. H, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. POD STOCK FARM OF 500 AORES X ‘with Three Houses; large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is yery low. GS BYERat DESIRAR! FARM Ma ee id. Geneva Paks ane be bought. Worth the money for HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farmein different epotiong of Onisrig yn my list. farm consult “| H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. 0) Sek ee ee loam; frame house; pane b ey allway sta- tion, irorman. Wileon, Gold: 0 at ge Western Real Estate Bx: change, London, Ont, STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLL: Bg HUNDRED» DIF: ferent amps, Catalogue, Aioum, ouly Seven’ Cente Marke Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED | LIVE WILD, ANIMALS, all kinds. Pearson, Poultryman, Guelph, Ont. Specialties Agenoy, Box OYS AND GIRLS—SEND ys CENTS for twenty-five pretty cards. Beerworth, Stanstead, Que. ANCER, jinterial and TUMORS, external. out by it. Wri ec betore tial inten ae Bellman incdloat Co., Limited, Collingwood. ALL. STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- r direct, 1 Comy any of “Sonada, Limited Write to us abont yours. surisn Winnipeg, Man. 90% Of All Fine FUR worn in the United States are manufactured in Now York, the world's best market. Sen price list_and shi nie Braslaoe 4 Co, 2th NX. S: WE HAVE STARTED A PRIZE In the interest of purity of goods inv ing from $160 (first prize) down Competition is limited to users of the Don’ The. fullett information COMPETITION ing an Outlay of $500, divided into #4 ees ead" Should. y grove and want to get the best value out of It, and sre not site ‘one. of our By APORATORS, write te. “ue, gteting how many. 4 you and we will qu ry ted to your needs, ou tater nich en iteb ante nesititae okanee i thus reducing. soft” o patie erase Sill be: Riven, [ene aaa AA and sugar een in by ds Peeing oxery compet tor will be. exh in the ‘magnitice Se eee ainteek oLeatne Menten! ae hone iGiiue tas: tort peeks il. ite at once for copy of ow THE GRIMM MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LTD. 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. to GRIMM CHAMPION RYAPORATOR, rize Contest Ciroular," gifting THE CURSE | OF FARM LIFE The outside closet—that abomin- ~ able There Can Be No ‘ust consider. “your family. your min: have it right in your om fort and COMPANY ' Brockville Ontario filth—is the curse of farm life— directly responsible for nine-tenths of the diseases existing in the rural - districts. ‘ Here within a few steps of your home—poison- ing every breath of air you breathe—you have built a pest *~house—a foul-smelling sink—which must be used by you an md - And you willingly subject your wife, Aight and sons to this risk of disease, publicity and discomfort—in all weathers _ —winter and summer. Probably you~ never thought of the outside closet i in this light before. nd to blot if. off your farm Health Sanitary Gree doesn’ = “otection from a health.” “Mail This Coupon to Us RIGHT NO Ww of THE GOOD HEALTH Doubt About This Now you know. Make up at once. Install a Good cost Mmuch—and you can ik of the convenience, com- Make up your mind to Let us tell you more ~ COUPON “The Good Health Co. d- literat oulare of the oi Mic bar Health Sanitary