: : 7 , . 7 ‘ ; . EEE: eT Ee ee, Oe eg RS Shee, ee Notice! as HEREBY GIVEN that the Mu SPECIAL GRUISE ts au ing the opening of a street for , the Around the World purpose of straightening Pac‘fic nye commencing at a point one h dred and fourteen feet . southe Empresses of cot a Asia irom the interscot‘oa of Pao:fic Av n - camiships) rt Rate for Entire Cruise $699. 10 Exclusive‘of maintenance betwe time in ngiand and «debartire press of stop over ifie Avenue ive written noi | of his ob, r thin four y = = = as f and ‘their ‘ ar ite ieeqinclle weld pees the 7th CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ‘| day of April. at 7.30 in council chamber. Sree On: W. D. WEIR. The best practical training?school Olerk. Dated af Milverton, Feb. 27th, 1913 in Ontario. Three departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Graduates are placed in positions. ni parts Oa he althy Students may enter at any time, ts tage 50 cent bottles for Write for our Free Catalogue at once, 6 sale by "all dealers, D.A.McLAGHLAN, - Principat Tuesday, March 25 day of the | Is the op Farmers y The tictawet Business College = | Two courses | lat and Shorthand Just received a large shipment of EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal Molasses Meal Oil Cake Meal I also carry a full line of Stock and Poultry + Foods ... A. Ll. HARTMIER’S LIST OF Real Estate For Sale Sale » modern cone dwelling on and all Poultry Suppliés. located. A Grain Bags for Sale i. D. ATKIN MILVERTON, ONT. few ted brick house on T ance St,, good location. Extra good value. red_brick ho pod Tot and tn nue. first-class, RAILWAY} RAND TRUN SYSTEM HOMESEEKERS’ devas Galt and wet part EXCURSIONS [/ 8, .02zsantnoe or snsnines Each TUESDAY MARCH 4 to OCTOBER 28 ‘inclusive) Via Chicago and st. Pau), Winnipeg and return, $35 Edmonton and return, $43 Tickets good for 60 days, Pro} tlonate low rates <a. other” poinee in ich ih aes hewan and. sees yr a ‘dcific Raflway is pee AS st and quickest route betaceet Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonto: ‘Time tables, land hacaibaste: and other Seer at Lee ie ane the Gran ely Pacifie SHeateeat rol S. YOUNG, Agent, (Phone 1) Milverton Dr occupant # for sale in Morning Railway Time Tables Ganadian Pacific Senile and Goderi = iba at 5 impel ena Listas Going south Go AG. od fet... Grand Trunk Portubodad Southbound PUBLIC NOTICE! MES G: BORGEL, LINWOOD keeps t and on hand Coal, Lime, Ceme: umber, Lat , Jacob V. SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND REGULATIONS bdcechde aN peryonl io Ub is ase Mead hpe fa y male over 18 years old. may homestead a quarter section of available Do- tminton land im Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant i R.Y. FISH &CO. LINWOOD Agen agency, tor the districts aery by oroxy may Beraaie oh ast gueatc on corel conniauey by father, mather, son, daugtiter, brother or vee Dealerin wi. : sesidence uponand cultivation ae the ‘aud in each cf three. seh ‘ei A homesteader may live wi Coal, Cement and Lime itis homestead on @ farm of at least 80 actee e solely owned and ‘occupied by ‘him or Oe his Motar Stain, Ete, aie fase mother; son, dau, ighter, brother Or A neertain districts a hoitesteadeF 18 Yzood OE hding may preempt. a quarter-section sionals fe hin higinestead. Price $3 per acre. reside eee oe Sees Grain, Flour and Feed preemption ex or as oe or i Mahicon dategruomerteed cies. includ and Furniture ing the ti © earn homes Se “ at. talc cannot, obtain. a emption r for a purchased hi stead iu ‘certain Sistrcts Price $ acre, Duties pre Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand —Mui each of three years, reolivage atey *acres. a erect a house ore cia 300.00. = é W. CORY, Deputy of the Mialster of the Interior TRY US FOR YOUR serilscrnent wil not be paid for. jet-6m , Red Deer Bovine Is wags of a yee a representation of the most prom- inent men in the banquet table for the spectal mentioned first, as she was sent guest of honor) is Rosalind of Mr. ©. A. Julian Sharman. has the distinction of bein the most; rei the world, holding a Ee are able to show, the dairy ship of the British Empis, at Sharman “has | surely himself in havi a ait ee ic and tested in Alberta. | eth panes of this prov eeks B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad-| wal Suit or Geel Overcoat © * YOU'LL GET STYLE BN ~ QUALITY and FIT COW IS BANQUETTED, nique Func! pretty. good It is a sign when you e west assembling is f honoring a worthy Jersey toe Old Basing, and that of her owner is enarhabie as the latest tbtaidable records champion- Mr. distinguished such an ani- | ulian Sharman came ou ae eee from the, eld. country and in char: ic made: himself aequainied vith ee sources and the advar ft differ- He spent in w tiking Abrough the trying e se the dairy ae w thorough, eduestion in architecture agian and on a continent, T. has a milking head, and as each female comes erd he is entered for a pies oe It ned her mas- skimmed some time Steers. of Connai Red Di wacker ago Mn Sherman's tittle Be asked his father if the duke would be mi t to. 5 id Tecooiatacned Sir John’s Wit. Sir John Boyd, the eminent Ontario the keenness of his grasps Deer for anyway? intellect. The counsel’s argument almost cave esTy before the say upon thi point” St Piast dated the Ghanectlar ittle sharply, referring to the key of e situation, t coming to that,” d the young lawyer brightening. go.”—Toronto Star A Record Scow. The largest Scow ever built in’ the Maritime Provinces, and probably in launched ur steain ¢! ns 5 No Pier aecrieke on each side ee the bow, and every de- vice of the latest machinery. The scow will carry a full crew and has berthing accomimodation for ta ten men, spent aes The. cost was about Inventory of Water. The first inventory ever taken of the com-\ pleted by the Commission of Conta 8 over a period It estimated that a 1910 fous, 221 waite of horse power were developed from wer power in Canada, 74: searcely been tap, Clifford Sion, Busia ‘of the Gan. aes ae Commission, si iz. Goadbeten nearly one-] ait at tie Petal available water powers of The snagestion has been mooted in London, Eng. that Mormon emissar- ies should b> ¢ within the p visions) of the Wihife ‘Slave “Traffie ‘Act. with a-view fo putting an end | Mi ee their propoganda in ue British Is- Desenere dt Linwood on _ Saturday Feb, 22nd. ito Be and Mrs. Herb Lackner. a daughi iter. ma. 01 agi a to Lae ea Wm The Milverton Sun and Canadian ¢ Journal may be secured ue. this Hom office for $1.70 ng, | Ee land 0. ei ly | £83, 70 woder ealtieation: ies st Real Estate For Sal2) The West Half ae the ‘South Half Lo! be: base orchard cuts Pidisteiot Pitte oMBant Halt Lot: in 2nd: Concess ¢ Mornington. 98 acres. bink ban large frame house. large orchar ood arm eer yar draine é 00! wire fencing. in a splendid localit Price $5,600: 150 acr 01 splendid land. two brick rooms in each. ban | pen and hi 2 | shed 22x24. good stabling. curb silo| S 3 os | Mornington. house. 2 stoi en and eaadslied: hard Aa sof 2 aes Co. good nine se. never=! Hee coring 0! water. | e from Topping: | miles from Stratford. $10.5 ae 29. 8, Elma, 100 ae frame house. 008 jank barn, land ) all in grass. A bargain $5,150, ot 8. Con. 11. acetals 200 ac- wick veneered house ehen bank barn 50x vith 7B, never failing drilled well. 60 tons ye saved hay. with snap body. Pay-| | aunts suitable £9 parohase 1-2 13 Con rs Morn-| | ington ee ‘ton acl tick house | bank barn. cement Stabling. plenty |ot good water a beautiful farm |P.R. runs through the farm. Price | $6.500, Deke is | S easy. ington, ee {comfortable valing rn: Good {Land 20 ro ae ae piab seater EH Ee New brick veiesed house nd. begat lawn. will sell — for dri [acre of Ja Property worth $1800 | $900—2 week s | Lot 01 12. Gon, 9, Wellesley, sees 3 | Section, 200 acres. corner lot, fi Teduectbenk bar abraw aver send other out buildings. well watered, od bush. 3 to Linwood. A snap at $8.500. South Half Bot, 88, Cont 12. and the East Half 33. Con. 13. Elm: churches and market. W.D. WEIR Pr rice $6,500. Auctioneer and Real eae Agent MILVERTON, Four yaluable colts for sale. For further particulars poly to OTTO SCHMEHL. Poole. Ont. £20- uneal éd S. GLEECKMAN, Milverton July 17—tf. SEED OATS FOR SALE, “Banner Oats weighing 34 to 87 Ibs. eeds, in 10 bushel lots or over. EI ZIGER. Lot 17. Con. 5, Mornington. WANTED will pay highest prices for first class Elm. Basswood. Hard fi Ey g iI a Tailway station, e also open oe ‘buy Woodstock. Ontario. Nore Lost Lost—A. note for the amount of y not- fi gotiate sam A re- turn it to ROBERT LINDSAY. oe ner. Ont. -pd FARM FOR SALE. - The south ¥% of Lot No. 15. in the i srnington aj second concession of ‘ the Village of Poole. Se, bank barn. 150 acres, ple - good spring water. large orchard, “One of the best locations in the County of Berth. “Must be sold fo wind up the estate. Apply to W: CHARLES or ans: Sue OPPER. on ises. FARM FOR SALE. £ ast Shalt Lot 2. Oc 2. Con, 6, Sidley: wiataisiews 4140 acres, more ood stone house 30x96 with ‘chen 2ixi6. Drilled | well aot Tenet tunder-drained. Jigs state of Siltivieon 2 miles cast of Millbenk. “Wor further par: Eeaars _anply_ to ‘GEORGE BUTLER: a] “HOUSE AND LOT: ae SALE. e (aa residence on Ge ora geod “panty dows Cell: iiohen: iter in kiteken. walks around house. Possession giv- en any time. For alles particulars FOr Ore OLObO Our Graniteware } All we ask, is a chance to show you “The People’s Store : has arrived atlast . We were sorry to disappoint so many of our customers who wanted Graniteware on Tuesday. It has arrived at last after laying in the customs office for a week. 100 pair Lace Curtains, regular $1, special. ......., ..... 79 » 2250 50 Window Blinds, special. Standard Fashion Books.. iy ie Ne pee Ladies’ and Children’s Ribbed Cotton Hose, See TOC Lad‘es’ Hose Supporters, four 1-inch.elastic straps, Special. tae Granite Wash Basins Granite Dairy Pans, 2% qts ...........5¢ Granite Dippers........ Granite Pie Plates Granite Chambers 14 qt. Gray Enamel Dish Pan, ......25¢ 2% qt. blue and white, Alpe Granite | Tin Dippers .<.:.sace css ecasttnmennsge Se Sauce Pan . -10¢ Japanned Dust Pans ...... aes 8 dozen 1% atrd 2 qt. Granite Ash Shovels ........003.4 Sauce pans 8x2 DD tip. Pans. a3 ansyeas eae i256 ve New Arrivals in Spring Goods : Our stock of Dress Goods for spring is now complete and we 2 earnestly desire you to call and inspect our immense : : stock before deciding for spring. Prints and Ginghams are shown in an Men’s and Ladies’ Sweater Coats reduc- * immense variety of colors, patterns ed at a time when you most need and qualities. Visit the store with them. the stock Ladies’ Winter Coats reduced. Call and Men's Fur Collared Coat with»curly lin- 5 see the styles and prices we are ing, all reduced. Also all Men's Eee offering. and Boy’s Overcoats reduced, We anticipate Bigger Things in 1915 than we Faves ever had. in -- ; ® the past. We need your co-operation How About The selection of Wall Papers demand Wall Papers ? Your order will follow as a natura careful thought. The influence of - conclusion, , environment is as potent as the in- Come and see, if only to see. You can 28 < fluence of character. ison want believe the evidence of your own Ade home to be really rane WS eyes. Our stock comprises as. rich can help you to new and pleasing papers as you'll care to buy ; aslow effects without much expense. priced papers as you can afford to a ly: See them. ; ‘. : what we have and what we can do. apply fo C. GATCKE, Milverton, Ont, S £2-4-p d | %