Pretty Trinkets make eat, and ie keasise articles for souvenirs d gifts. Our assortment children happy. Fine J ewelry” t be surpassed. We are sally well supplied with necklaces gms in brooches of the finest “quality Come in and xamine our pric P. H. BASTENDORFF = Jeweler and Optician Eyes Tested Free Milverton, Ont. Sep RISES sagas The pas pista ite school in Ontario. Three departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy- Graduates are placed in positions. Students may enter at any time. Write for our Free. Catalogue at once, D.A. McLACHLAN, = Principal Farmers! Just received a large shipment of Molasses Meal Oil Cake Meal Lalso carry a full line of Stock and Poultry ‘oods and all Poultry Supplies. Grain Bags for Sale 1. D. ATKIN MILVERTON, ONT. collection of a yeelties | afternoo ca! * espe: WARTBIIRG. ae ss Pressie MeMane. of eee mot last week with Mrs, J Henr Riehl spent mount farm A or oaressive euchre party. was in- off on account of m. frimmer. of Edmonton. st week visiting his 0. members of the’ Women's Institute gathered at the home of WB. Eraspe on Wedues when. interesting at instructive toplos were discussed. At- coffee was week Sage cand ete 7 mt of Henry er ofp was under kemporary aeross the Tie R Ebgocta’en Monday Figetie contact for repairing the damage done. 5 splds and_ croup. depended ypon. Try dealers, SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND REGULATIONS ide pon the homestead mouths. in each of he ) and euitiva A homesteader 0. ac Deputy. ofthe thorized | publication ofthi vertisement will not be paid for. Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troubles and how to relieve them. Don’t, neglect \in may lead to all sorts of plications. An ‘once said that ninetynvs per cent ot not all ls have their origin in Saas desires with Rexall D: os Tablets Steade us to believe them to be one of the most dependable remedies known for indigestion and medicine, the ee ate very prompt. istently and regularly for a ae Eine: Se tend to relieve pains caused b; mach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help teks pales appetite, aid diges- romote nutrition. As in this communi THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Milverton The Stora Ontario Rete eo a gach especial FOR 8: SALE A quantity of Oats at 40e.. Peas at $1.00 and aoe at 50c per bushel. ‘Apply té GEO. MILLER. Lot 2. C miseaietigs WARNING Owing to’ the bridge at be: ing damag by driving or ero: kk, ALEX Noe R Millbank anyon at their BEGGS FOUND. oe ne ae between Elma and ngton farm. < a r may hawt same d vaying for th Real Estate For Sale East Half Le ae in ern Concession Maryborough. 100 ac- ing shed. large . windmill, “Veit jhomes 6 miles to Listowel. Price West Half Lot 4, Con. hou use, 6 of 4. f and the baleate at 5 sale, 150 acres, 5th e splendid land, 90 acres under a vatio! gravel roa tele al mail delivery i mile i guie Testa auetee” tevin $7,200. $2, 500 in cash. balance at 5 = Splendie cement — brie! ‘lot on corner of Fulton street and | a . Terms easy. Poss Lot 2. Con. 150 acres. Bank Darn sf mile trom opal rf to: miles from Stratford. 8105 Lot Con. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Will pay Bisnest G i OL she price for all poultry also unsalte 8, GLEECKMAN. Milverton FARM FOR SALE. | North Half of Lot cing ‘i aa concession of Morn- of 100 acres more {¢ ate for culti epson aril yextons HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS © Bach TUESDAY MARCH 4 to OCTOBER 28 (inclusive) Via Chicago and St. Paul. Winnipeg and return, $35 Edmonton and return, $43 Tickets good for 60. days, Pro; -tionate low rates Loner poise, ta nes ies laa er and Alberta f Trunk Pacific Railway is ‘aiortest ‘and skatoon, route Aes fie ae i Ee Pains sd pie os ahd other er desoriptive ite iefaturel A 0 Grand Trunk P; iy be % yestned ed from S$. YOUNG, Agent, (Phone 1) Milverton hi fa thought. All we ask is a chance to show you what we have Your order will follow as a natural and what we can do, nies RY.FISH&CO, - LINWOOD we Dealer in Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc, e Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture eee emer eee Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand 3 . i r TRY us FOR. eke Suit or / Overcoat How About Wall Papers HE SELECTION of Wall Papers demand careful The influence of environment is as po- tent as the influence of character. home to be really artistic, we can help you to-new and pleasing effects, without much expense. Come and see, if only to see. evidence of your own éyes. rich papers as you'll care to buy; as low pie? papers as you can afford to buy. See them. if you want your You can believe the Our stock comprises as tunity o! 506, 186, $1, $1. 25, See our Lace Curtains Our lenge. range 0 of Lace Gores — one the oppor- getting just the Lace Curtains she so much de- sires for the parlor, siningrogm or bedroom: Price range rn. cement eeabiing nee a beautiful farm. p. R runs eis the farm. Price § ‘Terms res all clea: red and under cultivation , 5 per cent. Quick} a Hest part of ee “16. Con. 7, Morn- o Millbank station on $1200 . 9, Wellesley, ibe Soke churches and market. Price $6,500. W.D. WEIR Auctioncer and fteal Estate Agent MILVERTON, ONT. FARM FOR SALE, 0 acres. one of ‘the best farms in orniagtak: 2 miles fron Millbank, 30 acres seeded. 8 acres wheat. 7 ac- all “ploughed, 00) Ro {Milver'tor "anita “or Notice ! IS HEREBY GIVEN fhat the Man- ni e a point one hun- eet southerly irom the interaect‘on of Pao‘fic Avcn- et. thence again th Main street oe ae at 730 p mber. ‘ We D. WER. Cler] COMMERCIAL. Ps ROR e asess ” s. & we S88 www assssss See Ces wmsSSsssssases @ rake, © is $5 Per Pair | a it = ior The Earliest Easter in 99 Years : Madam, are you aware that Easter is One Week Away ? An early Easter me ins an early assembling of stocks: by us and an early choos- ing from the same by those who desire to be well dressed on ths occasion, In the Ready-to-wear department, we have gathered for your approval a handsome and stylish assortment of Suits, Coats, Waists, Etc., in.a-variety of styles, ‘many of. Han exclusive to this store, or, if you intend having your Suit, Coat or Dress ma ie visit to our Dress Goods department will reveal unto you’ many stylish fabrics i a "all ; the newest weaves ahd colorings, that are stamped swith Dame Fashion's approval for the Spring season 1913. . In this department, all other departments, of the England store. you will find the prices low and the values.high. Come ! Ladies’ New Goats’and Suits for Easter The new Easter Coats and Suits will attract attention among those who have not yet completed their Easter wardrobe. The prices ate very tempting, the style and materials absolutely correet.’ Call and inspect our showing, Ladies’ Waists Underskirts Drawers Night Dresses Our stock is now complete for spring.. The fine quality: and handsome’ trimmings should appeal to all. The prices and quality are both pleasing. Fashionable Allwool Poplin 50c, a pure wool poplin in shades of black, navy, brown, green, cadet and red, 54 inch Serge in all colors, at 50c yard. Our range of Dress Goods at 25c, 50c, 75, $1, $1,25 and $1.50, are most com- plete. Call and inspect our large showing. arger range of Wash materials than we have ever shown in Prints, Glau hams, Galateas, Vestings and Foulards in a splendid range of colors at purse pleasing: prices. Black Paillette Silk, 36 inches wide, extra quality, 89c per yard. Women who do their own housework, will be interested in this little lot of House Dresses we are showing this spring. . Prices range from $1 to $2.25. See our Men’s Clothing of “Quality” The most importan thing about a clothing store is the clothing it sells. Other factors contribute largely to the success or failure of a clothing store — fair prices, fair treatment, good servic e,variety and completeness of stocks—but the great fundamental is the clothing itself. Is it of a character that Pane a man back season after season AB constantly wins new friends. The kind of clothing this store alle ‘ meets these requirements. The wonder- ful growth of the clothing store is proof sufficient of that fact, It is clothing of quality, yet fairly priced — you cannot buy clothing as good at lower prices anywhere. Easter clothing now ready for your approval. New Spring Fashion Clothes Are now in stock and comprise. _ styles to suit every taste. - \ ‘The smart new American styles for: the young and middle aged man and the smote conservative garments for the man of advanced years, made up in a vei handsome range of new. Tweeds and Worsteds and Ser nay to sell at $10.00, * ‘$12:50, $15. 00 an $18.00, - New Bloomer Suits for Boys Any number of clever boyish et Some with extra pocket—and how boys revel in those pockets. Double and single breasted coats in tweeds,. worsteds : and ass Prices $3 to $17. 7.50. Our Special Umbrella 890 _ Other prices $1, $1. 35, $r. 50. up to : . $3,00. Be prepared for choming showers # niu in in the Now ened Hats for Men and bee Men's sHagliges § Shirts Spring weather and ust pays shirts seem to co-ordi Plalted ae oms and plain negligee ee eins in beauti- | ful patterns, attached and French cuffs, coat shaped. Prices 75¢, $1, 1.25, 1.50. t ) t critical—of the best opport ity of sotisfactory selection, Price sanHe $1.00° oe to $5. 00,