Milverton Sun, 20 Mar 1913, p. 1

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New Coal Oil Light Beats either Electric or Gasoline 4 Painter and Decorator Call and See for Yourself P. NEUMEISTER’ MILVERTON “Ht Shines Hor All” ~ Vol. XX—No. 37 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, March 20, 1913 Malcolm MacBe oh the oho abe ah obo ob ob a abe ae ake abe abe we oe ae ake ELELEEEE EDEL LELEEEEEEEE ES DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS cca a ted NE: li: of qatar €! dest i rs, of Stratf Mye in Western real sane was in bg 2 e - Ghe t lit B k ¢ LOCAL NEWS ¢ etropolitan ban ; $ ce Miss peteate ofoae is spending a Head Office : TORONTO moth eichir heme-st Mocton Mr - J ce "s is te resent yis- iting rient yorrie an VEREe CAPITAL PAID UP. 1,000,000.00 he He Burners Oo. hae on: RESERVE FUND AND “UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,431,888.26 Gieca: ehowicnierecte Mia eet! ford. —whd. ‘Mr. . spent eho with Rev. ¥ of Re rae Get your Engeland & Sons path’s. granulated sugar has arrived “and we are prepar- a your orders. T Hutchison. Newton. The ads ‘of Mrs, Tits Spe will- regret, to hear that she is present seriously ill from an at!ack br onal HEUER. mry Sehiel we are glad — to noes i seain able to be out after be- K, Weber. of eee ‘ supply | see! ot as ‘two in d Mrs Jas. Richardson spen ba: Deleware votatoes. wut arriv in @ car of salt C.PR. station next eee 25th, conte conn e t your at the Marah supply Engeland Mr. col Kelerhorn spent a day cobs ithis week — at ending the eat of his mephew, ree Kelterborn. have another ear of potat- in Miss . fat Mins, week-end at the Prayer meeting will DONEGAL. M. Cuthbertson spent manse. ‘Milve: Cut! Betione on Wedn ch 2 evening. Mare again be helt iver ae he rr ee here. 7 bore I Pett Thdeeday to ‘tor ce he rton. mesday We regret to Sorel that’ Mr. Robt Harrow pet wilh alae anipity sgh heen a very serious accident on Tues- sunday veh) her cite ay of last week. Wihile up in the es and Mary Malo: barn ithrowing down corn for the pot “Saturday with friends be cattle Mr, Harrow fell to the floor aio and dislocated his Ider. Drs arker and Tye were summoned and ; Mer vilage on Frida fined to the house for somejoes about the first week in April. |ient is now p: ing favorably. we Ledingham Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST i PL re eid on Satur- weeks with rheumatism, Price aoe weauty guaranteed, Leave] On Wednesday March 12th. at 10)ing with her Ss “i ae way of remitting money. day after spending a couple of weeks|, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lon: - |Your order: iz : s| Grieve. at her DareRIal Merten Owen Sound ily and Mr) Wm Peters and family | A er he t Thomas. . T L, Wilkinson. of Palmer returned from Alberta where they|the attent of foniveetcn Breet 1 iit een ess was @ gust at the Methodist pervon- ay the past two or three years on|to she habit mee by « * noch: f . Pro. Vier Me oncaeee ead Tien nesday. in allowing a key D Linwood Branch: G. L, ZEIGLER, Manager Alor Se Sern aoe a i ia On” ThURGESy “aiteraedn «Mrs remain ng are 1 (Messrs. Pugh and Malcolm ees entértained a number pose fli rte this vicinity. be ee he le ols ole oe oe ob ols oben Ede ols ols os ols ole ole oll oll de ols os ob oh MacBeth ee ee the funeral of {ber friends at an afternoon tea and |store. Recently ie aoHed a clerk jentered the tastily decorated draw- eS Her 3 Thompson. of late Bons Turnbull. of Nith- {om Saturday she gave another pleas- | sweeping teh around a keg of}ing room to the strains of Mendels- burg. on Sat ant tea for sid ‘younger lady Wrlenastt lek covering whatever. sobns march played by the ~ bride's a ara LC. ‘Mertiel of Detroit. left| Mr. Albert. Posliff bro ae o The|and he used no sweeping powder or sin Miss Mary Scot he ivory =@- her home on Friday last after |Sun office ‘on Tuesday a freak in the | anything ay to Re down the dast. RTS silk draped «with point. de eae a few aie h? Mr. sand ae of an egg that Bee 1st Ce, t ae to b ree in which the bride was dress- |Mrs. Robt Ranney. en aipered to a t fh e ites of dust. 4 seryed'to reveal her loveliness. The C4 J. G. HAMILTON & ) a ane Mrs Tobe. Ranney left | was iene at the small end and was} the en keg issub-|young couple were unattended and lon Friday last in company with Mrs. about th 0 iect to dost Pralling from ving |the ceremony was performed by Rev. Sole Agent for L.c Me rick. for Detroit where they forty-e: nd other foreign matter Husser wn tailor-made RATT id a tew fore re eturn-| were closed 1 the delivery boy p s vii f D. L. @ W. ST. MARYS ling. e inaugi that are allon ed to remain |the bride's travelling costume as t Sees LIME ter ane will be of in|system of uncovered wil sell well, People| bridal party set out on their honey-, the angelical Church nest Las tems, of St at ‘all “partioular melt St buy them, moon trip to — visi! nia. Nort ST KEPT IN evenin @ choir will render sey-|abolition of post off a ranch. Mich. and other places ©. NEARS STOCK 1 Ea: Everybody | vensates for the expenses of the rur- ADAM BERL their return they ae sete on the weleome, al ae ries. groom's farm near Atw — Subject in Meth odist «church next ark of the engineer Adam Berlet. tortnerly ot Welles- Bees ‘the neg tive am Sunday morning. “The resurrection of the Bublio Works department w: ley township. who has "been arias BURNS. vioned by Rev. Mostee and oy = ——____—_—__—— —____- Christ.” In the evening the oe the village on Monday taking ith his e: orgie Pleming.: Messrs will be. “The biggest fool. in tov for the new public building prepar- | Pfaff sine a on ed Vedding bells are ringing in this H , Nicklin upheld fhe. All welcome. atory to having plifs and spee'ficat-|last from cancer of the. stomach. Mr, | vicinity. rt, and Mrs J. R.-Near feft. on {ons ma’ fs the intention of the|Berlet was a native of Hessen. Ger-| Haster greetings to Thé Sun and ae - last for their’ home — in pe to proceed with the work {many and eame to Canada with his its readers. ohr Ss Grocery asi “after! svendling ome immediate parents about 60 years ago <ettlingin} Rapid thows caused large floods |meonths: with Mr. an bo Senator cae pecan. of Mount] Waterloo township, In 1870 he mar-|here last we: 3 | Holmes and other friend For ae died at home on jried irs 3 a Liphardt. of Water-| Mr. Levi o Watson spent a day I | Inspector Stratford, Monday last five ae after the dée-|loo who ok he union |last week in the Classio ( Ta couple of da 1 eek Cs Senator Hotta | was nee a Sore eee four |. Mir. Tom MeDermott of Beatie é i re ne nah years A use nember |sons and four daughiters of whom the |js visiting at Mr. el Maple Syrup, guaranteed pure, per qt.............. $40 |f/{Be cpio pone oe ron, Dab * of nis having sat|following are living. Jacob, of: Ches-| (Mrs, Wm Johnston and Son Jim. Coffee, reg. 40c, 3 ‘or 1.00 ||| progressing tavorsbly Wns ait ake de. orth ‘Wellington continuou sly ‘o- Hee arid John hakespeare; | of Wallace. oo8 relatives’ at fr 9 FES. ‘: COG Gye heal ad debe Rechte apt partm: 18 wa his 81st year ae J. Strong ingdale,| Burns last w Irish quotation.’ Don't t your SF; EATEN GIMSGEE AOS oravanty tives. sFeisseseses ise.” 2D The “anndal report of the Caledonia nderson. lo: agent Geo Pfaff. Fahiverton and Mrs.|° (Mr. -D Bell. of; Baékntoon.. Sask. lana rook: air is Sian ase ‘crabs ay v.N. = & son Hermann: North Easthope. The fuent the .week- ee eltiag at. the invited to atte SIDS. Golaher Sale LOL: Givi. .stcke cs acscbivevec-coze 20 3; place fr 4 of Rev. “ol oe ‘A a Z 2 re) le frofi es ints ee 10 this does not | tuner for, the above firm, eae a eee Weeaieale yp vehese an wicinity. Sol ‘Mtr Alex POOLE. oxes Shredde Birr cacaee cass ecriN ie rust o.Ves web: wanting their piano or organ tuned |4¥ eran. ec ere ee ta? fe ae erry’s y 5, ‘ she ne Sa pelretl de Rena eo: leant sot mains were “interre sim 3 rsdaell ice ‘for his ithe aes ie “gpd ttre, P. Ban iz 16 Ibs. G Sugar for 1.00 Grosch who thas been ir, Henderson and it will | vices were cond Ludo A sr a at eee. Witting Bh . spending the past six weary in bes 6. lunck. The pallbearers iia the da ay last after perish fae 4 iat arer Ws : _ || Fels Naptha Soap, 4 bars for ... 25 - % deceased's sons. Bt Jolin end: arn Mie Gecentaeak Neth ‘Morning- ey visitor in Stratford Snap Hand Clea tin’ 5 rma evans k mos. Geo, Piatt ton. 7 iP ner per sone «AS <u ea John Hermann and nephew Jac-| What might have resulted in a ser- : ; and Winnitred who went Gfrleman, “Among he, fetends ious aocident cocursed here on BUH, |"3ih ‘ova Rutherford. of Iritbank if presen’ ‘LO! a ve. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE Tee Mir. Wm Mr. and Mrs John Reihm, Listowel Ben "the oe Boal the: mie wistted ‘over Sunday with Miss Ai g i Mr. and Mrs’ Chas. Knapp. tree 0 Davidson's bugay | Shea se ee » aw Mr. and Hy. Berlet. 1 broke bu ne ae able to stop ‘the tied ae ‘ee age eae wagon and fan a c ue j|horse before any further damage | wisi So er si h ‘ HB. without delay. The gre is sa present ill and hi som “Re for. "the next ata er FROM MR. 10. ae es rae pieces of the Board’of Trade publio building Seuias policy representations t Dustoms about the tend gees ‘a cos (and Ed, Tatham —Guelph Mereury. = K C.. M. MP time ies thi eleared the way. ey T thing definite. e air has’ ai Mor phy. ny. KC. writ- and customs verton as follows; : regular monthl Customs Outport. ‘Women’s Institute will be held F va Py: Parlianient A musical fisoal yi cesta eto vited. Lasts ae bill to the relegated more took toms 1 ot at Milverton and hi to pateate but it will be some me 3 with the-naval debate’ out of can give you any- ae Tams 3 MeBfallen vite of Sen- e Mins. R_ Mid-| no mae and Housekeeping of L_ program: m: e rendered, All ladies cordially The funeral*of ‘the late E.P. Pas- place’ this afternoon from the residence of his brother. M vat arker., Thurs- or tha at hi e ribs and injure (S y Schneuker of a dwelling on Main hi, heat: esteem. The Nith swollen by # fio could be resum right A and was other e held in .|that had to be filled i before traf- wesul broken on es wise bruised the noted Walkerton has dispose: Street to Mr. sum of $2,600 the very the thaw of its other “oarliamentary Loa to: the | Pasmore d Street. to thejlast week: The water rose very rap- back nion Cemetery. Rev. W, D. Spence |idly' and for atime it was thought P*SConsequently uitil some gious conducted thé services at the “bouse|that the flooring of many of the brid- gover t jand grave. which were largely attend-| ges ith: yan it was in er, Near tation from oie Cites Council comprised of Messrs. Jam Hill. warden ; hese space ttons treasur- and KC. or. left for Toronto iat week in conn: 1 ¢ bill which is be- allway and Munievipa: ie ae County issuing debentures fon $51,000 which will be ice depart hi into the backwater whi m_a foot deep was He had of late Speen eu The funeral took place on Tuesda; “William Mank RED ‘Edward Beckér. Hesco ner jedman. “the great German epee ‘who claims to have found a serum ito counteract the raya of consumiton hag been giving pee ere ‘Toronto. “and efficasiousnes: e within was ds atmen ie asa Bea pe are thaken — trom. <aecie round ee ality the di sign of infeotion since tl One who DEAT 7 | turpbull—Near ‘Nithbur nd ‘Mrs. Pipe Mrs Leitch. AE ede Gentian. sh espenr e: wM. SCHE! NOK On elas bo ee 11th. Wm, .F A. Schen cpassed away in Rostock vanwelins Sane on Thurs- day last conducted by Rev. aD Gischlerr. who was assisted-by v, & D. Damm. of Sebringv! MRS. FRED GALL > The death occurred al seven o'clock on Monday erga rot ata re to of Sutter a in a alages of i dis- |in Germany angel of healing. — ostock ; Wi Detro‘t; John, of strat |G. Dedrick. of Rostock. Grieve. ee ‘Wartbitr ‘riedmann af srork ate ‘on Ti qed year Robert ‘Torn al. sii and 13 ued “per tt Guelp! in Be Mrs. parents M ‘Mr ye ‘thony Monday, was very ‘aiecesst HAWKESVILLE™ Mr. Edward Martin spent Friday in Br. Geo Huefner spent Wednesday Buseh’s ee e Forwell visited jue on ‘the Dover. Saetens and Lake |the:78th year in his age, Mr Schenck’ in Berlin « couple of days eel Huron Rallws was native of Prussia. German: hes se Lijelle lashes and Yetta Ber- eatartlay’ ee ae Ea ‘Arthur | and re to ada. pes Fa es pie Linwood, spent Friday in. our Kelterborn, the third son of Mr.}de the Latest ic lice when oe George ‘Kelterborn. of St ee was ate le of age. 0 he married i ‘Clarence Fitch. of Berlin, is the fence border! Pauls je qwho ‘prede-| spending a vacation with his grand- ‘he ‘union ere, w Miss Mag: ‘spent Miss Lydia Spenler has sete “ier “roending several in Hamburg. ae Wes are Laat to report the intness { Mrs, Thomas Connell «and Mrs_ reat Masher y and wish them speedy. rebate Soh flening ee last | friends ter ret vive. William. Stratford, + ‘s Beb |day after seadiae a few months ville: Mirg. Strausser. Sebring re. fille? Aims, Sablemmer. Tavistock; | ‘Mr, and Mira George Lackner | and Ti je a Rowe: daughter. Lillian. of Berlin. spent Schenck was a highly, respeoted ene Friday ay at the home of Mr. R obert, zen of Rostock was a member | (Moore. Sane Rvangaleat cour ae eis Mr und Mrs George Ruler was gonnes ver 40] Linw ood visited. the, former's inne years, The funeral took nine to the|er here on Monday who ison the}, a bi Bertin, Brenner, of Guelph. | ar- 8) “oa Helm. turday eton. : Hamer aeee secomonnied dim ends to vi

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