Milverton Sun, 20 Mar 1913, p. 3

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avr. Is Your Back Full of Aches All Day Long? “what — Pain in the Back Sure Indication of Kidney Trouble. Mre. Anna Rodriguez writes as follows from her home in Valencia: “For a long time I suffered bs failing strongth and the true cause of m I read re Shad me. Such blessings of health from Dr. Hamilton's ‘Thoy speedily put = right, and their steady use keeps me 1 their system of Mandrake and pier No greater medicine exists Hamilton's Pills te? than Dr. » and say Canada. Why is a fast sous ey like a steamboat? Bee: never 6 goes ahead cthonecteawell “ater | Bae hey n Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, Eto, Her husbend grunted, being i in a them, dear,” replied the wife sweet- ly, Try Murine Eye Remedy Kosinerting Feeley ee ge When ,. vai ‘Practice for many” Eyes} Need: Sania ‘PubllG aad word by a @ ite esters Bins, Mase Gare; whan Eye Remedy Co., Chicago There is nothing that makes up tie sum of human life in which the oman's side should not be put as ell as the man’s. TO CURE 4 COLD IN ONE DAY Tako LAXATIVE BROMO, Quinine Tablets, Druggists satgud. ereneyeil fidaia-to eee BR, coves signature is on each bos. ound thinker, howeyer, usu- si doa his thinking im silence. Minard’s Liniment Cures Carget In Cows, Mother—‘‘Edith, you ape t be conceited.’’ Edith—‘“I’m don’t think I’m nearly ne sweet and pretty as people say I am when TV’m not listening ICEoF ia ee HADULCERS &ECZEMA4YEARS ZAM'BUK HAS WORKED ACURE | evidence o} I to Peete ie Senna tie work OF WORRY AND INSANITY. Pees aes to Worry Must mae me Stop It. Eve: Aes the juatideation or ie extremist. Hee My takes a smart mi sane ‘i selves ae seagate and you wd have braing to worry,’ There is probably as much or as little foun- dation for the one saying as for the brains who worries himse! sanity establish that therefore. ne- cessarily all cranks are smart men and all junaties have b ; _| © “Ror over two years I suffered A peaiaeer tok eteloped of i hy. from attacks of exhaustion and AF Ng nervy weal ness,’ Aeaingt worry as a preliminary 10] 000%, Sed many herve food ‘ ings e should say ‘I. should eee? mal forget all about it, while just as exaggerated, has a basis of truth. One of the truest things ever said was that the eat never bg itieee', More persons a: riven into men. tal and. piped” see by worry- ing over what never too busy trying to get out: der to have time to waste in worry- ing. Worrying never helps any, and always hinders. , The poten who says ‘‘But I pat help it’’ to brace himself a1 5g 5 forse him self te oe br Tie x men-| Comparative Cost of Those Which ee aise: just as this expert says, ould be stopped before. it fae pee But do pose that because you worry i e possession of brains. it ig more likely to be the reverse. not sup- —_4— STRENGTH. says Without Overloading the Stomach. business man, especially, | # eeds food in the morning that will |#® fat one tee if a grating, 40 to ive | feflect on the © not overload the stomach, but give | Pi sede? tae tient ee ae mental vigor for the da Much depends on the start a man gets each day, as to how he may han fe can’t be alert, with a heavy, fried-meat-and-potatoes breakfast requiring a lot of vital energy in di- gesting it. A Western usa man tried to find some combination that would: not toa the stomach in. th Ge. and tonics this country, a with a large measure of co! because it is seen Engineering. tainly here less hesitanc: general acceptance of the stouation than there was some time means of compa’ latest ships. of still wider significance, as they ANOTHER PROOF FROM THE WEST THAT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS ARE A NAT For Cases of Exhaustion and Nerve Weakness—How 8. Jeremy Found Relief when he Cured his Kidneys, Al yn, (special. _ That the natural remed; for exhaustion and nerve a well-known resident of this re eis Dodd's mc aney Pills have done me.’ for Nerve weakness are caused by impure blood. pu kidneys. failing to strain the waste matter re blood is of the kidney disease sek eRtbes oate: BRITISH AND GERMAN SHIPS. Have Been The competition in the Ager ca! of warships continues with unabated energy, in spite of the growing anx- iety to which it gives rise; but in at least, it is scoepted ite Dutier Want other Roan tries = are building most extensive: and Ger es iedds Gubheted i Mise us afford | da s. The two are Britain erman Navy but must admit that Dodd’s Kidney Pills have benefit- ted me more than anything else I ae me he natural remedy is t ng work generally in the URAL REMEDY. ta., March 10.— ‘y weakness than grateful for and exhaustion In- caused by diseased body out of. the o Dodd’s Kidney md a case of Ip Lately Built. ure, to be teveanle, thers is cer- European countries y, and estimates rin, the cost of Hes se figures, too, ar We admit the diffi- given aver enou small quay trails, the first roads, fr, ° “Roads, Paths and Bridges," ‘ells of the stone-surfac Egypt, built once Secs of amasaite stone s ten feet thick. It was eas toad as this that the stones u tion ‘of great oes were 8. find » four ntity yy _Canadi @ morning, but that would pro- duce energy. He writes: “For years I was unable to find a eek food that had eRe stain Sithout overloading causing Tedigetion “Being a very busy and also a very nervous man, lecid give up breakfast altogether. luckily I was induced to try Nuts. “Since that morning I have been a new man; can work without tir- ing, my head is clear and my nerves ne strong a quiet. teaspoonfuls of ae -Nuts with one ne sugar and milk, is delicious as the cereal at of the morning meal, and it for the day’s. busi ian postin Co., Selndsar Ont. Read the little book, “The Road to Wellville,”’ in pkgs. “There? ” of —, ANCIENT HIGHWAYS. The Cesbaiens saeeeeed the Vali ue of Good Re These ti anatct a subst the hauled. Fe eae into a bad nites — later into a form by eigen bake sald y first Zam-Buk. my so that firs mtinued to al reid waite aE Tha feo een I Be be las of tometifing hich wi no return of 5 ee of the great gees 8 ‘worm, siafinted pattie s, cuts, burns and water ae oe ot this. trouble Th with proved Loos gypt sessing relied ‘of ea ing. Babylon, the city of hanging £0 it developed | ® Savage man built sag that can be called-a road. Wh and finally made eh himself definite became me pes sig) blocks, wach, and kindred led to eer rates me Na B & is found in ears Si purchase the ‘ors plume Hill, for are He of $85,000 ly. culty of ensuring reliability in such comparisons, as variants enter into tho problem; but it is possible to elusion that the British Admiralty are getting their ships of the line But val autho: ; Grape-| ‘The figures applicable to the Ger- man battle-ornisers Goeben a Seydlitz may be compared with those for the Lion and the Princess Royal. The designs, of course, dif- The British ships are certain- latter cost—the first named 000, and the other, and later, ves- se] £3,234,000. The cost of the Lion was £2,088,000, and of the Princess Royal £2,013,886. We have there- fore, a clear gain of quite eight per a . |displacement of 22,600 tons ;the Bri- tish ships have a length of 660 feet, a a displacement of 26,350 tons. There should thus be a considerable difference in favor of the German ships, for in hull construction in- cruisers is 52,000 hé 1¢ Lord Provost’s committee of Bdinburgh Town Council has de- cided to secure she: Council to ‘stor- as a site for a 200. not the only land pos- rly road-build- [built of large stone blocks, j ined plates of lead. Bol + that period, more than two iy = thousand years: e cil great Hiaiheage Se ‘ine’ man! Don’ find a dvudband’a Wag- gles—‘‘ Oy madam ; = a to be cremated.”? Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. “T never heard o! ‘one perfect. ‘as | boy,” said Pinas: eae as he sat in the corner, doing ere | And who was that!” asked m ma. ‘‘Papa—when he was Tittle,” was the answer. And silence reign- ed for the space of five minutes. “Ah, = "t you ser oo you aril RASH ON ARIS? ALNOST UNBEARABLE Looked Like Raw Meat, Raw Meat. Itched and Burned So Badly Gould Not Rest Night or Day. Arms Sore from - Wrist to Elbow. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Cured, — Lower Blandford, Nova Scotia.—"Three g i g 4 ga 4 i ment. ‘Whenever I applied tho Cuticura Ointment the itching an cease it full-sized box of Cuticura Ointment and a ly cured me.” (Signed) Mis Tito &. "dak, aie 7, 1912, Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so much for Sais blackheads, red, rot itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless Sold sample of each tmalled foo, with Bp. Book. Address post care Potter Drug é Chem. Corp., Dept. 48D,| Boston, U. 8. A. REAL ROOF GARDENS. Norwegian Sod Roofs Are as Tight as Others. log cabins of rural Norway are 2 bie of nae pine logs, hewed Square, and of equal size from end end. ey are usually stain it |that adds Diotoresquencss to the general effec “T have come across roofs that were a riot of wild pansies,’ says a writer in the Craftsman, ‘‘and I have seen wonderful roofs where wild roses ane over the eaves, or a daisy roof, the effect of whose white, star-like flowers, topping the tk brown structure, was exqui- sitely Dierareeae: me a ails only pas- ture eae “and runs in Norwegian folk- lone tae a lag: man led his cow on the roof—the cabin was built against a hill—in- stead of taking her to the pasture. I have no doubt that the story is true, for I have often seen a couple housetops while the rave a ruminative, “Sod roofs are just as water-tight as others, if they are e Inid eorrectly. ard root is first house, and thi layer of birch bark. Then a isa Pie Seine gl and poetical coy- ering for the house. ie A Racking emer. And Sore Throat Cured In- Five Hours and Sore Throat Disappear. came home last evening,” uy was soon warmed, w made fuciis rt able with the cee nie the chilly that Nerviline will knock out a bad cold over night.” Qf It is a fact that Repeiline Bit ease up a tight chest, will that sore, wheezy feeling, will eo Ene a cold in penetrates deeply, Get a large family size bot e.3 all storekeepers sud druggists or The Catarrhozone Co., falo, N. Y. ue thelr ‘Sums. for 40 ieee sie ely Eran ea goa ASE | oye ‘weat thie about: arithme: ig? gaad. Unslet ebpr. Ga dat <a sissig aoe hole lot 0” folks gits de idea dat PILES cureD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO NTMBNT faile to cure any case of Tich: toms ind ae or Protri Sint is ee New een a = sia. A new rel en. Tae in ea ie Iliodor, the nd vagrant dissenter. h i the ipal cities of the then known} | ~ It is said that a highway ‘arthaginians 's to the world _But for a splendid Sus __All druggists and stores sell r = [ted ai 8, ans of comm a Hae dieloseltoas ee hay tion vith eee of her | Shea sh “the e reached © er in new sect “Tiodor his fol How- ers in the desert of Florisheva. The main gee of the doctrine ic love that shall ex- - Mother says hei é’s ‘so th: 4 oe ae the dishes sitlene ing the of white kidlets gamboling on the pine woods. 1 Use the Proper Remedy and Colds ‘3 GLAD ene PREDICTION. Ina speech at Fainbur sh on Nov. 1879, the late Rt. ladstone a occasion for the it that ought to sway, those rich and fertile countries which are nown as comprising what is called the Balkan Boothe a “Tt seer e agreed that the time has ane, the hour is about to strike, if it has not struck already, when all sway of Turkish power over those fair provinces hay From the bottom of my heart, and. with the fullest conviction of my understanding, I will give you the eply—a reply which I am perfectly certain will awaken a Pe @ gen- erous, a unanimor 10 in your bosoms. That succession is not pass to Russia, It is not to pass to ‘ia. It is not to pass to Eng- under whatever name a state of civilization when the great. Ecalaciity of Ottoman con- quest spread like a wild wave Shed that portion of the earth, and b ied that sor under its oe whelming fore ______ Old Folks’ Coughs Permanently Cured The Publim is Loud in Its Praise of the Modern Direct Breathing Cure. Elderly people take cold easily. Unlike pneumonia does lop and kill, coughs certainly Bee all elderly peo: le. Cough Syrups seldom do much good be- cause they upset digestion. or which heals and ee the irritated sur- faces of the thro: musing tags eee you do not take rich piney balsamic vapor, eo full of heal- ing power that colds, catarrh and bron- chitic disappear almost instantly. life. and that was beter I es Saris eo by To use goes lating to eventive and oure for coughs, colds, a Seelte throat irritation and catarrh. Bi “J, B. PILGRIM.” ‘A Catarrhozone Inhaler oe your poc: 8 you to aI supplies treatment Size, 60c.; trial 50" 603 all storekeepers and druggists, or Sateen Co., Buffalo, N. ¥., ingéton, Canada, —_—__8§___ HOW TO ATTA EIGHTY. and Frederic Harrisons Golden Rules Health. Five whe rules of health pole and amateur gar- dener, on his eighty-first birthday the soiber day, celebrat al is hom Hawkhurst, Kent, Eng- land, ay Abstain from tobacco, spirits, made dishes, and all such dreadful satisfied with a little sensation passed away. it o'lock,| (g) Rise from a meal with an ap- 1 five hours’ treatment, I was practi- petite. L belie © people +60 cally well. I therefore write you at o1 much, ef in order it may be publicly known ia Walk every day for two hours. is I am going to do as soon as I ae through a pile of letters pad telegrams from Florence and I am too old to play at Neste abd golf is too slow. a) sBleep etght~ Hours; People cannot sleep who smoke themselves oes in the face, So too much, and have not. walked enough. ) fore Haporiaae than ake what vou have got. Aske tinge quistly. Ss HANGED BY THE NECK ‘corn or warts, “Putnam's” baie ‘the “best, free from acids and painless. Price 25c., at all deal- Be “ get : s Some men would rather run for office Hh earn a decent living. Soring Signs. | Enelish, Naturalist eat That the Any druggist y drug g ? tors find the 21,000,000 yearly for tl Domestic 6 Stoc! Btock and carry over antee will be done after a see that it would pay you to which is mai rs a Jsttee simply statin, H. C. Bellew Synd A Safe Investment Yielding Good Returns In Montreal bricks are eold for cash, menufacturers together are unable to supply the demand. The demand is steadily increasing. We eS hay ith. p: 28,000 net profit, ine ‘times pa Beaterente stock dividend. “With this the company will-pay 7% per annum on the $ k and could Pay | Se ESE annum on the DOMESTIC BRICK & TILE’ CO.. =~ maged by a strong Board of reputable Mont- real business men. A small block of Domestic Preference Shares at Par carrying a bonus of 40% of Common Shares is now off for sale. lompany is cantintaed at $500,000, $200, Preference and. $300, mn, of whi $152,000 is issued, and owns 198"ar at Laprairie, Pro- ~ of Quebec. $600 will give you five preference we ues hares. ference ei guarantee | you 7% on you: the Common money, and the dividend o1 Biases will eoaily increase your income. ae can have a plan and prospectus on request. iption. a te bake enatint at our expense, or certificates will bes forwarded the day wo receive: the Teast enclosing your money. There is no watered stock in this enterprise. Suite 23, 11 St. Sacrement St., Montreal , and all the brick The 800,000 a week will sell rovision to increase to which is over 200,000 Prefer- n to reserve, w! uar- third year. You can Mee invest in the many shares are subscribed sufficient. Subject to icate, Registered. NOT SUCH A FOOL. FARMS FOR SALE. HW. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Ostrich is Maligi Speaking at a Royal aside So- Must be OOD STOCK FARM OF 500 AOR! with Three Houses: large Bank Barn, be _sold quick. Price is very low. ciety meeting, James Buckland interesting details of Sout that can be bonght. eal FSIRABLE FARMS IN fairs diuerts sul Geatotenehe bat ¢ Worth the money for. wie That much- maligned igre the Atnsee eee was at last rescu The world ie Mean on my list. me. HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontarlo If you want a farm coneult atta tate years in thinking that it ee ile head in the sand H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. because it is a fool—believing that because it is cutee it is unseen, ea does so, its body resembles the ait hills which eurpount it, and {arlo, The West London, Ont. Bai skatchewan, n Real Estate Exchange, STAMPS AND COINS. thus x escapes Gauan radljitans and Mr. Buckland suggested that if he put up for the at Christmas, trying to do a cake- me cassowary was another ea yellous bird. ‘Its appetite . Buckland said inate he got tired long before the bird did. They all heard of as swallowed up a peels ads and prayer and hymn- book, too. on fact, big as was the appetite the cassowary, he appeared to fae the line at missionaries. The lord of Australian birds, the Fogg—Well, in._bar- rels, we what As aig Miner by is the top |: COUGHS SHILOH po A young man Te to be mae asked his father how he got on so well with his wife. The old as nate CURES Liniment Co., Lim! Minar Line ie Er scoee ier Cea} found nothing equal to CHAS. Hawkshaw, N. B Bept. let, eae 190s. ost respectable bird was the | § sidered a moment or two, and then | he said :—‘It’s like this, John. If} lt is a happy sign of spring en ig n hear a robin‘ sing; mi Mr. ate ‘eine for some y: Hill Se ILLS. br Fe 50 oat Drug ond iinited. To . Chinese Logie. Another instance of what seems | th to the aN shop to E und, to his amazement, Ne are ound: cost two ASS reel a half, wher eas te ede of the same brand cost seven giles) and a hal TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDR! ferent Foreign Stamps. Album, only Seven ‘Mari Comnany. Taranto. RED Dik Catalogue Cente. 3 Btamp BILLIARDS. g FE VERYBoDY ENJOYS BILLIARDS — and correct in his conduct, aches PE ‘ : sapnieiny ee when he -d it reminded thenr| {> Pont ‘tor bot , of nothing so much as Charley's Hard Roo iS is Hes miei tre logues of tables for Home ui . aunt, ‘having had a little too much |17F¥e, ge eae ant ont cag hy If yor catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Com pany, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. UFF ORPINGTON EGGS FROM _ giinners and layere=$i and $1.75 per TRAWBERRY PLANTS—GROWN ON The ‘yy ae Eres: catalogue. Laheriow Fruit Farm, Grovesend, Ont. ie ade On the laine “ol Dimbuc vertisement appears but once), MORS, MPR, ral ana etiernal, wine ir home ft ey wie Dr, Bellman Medical ewood, Ont. CA ANOER, Inter ‘out pain by bs before too Tate. Co,, Limited, Collin 2 KIDNEY AND quale Kane troables: oF erate! An emu, was the most shamelessly hen- ; “Bano),”, poe $1.50. Another new rem pee ck Dik dd “oreatione When:| Heatnoieeeer’ nie sen ss Pau had: Inia her ca she | ¢ruRet arses MGanads. "Limited le! ft to sit them, | Winniper. s Sallivanting about, Salk eupeniag A and then to add to the num- Men’ S| Suits FRanon-OLEAwen FMEIORD SY Mien awa Best Work.inCanada, Gold axe 3 ‘Aubine. Whotkacws. BRITISH, i, AMERICAN, DYEING: Co, Figg—Does your grocer sell his ern ee Just a Minute rotrding oe piles daded BF uillig cites ‘i med ret atTne ne operavion. This fess to cure internal ae oe urate ie who is iy ne a well. Tnetrnotione. on receipt of al ne ‘OXLEY, aot Berksley 8t., Toronto. a Soap i rhe Ave ean ims colors. Dyes A gentleman Bees a chines i ase tea.

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