1 New Coal Oil Light Beats either Electric or Gasoline Call and See for Yourself t P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator MILVERTON “a a Hor ALL” x et I 4 DON’T SELL YOUR OLD 4 Iron, Rags, Rubbers, &c. Highest prices paid if delivered at my place, 3S. snatch aa ~ Milverton can call on you and pay eiaponencee Vol. XX—No. 39 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 3, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher EEEEEEEEEEPEELEILEEEE EEE EES he oho heehee ake a obo a ake ade fe ob ae we a oe EEELEEEEEEEIDELE EEE EE EEE Potatoes $1 bag. ume & Potatoes $1 bag. Engeland & Son. z %| Butter 250 1b; Engeland & Sons. | Butter 25¢, 1b Eng: z @|__We pay 17 cts. Bey oe eggs at} Read Mohr’s Sasi: grocery pele G ~ ¢ LOCAL NEWS) {)wionrs: = We pay 13 ets, for Dutch = etropolitan an ¥5 {| All accounts rendered April 1st. |Mobr’s. Engeland & Sons; Buggy for sale—great bargain—Jas Se andle all kinds of smoked | W. S« “Remember the Milverton Spring | "eats an ns sausages af Mobr's oerer f Timoth y._Alsike. and t all " rs F By id: ES il ith, hoice Mandseheuri seed barley for | kin is for at am Head Office : TORONTO Ste eee ihe. Baste bale at Hamilton's ktore. ‘Mill- | ilton's oo Millbank. bank. Our epring stook of boots and shoe CAPITAL PAID UP $1,000,000.00 rd. is mad ented Upstairs girl and girl to|is complete and ‘up-to-date, Come in RESERVE FUND AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS _ 1,431,888.26 sent visiting her mother. Mrs Jos (W284 dishes. Apply Windsor Hotel |and see for yourself at T. P Roe's the Stratford. m27-3 | Shoeman. Mies Huby and Winnitred Groseb The annual meating of the Eyan-| Ex-Reeve Alexander eeeH nie Pais DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST way of remitting money. spent. a few days ae es we en ley, anno! Milverton Branch: Millbank Branch : Linwood Branch: » G, WALKER, Manager J. H.ALLEMANG, Pro. Mer G. L, ZEIGLER, Manager of Sebring Butt Sade icaale heels cousin. Miss ¢ J.G. HAMILTON ¢ Sole Agent for D. L.Q@w. ST. MARYS SCRANTON LIME STANDARD Oa KEPT IN ANTHRICITE STOCK week mn. of Seafor: ig her parents. tended the funeral of the late David s ville. Emma Tr ‘oyon. of BAe gs is ding a couple of Minnie Ritter, Draper Battin. ith weeks ‘of Carmum Mr, Ss! sidney Spencer left on Monday has secured | at{ MS Ss shade as‘ tinsmi “her parent home | a couple tford. with be peg onM ip is |. Ms.. A Mr. gelical church will < st eS Beatrice left for Wednesday for afew da _ Choice ear of seed pata voes wall ok, $1 off the car your order w ith W. K Mr. Henig BY hes | 250m stating elat sate ba eb in Dayton. Ohi panty are safe a) mock of Everyb ves Formos; ', OF this com prise ba oa \the Japa 80 and Ames rien twe th | Gisehler ond patuebier to onjonly seven standing. ex has received word | ae m 12th con. Bruce. 200 fine maple eS Aue e ‘the storm. and after the gale there were near on- urn issued frou the Sen: shows the Roman allio. population » |of Canada to be 2EBROAL @ total population of w 1 1s ere Brenp Onna nin Meee brought four hogs to market on Monday that The iho Be g S Pe Ss hio. nd Butt t in — the Re chee next Sunday < lia te In ithe Ng. the et ed dy distsets EP Gia ther ue bros H ond B aad are working as) they © ist su SThie enaleor ble Sevaeellanl ches embled at the m- 00, a 5, 5 eae Se = ee a and plumber. rs, Fre fe Ty. Noble arge.).of Point G Ai ro . " . * a esent ri ga pecial urocery Frices (his rriday d Milverton, ti e" aus: , time ive In he ats. |" he friends of Min, WEL Sharp. B and Saturday at Mohr's say evening was wellat: [4-9 Dannie,» form prine'pal cf tonded and the innovation proved. a|the publio school there will be inter-|¢ rolendid success, e@ to hear that after midsumm J G, Grosch hasbeen ‘confined E fos ee DT ae atoon. 125 to a s aa alary of hosts Paes ences Pfs obs epnieierg Sovendigte wee nie Ferien MieLollan inns just im- | Mealey well known in 3 Ibs. Dates ... 25 friends will Beglad. taknow hatte bk ‘Perche tolPor) a been slate 3 tothe Maple Leaf Corn per tin . 210 progress towards recovery re position of local registr: sup- 3 boxes Corn Flakes 25 J ti igh Teme cour: local re iy ar of the ae per 230 MoLellan is red be congratulated for | s e k a Good Salmon’ 45 : bringing into the eommunity such an ar Redpati’s Graniilated Sugar per sack 4.95 ¥ «last. ‘The choir |°*cellent énictal: 4 if Jewel Flour per cwt.. 2.75 tay inet. The choir | nuir, Wm Ohm: who Hecsnily moved Olive Oil per bottle 20c, 25c and .50 to Milverton was pe Bue stnd da Potatoes per 1.00 Lindsay. courier for mail| Presented at Rostock “by Mr. an at iss Steal govern 2 Ibs. Starch 15 Brunner commenced hi a. behalf of old friends and ing the comm! orders il ist. ors of Rostock with a purse} For all si 10 e commis ice at Branner at. dollars, Mr Ohm — was | sion i placed at ‘90, over $10 and ie Seningy tein. Bly surprised for this mark & to § 0c. over 3 up to 5015 f. i t g in time to |9Percciation and desires to convey to) over. ‘So and-up to 60. 20c.. over HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE |||{zom the ee returning in time to | ike donors his ‘sineete: thank: snd to 100 358 ‘his being the year to which e Lon ‘Advertiser said that | High dotook. teache: vere entitled to|one of the cones of the largest Seat whe iApoint pent tot. .|team in London. cyme Se dency of O.E A: Di hed nearl: ton. Pe e are she The Gifferenee between 1, a garden-| “Twelve years ago Galt had three A At Steatheat Pk oy cee SLL SON Oa in ea hie ier, Ape, hillako Glayer, 3- e) Gentleman Hour miles ton yours later two; to-| oi, siding at Listowel. Passenger that body for the Last year [a hipped from Exeter Biveiestas nd 4 ton e minds day only one. We are living ina pro- Sac eat [was the Inspectors year for station in Onterio, “When it comes ta ur | the suisierinen when Mr, Jamnes quality Hu: les Malcho. who wa: onto. wa’ i to tirabery’ 5 are al Society at part ina charivari following a we fers ize s of $20. $15. . $i 01 of a tive near Ros- $1 for ‘best nesday night of last w Blyth Agricultu: 9 the had Bid hand torn -off-by- the vy fe etvldca sas tbllow shee Ls a t of a gun which he was «| s i $8.96 aes ie se ae best ‘ieta a taken place in the last eigh' PICSWIEYE the mplutpose ob ndaing vol. |b d mitario The studding is composed of Ginch.| At a 1 the ian. Bay. ume of noise necessary to celebrate moiste eancinnt of vag clouvitire will farn’ hewn timbe: med and bottom, |ia committee of citizens have Started) .ch an even vi paper or ina little the and the whole evidences the substan-| out t $5,000 to advertise their | “6... Haat areek as: ABS Sim a Riga a Be ait tidiseiioncidl: treat x young tial character of the work done town. they are going to follow asys-)orr and son Sheldon were driving in-|fire.and in a yery few the per- ponte started to school on Monday those days.—Athens Reporter matic plan for making the advan-| 1, ihe village they were overtaken by |centage and relative germination may € swelled Miss Booman class It is stated that when the liquida- ‘tages of Mi an industrial) 4 yinaway,team. t of the rig} be readily seen This may mean bu- to large proportions over sixty being tion of the York oan is com besehe ee mning into the back of the buggy shels to the 1913 ¢1 nrolled, The clas: eohet pleted. funds in the vicinity of $100.- milk dealer of ( Bake ths ajand twisting the seat off the Several merchants of Dundas and Gd trot "Mins Beamer 000 will remain i hands of the|fine pee: of 4. Though neither of the occupants were |Other outlying places lained | tér is compelled oving S lack of Bes redalvefa, owitia: #0. thelr Inability toleome’ choice Holatel erionsly injured Mrs. Orr suffered |to the local police that bogu: commodation in} room fooate those to whom it properly be-|eently gave a particul greatly from s 10 (bills, imitating the rettiain: where longs.’ Many of them are. undoubt-|stein a seven Mr Edward Attridge who has been y Dominion ba € ‘ edly dead. Others. through ignoranee| time the residing at Fo een, floated i f dn exchange tells the stor fae or indifference. have pur; their | of milk. testing danghter is at pr e. Several teoole in Di sack full /6f. Rabble lingerie mbout minds of any future interest in this} 19.44 pounds. of uses fat. or 1 friends in 2 ES ee bad tite: teWit Bll day a ig back at ost unfortunate pse. hat {of butter. also kept {rack ton. Mr Attridg y |local offi f the Aight’ without sallag theme ayhen will be the ultimate fate of this res-|of the feed ein was ai were recently bitten by a dog which|said that ‘they had not ates d by:his mother why he had not idue? Ordinary fairness would indi-|Sixty pounds-of ensilage a was declare complaints regarding the alleged cir-|"oig the rabbits. he SE nt Obed te that, after a legal time limit.be-| pounds of roats. six poun affected with ra y eae a i spurious bills. Raden Hine SPhat wea in thie Sack yond cayil. it shou! e divided | bran chop ai i cae. ai last just concluded a twenty-one days onard. ~ assista ant to| How. many merchants are like this among those victims who remiined on : cents. In eight and «hal ek treatment ati the Pasteur In- View! ears OE the PR. has def-|little boy? They have plenty of goods record.—Hamilton Spectator his cow gave 3.950% pounds of milk.| stitute, Toronto. ca epee if eoarel dite a announced. that the bein 026 $aa6 preeisied for sthe "present at e Domini Millinery Opening Mrs. Kate Sproule’s Wednesday, Thursday and Friday APRIL 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 1913 Mrs. Sproule and her new trimmer, Miss J. Dayment, of Clinton, who has charge of the workroom; and five assistants, are working hard to have the largest display of up-to-date Millinery ever shown in Milverton. -- -: Prices -~to-Suit-Everyone ‘demonstration amd hear some o: latest and most approved methods the iindof Oh i the Srkecs of dead in her Dysart Tow. med rtak- but fail to tell people what is If you expect to sell ing | for sale n your sack and Hey shouting the merits of your stock in trade. The temperance pea ing ae, ae in connection from Guelph Junction to! spite of the majorit: iksdog it Bolton. is ved. is mot. yet in favor of pro- Miss Jean ee honor seadses hibition. This decision is comsidered of Household Soi ieDon: ignificant of the great progress of ultrymen to joke certain There highly recommended from all pants of [htt Slee nd is pleasing demonstrat: : Fi or of tthe highest order, Every lady|*te. Mr Aaron Co ee Peer wn and surrounding coun- | 2°W oe the record ihe es try should take advantage of this|2"¥ farmer to beat the f the a duva cittonged Ghoye IM takingertas ren eet 135 th Yes mother. was a half Jersey ; ‘ sire pm sharp under dhe auspices of the! doubt the above record will be hard n-members pee on ‘Ad-|to beat as the average calf at ee mission 10 cents, TS Endiy re. [does not weigh more thon fait that qujestad oe bag ih many poun value, of the calf faving “of her ehick-| taken nt Veal, prices. $8.50 to $10 pi eae inne ‘ ‘vould be $11 to $13. Who says is no money in ‘armin, =e remarkable story com. msbip. er Hal ar ta there for lite, ‘The young man 8 firmation ‘a year agobut s | has Dapee. a Millennial Dawn cnthus iast ‘he had successfully per- tore a duty which was expected of him. : would be | diamond > | he Needs the chie: tha “| been accosted by a stranger ele i tt |Skelton returned to Walkerton M Frequently a challenge has been is- ins. to pee couse lately vacated by john “DOO.” WHALEY NOT GUILTY © Winnipeg Free Press. April 26 Afi a deliberation of ten minutes e jury brought in a verdict of not auilty in the ease oF Ww. charge! i with Penta st nok ds.. ani 'r. Justice Metcalfe discharged hint at 5.30 yesterday af- he Bereueon conducted the ind. R. W Craig amen for sohes defence The case grew out of a hold-up at a re party the P: aoe pete in h Victor gE Josselyn, f a AEC some ing. er Sara the the bandits aeepreaces The poli police started out to locate the thi ‘ich to i some torent jzetion be in re ie ba rh s Stodgi he “attics ie he police station. After some questions he ihe sas eouaseuedvin, ai hot a, Believing tha as unjustly cd. Whaley Tatas arioh more questions, telling bh ue to Have ii cigar. ak tha be onthe penne paeen thee: Ot Chee Menno ere he could sell a good diamond pin pigs ing cheap. Ww. haley said he 1 told the man did not know a great deal basa aie monds. but that if he would Cay ay pee yay When Misfortune omes Save your ppUey: while you can, cannot prepare for the | future to> 500) are now holding may be suddenly and unexpect- edly lost. fire. aeci- dent on failure may drive ioe employer out of bus- Be prepared for,/endden misfortunes by fortifying a be credited semi-annually. MILVERTON BRANCH: R. J. Ranney, Manager call the iby off. “The stranger e etone for an even | of ays it money he over to Dingwalls that they ‘santa have the stone appraised. The clerk in the store fai vin was wort ————————_ about $500, Whaley said the strang- onted $950) as hs wife was lek BusinessCards in Toronto and wan Wi ‘to get ‘there. W rata thei told h that Psn were be. ve unable to pay that Seis and MAN, Dentist, Lic- ours 94, m to above the Metropolitan Bakk a Wvatton! pawnshop for $401 or withdrawn by frien Medical. Hall for Whaley ‘until such tim was able to pay for its redemp- thon Mr. x doaties Metealfe. in the course of a ma said termine. yres whethi the accused iB PARKER, M.D, P.L, TYE, M.D. RB DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE ; PuaLio DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Tours—10 to 12 m., and 7 o'clock a. my and 2 to 4 to 8 o'clock’ p. J, A. Hanson and son had sath orily accounted for his] ‘eck Pp. possession cg “the stolen pin F. J. R, FORSTER, Bye, Ear, Nose anid Throat only. House Surgeon New York Opthalmic and Aural Insti- pebedalesacly ate, Olin, AssiabanK Ear, Nose and a Sonade. ilverton | Throat Hospital, Golden Square and NP pan chade was in Milverton | Throat, ‘Io i ios Gd hy . at B. ze| Eng, Office: 58. Waterlo oe Dae in ees € Bauer Wen Cee Shareh, Nieacarda Rite Me igh! of Mitehelt. was In. our pape bane ae ay at re Norman Ross “pent afew days H. B. MORPHY, K.C, si bu veine Teev aller Miss P. Moke. of ration. is vis-| Barrister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer Solicitor for nies of ilsauvte LISTOWEL, ‘TWOOD Offices Bea Rs Money to Loan Be aes cree tr BR CRSBLEWEET; AKG: was a ess visitor in ou. : Mr, Norman Zimmermann. of Mil- ee eS Squciton verton was in our burg one day last Ms wee! Office : Gordon block, el aor oflice TRATFORD, ON’ Leo spent Sunday with friends in At- wood. Veterinary. ‘Misses Grace Ohalmers and Ver a ‘Monday Mr. en Mrs Sunday with Mr, J, BH. shall, R. Eastman and Mrs spent Veterinary Surgeon, J. W. BARR, ary Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin~ Is by eae phone or otherwise promptly wttered to, tases G. d M Love. of Atwood. nt a few as wee their cousin Miss [Rue aes MILVERTONG LODGE, No. 478, AR, & “Milverton, e mae sme the illness GRC; # Miss axel Ronnenherg “but hope mi stiy oy ein! nk or for a speedy recovery. before full. moon every mi in. their ss Pearl Ellacott xeturned to] ballix J, E. Weir's Block, Visiting breth: Stratford on Monday after spending renalwayswelecome. J, G. ‘Hamilton; Ws the holidays at her home. M,; » Loeger, Secy. Mr. eir move Monday evening a were taken to a ate tt be buri brethren always weleo F., No, 99, Milverton, meets t Tuesday. of every ; N. Zimmerman, Reo-Sec. los accompanied by his ote and two s' jar, and t moved into town last week Mr BIRTH: . F., “Silver Star Milv aoa S y | usp ror ia. eis on March 21st Mr. and Mrs Jacob Kuep Philip Kna: DEATHS. —At Mornington. ob’ 261 Mat. of the late Ch aged 79 years. 7 months days. it Rosi mn We i th. Daaney Kreuger,, ye- eae ristian Soghiner. trade, an fer. ‘a s0n: ‘R, Notary Public, Auc- Chalmers—At Honeygrove. on March | tioneer for the County of eacth ou 2ath fo Mr and Mas, Andrew Che) Water! , Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Ce ‘ortgages drawn and Affiday: ie. jostock. on ‘Mareb 81. to Vit ‘Slork..” Office in the Weir block cred a Mrs Berne Stock. cdicghe over the Metropolitan Bank, ter. MARRIAGES. Hotels. eee ete St. Paul's Luther-| EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. an church. re ate nea: John Gropp, epee r. Best liquors Mareh 2 and cigars at First-class ac- Robont eee "so Miss Andithe tu Sonfinouation kad iagee aebtOg iter of Mr. and Mrs Ernst Graul » both of Sllice. AND CENTRAL L,. Mil- Mastin Kner Near Heidelberg. i Vocetaae Tint oliae accommodation for ‘“Mareh 23 Jacob Martin. to pie NESE others. | Three ‘Miss Sarah Khare Eber of Mr. tabling. test brand Seiats th ie ecanieee: , Proprietor, Harron: - on Friday. pean yg, HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. (Marah 28th: Hugh Hieron. in’ iis ae best accommodation for commercial. ~ aeaeuliere and others, ‘0 lar; ple rooms, shot poet ines, La- quors anc he bar. warn stables. cone r Pauli Proprietor. soa eee an FOUICN