Milverton Sun, 3 Apr 1913, p. 5

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A Golden Opportunity To Buy «cea PIANO |; At an Unusually Low Price In the general overhauling of our Piano Warerooms we necessaily must redtice our Stock of Pianos and Organs, and we offer the pur- chasing public an opportunity of getting a Ssh high grade? piano at exceptional price and exceptional easy term: Ye Old Firme of Heintzman & Co. Pianos and the several different makes of Pianos sold and guaranteed iby this great Canadian firm. An opportunity of a life-time. e are now the Headquarters of HEINTZMAN & CO. LTD. {for Perth and Huron. Heintzman & Co. Ltd. d. hati ators ocal Representative. Cc. E, PURDY, 58 herent St., Stratford. To avail yourself of this opportunity cut this advertisement out of the Milverton Sun as you now read it, giving name and address, and mail it to Heintzman & Co, Ltd., 38 Ontario St. Stratford, and full par- ticulars of these wonderfnl values will be sent you. NAME ADDRESS THE CALM THAT COM COMES AT EVEN. There’s a calm that puis ae SNennG. When the weary B. just forest it wall, mes at evening When ote tirilight piece fall. { can si ee my eee signal her waving window blinds; Fcan feel her pert ‘fumed cee I ib {ithe calm that comes at ev: When the twilight Sndoee ‘fall HUGH HARRON Death has aeatn remoyed another of heantfailure. Mr Harron v ee is port they made their fhe |t9 which was then little more thana mally % Monatuatee WIRE We have just had arrive at Linwood a carload of wire and ready-wove Wire Fencing, Weare pre- pared to supply customers with Coil Wire 9. 50 Per Cwt. Leave your orders early. SAP PAILS and SAP PANS, DRAINING TOOLS, WIRE NETTING and ROOFING Call and inspect our stock of BUILDING and GENERAL HARDWARE. J. G. SEIP, - Linwood ne We are the Agents Here for “COCKSHUTT” PLOWS. AND FARM IMPLEMENTS ~— - QU can choose from our line practically every plow, implement, machine or vehicle needed. iy for your farm only implements of the highar quality. coe give your work and pee labor and time the highest return in results, Gna” Canaoe The Dise Drill 1- lustrated here is the ites ¢ ereeene ry ney RAGE va D PRRSER | Ros ED SAS Before murchas: send na a ard statin with local eee ‘an jesides ie ‘we can give you th and finest Aasortent ot yale ine sie Sell oe, Fan to When to Sead of any article of farm LOCAL AGENTS: Jas, Freeman, Jr, Fred Zimmermann Newton Milverton J. W. Burnett, Linwood Furniture! Have a look at our new spring stock of Houseold Furnishings. We have an immense stock of » Buffets, C Dressers and Srands Sidoh bi. In Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Su~*~" mag ard Gum Wood Rockers, Couches, Rugs and Linoleum, Etc. Come in and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Agent for Gerhard Heintzman Pianos R. McMane, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker ©® Milverton, Oni wets each c prosccul: for a Hleense to Keep se and In imposing the fines the judge a Heense to attioneer | a abe Tawa: ue bat the others who fi aos ship of Morn naire kenanisa an pitaelt ead. tunity a|companied the accused on the might home in the wilder exc It was” a{they entered yr hee Millbank. Feb, 20. 1854 COU, aa mone me the | caually guilty an uae that y should Br -law for Taver A nate: a quailed at the nies. That each tavern keener oeatinys et ae bring. stabling for two f hors ind try. however. rd and in time of tw 3 deceased hi a whose demis: ed. e. followi ze Venn. ur Ne eke Margaret and Bella and Hugh. Toronto; bridge: Harry Cleveland. Ohio; Bl- fen. ies or nig. bo- id onthe hor ad and Edith. Toronto. Mr Sire vin a devoted member Chureb ae England and a staunch conservativ in polities and a loyal member of the Orange ciaiti a member of Millbank since its Reena, Asa iti ¢ held in the highest sudden taking off not advanced years has community. se t took place. Rev d MRS. Wot] ROGERS Word tars jo friends of ‘the death of Christin, has been received by On Bin rent a aware beloved wife of ‘br; oie : brit Satie) ber 18th. at’ ‘thi art. eupied by Mr DI in ‘a hey [OL th ee has been in fs ears, In ae th 8 that gene ily, The Cere: BOte contains irs, Ro nds of the deceased we tender pathy to Mr. Rogers wife,” the our dee in the ie of his noble MRS. DOROTHY SCHENCK Death o removed another of the ts the reh 26th of he dled " henck was a native of Mecklenberg. Ger- mn. Sh oy jed er of 33 er { six childret MRS. HENRY MANSER The death of Mrs. Henry Manser. of Brunner. oseuired = her home on the Ellice bounda arch bith qfteira -bcistllivesd trom erage day ‘to Pasha PB tery and was ees eg Rev, = ae aes of Milv % _ WILMOT ee PINED Thee 5 Witmot farm farmers. Peter ee fahrt. “pavid Hammer an Ham: ae a oe pear fall lot Bast- ang "plaintiff i the case Roth. into whose See terturee ‘mem entered, ‘The three accused pleaded not guilty to = the be guely rose's Made of Talcum Powder Mi WA NI ; WD the charge of robbery and eu ie the charge of entering the in a manner likely to cause : reas e peace. ander Birkett Be is prose Weitait and the omptly the stroins of wsndeesua march played by Miss Ola Stratford. a cousin. the bride leant on-her father’s arm. entere d and was unatténded, Car sryin 1utiful shower boquet valley and trimming — the ing. Following the mony Mr wiltria eS was serve i wamberiale abou m1 nto. Stratford. Glinton, Wiarton “eid. Milverton. immediate relatives of the contr. ing parties sat 1: down st list wa man dane pe F ent to sant “ph the. ti an Toronts, MALCHO A very, pretty houge * nes “North balf i, Robert Struther rand John Coulter, collector Rostock, ‘The Se eiugaiy esl vee ini tea a oe ee ea ed by Rev. A Blunck. under: am arch | te eget do net ar bla a aid ‘pn @ hat ¥ white plume Mr and bert Yung-} appoi ai blu w uy see in Stratford. where | oath of office in the minute book and {home to their many |of ithe 37 signatures only one ix in (the form of his mark. The amcunt is. ie his a sister an brother living dn-Semmerind, THE dainty embodiment | aking the level = alan Tale ground to Ipable fineness, to which are nie soothing, healing, antiseptic ingredients, Na-Dru-Co Royal Rose keeps the 25e.atin, at your Druggst's —or write for free sample to. | NATIONAL DRUG ANo CHEMIOAL (00, OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL, 194 lence gvilty to half eof striking Roth and was es ae 25 and the costs wo Hammers p fined $16.66 and one third the ship of Mornington hel John Hen- of ‘Toronto. ‘pleved the ‘Adam Chalmers. imes. The wedding ie e sfally decor Goderich, follow the tavern inspectors. ya Gris and the usual _ Miss Hoff ane: to “the wert at e to thei: oc sore we' ee was ch 26 af with y a conned a + boguet at we aa ca am t: ed iy “Miss Shiry, “Melinda Da pale’ ¢ r- flying the Wilteott » received many beautiful pres- MUNICIPAL MATTERS To ithe Editor of The Sun, Dear Sir—The municipal records ‘of the Township of Mornington have been fairly well preserved, fey days ago the assistant enginee of the G.TR. Co. asked by phone f f ior the railway or the public mee way. Strange to say a record of t) by-law was found in an old ule book, The By-law was p: ea = we 14th oat rot Sai ly 1854. It is umber is incorporated in 4h 8 ot Dat date s signed by ‘nina S extending ‘0 sideroad.It may currently known that in these ae ays ‘the Reeve of the township was appointed by the council, A few ex- tracts from thes i terest some of ing a. tons which pr ES. Jan. 16, 1854 The council oe porording to notice nd after aly: a ed by Adam ea ce tha’ i be appointed Reeve for sent ye Darric Application from sacra rn J. West nd ne vera ips pay 2 a January Ist, 1855. a, The township meeting for the Town da lors £ ‘The following were pre close of the poll on the sec- ‘4 ond day the following were declared to be elected; Charles Burrowes, W. Nicklin y and vee Peffe: ng persons. were hece aa ames ee oiti = ag shi ce; clerk's ey. 12 pounds 10 shill : assessor’s pay and the alles same asthe clerk’ - mended that the collector the wild land at 2 Hn ‘per ene cleared Jand at 8 nds 1856, Tossing ae n 0: January 2ist. Council at at 0. ar ific eee pe seconded “that Robert. Moke nded = proposed ty: Robert “atekee, Sane éd “by Willie Reid. that James Ww. ve,—Carried rs_ appointed ; ‘fas Terri nd. Samuel “Watson: waheste and ‘Cha les Tous 3 auditor: ee 19. 185" Newly elected cou at. Hen ie {esoNs tavern, Sah eek Addin °|was appointed Reeve . and Samuel | Whaley. Clerk, was then propo:ed “| by Wim, oy ip of etate cailed away colors, The icers for the year 1858 were; Walter Peffers. Reeve; lca ae: he: 15 Be: g € 5 Fog eI i a a a township for municipal purpoce: For Hair Health to sell it to the same Deonleit i did not do al we claim. Should it not Prove ent tisfactory our cus- tomers would lose faith in we would lose their patro our Busines would ‘aiff. to the scalp, i Could anything be more fair? Coy dc SPOR Sam SSP HS pardevlar a c's Createst \$ 1082 pounds. WM. WADD: rk of ia Burns. Mareh Sist. 1913. AN EXPENSIVE VIOLIN Stratford Beacon iit tne “woskely revi of miuslen! p the Toronto Sunday World of yesterday has the tallow bibs teed seraing. the-yiolia of, J. Niek- lin cousin of Goole, Co. Suresh on which ‘Miss Nicklin eoneerts at St. Andrew’s am: = er ASRzexe SRT SE ERRERTENSS SETS FS nl Our stock of Men's and Boy’s Suits is now complete. Men’s Suits That Compel Respect i you have not bought your Spring Suit yet, we can give you satisfaction as well as save you money. Our suits are stylish, elegant and reasonable in price. $10.00, $15.00 or $17.00 Will buy a fi:st-class suit. You'll be surprised when you see them. Boy's Suits We can only say the same of our Boy’s Suits, Never have we shown as good and stylish a range as we are showing this spring ............ tegeeeee 2.50 to $8.50 OUR STOCK OF Men's and Boy’s Hats and Caps Is complete. All the newest that can be obtained. We can suit you if you only give us a chance, “A Pressing Want” Ladies, is a Raincoat, and here is the best place to have the want supplied. We could name several reasons why this is so, but sum them all up in this one—you are sure _ of getting the best value for your money. We will give” you far better value than you expect if you judge by what you find in other stores. Style of sleeves raglan and set in sleeve, Call in and see our range. Prices ranging flOM Gvasvsergeiaeerineisioncaes os;e4s BOs d® tO 10,00: Dress Goods and Suitings If you want g in a real up-to-date Suit or Dress go to “Schaefer's” for your material, where you can pur- chase all the leading shades and weaves. Our stock is in A-1 shape, both for style and quality and prices to please every person. See our pretty Lace Collars for . trimming, also our beautiful range of Robespierre Col- lars in all shades. All Accounts are now due and must be settled H. M. Schaefer BRING US YOUR PRODUCE Mes tone re piellogs fail fee evtiyath: : = Mr Thos, : sent “Friday Meas ete ie ie DORKING. HAWKEBVILLE. McCaiterd Sonia vark Line |obih ahd mast N oe wel visitor on Friday.—Mr Henr Bonin Visited here pier ending izschuh made~a business trip to A Martin~ and P. Tiaootvon sanicke cath Tomine apart auaaer night in Emi een ve, elon. basi-| ual-—Mrs his ilbank.—! gid Heeitals Fenmued Fe after spending Mit i |. Miller pe Millbank. ai considerable business eather Insur- WHY HE iB WAS LATE “What made aS so. late?” “T met Smit Have should — be Aehene jets ren fue tg supper.” ta: bate poked him how -he - feeling. he ies ing me eo tis stomach t: “Did you tell him to take Chara bees toe. line My B.D, Gockwell Rpen! Sanda ay. at hig home. in Daneyel, — Messrs, Coote and F. Allingham oe in Pinwaen on business on Mon- “ay little son had a very severe I was recommended Street. Sydney, lia. ieee uy is for sale oy all dealers, lain’s ablets¥” “Sure. that is what he needs.” Sold dealers, : a

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