STORM SWEEPS ONTARIO Wires Down, Buildings Unroofed, and Many Narrow Escapes From Injury. 5 ‘A despatch from pons Says: This ity was in the throes on Fri- day e fiercest, aanisieciat gale that ie MyaHEL thie Piattada in bend 0: oe broken in gency repair gang utility-companies were kep run allday. The lake, rade event e bay, was tise into billows by the Lieto rush of the wind. On the extreme dif- i sauey sre pedestrians could make ress, * progress. 90 Miles an Hour. A despatch from Hamilton says: Hamilton knows a on (Fri Tt. is difficult, to vative estimat: 0. morning it rained, ad just tebe noon a very warm breeze up. In an hour this was followed hy a perfect natane, The velo- city of the peed could not have Hoses IeeMieian eo niles wicndar Damage at Guelph. despatch Guelph says: from history of in panie rn ued all the afternoon. stopped about 1 0’clock. Reports from all parts of the city and out the country tell of damage eens Bid telegraph n the country, bad- Fparlapsigetictary phones in the city are out of com: mission Chatham School Wrecked. A. despatch from Chatham = pas in Chatham was badly wreel huge chimney was blown down, top of the to d Piuiippeemmient ‘domes a room on the third ficor and an “ther on the second floor. ' Dunlop, the janitor, was in. the building at the time but escaped. Houses Razed at London, A despatch from London says Several thousands of dollars dam- age were done by a very destructive gale that swept over London and district all day on Friday, razing buildings of amount of damage of a more or less serious nature, Tore Off Roof. ‘A despatch from Berlin says: The terrific gale which passed pier this |" vicinity on eaaty eaten aes th High e ey oft St. faces! 8 College and other buildings, and P the boiler house of Kimaneltele' Com pany suffered in a similar mani Windows of some of the fniieas blown in, a had to be hoarded up. At Ingersoll. A despatch from Ingersoll, says Reports from surrounding districts erable damage from mic propor- aihaieh aes from THe districts are very mea- gre owing to interruptions in the telephone service, it is understood that several barns haye been blown down and much damage caused to other proporty. Throughout the town considerable damage has re- sulted, Blew Cross Down. A despatch from St. Catharines sev- one in he roo the City Paper Mill and those of sev- eral smaller puking were blown emov and Pie w he big cross on the steeple Cathar rines Roman Catholic Ohta s also brought down. Damage Will Be Heavy. A despatch from Owen Sound causing damage to the extent of several thousand dollars. Thou bricks and heavy pi wo were being constan’ streets no one was injured eg LORD KNOLLYS. Private Secretary to the King, who |, will soon retire. PRES DENT ts MEXICO. Disgorery of an “Alleged Plot to Assassinate Him. he aeypaten from Mex 10 City ris otc Bis ee tena Soar the a of an alleged plot by malcontents in he Palace Guar assassinate President Hu ot far from the discovery of this niet came the announcement, t that the — authori- M rey had a, pick that city to Gow 88, sees of the Glohananden: of the north, whose id to be marching Three members of the e soon wards, if was reported, they had hes ihlled “while trying to ese ENGLISH ENTOMOLOGIST. To Investigate Outbreak of Cut- worm in Southern Alberta, A despatch from Ottawa The Government ot secured services of E. be English Sea an investigation into an outbreak of eutworm in Southern Alberta. A of grain in Sothern Alberta last year, be- sides doing serious damage to gar- goes Mr. Strickland onth, h uncar in ey The a lately re- fused an offer of the position of pe eee Entomologist in Cey- Rich Banker "So you want to be my son-in-law? Suitor—‘‘Well, I’m net reat keen on that, but as I want to marry your daughter I Apo I shall have to take the BRITISH ARMY’S AIRSHIPS : iB 2 of Flying Machine Far Superior to Any in Pos- session of Any Other Big Nation ~ A despatch from London says: The British arm a seen by cig inld; tie, gieay rebiehed been to secure an aeroplane that could fly ure aler and t fast, The British a machines | t: teat lad, bested ‘o faites an hour, and which also were able to reduce sere biplane recently Passed all the tests at an average pee of 9174 miles an hour, Co ely said the British army would have 148 aeroplanes by next May. He clai ed that Great Britain had deliber- ately sks he less for ‘her le 10% Bee Dopart artment =| at sacu 6 foal di mn ploked up and sent abroad g ith Sxpeditionary forces. the Pes for War said that the mechanical problem of fare at- acks on air craft had been solyed y experiments carried ae $5 the army service, KING GEORGE I. OF GREECE. Who was assassinated at Salonika. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE eel TRADE CENTRES OF AMER’ Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produc a. ‘oronto. Western Can- ait sf, on tracks 4a0s-2e tor No. 2 and se for No. 0 $1.05, outside. Darley=Forty a ent quality, 62 to die, outside, tee orn, barley of good eed, 40, to Be. in ght. Shorts, $4 io ae Produas at do. tu est creamery, A to te for rolls, ‘and wo for as. ees ae 1412 to per ts. Pork—Short ati 526 nest $21.00. 10 $2 iLamyMod' st bacon, 19 to cks, 2, ard migrees, 141-40; tubs, 141-20; pails, Bs! Hay and Str Hay No. I at $10 2 312.00, on oronto; ‘No. %, $10.60 to 81l. Mixed Muoved at 9920 to $10 To- trac 8 Baled Straw—$8.60' to ¥9, on track, Tonto. Montreal eal Markets, =_hmerlean ie 49, ane; i 6 to 2 stock, 14 to ibe. Potatoes, per bag, car lots,” 65 to 2 kot: March 2,—Close—Wheat— 8 1-4c; Beptember, 677-8 No. A ard, 65.120; No. 1 'o. 2 Northern, 2 5-40, No. 3 yellow, avo. Gais—No, 4 wijite, 2634. to_% 4c. Ro. 2 95 to boc, Bran, $1600 to. f17,00 ae bid. September, 8c bid. ive Stock Markets. Toronto, aares Reuters aba tutes 80 10 good medium, $5.50 cows, $4.75 to $0 50; bul, “S3 to $5.25; cant ners, $2 to $2.- B55 oe veal, 1 to $4.5: erg and Springer: and Lambs Light ewes, 86 t i pe oo ec lenbes $025 pals ten 3 18 ‘Hogs--#9.60" to fed an fered, aiid $900 to #900 0) Montreal, March 2.—There were no ex: ‘tra steers on the Market, and trade was ari dail at about the former rates, qualit considered, Prime beeves, 64 to. 7; medi- mete ciation i ta ows, 835'to $10. Bheep, 8 to 81-2: lautbe, 714% TAB ep spring lambs, $6 to $8 each. Hozs, DIRIGIBLE mniue IN TWO. Was a Recently ee Gernian Airs! many, says: Ano’ e was destr Wednesday. It was the recently | launched airship intended substitute for the antiquated “i. et; ae) ages was Boltibg, the balloon down, but could keep only the rear end on the. ground, es the strong wind buffeted the dirigibi- about insuch a manner that ae broke in halves. Se HEAD OF PARIS POLICE. Resigned on JWeidnedday After Twenty Years’ Services. A des Spateh from Paris says! is as See Geacen of from 1897 2 1899. years of a the Franco- Gam a fenreaneae in the fortress of Belfort, for “he of Workmen's Comp: oben ue risa | a aa ae ont ony Paar lett anlisnad eet alent | Teaving the whole eS oc slagges bags, My strong bakers, im jute bags, |} stati fe. His Act aa framed applics Manitgha, Wheat-No. 1 Northern. 126, | {in would ‘apply. to eat In toe of | $ mer ee ae te; NO Sligbor in the Province. Ag it is eenerally Sr Whe o wae sod cod | sorted, na, terme 2 Sao aye eas Se, outside, and sprouted, 13 exemptions shall be must be thrashed ont OatsOntario oats, 33 to H4c, outside, and | P¥ the 2 Esirane pete ees eens soli », in ease|He has made gardening a healthiving ee eee relaxation from a sirentions ree ws 3 4340 for |Fangement of hhis grounds and Aower beds soenet eis tok lange: aid Ot To a perncwanigeolcesl ris Bir “Meuns—Hand-picked, $2.60 per bushel; | liam ‘one of those gardeners. who Tikes 10 primes, 6245, 1m a Jobbing way. let other people dot Tike Glad Honey extracted, tm, tive, 12i2 to, 1gg| stone, who, sought by ote per Ib. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, §2.80 | ting down tree "farm at Hawar \ OME ee Be eg he dee ey siware Melights in the actual pe labor of his hands, Foultzy-—Chickelis, 18 tee per tb.; fowl The Mystery BlGok. ittbeys, 20 to dio,” Live pouttrys | Toronto's “mystery block” still remains ower than the above, mystery. Rumors have recently heen Good Ontario stock, 65¢ per | revived that the Canadian Northern Rail bag, on track, and Delawares at Too per | way Is the owner, but these have, Bea Daw, on denied. Of the names mentioned in con- nection with the property only from th fons. ‘N Haton Company has’ there been m 4 540 denial, and the impression still stands ae to to liga, 8, to Jbides heavy, i6iz to F Krai t Inve to A despatch pee Kaprate, oe chan’ tary dines ot te ied VBenpel in| fon h “wor ane aacuee TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE INTERESTING BITS OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. The Easter Seance Work ss omESTeS: tlon—Who Owns the shes ann in Toroni {he promenade church or other home dutte Sir Willi two years Workmen's recommendinj Meetsigtcne has pro himeelf a diplomat of the first degree by the report which he has {ust presented 0 the Legislature. One of ‘the chief causes Lot contention in connection with the Act will be as to what classes of ‘clone should Be exempt. Six Willis ved much idence "for. example, there fe no doubt. that. the 6 ved grea: opposition in frrming ‘communities to any enactment. whic! i make employers lable aa injuries sustained by thelr perhaps Pies te “many oe rg mete Sew aS the Dighton degree, will obiect vigorously $hxation, wilioh salait she Wapoued jens: asked for and the Act will be lucky if It She cou water ekens Labor Unions and: the Manufacturers is ve bee! tain ‘aout of cerossan ie Onehe t looks as though hie findings lean tow ward the side of the working me Gardening Days. adit William will ‘now have more, free. ime oo. whnlohe death here is probably reat- who has a de, which love for flowers, pceeireet stands above the Rosedale ravine, ie. ever ealliving home of flower Tite. As. this remendous Ald slocation Youre the in vat wal maa fanent has been made by 2 man supposed Ba eport thot ahs sayalery: will Pinte 8 of Ma frei me net t mystery. block has been heard of in real estate records ‘country. tire block: oniting ot hundreds a small Daroels of property. bought un by agents reat estate firm: wi a tow weeks. eats ater ona ao tho sal opnats fmm saced aeeas en. mite mystery aa it was thon. The deal. course, involved "millions, Heanwhile, Eaton's contin make improvements i their present Friedmann Was Pleased, Toronto physicians are gratified that Friedmann should haye giv m1 nich orevall Tistor of each: case, of ex bei greatest anxiety, “particularly by eufterers from the disease physicians co: enthuse ett hopeful, Sap renee Pas The oordinllig’ shown tasauronve wad er See ana yaa cities, ‘particularly when rn 1th the ‘disposition of aloof: n Greeted ‘bim in New story is to at thi his cool reception in New York opposition of the drug finds one of its ont. in edicines Tubercular patients, But. such a story seems too diabolical for Pau! Civic Torento bas been ne alts troubles in ic financing, In round figures it takes oe sue ues 25% 0% wlation ‘with the result. that the ity: bas been perilously lose, to the poin not havin ash with which io ie Greanit ares Ene ivrron ane bavorheen clnmees On more or less satisfactory terms and the situation has been temporarily reliev- ed. As result of this situation the Treasury Departme! a for a ered? deal of criticism. Unfortunately, Mr Iticha 1. Coady, “ who has been City ‘Treasurer for twenty-five years, and to, whom >the city its e trong box well supplied oi ee naek, has been seriously iN. Tt, is douberul. if Mecvit over verde tna dutiesi-wt lene as uctively as formerly. mr. coady's Career. Mr. Coady has felt Toronto move if any: an has. He has been in the city ser- vice for 36 years, Chief Accountant in 1877, Gity ‘Treasurer in, 1868 and\ ever since: pe was a lumber tm We has seen eigiiteen mayors come seen the city's popula. 2 = Ea a8 3 iB Treesurer just w struck ‘Toronto, when reason, thousands packed their coon ore moved. to the city from the country districts. tae hs boom burst, and the next ten vents was the least enedurag- in the history of ‘the. ity Bat fu te oine ahead sor must soon be appointed. illness it was charged that meet ed seh kent pase with the times, and w: tie condition. scanty really in 2 chao’ eq “Mr. salary 000 a year. put. trollct MoCarthy denion nbeoluiely’ Dat he is a candidate or that he ould accept the position if offered to peut wi oa sia “The remains of the late King =) be conveyed oe sl senes earn was Aantendel at s. for passing ‘The family remedy {or Coughs snd Coles, “Shiloh costs so little and does s0 much!” THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH UAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVEB THE GLOBs IN A NUTSURLL, Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your Eyes, Canada. Cee om . swill double track about 16 mifes west of Wel- land. The Montreal Hunt Club’s sta- bles and kennels were burned ; loss, $15,000. Kingston harbor was cleared of ice by the wind on Friday, the earli- est opening in twenty years. Judge Macbeth decl = the eae lon. nde local opti: - vali lacking ¢wOsGttheoi a votets r being out three hours the ove murder trial at Sound on Friday returned a insy in to, and Thos. Sharpe, eh PiRs ‘ole era) ee were instantly kill- ‘ B. See at Ham- ittan: on Wednesday James Sherloc! k, a fire depart- ment beiece for 25 years in Inger- soll, was seized with paralysis while exercising his team, and died short- ly afterwards, A six thousand egg incubator just opened in Morrisburg marks a for- ward movement in the Sey of the egg and poultry business in London a Cana- Brakemaul , to collect 2 ergy man in he wages 0: dian Pucise Balle ay whose home is in ee “E fee for marryin; : C. Hill & ee? ER Ma Scueleaat have been away ppaiaw held a8 Columbia, S.C Hon. J. D. Hazen, Marine and Fisheries, Washington to confer w eicahcleo Hunte ep rorene ication of a treaty over Minister of draft -E.I. Legislature, lon. Charles Dalton, the island’s -millionain, ing,’’ intimated that the G. oeenien intends to in- troduece measures to give further protection to the black fox indus- TY. Great Britain. Miss Sylvia Pankhurst gained her freedom by a hunger-strike. eee ioe io London — taxicab a “Sir Reetter ok Beaburg tas inte duced in Parliament a bill making the vivisection of dogs unlawful un- der any conditions. United State: Dr. Friedmann eee eee five patients in New. Yo: whom Bos J deteruied al? eu on Friday caused of life and property in the Satted States. General, M. Barthou may form the new French Cabinet. President Bonilla of the Republic of se Sree ha is oe Gener. ve, former French ines FS War, is dead. DYNAMITE Eeeiabeb: Be Two Italians Killed at Woodstock, ew Brunswick. A despatch from Woodstock, N. B., says: Two Italians, lo Spagroti and Romolo Ronald, were blown to pieces by dynamite o: Wednesday, T nm were miles from here, and, it is thous upset a can of dynamite into a over which they were cee ie explosive. Ve Jolly “ Good Day Follows A Gcod Breakfast Try a dish of Post Toasties to-morrow morning. These sweet, thin bits made from Indian Corn are cooked, toasted and sealed in tight packages without the touch of hu-. man hand. They reach you eee and crisp—ready to eat from the package by add- ing cream or milk and a i ela of sugar, if de- sired Toasties area ‘yall good dish— é Nourishing soetetyine: * Delicious Made by Pure Food Factories of Canadian Postum Cereal Co,, Ltd, A despatch from Medicine Hat, Alberta, says: lace tern when the Malcolm Canneries ‘ew up, burying in the ruins a lar, number of people, estimated any- where from forty to sixty. Five a known: to be dead he assisted by a large “number zens, are now digging the ruins to ny others that may be aliv. b 04 were rushed to the hospital. FIVE PEOPLE WERE KILLED And Forty to Sixty Persons Buried in Ruins of Male: colm Canneries at Medicine Hat number of dead cannot be known * n ey whole ruins will have to be remoyed before the last chance of' finding more will be ‘he disa: Many h hilding “wakes, Vises etary Brivr, gas inspec- tor; Wm, Stewart, painter and vol- unteer fireman; John Rimmer, paid eoukked: aad: hamens thee Green, boy onlook- The /er; an unidentified m: This A despatch from Ottawa says: The revenue of the Dominion for the fiscal year will be close to $17,000,000, according to the fig- of approximately thirty-three mil- ions over the revenue of the pre- ceding fiscal year. te penditure for r is at beteban $153, 000, “000 ota ree a OF DOMINION An Increase of About Thirty-Three Million Dollars. Year. 000,000, leaving a surplus of some sixteen milli s year the total expendi- ture will be about $11,000, er one n capital and special about $43,000,000. LORD KNOLLYS 10 RETIRE WAS FRIEND AND COUNCIL LOR OF THREE RULERS. Late King Edward Left All His Correspondence to The Courtier. It i ry one who is fitted for the ae of courtier; there are indeed few men who achieved great- ness in this direction and still fewer women, But Lord Kuollys, whose retirement oe for service announced, as a royal secretary Ss the ideale man for says a recent London lett It was in’1870 that Lord naleas then . Francis Knollys, relin- peas ais eae in the Treasury to ate secretary the prise of W. lew: Tact and dis: cretion, those invaluable attributes f a courtier, he possesses to a re- markable - fae? and these protapely eon for him an excep- in Bie entourage of the post, on Mriboscngh Hou in aie household of we wn to petically the whole of the eronmlence ot King Edward, eee as Prince of Wales and as King, passed through his hands, with the’ exception of the very f b private secretary natural the recipient of an amount of aplarivshion much of it pani ng to cau utiously dealt with, and for this Lord Knollys was eminently well fitted. Tt Was a Hoare Life, ard became much more so after the hens The of King Edward, when the work of the private secretary was almost trebled. His long nd faithful services were a peerage in 1902, and in 1911 his present Majesty raised him from a baron to a is The tribute paid to Lord Knollys that ‘no one ever ktiew so uch or said so little’’ was fully de- He was peculiarly versed in the art oF pes “no” without giving. offen those, who ap: proac faewith occasionally im- Wossikls cotton tee is good offices on their behalf, Perhaps no one, | dignity of a Windsor, Outario. the greatest care is taken to avoid hurting the feelings of the claim- ants. calling that one of the most aston- ishing deathbed utterances of our me was an assertion of this fact. The Dowager Lady Morton, who for many years was in Queen A iecenatas houachold when she was Princess, h governesslike instinet for Farce Saf some phe had alienated most of = 5 c g 3 2 g z = 2 < 2 5 & it was evident that the near, She had been some days when unconscious for her. doctor, though she was unable to’ speak her was clear, read her the letter. Nolaigh of bteknou oaeateibal bir berxoushed the signature (ohieh he pronounced ‘‘Knollis’’), wad stattled bythe. poise of Kine: tient, which he had not heard for many days, uttering these ica “More commonly pro Knowles.”? She never spoke Ag ~ ie WAS 111 YEARS 61D. Michigan's Oldest Resident Died on est A despatch from Sarnia says: = 5 2 Ea = day evening weeks. reat ae was born in Ire» Jand. When but a child she met Napoleon Bonaparte pied, A macy, Uni ate eile: the Battle of Weteres often. narrated with interest thrilling incidents .of the engage- ment. After the Battle of Waterloo an while bie i eione girl she woved to Cay CHA W. ELIOT. Will Be United States Ambassador to Great Britain, Washington President A despatch from says: Chas. W. Eliot, emeritus of Harvar has been decided upon by President Wilson for assado: Britain. Close friends of the Presi- dent on Thursday hight telegraphed Mr, Eliot congtaenlasng him as urging him to a - Be The London, Ont., Canadidn Club has extended an invitation to Lloyd George to address the club y in the autumi On the question of Fa Rie ern Lord Knollys car: h Gove ried with it no less than three | ment was sted ae ue Nips Senate. charming residences—the _ pictur- aneiy 1 bank messen- esque little abode next the Lord’ ger at Bo Habit and blinded Chamberlain’s office and forming, him with ees after which they part of St ss Palace; the | robbed him of $10,007 rooms in the ce donee at Windsor, and C the _ Preity Cottage near ss whibbe ke oominied during the an- twmn residence of the’ court in the ee since the Kings 8 sta thin, but the apartment in ames’s Palace he retains for life, together with some other privileges, including the use ot a royal cg riage. 't was after oe, Edward's. ac- cession that he was raised to the peerage. Ii stated A teeardete tile honoetianaueed Alexandra desired to be the first to Knollys filled a post at Queen Vic- toria’s court and has thus served under three monarc! One of the minor points of inter- est about Lord RES is the pre- nunciation name. w ought, of course, to rhyme awit ith ‘coals.”” It is perhaps worth re- IS THE BEST FOR you. BECAUSE ateee “White Clothes” looking vit does ‘not Spot or Streak the clothes tis faction o money Cheerfully Netundod. TRY IT, “J-R Blue is mach better than any ot iss Fisigseh Belnioat, Mose “J-R Blueis an Excellent Blue, “Superior £9 other Blues.” "Mrs. ke Js Moore, Conn, Gat JR Blue iis,the beat maa, a Manufactured by TheJohnson.