Milverton Sun, 10 Apr 1913, p. 4

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a i cele ELLICE COUNCIL. =a we Rare Mr, Luckhart. of Elmira. and “Mr | .Mr. Maa Vincent spent Monday in SUFFERED The council met eee the township ae oe : 3 os aS ‘Amnatrong Allingham. of Hanover | Milverton. Ren ihe ser eee Ss ee ee ols 2 spent Sunday at the latter's home| Mr. J Johnson was in Mitchell on ‘| journment. the members were all = ren 3 : hore, Mr” Allingham ee rane Tuesday on business. 3 ‘preset with resve ii the ohaic. : 4 : iB) Mr. C Oakley. 0 of Brussels. was in ‘ The clerk read the minutes. of the . : 3 e = POI ver t ont. “Mtr, - R |our burg on Monday. last meeting which were approved of cee EE Swe The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont Mr. ‘Goi cordon Seifert spent Monday and signed by the reeve and clerk. Py . = es pe eas a f_ Atwood on business. For Years, Restored To Health| Moved bv Mr. Junat seconded by Now is the time to look over your house-clean- 2 ey Dae Mr. and Mrs Jno. Schade were in Mr. Denstedt. that the Feeve — and a ks ree noon Mz | Miteliell one day last week. ix Bo BiGthains Vago cite ee b ‘ : : anes. ae ere oaeis sa feeats, in a sdvance, “Subscribers Hobe, “Sohnston c ‘McLaugh lin and| Mr. Wm Moirison. Bisa tess is by Lydia E-Pi s Veg: iG Gane chee Scare Angee EARLS es ne epee vey ae for eee par ds align cadis> tals sieaatar re Listowel visitors ov| visiting under the 2S etable Compound. ship treasurer in favor of Messrs ‘ : = aa ‘CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES / r ‘Mr “Farle an _en-| Mrs. Wm = Thibec and 22 of Stewart Campbell for $4.50 and Wm ¥ Mgs|fortained a few, | friends on fee Le are visiting friends in our] Oommen ave eatin st | Matheson for $1.50. being halt vost ing. —Mr Martin plliote is spend: | bur ally writ- | City of Stratford's share : S]ixc a few days in Elmira.Mr Frank| Mr. Albert Scherbarth spent a few | ing us such letters as the two following, | done on townline Tllice and. City oof ~ WALL PAPER ne © Allingham and P, Cockwell were Le days at Walton visiting his cousin.| ‘which are heartfelt expressions of grati-|ftratford. and as the council of the ea eee an |Qowel visitors on Tuesday. — Mx | Mr. Diller on eae th for restored he lth: Gity of Stratford have already re- We carry 4 sample Wall Paper books, 400 aie to Ee i mn will be charged for all transient adver- z Le ee en fermily a oneat NA are vist ee Peed = fren aa wd Station. Ont "1 have ta. peed = es vie share of the cost from. Ranging in price from 5c to $2 per roll. F uesday in Glenallan.— s Ss i = t i = es wht Sete eee es Thos, Tanner attended the funeral of |and vicinity. ken gla EP 8 Vegetable Com- | (ors chet rhe ceeve MF An fale sel! border same price as sides. Have fotos Ai dis se eee the former's parent. the late Thos} Miss Frances Merryfield. of Strat- be and@ he is hereby authorized and a look through the books. ents toc kontakt saeectleccichts must}‘Tanner at Millbank. on Saturday.— | ford. is at oe visiting under the empowered Loniake tepat ations oy : bein the office by noon Mody. sepeompt| MTs. Ranahan accompanied by Mrs | parental 1 S court against the said. corporation to attention. Scanlon: of Garry: Ind. spent Friday] Mr. aC Nts A. Hanson an = recover said amounts paid by Ellice oy -LACE CURTAINS MALCOLM MacBE’ in Listowe and Mrs, Geo. Is | Leo spent ae ‘at the — formé: council Carried: ‘Publisher aad Proprietor day at Tralee. ome in Fullarton. The sl presented an account Our new Lace Curtains are here from 50¢ per pair ae Mornington. e are sorry to report the illness of Miss Florence Holman but. hope for SCHOOL REPORT. Logan for $ $457.50 respenng the Clas Sosa rad hinsole areca © cones construction of highway culverts let E Thi Gs Toca, Verne Tabbent. Mr. and Mrs Charles Murr spent fe the Lopen oamabetes weane mittee 2a SschiMs ioe fllowdee _ the report ath Class—Milton Allingham. Gen-} few days “with the former's sister. seribed and authorized “to be con- : us te e mouth of ee dive Ranaban. Amelia Linseman. Fons structed “under the pro ovisions of By- Our stock of Scrims is very large, we are sure to please yon, : ly these who took over 60 ver|ors, Johnny Byron. Fred. Tanner “I law No, 563 of the corporatioi bai ta etal i e 8rd Class—Joe Linseman. honors, dige: eaves of Ellice. eee 480, Martha Budden: Norman McLaughlin. George Basler. Henry CLARK, Glanford "Statics Ont. sidered the account and MEN’S & BOY’S SUITS ae ett: Aas Mr. James J Brown. Tp. Treasu - ae 480. Louisa Kerr 355 Myrtle Ei ie OBE heard Yor! inact the eounell of Loman an Chester yo toga where they were rapidly imsildinos Mehly pea ised, andayear ago the 4 = Are now in stock. Have a try-on, Prices moderate Bcd old 460, Stanley Lindsay oll 300, relarence t Teis 289. Toseiac Becker is ae Pees cidet SoS net Eee as ing them for falling of womb The fetlowang vere ore sae ors. | d the person of 3 Rugler pas-| "s:My lett side pained me all the time | Div 1. B. Special Self-Opener Umbrella 790 — On ee ote G0. Lissie Natziger| ye. 11—Loretta.. Martin. Loretta Lo-|ed away after a inering Hines a of pad eet eee a ne . : e] is home. -"f + Becker 828 Laura Kerr. 318. Jobnny| “2. o. Stella Log Goodwin. Seeks se aoe sce ‘The | irregular and painful it would be worse. RAINCOATS | ee ee, ees ete, Bro pee ver Avtnaton Goodwin 2 Clayton Lo- ook place on Sunday to the| To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ; eee : ey Heke eel, Ohsrlle I Cemetery. Rev. Heguili of-| ing and I would be so nervous some- ee eae : ir. dnd Total 270. Freddie Reis 226,| <"7,_ ~itichaet Koa ed eae yea to mourn ae oe I sould no’ to see any ‘e have in stock the Vesto Rainproof Coats. Allwool top at Vally Nafziger 214, Andrew Schmidt nid Bennett. Teacher. daught hear any one speak. Little specks $10, Also cheaper coats if you want them. 204 Freddie Gropp 180. Albert Beck: je eaatothe pod float before my eyes an ; er mes. always Jr.,2nd—Total 210, Idella Schneider] “My little son had a very severe = se if 201 Gertie Reis 171. Melville Kerr = old. 1 was recommended to try mtL) BANK vr eanot sy foo mach for Lydia E. amberlai ough Remedy and the: Pie ee ompound and Bt, H—Total 210, Otto Kalbfletcch| patore a small hottie. was finizhed he ct the baking demonstra ere are no medicines 201, Lorinda Hols 170, Harry Reis 158 | was ad well 2 writes Mire, 1 Dont forget ali ae Wuesaay Ave) Bae th thom. [Mave taken: them and. Pt. ‘ot rieda Reis 134 Silks. vit St . Sydn il 15 3 3. W. ‘Me’ recommend them to all women. You may Number enrolled pan aveees lata: | this remedy is tor a ee Dalincvaton: penta few. days with poh this testimonial.” — TE «Js, Robb. Teacher, | by all dea Mrs. Hester ° . Thi NJ. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, °. Canals SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY With every 25 Ibs. of Butter, we will give a 25c ~ size Butter Color FREE ‘ 2 bottles Jersey Relish for. 100 packages Seeded Raisins at. 500 Ibs. Roasted Coffee at 1 1b. tin Gilmour’s Talenm Bog ade fo: T. pies ae ANNER by one the pic ‘pioneers as a eek call | CHOICE SEED POTATOES IN STOCK Barns, early settlers in the person of Thom. t aughter Mrs.| 3°" Tanner who passe he H. Stewart —Mrs. Bronner and fam- Beyond on April 2nd. at the ho pains, lassitude, nervousness and drains upon nitality = balop Gntsla. gemtenings ae pve Soe peak pe a0 aoe his son Mr, Walter Tanner. of Morn-| Senw; anh« e face shows it e nervot id the enti ew weeks womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of oe eles suetkor R. B. Hamilton ve Secased was born in eae r : enn he Methodist 2 re 9 eupied ‘the pulpit of England. on the 24th of nae St Church on Sunday.—Miss Mary A @ 5 DR. PIERCE’S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION. |fiis"c! “HitiaGe. "il ahah ee tend tia Canada with fia. peace BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND BGGS _ g : W. K. LOTH ~ It allays and subdues nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, and dM ied i ether distreastn 7 Q Bs verton.—Rev’ W. H. Cooper and Mr. In 1856 he was married in Toronto | 7 diseases: of: the famminine organs. Ie induces sofveshing Hloce ad sdieres M. Maceth, of Milverton, were in| 9 Charlotte Gray rho vredueeased | mental anxiety an lency. Known everywhere and for over 40 years the village on Wednesday last at-|him twenty-two years A. few E women. Your dealer in medicines tending the funeral of the late Hugh|Yeaps after they moved to Morning- ee een sella it in Higud or sugat-coate ated tablet pit Zou gat send 60 one-cent Harron.—We welcome Lie ce eanitenctie. and vested cake shes farm -ziow a Bice e : Dr. Pierce’s Favorit oacsinnion: ba ts. ress ily to,our midst. 7 ave occu- os eorge: Bape for stl tos of rs Paes ar oc a athens in ena en a aa es ou Know Us - DR. PIERCE’S PLEASANT PELLETS REGULATE AND INVIGORATE | Geo. Fon they. g i STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, SUGAR-COATED TINY GRANULES. | hosed — oe ne tat ines bre fo Dusless figut kere whose vou live, pa are an <li news as to me - tugh Ker. Millbank : i tance, neighbor or a friend of ours. This money-back: 9 a LS ee | ers. Mrs. Caswell ‘an irden bie b © ¥ 4 ee aioe ora permis ifsuot-satistied offer should prove the sincerity of our claims. eae ott. John Re E : ‘ ie ees say we believe we have _ly relieve constipation. They ‘act to Yee ; ita e the best laxative and back up our Gvercome ‘tie eons of constipation. 2 aa to reperty ete i . Newton For Fe ee een ith cry aaduaties gs rom- § They tend to eliminate the cause ages Drop There are also ninetecn g) Fendel dyes Jobn ES M. Ott: without. aiieatinn, or of sick headache, Dilioueness, bad. great grandad Wm. Ste " Theodore P. formality thé money paid us for ite th, ner vournes and other ills cor ‘etising i if it does not prove entirely sat attendant upon inactive bowels, factory to you, we aes al titled to your confiden war business success and prestige + Make Us Proye This all in [SMOKERS ye im, A polities. and a life of he Episco} ate nm chur eA bany ond. called on Cie atheeton y of oe canelnite WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Tuesday night, te aved family who Your Patronage. | Therefore, we ere cost Of NEGLECT have lost a Kind ea ing fa woul nok pallgaysie at Wa 4 H a f_NEGLE place at co Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco tas on Satur Sr ive oar laa ke A work of importance o great has | q, been made possible by the coltewe ON HAND. COME IN AND SEE IT. Protection Et of Onterin: vealthy community indeed thet cab. I ngat . . On he 28th. of April. 1 at id ooleek am for coed business “Rexale Justus Kreuter, . . Gler ae Dp. Ellice Our experience with them and the afford to let the children Beeome & seme Don "70 20 Ealve hat pl . criminals. One child entering — the hat sth toe ed ae ee Qrderties are’ worthy” of galt J. E. WEIR, :: Milverton criminal class represent sa aS wnt McCARTHY—MACKEY aa fhe most pleasing ul any offer be more 4 2 ‘the catching. the trial, the © and satisfactory bowel remedy eae ee ||-A pretty April wedding took place know 4H chem at O1 ir Se JZ Back Be appoeres B-\on Wednesday, ard inst, at St ‘Mary's weal! Or Orders taste lke candy. zs es Ro SSSR that would pay |Puvid Tapeart, Walke Mua. Jno {Chureh: Hesson. when Florence Pearl are 89 ‘ & = ae ~ | many over for the taking ‘hold Brace tee eae a v Matt-| eldest daughter cof Mr. and — Mrs hy “doe case piping, muses of that onild. Keeping him trom rab James Mackey Tralee. became ¢ theuatal physio or Teenie 3 rs tamination. and putti ing him in ‘the ride of Mr. John arthy. former- rderlies seem to act ‘tonic- Agent t Wanted for Milverton | (yi itomnc en hasest etisen | yr, Go HAGE AS MresIONARY | lof ‘Monkton, "the ceremony vas] Seengthnt upon the, ers and oe Laut years vevert of the Guperintcn: gonduoted by Rev, Tr Dantzor. tn muscles of the bowels. ‘They promp E Seco aas eee , dent of Neglected and Dependent !iberian Princo is See Bible | the, presence of only the immediate CAUTION: Please bear ft tata FONTHILL NURSERIES © | [Children of Ontario ia one of the mot |“ “raining Seliool in Torant eles at A le ed ee | ae HOU, Nea ter pet ld yl ue mstructive - and. interesting aks and a nuptial mass celebrated. The "You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store that can be read. Possibly the most beautiful w = of art that the worl | eegenpe ae fuinishes today is on faithful photo- B. Sxpelnve unnecessary. We instruct our salesmen how to sell Fruit Stocks in graph: Scene: the poor little we he country and Ornamental Trees in the town, Orders now’ being taken for spring delivery 1913. Prospects brightfor : the evening service at ga START NOW and have your territory reserved. There is Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada are oes in. Raore ee aioreny Ros ill Remedy for nearl ordinary il Weekly pay. Free outfit. , Witte for terms. Srcteecnly dane for See Ses h STONES & WELLINGTON, - - - Toronto, Ont. | the ingot th iia ey oie kindly nd further the missionary cause Be wood, pastor of the |! ee to watch oy ocr ke. of Aria. "Referring tothe sriner said; “ Mr, Jacob Mesinges spent Fri in Waterloo —Miss Ella Forwell. of | Mr. St. Ae js visiting at Mr — L.|living eaitiple of what the Gorpel Huber’s.—Mr and Mrs. George For- aoe ae e neon of oa sir attended: the fimeral of the late} Mr. Go speaks English fairly Puen’ : i =i ea ane anes Ree ee eee turn meas shall reid on the groom's Leave your next opdee for a Set of - : stone day exercises at Cen oe : dist Loe appeared (0 | be greatly wing to he. eh cae with us. We have employed an experienced appreciate congregation : aaa which fled the chureh.—Toron‘o Tel- Soe wedding was vers man who has worked in the best a in the nce Robt.Gois weil known here! oy. ontario Government his grant ~ led a charter to the Donegal people who intend erecting a cheese factory fo be operated by « somping. fo by Known as She Donegil Cheese and]. Batter Manufacttring Donald, of Preston. wistted aides ihe rental roof on vse. nday. : : ae held bh x want ide for his sons, but m will t : Wee arene Pate ae weed ‘WELLESLEY , dev slope wi a Cun ir ne ea PE earl penal Dating Ree. a cn - imeckote days ot last week in ini Roe oe nis ri om a eg pes Deve, aged and sick Sribie a Salesman. fee James Soe Jr .| for the Methodiat © pic Mess fessrs, Fred Biyour and son ho had ee twa nae pales ater ‘the ‘Methodisi isco short calls while at baler is speaks | Church of t ~—— |ton on —Mr Geo, 4 butch oe ice and left for that pla - '|Tuesday.—Rev C. R. Miller. of ts on the open i fhe wea Menage 05 | to eupber” A. gan : En mag few Re et a te aa “*T Enow., but=T/eaked 1 on Mond piaste ues aoe : thepost ae ‘bat bene F tr Geos other a in the well-wooded, well-watered districts i Favorable toe th Base ana f : [toring tects asa Mrs. G@ Munroe is | acne 2 few days at Mr. John Munroe’s 9th Py iedauerters Bache ee tis lates staff of ve his. vicini ry 1 of the late Mr. tb nk on Wed-

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