Milverton Sun, 10 Apr 1913, p. 7

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DAYTON DEATH LIST 200 People Marooned in Flooded District Living and Safe vo colony WHITE and BRUCE'S MAMMOTH reer coaitaan: SMOOTH WHITE CARROT—The ofall Meld Y Wo B3e, 34 Ib. Ode, 1 Ib. fers tor postpaid. BRUCE'S RMEDIATE sneer rans close second to our Giant Feed. harvest. Ib, I8e, The -Worst Conditions Discovered by Searchers Were of 60 Inmates of the Workhouse wally & 1b. 296, 1 Thx S0q, postpala. BRUCE'S NEW CENTURY SWEDE TURNIP— Sieg hed adenine veel ey Aes aA Tee cooking: handsomo shape, growth, pur= Die tops. 3, 1b. 18e, 7 ls 2c, 1 fios asc pompatac =_Our handsomely illustrated 112-page Cata~ Togue of Negetable: Barmy andl Boxee Seedy, Poultry Supplies, Gade lovdencny from Dayton, Gis swept the entire district on the north side of Third St Jefferson Street and the ete of more than a wee aad FREE; Plants, Bulbs F 1918. Sex JOHN A. BRUCE & CO., 184 Ltd, Hamilton, Ontario * All patrons ee ve Beckel House Established Sixty-three years. are safe. and volunteers ae runs pte eee meer oh Police J. N. Allaback, himself marooned, who has been Seer a brides over alleys and the tops Aas is buildings to a point o} 1 water sede ee, An ieiboals biting gusts of oa) Paes i ey discom- fort of the rescue crews, but they PRICES OF FARM PRODUGTS BERGE duds THE LEADING TRADE THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH UAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER E GLOBS INA NUTSURLE. remained steadily at work. ITRES OF AMERICA, Estimate of Conditions. The following is a tabulated mate of conditions: directing the rescue work, gave the first information as to the situation . in what has heretofore been the CIRCUS DAY IN DAYTON, Mai eat business thorough acrenuer sweeps of water rushed through this same avenue. OHIO. esti- street, one of the gre: fares, is here shown on one of its gala celebrations. | Priee# of Cattle, Crain, Choese and Other paaectiound district. x r possible loss of life on Breacstufts. — the Sort Gide of the river, there} Dead— Accurate estimates Toronto, April 1.—Flour—9 per cent.| canng: 13 ing the town wh barrister_and | patents, $350 to 65.95, Montreal, or To- jada, tho Empire and the Worl will not be more than 300 dead in| impossible, probably. un- BRIT AIN WOl ILD Cc ALL H ALT sltiegn he” mada his reputation.“ While | Ponto frlghts, Manitobas- ra "iehts| tm General Mefore Yous 1 “according labacl pee ir. Meighen has been discussing the Navy | in jute bags, secon mats, in beennes ete he had’ beh given in with: considerate <fectiveness and brill bags, $480; strong bake! in Jute bags, bea seve as to the situation on the eres submerg: 5,000 that his party is in power as| Manitoba Wheat—No, 1 saat Canad: soutl Miles of streets inundated. 120 : when {n opposition, Mr, Meighen has been | on a ae Domes ‘No. 2 at 950; ‘anada. Th ee spton ey near| Persons prov: Winston Churchill Proposes a Holiday In Euro pean | constructive debater. Bes Ontario Wheat—No. 2 white and red| J. Komadina, an Aut, was ‘of the flood Dad Laicne & 2 ‘ pe sentative of tho West wheat, 98 to 940, outsider and oprouted, 75 | buried toxidcal rock Byles Horses killed . attleship Construction ileal area eine Bag ee onsite gaa | side a Hie eo foo level, Gea sibilitie: ma: a it Fk track, anata festern Can- Automobiles damaged olden dav, rock, the at He | Ada oat oats, 4012¢ for No. 2 and s9e for No. Machel eeu so ivocate duty free a cul ra , Bay por! These were tentative figures of A despatch from London says: Ee ‘The Give. Decndnanphite | ment ond eines sdremwel views, 880 tel ely SE cod bining to eliminate slums alee damage es ab bors ns Ae Announcements of policy of the|® Beet oe eae ae Has, Doon desoribed as the Parllamentary auality, 62 to bie, outside. Feed, 4 t0 Se. pace St 4 cuniary lose at 825,000,000, esti-| highest importance were made in| 2¥Y by Can thrée), New Zea-|double of Honorable er, wit! Stuer ian’ core alle ee rms eavy damage in mated by persons who had explored | 0 pegat of Contons on Weocs {iat (one) and the Redoraiod Malay | ird*Rs may feta Penta” +. 1 a 106, onside, | Brockville and in Prince Edward parts of the flood area: je of Commons on Wednes-| States (one),-are to comprise a new ‘That ae mone Contin Duckeheat to. 2 at G2 to 650, outs and Hastings counties. d day by Winston Spencer Churchill,| squadron of five similar ships, to o ig some revival of the talk of im-|, 2PM Manitobe bran $20 to sas, in Two young Indians named Pas bags, ‘Toronto freight. Shorts, $22.50, To- x threatened to kill both him and his} Houses ages to extent First Lord of the Admiralty, in in- called the Imperial Squadron, ealiy Sa the business world, | P28 ere drowned while crossin; abe a} he i pes ki but it is probable this very talk, continu- x 2 family. ‘of $2,000 each .........- 2,000 | troducing the Imperial naval esti-|'The three battleships to be laid|ing tor several months, that is keeping ‘Goapiiaeersdune: son’s Channel, near Walpole Is- May Have to Shoot. Houses oa under te for ie year. Following are/down this year by th Cavs PRMAT: SOmRE pererelin 20 pula Hine Ae Butter—Dairy prints, choice, 95 to 26e: land. Ge cs waked ake ae damage figures of me of his most striking state- pemeey will be identical ae ee doubt had a. decided “endency to, jon has 20! do., tube, inferior, 29 to ie; ees Borden intimated that fohnson as! ee 7 Ee ee 6,000 oe putain in her capacity as|given by the dominions [situation in hand, It nobody had been on | Creamery» 5 {9 itor role aid Bo 19! the Government might propose tho Bids Natooct Gants seunet | 28 , th A 1 pees oes, (So eee polide, ight p easels. Nardin oe ne ‘a Cannot be be repaired under e strongest nation in the world, pléting # Heet of eight ae Pest Rie thie, tees en es! 2!e per dozen for new-laid, eslblchment ie Federal Depart- elp handle men. He de- and that best able to bear the strain! equal in the world. posed ust be a Egoneghire $500 7,000 q tate to at there must bi re mae of Healt clared that the men vould Haein oe ee of ued increase in the build-yto have long-range sipehipa oe the | 34 stent 9 of real cate v values | Mobi fae lates BON Ate oti D. McA gu abo a pact if Hie eseaped from their] age to buildings in the busi- |img of armament, picbanee eae Hiei type constructed ii telat! dor ae Seo TSA cea put Ee Deane Hand-picked. $260 per bushel: a township farmer, contracted dis $2,500,000 holiday” for a ye: ‘ar as con-| mediate future. The eae has sopae argument on behalf of the conten- | Primes, in a jobbing way. fetal bi) Rea ee ‘a eee x yrth of Burns Avenue as far as| "ess district were set at $2,5 H h i ‘ Be Honey Extracted, in tins, 1212 to. 150 Po: g nue as sf elk ze thi ount |Ce?s the construction of new capi-|arranged to lend guns, ammunition nthe he per 1b. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, $2.50/)-scratch on Z Fourth St: he found | 2™ it was believe Ss amount S “The cloud-on the horizon continues. to 4 'N. he reet t i water ee OMe IG Annie Go steele GE stones. tal ships, and suggests that Ger-| and gues to first-class British | be eng money. Tight money in the Au- | $0 $8 per dozen for No. 1 and $2.40 for No. ‘t. Catharines’ ratepayers de- to be from three to six leep. | Figures av: ailable aE manufacturing many co-operate in effecting the|liners for purposes of commerce | {HMM 38 Pe nnusial Tn oe te Bo Poultry Wellfatted, clean, dry-picket/feated a by-law to build a viaduct Beyond Fourth Hest She water a idea among the Governments of] protection Hs time of war. ‘ar there oe Boe {}ittle casing up this as kens, 18 to 20c per Ib; fowl. 13] 2 oros5 the old Wellan nal to th has receded to make it possible in| Pants plac mage under this year. If it does not case up. soon’ there . ducker If to 190 por tor; geese, tf t0 ld Welland Canal to the ; pl pr *e fead at 81, *000, 000. The on ann rate negbeconnta) rotrenehinet Iie tupkegel | tan He. % ait poultry, | G.T. station by 593 majority. From Fourth Street Mi. |[Sutomebiles was Eas eae a ee ely, a lessening |" Potatoes—Good Ontario stock, 650__per : i oe ee ee was belie the damage to BES DACe aay he xed that in | bag, on track, and Delawares) at 75 to Great Britai * 4 s it rrequent! en remar] at in 3 ie iver relief work was household Sede aon Soe into 1907 no city-on the continent felt the pinch |" per bag, on Pee oe y ti head thief sissies a committee headed by Chie! as little as Toronto, largely on account of pate profits from the ae Ameri- ‘Allaback, All grocery stores we’ the millions, because in many sec- iches flowing into the. city from n Expos ina held Goiugindesred, aud alcbounir an tions See vuimeren inte ve We | Bacom-Lone clear, nae! 4034 yer | cam Expo position, sich is to be held , ; pherd’s % most cases the goods were covered to ae second floor of do., mass, $21.50 22. Hams--Medium ‘eb % ; i i to ent Tae te Oe sat a te ite; | 1914, to celebrate the centenary of with water, ser sufficient supplies hundreds of how roll 120; b reakfast bacon, 19 to 191-20; the ish: pe: ese 5] 95 were fow to prevent great suf- 25 Victims ee “Columbus. backs, ae ti i hatdewotad to. 5 ard “iorees, 141-4e; tubs, 141-2; pails, | SPC rae EET Wh De Sone ering among those in the interior A destateh from Columbus, Ohio, hi: : Untied object of a Scie each epee ns GSS eats ees MAY BRING PEACE. Balod Hay and Straw. tonal vay an eV aioies No Cases of Starvation. aled Hay—No; 1 at $11.15 to, $12 on an Hee While there may be many deaths | 28° Ws wrought hy the Scioto Adrianople Captured by Bulgarian | track, Tor 9, $10.60 to Bit, Mixed < loods hi oted ‘at. $9.80 to. 810 ee in individual homes, which have paver tie Sg heneces Rust and Servian Armies. uy eee Ee to §9, on track, To- United States, mmunica- ront 5 3 ix (ieuatightere tt Guar a Races tion until Inte on Thursday, aosord- A despatch from London’ says:|"" d's Prayer was ori- 4 ch (Ree ee wae af : Winnipeg Market. I Arabi o h dokakt b t to the siatensee o! Per- Adrianople has fallen to the com- pepe Sate ginally written in Arabic verse was oq people Poe weld” ae eee Ed. 3 ai the Chillicothe Ga- rian rvian | x91 osthern, 8612 of ee northern, ae ; he; by eae c ee eS A > zette, over ioe distance telephone. armies, after one of a most stub- | 8120; No. 3 northern, eS! No. 4 77 le, oe 1 session Oo! 4 None had hed enough, but no case] Sr"perer said “that whale. mest en defences in the history of war-|SS.t. die Se! Seb agent | Oriental Soca: at the ‘University , OS ee eee T. ordi No. 5 do, 1840s No. 4 tough ennsylyani found. persons were missing, the known i Knowledge that the death list is coe ee a Sere eee 95, 1hon § Oo 5 General. likely to prove $0 low in the down- ae 8 = gts es water, 1 The Balkan allies are ae oo Fifty Bodies Found termined attacks upon Tehi : ie town for 153 days : taj Ti Ragin from Columbrfs, Ohio, odds, which included, besides the rejected, a, S90, Flax, No. aoe A a 2 q uy iyo. 2°C. W., $1.0634; No. 3 C. says: Coroner Benkert, after ST. ELIZABETH’S HOSPITAL, DAYTON, OHIO. investing armics, disease and fam- |W, S80 re eS ELE atively a dea trip through the west side on Fri This splendid structure is fulfilling its high mission at the ine, handed his sword on Wednes- Montenat markets: e ‘ z a 2 roe ‘of ne, inet canoe ay Raat senetel the ae present time. It withstood the flood, and is now caring for day pee ra a 1 so Montreal, April 1—Oats—Capadian West: = in e waterbound district was|death list in section wow. hundreds of distracted women and children. the Bulgarian Generalissimo—not, |ern, No. 2 4112 to 420; do., 5 39 5-2 greeted with appeals for bread and|reach two hundred. Of the fifty how D rrying out his py erg rg oe Be reid: In Begly overs howe 2 it| bodies recovered at that time aiid anal honor poe Ha: tw distinctly On. stern wo destroy the town standing people were asl ether | twenty were at temporary TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE | fario product, the village. of tather than let it fall into the hands Satan oa there had been dei morgue, thirteen at the State H. Goren Deion may claim him ae his own:| CF the. Bulgarians ai ke SHEPHERD HEIR TO $7,400,000. cs * 2 University of Toronto he had a iS do, with only a few exceptions all re-j pital, eight at the Hilltop engine- — Solin ort an mtohe had a! cunts the arsenals and all the plied that there had not. house, ‘and balane a eee INTERESTING BITS OF Gossip FROM diaton eansea Z a ee Master af stores and a great part of the town |{35y ba see ee Leaves Fortune to Na- Beckel Hotel Not Burned. cess of entanglement from debris HE QUEEN CITY. Ridley College, ye tinere that he gradually | are in flames. Gen. Savoff has been | 90 Ibs... 82.05 Siiliteed 3 Bran, 0; shorts, ural Son of France. : ; : in backwa' came to the eonlusion that the feld of | made commandant of the city $22; middlings, $25; mouillie,. $20 to impossible to approach — work in which he could do thé greatest Hag—-No. 2. per, doa car, Joie, ee to} A dane from, Montpelier, within several blocks of the fire = r Rood, was Ghat-of the Church, - His deot Ss eer 2 Be ae seed Papacy cli France, says n inheritance of ee ae cee arene a Dea s Chillicothe, ‘BY Ms as been amply justified. Though eastern! its. sues 87,400,000 hae eanen te a. chombaeel cpeceunut eke ete | aed illigothe, | tlen of Lesside—mr. Arthur Meigen, Churchman, ‘hie acti iUea are unustally 06 OFZ Beene: Port ee this Torun aniied: Maia Bene oa every indication that the Beckel| Oo, ‘saya: Firet authentic sor mes coming Tear he ahaa ah mong Bs thie pouiont none: Mena ta be. een burned, and) mation regarding the loss of life gan achieve a salary of stant demand ae a speaker. ho] eulcuy, cope, crurmey te cade, and (eae nant 8 . that the fire had been confined to} shows that e it rely. for preaching, it eoes| trend of is mind is indicated by the sub the throat and lungs. Minneanolis Wheat. man, whose name is-not made pub- the blocks beyond Jefferson Pi Se oe without “Saying that he has gifts that are| ject chosen for his address before the ee Minneapolis, April 1—Wheat-May. 8514 | lie, Marius Bonnaud, who teh for : out Srdinary, Such a man is|Toronto Canadian Club the r day, y SU: ] ) fi 2 Thied Ste dead. Already eleven bodies bavo| Saat te "einny."Sagh& san is Soe Chola ath, iter 4s-| ARMY SURGEON MANGED. |. ela aotcte'g.0;fkced sRQ0Ne| London on Tuooday to take poss The 300 guests of the Algonquin | }. a es wreckage Ol) pauls Chureh, Bloor St., ‘Toronto. The| Mr. Cody’s congregation is itself extra- 1 Northern, $18 to Gide: No. 2 North<| sion of his unexpected ealth, is a jomes in the east end, where many | §¢,000 salary is, in his case, a Teality.| ordinary in representing diverse inter-| Pays. eal tox Ca Com eit in Sen- to § jour ge eal se heen tackOe Sats Hotel have been kept fortabl y aa Puen, low, 48: to_ 48 1-20 No,| natural son o! e a OTe rN PE Oe : railroad men live. With field glass-| Previous to the annual business meoting | sts. It contains m of prominence in T Maries Co sb ella, 46 30, Hl Le, deter Be is id ees rally’ esta except for the continuous dread of Gees vent Tore a wee dishow. of the church the othe er aay it_wi a8 $64 oi, every walk of life and faenishen 5 § pate ae aes | his pate as been fully estal 4 = = it igi t great value o! 1S tative cross-sectic - os a oO! wyers = fre . The water reached to the se-| ared hanging from the Kilgore|work and the church being one. of the | He is revered by. al af ae ot peony Allahabad, oe tock Market: fllaaitiy. oat tie Gordcbeds Jett ‘ie sieeee but all elitr had] bridge, th: th wealthiest in Toronto, an increase of $2,-| influence of hi h India, says: Lieut. Clark, of tl lowing o ie e: salPatg caret ae ige, three sout - of here, Year was made with great una malty his attraction probably lies in his sin-jTydian Army ical Department, | Montreal, oat FGiiolee ce buicher atte by vr, Bonnaud is describ- Y> ~ indi SET we er thee the betel er periensea Aiea but at has been impossible to ee a ea ere ion it may be polited out | pelisvors cammot listen to hm very Jong.|was hanged here on Wednesday for | fem @58 io $62 89, medium butchers | 6 asa person of no education, but discomfor san ions are much |? t's income for the year amounted |He ‘makes them ashamed or converts the murder of Mr. Fulham, am as-|to $5, Good butelien cows, $479 to $5.80,| of great intelligence. improved, ithe light plant having} to over 873,000, of which more than $2,-| them. f milit “and inferior stock down to §3 per owi ‘ Tro hundred women and babies! jean able ito resume service, and | 000 was devoted to Mission w Least sali) examiner of ‘military ac Bills ranged from $3. to $5.05, canners Aue Bie ane found refuge in a paint factory in See ACO BRE Nae! Archdeacon Cody began his co Taking io: Leastde: unts, of which he was found | from 82 to $2.90, and outtors from 8250 60] 4) Wir ting ToN'S TOMB vabiere ctheye found: bite stat h, GUROLy, 1 Bleo adeliaten norton witb snt Pele Church 2s, ver] sis latest eontroverey ts civic eitetce Boe guilty on Mateh 1 by the, Superior 30 “afilkera cond, springers sold, from | NEA NGTON . , seve , a ty: sails hes, (Gua) he estimated damage to property| its oscar tera Pear 44°, St, date | bam crete, pestian ot Mbotte, 2 Court at Agra, He died without | breatew trom to Qi Hetty Set | psa atarshat Wolseley to be Burfed Deore tu to be | 8. One million dollars. mith ‘& simall church edifice and of very | 1) the city" or nots the question heme *3| flinching and did not speak while | balls {rom Sr £0, S42, stocker. trom | Bet Iseley the wrec begun. t pretensions in ev: aft HAE] to whether Leaside would be taken, io uae ete in St. Paul’s Cathedral. ; em. ine att, Cody had just, graduated, and Whether ‘Toronto wodll! be sic in” o é rs : Victim’s Cheerful: Spirit Half of City Submerged. ee St ewusolite. : Callens ORG seas ses a ca nadian Northern tows 2 from| A despatch fi London: ~, . = eh hist : c o corpora- : abla. features| A. despatch from Zanesville, Ohio, | teen years ago, in 1053, that Mz, Cody be! tion of Toronto on its Ce 4 for | Field Marshal Wolseley, who died ‘ 5 * With b came rector of the~Church. Since that) ery limit. It consists at the moment of at Nice on Tuesday, will be buried | rful spirit with which ue ia ee eu aay Wen ate St. Baulia has grown Yo. be one ot farm lands in thelr pure and undisturbed with full military honors in” St. restored rumors ve ai jw a , contail . ‘ ; viewed ates oe si et Soe antian ons in the whole, country. (A, mag- ees sgn see ae ‘aad the Canadian ert great sensation in India “toronto, April 1—Cattle—Choice butcher, | Paul’s Cathedral, near the Duke of ‘This Dayto: first big flood i ss of life, but. there are ea four 85; d medium, $5.75 to oes was Dayton’s first big > Ba Hifloent new chureh hee been erected at | eri declare they” propose establish Mere ie BETS. to Wellington’s tom! 2». Mucl the sub-| known deaths in this cree @S a re-| cost of $290,000 for eS ont en eo en | their shops there, ‘employing ae ‘thou- eed aN 3 HEAL Be BRS 4 iad been considered | sult of the flood. “However, praci-| Sun ft Bm OiglOl Tu ia” Ate, tande ok eh aad lt Wah os ST Se Bene ai te bie : s oupporting population, tha 3.25, Stockers and Pec j but as the| cally all of the Seiouth: Eighth and | nished by Mrs: Blackstock abe Le vaemaeat All, he required, will, it ise aeateds in order that they On, 28 ee S Ment pe ee eo pre: { majority of residents of theso sec-| Ninth Wards and a large proportion | 2.4 qheluay st. Batts i not Yel oc | Baus "SiN people, "But thi eal fr rs. Clark was found Specie 0 BB athe ad WHY: ton a|of the First and Second Ward Supied, but, after many delays, is now the tutare’ Meanwhile the first step taken e head on No- | Sorivect ors ftom ee Sek Sheep and 5x sweep of muddy, swiftly-mov- | still under from ten to oes feet Dromitasd lores ats poet bee ae tbr the Canadian Northern Railway wee 5 ca Diet BE25' to, $10: bucks, 64.50 Z ing water they seemed undisturbed. | of water, and few boats have dared se Oa abilities, (oh wettest is Se aa ce mie $.., Hors, 3985 io $995 fed and” watered. c y's many ‘of la! é poorer. sections the | brave the waters. About half the a hoe a Con Cmechmen: ‘What. the interests allied with the 0 Rio peswne SDA0 OH: BENE: dec th SY é x6 | entire city is stil Subiner, ed. - dian ‘Northern Railway probably had ia {in Oc & athtyde of the marooned was not £0 y Bi “| Teepe the, Most Prominent su mind was to place the city under the ob- wae 2 = a motor-boat passed; property los: loss in Zanesvii esti- | Mr. iy lias at St. Paul's is. _alonoeable ligation of furnishing Givi services sneh denen adleich JUDGES ASK INCREASE. - ant passes | mated at between $6,000,000 and |S it Sleke fe ins Been, generous in hie |us sewers, eidewalle. streeis, water, cte.| Pee tte two DF , 5 * put Mr, Blake's ohiel ict. ‘This: would, of course, ween ; a man | $8,000,000 See ee iy wearik qasiitien aid Ifeve ‘the present owners of the town sit Earngely Signed Petition is Present- es ‘Dp leaned out and threatened to shoot Floods at Troy, N.Y. Desire Siliten ato eel See Mee ee ale ar wae eaten corr ioe ts the House ef Commons. i k off his wife and the militant force that-it is. At he obligation to supply rerv! ee ee Fae j ‘ 3 A despatch from Troy, aa {neetings Mr. Blake's appearance is _al- adds several See NSE * “aes patch from Ottawa. says: 2 ee Says: Martial te w has been p: Ways the signal for an. inerea to vacant property, avd on this The siembsiah of the county iudses Ig THE BEST FOR YOU.” woman. almost dying, waa lot dow| cali dolared fu Moy, and. mem: | 8.5 may be, for drend on the part. of | aris The annexation of Leads wauel{ Savings. ACCOUNLS }/ssking for. more salary wae tabled Tope and| hors of two military companies are | "S27" Tat ae a, ‘and th he property of tno presait own in the House on Wednesday. at ~=iBEC A Us E ‘| patrolling the streets and relieving | righthand ‘eupporter euch (ap) eades Py BE vores et leaving your surplus earnings || signed by 116 judges from all over Further_on members of a motor-|the tired firemen. and any | churchman ep ir. Blaee ay ig tar remo. | Colonel Davidson, who has been intimate. os Department || Canada, the request being based on it Lela Clothes’ looking by whom have been on continuous is from the Ritualist & weotion 2 the ig Angliz ly associ secoibieal with she=Cai ae Northe of the increased cost of living and the dust oy Spot todake Wie clothes of a house about | duty for 48 hours. Mayor Burns | S24 Buch. Botne" pices “Enie| "Om the other Rand, there are, of course, increase in the work to be perform- |} as tere is no set cL aa = has not slept in two nights, having | point that, despite his outstanding abili- pndoubted advantages to the city rit Bar The judges asked an increase reas ane seene nSperfect Satis- ; fopped, and 2 man) taken charge in person of the pub-| of she: postin of SGlahop: of Poronto | oly’ can the ety obtain” contol over from $3,000 to $5,000. _ |) tuetlot’ st aeney cheerfully Refunded : Wh: ae oa ue ” h ic safety dey ‘on| when the seat fell vac eant about Piva years} franchiges and other ma an which would oe are oF shooting ?’’ he was < ago, al te resent hop elected on quickly compli ee aes — oe te = presi at Friday added 4. te seriousness of | 8%: socngion oes hs meet 19 4 com>| pendent. corporation. WRITE FOR BOOKLET. The Cataract Pow ‘5-B Bag ey seat. + shooting at Tall as come es wai kape bee a Seg. ahagaring Ti tae Chey Poe iy needs ‘An Ontario Boy Out West. — reduced its ear ieee a alae Here when are you going to take me out a ae i, Bishoprie 0 add. 40 his ourels 8 aa + Mr. Arthur Meigher, MP... an The UNION IR’ ST tates 28 per cent. it nooks, 2 cy at bore?” be repli sr Chinn Susans | Wants Trib So ed pall | Resa sha cht fl ree || The ee eee Bs. any Ba : ‘the role of a nldor ot eel a immigra- Moore, Conn, Oat. edit j Situation is Brighter. aoe was done by fite on Friday. is Wide Activities. A onion Coed ie rene ago Ae Company, Limited Tex fgites ce ae "aap erm eee Te Bios athe best Heedahawe.” ‘According to ke officials, It is —_—___—_—. The Archdeacon is still a young man, fur Melghen was a sober y. a A Tever nsed.” Mrs. W. Richards } impossible to estimate the number Insurance on’ the great lakes is | searce)y more ee ary pounce ot ae Pe Oa permanent pen Temple Building, Toroato Hd means indo Hee [Bite Bran, ass eS co Montreal, Can, <p foo! ordinars the window in his : x who perished in ’ fire whieh | likely to be lower this year. ‘event any years of useful activity | Western iinekds: Dorcas: Ua Doiisinc be 15 2 é d

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