3 New Coal Oil Light ; : E Take Notice! Beats either Electric or Gasoline a ‘ eas RAE, rast c. - Call and See for Yourself ‘ >» 4 — Ap pet ier eaneeerss April P. NEUMEISTER = > holidays Painter and Decorator MILVERTON “Ft Shines an AIL” - Ss. Glescisipss ~ Milverton Bex FETT ET TT TTF Z Vol. XX—No. 41 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 17, 1913 ¥ Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher %, d at Milverton P Choi ELEEEEEE EEE ELITE EEE EEE EET + Sle on bean trom Portland gall eee eee tip ee ees pound ves ~ 2 8 BS Bees Hamilton's store. Mill-|16 925.250 eggs 18e. ver dozen. En- e Metropolitan Bank + cement eland & Sons. " Ea +| Mir. Joe Walker. of Stratford. é owe y Yor bytter pountl printsi| We will have another car of Dele- ‘ spending ae Mays with his family | 18 oze, Wiss Veaea Re pee dosen Mie wane Cordes won eeare your or- geland & Sons, shee _ Bales $1.00 a bag fi ler ioved info the| According to the latest corrected esha house in paae g vith the store |returns the population of Canada as as ir Cindsay y- of the 8th C ig. Sid, Spencer. of Stratford. spent |") Sunday at his toa ii (Milverton. ae Mr 2 VS. of Waterloo. : Head Office : TORONTO . age Bair cee i Aiea: Milyexian of at the GTR. station ena af ates, moan the cena of a * set, 668 of i cee eet aS se ae ce Monday: Seen i r reel egal, |.milk from his her ER ee ae #909 00.00 fms did Mrs EJ, Fiikbeinen, $f tgs of seeds far vas at ROS Ham. requests ths that co correspondiente! ad: ther Revier of eee SS sen Stratford. spent Sunday with friends : - eview. * RESERVE FUND AND “UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,431,888.26 ine rd. sven junday- with friends a great |R. No 2. Lady Annie 7, Thompson welaon oF ob ob Mr. Simon Barth. of Okotoks: Alta . | Sh ma: é : has been appointed retoxning officer + DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS Ca for tuency of Okotoks in the pro" elections which are _ being : Isstied payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST fe tod t in that province to-day (Thurs- way of remitting money. Mr. a day.) + seiseeeeees + WH, Sande R = Be & The County Court Judges of Can- eh mitverton Branch: ©. G, WALKER, Manager at Goderich sien Monday and oes -| Bagel & Sous, at ae ete ae a sting ot rday evening be extend - Millbank Branch: J.H.ALLEMANG,Pro.Migr <j. é : age renewing old ac-| Mir J W. Schmidt is again prepar=| 54 bares ant a ee an oe Reta enti ee e extend- inwosd @ranvch< G. Lb, ZEIGLER, Manager fe eee cris he bok wee wad, —— Ray La orders ic | now being cons sidered by the Minister paler ae Bennett appeared before IH | LE N da position At the Daancneee wae Be rod - ofmat- | oF Justice, Police Magistrate O'Loane at Strat-| (iY AM T (@) Le bbe heehee bled ee eee ee eee | Be id sapeut Aeterday ase ea toed ad Workman hip guaran-|°" stamped eggs for market are be-|ford on Priday last charged with at- Sunday “3 a home here espoudent in the Baa coming popular and may soon become |tempting to oaks T. F Merlihan. d ¢ ‘Trim and Ale Duck-| s says that the windstorm of |# general thing, The eggs from a/jvroprietor of the American hotel. < = s a and: y ys this be ie. Wal eb eécong) in that &discovered” nest would not be mar-|about two ae ago. He was ae SAVE YOUR | nding Ne Se Wes ee eee eee ea keted sometimes if the owner had to He for trial af the assizes in Septet MONEY . Preuter. to i pistowel lout: of: a tight: beard fe put his name on them. er : eee .. J. G. HAMILTON b) [the services inthe | Evangelies 7 {Ong ot a simhe baeee fence. Gora (. Bbe shanges in éMe Tigudr’ license] |. Dowb bik abot uersougl stems OE cl } be withdrawn nett Sun-| w at died there on Sunday aged 96 | law will not pentionlanly affect “Mil-|ing overlook: ked if you never nie your e Sole Agent for | vening owing to the absence. of He was) aj brother of Sanfield yerton or the hotels in this district.) han Boia AS send - icbese + “seenee What a man }the pastor: ¥ s attending annual ‘ Few of them open muel 3 “catch on” to a few hundred of these D. L. @ Ww. ST. MARYS Pat sete nase Stee eae epic Pr erale Jock, neither is there much of a|items every week is quite a chor SCRANTON LIME i the} parliament over 16 ago, | bottle busines done by an. | WAG a pis ween eee to 4 1 . a el and a pecial é a Globe =By Pos e stamps carried in a would be or two probably. Your i STANDARD oa KEPT IN ix the ener ce a iMag ae tae : an office | OT ha ag ney often be found stuck | help ae be anppestated but kick ANTHRICITE STOCK bbe case ily i ether. r attempt to separafe| yourself before you start on us - ine them. but simply lo It o padersioct tid deputation them flat nd press them hey will then separate quite bler left on ate ae niente “offer. attend: the antiuad land get full n — ee ee Se of The Gipoeee Sees s. & Breyfor E a grass Sone in tRoat of y f Hartmier has practically eem- airman of the conference. a you svent Rig the task of removing the old = s % 4 final Slane of the se = andes forget a the gris b government s'te, Ont pecia is Week at Mohrs sppiges af tne Pasting. Chub was uy in nat "weat he the dopation ol ens n. Cook’s ‘hail on Wednesdss aggon ee: cht t ~~ pro. | taken down and it will likely week, = Le on whe ie aan oe Bes pre. en away during the course of t ae Mts Ps os eehe: te: REE A Ros MEL one otee ae The business carried on during Feb, to” y under the newly-established Y ost syste! e Uni Btates wag 40 per cent, greater than the’ He hest eurfent. rate. during Janua the ea y MILVERTON BRANCH: Redpath's Granulated Sugar creased Sir increased givings| army flying ur is ee at present visiting $4,95 st Pacers sob Bf cietor five charscterized th 1. Farnborough wo lighted e: 8 0. I | amg ae EEE eg eT Give Mr, Melennen left Ontario and |° Bie Btatate: Restos ommiccion | were. asgoovered in the fotas Gushba/ eG, GNMiay Ts Sisco OF ae Be BusinessCards aptaraced Ute ers extinguished before any damage had| before retiring permitted the gas Denia oe € nee Ce Canadian Pacific —_passenger checking t piearnghe ea voleves DR, R. DEENA a ap ci Lie: 2 | train Sete Hamilton Friday morn-|the adverse wind blew the gas back ember ked at Gra which it was ‘established. No less at the an-|than fifty million parcels were hand- | be: ae Nee conte oe nftragette attempt to vening showe alleged, suttragette atteme : oe oe rigible balloon | attended we would consider this membership. jn-| sheds ks of the |high average. di snow has not quite lear ed but we expect that ceeding star in about aoe days n@ Mr R.J. Ranney, Manager 5 abe = ti a rted from| ‘Mr. and Mrs Lonis Hoffman were HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE bringing the revised = pgegrencnpead paps oz ad Janotion Tater Phe shouse: ANvongl “not oyer- Ie Hance eradnate ak Ton news aimed by prosiam:) 6 Tl, west. The engine snd bac-|come they were violently ill an@) tt | versity. Honor siainste oe ork asec ee ore at ecere oli tammed over into the ditch | was a day or two before they com- foley Hotes Bees ts ‘Olen ~ = ——— fay take some satix|The enginger., firemansay nd. “bugga Dlstelp sesovored. «ac iq | above-the Metropolitan Bank Milverton = q ion he prospect of cheaper} man saved #! lives by jumping. ‘or some years past song birds in 5 oa A D s the coming season. Market con- | Except for a doxeré shaking up the ee outskirts of the Be pay tak Medical. z ie di a lowér price of th atightered By, ie ae eee aes F. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D. oe Moga dealers throughout Cam of the c'tizens of Milver- fans’ for “pot pies”. robins. meadow 3 yBib. ee Get ready for us 500 ton of the United States lost heavily the | ton will be “hel i ¢ Boas baa of ieee. Fone ae trows, erases i fact DRS. PARKER & TYE “ t ry building on Thurs-| anything tha Bete foo on RAGS, RUBBERS, IRON, COPPER, LEAD, COPPER KETTLES ey are not kel aa gto consider the advisabil-|into the wi man's bra, This kind ae acu ; : ese Fer eeting a. day of apres, masiness will be stopped. Not onl : i BOTTOMS OF BOILERS, HORSE HAIk, WOOL, WOOL eee ack Eh ae an ale ce om une. 9 d. the King’s lis to blame, “The English) jou a0 io 1a oonk a: man 2 to & PICKINGS, OLD FEATHERS all kinds. Although the winter ‘that ha attle® into. “Guelph by ay. is desirable that all ae spi eae ‘people eas ee Ee pps ‘ry.| ‘clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. m, pasa ad aD EA he ny tavor of « demonstotion be Fee an aatar Of insectivor | DEK. J. B. FORSTER, Bye, Ear, - HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID ple: Le 2 get away from him ae held. attend. 5 Nose and ee, mly. House Surgeon a 7 yanee,|ous birds.—Guelph Mercury ge T hi z weather dur the past month does They got onto a tennis court on onc} Mr. Wm oe ay Penzance. | ous s New York Opthalmic and Aural’ 1 eo epuRons On the road, Sk fufgiess ons e with pleasant mem-|of the Inynt Su thet “Geigiborko ed | Corny. land. _iccompaniea | by] |The Sliiverton et a eae Chin. Aasntene, Has, i of three ch a aus Be at Hospital, Golden Square and is enamored with|and inflicted such damage on his wife saa A ere 7 hed “3 ey Snon- | Dbr and mud fathoms|soft ground that it cost the fence ren arrived at Milverton int week hey te! pe ees tie = Hour | Mooretield’s Lye Hos tak “London: S. GLEECKMAN, - Milverton, Ont. rs 3 $25 to fins ood the damage.—|and have engaged the rr x Be es <s-| Eng, 01 oo St., x osite iS A foot is mot a very great distance Saige sien, pnd en Miller over the millin-|and the principles of Praxd and po Bee Oetn Binion Phote oor bat. it enopgh to save ‘the liv There’s a smudge fn the garden.’a!ery shop and — will moye In shortly. oi ee ee giv MF iden ald ta a of Dr. iam Egbert and Be gio emoke in the ae a Smell combined | Mr. Hawkins has found empier eee pte tae aad 3 at ter ‘eho, were driving in an automo- an Sovrate Io abe a. {the Oglive Flour Co. A large ret H. B. hee shies, KC, ‘ 1 za of y might at Ogden, The he be eee te 2 stop i ance of ladies greeted ,the pra and all: thoroughly appreciated the Barrister, ~ iblic, - Conveyancer address and enjoyed the demonstra ‘sol gunna nenear Bhai c tine ‘At the close a dainty lunch was|LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD “|served by the ladies of the Institute. Offices: Listowel Maverton Mon: On Friday March 28th. Francis Coates. a well known resident of Bl-| FR, SCRE EE KC, out some workmen to erect a barri-|man likes to get out of town Spas ES A PPS Ler peepee 2 vas i nd egge e ee nches ei ion-| 0 1 in r | diteh: v alee Ghote sone fee sud-| bi | den ae when the CPR. removed ighe 8 across Etch. Comm*s- } The cade across the dangerous placé.—Cal-| A copy of a weekly German news- ma townshixt died in Guelph hospital fs A Grand Success gary Albert, April 9th. paver published. in Berlin t» Ontario mig totvustig, died. Goeth, boop! BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 3 = ae a ee D w polis 56 a subser‘ber in a een Decsnsed eae ah: 66th year of his z a Exeter. pait eee visit to. €own was returned to the offic: Besides his wife. who was Miss ry peor Re rr: publ with €veapt emo So aod an Mace caaae ea on bic opps Boat aes 2 ae Monday evening. The work dum thereon presumably made by the here are left to mourn his oe Our Millinery Parlors never | third segter eee pega a: postmaster “todt” (dead) This - in- one son, Edward. of Elma. and five Sees fi Bro. a ee who was highly | formation was someho egarded idaughters. Mrs, Alex bat oe Ane Weteniaey Bais = i comp! imented on ae efficiency by and the next week's issue was fonkton; Mrs. John Meiklejohn. o! 3 before looked so charming as Wer Bro Colin.” At he eine pests tomo, mack ih ilkie, Saske: irs ‘Geo, Klamp, of Mllvertoa, Graduate of of Ontario Veter 3 4 e lodge a banquet was — given in the words ther: x noch tedt™ (Battleford. 2 MMirs. ichars “hopelomee with the very large display of honor of the official visit of the D,D.|(sttll dexa Johnston. Bima: and Afi cis. als. Calls by. tele- y II the “L Hats” & G:M_ Toasts were proposed and re- Pied S McCullogh. Secretary of ae home, The funeral Yook place on Phove.of dthecwierromptly ettentied tos Fe . all the “Latest Hats” from the Epes se by number of the mem-| the Prov: ineial “Board Sie alth, a day — ee to “Fairvi Moclatian: ~ hers of the ge and visiting breth- i uty Registrar-General is cending cemetery. Listowel. small stylish up-to-date ready- fen. Brethren were present from out cireulara to all the division ree- Tuesday of, act week. as Saiauct MILVERTON LODGE, No, he | oaks ne aud Goderic! . istrars in. the Provines, requir rin of aAbpeiilans and rau Milve to-wear to i af ‘The Milverton Suing Fair had a! that the names of parties who neg-| ant ing from = the large picture hats day for the show on Friday Inst to register the birth of a child/ed the gal | Sie ‘with Listowel friends — they before full. moon. ever, bd lect g a s y Hf oe = and the attendance of farmers was ted to the Lee and | independent telephone cot panies. found the 8th con. of Grey. east of) ballix we are now showin = He ere) ‘ t, beat = Bes = * = il very large. The show. of horses was | fy ntmetions will be feat Ee ees well as those which awe rsh hes? here. badly overflowed the Water be- Tonalways weloome. J.G, Hamilton, Ww! q : $ hot larger than that of previous|ty Crown. Attorney a. B ral-arens. [Pol'y feet deep. When. abont half} M.; W. a s . > vears but some eS tee were | yroseeution. . The cent for vhs of; ie ay over the inundated place the} — ob etiiveiton auets Ww F : = ; ee > Fence Tae Ret aay ouneeslys (bomuase inde Stee discos: fronrig: The aed pants oF the bueey | ovety send and ast Tuetday very 3 ti fe ‘ © beautiful big eggs in the aS i he ee See oe Sa trance sis ay recerny care op onrrent Which | Bert Kriesel’s hardware store, Viciling Re S SER . OULE fts ection from}hen swans yt ‘by Roe Georg | Grey when the rescuing party came ie! always welcome, A Spencer, : 5 Grain the roughest weather, N=|are laying is not known. but it i |t, their help and helped pull for the N. Zimmerman, imal can ever compe evident that with good fortane 8h; shore after a half hour deat oe F. Silver Star flock of sheep de- umber of baby sams, may be Joseph Engler’s home proved a ‘har- Lod OR Se, Milverton, iy Hitle labor. ‘Thes |pext summer on the wildfow] pond |4,5° Gr refuge where Mr, and Miss site te aoaty IR RpCRIGR Nae A rummager among old papers of| Hon, 8 ©. Wood for over twelve] $0 Semvle, Bros.t, “Sepia pe rind thelr: owe eraln, another Tarte The eters Were removed for cafakees, ortos were well looked afer | £20 onthe bal over Dye Han a rovince. Grosch Bros. un aiding the e a a which they we: : Vi thren E oh, date of 1845 found tho folowing] Shment aaa tare Th Mowat gor-/5.9 Bourbon:Durehall, Bd. Bundséhs| that of maintainence. They are | Swan indiexte that they are reed t®| wonder wos the eens ching a not ielsua scores Sirens oles whieh will be Interesting fn] opment ead for, 4 ints Uroriteal|fmpoctedGlrde with three of i the beat rain, grinders ve, brvs jae, iat om bvsiness. [plete ‘by serio consequences. The | "SCs st ae uies ke Bety resent. time—2 Jhs, nails 160; 1 1b.lat bis home in Toront Ls ia progeny. Knight of Glamis. G. Gropp |The weed seeds consumed by sheen care an Tu wind: tht. bibw ‘s uobeds | principals tae tres fo! Drees: the aera es i see ae ou oes ‘0 on Friday last} 9nd. Highland’ Blend. G. Gropp“ ire never known to grow afterwards | good” Good: Friday's gale bl th | ojsed ad the pera had qciary penis Taare ip ceutes at toes ner yards (o The Meamaer a Heavy draft brood mare. Dandy. G.|This is not trac of other farm animal’) roof off Knox Church. Deisley. and) "Te is curpris ing Fhe qaimber of i a po EER MGS ae $3 Ibs. eet at 20 ver Ib. Saeiter ao | alex: BonbEeE os ee sae ad i Gropp 2nd. ears = Fleming Sons ie ther old resident of Seen eae otherwise damaged that ee he streets of Waterton eae oun ot ae : Ib. 5 ie Teotare room 9 1 a avo : = Avmnceting of of Trade} has answered the ast eall in tl y af B ‘on intoxicated ae 4 ak ere ue eS oe ee ee oe fon was hel in the aca building on | son of e tot - oa Be ee rae ae neers dition: ox im the first stages a fae tae aslo, ee seus sie lean a aa fyi: - Monda rr ne! - who died on Monday afternos: e ni ~|teation, There is daw. prohibiting stil; fresh pork: $6 per tb: 2 hogs eonsist of solos, duets. and chorase: som Sr oeee ction with the pub: [after a brief ilineas at the residenc”| Paisley shoatdjo'p their forees. an) Tesetion Tare Pee cidors: bir thy] aisee Olen: Onion the Weir block. weighing 340 Ibs. each at me per Ib.5 = cations dialogues and drills, Re-|}{o pailding tte ete lof Mrs. ropf near Mucselberg |form 4 united churgh. The v lage i | hotebkeepers of Walkerton are ap- over the Metropolitan Bat sscbeiee 2 Fe eee eeprom ar iam ee poommlttens on | hiublle. iesoreventenr offs Wa 8 native of Grae- fsa ‘in_popilation and - {h°| gerentiy wnseruoulous as to, svhom Hotels: an nd transportation reporte: that me to Americz| churches diminishing in membhe they ‘sell the stuff so long as they a EXCHANGE HOTEL, cag) Ont. make ‘the sale. e = Toni these that put t he glass over |John Gropp, Proprietor. Best liqnors. ars at Slant siaes ace of ie The annual Presbyterian Assembly| ver collection will be taken at the > ee 2 é ae ee ree etd tke oanish: evan witha Bee ee ee ee ee a ‘foronto, the first we June, com-| hospital cot in : si ! a Es : B _ | been taken. wp with the council and | wptil the : d.2!the bar. or pass round the bottle that wieneliy, Ath: “This promises to} ' On JR. Shaw. of Woodstaok.in @}ehe protection-of — railway. crossing: enlisted ¥i North He | ssi [stranger trom: foreign chore if-un-| they are over twenty-one. butin some | 0) ‘and large stabling. : ‘be the greatest gathering in the his-|Jetter to the press of that fown. drew | with the Dominion Railway Commi<-| wounded by being shot in the armt| informed would not recognize 20%) easos this is Dositively 10" “efegungs "GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mi- : ory of +] ie Poh oO miliar things |sion with faverable 1 he | the battle of Bull Run and was af-| difference between them. Tt the Z : Peispe ae and bis wife in the Dominion. a8 well | that in his opinion ought mot’ to be: | improvement fristreet was wards honorably diccharged.Up to|not be ah experiment for im a : colsse scoonmn mis hon tor, as one representative trom. every | His, tacks. apply to mast places. in-| bavurged-unom the souncil trfespec-| the. time of his ‘death he was in re-| ber of her places the plan ebureh are called upon to be presént.|oluding Milverton. One is that dump-| tive of the fact whether 1 wntcr-|cofnt of a pension from the American} tried and is working well. Ree ite oe dei fhres, Save | Sie: grounds farcrubbish of Al Kind: }yarme estore ie wublin Wie yess. ot /cosernment of twenty _ dollars several” quired age.| Geag Ritter, Pro previous for fhe purpose of holding a)are permitted in a Seven Oe at fot, Dr Parker reported that th-|month which Mr. WD, Weir was in-|coming f e pie cat t * tee) yeonterence. “It_is catia the city where they are allowed to| council hai é Seaates ii obtaining for him. Af-|selves have been befgre Presb: |. QUEEN'S ee eee ee ed that at least 4.000 ministers and) become eyesores and. pi ‘bli nuisances: | Enging % er his recovery he came ito ec da in’ Ontario. e- fact is that peop! oa gs in sais respect-in the usual odation for: conime J representatives will be in attendance |Shade trees that haye been set out|that a ee anak water etiand trace clare beginning to recognize the wast?| way but some other means should! travellers and-others, ‘Two large sample ~ Massey Hall: ee bers engaged jat some trouble and expense and | protection including two ape of pip- and folly caused by maintaining — in pe Pia ce this trafic fol rooms, Oniy the choicest of Wines, L1- for the several sess @ Assem-|euarded with some care. are allowed|ing twenty-four — hydra a diminishing places severa!| youngsters cou =atooyed and quors and Cigare at the bar. Bost oie ply. mini fasts their nies an used as tying-posts. and sc] hot stand): pi fe 5 5 Ps ak congregations. cach ‘den|'thus save fro ion many ‘tables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. the representatives will be given free jare destroyed. Lawns and boulevard: tons. pumping station a td Sein upon the mission fund of its own de-| our boys who sare Mantedoah tne ‘transportation and the billet while | the respeation of which has meant |eomplete would cost in the neighbor- nomination. where om’ ‘good large| downward path. and save many a| THE AMERICAN — ae ae id the city: ‘This will entail an esti-| money and labor to some people are | hood of $20.01 od. Te was the intention | fh congregation wonld be a power for|heart ache for mothers whose fond-| pays special attention to Commercial mated expenditure of $100,000 whieh] ent Uy, setts disfigured by | he said. of € <a he community land an iene ast noves wall bs blasted if the pre~ trade, Splendid sample rooms. amount has been raised by ten prom- |“cross‘outta”. ‘And ‘so the list might red at the Somnieapal eaeetions in eave Sapnieontatle of the great|sent conditions of affairs eontinue to vines liquors serred at the iment men of the church. —_ be extended, use of Chri exist,— Walkerton ‘Telescope. Rates a 50 per dey. Wa. wirt, Prop :