Milverton Sun, 17 Apr 1913, p. 2

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ARE GROWING W BURGLAR’S ORIGINAL IDEA. BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING A Why Ho Robbed the Employer otal ey B FAVOR EVERY DAY wen wom RASS BAND WHEN APPETTE FANS een ct tos new “AND THIGESTION 1S BAD Ge nee shoes are right- The methods cf te face (France) tear bands and a printed form of Constitution and Br-taws f toe ey al eee Dera! a $ burglar are often surprisingly ori- bands, together nie she ee catalogue, will be mailed FREE 2 Ther Is sae Ahead For the | English investigator, R. H. Com DODD'S IMDNEY PILES PRoy-|gintl. Uf, as is usually the ease, be vine, vvaddres ton, ‘has thou; matter ounoee eee ee olds. anarchist or socialist opin- & SONS CO.. Man That Negleots Nature's | ee eee em te anak at ANOSTHEEE VALUE AS A < liges hevwill go to conederablotainet® Eatawieon il RS. WILLIAMS tne ONTARIO. arning. the subject of leat investiga- FAMILY MEDICINE. in an attempt to ee his crime. aoe _ |tion and has reported on it to the De ternity has just had ., | Cambridge Pav eciiicat Society. E zt 5 illiant idea. Mme. oe in en artes *fid|| Fo observed Sight varieties of two- Quebec Nan Tells How They Helped |B., who js a milliner ia the Rue de rowed barley to determi r Him and Cured His Nephew of}, Chawsiee d’Antin, arrived on = tio of rights ifferent” varieties Kidney Disease. her premises on a recent morning of the various kernels from the to find that she had had’a nocturnal In foal or foal at foot, having Distemper or Infinenza, or any ginger form of, Contagious Di other form, of Contagious D-ecase, may with absolute wafety SPOHN’S Liguip DISTEMPER CURE ote ae ae visitor who had relieved her of a re Is sum of £25. On a table the guilty one had left a letter as an “acquit same individual spikes, and found that among 12,401 seedlings 7,237, or 58.36 per cent., had the first leaf rae twisted to the left. A variety of = = de conscience.” It elso is the very beat Remedy to prevont mares slipping foals, SIE: ean tered oF okt growing in ee vor with the people, Obl peda? 2 Ma parece ieee Ween should bs geno cl ee ee ee Quebec. Just to quote an example, others, in bran or oate, or on the tongue” Tien sou aes handed seedlings, as was Rinable Bingtd: of this ate: ee robbed by € your workgirls, a fory letle trouble with “sickness of any kind “ami your cass oat: the case of corn eee ae ee pretty litte. anes who is one of eat the ratio was almost unit; the last to leave in the evenings and there was apparently “no inheri- Sew a Te ieee near the Rue de Bellefond. I tarce wt rahe and left-handedness| SIR FREDERICK PONSONBY. |heart disease, from which I suffered adviea yo to Keep a watch on her; pe The son of the Iate General Sir|for twenty years seco 18, Beebe iy OEP ya oes . _|Henry Ponsonby, whose name has| ‘“They have aS Sci, a kers. been mentioned as a successor upsies: but they completely ee Lord Knollys, recently retired. si Sire Di eens who suffered from noes sooueh, <the aponis ae Frederick possesses many high 0 ney. disease,” ee boceance ACH, which ders, and is equ a | Dodds Kidney Pills always cure |hed been in the t the ii SPOHN MEDICAL Co., ists and Bat logists, Geshen, Ind, U.S. A. In the meantime I have taken out of the till the amount she stole.’’ Sceant-D- “People who drink and inhale will com- There is a strong moral in-the statement | Sound Ad 2 ound Advice. : seas ey of James Schram, of Pleasant plete Amable Pinard’s cure, ae Site ETI PEI Re eats Dartmouth. Ns-S;~ “Like thoucands of peo- morph cocaine, or caffeine ll the disease: ee A cat sits on my back fence every | aay \ en ee ‘tired Bree enpto’ bis.) SARE eet Ste ROME results of kidney night, and he yowls and yowls and} USED BY SUCCESSFUL PLANTERS FOR GO YEARS. <= n now oy as a cured the young man’s k yowls. Now, I don’t want to have 4 ‘WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ca ease quickly, because it was Saker any trouble with neighbor Jones, ality was slipping away; ng ground every day. Try urine Ey e Remed ; Jd not haxo isla ou much’ longer. ad cherry When! Eye Remedy |<." its, early’ stages. Amable Pin-| but this thing has gone far enough, no |B pestis tS. Spores f is apie aetullen eeacetowenty aces (and Tovanvertn to ell iarutiel es J. A. SIMMERS, umitep oor | Standing, and take a longer treat-|do.”’ The young lawyer looked as TORONTO = - ONT. ment. solemn as an old sick owl, and said The moral is, that if you cure /not a word. have a right to shoot the cat, haven't If? “T would hardly ‘say that,’” replied ver for a moment iitagine “that their ney fashionable customers buy it for ae ‘roubled mae che that, young Cole Blackstone. ‘The cat drinking instead of perfuming pur- us ro add thes Sdice does not belong to you, as I under- cured, rich ea Melis clears skin Gave eae ae : 1 by sick kidneys failing to do| stand it”? 9 “N the | fence Mateed of healin THIS WHEAT 3,400 YEARS OLD. | {hair work, q : does.” Then,” concluded the BAS he a Pills have certainly teu cay eee ee lightof the a eer Chink 30 is sees stere: eI ut A @ S v roy Jn- 7 ies a Re ecm ie Aaa aac e tuecestal. | WHERE PRORLE LIVE LONG. |% say you have a perfect right to one in failing or lost health to use this by women of England and America. PuCcESEtUs ter Oe. gee ftand remedy.” ‘e ad fe Mas ain -thot aunies effesr [AP interesting account of the | Balkan States Wold the Record for a Mogat Collaee FARMS FOR SALE. ir. Hamilton's ls of Mandrake and o s mie ¥ 7 Butternut are purcly vegetable-2e. per | pon the system as eau-de-Cologne, | *tempt Ao eS oe ae Old Folks. New ‘Treatment Recently large quantity of clar- Hii RAWSON: SER SatigroU Ststty x, five for $1.00, all druggists and store- ee the lining of ie — Tevotl Seabees cs ee Some years ago a German statis- et was laid dow eo Roy: PANO SCE IES OT Keepers o: vntpald trom the Oatarmosone | and undermining the heal ee ee tician made a careful investigation Now Advocated |lars at Buckingham Pelece which | C093, STOOK, Rann ners Tonk Bere. Buffalo, N. ¥., and Kingston, Chess Giannis tae tailed Sh a a in which countries the will not be taken up for many years | Must_be fold quick. Price is very low. Pas Se = . . : s s z iti e TRAINED NURSE ‘cont resealches supgeah Hist, while sreate ee is attained. ‘The Ger For Bronchitis| te come. When a consignment of BRAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN THE WILD BEAST DOCTOR. the power of gemivetion Se wheat [an Empire, with her 35,000,000 Wing arrives at the Palace to be) tia, arte die ae genetichenaa — Remarks About No Nourishing Food. | or barley is little Bitackosiae Aes population, ‘tas but 78 subjects = ig aieute weseell ee Ge laid down in the cellars for perhaps ater sale. = Relates His Experience While Ex-| “A physician’s wile gave me a | yoars, after that period a rapid loss Se foro00,000, | __ Making Most Remarkable cures, | AU'Y OF Sixly years before it 8 Up aave over ons auxpeep Goon amining a Lion’s Mouth. package of Grape- Nuts one day, | of vitality sets in, Franes, wit Se os tee ‘oq | FOr bronchitis a different form of treat- belled, eee aoe ae a ee on my tse Leap oneeant 6 tarasroneus Biase feroaih sintaho' wat ave | Conndeeatia “shaniccl change | 148. 218 Persons who have passed | nent te now advocated. It consists of a|Peliéd, numbered, and dated, an. “The man who medically and sur- ss heir hundredth birthday. England | Siem ; the consignment entered up in th y T would find the food Se bene- | was detected in the mummy wheat, | jaa Repu Be Delmark 2, alent fica” devi scvaboy SSL ORE | acer ater ae Se en are | HW. DAWSON. Toronte: gically attends cattle and wild |,.! s EW DANSON Toronto beasts has often a harder time than eae ee aes me Be aren ee hae : ae See Belgium 5, Sweden 10, and Norway, |!ungs and bronchial tubes. Every spot| white, with the oe ine d’” RE UNDE ED AChas Ja 1 an ordinary hospital surgeon,” | sttracted to the focd, as at that mettle: Gl with ioe ena: [ith about 2,000,000 inhabitants, |that is core, every surface that is ini-| printed in black letters over which cat : tens Soeur os Says wild: beast doctor, in the | time the weather was very hot and| When orushed the fern ces , | 28-. Switzerland does not boast of |tated is at once bathed with soothing |is a emall crown, ‘The date on dition. arket pnd course of a recent conversation. |T appreciated the fact that Grape- | jrritatin tothe te ae wa sualt |@,Single centenarian, bu fea balsams and healing essences that make | which the wine is laid down in the Westers Rion" Anois Shan Be “Tt is no easy task to operate upon |Nuts requires no cooking. strongly of bitumag. the noe | with about 18,000,000, has 4 oe ie ae nee In cellar is written in the blank space, | Ont 2 large animal, whether it be af” «The food was deliciously crisp, tive ae he cee; |most amazing figures come from | This, treatment now go universally em-| and underneath the date is put a Mit IN SASKATONEWAN EQUIP ceiaupgneny ftom & one |and most inviting to the pret | was also mashed ned, “Exaaiond|*aat Toblevome sd eaulent fe-/ Sie acs eavanaionove. i] umber, and tho label is then il; | EVA. dosat en Ano Sat Sue eal forest, and tho danger connect- | After salty use of it twice a day | under ssrosdope its Sartilcs [Sion known as the Balkan Penin-| sts just ae air of the pino woods acta, | tialled by the wine butler, or onevof | Pet Tove, Hawarden, ed with wild beast) ‘doctoring’ | for three or four weeks, I discover- | Yitered Bre ee sula.” Servina has 575 persons wh0|as a healing antiseptic Fomedy for all his assistants. A consignment of MALE HELP WANTED, would drive many an insurance |ed that it was a most wonderful in-j gyn wheat. When treated with oa, {ae more than 100 years old, Rou-|discases of the breathing organ wine for stocking purposes may S agent into a fit. vigorator. I used to suffer greatly| tor it gave a thin paste without eae mania 1634,'and Bulgaria 3883,° In| Just think of ita remedy that can be| Consist of anything from ten to A": sda expert jects cond aE an alarming experience | from exhaustion, headaches and de-| tren ios ob doug si ¥ | other words, Bulgaria has a centen-|carried with the very air you breathe to| hundred dozen bottles, and it takes | practices Yoon free; ‘alwave. gure employ: while examining the mouth of a| pression of spirits. My work had e arian to every 1,000 inhabitants, |the seat of bronchial or catarrhal in-| usually three or four days to lay | Rett, for barber Pt he ora eae ‘large lion suffering from a badly- | been very ti ying at times and in a and thus holds the international re- | fammation. { powerful eno 3 inflamed tongue. The beast seemed gestion had ‘se: H eT ean cord for old people, In 1892 alone ait germ life ou yet #0 Be? that SESH EE Si ese © STAMPS AND COINS to friendly Bohai haviinMieched wie |” CNog 1 ant” lwayan Well and snes He aes there died in Bulgaria 350 persons| (157°, "ees Deere ie cearnorone | Kissing Surprising Custom. S Tne CobuBctoms—wONDERD. Die. I decided to ‘treat’ him| re: for any amount of work,| Be entirely honest in trivial mat-| who had exceeded the century. leWae ie HER RO IEG, seed tS attr me z ‘ ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalozua : 5 : ay, Visitors in England in-the seven- Album, onlz. Reven Cente, Marks Stamp ieeiieier and without binding |have an abundance of active ener-| ters. One who borrows a cent i @ grand results to-sufferera from colds, s nin. the animal or placing a gag -be- | gy, ioe and mental poise. | should be as careful to return it as Just Enough. catarri, throat weakness, asthma ana} @cnth. century —_— surprised to = tuéen bis jaws It wae a foolich {t hay to my entire satis-| if he had borrowed a dollar. Ii bronchitis, ‘There is no eafferer from a |id-that kissing was . a” cot Bote eee on 1d or any winter ill, that won't|form of salutat tation: Nicolas de Cig TUMORS, LUMPS. Internal and, external, That thing to do, and I know it was fool- ftian that “this change has been | grocers and market m ish when I touched. the lion’s Begents about by Grape- Nuts food. | to tell their Soenere tongue, for he lifted a paw in a fact that it is predigested is| sometimes relate stories well-known doctor, Sir | grinoy Crichton-Browne, has been | find a cure in Catarrhozone, which is em-| Bethlen, a Hungarian, who visited figte “ pain Pehomo treatment. Write reproving us for our ‘‘sanitary apa-|ployed by physicians, ministers, lawyers | England in 1633, wrote: “My bro- Se eee i Bellman Medical thy.’ Si ames is a thorough|and public men throughout many foreign | ther and I behaved very rudely on | Co. Limited. Collinewood, Ont. id second, ard brought it down with a|a. ver: daneatts feature. I have| thefts made by customers who pick ’ ] A ; tobrifis Granth on my: lett, alidulden,_| hack ony remarkable results in}ed up an apple, a bit of candy or | Scotsman, but he does not mind tel. arte nee ee aie ee cmall aise | One occasion, being unaware that it) (abl. STONES ‘gli oible quate ? ripping open the flesh, and almost | feeding Grape-Nuts to my patients, sisae, and had not the least idea |! & story against himself and aia) re aren ive @ie. all staneKeapant and was customary in that country to | timpago and kiodred wilments Doaitiy exposing the bone. and I cannot speak too highly of the | that a doing this without payment |W? countrymen. He says that dur- deincatein “Ok he “Calas honole kiss the corner of the mouth of wo- sured, ith, the ca eegrman we "remedy > e m another occasion, when I| food. My friends constantly com-| they were woleting the rule of strict {228 9 Visit to Jam falo, N. ¥., and-Kingston, Canada. uae instead ad ed hands as | (Ceegy7 price st. An pod, ure . was medically treating a monkey, |ment on the change in my appear-| honesty. A girl at school was warn-| © 0) = sg do in Hungary anol's AntiDiabetes.” Prien Ks 25 trom - e creature took it into his head|ance. I have gained 9 pounds since | ed against another because the lat- here, uses Pectamon. 7" oe Company ot Canada Cates +I was out for ‘fun,’ and imme- pemminiag | the use of this pode. ter, though very sweet in manner Not aoe WAS)" Presents Bridegroom With Whip. whims: diately started wrostling with me. | ““T' a reason.” Read the|and amiable in conduct, borrowed usta fone ut quite”. seth wise lia paca noes SPLIT 40 CORDS : Tho Bis simian had me on the Tittle Took, ae Road to “valk ee hairpins, postage stamps, to get his bride on the wedding day, " 3 ‘mat,’ so to speak, in no time.’ ville,’ in te paper and loose change, and g | he finds himself confronted by the AT AGE: OF 85 eS oan yy CURE girl’s brother, if sho has one. ‘The 3 ver read ire ous letter? A_new ons Sapam Fick the trouble. to return a ie cai zenuine, true, te; and full of iiman interes the loans. Be honest, not for the COUGHS | brother is standing with drawn] an Long Wearing 2 reason that this {s the best policy, sword, threatening the groom. |Phankful’ to the Medicine That A S° s ility For oe TURTLE To TO one RE LEPROSY. ue & the higher reason that it is Be COLDS | yon ‘shall not take her unless you Gave Him Ability “ 3; pay me well,” the brother cries, the Task fe ; feline Nelsen Crock and Winking’ Conk | 15th Century Medicos Found Virtue Se ie oie ah tae anti Da che soras nis mat ee atore ee, ICcyoue ee een Tae paloaae ? st a Sea Animal. HE SENT HIS “BEST” REMEDY |28¢ t Keep out of a fight as to win! he ean take the girl to the cere- iil, % gloves that areas tough as a Mexican : S ¥ vos mony. Then, during the ceremony, | Few men of eighty-five years of age can Snake whip and that will give you higher education eon ne A tas historian, in connection Tha “asuish tM —— after the various ring services— st of much else but poor health and full satisfaction or a new pair free demonstrates that the more we | with the alleged cure for tubercu- e young daughter of Mrs. T.S.| ginard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. -s failing strength. And such was the con- know, the less we "bellow e. losis now Tone advanced by Dr. F. Dougall, 623 Flora Avenue, Winni- there-are many eae oe tad Aiioect Mei pent Sieeh. wha ie enews = eee = i . v1] whip she “ = ‘ — F. Freidmann, calls attention to |P°S, ¥@8 atranging some of her! when you analyze the ideal hus- pee tie groom wi are ees [10 every soul in the neighborhood of nis} ABLE. Pinto Shell Gloves ice Minard’s Liniment Cures Cargot In Cows. | tho Jit] gi. | dell’s washing on a clothes See, band you will find. that he hasn’t| 088 ye 2 home -at Ltine Lake, Ont. ‘ F the iittls Inown fact that the medi- ee the stove, when she fell, ame hi 1 her gently with it, pera “T love | «Quite unsolicited,” writes Mr. Marsh, These are the best wearing gloves Village Gossip— “Was there any- {ital use of the sea-turtle is by no| Ker hand came ie content, qith aha | the nerve to be. anything else. thas a ‘ny could best thee da my. (oneal to: say how I.tave bean, bothered] Syeh einen ont hare fabiohy Sect thing unusual at the weddin’?”’ ate pocent ee Louis Xr |20t stove. She sustained a serious} ro cure a coLD IN ONE pay | self. I am thy pian _Thow’ art | tor years with stomach trouble. T_iried|” for Interesting. story “The Plato's Joyey—“Well, the groom looked |. YN Y & ae Sica ic, | bum, and her screams brought her Take LAXATIVE BROMO, Qnining Tablet to obey me. Ge cyan eas ae ge ee ‘happy, but you know Bill tries to| ©f France sent George the Greek, | mother aks to the spot. - Drugciets refund money if it fails to cure. eee adi Eeee ina eae - HUDSON BAY KNITTING Co. = Towel no matter what hap- Islands no oes ‘the Cape Nerds |“ sent to the druggist’ for the | B,¥: CHOV=® eigusinre i om each =e Not Deeficult. Nein Chae ie s Canada's Expert Glove and Mitt Makers, M to seek “‘various things | hest ae ad for bi & = eee 2 f, but without be ce : hee to the well-being | cays, “and he ae teen seat Two Sisters. This story is related of a young] Srumended Nerviline. My, but Nersiling The | Zam-Buk. He said that there was| Cjara—May I borrow your bead- French teacher whose English was | gia me a power of good—made a rew man Co Verde qa Nha the Tepu-| nothing to equal it. I applied this, Se ene eee just’ a little uncertain, and who in-|ot me, so that wichin the last three weeks tation of possessing a cure of lep-| and it soothed the pain so quickly od belt, Hesse hy all| quired of one of her pupils how to | I have been able to split about forty cords i P a Bess—Certain! ae - But why a A English shop for an | of store wood. 1 will always etick to Ner- pene, af Ses pr eerugl ausbeess oe the child laughed through her this formality of asking permis- ask inthe English shop fc viline and will always recommend it, and ack to France by a travel- I bound Hieshsnd: ae ORY SP “eponge pour le: bain.’ Ob? eee ve, tebonamment! tp ‘Ss ui: up the hand in| ion? oa would like to meet anyone and convince tor aoe the’ coast of Guinea at | Zam. Buk ycand each day applied}” "<q oan’t find it.” said the’ letter, “‘‘all you've got to| TOE +s” doubt as to what Nerviline has about the time King Louis was ia | Zam-Buk frennentty cial liberally, Ses : do is to tell the shopman that you| done for me.” declining health.. According to the until the burn was quite : want a big bath sponge t6 take! For cour stomach, nausea, belching of recital of this trayeller, the big sea] “The little one was ie cee to : home with you.” “Ah, it is not | cas, cramps and sudden sickness at night. atiaies were-raught by the islanders | go on with her play. and we had no deeficult,”” she said; but when the | nothing is more helpful'in the home, no. | When they ¢ame out on the beach at | trouble with her during the time ~ = | alee aE Reached se: Segurtenes tt | a tid tact wes ec ae Tow tide eed. ‘They were at onze | the burn was being healed.” coca “ae Audks ivadutine 3op4 Giicrentty. ~ Bigese’? ae Ee Daa ne i eniah Beha killed, and their blood caught in| “AN druggists and stores sell sibs EINIMENT. smiling pleasantly at the young [Smit ct or he Catarshonone Coy BV large tubs. Persons afflicted with Zarn-Buk at fifty cents box; and| Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL. | man, “will you kindly take me home| ,1,. Ny. ¥. leprosy bathed in the blcod, and af-| Soap at 25c. tablet. Post free from | yi "88, cured of, Facial. Neuralgia by and give me a big sponge bath!” SE ea terwards ate of the turtlé’s flesh. |Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. | “atta NIELS. eee oe A Hint. = is treatment was kept up for two} Refuse harmful imitati R sem by Acosta, cbtlie eal ot ohick nee, Baty aa Reet oe own by Another Case of Blood Poisioning _ Bis Ngunawedd (hopping) — : atients I; pletel: Tnele—‘“ " Albert Co., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY. Persisted in paring his corns with a at this new stove wit! 1 : Saned of the dreadlal disease fe ow is Mike?’ Mike | ra gees pie ctl? | glast door in-the oven, Wonder| How Gees Matrimony. This revord would tend Eidine ONG meee ete fe a rl never : Use Putnam's only-it’s the best-guar-| what it’s made of glass for? “Oh, Jack, old fellow! Haven't that Louis XI. was a leper. That] to Rea AA wore’n two-third: anteed ‘and painless. price 2. at all deal} ~Youngwedd-It’s to ‘make si — aes ‘the ease had been rumored | wages.’’ Uncle—‘‘Ah, that’ 8 “Good! Tact and Fancy e See ee bread ‘lighter, I suppose 3 y chroniel 2 that’s good! 3 a Jarebuked. = che Gisenin ee otier third Se se Sear we Lo te India’s native butter is blue. Pena : 2 a {inard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Islands, now published for the first | ‘No; I give it to the missus The man who says he never made} "Sir! she exclaim peak anes ; . Z a business mistake isn’t necessarily | kissed her, “‘you forget ae Japanese Pool of Tears. . x ou a Rockefeller. Maybe he’s aliar. | “Possibly,” he replied, calmly,| One spot in Japan shunned by all are remained single, ch?? “No, hology o: uis XI., his ill-humor, © 5 5 ss is: : Firmness being. willpower, obsti- | “but I ean think of myself any old| is the “Pool of Tears,’”a little pond no; but I ould have’ married iaeip aeons avoidance ee y might perhaps be ‘termed |time. Just now v You are occupying jon the execution ground of aon Fal drownrpakss ts os life. The | wretched fans tently roe eer undivided a “ eh i It nm = dries, i There are only two authenticated and even the hottest weather seems ; @ ; Pap geen if een a ey cases in Seay of men killed hy argu Ril SP HATSN | to tere little effect upon it.” Since Dr. Morse’s fa ied to: teat the ‘efficacy ‘of the sea, falling meteorites, es moval of the prison no build- Indian Root. Pills You’ can’t beat a Bees wife—un- fee es been erected ofl the site, Alifetimeof disfigurement andsutter- Ee eats fr hosted ugee lesa you’re a bad husband, Mr. Se Gnd pls ge writes: | occupying the brow the a medicine for the ing often results from t the neglect, in pi a pigs ts the pee the perfume, comes: ee been for pe last So years 8 Rees mile nae shart bata ee expedition. freon une Bidiiysings *Sipple with Mesrtler on flagunatory Mosquitoes Stop Music, ed Siok Sat of order fections. In the Prevention and treat- PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. ate man would be all right if medical sclence and 80 aight In some parts of India, where jeasate. fond eee Hang po ment of minor eruptions and in the | your drureist will refund | money. if PAZO ‘he ae oe his reputation, 4 sist without at ele ae eae ae it is pee —Dr, Morse's India ‘a make kind el ay 18 VK OCAUEC music Kealth, Cuticrra Soap tad Cusean dng Bling Blogding oF biotruding Biles ta 4s po from oa oll, snow and | Pilla Thave since taken e lg bee tioacke eas Ta eteae namie Puls able they ne Olntinent are absolutely unrivaled. | ge Porpes, a dmajuctse of Bhctastion sen | Bers, When the first notes are} peakenorgripo likeh eh bs g ee 9 Gnete Sheaustlant and, di: thi itnde * Guard shildeea by Cuttoara Soap and Ointment are eold thredgugut And some rich men are-as crook- A baby is ithe ee priceless ti heard tho Rae hh a Oe sina, toe r. Morse’s Seite, kimmusrme cess teres | ed as the dollar mark, sure. which: ‘a diamond or 1 bon € for $2.50, Sample frea | clouds around the player and make| May Keeping a box of the oor They pended igbteoPuske ine ace Tope of pear! Sart excites Suey ityou wee Nato sis emical . fe movements of the hand i impossi- 1 ~Dept, 10D, Boston, U.B. A, Winare’s insane aur Cures Colds, Ete, Heep the Children Well or covetousness, nada, Limited, oteiligs s32

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