Milverton Sun, 17 Apr 1913, p. 3

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: ee 5 : x ! : _ . Since the day he had first become en- bs o : £ d to Evelyn he had always taken an ‘Whenever you feel a headache coming on take Scented | lovere privilege of seating, hin, ue u 1 self on the jeside her. Z NA-DRU-CO Headache cone mg. Jess ie you, are, Pees” he x -] H Om hes promy and surely. Do not contain claimed. “Haye you been hae oa tae sr phenacetin sects dor other dangera losing all your genial manner that made drugs. ee eer yoa Orieeere 128 jis, Bushed uneasily and looked con- iu hi : : NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO, OF CANADA, LIMITED. ase : A Tri i What would she have said, if che had m : known why he looked go. gloomy—that he Pp Selected Recines. was trying to summon courage to tell her Chats en ee UNaN, Nee eae TEA uality _fitans, Chee ie Fate aot lore. dveatn? Evelyn ‘ne all in her power. to charm of chopped English” walnuts # P 5] Miero“was."gomething altiost ster: Pure, Whole: and Sb altenen ives ons = FOR MAKING SOAP, Or Ca Or 9 tei et ee oe Ea a im|| Delicious, with a full- |} teaspoonful of salt and one-half SOFTENING WATER, to hat vol mestjeowgnt any cer ver | ness of flavour not sore! of paprika. “Form into REMOVING PAINT, og Atha Ge EEE hee ee lips, she sung that || found in ordinary TEAS. balls and arrange in ‘nests of let- Or, A Dark Temptation gweetest of all love oe Wamnloen tuce. Serve with “a mayonnaise DISINFECTING SIN’ : DR ae ol a dressing, to which has been added Wi CLOSETS, DRAINS, E Micnt thou voice ot my"neart®” hel] IR LEAD PACKETS ONLY, | |°™o chopped olives and capets. TC. XXXI—(Cont’a) the pallid bride of death,” and with these | Ru rowing hugers. Tow wall bene Cheese Cream Toast.—Melt one SOLD EVERYWHERE sin mad Wk a her} Monde zinging in tis eats, Reta But if Perey heard, he did not heed. and one-half tablespoonfuls of but- eur REFUSE SUBSTITUTES The world seemed to whirl aroun could divine her terrible inte 3 "Yor distrait and te 7 : oe BES and ‘then stand sl ad sprung forward, giving him g fearful Perey?” ‘she said at length, turn Black, Mixed andGreen: t, se one and. one-half table ‘ecog ni ish that sent him reeling headlov | the piano, “as though your thoughte were spoonfuls of flour eee State Monee cane eat | She mnnoed shat ee aes a BSG itt pour on one an € ille into the belief that the] “Not ery reached her, Keer nr he a dona, Sr Sk : pn, |fuls of scalded m: s y: ; i dead’ gist who. eo. ss resembled Di8| or tee dof the Yody aa if Yell on oie the act oe 3 at ai ee SURPRISED LADY ABERDEEN. |) ii the sauce i smoo materials, rub in powdered French} toothless old lion who will attack i ne BS low, ere Wa: ny “my ind is mi: a "eBu'in dhat thriling memes a daring ringing im ler eats, Q Sahine hd t kin at, & Joe "¢| A niillionaire whose “mind-read-| with salt, pepper and paprika, Add|chalk. After some hours shake i : ain of the deny = “Dead men can tell no tales.” she mut-| words “to express romyeelt” ing’? once astonished Ladv Aber-| two-thirds of a cupful of mild, grat-|°t- ame uid. deny tered, bending breathlessly over the y velyn's heart gave one great passion, BAP ee ee : Use wash pillows whenever poe $ e eee aime person caine ing mouth of the am safe.’ in| ate throb of ‘trigmph, here “plonde hea se and cook uni chebee | sis foro nade don ERS RIN USES FOR Fy t ri Sian at ian a 4 a ler ter, ee Sees Groped ay scares him that her fair hair Dip six slices of toast in|S!ble for iving-room: im proudly, er jeweled hands, ru: chee ; ad istaken," the said, ctrt:|t9 the vhouse. it almost seemed to her | "No do | fis cheek: er but that the eub-|pany and director of almost a score | the sae Dae in a hot dish and|They are more hygienic Nand more The Natives . Mast Call It “The ‘eae eer e tall. specter trees ee eres fect he "referred to was their approsch-|of others. pour the m sauce over them. | S@nitary. ‘ oy frre.?? ‘ian tha De] one wor hs oss ing out their “arms and | "Gr coureo. it cowd be not hing lee In his earlier days Mr. Soper os Boiled Teing--Oft ten one finds that | abee aeAe spel an wy Ln Tanta a aaa b m on ‘eventful night. striking her dead as she pass mee Wicked as Evelyn St, Claire was, there |a telegraph a r. Se a boiled frosting is either to uch | @"a: and. neat oroughly in rthquake sounds haye been fer golden head and turned | them fitul in the ardent ado ; 8 0m panies Tene fhook memtioutly, and the motion|“Snereached the house panting and|n¢,{°mething, Biuiiul Jo ths er irandsome | one, 80 good, in fact, that his siete done or not cooked enough. A wo- ae Tinware treated in this way arionny described and might be maddened him. Silas eed ee on the tren | RE sjlonoe. iwintag (f08tS with: the Moree cpdecuesled| miata ieee boiled frosting always|¥¥ eC Bocas Bipasha widely according le one great os - er ; silence, twining |) nee ree ; as ry Base ‘3 He velzed “her delicate wrist in his great, | no ol pak ae saetpetate:-for her wit, in ented ‘Tigers closer about be bs n . iv a _ Eby fed: Hs us for ate tells ae eee of SS Ese Senne oats ona sRRCN yates ee eee strong han at arm, er every clinging touch was | Hxcellencies Lord and Lady Aber-|her success. She uses three table- rong, hand. tet” he eried, gazing down| you, Mis Evelyns’ che said. eM. Gran- capes ‘ ; flencly Goto her beautiful,” defiant face e|PAts Aeoherewe looks ‘pale and! Uke [Ree ne going to tell her be was glad deen—for it was during. their’ stay spoonfuls BE water Wore CHARI OE Sele brush and then can belin a neighborhood where the earth “you have used me cleverly’ for, a tool, himself. oer ze) atlas wag so mgar at hand? lin Canada- —were pres ugar ; when the mixture begins to|*2° ith ake e in Soene state of tremor, is and no : % ee he going to whisper loving words fe re ; 4 Be ae an ATE ae oe Taint ew hea | ane eg tol one sage ane | me ante ag | ha Sei ot me to help you in yi » | Percy Granville turned with a et: of | hear? gentlenian, w! Mr. “i -|fuls of it into the white of an egg. é ‘own reward. fell on wee” hongerii is a Ss, igs ” You gave mee fa ge ate, 00 adders qurpriee ae the, detectives Banal Jol Fe] wee, Eee eoeSaee tan trom his| ing through the audienee = hand: | beaten very stiff. Then she lets the on for ino “minutes and then a CS feces Be a An that did “not dunt eareh-| peated hurriedly : acl remainder of the syrup boil till it ae appears in the: a Be ay peg ie rand mu dee Mn erties aoe ee gho a Like a few words with you| Ror one trict moment there was silence hairs; this point in be cooking Pee should ‘be iced before it is of the Port au pone meteorologi- i ou are * ; 2 ee te lake your hand. sway from me,| 4 cranville, if ¥ ater, and Larder to reached, she beats it gradually into quite cold. cal observatory. for this Bana’ Trnust be mi palue)Uek as the _iGertaimly,”” responded ira shaking rey had come there to, speak he ‘subject’? on the stage called|the egg mixt = Charcoal powder is excellent for] ‘The region of the “‘gouffre’” is in éa hand heartily. c yn,” he said slowly, as é 3 ; ; you; refuse, and I swear, detore the ga Urey'at you disposal; w 0 to your] himgel? for the trying ordeal, “did it ever |out an accurate description of the| Famous conan Dish—Take a|cleaning fine knives. the mountain range of le, sete, the ‘whole world shall know thal oF walk up 10 the avenue, Swat? | Oe wou that some m: article. quarter pound of grated cheese.| .4 sheet of heavy eens ‘is de- which is about seven thousand feet Byelyn St. Claire's lips grew: white and Yon ike.”” I Raven's time to, exchange, ina ua Thc: Then Lady Aberdeen supplied the Dissolve in one cupful of milk, a| Stable to cool hot cakes high, and which, uns dry; she recoiled from, the man in loath] more than a word with you. it gat atetn to ante ders, bat she) supreme test. Writing upon her/small quarter of a teaspoonful of|, 4, Special knife should sivas ‘be | gives. much the detective. would rE ach ho importance words, a tes eet Q ich itVexanporated im. Rd ae ome may Savoy you tine apgn & yory | "Sere can, be, "ny unhs appinees ea soda, then add it to the grated | ep! piston Fae See ani a A canic activity. The sounds are ap- rontery of 8 tal one hese days. ietiae ta over” ei uickly. a, rat es ry_a lon, ass stirring ro = almost stunned her. enon Gr Granvile stopped short and icoked | "That ig quite tre = yn,” he said cheese ; add a quarter of a teaspoon- Saree fon Rate ie ‘a hot {Darently the seme as those socom aa ieee ied > fail in e detect seecaea in eee awk thoughitully, ‘if two marr hia love each ful of mustard, half a saltspoonful eee panying noticeable Sree | i x at Be You, in wn | other—they are Ae ig e happy aN v , “a 2? 54 ‘romaine =, last? jinguired Percy, eag:|love is wanting, in either heart, married Sane and iablepoonfal Hot soapsuds. with. ammonia is ok cae name ‘‘gouffre’’ is appli erly. “ is 20, tell me aM-| life is a curee, r LO not rest night ‘or day until I have taken| Evelyn raised a pair of startled eves to : ¥4 admirable. ie cleaning gold jewelry. oH ie a alge ne rake Dae rn cat See mceule | "in whiping ream, ad the whe | 26 gp Sxtends ms joreed ‘the truth out of him of how cheese is dissoly periods of weeks darling Little Gay met so foul a dea Why should we think of the lives of stir in three well-beaten eggs, stir}! an ese to every cupful Set Seotedes Bi ta, fifteen’ miles Heaven! he shall rue the day he ever | othe sappy?" che asked, with e ees, stir | Ce nmoal will remove lamp smoke | CTX des Bouquets, 1 ercesed my path!” her lips a few moments and pour into indi- ‘gs north of the mountain range, gives Gently, ‘gen Unhaypiness that could reseh me isthe vidual atty-pang of eases, aud bale from a wall blackened by Kerosene. following description of | it: ,ed the det tive fear dat I Jo ever ees your love.” Chloroform is good for removing the to. wing *, | excited young man Perey Granville's handsome face grew nice brown. § | ‘(During the day the sound w |i put Fremaine 3 be brought to justice, my “Wha ac cat tee ‘Ev ly dee * Cottage Cheese and ‘Chives—Rub stage EP: but eel Ded heard from the south-east and | “Bui e i o, ‘ hs jstoEoas ath (must be avenged! he |b holding, ae sheds hand that, was fs ee bowl with a small clove of aeeter and potatoes mmaahel foo toed ed to come from a great depth. cried hotly, his fair, handsome face pal in a close clasp, and trying to spea mnt ; i : . “Thad great hopes that your skill ee thing ‘were to. really oe yee eo the spore very fine, gether ‘make a yleagant chelige’ on (2) a5 kee deep roaring and then wrautdl est: tail ‘me, Mr. Lenno’ ig ne agen! id two cupfuls of cottage ances See cabl at times like the howling of a dog. ly a year since 1 frst Tealled upon 70u, on ier She ee RA and two teaspoonfuls of chives cut | 7 9 Si oy, Kitchen stove; |Erom time to time it stopped with a Ahouty at Mick; sconrilainess abbetiip: paanianats fine with scissors, one teaspoonful] NCver Diacken a Sitenen stove >) + ollow boom which might be taken Mo uot ego sure about “iat,” replied S inthe fase she raised to" his tow of salt and one-half saltspoonful of | Wash it every day with, oleSt S08p | distant seunGn aed a “Give me your address, ai ied him great 2 : : H init Shae don't trouble yourself unnecessarily about should kill “myself, Perey,” she de- paprika. Mix well, add a little rich Se itn the Ga “During the night it was differ- wae ‘aching through ‘the guilty brain of ¢ont trouble youre eee sall, know. all elated vehemently: and if thre! rae cream if necessary to help it retain jousewives Will dnd the biltsleve ys although the sound came from that in \d. time,” wav for spirit to revisit the earth, - Roar anes iy ‘ A “Wwe will walk'on through the copge-wood |" ghafi’he ‘at, Passaic until the 20th,” would haunt you until the day you died. its shape, then stir in lightly three | #PT°2 even th ete ay ta different direction; there was @ and talk this matter over,” she said, with | replied Percy. ‘On the 2ist I leaye on express bow, much I love tablespoonfuls of chopped pimento; re ah eS a sprog pes fect tumult, rumbling of thun- a desperate ‘calmness that surprised even| the Servia for a short trip abroad.’ any world’ ; wile sine a Med bt te a seein ke !perfect tu E i‘ her "You may hear from me before that you care for me, Evelyn, PO) e cress and orna- oe a edi should der, howling and a sound like ¢ Te’ he had not been eo desperately in| giqt0" AY hem re e_groaned. ment with pimento cut in fancy |? ‘wtensils ‘an ingred ents shou a PRS. wind. There love with her the glitter in ae ees at) A etnoment atter they parted company, | ‘The pale, blonde face drooped until it aidbee and al : {1 | be placed ready t rushing of a strong z i eyes would Have. earned im and Perey walked leisurely on to his hotel. Tested ameter hig shoulder. : P' place upon ice unti Ne var pine we Wory + handle of | Was no wind, however. Sometimes Giga. seceen ‘concentedy Shining He did not give the matter another| The love she lavished upon him dl i Serve with mayonnaise SYST DR UAES heard all the noises at once. ae elog ad "otrack through her thought, for his thoughts had reverted to | wear! him, He could. not help contrast- a ebey a knife into ee yas Wash the|one heard al of pride and defiance to her heart at’ the same channel in which they had been | ing iret: shine moment with his, Uitte a inves EE knife Generally and above all, from 7 to Tnat. when the detective had eccosted him—he | lost Gay, whom a bold w« ald 5 ; Good Celery Pickle—For this ce}- iw Nook -ak ii ty the: tenes pended Hvelyn held out her white hand. to him! was thinking of the pictured face that had| frightened as a huntai Warren Y. Soper. ery pickle puts the eoodel raps of cream ee may be; 10 o'clock at nig! with Re pretty gesture that won him com-| smiled up at him from the canvas in the | timid YP Pp good leaves as oe Pate Sp ae mixing them with|with a lou ion much plei banker's drawing-room—the face of Mr.| It Teas Geer quite as easy well as the stalks. Three parts cel- is than in’ the day, followed it ie useless to deny longer all that ep tneipase sappuee daughter. ave plunged a dagger inthe white breast ery, three parts cabb: ,| butter and milk or a little cream, ; Stronger tha TOMER tee era. no cau inn low: tied to forget it, as men strueele| of Evelyn St. Olaire words Poe a sentence, she handed |°"Y> parts cabbage, one part| ms. should be spread on thin, waf-|by a long echo. Then again wou! yolee. “I favor you against Temptation; the thrilling dark eyes fad’ come there t to Mr, Soper, requesting that he |0nions. Put’ these through the meat? 1 P Fa! be heard utbitret that cannot Presied ibe audncwesi-act-1t-itmeede 20 haanted ccphat 49 Just, the avertion. base come ae [ grinder’and mix with three-fourths|®™ik crackers, made into sand-|be heard ano ere et cht ea angel it that He vee marry Evelyn St-|to discuss with ai he nano stent it mene to the man on nig ot aalts 1k sal S\wiches and served: with gal e imagined. It w moun- DECOM. Fou om BF what eins what. ly to al-| “whether shes ot sate wel a happy “ ve of sa! a gallon. Let stan . 2 . vi | His wife! she, the haughty, daiaty heir, few. Se eee ee Caen tie Eo alae take Beg | bees a onience of five overnight, then Wee omer aa our boiling water on oranges|tain were shattered and the ces, to. common hireling! ace, words I am about to speak, Mt, they are| words’’ called out ae subject”? a at liquid | deb. thems. stad: five ahinutes:| noise: n all directions. At the yep igen of te made the: engey uloed the hearts of men are proverbi-|better said before marriage than after.” pe seconds later, and he repeated |Comes away readily, Heat and add|ane 1? ie a erties ed-as if one could hear Pia fire through her veins; she aly. Sickipvat one timesin Ife; sid thet - Ha: stonped abruptly and looked at * the Tollowing every gallon: One This will cause the white lining to} times it seem ged_to turn upon him with the fierce-| more Perey tried to shut “out all. thoughts Sell me gleam of the truth dawned hs the exact words, aug astonishment 8 away with the skin so that a|the roar of ee or even the d ness of tigress and anak im to her feet ot Ae banker's daughter from his heari, | on. was profoun hud of objects falling, such as. for the very audacity of hie presump- she he stood face “avery Tieart ghould-be piated to the tity of oranges can be|thud 0! jec' 9 i fae ace with the uae at last. bis heart | on for,,which Heaven intended it. Is it But when cor excitement, had died sliced for sauce or pudding. Blocks, of stone Bailie down preci- there is no other way,” gone out to he original of the por-| "ot ey oper simply said: “Not E 4 pled ace why should 7 beanifal alt just as it had gone out to Little BOE Ealee hy nd | re sealing fruit ; utters or pice: te £ a cire Se * my power over ‘you you my} Perev returned to Passaic that night, aei tie anole a aiall Soil P . “ a wih and eurely no young man ever put in top and sprinkle this with} yf @ man “is punished for oing m rich, as you say,” she answered | auch “s wretehed fostment ns. the of wire, the other end of which, en- : : ee eres know better nex sind Pn ge Ry etusate| Rien gr hfe enn j, litle dreaming [closed under a earpet,, was in the]; Fat il rape aoatne ey zone 7 wie, there a is i y day, he nm «G - ” v jui vi . me in peace; could gold bribe you?" | wished to Heaven hist tine na mot’ ex. ee veut on hauskily, “what pocket of the ‘“‘subject.”” The mes nesot Sipe be Tiees sc Eon are Ria tcate pee be a next tim ould rather have your sweet self| acted that terrible promise from him on rweradadiell sone teak sages had simply been transmitted a jelly that has gone to sugar or 2 s, than all your gold,” he replied; fou} his dea oboe fae he would marry Bve-| ly and honestly hint if 1 were to lead you : at didn’t form, or a little sor, are the firet and only woman dyn 3 hen she wonld have been | 10. the altar, it would be as an. unloved by his ae touch system. g s- :: gee 3 fi : - : ythit TS OF THE LION oe Ee a ee Top EES ane to e could, “he | a save you from this before ae ae or anything of os HABITS OF LION a jed him 580} i i row. myself upon your ae ind, put it in a stone jar witl oe) own sweet self. ghenet had | mercy to save yourself and to save me. - < a A ry : 4 qBhe “Hines around | the heiress’ mouth with ate love | I will live up. to my engagement if you Man Who Had 100 Pipe: enough ae water to make just a| His Treatment of Lioness Would Sespened a her, eves. OR die oraioet a ornaieht he wan bal: (eandoe aocsive'vone sum eat gow thet A wile “who-obtained: a <jidicial /aweetened water. < “Take! piace of Arouse a Suffragette. oon. a 18 “caaeonoed Ce canis bebyeen Uo, ina ihe since trath—amy heart ne hay fone out, te another, separation soe 25 2 oa oe ew cor aan ae ad round The lion is regarded as the king m ly-| and yet my word is pledged to you. je S1Ze 0! ie 2 1 vii 32 Ffound whieh Jelned her, own ground in| ing. and the sin of wedding one woman, hold your fate and ‘mine in “your gen| a curious We rite) ae x > Boe ét beasts and ‘the noblest: épecimen: bouse on ce a Ese spate | Out toranothers os nas a goné| slender white hands, Evelyn, ‘my dear) western (London, England,) police erat Lhe ee eee: Rea erie | ee the tails toned ae bee: But, those | Gut to anot Pane eteyered eae gare este i size of the paper. Roll both up to- langerolis Iccality to| hon a strange resolution game to him. |it with you to decide what ‘our Tutare is | court. She w «tome Traves, of 1 joa jar; this|Who have been after him have its genes cece Ageia aeRO | er cnt | Han fy ret, fh Sach Mane” hy Ea aero pny Wes Fea without “Sek properly. sconared. e Sonickel yearnings oer Hat Mapa tor him if the decision Nested | Stated that her atid: a master | puit j es i ‘elly | Butler in Pall Mall Magazine. aie Ot thie LAGE eerie mind, coming to the eonclusion that it|in the bands of her who was deat to all| carpenter, would - only atau bet juice of rinsings from jelly “5 > thaat Wabi yea | Hive raveed,” casting a quick would, be cruel to to Evely: so) Slee gare ther deep and desperate love for Gaamncs Wad ie cack dines lasses an be added at any time,| In fae ae sl ing as re 3 e altar under ; : ‘a mili a othing must come between, me and | resolved to throw fepaiea diner cio: (cones vines ae jeribly for his lore |though he had about £180 at the Keep the jar in a warm place. The | that w s sha ene me of bei a Perens bride” she mut: |and. he never once doubied but that ehé) was Heaven intending "to wi his | bank. “What does he do with his|contents will be vinegar in about gette py See ‘eel and aah a er : wept | woul itter vengeance upon ‘her om aol ny LO ji i 1 4 path, why should T hesi-) Yee, that was the best and only courre| the life of Little Gay? ia ics joney?”” inquired the Magistrate. hree weeks after. the jar is filled| With some telling facts for lecture} | "A bite ot ikl end waste ote ae tate at sweeping away a second? The] to\ are rae eo Mecuvelee: aia] Gur nocale vOut onatry him in wplle ve ;|and will taste just like cider vine-| purpose: y eo tS) is a Bey. man has brought his fate upon his own in aman, SS ORS manner tell 2 rans would hold iy to his promise | ‘‘He spends it in clothes, pipes an gar. It is a great saving, for one| He allie out at night accom-| long, dulls the appetite and weakens the her his stot Lous Ne vy. Ai 2 . td = = “Tt will not_be, necessary to walt a_week| "He tong gay. to. hers a ee e would never | other things,’ was the reply. “He | ses so much vinegar in the sum-| panied by his wife, and he sendy her| digestion. » a 10 ane ES aa pens RE GE you, Bele but es ee apeshet a ig for F Rito be continued.) has 109 pipes, between fifty 8nd mer for sliced cucumbers; salads, |of to growl and roar on frighten Restore your stomach to healthy vigor o 26 es 4 __ xt} st icks .d innumer- 2 <a ‘ ! ’ wee NES is Gee vce ce Tene ny ‘tater mny “happiness iu Sour pe = : a S Pas orlasan s and inl beets, ees covering pickles, etc. game ae ues one gets oe by laking’a NaDru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet exclaimed radiantiy. ““T'ean tend my an itsho clung to him, refusing to give| “OBEY”? LEFT OUT OF SERVICE The same ‘‘plant”’ may be used for lion’s share, she gets the lioness’s, | iter each meal—andcutout the "piecing". 7 eet" our face, my beautiful girlit i9 him up, he ° ne quarry her. He would aoe , nearer years if kept in the juice. and when he has satisfied his appe- e Bragnt Tite Seriei asca Va ates oe respec worse M.P.’s Daughter Who Married Ath-| Women Now Sméke Cigars tite he does an immense amount of] | Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets tect itching oe te auger in| that was dete: Ta<a Salteacett oe pare, = serie ond bragging about his} are the best friends for sufferers from z her superb blonde face fairly appalling divided “helween Liki days! tnemery and = ulrasette. Engli ishwomen ae declepind ney ‘Home Hints. pro indigestion and. dyspepsia. 500. a Box * sweet love that had crept into as ‘ 4 “T mavry you?” she cried. “Why. vou ae The recent wedding of flee sels than e Wrap cledsé'in a-clothsoaked-in{. If the. pair have the misfortune to} a4 your Druggist's. Made by the mst be ‘on. shall’ wedy bat. they ‘That eveniag Berey,, rode ov eihens tee device ot i F fall across gunners and the lioness : bride you arg to take to your heart is|Ivms home: while he was, pacin Se seiko bett, a jen oS a: it vinegar if you wish it to be kept National Drug and Chemical “Co. ‘of Ty up down’ the ‘parior, waiting for |bett. the late English Mem oe 0 Tague and: Tres teem meld is firsti shot, the King of Beasts, her | Canada, Limited Fe Z es her Sorueacmnceecaray hril-| Par! Tiament for one of the Sussex 1. husband, bolts ies to. 149 Seite! brat fnscted at the BrvOk | gj eee had a special interest, as eine alee Sec ae ee if the lion is first hit, the ~Avice, ‘the maid, could not help but ee ceremony was arranged so as Pane a Sree eo Sete te aaeares yery nas Glatotks who’ need notice how pala aid. frightened Miss St. raid ct the OMe ell to diminis rise. need something Giaire Jooked When es | ave a Wee res ot ie Ohvrck elves are a necessity in every oe rushes to her death to avenge |, of the kind, find Granville service which pounce the wife’s bath So littl ‘edi ieee Pin eae ae ronan tbat athroom. is a tte medicine Sorr re RN DRL eS Bee ane tad acs Jon gia ene Pp te a “4 ‘obey: ee closet to hang on the wall ian beaten the Kedong River é iN Lo @) ack tothe pat ¢ bridegroom was Fish- i ks for two hours, a fine lioness @ Cob on Sh One sed her hande tight- Heat the clothespics if you would} banks for two hours ‘ob or Shelled, Imp. Leaminy a é ‘ } or wh E Ls “gid OURS cis turned Se a See quarter back | cigarette, with sufficien gency |haye warm hands while hanging out| jumped out of the reeds and bush op White Cap hae ee Sie IVES oe Hh -the panstonits an Coens ey See of ce to make the fair smokers think dey the clothes in cold weather. about six feet from me, having first |} Freight paid in Ontario on a a bie eran oe she glided atickle “for: iss rbett’ is a keen suffragist| are doing something daring in light- i reo - itted a loud growl that see as e- Bay rite for catalogue: Has effective peleut any, oe ward, olding out ‘both hands to him: sas. a number of people interested | j, hi ae ks like. i ae fee ss Bigot sie 2 pie : Base phen erm ful ori Fo, RENT Sons he Inc eens ded. 25c.a those hands, white, gemmed tnd athe ing what looks e a cigar. e is afraid of water is’ some enter a useful w re 3 Rince at yous ay thapely, that within that hour had. pes movement wére present at * toys which he can play with. ° wounded her, when she prepaked <a papeated neh see ene © a g- It was held at Hor- Sear Bef t Ic} chi lashing her sides oat her tna te in Percy knew what was expected of h od K Z efore dyeing a garment mark|charge, lashing as che bent nil blonde head dangerousty sted Keynes, Enee her father lives, . Sometimes. the right side with thread so that uckily-Mr. Guy, m, inviting a caress, an 5 : é see | nese him, inciting, « caress, and feslingiand. the place was-the Congtegs-| sa), you ihink a woman helieves|there will be-no doubt about it <|er's partner, was at qecrenip cad : _ FEES Seal aunis white: bungee bis tine tional Hall of the village. : he|. Every housekeeper should keep a r low for a shert _ At one end of the hall was a plats utcher’s cuffs on hand to| time, after ‘Shieh she recovered and form with four chairs upon it, protect the sleenes in pee aeaei ‘om bush’ to bush growl- 2a to this platform advanced the ie rushes re be poonne er, ees, and ‘ D z ° her father, the bridegroom and the washed in aa al HontE water.| with a third shot from my Mana- oO not e misieq— ae par while a march was played For the bristles, it should be cold. lishes finished h ee he organ. Then entered the el ribbon, sponge with al- ‘6 formed camp, and for three ASK FOR pegiseekes ace the bride and bride- cohol and rub over the s; ith ets jions camé close to us, hop- groom made the legal declarations, | ‘clean white ‘soap, holding the rib- ing to pick up ae oxen. The hnat- bon straight. ing of Leo being a rather: serious To remove grease from. woollen nope ae Hoe requiring strict = ‘e had our fires light- 4 7 @ which were supplemented’ by the : exchange of wedding rings. The registrar then retired; and % solo had “ after a been sing Hugh Bay urric: te lam; ng U) = Chapman of the Savoy, whose sym- - oe son ae dark, cand ets : pathies with the suggestion for the eye GOOD HABIT going ae daylight. = omission of the “obey” sentence ; Tt is not difficult as a rule to Ge e from the service are already well Tes when you are tired, | when Hons are about, as they make and LOOK for the Trad Mace known, gave a short and eloquent Particularly if it's their presence audible. Away in the : by aa soft, velvety darkness ander the Perrin’s Gloves are famed for ‘ ase you an- ! Bool dean varies Soe a the ere Style, Fit and Finish.’ es Ate " ze It is then time to «ce to it that the NOT stamped with oor alee : er the = lesmark or the name and the pain 8 father on the other. be ee = aes i WgsER?? A wi 7 Ot-So Mistakes are Imponsibte, 3 ‘ ee the utterers of the te will bs ae 's Make’ are not the genuin ie pens ee a vere aod. Goes. farthest for the money aa Sie smell Shee a a a y eS guns only skin dea leep, spect “The 30 JOUNSON-RICHARDSON CO, Limited, 3 Gees j thin; upeeh orial ie, 2 e ? t Pras 3 a es hasn’ any money ~ nee ee eae & aS fied as a ie e, it is only “the | 5 & FA & Ey 2 6 Bae 3 y 3 & WR € =. i pe ey ® 8 es

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