ST Gee re eee, Ve, RS eee ee we oe Ow View CP Se ew Oe Oe ON we OY OU OY VP Site ter ein Pita an ep! ae he kyne ee SA rea it < & y , : ‘ bi we AGB Erin Oa Fy ag tien tl Rl ME lle sie Mi s:'ty Sol E Me AR SO ECGS FOR HATCHING: From my prize-winning WHITE WYANDOTTES $1.00 per 15. 1. D. ATKIN _Milverton, “- Ontario _ BIRTHS. lbh A a eee Stratford. on Tuesday. eS we ia ‘Mr. and Mrs # | Graul-At Kuhryville on Wednesday, | “April 30th. to Mr. and Mrs Albert | Graul. a daug) hte Hymer—At Morn} April 29¢! ton. cm veda - and es & muci fe. April ie Fi than Kipfer. a daughter. (til born’ WANADIAN CONSOLIDATED FELT COMPA! ANY. LIMITED. Notic? is hereby hee ee applic is. bee the abov viz;— for fifteen (15) dated 25th Wertificate No. 32. common stock. i one hundred k. dated 25th Certificate No. 31. for eighty-five (85) shares Re stock. dated 25th Octol Gertiicate Xo. 30 for ay (60) shares ock. dated 25th October. CONSOLIDATED OMPANY. LIMITED. 100 Head of Cattle Wanted Cows or igh 800 lbs. or ov Lot 1. Con. 1 Sri “Parrow om best breed of mammoth Pek- in aks Eggs 1s 50 mee 11, JOHN COULTS. Milvert Mi ce “April 19th EGGS FOR _HATOHING. FOR SALE Brand New Organ. guaranteed. Will be sold at a bargain. fo reasonable offer refused. J W. SCHMIDT. Mil- werton. TENDERS WANTED. Sealed Tenders for the erection of a manse for the Presbyterian Church here will be received by the under- dap to the 10th day of Ma: Specifications ean be seen pee t § ciford. oF W. ‘M-Young. § 1913 NOTICE. The party and } 3/old metal and jank mao 1y } lot near tho OP R. ation is real | a toa remove same on or befor: ast jist or i a be disposed of to eh junk deale | | "samt pe WHETEY jways Jalilverton. April 12h Richard Seott legislator. par- | TENDERS WANTED. FARM FOR SALE. 100 aeri SHorriinston. 2 tiles 30 acres seeded. 8 tall Pee house, good and straw we h ‘ NOTT. Millbank. or W. D ‘Milverton, Cream ‘Wanted We are in the amurEke to buy cream sweet or sour at the highest market ori We supply two cans free to each of eur patrons. Pay all express charges, Pay twice each month, Cheques payable at par Receive cream any day in the week ean il Write for. cans and give our cream- ery a trial, TRELEAVEN & RANTON Palm Creamery. PALMERSTON ONT one of the best farms In + ee | | te ndering are re ay of ten ey S. b & [any tender not neeessi Ja rl | NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter Ber- tae hip iste of th nard Hoffman. of Reorainetan: in the County of Perth. Te sehier Des Deceased. Notice is here his Peerter Job t Ne r before the cs ay = wae ela’ nd ature of the pany ite any. ycheld by furthe: spoditsly after the 1 913, ereoatsrs vigezed. fo di i Railway Time Tables Canadian Pacific Guelph and Goderich Going east 1. pM 0 Going west a. p.m, 3.2 1 Linwood and Listowel gologannth Going siete a.m, NAB. see, 20d Jet. Grand Trunk Southbound Stations 6 48 8 : d SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND RE ww. iGULATIONS ANY Person who is the sole head of, a fam- ly, of ay male over 18 years old. may | a 2 fell, statement of jeulars of | ini ‘homestead a quarter section of available ‘De-| their claims and the nature of the <e- ree gh Mafitoba, Saskat Bae or] curity. z any. held by them. tne ‘a. The applicant must appear in ; ‘ son at the Domision Lan as or Seo: And further t: faeer tliat | imi yea ea east mediately aS ae a day of June, Bemade at any agency, on « cetteldcpndicions xy ecutors of the ‘by father, mother, son, dat eae brother or a . nding homestes said est: te will P ibute «nitivation of the a bomestedder may live wit farm of at acres coety oornet sed ‘cetpled thy hint or by. his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or In certain districts a homesteader in good stan may preempt a quarter-section alongs fe his h homestead. Price $3 per acre. optic on the hhgimestead mths in each of a pre-e ome matt a ig the time required to earn rhomestend pat! ent) and cultivate Sfty acres extra. * esteader who has exhausted his ai 5 Duties.—Mu: cach of three years, cultivate fifty acres and ‘erect @ house worth $30 ons of the Minister of the Interior NB-- Soteathorieak publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. jei-6m the par regard | ae an ‘the el nv e Shall have been and the exeoy tora shail ener ie heen reveived at the time of such dis- ge tion. tedcat eae this 2ist day of reais ee oBst ‘NEUMEISTE iB Exe NOTICE TO CORE EOuS: In the matter of f the Estate of Hugh ¥ late of the Township of fapeakitn. in the Farmer. ae (4 “we Notice is hereby given in parsuance of I George V Chap. 26, that all cred- ee ies day of May. addresses the assets of the said deceased among he parties entitled thereto. vin: regard only to the claims hich pe claim or claims notice sh: not a Shon recelved at the time of auch dis- pee » Dated at Milverton, this 2ist day { April, AD . 191 vi DAVID HARON. “: Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of-the Estate of Jane COMMERCIAL, Fall Wheat... Barley per bushel (ie May 1010. ¢ teers 5 oe ts 2 satiite of the s ae dates of the Township of (Mornin; the County Perth. ee Tay. Diocased. Notice is hereby given in pursuamee Chap. 26. that all cred- D. cee the ne ig pees ot addresses and and a fall ptatement of ag of their’claims and the curity. of any, held ce § further take notice that im- an for nee any part Tes of to any person rsons of whes: 3 {elaim or ckaims nbtice, eball not aes been. reeslved at the time of such dis- tribution. 4| Dated at Milverton, this 2ist day|t of ES AD Ran RS PEFFERS © Wwe * Bxeeitors. tthe fact that Canadian hferous. fatal accidents iand |season id over we will e|nccidents befa _Happiness often consists gta gct-| nt. mitting two dollars t = may obtaip the Save Globe from. ril Ist to Jan. ist 1 is is an tmpreeendenied offer. ORE at once and get full nine months Sine Mathai the seas of year. ee is held that ‘ully per deaths 2 a ! anteditovian Order of | i Eastbourne (Eng.) ae 0 the nem people ‘of th wore the wedding ring on cne of her to and fork with hat aman with ne nies specu- or Gt put be and ¢ ke government in 1 liberal to the. end » Roman the father po e fia separ other plea washed away ba eaters and announce taken to.educate the publie to th: al and eee adyantages of th through mod storage fae conveniently olnced on the y inter’or s:ct £ Gsm: a result of eee ma a nuniber of the ‘the ‘y “peing tai ire protection the w erteriters Ww) corps on eee all the time.—Kinear- ae bile: season has. just opened ny more. While the number pedestrians it not ‘small most of 1 the occupants of we to Fo Jess and prodiga dbs censible of the scaensil yyild ity that rests ypon them when othe: lives than their own id pan their action at the w Every apple produ Ontario knows ba de i have not al much over 50c. a barrel. Still sceprding to a letter re- ceived from A. W Haycock. of Eng: land, apples os more erate there thy This 3} tively cheap England. Baycock. pples. b retail fruit dealer in Engl: tionee: slice befor Z hem. and TE can ris just as dissatisfied aa exe nadian hi a Ontario “Phe Lu uo See me Lie the owing ta show how trifling in- Suet oe ‘imes lead to great i 5 i ae 5 3. patents on am im) cin which is destined ‘to make a picnic of is di ais of get: nd sale for him. ..On the streets * of his grey city he picked ‘uy recently an old discarded suluping: ed inventor now. asking whéther ho: eow over the Canadian be — blished in Duek sat tes finding of flys Ot | OH he refund of money and the exchange of goods, and the pri- vilege of looking without solicitation to buy are customers | rights at ‘This Store’ Nothing is a trouble that helps to serve you. This store’s policy is to satisfy. Embroideries The largest range of beautiful Embroideries now shown It will be to your interest to call and see our large range of Embroideries and Laces. New Spring Coats and Suits Attractive models in the lead- ing clotlis and leading shades. Call and inspect our stock, Ladies’ Hosiery We carry the famous Pen-Angle Hosiery for women and the “Little Darling” and- “Little - Daisy” for little tots. House Dresses Dainty house dresses, of neat and atttactive style at purse pleasing prices. $1.25 up to $2.00. Ladies’ Waists Extremely pretty waists made of fine Lawn, Swiss Crossbar and Mull, d with dutch neck, short sleev others with high € neck, dainty yokes and touches of Irish Crochet and point lace, others in tailored style made of Bedford Cord, Vesting and Linen with soft color and cuffs and Peter Pan style. Ranging from 69c to $4.50. Collar and Cuff Sets A splendid variety of pretty designs of these popuiar Dress and Suit adornments. Lace and Em- broidered effectsin shades of cream and white. AY The real seeret ofa good figure We specialize Crompton’s Corsets Price 50c to $2.50 Ladies’ Silk and Wool Umbrellas With new mounted Directoire handles at $1, $1.25, $1.50 up to $2.00. These are the most attrac- tive lot of smart style directoire handles we have yet secured. Light weight, close rolling, paragon frame An umbrella that will give excep- tional service as well as possessing good style, Ladies’ Raincoats Special $5 Smart English style Rainceats fawn. Certainly grand value at with all the good style and good qualities that go with much higher priced coats, You can’t do without a raincoat these days. We have lots of higher pe garmenl if- men want them. Dress Goods The new dress gcods ate here as well as the old favorites—Serges and Worsteds, etc., Bédford Cords, Whipcords and Tweeds aré very popular, Price ranges from 25¢ per yard up to $2.00. Black and white check Dress Goods per yard...... 1 9c An elegant yard wide Black Paillette Silk at...... 89. WINDOW BLINDS at 25c Engeland’s Clothes for Men-- —Unless the merchandise has merit, advertising is useless. —The quality of our Clothes sustians our advertising. —Sterling values at moderate prices tell the story of our suc- cess, which is measured by the steady growth of our business from year to year, —-When: a man buys a Suit here he becomes our friend and he, in turn, tells his friends where he bought it. This is good advertising but only merit can develop it. Our clothes are “Made Right at Right Prices.” Thus we grow, New spring styles in Top Coats and Suits. Come and inspect them Men’s Negligee Shirts— In all the latest patterns and styles with plain and French cuffs, also with Soft Negligee Collars to match. Dress Your Boy Well The stylish appearance of our boy’s productions appeal on sight to the ideas of every up-to-date mother ; their careful sturdy making, the splendid weat-resisting cloths and their decided Iqwness in price, appeal toh tical side. Every mother of a boy should see our stock, we carry évery lat- est style at every price, New Spring Styles in Boy’ Just the kind of suits for heal yet full of style. ranging from $3 to:$70.00. Corr ect Furnishings for the boy—Hats, Caps, Shee Collars Ties, etc., in ae ur new spring styles and colors. ereterorerorere er prac- a ee Setviceable Suits. ae sturdy boys—ready for rough wear, Hundreds s of-shappy, smart suits for boys are here in ail the new Weaves, patterns-and : shades for spank and summer wear, Prices “HOMES” and “HARMONY” ~— .“Folks can’t be in harmony when the home is’out of tune,” clever fellow, and its true that upon the attractiveness of the home depends the harmony of the family in some measure. cosy before they are really happy. It behooves them to-make the home as sightly a as they can. Curtains, Draperies and A Paper, etc., play a Part that is second only to furniture. Lace Curtains at from 50c to $5 per pair. Bungalo Nets will be very popular this season. We are showing this handsome curtain material in shades of he and ecru. 36 to 50 inches wide at Pac ranging from 25¢ to 75¢ per } e invite you to the finest display es ‘New Wall Papers we have ever is season has brought out some exquisite productions, _ nothing ever shown here before can penbare with them for attractiveness steel ae desig ad: skill in n coloring. said some eople must be comfy and OOOO OK OLOTOTOTOTOTOLOLOLOLOLON ARTE Vi ROG SRR ae an ae 3