ee - : DON’T SELL YOUR OLD ft 3 Peerless Gas Generator : ; y i 4 fe 2 Iron, Rags, Rubbers, &c. £ ff instead of buying a coal oil or gasoline stove [f = 3 Se Mi Gie the ee Until I can call on you and pay 3 Stove ior king stor cooking © or baking. We invite [> \ you the highest prices. s: Er 3 me P. NEUMEI ae STER 4 : : KS Highest prices paid if delivered 2 my place, | 4) Painter and Decorator MILVERTON jt : <a Shines Sor ALL é Ss. Gleeckman, ~ Milverton a Z ¥ : » — Vol. XX—No. 43 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 1, 1913 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher = LEE EELEEEEEILEE EEE ED EEE ushe metal polish 10 cents at Wala Meek os eee cee ee pay 17 cents cash for eggs at & Sons LOCAL NEWS See our aotes of lace curtains, En-| land ns. Window blinds. special 25¢, Enge- Ls + selond & Se Good’ work horse for sale, Apply |Jand & 8 etropolitan Ban BE tea eros | tn Sota Boal Ih ceetnd Blister coe ; bebe oe eb mer — 2.pair for | sale ‘at Bester dew + + + + vri a + t e Mr. we = ees has purchas-| "Something doing a ete time—Sum-| 25c. ngelend & Ss Ladies’ seemless “blac ae ee Be ee Ne aoe No the week mer Carnival. June 3) See our Giaplay of Pearl and Dia-/2 pair for 256. em ingeland & Si + Head Office : TORONT a tik baci Ge A | ee bind oe for sale}mond Rings, PH. Bastendorff, Boe tH6) tatades on dasomced outer es . ee ae A ee abodes ca eee ee Fink Meiners | iQue eam of choice seed corn has ar- mobiles. Summer Carnival. June 3rd. ee at Be. very print mus and get your supply . Lew Gamble has si *h CAPITAL PAID UP $1,000,000.00 i spent Sunday at her home in Milver-|weigh 16 ouuees, Huacland & Sone nec y By | sted oe a oe eee, nt SERVE FUND AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,431,888.26 Z é 4 A number from here attended a ite cheek ress goods, | tom as tor oh RE + Mr. ie Linon ina. ee astaetas, danse at Wellesley on Tuesday even- Engeland & Si 20 Ibs, sa ath’s granulated sugar + BE erie esse ay Auten CR as at elie ib. Every print must | 9100 Only $2.00 worth to @ custom: h DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS & eens se ho |, Onila lack and tan ribbed Engeland & Sons jer. Engelan ons a + nee Poe ee cotton hose, Re ner pals’ Eneeland ming for a holiday keep| The closure was carried in the Can: Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST © % |3uno 3rd. BIE Sa et Se Ca in mind|adian House of Commoas on Wealnes- ob See aE Reaidine mode he Miss Melotta ‘Yost, of St, Thomas, |, 2", Charles Ritter. Jr of Branton the King's Sia: is 3rd. day last by a majority of + y ig Y: + poe : her homes, | 10rd. iS ot present visiting with his] On Monday a, Si For Sale—Colt rising Stare ae eae Bere, So cries Rebs Dome We eparen ts Wiltria Lonsies veal dae sired by Knight of Glamis elects eb miwwerton Branch ©. G, WALKER; Manager oe ee Sidney Speneer has been en-| ing in si hand buggies. nearly mew. F Zim- Millbank Branch J.H.ALLEMANG, Bees Mae * ee w a ae “mith by Messrs. Fink- will be Hon. eo ¥ "Geek mn, mermann & Son, ; Linwood Branch: G. L, ZEIGLER, Manager eds far = 5 tus “lato Ch: ‘he seum of. n atural history in New York has seoelned a specimen of t be pository. = ica. whi FEEEE TEEPE LT hhh hee hh bb dhe + Repository Tor | the giant forest hog of Africa. whicb desdale import-| lives in the densest forests of the “stallions and |dark continent and therefore has been = ; 2 " disposed of een by ver A 5 r 1 ho wi N & 0 Sait eieeen rar exe, it aoe as ae oe wi program | 20 R : eens Bank Account 3 ster, of Galt, spent Some and.see the New amure sesidental Tea ee mueh h his pres. : C4 Js G. HAMILTO ® ies ee Spreider. low de down. ht and it had of | ent ort egistry Dept te As cnt toe. “ . SA aratt apie gearless not a} eon € as vaccination |at Toronto, and may resign and con- Saving is a hsbit thatis ; Reread r the machin severe and painful.--|test North Bruce in ts Conseryativ> easily acquired. and af- D.L.@ Ww. ST. MARYS . Ata : 3 wove | BeeTests; ords more pleasure and ; “house i \ enhammer, who-e| John Charlton is organizing a joint satisfaction than ean SCRANTON LIME eet a a uame spears in due Aieueoueaas e eu re derived from the spend’ng STANDARD PORTLAND os ee retu the ruceestful candidate | po starting The ANTHRICITE CEMENT ing sines the death of her mothe we 5 th a ee seisak sien dons a ohne No matter how «mall g ms a [ 2 Mr : = Sch dt has es erie bray of this ae Sayvaterioa “chron: it with®muskrat. « ae ide pers Pe ~ Se oe = 2 | to. withdraw his gang for a few da icle. a ik go int et gz er ————-—- a Mr | trom work! on the school owing to] “Inspector R._H Knowles eeported and will go into fox breeding later your salary each week. if “s #) stone brim to the License Commis South| William MeLean. formerly mail| tani Gow gril: beceived ae isch notarnd pu ven ye ce aterico that, if the neg nae ole mk ‘Gh: the “M@abiean Ganpeal lines | perigee Nien Corben ial G Pri thi Th d areal iit’ with bi i ee erease of Indian listers and latterly of the rural route de-| ment hat i offered AR pecia rocery Erices this ursday ward on as lirsayeond es Milles Us Fe he “maintained: he would necd ext tment in the Pocann postoffice deposit pie x uM Weoxat i They t vical help to notify the rele been appointed ‘assistant postof= Friday and Saturday soko to idmonten where th Lee Hee ree eee ee ar nce i ern Farmers Wind In-}for London district. Other change: atarted with one dollar at Mohr’s n° | suranee ce Comp 0 of Woodstock. Kett- are said to be contemplated by the and the highest -currem [led o 4 0 ¢ ievartment, interest will be erédited The 5 ee of Y ss Tithe Go Prank B; Cee : negro of every six months, * Sockanes: Garden Seeds fi of entan Sask.: | must be in the hands of the § ee ae arent cen ay a Guloran has q 5 gallons American Coal Oil for she Diocese ae [ince written ‘up between fost died at Reno-at the mato Gb MILVERTON BRANCH: 18 Ibs. Yellow Sugar for, k of pnenmoni 1 High school football team | a %: a0 sl i insurance hundred and twenty eae He was : : bs ldmay Gazette which has ‘six feet eight inches high and weigh- R. J. Ranney, Manager cs d by Mr./ed 250 pounds..and recalled events of : = defeated Wi We in a Hot °}on Saturd oe bean Hone ee ably e ey 3 sige for a ee of years} 100 years ago. He was born in Miss: r. J i and came West in 1850. Baceu vas formerly a slave. but worked cul his freedom. ————— The statement of rue Imperial Bank H Ge ae oa het eck Bont | BUSiNnessCards he Bes Str stford wile Woodstook were w nA rom Gail . Geo "Ponti and ek Krie l-a day's fishing at New Dan- Good Fi Sel, assorted av pac! kages cadet Sheet rate Mostess even 1-lb. packages for... 6 bars Comfort Soap for........ Ew-| 4 the size | 4 (s : eine Sear ak there will be a searelty 8 pani es oe eet BE ramble for ree Dentistry. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS jor the tinny tfibe: in that section for | ees mee R. LEDERMAN, D li = a entist, i % ize CASH FOR EGGS apres ott peee Edmonton 0 “has ‘0 over 000.000 in gold in the | entiate of Dental Surgery am ‘embe) b ee ee RATE ty * jfor him in the will of Camile Case. |vanlts of the bank. The institution| of Royal College of Dental Surgeons Be ALL KINDS OF PATENT MEDICINES ormer parishioner in Laporte, fee is eee aay a gold gathering | Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- | After his death the cise sae is to policy s o have Romine the $30.- | versity. Grows oe Brid; anos a e| divided equally. among, his oe 00. 000 ‘ndaitional which is. required ‘alee ‘4 fic rg nureh a ghters. ‘or the above the Metcopelitar Bank Milverton, — ps 1 f iuaeerea.| Another of the pioneer res ear te oe Aight sks witose: fig dnd yet -toche.-eone| ieee Se Con Tee eaae Wine .Oe om Ls “goorming ucts beaten plait= Medical. Th Hey a ee oe a eet of J Be ena marricd couple rom | @, PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D, ‘etterfiel ie deceased was in hi Mitchell” both the worse of liquor. Se Get ready for us 500 ton of “Ste a, M Sen eee peek eh eromnd ixtyecoventh ear and was a natty foolish in] DRS, PARKER & TYE eelioe a f Ireland, coming to Canada in early The has- Lay baseb: ao subs: fh ee ane has RAGS, RUBBERS, TRON, COPPER, LAD, COPPER KETTLES: [irre of the jmninations is not 8! Koon ey in collecting about | ite. For -t orty-ive yee swain OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON ss BOTTOMS OF BOILERS, HORSE HAIR, WOOL, WOOL bleasing. pro=pee Leake ego EAL T nelthen were able’ tome 2 Win anaes fix ieee wi | Wife. three sons and two. daughter: Trach adwaye ai eee ee tale Houre—10 to 12 o'clock a mand 2 to 4 ee PIOKINGS, OLD FEATHERS all kinds, his contract, of carrying the season. We survive. 2 teken in hand by an officer and lock-} ‘clock p.m, and 7 to 8 o'clock p. mn. 5 . Ss ston peel ened aes —Stratford Herald. 3] HIGH T PR D smart games ed gene = ae i DR. F. J. -R, FORSTER, Eye, Ear, she AOD gees Sesh the Soe a lie le on 2 es, iene i oe elven ighly respectable | Nose and Throat only. Honse Surgeon 4 Two waggons on the road. shment | practice, ‘3 in the first mi and pouty inthe he 4th concession of Me- New pie Op! yes and Aural Insti- ip these|" Tn an aecount of a recital given y |ainth, sea {he sentence meted oul fo) Kcillon was of ‘Thursday. last. struck tate, ant, Ean, al e s. B iB es 4 . ov SE tg ae Dae ia ta Hospital. - Golden d Seon Cee peaverton: ell and Mrs Carson Sleeman and a th bee ee alsthoatt faced trial on a serious charge before hands of his son Robert. Rob-| Moorefieid’s - pee ete a |Gavohwr Nicklin, of Biillbank wos the} County Judge Finkle at Woodstoe Ww whipping a ay Oftice : 58. Waterloo Sb opposite y Cudmore pleaded not guilt horse at the stable when hiv father | Knox Chureh, Stratford, hone 28 ae a ie rendering of her 14 PI 7. sw charge ond put av.» stubborn di reoroved “him. temper he ~ i ny at oe we a fenve. Won 100k, Mr. 8S G-MeKay,. | st: s father over the herd aie Legal a D burglars to a + of tu abe at the base. = fe ater of Darel 18 ara ae gn trea Victim lived until a late boar atnight| Hy B, MORPHY, K,C, rén wero alone. ae _pcenink that she had mem ‘oont s Thu y eve never regaining pie aa ere Pend Barrister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer The special BE tae pe. committee of very number, She Fg accom=| ee lub. Dorey ae Oe ten-| Gordon “waa_arres = nd mi lan Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. , the Summer Carnival is" negotiating | Sonied ont the piano by her si TP : LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD with the 29th Regiment Band of Ber- Mise Yetta. ©. Nicklin, who verfo pained ; joe and are at prése: . ; @ s of ng put into shape. Offices: Listowel, Milverton e Hin. ome of the best organizations of| ny part im first-olaes manner” € its kind in Camada. The coat ,0' ee ; oft oe ee eleci ase pe ion, 25: Sa é m = BS : n attraction is considerable but t On Thursday afternoon of last week oe; Pres ye; Ist] plain his connection’ wi Fe Sommittes ia desirous of giving Mr, Daniel Connors. proprietor of the View Prosident, 3 ae ‘J. Brown: vastik mining § ee F. R. BLEWETT, “KC P public musical entertainment of the| Radon Grove hotel at Piakerton. sti-| Vice Presiden fai BARRISTER, | OG very hehe est order: tion was instantly killed near Dan-| Rev. F ot unfortunate ceeurrence took eld village when a big auto ~ in|enpflug; Grounds a rs, Dr, % ice on the farm of ‘Mir. Geo Haw-| which he was riding oct ! N. 2 eek We Pande fee vis eee nie “broush Office : Cdn ik rip office x ‘ f the 9th of Mcrningtow on pulvese weakened by the recent rains, |es Fenn. Beamer an y Messrs, Playfair. Martens an . Commencing on May the first our Tuesday of dast week when hisfour-| Mr, Connors was hurled headfiret inz| Mf. Wm Proudfoot. MPP. for a recover from them over $4.000 loss hy. - teenkyear-old son. Austin. a promis-|to the ditch. With him was Robert Centre Huron in the Legislature on}on the purchase of 10,000 shares of veterinary. millinery parlors will be open three ing lad. had the misfortune to have| Hunter of the Hunter Bridge Com-| Wednesday last charged Premier Sir} stock. One of the issues is whether W. SET ‘ his leg break while doing nothing| pany Kincardine who owned the car |James Whitney and Provineial Seete-| Dr, Cormack or Dr Steele is liable for stern, ee fee ‘Onteis Veena nights a week only (Monday, Wed- More stronsons, then walking abont | ind. wha as ato. feribly injure | tary Hon, W J: Henna with alleged | the lms. Dr. Bterle waa hes loge fort ”Tregtnl neues d ds d 2 i - Bl} The. cause is believed to be due to| w. 5 aisieeninan a ips thom . a ae i ee ne in ee eee the company a erected with eile? animals, Calls by tele- some distase of the bone whether of | mond~ ha Bunt de. e auto a few legatly and acting irregularly in the atte the latter were at a nesday ani aturday evenings) to e local or constitutional et He| minutes before the accident. Dan | purchase of supplizs.” Sir James made | large block of shares on the eke phone 2 shorn tie . is at present anaes ae te treatment | Connors ae cme of the most whole-|6 vigorous reply and move at the|on condition that they would carry \cieties. is accommodate our customers who ad his reoovery. fs souled and generous hearted men in|charges be referred to he speuiuittee ‘them iillthey, made aaron a was | “MILVERTON LODGE, No 478, ‘ cannot come in d + th d P MeLeod. St ‘Millbank. - hotel business and his unfortun-|on Privileges ‘and Eleotio ) similar condition. says AE GAM, GRC. dlilvertas uring the:day. ‘eal Be: ae Years of age in} ate dosthy will be regretted by hun-|rangements were chraacted ater Thole tat he eee oe me Be RS de : 2 June paid The Sun a call on Monday ae of fri ; neelag of the charges to commence | in induce hint = purchase some shares.| pefore full moon ever see ke hath re t and renewed his subseription-for} The “es itan period of examin jon Tuesday of this week. Mr Howard and wise the propesitien is ball inde A Weir's Blonk. Visiting breth- A 2 the year,” He tediisacted other bax-| ation tine is already loomnitig, on the |erzuscon. wad appointed: chairinun of are qitNoulé tb aclve. rou glanyawelioue. Sot Henheen Wi z ines’ in the village. Since the death | vision of thousands of Ontario stud-|the committee, Both sides will bs| During the past few years it hi wos, ae = of his wife Mr. McLeod has ‘lived|ents. The Department of Education| represented by odnsel- the pause Cbeouae exceedingly difficult task : M K ‘E ‘SPROULE alone and done his own cooking and| fas issued the tables for the sunk ment by Wallace Nesbitt K.C. and| for the pathmasters of the rural dix-|_ 0, O. ze Milverton, meets housekeeping and is rtill ina fairly|examination in June. serving as W. N_ Ferguson. of Toronto. ‘Mr.|tricts ta get the farmers to. perform] every hee ge eet Tuesday of every) = igortes. sonditien OF Resin far = on) qretimniy warning. that the daysial | Peoadfast by Mahlin K. Cowan. K C | their statute labor. @ great number | mont all over : MILVERTON -. ONT. man of his advanced years, He is|trial are on the way. There are prac-|and Hartley Dewart. KC of the ratepayers claiming that it was| Bert Werideole trans store, Visiti a contemplating residing in Buffalo| tically no departures cither in curri-| The Walkerton hotelkcepers formed] cheaper to pay for their statute Jab-| brethren always weleome, S. Spencer, ¥ 2 Ze with a niece who has offered tocare|culum or regulation from those of oe association on Monday night last] or in cash to the pathmaster at the| C.R.; N. Zimmerman, Rec-Sec: is : for him doring his remaining years. | last year but both public and high|and among other things drew up a i - = The annuyl meeting of the Epworth| scholars alike will be free at the] list of the habitual drunkards ’ 1.0. 0. F., ee Star - League of Milverton Methodi:t church|end of June. The completion of the| town’ who are not at present on »” No. 5 was y evening of is| work by this date last year. the ex-|{ndian list. These will be denicd meets every Friday night at A Z ® week when reports were read us : a wee tried. vines Jule de ahs e ee the Bars ii town. ani 3 ‘un Stak aed of a W. 7 ficers elected. The reports showed ctory the stress of aly days|thna prohibition wi e enforce : oe Agent anted for Milverton that the missionary contributions had | being entirely avoided. and the D2-|where it is most needed. ‘By th’ oe N-G., W. K, Loth, 4 irascil for othe Of weuaieneee iecreaes a will Ee #600 Oye thas secu ie Take. Hie ee “the ors ase which t Fr ey; N “MoGuire, R. Secy. ‘of the closing year. e general| regulation _permanen al 2 |has always been a damaging factor | their Januar’ 7 FONTHILL NURSERIES - fund showed a halance of over $16.00| students writing those enrolled in| against hotels in local aption con-|¢oancil pasce near Lilies : eects | aeestnceeen eee on hand and some new members had |the middle and npper schools begin on| tests. will be banished from the | Provinei . D. R, Notary Public, Aue: Orders now being taken for spring delivery 1913. ieueas a been added during the year. The fol-| June 12th and conclude on Jun: 30ih |scene. Instead also of sending ig/Statute b2 tioneer for ae Conn! nty of ' Per if BE ee RT lowin; the officers elected;—Hon-| and the low 5 tntrenee | sums of money to Toronto to, fight) cipalities power Tee be Conveyance Deeds, ' orary President. Rev. W 1 er;|high school entrance and senior pub-|Temperance throughout Ontario. tbe | statute labor up to $150 A gages he and Affidavits made. Experience unnecessary. We instruct our salesmen how to sell Fruit Stocks in President. A. Long; First Vice Presi-| lic school uation pupils fold | hotelmen here will contribute ‘¢c-| copy of 3 Vilose e Clerk. Office in the Weir block the country and Ornamental Trees in the town, ir. Richar Ges Sie Seas Mice their papers on June 17th. The hours eee ae ae which will be|ed to Mr, JG. Anderson. MRP. for| over the ‘Metropalitan Bank. rae epee ng; Third Vice | are in each case from 9 to 11.30 am.| handed to the Couneil and dispense} | South Bru ie Stet NOW. pod Movecr opr territory sesetvedy. ee i bson -:| and from 1.30 to 4 in the afternoon.| among the poor of the tan at ashe: San Hotels. _ 5. ‘Weekly pay Free outtit. ‘Write for terms. * r W. H.j with the exception of spelling. oral|mas. This listens like a wise move to| has been sucocssfu \ EXCHANGE HOTEL, B: Ont. STONE & WELLINGTON, _ ; Corresponding Secretary. Miss| reading and geography periods. which | us. and the people Ale appree fate th: | em Sta third reading and made law. | John Gropp, shave Baa gaa C IG ig ome * = Toronto, Ont. Pearl Coulter; Recording Bebretesy =e ees the lunch hour. or be tzk-| hotel-keepers effot make the! Im future the 3: i ey | and par. First-class ac- W ea ‘Treastire See are ee See ecco to‘ town moe fe ee ad thE poor} perform their road < | com Sane toma loves stating: 5 ae g janist, Miss Mae Riley. the wis e stadents. tore happy.—Walkerton Telescope S : z = z eee : Se eee Le GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil ees 04: : verton. First-cl = : - aac SES : : : : ‘a ‘ é . sommercial ee veneaey and others. ; sae se large comple : a : =e ne : Bee tear eds oC bigarke : é a P 2 : ‘ : lee ‘ ae Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, iiverton 3 rer ¢ / i=. : - » 7 The best accommodati ation a ore commercial 4 ia <3 z s nas xo Ne ‘ 2 travellers and other: z : . rooms, ‘Onty the Shia a fn oe nia ie * : ae wee ty Be ; : -| quors and Cigars at the Street Parades Horse Races as £: Foot ball pays ide ree ie Sue mime: reial »| trade, —Splendid~ sample x : b | wines an ue served. a pee cae: per day. Wm. ’ % stables. George F. Pauli, Pro ‘ietor. Srd, 1913 ‘etacens See