Milverton Sun, 1 May 1913, p. 4

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The Milverton Sun). "==" TORONTO WOMAN nee cee al ee casei ag smoke “thirty cigarettes a athe, London, Chrenicle says that He ee Bee eh ; don’s master ES ae ‘a irymen are dedown, candieen! Wels scall: : The Sun Printing Office Nal {in the least. I blame my hard weaataeatc ob + Sema ft a the ae Boe s ee = : 5 2S Main Street. - Miltverton, Ont| ths physician shook his head, He | Freed From Bearing Down ee vas time. om Eroing e smiled in a vexed way. ‘Then he took| Pains, Backache and Pain see aeiichborliomd warcoee ; SUBSCRI a Jeech out of o glass jar, Ss ee A is fra angen mons ena |e ee ee erect skeathee ae ore sot gieertie aes enisStigis onthe 00 cunts, thre aid. “Bare: your 2 : and g: r mo 3 cents, in-advanee, ‘Subsceib forest. with the wild RRA Re fu acrtere wilibellaniets pares operon cigarette smoker fered Eb sels ham’s Compound. Biget ine RU ase 5 — enemies, EPNTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Toronto, Ont. — “Last October, Iwrote | Between ages and 1813. over — four x 6 Mos. @ Mos. Mos a etsy to you for advice as I was ee million were drawn into the armies : earing | of Napoleon by, conscription. r at # 38 Toten ac convulsed it. and i fell t fe down sensation in New York City. according to ene 500 d 4 THE MERRIAM WEBSTER PRS 2 abe ts a Your blond did to lower part of bow- |census of 1910. has a greater pop yards Gingham, regular 10c 7 The Onty New wnabridged dictionary in Bight cents'per line for frst insertion and els, backache, and |tion than amy State in the U at per yard a c : An Bucrdlopodin. Contane th ffon wil bE charged ioe ah tnoalent ater min in he de, | oot the, State of | Now, York tlt = caeemiegtond (eos : stodeat ade | ger and thumb. “Look at Ie" S ae lisp ene ee Ohio. fhe - : $ ledge. wg sewer sejthout specific directions ss ap dead you see. You poi: from I yk 398 a habe ai : e inserted until forbid and chav ° ; 400,000 Words Defined rns Pare oe “ZL guess it wasn't a healthy leech Oihs aor 150 tins Sterling Salmon, reg. 15 9c 6000 pearing Cost 9500,000. Ghegaes fr contact gdverdeement must] {n the first place.” said the cigarette y of the ee at per tin . ~ Tet u8 ell you shout this most remarkable || (Det the office by noon Monday emoker sullenly. an-made plat ' yan the A a pA anaeieet ec or pater ee, Same [| | attention: feo ene cee sped attention at ven MALCOLM MacBETH time even G. & C. MERRIAL €O., Springticl, Mass. Publisher and Proprietor way. I recommend yal iaE. Pinkham’s | and besides it begins to seem as if 200 tins Big Horn Salmon reg 1 ; — Compoand Spy i erent igh (EA ante Dea lee 18 at DaLon 2C 2 es AND 92 Logan The worst prairie fire which Kan- ) at pi . a R NG SPECIAL’ ae Tone Ontari ars 8 8 in Sap Re j ea x s weve “ to ten.” 2, ive eounties-ion Easter Sunday. cn as he spoke the emaller-leeoh | — CODSIder Well his Advice. : but ihe doce aeeteana fae reduced : Fool th shivered and dreped on i nce deat No woman suffering from any formof | it to unimyortance, though . mi 425 Ibs. Rio Coffee, regular 30c ou can feel the tnd a moment ater the larger one [female troubles should lose hope until | tarm buildings and hay stacks en aT oeit c e | m “= 1 i she has given Lydia E, Pinkham’s Veg- eters Seba Oe 5 Pi * fe * Wi Ww is ghas sty.” said the young etable Compound a fair trial. t one tim rupts im Seo é ; f re come glo n the pestilence | ‘This famous remedy, the medicinal in- | were sonvelied io ee a of spring even n Ww gredients of which are derived from na-| “ress. and in Bhgland 4 : : pring OG 2 aes Eee pct erbs, has for nearly forty HRS sa ASC SN eo 110 Ibs. Village Jam-Jams reB. 12! e med ne as Severs #3 ‘5 = years proved to ‘boa most valuable fonle|"“yivoctyieds of the saivara of the 150, at per! ac E said the young Lee Women: ih Fats ™M- | Scott polar expedition will, as a re- garding the three dead lecches | Women Tesiding in almost every city | «ult of the sufferings they have —he clothes we mal use cre | and town in the on ited States, bear ne wei hate ening > thougbttully “[ half believe you’re | 80d t . eeme home ora: are quality clothes ee witch will be given elie cee : id. Wea tis ‘ start to finish, and you bp experts, Ovi iets fhe accor a oe tye athan'e Vegetable Conca cay ana ae 98 Ibs. Fig Biscuits reg x GaMene cieitukos wien. a the coaches being Casi man apolving f c, at or Cc nen nae Ya es ave the slightest doubt Kast , —New spring goods are sare be! 1 t Acer cee ble @ : Fete . Hep heath trom oe : ‘ all point:| Woodrow Wilson <ce - an} ble eepoamieaicieie ten <eetie | versity medieal examiner. ; : : in ee cas ca of the lat here the civic a i or othe infinitely tr d. larger- to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. ab meee = so a ep ay ball s will undertake ed ce a the last Dem (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- AUSTRALIA'S RABBIT PLAGUE, 2 cases Puritan Seeded Raisins 5 : Re 3 r letter will be opene: at per packages... OC ‘ S t ae and answered by a woman, | Australia is ill suffering. froma S ut ings md held in strict confidence, binge OE xabhitse Gee h- s FancyVesti of the bunn estin: NATION 5, y ; ig 2; oe oa s Matches for 95 Trousering 3 nO eae Spey Paes system is prosti tions from Brit- oa 9 ai Canada to the purposes of high fi:/ish sand themes es > lome and select the nane re. might be ma Poe Aeon ae fabrics you like and let P teas trom the |nned Coven TaN Gopadlon: tcaonee = as MR ac ach ote us take your measure. reforming peo at es of We ocdrow | experience; Gee paleniitgc che Paton, “ ‘ a eee ae oat Ae of its) ‘The Seven Great Powers of Europe} Notwithstanding: all the | trapping, : : v ne | false eae i : “lare gravity ricity. Steam. Lees aie dam migeting: iz : 4 s ss abuses frot e els. S fA i pe Sern seare ae pena work nich ‘Woodrow. Wil Storms Je and ‘motors and Mr. Lloyd aigwibes the pest is ore ding at . . and in, seed }osn may hie The abuses can ae Queen ‘Kilzabeth was teil and aie nor ten erie oa or dési ey = a j «Vi, eischhauer aud 50) bees. | elimi withogt eliminating Wit she wes d abode Penta ee enol aie ene ar arenas 4 new protective: principles. Woodrow wil. : there are many millions of rabbits the : this y 3} son or any other man who: seeks During the Interdict in say ‘sreign| loss ia appalling. t ret a births. marrisges and deaths were. i way the mibbits not allowed to take place, Henry VIII gained the title ee v from the public life of t States will fin n a which every free trade ad- as beth se he was so: faithful i their ki: we: i i ed i ds in 19 3 e tration will be hammered to} to his Que ed 5.650.000. pound thus enablin “bo e inte ty ee Cave anh: eware lest Tsing. and 8.185.000 pounds in 1909. The to- e a F make i Racha eeer cess Rn ean ceca tat exportatn of sk'ns from the com- ! with the sats ance xhibition g in it; the Pope ti lth of Australia Le aE ae Cc en a ine S ee 40.338.716 pound ‘ m is an empt, he, Germans: (aesins} nservative is.a sort of green- @ you a at the moon bled in September A LIBRARY IN TROUBLE THE BUSINESS MAN saao STATIONERY AND HIS Manufactured by The H. E. Furniture Co., Milverton. The workmanship is unexcelled. The designs are up-the- “Is. the Cobbler's Son Well-Shod?" t was that 0. one oe stay in prisow longer} tenzie. ‘the ‘ati ing extract:from a “| than he lik le Wolfe ga: peed. fame by ston ming the heights of Abraham Lin The tee gee us ways to buy:a good a ence to that Which may minute and the prices are right.: io! BS ia this notice monte | gana Chants sien See our Immense Range of x Peek A eg aota ae ak ov been oes Be ain IRON BEDS Unique Designs ee CHeeiD ie Sen o Eos fe oe Se burn: Bary Linlithgow «be SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, RUGS 7 worsted tha ne a Ss ne eae 2 Be eptem there ae EY B LINOLEUMS Baise derateg ah tramat |g Me Sate SOL es ort tM [wore ater detoneg Tha ae “ohne. Meee CARPET SWEEPERS aries taal: prices throughout the eol- | “'°" oth Se which ane there ibrarian. of the pine: =| te ‘ il lynx and the dee ae Pay een ae ee ‘ $ face to his ae ae industry or mobler as EXPRESS WAGONS ent the total n t. paaets ia = 000. mphle Comfort Your sténinch of eee Agent for GOLD WATCHES “3 Gerhard Heintzman Pianos fe 3 treatment if it A FAMILIAR SUBJECT in different styles and sizes. Jew- a ae ere tie aie | tails ‘Prompt. selieve Indiges- eae Jed Rings of great beauty. aes Anplions and ae = Dyspepsi: Aurora Banner 5 ; % ” Scart Pins, Cuff Links. ete. dor Dees Gall 5 Why do men continue to build mud Shoroughly, reliable Gem Merchants. : sioth oer oadlst We have driven, thrgagh — R M M Se euitney= we are in 5 TOR-| tain the proper proportion of Pepsin | “through” —the deep sticky. clinging. ‘ Cc ane, $3 Rnd Unaerreder ate and Bismuth and th necessary ce indeso pba mud 3 King verton, at. minatives that help nature to supp! towns! hi pring Se 3 = elements the absence of which Sie ae P. H. BASTENDORFF Te socommedse vite whnine to] fram oben Ogi onto Hod some onto for me ‘am tion and dyspepsia. ‘They aid ie WY ute Day nace seraping up. mucking immense fic Railway vw convert it into rich red blood an quantity of m eioaipale tare: lt ses cents essary for preontian centre of the xc issi mantel body waste. » e Tree Be Sek ee admission to Horse § ted person kno a2 quality belsts ry t ing ae fi E : and see that you of Saoaek Sate eben that a alawen fold s ; ; ; an i i Camry package of Rexall Dys |is about the worst place in which fo : sometimes neglested bat? AUR heees| = Going Dates epsie Tablets in your vost pocket, drive a vehicle; and can eae tell 4 iiry.detavl. Te Hemilton’ Sonex: | Or Beep. them ia your roots: Dake us what difference there is betweer : fresh cla 2 Jeweler and Optician, % Eyes Tested Free Milverton, Ont, + ERY. FISH&€0, |] rm a ER Soca : -Milverton Hlora, Kenilworth. jeavy meal and prove a field and the z R. 5 5 Now ig the time to get rid of your| Proton, Orsighurst. Dansford, and in- eee eae et al pemue SE ee edie ete tern i BS ions. sub- i ¢ _ LINWoop : nt oui |divisione:Wue'tey Weanesty Thar: | gle what Rell Dypenge ened . tablets a Aldo. é a ‘ = sete ch day. Briday and Saturday, “Aull 28th. We iraraiios ean ao rae. AROUND THE: WORLD: VIA To make room we are clearing out good Floor Paint at 2 =e pilicntion, Warcasle tig ail desis iMay Ist. 2nd gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund EMPRESS OF ASIA, 7 : es Dealer in .... mee FRIGE OF Ot a oe i tec station in Oatario yur ey ot ey, fail canes 80. re RSS MILK ake. Renfrew and west. bu’ joesn't it stand’ to reason that wo The « ae . y ‘oal, Cement and Lime : iso, of Sudbury. Tuesday. April ola Sees ee ae Eee ot gene liceaiag teMaderrs 45¢ QUART 25c PINT - 12c HF. PINT : réat mény maintain Oba milk : ape Town, Durban. : Motar Stain, Etc, epould be sold still at six cents in ees rm th ‘on all tickets Monday, Be red aoa 1.0 ties pre and : s : ae 5 : 5 pesca ; couver August S0th. Vi ; = G| Bb 14 an excellent opportunity to] in en re ray oa Ta Tablets |e soya at Hong Kone. Rate for en |q 4 Lroning Tables, cork covered, at $3 each Grain, Flour and Feed w [tsi Toronto. “Seoure dckets tro THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. | tite ctuise $630.10 any ©.P R. agent. + |maintenance between arrival and Furniture ADVISING. THE. COURT 2 g we ntario: ingland an le) are : See ae ee «Hong Kent White Wash, Scrub and Stove Brushes aaate sO Ae ver poand A colored ‘man was brought before Spots Sead the Wiar |% police judge charged with stealing ton. Echo to say: “We do n foci |Thickens. He pleade guilty and re- ents 0 2 MEG Murphy. Dis- A good supply kept in stock. : é Age jove Goods Constantly Kept on Hand eect Paseedgee: ent Toronto, 080 SEE eee re eee eee ceived sentence. when : : ‘ e G the judge ask-| The Rexall 2 : 2 him how it was he hai Fe : Drag PRETTY. BUT PRETTY FXPEN-| 9 , . ‘ those ehiceny sight under the ist sivs Paste Stove Polish, regular 10c, for 5c ; low th vi] a. uesday, March 25 \ragddog ithe garde Month Herta SHE wonldn't be of ; : There was a very keen ° “¥ chile vA soe of the NY aiid hetata hod te aoe tis OUR NEW SPRING insight into human nature when. a 3 square Galvanized Shingles and 1 square epee t = efor! | Se 4 you a Sit yo rants : SE ee ee ah parts|§ Galvanized Siding at Greatly Red i Th . Listowel Bias College stese cae aie uae hes like a8 nok would mat yanbide Pe os eee Hie partly|§@ Galvaniz iding at Greatly uced Prices joes € tiieaar vibes ae albueahee Gn be chickens nuth- because people want to pay for pretty 2 £ eummer ix ci or pos-|°T. Ef you want to engage in any : ges pensive bottles with 4 : : seality ji : i ings they buy. He says that : ¥ Saiainarciar ond ahottriana nyatiye: obould bea May -and| mscality “judge. yo" bettah SOB ee = a Ee . i ho |2& bench. whar yo’ am familia : Hie hotisewite will no longer buy bulk g 2 Speen Hews, Principal He a Ustaby Siam a Sececeteteenees’ viekles. but insist on getting bottled B K = Hardware Merchant : ‘ naumer to demand that i€. begin HOW TO WASH WINDOWS Are attracting much wee which ote Tipatecystha: sate ert riese 9 Milverton, ~ Ont. : = attention these ye the additional price ot the bottle zs 7 = Z days. sete cat aod : 6 ; HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS. : : New designs are neat. Geer 3 : insi The departmental high school ex- been known that 5 Mtr et alia Wr) dont Then ue “Tans; Blues, Gryse Ete Paieioas teger nine see en las : E Aes oe erce, chief consulting physician ‘to the pare a wee atl, on wood- y = 12 and the eh school © meets oe ) = wdered extracts as sh the glass slow! These are worn by the best dress $ | cmninitions will"be on Funa 18.1) our CW arness : eprom etal panto Dono fol Sens oa J | warm water omiatone a “ick |$ ed teh Samide rae aRe giant ny, : Si ‘called : a soaj 5 istinctive an eet ad jel departmental examination dat | S 5 3 Sosa ood a" ag ‘i to give satisfaction. eS are. middle school entra 94 's. ise a small cloth R. PIERCE’S on a pointed stick to get the dust out Come in and let us show you. Leave your next order for a Set-of Harness “ with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- - ante In his you will find us sass 5 |eorners. Wipe the glass dry w: i, Golden Medical Pjiscovery 9 joi ict ciin tad ich |$ (28 he Guay of material and and Has enjoyed a in store in the 9% | Then the ‘windows will ane paper | workmanship. Jand. ns Saale Be send 50c in stamps for trial box 3 y Good trimmings are one of the walide’ Hotel, Bultalo N'Y. and tablace eal be tied. crater Tt would surprise you t> know | of fer tae the ae Eee igoreie! i of N nction. N.B- wri pies anctcyokneary Statin Salata - ‘ és : ; N. : . in sales fan hog Hj cs “My wife has been oh Ss. N. SN SMUETH $j trom persons who have been cured re %: ree phar Anus i by it. If you or your children are inet ge Promgtly “The Tailor” - ¥| troubled with a cough or cold give it Atten eo. — IN with your amevenvon. < eae” a trial and beeome acquainted. with on ie ve. then atrial z ite its ae qualities. For sale by all Toru by all des + : om i

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