IT SATISFIES aeons OF PEOPLE Worth your while to test it LIPTON’S matt TEA Sustains and Cheers. : FOR HIS LITTLE |. GAL’SSAKE | i. I had been on the sick list foe i ee ott issed i some little interest to seeing who had been cobbled rs. me with a grin and outstretched rulé I reserved a grip of aap whose r than smiles. e datked his thumb towards the Al clear, padre? He. ue On. ‘alee Strai ight, “Want to earn twenty quid?’’ he asked huskily. I smiled. When I broke the rules E dge. t. 8 like this. The 2 i is strange,” thought ithe detective Pe peed Logie hee sap sags ‘that one so beautiful should be loor. and—well, I want her to Sabictlese, a6 “ecngk ae ee man se i mock- , ing smile still curving her red Bait ‘Yours?’ I asked significantly. ise te Oe Set He grabbed a Bible from his | made?” she inquired with, ee indif- shelf, fond ewore a ntighty ‘oath i6| ferenee “Made it fair and squat pare, Savings afore I went crooked Perhaps I looked abe pas Wily natural, for H 2164 was a swell 100) with it, pele he went on eagerly, “with a till i Look at it, and youll see it took n me nigh on three years 2 save that.° It’s all down ess, “Wife ne il?’ T asked got it through to her. I ain’t seen her’’—and there was a catch in his voice—‘‘not since they come and took m olice went all through 3” in the house, but they never found Inthought for @ minute: ~It w: i I didn’t want the ry. twenty pounds. But I knew the erty, the awful fight against starvation, the degrada, tion, at ame to convicts’ wives when they were left absolutely penniless. Foregiyeness Harned. “She never knew qT , Worn't run- ning straight, eae e,”’ he added, with a, little touch of ates re I still hesitated. It w: ly Wrong, im one sense, faa se an- other “He came closer, and put his hand on my sleeve. His eyes blinked, then filled with rs—a man’s ee are pees he whis- pered wit! “There’s a Tittle * un) padre—the first-—a little gal!’ eS aiealdens heave and for a apanitio he could not s] “A little gal—and I aint seen her |} an ‘ took a deep breath. Be ll do it,’’ T said. na Saturday afternoon I cyel cled Bator some miles to the junction, at uit. ing -a bra fight f the ‘little alle es I gave my be then sure ita ae apie A ae tals in, The hopeless look left her eyes, ad a flush stole over the white “Pell Bill T forgive him, and—Vi wait for him; and say’ baby’s just Hike him; and--and God bless you, Et stippose I shouldn't have done it; but it. was for the ‘‘little gal’s’” aake—s nd the mother’s—and the an’ s. Bo I may be forgiven. Flattery Defined. Tom “Pop, what i ie flattery?” Tommy’s Pop — ttery, my son, 2 aes casa! ae tell us the ave always thought once BurneVeea* D Sere nie Eaithos Vere OfnS0 Mis fe Amponsbt, The TOUNSON: -RtGl ANDSON CO., Limit ntfeal. Canada, I shook’ ie although as a ae Pero: ase gud a reless ‘Geave | to, Evel, ple: Or, A Dark For Weal or for Woc; Temptation CHAPTER XXXIV.—(Cont'd) ry hope of ovME. ‘Lennox adopted tha Mast: ft. him—took oh Claire, that had slipped from: her. tongue’ i heat of the mot She had been a ‘a foal to reveal the fact thaw, the jog lore wh ont he had 20) bit: rly mourned wae ¢ She utte a desperate, mirthless is a glorious revenge, but it doe it was not satisty me,’ she muttered; “Tw and the next moment a servant entered bearing the card of Russel ten Brelyn St. Claire frowned. his person I will not see him,” au must dear young ished man aside, ea atte into the room, bowie St. Claire as he ie eink 6 be with auger and ami bold aie res Rement, staring at the your fearee clie aaipeaiea eras: “John,” she exclaimed, calling sharply to the ‘servant, .who stood staring help- lessly. at the stranger, “show thie per- no time. If he re- fase 10 go uulehiy tos nem ont.” way foot on the tick as thought the detective thrust rvant from te threshold, closed. the 1008, ‘and quietly turned t And in that inetant Evelyn St. Cldire wae missing Treas the file, for her New, York, newspaper office “There is sion for hysterical alarm, Miss St. Claire,” he eaid sternly, that, moment displaying his omeial 2 to hari ony, y, the adopted daughter o! Rem- ton. and where she is to be found now, B are my prisoner, Miss fie tala angeleey- ti, picared ou Must spea harsh, discordant Jane Claire's crimson fell from His answer changed her into a fiend Incarnate At instigation of Granville, of Redstone Hall.’ A blood-curdling laugh interrapted him; Byelya Gh Claire sprung to her feet with face fairly livid with 10 back and tell him ‘te for me,” blazed eee tenon of Lit nat To bower on the face tae Fel *roree He angrily. d."You may loc nw,” replied Eyve- 2 nl Ear that seoret “You 4 n yn St isin. with me into CHAPTER XXXV. The detective looked into the beautiful face gravely. “I will give you a week to think the matter over, detaining you in safe ¢ tody in the interim; at the time if you still refuse to reveal tous where we can find Little Gay, living or| dead, you will be called upon’ to answer | for's crime you would ‘not like to hear | nam Mpvelyn St, Claire fell back in Ler ensh: joned armchair with a low cry on her lie; but her. fright, however, was only eepenseres She, {eor8) bbe with defiant, Tepeat,-once for all, that I will carry Sic seer sok Tittle. ey's Tate lowe theagrave “with me. withont revealing It: Perey Granville ehall never clasp her to his shall never triumph over ae she om vehemently. The detective looked at his wateh medi- nike sme?” gho naked, with a gasp, eink back hay. wae, him, her face paling to a w shall keep you a close prisoner at ip Bente Ragas ois for ater weak = roe bring you to your senses. Aftei that must depeng: datirely upon yourself.” Bravely ‘defiant Yo the lest, she “utter. 01 {ied thos” wena: he: mraentt a He led ber to the carriage in waiting, and in silence they made the memorable Journey. a close watch on the Manghiy: beeldy'y every movemicut ar they | entered the railway car. He believed she would make a’ sudden for for user begging her, With all a woman's eloquence, to tell them the fate of Little |4 is prayers and plesdings arevill in pala fret asciaed es shall never eave ¥ the ban- 320 vite mes ay weet Fant innoden eth think how am fully you have. betrayed her’ girlish friendship; she never harmed you, yet you have mooted her life.” A mocking th fell from Evelyn St. Claire's i “Spoiled her life, have I?” she repeat- ed in chameless triumph. “I am well plessed: to ssknowledge: it. Ske gtole-my lover from me—but for her he would have been mine. I hate her. She should not have crossed my path if she would have rival's terrible venge- anes r hours Mrs. Remington pleaded with ies 7 hat che sieht. ag..well “have: prayed to of marble, neither nor butrdatiee esthened sarmovad Nek This the message that she wa ‘obliged to take down to the drawing-¥oo: r hus! and. to Pi who" was pacing up and, down the room like one dement: Evelyn Bt Claire acknowledged that ft aha and she unravel the mystery that ahrouded ae: sargial rive living or dead; Be they aight ipricon ides chould. ‘Gover tated’ Neat wltces Ae rout ‘her lips. She would go down to her tracing Gay failed | ™¥! sais, Bnd rosteasa ae a “| Granville, to win your love!” fairly convulsed | ¢! And she emphasized the, a three words | *° ihe int better than lite lselt—ab Perey is dst «la | iin wot Foiaent: weheu' he rung one terrible leap, a thrilling event hap- 8 her for life, torture her on the rack, but | ° Twould rather see you at my feet than know you a heartless girl!” he cried es shall enounee you and f : were aby with her.” never air darling may at this very moment Mwiiile you refuse t @igclors Nor whereabouts. me—fo sake I have steeped my wery soul in, sin T would have committed any crime, Percy Ho started beck a | e 2 gesture of abhorrence, but she went recklessly : “I loved of your coldness, Bt cia an nd You joved that pretty doll-faced creatare and not me, it made a fiend incarnate « of the rep) in great distress, repent 0. away from here on i you algo know what has eas her since; and again mt and confess neta mnot believe you. have— could not have been not one of the repenting kind, she ‘retorted. “If it were to be done ov. and I had the hope of winning Jove, Perey, I would do call that 1 ; you cannot call. that repent- d that is the end of it. No power not care 1 doar ents whether I spend my life in a palace or a prison. Tell the ori ting Sagetins hes Oe nly tha best eatyeisees Goan te veces come what might. red H your Host love wi uttered a moc! cling laugh; Ey still the words struck home to her Heart, like a prophec “Why should T she told herself, ever trace in the mex teeath He hier. I defy. all the pow: h to restore. his intended to S tne ercleaticn ob paeaniibe: “answer heir passionate Wee er Wed” shored never fate that ae belallen. Gay, and as she would he secret down ith hi ay eonein “ihe Metective presented him: self oS hor final dec 2 scornful, defiant laugh, avai: Sher daweled hands nervously in the folds of the dainty violet silk she wo! “My angwer is inst what it has been from the ffet, “I shail never festore Gay 0 the, man whose love should have been yu must come with me, Miss St. faire’ Ne bau rate. hee ae more jJenieney shown you tha de- again she allowed him to conduct her there was that have warned him that He bad a despes mee eeaeen td deel. with She not believed they would carry uk their tivent of Ga denouncing her because she refused to Now. the full horror of - prison walls Joomed up before her mental vision in all led on through the gathering darkness of the night, she tried Sean. te iribe. the anan-torath jer free. was quite “You nate you Premiege them e doné with that poor young girl— ‘ever until then!” he answered siernly. “Gveyn yélapeed fate ailence If he would not aid her ge ab. She glanced at him “furtively—he was zing, out. of the opposite window in deep bough nee time,” dash for liberty, and he meant to frue- Retgie. sontntlng. Stour epi ack! trate any. such attempt. volving wheels the detective did not hear count Raren by Wen ay oe othe vont aoe secant te nang ah the handle of the couch-door turn ever sie in whic ie ny sae recelvs lowed hersel the Rem-|so lightly and’ cautious : write: ington mansion without the slightest re- must have been thinking deeply’ that eee ae inte here eae monstrance. id ‘not, feel the breeze as it.waft- i piles a e banker's wife met them in the ed serosa mas i" eee with Pe Teds piven them. 101 Bw Ls Eve! ly, the desperate, lt ting between. the | piri, suite sy ai, abel tae eee Tee them in all sorts of idies ei Peis ster igt eve doar sbiat ler, Bispted her y foot places abt their clothing, ae :. irml; oy ae lage 5! 34] es 4 y il partment that had been apeettcr Fens Aysmitt, oudden moveinent, a Tight. h one’s fancy thought the most what had : beautiful Sapdiver the on apoened a could unfold the yotery, eh Hs Little Gay's ftatewhad. elipp rom eat detective, had been He, ley erly. ied “by this desperate - "dering ith anger and chagrin. Tk had frightened the mettlesome horses and od eaves their pace, breaking into a mad gall The frighten oh after then with lightn’ plait tv. eglotiie press eeen tive leaped from the ing rer the gro ensel tne pine from WRiGE Sn je detec- volta, ‘Suilty ee rely heats oHAPIR 9 XXXVI. reader ite Such eel Aiesaetoneles ‘on. the night ‘As the lightning flashed through the toom the thedical atudents fell back petri- with the tetrible. secret locked securely fn hen prgast: grief was terrible to see, pergtion he, rerolved ‘and plead with her at st do it for Gay's dear cake, mat, Glaire’s heart gave a strange atl Gar ue-tinoe au the heard nie lek step,on the corridor withont, ‘andr nized it. A mome: @ door open: i ington awa oe roseed where Evelyn #8 Stauding pale ‘and Srreard before oF rely wes struck’ with the great chauge tn him; he, Ioked 2x0, though: years bad mee ected tha us Lite. Gays NA-DRU-CO LAXATIVES are entirely different from others both mposi- evacuation without purging or discomfort, 250. a box at your druggist’s. “WATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. CANADA, LIMITED. fate, and you have eruelly repulsed them ujout sharply, ihe could an pr had the Remington laid her white hand pn ie tovet tesa sing fears seen pe the fair clustering curls that were pushed back from his forel “Come away, Mr. Grapeitte” she said gently. “It ig _ useless | ‘to prize fights, but I don’t believe "SALADA" Fresh from the Choicest Gardens of Geyion. | ‘| Sold in sealed lead packets to preserve its ve goodness. Black, Mixed and Green. 063 fied with horror and dismay, The. electric current: had abet Been tee ere why struy easing 2 arctan her with oltawildereng ie ame et rahe exclaimed plaintive- Sinai cat lviok <atemanalcarenged vont the air. “Oh, I remember, I remember,” she erled “he would not. releace me ioe a that: horrible place, and I made up ae ‘the ttle white hands to her foot with ‘the “darkness of death closing in around me. t place is this? Who brought me here ‘The professor had comprehended the sit- pation ins single instant, the girl had fallen into @ trance, and had been brought der ‘The’ gappeshica: taet ihe "He sprung forward with a low ory. lift: Ga T feet, and before £ By 4 & = t d she was brought there; but before exhausted nature vahe, fall ‘baci ta that resembled swer her, itgelt and. Bad asserted his arms death Not a lines) thing about her gives a-clew as to identity 1’ (Of coun was clearly out | question fo. een her to a hospital ener the circums the only way out of affair was to take her tovhia: ows ie | heme: hi And this plan he executed without de- | ES explained fe, e the embarraesing tion to his wife, who 3 situ: ecelved the lovely open arms, pi do not ki she claimed, gazing adiicingta on ¢ saxon, face, framed in soft, curling shame we ted _w 5 2 Suddenly an idea occurred t they can_be sent ie predicted thejcloth: Rub the broil vi Where wait Fanny: the: gick ad {onateseor; tint tn ‘thie ne” ne Stab Saaaaee ae me a bit been Gay's maid—whom she had bound To be conti ge: the “thickest part by euch a_ stron, of silence that a of the steak toward the back of the event ul night? i PE ne ae ne : broiler. At first hold close to th Hinoacearre ree: id her to escape. EER FIREMEN. coals. Ti is th sides are well seared, then Keewatin indians ¥ Pledged to Help me each half minute. A steak Protect Forests. e inch thick ayill from ee es ee ee 2 Plows to eis diane eed rare; a Evelyn St, Claire remained steadfast to per firemen have on in-|little longer if preferred well done numerable occasions done yeoman | Whe SaeckeaecaeGEueeene service in protecting life and pro- perty endangered by fire in the men have again been brought into service. The volunteers in this case are Indians living in the district be- treen = Winnipeg and the Hud- son 6 area traversed by etalon Rieck through, or near, whieh the Hudson Bay Railway will he summer of 1911 Mr. J. T. Blasko chief fire-ranger of the Northern anitoba. district. spoke several bands and induced them to promise to, help to prevent fires. In some cases he en t them to sign the A pled, Ve lnaiage, ee the work the Government is doing to prevent forest elp. We promise to put out our own camip-fires Aee time before p | leaving accept the badges given by the Garstinent as a pledge.’ The badges referred to are small ie leaves of metal which can be inned on the clothing, and the ac- Rowageuiesiace. cuecinan: opt not take his badge until he had first washed himself and changed d|his shirt, and then the e badge was wed as a collar-but after eisai fold them in cloth to keep them for some special occasion. A great percentage of them: feel that Bley eee, thus ater receiving the badge from the Government, co’ sulunted F minoy, chiefs and guardians |* ‘of the fo: “NO ) EVIDENCE. } ee | paint, iSO ‘Oh, ¢ George, they tell me you go Ita, ‘Why not?” Because | you never bring home ‘| of alum’ in ies HOME How to Broil, Broiling means to bi Es nee qu eons | in the air, which cir- esate freely about it, gives a de- licious flavor unlike that obtained aut Pauley, fish, small eae and birds roiled whole peteuee see i eel a half in eet that the in- terio: be before the ditide has beoanes dry and burned. In pone the fire should be the first consideration ; it should be al- most bright red, pan should be near the top of the e box. o ene SSS oO ke 1 fire with the ee re- Bioiled meat ma} from two cree Aue ee arts Be as as puffy in the centre, with the blade of a knife it will feel firm but not ApeSs When cut it should be pink and juicy; if pur- ple it is still raw ; if dry and brown is _over-cooked. In ter, or ea the meat has been taken jae the ice immediately before cooking, a gh pages time must be allowed attain the proper tem- its over papet to let sooty fat ap Lay on the platter and turn once that both sides may be but- ter roiled Chicken.—Singe, split down the back, clean and ite with a damp cloth. Rub inside and and rub again with but Good Recipes. one ay, Boil for a few min: 0 keep stirring while Koiime Bae faire oe oS add fillin; frosting may be Fipild ith tlie Whites oF tee eggs if desired. Mayonnaise eee eu of vinegar, pSontuls spoonfuls butter, four tablespoon- fuls water, yolks 0 w minutes, gute until thick. When 0 use, vn with sour or Fase eae and po over salad. Apple and Nut Salad. slice five or six mediw ples. Add about one- half pound English walnuts, and a stalk of cel- ery chopped together. — Mix’ witl ee and A salad dress- Pearce] ine —One gu: oe at one-ha! One spoonful of cormtarc, two table- eet size of a walnut, boil| © Allsekcand treat with the whites of the eggs. This makes one pie. Home Hints. Flower vases stained with flower pear if Ee Beppe hunting grow are flooded a -strong ‘solution To remove ae marks mon, then- wits whit ‘iting wd wash with oon ba er: Blankets, after bi divied: thoroughly, Sines ae oan Chocolate Pie.—One and one-half |“ gar, If cup of milk, B piece of butter, Boil tll thick, ve i stir till co Mock © table- If fine Af ta ing. vee TOW wates Hes of a frequ with with on Ru wash fey and your oonts one) then sid: until THE Thad Ej & like ae able. stains from wash goods. a few minutes in the alcoho through the “‘ricer’’ witl ia ricer, the Pokal rei When sealing fruit preserves, 1} cloth on top. td sprinkle this with vents mold from accumulating on the fruit. in beating them to a fro eed a tonic relief by ‘When you Sane to sew buttons on through near the button, pull the Bae up, and> wrap the thread several times round between the button and_goods ; fasten on under- Constant cessive vibration are practi heard of. ata ‘he. | reading: degided by. these delicate ‘achat Public opinion is a violent, for 9 move: redth of an inch is Gentilly notice- Bork them ou have : jabot Se is on, baste the it is washed, orn and remove the threads. ihc ad. ter thoroughly wpehing white toes, boil nut eel: The skins will remain on the coming Geese e and mi somo eas of glue in a p this cup in a butters or a circle thin n cinnamon. pre- you rinse a plate with cold r helene. sbeshicng the eggs on a pinch | of salt and stand w ae nds that are constan "Aly moist and should be bathed uently in salt w r a Jemon. Reine (ie elozet ane gyda alum before putting bber gloves worn ing and housework should a n this are Bee nee from angnnins ies wear long boys or unders Ww: nN ollow these di- a hairpin (a strong and lay across. the button, sew over hairpin. When you much thread through will hold withdraw the needle Pe Sree CLEVER NEW BURGLAR TRAP. Placed in Front of Counter, Auto- matically Imprisons Thief. _An ingenious device is the inven- of Mr. Willi: a pit, is supported by pro, joctig pins, which can be with- the shopman’s side of the co and running ‘along the whole length The floor being set free to fan the thief upon it sinks quickly into the pit, alighting- upon spring or pneumatic shock-absorbers, that rs, the retaining pins being so adjusted that the false floor will fall under the added weights of a burglar. guardsman’s chin-strap. The necklace passes under the chin of the wearer from ear to ear. It is sometimes fastened around the ear, but more frequently secured tothe hair by a weled pin on either side. Love seems to be at once an in- toxicant and a soberer up, and your button will stay on the garment is worn out: ie. PULSE OF SKYSCRAPER Slight Every Vibrations Rea a modern city is in te like a giant tuni eetally ihe Ane is lerstood that accident: cradle may rock, hit measurement of the pulse- vibrations is le ae is the re- mon for damage aie ee immense sums 0 10, be is to the anspibde of oF 6 accepted court as}> absolutely aidadie: and it is not 6 Cob or Shelled. white Cand ee die va Dent $1.35 per, bua TIKIT rag iin Saw, iy od IGH SP SHAMPION? — nove has plied steel boi- ler and fire box, ft wi steam whistle, safety valve and single wi Heantitul sold As Gey records show, there is any priz en.” beaten with a carpet heater. | Wood alcohol will: takg eye TOY STEAM ENGINE