NOTES AND COMMENTS When the proposal was last de-|- finitely revived to dig a tunnel, un- der the channel to furnish railway ed in a unanimous cry of horror. The Englishman’s home would be imperiled, and sturdy country gentlemen were wont to waken in a cold sweat o’ nights fancying they saw the French at fantrymen at their windows. ut different times, different peta and Germany is now the enemy. It is not surprising, therefore, to hear express purpose of facilitating the arrival of food. in England in case of war. With German commerce destroyers at work on the sea, Eng-| 5 land would be left to starve; the tunnel would mean salvation. The entente between Great Bri- tain and France seems unbreakable for the present, but what. states- man can foresee the developments of the next fifty years in European coalitions? Many Britons will pro- ably refuse to forget that 100 years ago France was the enemy; they|5 will oppose the tunnel as sturdily as their fathers. And for this rea- son it will not do to raise high hopes in travelers who remember vividly the horrors of a channel pas- _Sage. But what a great thing for trayel and commerce a channel tunnel would be! ie Thames embankment is no longer the “‘show place’? of Lon- don’s poverty. For generations the benches and sidewalks of the embankment have served as sleep- ing quarters for down and outs nightly. They served as the fester- ing places of disease and crime. They do so no longer. Nog man in London need now sleep out of doors. Through the efforts of John Burns the various charity shelters of the city have been brought within reach of all needy, -The police have been called into co-operation, The un- fortunate men and women who seek the cold pavement of the embank- ment for rest are directed by the policeman on the beat to a near- by office. In that office a man is in telephone every shelter. ‘brought in is The man or woman communication with | was present at the siege of Sebasto. BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. os ort Sea every year is £20, ndon firm of brokers sol making ‘ Releecae) the publ following the lead of Washingto: in recognizing the “Republic hina. cane Salvation Army raised £67, mn pe last y than in Dublin, more Jews than i ics than in Rome. ee occurred on the 2nd inst. ai shipyaré Pallion, cedar land. and the damag rose are to entertain more largel, the past few years. They eek rier stil ate tage realenes In the cotton mills manual labo: has been reduced about 50 per cent. aoe n looms, where one loom wa: foes tended by one worker. Mrs. Susan Alcock, who died a 88, left no fewer than 66 descend. ants—three sons, three daughters 40 Semtelaren 20 grandchildre: Héctiand: Yard: out warnings teenth Sa writer, ter of two books unknown to many of the profoundly r. conflagration Sal the an. The of Admiral John Hallida: lay Cave, | PO , at Kensington, ag He 2 bg given a pass to one of these places. “In the shelter the down and out| the R is not merely given-a bed to sleep - He is required to take a bath. morning. In placing the homeless|dala was buried in in the men in the various shelters dis-| Crypt,‘and the Cathedral mt eon- tinction is made between the man| ‘t#ins metals sf Cees ne ‘ 3 renown as General Gordon, Sir who is a hopeless derelict and the Henry Lawrence. and Sir John|! man ‘who is only temporarily Bea Moore. and out. In that way many a man| The population of the principal who is beginning to drift Se Gavani is saved from the underworld and restored to society aga useful mem- re 8 fi rr THE KAISER’S MAXIM. Always Do Your ieee ake means Not T In a gold Emperor’s desk be found the thi in his study is following code ot “Be strong in pain; don’t jong for what is unattainable or worth- less; ‘be satisfied with the day as it comes; look for good in all ings; be satisfied with one hour| !* ‘He who to do these things will be a happy man, is so great and “we men so gaat thus everything cannot be happening about us. When we suffer an injury med, for the good oi erything on earth, dead or “alive, lives the the bined. Numbers alone, it is point- ror’s favorite author, “Ludwig nghofer, a Bavarian. Dr. Osler an the “followin _ illustrate the elasticity of the Eng- lish ee as used by the South- ern n¢ a ‘Oat dey there came to the clinic 3 jaw. be aot as senior lieutenant of the“Dia- St Pau burial ae of many parts of the British Empire over- iad 287,270,000 in 1891 and 315,066,- 911; 000 and 5,937,000; West Africa, 1,- 649,000 and 20,177,000; Canada, 5, 035,000 and 7,447,000. len Poces on rn German mi FRANCE MEADE IN ATRSHIPS| Has 48 Different} Makes to 47 of} of ae an ed out, do not prove much, but the e| chief records give pics also it 7 eae” twenty-three times, times by! sone ign machines, Syenty ques phy. enc! peed re: Saatiey tol Prench. ‘The height reco has bee: rench. : he In the list drawn up America is credited with two x.| (Wright nals Cais a and _three of ‘ond, and was honorably mention- ed as yous at the storming of ndon, Ue been the the great- Lord pamer of Mag- eas has increased in the 20 years rom 1891 to 1911 as follows :—In- mn Lloyd ewe ome and died from angina toris a few minutes after: eas his house. — Other Nations Combined. — An analysis of the existing make made by a n-st has aten twenty-five times, four ‘ie y foreign machines, the rest by makes of biplanes] ¢) To all of then tion Se ress = returned evasive answers. Fin i s “hit a ae inked ‘ths ore talle’by large? “Was it a hard object ora ‘soft a Wright with es, a a hydro-aeroplanes; with twenty y Seventeen of monoplanes France | 6; asi a er patience sxhated, the sician. | UTS tel tell the wo dete, I was he face by a he jest ‘simply kick’d in i ‘leman friend,” _| Peach doub] nine, Austria, three, nd Switzer] “figures. Ital, apa: ENGLAND ee sate NEWS By” MAIL ABOUT JOHN 35,000 Aes cat skins last year for ee Sixty- eight oo cent. of all the ished throughout orld are in lie English lan- SP Great Britain has no intention of of by its recent Self- denial elections, which is £9,299 9s. 4d. the amount obtained There’ is in London more Scots- men than in Aberdeen, more Irish Palestine, and more Roman Catho- -d of Doxford & Sons, The joiners’ ¢ Duke and Duchess of Mont- in London this season than during are now one weaver manages from two Anderton, Norwich, Cheshire, aged | Romeos of S@-|Hamlets, co melancholy was their Outside one of the biggest great- London, aroused | ™0o by the threats ct women, ‘has sent ane ants of Ape St spenaibls dayal: optnenta, and the police everywhere ead, which the could de- book of nature and of th Times announces the death Lord | Syden! the | recently laid ae foundation stone of been te white eee two lakhs of the Bee Sir "Jacob pousoon three |: £ biplanes, | 1 end] in — sfB You were in pol ities on Leas the faces of Londoner: ist from the sad to the ate ant Deceenres ge Oa tusl that Hicie Coen mein is ‘one of haste a1 has led to an enquiry by The D: the pene recen' tly, when sey: al hours were G id in aces where people meet. thing was serious, and ai was visited half a noon, were Seer ple, when it nj hour before men and tired, bored wo and ‘‘indifferent.”’ e seventeen had to be put into “‘miserable’’ difficult to classify the other thre was proof that Mr. Bennett’s stat ment was justi Then London Bridge tion Mansion Bsces was Reed, a persons inside were Sorted ou under the three heads. fiv were neekine tired, three ees n 19 eo the roi ere. r worry, S this room. the Macbeths e yesterday and thi to-morrow all looked lik a agent’ 8 seven of them stood toge | ther, all in an ‘‘Alas, poor Yoric! id, y — Paris Police Dogs Are Trained t Refuse Bribes. ne ke attempts had. bee: tor the Teauepomet troops into Turkish oe dog: railtoad line was efficaciously pro tected by dogs. For several years perfectly train: police dogs have been found in valuable in Paris, een assigned to Seas duties. dogs watch for accidents. If a care- ito the water to ne to give the alarm, soners to an How to defend his master is an- re | Other important eee. taught the Z©| police dog. The must snarl and bite as soon ae an attempt to hold up his master is made. In this the police dog is developing mar- vellous qualities, is moral training forms as much 8 nest, ata faithte u sadtot to SS a bride. The latter is important because pea: meat is often offered to these dogs. The police dog soon learns toeat nothing but what his master serves him and is an e2 a ple ‘to ma men in his rousuunes to temptation. INDIA’S MARBLE GATEWAY. _| Structure to Mark Spot of King}. one's = alley: the Gov. nae eer Avmbattca) ich is Delhi Durbar. “The structure will be of shins marble, and loslem. e total building ‘will be about: $300,000, of which the Goveinment of India LONDONERS’ GLOOMY FACES. [Seventeen Oui of Twenty Betray Much M . isery, Arnold enue remark, aie: Setuening to England after a tay in Garis: Hat the expression Mirror, which finds that it is “all The value of the fish drawn from| too eres ly Mirror says it tested counting faces in the streets and in typical gloom; people looked glum and worried, strained, over- Across auion Br ridge, for exam- long procession of ae poe The class, and that it was an omnibus journeying fro. the and e to upon their shoulders the burdens of the ee and the other way The head waiter at a world: fam- ous restaurant in the Strand tried sa. There are here thirty DOGS AS RAILWAY GUARDS. e the calves use Greek able to spare soldiers for the pur- pose. The results were excellent. At Larissa in particular, the entire and they haye b All along the banks of the Seine New /oundlsad river guards bounds the rescue, bark- and often swimming with the limp body to the | sho: are now used to escort pri- from jail in Paris. They will courageously attack their te on India soil on his way to the e- a es e- m. at lieutenant of the Imperial navy. ING WORK. The Rev. J. E. Adderley, Bir-|or, forty persons, well-to-do, and| pi, Cineesaiid mingham, advocating religious| being sorved with some of the finest Ruin In Australia Resulting From ms, aermona, Gre bometimes | food i HEN at scarcely one of Drought Now Preventéd by delivered to people who really | hem Tooke trrigation. don’t know what the preacher is Ber dford iBureet, and there talking about. a ts—the promenade—| Australia is the shcep-country of e e station. As new comers, they mus! is the native name for Sen ee and must for a while a5 any. Be shitines a week, with board lodging. After some months’ perience, 0 ex: 0} included—he will boundary-rider ; notonous Sleareer will perhaps come at this 18. [4 8 Some Tasks Arduous. bush for a month af ing up, or riding-in uP a certain bounda: huts at certai = several days atone of them. from some disease. These must be gathered and burnt. ome idea of jount of in- spection work of a boundary-rider would haye to do can be gained from the fact that on some of the larger sheep stations there are as any as 100,000 sheep. Hee animals ander for miles off the flat, for a rider periodical them up and drive fee hack within certain boundaries. in aed Baier and his enthusi- asm will probably tend toward th sheep _ station : me important conditions to con- breedin, in certain parts ly on the amount of grass Soeie which has almost eink: & as. and the young squatter is soon ruined. n accordance LAS Australia’s development, ‘The, Risk ‘of Drought rom rivers ead main Seg tion channels along a: ways cut through meee aioe: ee of ‘of the various states are 1 pace hhreulean voor to provide irrigation ¢ cultivated areas distanced ee na- tural waterways, so that in a few vest years to cdme others mere i ie f good augury for the advance of Indge (to notorious bank thee dian communities hand | *° 2 ~ Buildings of. shestos. Asbestos plaster, a at t] e- a western con- struction aaa eeleres, mate: 70) vais be ae Sees how hot a on ae side, | ceep ee cool in summer, Asbestos 1s also sound-proof, which is an ad- , | ditional feature of importance, par- tels, factories ew picture of Crown Prince Mien of Japan in a uniform of sub- JAGKEROD A HARD WORKER) INSPECTING SHEEP IS EXACT- the world, and a large percentage of young Britishers who emigrate there land eventually on a sheep ; | commence life as a Bees, which i jackeroo is paid about fifteen and | w during which he has learnt to ride a horse—buckjumpers testi and the most mo- period of hig sheep-station He will probetly J be away in the @ time, round- Perhaps he will discover a num- ber of sheep dead and others dying ii carcases: in, Present Stock of Liquors to“ Be nt. Ex! B jn {increased ae sending: thet D raveak te ed | Twenty-one ed | sail Hull, Engiand. The country’ still FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND << NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. ‘| What is Going on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. A start has been sansimichen. ot "Port aoe eae senger static Ex-Bailie cals Stewart, who is 92 years of age, is still an active member of the Callander Town Cow Reuueraea k Town Council’s by- laws for refreshment shops have been approved by Sheriff Lyon Mackenzie. The death has occurred at Fal- kirk of Drummer jomas Neill, who served for 21 years in the 49nd ae lers. ie its identity now that it is merged in Jasgow, an old Patrick Club has been Dalvenuae Teeter shave pace reinforced by the addition of 38 re- cruits, bringing the strength of the company to over $0. The Electricity Committee Glasgow Corporation have acquir- ed an electrically-propelled motor van for us fox which had put: lamb aud goose too frequently on his men eas Clackmannan Count; have agreed to y Coun- saareked the Pee 22s. 24s. per wee! e gross earnings of 15 ers from Backie and district at the The estate of Lochvale, “belong- ing to the trustees of the late An- drew Luck, een purchoaed by James Clenaghan, cattle dealer. At a meeting of the ‘Edinburgh and Leith Corporation Gas Com- mission it was stated that an offer een received for the Cors- torphine old gas works. Out of regard to the feelings of its poor, Falkirk Parish Council has decided to eliminate the word and substitute ‘‘recipi- ent’’ in its books. Mr. Andrew Dickson, clerk = it town estates, and was ent of maDy presents. An offer has been made by P: ley Art Institute to build and hata over to the Town Council, free o cost, an addition to the existing art gallery. Dunfermline Town Council has resolved to borrow £90,000 for she purpose of the construction of a outfall sewer to the Forth and Ba: machinery and the elevators ini working order. enock Corporation have de- & =) Several whales haye been sight- the cup is given into Pharaoh’s ed sporting themselves some miles v north of the May Island, and it is ee ea tae ae! be believed that # ve followe: ts ss herring to the mouth of the Firth Pata ae ee Reco Spor avon: : Stops have been taken with the ne i es at wes in Sees next Lift up thy head—Reinstate ilton Sheriff ay for showing: a e|dairymaid who ly been dies persons eERaaHie a 3B fon. W. E. tendrigh Macgiliivray, R.8.. been completed and the statue will be ready for setting up six months. ——ar___ ICELAND WILL BE “pRY.” hausted by. 1914. a ne 2. af as Fea year, ee it al ie “rapgecibte for either natives aE eS to ob- li n order that Patrick may not] j ake of certain of their workmen of This Brableur All the problems of ‘nail are centered in the idea of spiritu, unity y, which is neither a chaos nor an empty vessel, as some think- ce fal 8) of that antagonism, It is aadleed true that “a uniyer- sal,”’ as 0: This an pervading leepest expression in religion be- cause in the sphere of religious = i perience our beliefs and doubt m te fins ogether and become okie. Js its mi ning once more ‘ocess reserved in a higher and a fulle: ‘ist on inter. Ee y preting a problem of this sort by al Japanese Evangelist. ti idea in the| at unity of our consciousness finds its cling heir reconciliation in the, unity of one life. | This is Soaibis because religion is a growth, a development, an the process of development, which is a serene in oe thoueh our con: ments seemingly aitevenunts ? them- selves, nevertheless a unity is sti of |? us ele- ments of antag- onism that aay restores itself in| jige, form by means aaadeaeee of any scientific mathe is even in ote F a oneae aeroee ti is is nothing but = Mes Oy hick it returns to unit; ion. thisveta fore, however great the va~ cs riety of perceptions and of the po’ ers of rational intelligence by which man may possess the most exten-— sive and manifold experience of a the unity of his conscious- Thus for the basis of human ite there is a unity of spiritual life, That unity manifests itself com- more to = linn ey wakes Minakutchi, ee 25 highly prized in ancient Egypt as wil of in about is ni Lesson Pharoah’ eup—The usual interpre- rie seizes to this verse woul lead to think of unfermented sep igs refreshing and as pre nee in office ; ue aes —Do not forget a friend who is suf. fering unjust thou are again show kindness, THE SUNDAY. SCHOOL STUDY INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 4, V. — Joseph dreams, Gen. chap. 40. Golden text, Job 32. 8. r to tl ew ee brought forth ripe grapes. 11. Pressed them into it is in America fol to-day. low the suggestion given in the ceding paragraph in connection ith verses 9 and 1 in the vis- le the cranatarnaeal the graps-juice into wine imprisonment when in a position to nce Various earlier translations of a ab | Hebrew conten I ings, such “bas! branches, Bs: <sker work nd “all bak interprets Verses 9, 10. Chief butler — Cup- beare: he king. ee me—In his vhole process of wine-making transpire before his eyes in a few m ie saute with hale its appurtenances, of this house —|} is V6. *| na in the zune) and casion for national rejoicing among the: ancients was the birthday of — Thiske' aroun ent tee ei the chief baker are summoned from prison, the one to be restored to his former es the other to be 7 ke Toleohs nad faved tg them—Both dreams had come ti 8 remember Joseph—The request of the fellow prisoner is entirely for- gotten amid e 0! paces Ee prosperity and pow EXCAVATING NERO’S HOUSE. Art Galleries of | “Nero's Polly” i Were Filled With Earth. aeiatererhins excavations are being le in Nero’s ‘‘Golden House”’ by the Ttalian Cogecuiene whose at- oul these that occupied by the present ee Heuer which Heer fro Palatine far up the Hauane ‘and of whith the artistic Emperor com. iti ‘epre- «Com: enomy, even when fired upon, as o| Likely Decides to “Squat.” pha Nise “particule eely elke fate ae 2 Kings : “Bvil-merod- a ee - eta ae Hs -cost | Atter a year or De on a sheep | ing industry and the general trade| /" poe. of Babylon, in the year tim: :|during a recent struggle to escape | station, the migrant may attain to|of the North oP Bastian ee oF Fee se, did: lift up Pee euile ohtaied: Aye oaretal ie diets ei sien: "He will be-| William Meikle, Chapel LTA nerar eset King. of Tu i nae in. to r himself an expert |Strathhaven, was fined £2 a Te ee ee resneiieanrel portions of Neronian palace. The immense and richly decora’ galleries were more than half-filled st warrior with pe holding a child ecieanly: in ack gro pets a &: and — battlements, are poem no pe mural pail inting: g8, th eavations have. ibe? @ num ber of historic. names, ter the fashio 4 e government ‘ the eae ne ae s because it was felt excessive drinking of the Teelsdonk ndermi ee ‘the phy yaical fit- Mir of the p e ‘During aah ene a ig trade and aaBiaee of I enormously. eae $ ago ae was not a dairy in countr: hirty big dairies usands 0: ane ae are “nlbped each year. steam trawlers now with their hauls directly to (ee + Is immigrants, tmuch of it pone anted, Soe. when I was “yo age I didn’t have as much money in the} branche: asket Ise ier the chick Beker to fe dreams aud es Re pole a fri hy | away the birds. “19, Pharaoh shall head—The the of 7 promise te one of doo: - Hang tl the dead a malefacto: to inerease the degree of Henke T ment. The birds The Egyptians reservation of ¥/ mummy was shee ue a “peteon’ 's there was white bread in all three! \. baskets. preceding verse.) (Compare comment on If we were to nsla- lere was notin serve to} mmon ea] wet lift w: interpretation ‘are; Bees from one ee On a ieee & sagan body 0! shall eat thy flesh— ae ee thse the ie pe eo a Sweden, with 4 eight Je hefore his as: assassination, — ough: le manager laid his s hand Th der. ‘My dear girl,” am sorry, but ae no You are. ee sane oe le you face, and I’ll ell you ee aT: me again next month, and then — saleswoman.”” “s His consternation, when h dis covered the prin lent Le pbs Tee him forget his Seas ticularly in the Spee of ho- es and the lik 20. ‘edicted ne ae indignity to punishm ishment to Bi Phar ent,-and yet severer on by, ara)