ee ale. gisth keep it free from 2 lust. 3 p The Soe of an egg, whipped 4 stiff, with a ripe banana makes a 4 - delicious cream to be eaten on a i Sp Ce Dp BA ORI A TRE EE hay REPS SEEDS cy LIS, TO ee ‘For Weal or for Woe: “DAL: simple gelatine pudding. 4 2 $ Apples can be pees with a little ¢ & i ( Or, A Dark Temptation A TEA Re leftover canned fruit, such a8 SF | U SOREL ADEE blackberries, and the’ Radial be ; Asparagus Rolls.—Cook _half| 4 pleasant change. S ad | Cool a. ang OE aR ge rr Pag ae cage a ep oe Oe mer Pe pp isan the: morning tiges be toret He Hands through th the plate glass, window Fragrance and finely sliced sprue (asparagus) in| ing, and you will often find it ‘The professor and is good wil fe stood | hetore Tremaine iver See Shere again: salted water, and drain on a sieve, | sible to do a bit of mending while ps ea 5 n ae ; | by hey, cOuem, ies amstous, tases: (And | that abril ploreing cry sang ont om the Wholesomeness. ||?" them in'a stew-pan with a few Be for the iron to : paste: orale poor, hapless Little Gay hap-| “Tt almost electrified two gentlemen who mushrooms and two slices of ha: jash curtains of Swiss musi ‘in | ™m Al cm x had stepped out of the telegraph. phe _ | he . i y% WW Galt tro hae Toveciat Unban utcored the |Rait oe poets ear ae oF PO Z Sold In Blend well and mix with bechamel /pucker when washed than when i ata Mm) name of Harpld Tremaine. y were Mr. Lennox, the detective, lead packets only. or veloute sauce, season with salt,|hung up on the machine j Pp gral gine vegteepye leaned io his toot. with an Perey romain danger!” erate ae. epper and a e of nutmeg and| It pays the housekeeper to get >. ; Sie MA glow vat” last, my dear,” ho oried | teotive encliadiy. cl maast. follow shat |keep hot. Cut three-fourths very | the best bedsprings and mattresses is wilt mt Tl cheerily. “She has mentioned, Jee couch, Good-bye, Granule, 2a ee Black, Mixed and Green. |small dinner rolls in,half, scoop out|in the market, even if she has to of cee of a man I know. "| wringing Bie friend's hand, as * maine at once; luckily I know nd- |naled acab. and jumped into it i he Sealy part of each half and | economize suite y hers else. unin Z dress—he can tell us who this Foun girl) “If you want to make a five-dollar eg C84 dry them ae, in the oven, Fill est potatoes by cutting in two toy us 3 | is, of course, and where her folks catch that coach a block ahead!” he [each voll ik aie atten eae aed end craiide the went pumancae } He immediately put the plan into exe-} ‘The man whipped | BR his hhorsee and €0! he top B the white sauce, be-| gether. Then press the two parts : had elapsed ere paeett you really taking me hom e . i A é gation oe eee ate ‘ere |e terrible chase bogs es Ane you really, taking, sees sorinkl with bread orumbs’ and| together. a they stick the pota-| THE PIG AND THE LEOPARD. | HOW HE LIVED TO BE 102, ‘ fessor's Tesiden vs a een T could fall down on my knees an rated cheese. Place a small piece | toes are ee Seaae aS aes Ser icine ea pe el K £ za can, in the city, | 1.8m, indeed taking you to thom," be or butter in the centre, and put in| _When naling down a carpet after} Missionary’s Exciting Experience |England’s Oldest Barrister Recom= ‘ ave the fleetest team in the city, : i : a ha sec Lak ranered: which one of hi Popkin. the arises saperiy; nae gnewered “cheeriiy ahd tgs 00, who a hot oven long enough to brown |the floor has been washed be certain In East Africa. mends Physical Exercise. sins ‘had found him ou pe thead of at iL nay Guarcna [Maer ee te Som voune: Busband. may the gurfese: | dDialt ip on: a folded) suet: ther Hoos de chuitesdnycor-the) “4 veneration aus) when Via pecs | The elie Hen eee He wae dressed in faultless attire, from the cab ahead of us it aey ohecepn.: | dear, napkin, and send to table at nails will rust and injure the car- 1 BT ESler F0NeaNoe his polished boots to the immaculate shiv wag not long before Tremaine ob-| ‘The cry of joy Gay uttered brought " : was ne se emeta in South Africa |Mr. V rdon Hake, front on which a magnificent diamond | served that he was hotly pursued, and |tears to his eyes. Asparagus Pudding. — Scrape, | Pet- than it is now, Mr. Wileox, a mis- | to Winged vat when Ne ab presented totus [UU gan Bue. seash tho vivar Aree” he |sne'aeives BO, tee eee As,be Ares clean, wash and drain a bundle of| Any one troubled with rats oF | icnary at a station im Port professor's wife, she formed & gisltke to See tee ee te ike she eo Sobhed: “Oh, si sir, if any’ ching oe green asparagus, tie it up and cook | Mice can get rid of them very ese East Africa, as Het set eae the dark, handsome face 5 e a 2 > 1 a : ‘ y rica, was much troul month under the iooping mustache, shat | fool whe is mad, enough io tollow: werte| oe i 60 certains the blow would Wi me, |in salted water until tender When | # Shey cat sprinkle pepp' S| leopards. He shot or trapped ae » she id never. wholly accoun’ 3 ra } = € 5 fi 4 remains Intense amazement, and Joy | AU) IS Ree pee are pote but death, oan prevent you ed dean He pepe agus and a Seo they oe this into the ho ‘Shle ee of them, but there was 1 new no bounds when they s ie he 4 e tender parts through a fine the couch to identify the lovely etranger the geepeaiton e plore you fae replied “reascuringly; "80 prepare “your. | °° Melt nae is ¢| All the strips ‘of fat Jeft from a} /&t8e black fellow that he could not and his eyes fell upon, Little Gay. He é selt for! x Joyful meeting. "As. soon fs ae 2 a Benes off oak should be lett in a:dieh: dnd a Meanwhile his flock of lambs lt re reg te ee Tike . et utter in Se ee ee nis ai 4 like a| The terrific crashing of the wheels a6 own home I will MUNpHLAG ae mmendenees BR atewpeny ain dn three a out in the oven. They will| "2S devastated, and his pig-pen Sen me front ai and old- tauhiosied win- ned f fl fted kk y flash a diabolical aay swept ines his Bee fled over the paved streets, dro to the hotel, with these words: ‘Gay has|Ounces of flour (sifted), cook a lit- ke 1 Git Pow faa nearly Susi Out of a brood |dows, is an object of much interest brain, and hho carsied itout on the spot, |MIA ANETY voice. to pe. forgotien; | Peet, found: she is at home with the Ren-|tle without browning, and add by| make exee ea SE ambiente of nine he had, besides the |in wn. Furnished in the He turned to t) a well-sim a et ts ne erns in tablecloths are p ed gusy of dismay and the most intense {Doth “drivers lashed" and “urged the'r a! your side without an” instant’s slogteee ih ee 2 less eonbmicn Tee al ones, for Settee ace two scrawny young- | early Vistorian style, it never re- e a ; in whicl a } my ity Goa!” he exclaimed in 5 wcll telgneit wich Ee peg eree turned corner Fis heart was too full jor Bes leaf anda: pieds'c! gisse lidva been the simple reason ong se ice — after sunset a light of any ‘hh e here ‘could only sob out broken! as } ae focmy. wite! : po Gee, Gay, exPected cach moment would ata Perey, ure we really to be united|boiled. Stir over the fire for sev- threads break sooner than the oe black leopard inside the pen itself.| Such is Mr. Hake’ H Mitality that hile th xplained the situation — Pee at last?’ ones. . * * e i eae te Sie Rear ede eek [Seder wo tr tin [Od mins then Tet cel ale" ove the appearane of| ,the fen was felon Deis he. has “reinerd time to thi A inigeaustanes ery 0 y : = stockade, with six-inch pos Reluctantly the professor admitted the| they were within hailing distance of each |* «on, < of eggs, season with salt and pep.| Wooden utensils wash them direct- ‘ : ts that ANG attack of bronchitis Hai is Pie true situation in ‘a few. words, begging | Other Ge ae cage ttiek 5 z P-| otter they are used, beeause if|Were Planted three feet under-|second resident of Brighton within Tremaine would not hetray the medical] | ramen Bie fiat out eens es the doth to Evelyn St. Claire To-day is|per an inch of red pepper. | ¥ ‘d dirt owed s . | round, and reached seven feet into|a ares years to atta’ Bi eee age fraternity in this affair, as it was nec- > ie the: sorb. Ot hisk the “phos of eggs to a stiff|Stease and dirt are allowed to soa) e aie HOw ahet a od lof a essary to obtain bodiex in the cause of|Tiage window. is | clarion tones. rising| Soothingly ox, took the t70 | Fe cth in it may be impossible to remove | the air. How Sopand managed i 102. He attributes his long life science, whenever and whatever way they] #bove the mole ot Pate, mage wnecle. = ole rides "nan Maint were beating the |{roth, and incorporate lightly with +h fo get his prey out of such an en-|to plenty of jeer exercise and could. A BG i to in, oe ee gecatd ine Se ee tie ne mitt alters ately is the yn ae Mr. Wilcox never could abou hip reat rel “over the. sup ines Stary ot | he detective placed his whistle to nis | Seeded, making her, understand just asparagus puree, ‘Three parts All or DAGEEIn ES EEN ani 10 ROB areas Here. a litte sidelight on Mr. of iis young wife, and that, in one in- lips, and blew a shrill blast, to call to Peroy's ‘ory, which ‘the Feader already lone or two wall buttered EP adine use a very hot iron nor dampen) “7 imaauone-t stance, at lenst, grave robbers could be his aid the blue-coated preservers of the | kno 1d: ein them. Lay some clean, dry muslin| ,20 protect himself he built a little Hake’ 8 feb for long wal. ble: r the saving of @ human life, | Peace; but, as usual, when they are want- He told er, too, how her disappearance | Molds, ere well with buttered| tT the seams and prose with 4|Platform four feet square, and a was a great stickler for ‘the Dank ue ate: ale tobe. re-)€d, they are not to 0 ad been traced to the door of her beau-|paper, and put them in a saute-pan p foot above the mud i ith iddle of | etiquett fi 22h moved, I will take her away at | The detective's Hood rae Capi he wae tiful, cruel rival; and how Evelyn St. tag ae hae water oS warm iron, Bret ud in the middle of | « he e of my profession,’ he he went on eagerly; but to this neither determined since the affair had gone #0 Claire had acknowledged that she, and cor ng a little hot water. Steam reome the odor ot mould, This he roofed with heavy |says. ‘‘It was the law of existence. the footer nee hia ‘wife would agree. Bet es fies peecues to the en she oe could a navel ihe, mystery of thus in a fairly hot oven for about whic Re aauiabhAG eC sea oa nks, just high enough for him to|By the rules of our profession we “7 wait eck until che is a) hi ead. pearance, Bi she would die J; B _| which iz y pray eel stronger, eMney "both declared, and| He saw the cab was making for, the beta she would’ speak ‘the words that | 27 hour. Unmold the pudding on-| daisy: Penher in HES a the ay aaa were not allowed to ride in a pub- ge ae Dic forced to eub- Tail be had ae pare tha clever would < enable Perey Granville to find his|to a hot dish, pour over a well pre- ibest of cares soutien toe ai For nearly a week he kept use-|lic conveyance. Not being able to ue i ! + 0 artly 2. s fd node, ms ae “sat dey, Gay's great, dark,|_ “Ill Cried ae mages Re ee aes vengeance of a st Heaven econ i Dated lemon’ sence “fiede partly) Aayemier on the aielves ae lets guard in that malodorous coop. | afford a postchaise unless three or Telvety eyes opened Yo consciousness, a and you grertake the cab ahead. “he ea Ned | overtook her, ves ued Mr. | from the asparagus ae and the odor will : He was almost ready to give up ious joined me, I have often walked the first pereon on whom they rested was mex, “for, in attempting. to" escape | serve, igpeeriattan Harold. fremaine, Teaning tenderly over, man applied the Jasb, which gave a fresh | from ‘my custody, in which she ad been ie Ping tes Gable i is a common| When something happened. thi ee miles rather than break hecseet impetus to the foaming, panting beasts. Ss she leaped from a vehicle and wes| Tomatoes a la Chasseur. — Take One night Mr. Wilcox took his} through the rules.’”” Ineo Or es other persons were in the!, One terrific cut ‘ot the whip, and. the Pi i un- 1 fault sinone ren who are hun- i. room, but his eves met and held her own (Gig gee hae: ra RS oe eu lar; ose ripe but Bay even- Se | and. the habit should be check- Boe » taal with his ee with acnaratug Ught in-whens but My | Toy, then, alti. & Bae ae a hashes ae See er ee ea tron te Sie ating icoaon will 3 t was a warm night fa eee < stant, a tri mg fective ‘again, “and explain the, mysteri te chee eee oa 4 ant |Fesult from “bolting” the food, and | Was dressed only in pajamas ond | PARIS POLICE HAVE NEW GUN us cries for’ help—in a woman's voice e cream, Oey : that issued from this vehicle.” six smal eggs, six tar en ce the seeds of this miser- slipp br il Siren the 001 ve m ted (as | 6 from +him!—save me!” poner TE ae ee ae ee with aise hose, bat a view It Fires a Cartridge Filled With somabie Gow -bhck with a salt answer, Harold Tremaine whipped b, |let crusts ‘(baked) to serve tomatoes Sante gana Ma¥analg between as na eS ane mies ales ao on. Wip pe ane sons remove the scarcely ever a complete cure. Even |? the nose sent her squealing out stifling’ Gases, th, no one: cave 5 3 aes: ts ra: ae ie ball missed its mark, and before 3 8, an aes on the) 5+ the expense of a little inconveni-|0f the wa i ves Ho turned to the doctor's wife with an ee eae a tee His getiom, the weapon | tec BveUL eh means of & plain one | ence and trouble it is well to watch| The ee was full of sound: the e two sieges sustained by injured expression on hie darkly-hand- as dashed trom his grasp by wo and three-fourths inch paste cut-|11¢ children at meal times, and to|/Snoring grunt of the pigs, the ie rauttuielne bandit Bonnot at "Ry [Aetiing does not know, me; she|, “Folled!” he oxclalmed, with @ terrible to ter, and carefully remove the pulp| secon them to eat slowly. squeaking play of the- bats in the|Choisy-le-Roi and Garnier and imagines me some mortal foe,” he said, {mprecation, springing forward in a dar. she ithout breaking the of the ai he ‘ Valet at Nogent-on-Marne, peanesy wnat {ing attempt to regain hie weapon; but| "To describe oe great Joy of the banker | Coes: Chi hr q| Sometimes during the spring it bi ident th oder: his grief was apparently eo real| Mr. Lennox was too quick for him. nd his wife when Mr. Lennox led Little | tmatoes. Chop the mushrooms an eS it became evident that modern re- f a tha t'she felt sorry for him, believing her! Im a trice both were on the pavement, |Gay into the eat aes Sie they |sprinkle these with chopped parsle: * : —— ‘of him had, beeti too hanty. | grappling with each ther in-a desperats | were sented, io beyond the power of tee {oy the tee each, Pellowed ou, {furniture is bru so alarmingly wore, se he |truggle for supremac ae pen. They laughed and oried over her by is severe a cabinetmaker should be 2 siood by the gon ach, that he wae obliged! | Seurelnes driver would, Fra ane | Carnes, deel she was as one brought|tomato. Place Gouen ited ic hukewhereienee ood ae t bay and to pay ands who aa, a. physician ot bi : Soe SRS ecg ee eee aysia mansion, {et orusts, which should be made to| 1" "dented. and not broken, the table: but ih spite of everything, he | eth that of deveral ohtiers kate a eaeiee bad cimilar "He is in the hands of the great de-| where Hvelyn St. Claire lay dying, they | Well fit the tomatoes. Break a small ; doze The first thing he knew| the schemes to meet the new condi- Se eel al ia A ox; you must not interf pn ae , nate cai enevally be enmased be ng i Ww cond eee ae ee aes Peat la reat. como tion. a here” she | {8h ess into each tomato; upoi home ekEnehic «Bisa wei had ee. a ee rushing about the pen| tions proposed by the Paris police rouunt seomed as though the famous, detec: | gasped: a °\ this put a dessertspoonful of cream ext with was water, then déubla| and "mortieg.s- Ho Rincon up sud-|were the use of chrome stee t ast found his match, tor "Pea. replied the Joyful attendant, who i 5 , 3 é : ae i 2 fal ake Hemaine qiought with the ‘courage st an Thad Fecopiteed the sweet_young — ho|and tomato pulp (the batter being| i" ieue of brown pap er several denly, and bumped his head against = under cover of which they times and place it over the bruise; most stunned him. And then wee Y jhe was wanted for more crimes than one|low with iter with salt and pepper). rinkle a leaving it on the paper until the leopard came. id er away this evening. 1 shi enray the corridor below, “thes have. found|Fubbed through a sieve, mixed witl Anon BrReanellg “anidentad “to you Pe “ro ened Tecoghized his assailant, and he | Little Gay. at last, God bless her!” e cream and suitably seasoned a aes nal gro: J Little dreaming ee ane eruel plot aguinst Mais Great, metropolis. Bk cons | s plotting ana raring cruel | few drops of dissolved butter in top ih iit ae dae devin we eet Se in vain “Heaven had |of each tomato ond bake in a gen- i S, ss ae & 8 B is = a og 5 + 3 4 bs determined not to be taken, for he knew Evelyn St iaire fell back on her pil-| + eSariak now press with a heavy warm iron, ee tdine Nekeelf to; ahe aountenteds om the coach, gasing “at the fearful | friti hee Poy na Melee darling hi nts . ri Whon Gar found herself ‘alone vith the pombt Sg trae ners ats ame 3 an a find ei enc other at last; they would|tle oven from five to six minute: WS @ snay 3 : i , with a clever a : - g paws Kindiy-faced, sees navies aie movement an succeeded ie _ Auipping a Ree tiie led to atone | just long enough to poach or set %. ping tee Mr. Wilcox could see SeemRNNE -A5y. fries and he va over Trem: white inj tifa) hot as a supper MAKE THE PENALTY FIT. nothing, but he felt its weight on hi ‘You “must no hot, Delieve what he has hands, fad “ho was "rendered ‘powerless, periences of all she had undergone since|dish or vegetable savory. MAKE F. the bonide above! ite hob breath worl Bkeeannestinal. deat get eae tol ife; he is my 'N ie day , the detec- isi A hi : ts arnblanca ton: ve ae ae ere ia Jay, mista, Yorse-to- tive Burried away to the nearest station Green Peas a la Paysanne.—Shell | what a pe Would Do to the In-| the k of his neck, its claws tear- anninee aj bandit at bay, but against f All Re ton, ti] 3 anker e &/and sent a lone message flying over ter sats) o en Remingto ose ie look at you and see ae you are, and at|the wires to elpuncr nereene Suing Age and cook one quart of green peat omb Throw ing his garments. ‘ an See nenrer 9 hes ne Y _" =, oo an Rone who it is you es message that almost took Percy’s|in salted water and drain them. ub the man kept his ag See! and, revolver and, was pre- eae Paine tnbge ori dark; Jisnaesng petite” Ga, ine Antenee toy ap, net” Peel and chop finely half a small ines the recent nue 0! Crouching low, he reached for his pated Doeland a Regs Wacreonea d Browly-denant to the last, @ mock-|ne cried. “Can It be veally true onion, fry it in an ounce of butter | ord Hardinge, the British viceroy rifle. Te ori es thes ee ehcmtnedl es ace che A tare thao cota (Zo be continued.) a pale golden color; to this add two| i India, many writers to the cor-| place, He reached down to the| Though the ew wespend af8 frp. awilier to the meant ‘to. dress. exclaimed, bitterly. Shalt nose” and pase ean hi cut into|Tespondence columns of the Indian foor of the pigpen after it, a sud-| noune ene success, it is thought Your ichke now ‘a <e yaar: Tetie eE sey du isu GF Wie sips 5 ice. Dredge with a little Sian newspapers are evidently of the| gen thrust of the leopard’s paw | that they are not eatiat Sear to Tet Mae tangle een nome MUST WEAR GLASSES. a esaireontaD) stir over the fire for | °Pinion that hanging is too good for enh him diagonally across the|those who handle t mpl application is not successful it must be repeated. ee Ee oi 2: S Ba ag 3 58 a Fa ) 3 & ® iS a a m ® ° aration om 40 a \ fell ful aoe? hig face, and the detective os ree ttt b AAS Fob Po airacia Soccer ae = a few seconds, and add a quart of) the bomb throwers. | It has been lift ae Nyteetsonaca Dee) Sue Saxuely whether or the very man f have been searching the|For Stone-Cutters and Others cooked green peas. Season with a|/eft for the Times of India to re- Mr Wilcox threw his head back : not the pretty stranger whom Harold ‘Tre. ity ‘and. the: whole country” through fel Whode: ByesAre Bua; pinch of sugar, erated. USS salt| ceive the es picturesque of his in time to. save his eyes; but he lost Too Busy to Brag. 5 maine called by the very uncommon ane ag monits. Sle a ae ‘ose Eyes Are Endangered. and -pepper; “mois ith wo|¢lass of letter. It comes from a balance, es oe off his platform} «yz, je wiaking poodt? if iran aimed ‘iremaine, tamn- lieve,” said “Mr. Myles|tablespoonfuls of pe sim-| “Parsi, Whose suggestions in de- into the mud. "He lost his nerve; | ite must be. He never seems to 2 Sheet eke cs Bi ly for ten ee ee : and began to ye! d tell E idea of h ng heresif the adopted! “First. and foremost, to stan ie in a cede ‘at the Har-|mer gently for s have ay to stop and tell anybody = daughter of the, great’ wanker opted part you took in spiriting tray “alts ined Weeds: al 8 chool, “‘that it is a |occastonally. Dish up and serve (the anarchist) “That sy Oe startled the leo-| snout ‘ * FESS Beg aer ea Coes ete sale Hier, Granvule' and secondly, fer {crime to poin Seis: 01 shoul te ane role down oa Jeast pard, ae it sprang to the top of the out of her head, poor, pretty young secondly, fo1 thing!” S bone the govermment has to pick with| about in ARE ‘household in widen | Stalted Tomatoes in Aspie—Take | °P° 2 day ae peda oa ies stockade. The missionary seized e ‘As the motherly woman would neither 70 rebumned “the eteotive grimly. h hild 4 ae ee "Gua fixed. wi “ith sharp-point his RT Sand fired between the two tic nor reply 0 Der Save on NEE ta es ence cat es here ee a [ante Ste ahem: unideh six gents | six . Pani Go firm to-! nails on all sides of the cas J points of blazing aot green forced to telapse, into silence, while the am ch: wi 5 i 3 forced. t0-"relapsa, Inia «si aa age. ildren will mraab ly matoes, fone eted Gorgona an-| g.0, nda At; least aie < severe. Tight LENSER OE the oc oe oe aeematne, oateay _ A girl ‘whiom ypu rere I believe,” play with scissors; they frequently | chovies, e hard-cooked yolk o! stripes Bie uld be given rearly q 1 | repli ennox. ydia Moore, ® ae shor | Midi eas nd tm ans vn Hae Eo At soe naa ahem ne rpettrs the lege, about one pint of sepie telly, the moraing, aad. -aalt wate "Wo suseseded ouly in wounds them of Harold ‘Tremaine's audacious ‘re-|house by the river roa i which you|eye, and often the wound, while it one dessertspoonful capers, mayon- spread on thé spot of'stripes one port, and they would: punieh him. for it.| brought’ Granville’s _bride—she made a mill cause ees is too small to |naise, two cabbage lettuces. Wipe ‘ +h ow hey a reast of all she knew concerning + Third—For the rest of the day the her ont, but it was quite useless ."” be noticed by the ens er. the tomatoes, carefully scoop out aad * eemaiae. round his whi sees st y. 4 Z qnestions, he uae as RS ere ground his white teeth in im- exe sr pant a ae ger Bee the centre by. means ot a aaectable | his devil black face gn the ground the door. Ti “Gurée her!” he muttered savagely, | ©YeS18Nt 18 ‘ Agen ng ‘eof steel onjcutter or a teaspoon. op the| and heavy load should be laid on hro’ pe Leaminy nt B35 her tame 2 ES oe ee es © 5 er Ee 1 es s A 5 2 A. Fe ee Roms tes Une Areas TALE | uitletwenlt Has eilcer tee ce ie ats %}| steel, which wing out sli ers, yolk of egg and ancho: the sam Fe Fee eats ge egPggh nee vol eT tu] Senay dette te nah Mt |alte le with» of mayonain| i, ghowde™™ fom ‘merine 1 mat lunged shncing and en! bee pO he gree he detectiro nad rot waited an tnatant| chinists and stonecutters meet with |and a gill of aspic, stir over the ice| CDS: ing, between the missionary’s legs. in ‘ Es | ronath Bleep should be aiven in efi aathes deonetd. me one. waa seated within. Gay fo bandy words with him, but, who rad similar accidents, and now that the|until nearly set, then fill the cavi- st | He thought it another leop: sprung. into the coach with a fluttering |him in charge of a patrolman ‘w! lie ~ ra aah f J - very dark r , and the room must | of ick at it blindly with the butt of 4 appeared on ‘the thrilling scene, was hur-|Dublic is paying for these injuries |ties of the tomatoes, cover with a/}o tall of ‘hatiseaing emall living |2Uo 4 ee tena eR Baa Glia aD BEA fOr ON eee Tee Tr oem. coach | th ugh insurance, workmen, who}spring of parsley, and put on the| (atures, tie Boas See er is go know.” Was his senges playing him rome hor-|@re subjected to such dangers, |ice to set thoroughly. Coat each| "Kisih~ ood and wal yet Bus oh sree hist tet a bang, and |Tible trick? Where was the -woman whose | should be compelled to wear wae tomato several times with half-set| sto iop aliality, sete he oe ee n hew clos it whirk ass a 2S pat ing cries had first attracted < . = : % i yee ie see Bt The cock was smpier't SttTacted “him? | oF some sort to protect their 6 eyes. | aspic, or line some little molds with] {> the coward once a day only. again, pandemonium had é a eee Se ar omndete nae wrered Suid Sate ain ks man ouly"momencersnawevet pea ~ “T have som of quarrymen go-|aspic and set the tomatoes in the is treatment, we are told, en vase sinlolt AIST WeRCORG HEE ‘ 5 Mochercaare cit sok doe oy ail the pow. | Rlancing. abont him he observed tho len-|228 on strike because their em- Have ready — the lettuces,! sould be continued for one year, | 1 y Ae chose beet in the the top lever. Just suit your own ers above, Tl sblototorm rou put a ree figure of a young girl Tying at his washed-and divided into small piec-| ster which ae anarchist i Ag ton he pavaeel ee ee which ‘s nience. % fae in Your mouth, Tou are vat an ; 4 Merey at last, my girl. I mean to take| bittle Gay had fallen in a dead faint -}es, season ‘with salt and erase “brutally hanged.’ ti x Sap hae master's batt Mr | a double vengeance upon you for giving | When crept from the coach and ress 5 ieee - : ‘doubli for giving | When she had tft hi man Ww! a with mayonnaise, and pu aken up ile ee hi eee sR Ae oer theo house: by, the eee ane ares pombae In wiieie Ee: the centre of a dish. Arrange the Character Wilcox emptied his _ri =“ in ee the washer r road, ing me re . = e the bridge:that night down into: the won| gaged oe" prepa! atoes round the salad, al Anal struggling mass, and s Lo eran smbarirTa ea pay dearly “ Mr. Lennox raised her in his arms; and rnish with sprigs of parsley and feo the door of the pen. no doubt, about Gay uttered a piercing ery for help. he ‘aid £0. caught @ good view of the cps auties “taithtully performed, of de-} the whole station was now “hampton! ‘Attempt that. again at your peril!” | face, frame heen of golden hair. blocks of aspic jelly. 5 lobster L: 6b ale eaoraile PWndis atts: h ab being the casiest erled, ‘Tremaine Hoarsely, with a terrible] | “Good Heaven 6 efaculated, in ‘in or any other kind of coo fish | nial, o! or ae orth bi eh eof awakes lights were brought, e fi entence was drow estan ia ase ee ay be used for the stuffing in| 0f love and duty. ach ooe a eir aid Mr. Wilcox examin ie of crashing glass. mes incecenoers Uitte Gay ‘Perey “rails Baverqouna, place of the anchovies character is laid at home, and whe- The leopard was stretched 4 : Z 5 \ Se es ane Mane ene Green Peas with Ham.—Boil and| ther the constitutional ae Hifeloss beside the. sow, also em : ‘ eres tore the bandage from the little red drain a quart of young peas; shred | be good ©: i oa sr sae §)The two young pigs were un! pa ae Toate coaster Taal finely two rashers of raw ham, and| Will, as a. rule, fan them into ac fe rcies ad nee to pie ome tab ‘ : ves, ly | whieh’ o alwaye cartled about hime fry them fora few minutes with a| tivity, peep 4 Kindness, | upon their lean. sides. Parmer : i ieee Gr Aten ieee smell pisee: of” butt le eek ad tailet there ace Oy ee aT re ea ee. AY 1 ae ee cae aud: dispatched to the Tombs with their hand- small, gredén onions, finely chopped, hat aan oe ad tana e—That w Tah ia e iB: Ki e 5 See nt Se Ana Oia Te the peas; moisten with three] te many bee ae ae ; anne ee oftendooks very sad. Is Ss un- ‘SONS, As 7 writt . e ze Rg St. i 08 SIMPLE as wee tobe detained in close cusindy com tablespoonfuls of bechamel sauce, | Which teach tear Seite a ems appily Dey She--No;-wnhap 92 NEA 4 “AB.C.? Detegtive Lane ae wo of cream and season with salt,| Character than“ niany’ vague) pily unmarr Lie be e ust as. e -latter u i : io coach with: nestuctions 0, (aries os, fast pepper and, ss Piaet of tS ee hrases. SES condition o! e tired-o1 fe" minute; i= ss 2 would permit to Booker Remington's re. pera, (ae a hota: Hick a Se: Due Warning. chance of sideuce, Gay opened her ey ger, turn oul gar. 6 planed forth 4 ~ ‘A cry. of most intense gratitude and Joy nish with fried bread croutons, and Germany is being blamed for the ( | broke _ from her lips a8 abe caw. the kind: Serve ibe story of a factory notice now going. er Tescuer 2 : ne feet fark. treacherous. face of eneee 3 the ae Prominently : lay- i |Hsrold Treinaine. 7 é ‘ive wires, if | ko see bent forward eagerly. “Do Useful Hints. “Po touch these wires means: E not be my dear,” he oaid, taki : 2 wate [one of Be “tide chill-cold hands in hier Potato parings, baked in an oven, | stant death. Anyone failing to z y aking you to 52 Feeney pe lta ates oun, SEINE VO AG will light more quickly than wood| spect this "Gee ng. will: be aoe: | mistaken: ae me ME ngton’s = < when. used ie iene a Pre, aed and = . adopied daughter~the bride Sas e = light of oil lamps or up to ‘the present, is ig iSagpietniens! ee ge ee QUITE CORRECT. can Se Bineeusae he boiled iedeene mae Pe. “Yow avs Feht,’ sobbed Gay 7 am ine Bescled We, i hi ri th ter with a lump i = 2 teil me what is aay month in water with a lw sona fort Ponaeare onvourall, 5, | [fell me. wit afo you lend “yer OF | f soda in it Some of us think we are entitled ee ee of Byaine yer etic elon : net peter deceived to much lately I do Fon “The thing what you for- see ys cover newly baked bread| to a lot of credit for performing a BIDE Te EE Reel ca jock See AS erie SR eee aa = Stes clean alate preferably an|duty, and we, are!