EGGS FOR HATCHING WHITE WYANDOTTES $1.00 per 15. 1, D. ATKIN Milverton, - Ontario AN OBJECT LESSON in a ig Dr. J A. MeDon: dress at Ano th Vuinebslty of Michigan d: following addres cn “Am: versities and the See What does Ar among as soetion signify?) What to ‘make in solving the FOR SALE Ten horse-power Gasoline Engiz in perfect ‘running pases. unter jn tracks. ‘erms to exchange for cattle and hors ply to Sun office, FARM FOR SALE. .feres. one of miles from Mil’bink. Mornington. 2 3D aores-aeeded. 8 acres whiegt, 7 ac.| sh. Test alll ploughed, |; nd ond te to house, goo | vital “tnashood or th until 2 and straw shed. also hi antagonism: of <uspended house. Apply ‘to J N.j. pea only ttle t NOPD. Millbank. or W. DWE eats Geel ar Milverton that. world euns ee Am. cena alert and aw and in FARM FOR SALE. sae. ; That pareel GP land “cons 4. Mornington. re - Milverton or CANADIAN NSOLIDA: COMPANY. LMU! by given Gil made ubsue CO, hereb is has r the Certificate No. 00) shar 25th Getobér Gertificate No (85). shares © ith Octobe r Dertificate No. 30 for sixty (60) hares ‘common s<toek. dated 25th Ober. 1911 And that any person clai right to the said Certific. or a shares therein mentioned’ miust giv th share Dated the 25th day of January, 1913. CANADIAN ee eee FELT COMPANY. LIM w pies pea acet 8 good man, of |p off the best farms inj} | mor [And how tand tho that “the 8 | Dake ir stupidity and: feart Te isn armies and nav at of equality in Railway Time Tables Canadian agautied espn are aon and Trunk Southbound Stations 6 Ror sypound Brunner SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND REGU AESTIONS ae person who is the sole head of a ES thy, or any male over 18 years old, homestead a Quarter section oF Svallabie De eee Jand in Manit teh BBen By fat er son, “daughter, Sroka or Biter of intending homestes Duties—Six month's Tesidence upon and gf the lend ia each of three gears, eadehmay Hve within les of tes a farm of at | ‘Fy SOM, In certain Gistricts.a homesteader in a and cannot obtain « pre- euption way enter fore ised stead in certain districts, acre. “Duties.—Must reside gach of three years, cultivate fifty acre erect @ house wort tae Deputy of the Mialster ot the Interior B—Unauthoriaed publication of this ad- ‘yertisement will not be paid for. jel. COMMERCIAL. remit s_ exhausted his | 07 of ae a 3 ee of ape ‘ople sea the -ightmillion and for an ‘na tiament. ence. American Each eS wanized | " leaving or NEW eS TR interesting route a dof tals ae vision m: tlements TO THE eet bef Arbor Michi it body and faculty a the the ee toa tion itand. aitriba n th: te and piciow 10 through | © and On one <idesare a handred mi) AIN _ The Grand ‘rrunk Sauees, wee which is the originel gateway of the é far-tamed Mus kes. Ss ee : = bis train rons = to side of RT aes ‘Wharf. thus 30 801 y Reminds tage ay : 275 2-75|° Return connection is made with - 2 80.2 80|trifa leaving Mu-koka Wharf at 10.45 300 3 00|am daily. axoent Sunday. arriving 21.00 21 00| Toronto 3.10 “2B op 99.00 Toursit Hikers at reduced rates are 900 9 00 erat 0 Mus! a Tesor! good) 950. 9 50| for\stop-over ata a 7B to return until November 30th. 1913 — eulars, and tickets, from a 2G unk, Agents, 8 Youn ae 124] Agent. Milverton. Phone a yl. SCR EN oe COST COLUMBUS $7,200. 1 10)" Ledgers recently dicowered at Pal 14| os. ‘Spain ‘interesting “f2¢ 6 | concerning: the vot made by Ohris- 93 | touher Colt is expedition fo 19 earmam. lew rorla fe ide fleet cost 14, 000 pesetas. vhe expenses of Columbus, ond pel his. officers were about 2,000 pesctas. in| | vy | Ringed Round With Gold of and gems is the splendid stock of Jeweler whether you buy or n P, H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician . Eyes Tested Free Milverton, Ont. |; ghty he had aioe Tae his end w peacetu oii = health bat “tuner re nd was attended of friends ay to and course IMPORTANT RE CO. CONSUMPTION 1 nee SUBJ Thos: » have been privileged tc hear this eave will be glad to have this opportunity earing it ae We @ in ch and | Matthew Alle ton. jured Sidney of the tragedy was eee wad sere : mh oar room. org: it T. Ma Sale Ba commence 4) pe particulars ven on the day of sale, oe of Revision ase: Library Mil- oe 2nd, cat 11 n Monda y- ate appeals ag vn ent, roll must © hands of the Clerk of # e,danienaity before e 22nd: day ot: May. 19 this said asse-s- thi “Clerk of uitverton. ee of R Revision Printed notices confaining farther te information:es. to conditions of ract ad De ama: s of Tender may be _ghtained at the Post Offi 8 Bost Office Taser, sa Liga © ANDERSON. rintendent Post Office Department. Mail “Ser: ite eee Ottawa. May 0h May Huron, \Mich,, Niagas Black Rock, and Suspension Bridge. N.Y!) Good Going May 23 and 24 Return limit Ries 27,1918. UPP Btea! ats Homewoekers’ . skatchew: ‘nitoba, Sas! ‘Pack Tuesday until Oct, 23 oath eae e ia Chicago and St, Paul or Sarnia. Sard mouche. Ask Grand Trunk Agents for fall par- ticulars, berth reservations, ete. S. YOUNG, ent (Phone 1) Milverton and six pesetas a month sufficed for ‘of the crew. so that! 22,050 pe- . or about $4,400, were spent for the sia ths the foyage eg ee a m- iseovernx wes, tas San a ee $7,200. pee : vi tl ‘Through Pullazan Sleepers to Winnipeg ‘Chal on above dates, Sewing Toronto 11.004 | of cars, imit p i i stalled The fare oes an orth: following sehednle. coach arlor Gar Aas Teeck without ‘ots al stor pm." a nt/each Mionday. Tue: Thurs FATAL FIRE AT STRATRORD Three of Stratford’s most highly Vanstone. . 60 steady streams brok- m blazing steeple nt sight. “RE about ORE wah: the blazing’ skele- ton pf the steeple fell back over the church with a dull er: ee ts ee an © ance on the pees wi alt 1 valued were ere Pays rene Men, You Know This Store as a ‘| Pennant Wi ner first in style, first in quality and first in service. You know, too, how essen- tial “Team Work” is. We have enlisted the services of several of the leading manufacturers. rather than depend upon a single maker. We have been ate the game” in a clean, thorough, conservative way—the way you like, E’VE been heading the “first division” fora good many years. We've been OOF O4 LOE OLOTOTOTOLO1O: We've always realized we served ourselves incad by. = serving you best--your satisfaction has been our goal We're going to carry off this year’s clothing pennant too, for nothing that ought~ to be embodied in guod clothes has been “sacrificed” in our Spring Suits for men and men You'll notice when you see them _~ that they're tailored and styled as you want them, and fashioned from fabrics that are thoroughly good: Over 200 suits on display, many styles, priced at $8.50, $10, 12.50, $15 and $18 | Men’s Furnishing Section HE WARS ( Woodstock Their re Poa pds and hundr es sl hoi f human pel a d. 34 per vinsage os w he story of Bow these e: ned eas ot be as _theiling ie avera ehaarse Thay Sot arg Bight Bitesde or of the ER LAKES NAVIGAT: 1 call for and y for TON VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAM- with and F Port MeNicoll y and Saturday. imships le; Pacific commencing be 1th t-class 4p. Wednesday, connecting | with the Palatial CP R. Upver Takes ‘Mo! Southbound—Leave Port MeNico!l each Sunday end Thursday at 8.45 a m,, arriving Toronto 1200 noon, and leaving Port /MeNicoll Mondays. Tuesdays. and Saturdays at 11.45 a m. arriving Toronto 315 p.m, Until Steamship Express goes cormmis- sion connecting is made with Upp: Lakes Steamshigs by leaving Toronto th -| Notices is camber i given that the tent atineis ig pales Sates rt of Revision of f the Assessment ful “tony ae peaks 2 oe the relations of each and of both to ee for the Township of (Mornington, | Agen oe gee aa the pions seats ‘stand up to teach or ‘the year 1913, will bo held at nger A all rations that national integrity Donley's Hall, abe Wwton, on Saturday, GOUIS JAMES GAFFNEY touched ioe inter. ational d-will | June 7th. a’ > is the sure foundation of mational de-| All appeals apainst this said “assess-| bene an Wide ae: pare atts enee.. Strong and free, each. respects| ment roll must be in the hands of |; (0S muy Gaptney. son of Mr. Pet- the rights of freedom in the other.|the Clerk of the Munietnality Leg ron eRe Tee oy ee and‘ both ma e ‘the | the 15th oe of aay, el ye pace Tre Kei ard se Beet ot Haat TDi ae da nl The “ecko Shave word lathe uevarite aah ie Tanglate saben ibis oe) friends. who deeply regret his early fone and of gee graduates death, A Diication broad.” vp ‘Y-. The funeral took ee oe = Hey » ‘ ae SEALED TENDERS addresed to “he Oe toi the Postmasten General. will be _re-| jrosceded to at - Pridget’s RC. church ceived at Ottawa until noon. on Fri- Kennieott Wilicak tenae Sua Colette day. the 27th Suc: 1973. con-| eq. Brom. there thé funeral proceed: eyance of His Majesty's Mails on a ed io ‘Mitghel here interme nt was posed contract years Six in St. Vincent de Paul ceme- mes ner week over Rural Mail te Route from Milverton (Poole way)| “the family have the deep and heart Cases oa ie Postmaster Genet: tale eomyath ora int their loss, Ps leasu. SINGLE FARE FOR VICTORIA DAY ‘The Grand Trink Railway System Barrett—In Mornington, on nae 22 Mr.-and Mrs Chas. Bate Voll=in Mon ‘om. on May 10th. to rningts and Mrs ee ae a daugh- aittlonolts—t Mornington. ae a ac Steven at- Nev Mr. ter, aS and Mrs H. es ‘on May and Mrs John Steven, . DEATHS. —At Mornin on Ma Mitte. a aA ae anal Millbank. on Wednesday. Wr. Bigam, in. his 45th Fine Silk Gloves $1 — Beautiful Here you will find a splendid range of New Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Socks, Ties, etc., awaiting you. Straw Hats—In Sennats, Splits, It- alian Chips, etc, the most up-to-date styles priced at 50c to $3. Panamas—Light weight and durable, many new styles at $3 to $7. Negligee Shirts—A great variety to chcose from in popular styles and color- ings priced at 50c to 1.50. Outing Shirts—finished with French cuffs, priced at $1 to $2. Summer Underwear — Penman’s fine balbriggan, long and short sleeves, porus knit, at per garment . ... 50 cents Neckwear—Here you have the choice of the best. Hundreds of pretty ties are displayed in styles and patterns to suit every fancy. Priced... ...:....:..25 to 50c Dainty Dress Accessories For Summer Comfort Girl’s Hose 15c—Best quality of hos- iery for giris in fine ribbed cotton. Col- ors black and tan, Gloves 25c—Long and short gloves. Colors white, tan and black. Perfect fit- ting. Per pair 25c. Gloves 50c—Long lisle gloves, in tan black and white. A well made perfect fitting glove, 16 button length. Women’s Hose 25c — Fine cotton and lisle thread hose in black, white and tan, wide garter top, high spliced hee!, fast dyes, all sizes. Silk Gloves 75c—16 button length silk gloves, well re-inforeed where wear demands it. -A splendid good wearing and washing quality. Underwear 12}c—Elastic Rib Vests short sleeves or strap, 2 vests 25c. Corset Cover Embroidery 15c— 10 patterns corset -cover embroidery at 15¢ per yard. long’ silk yloves, in white, black and col- ors, fully guaranteed. 16 button eae Double tipped. $1.00. Children’s Underwear—Children’s Vests and Drawers, fine or wide rib, trimmed Spee lace. Allprices. O+-@ Women’s Hose 12}c—Fine cotton hose, fast black, all sizes. 2 pair 25c. ord wide Paillette Si | Theré’is is ‘patil that will cbhe up a room like new, clean Wall Paper. We are showing hundreds of rolls of Beautiful New Wall Paper Do you reales. how ee the wall paper of a room has to do with its cheerfulness ? It isn’t the cost that counts—there are plenty of gloomy palaces. Its the taste, the harmony, the fitness of things, and when it comes to knowing what's what, we have i ss It needs-no argument to prove that the first requisite to me is proper paper hangings, The walls should be in harmony with the general farniehe ing effect. They can be made so at little expeese if purchased at Engeland’s, You live with the wall paper of a room even mote than with the carpet. Its face to face with you at every turn. Do you pick it out with this thought in mind? We did) when placing our order. If you want your home to be really artistic, we can help you to new and pleasing effects, without much expense. All we ask is a chance to show you what we have and what we can do. Exceptional Values in Lace Curtains ¢ range of Nottingh 1 Lace, Fish Net, Bungalow Nets, ete. Te selection ie:the best we have ever shown and the values have never se pi ee