Milverton Sun, 15 May 1913, p. 3

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TOO A Magician’s ee in the Pt Isl. MUCH FOR MAGIC. The’ test of one eae ee super- ‘natural Bovey s is to make him form his tricks under everyday co: ditions or Sait apparatus not his own. In such a aire at least one gician fail Wad touring he globe, and ee before rulers of many strange ie aes S ruler of # province in the Fiji Is- He lands. In the crowd that saw the exhibi- and All black art that the ment’s manipula- tion, with the head of the white luck. The trick had to be ranedted) ae then the chieftain engaged in a long pered conversation with ae in- nored sire wishes you to ae two ae his black aves and put Seeley head on a black man and “ihe ees phic? on aed sire thinks it shi He sc inn Rell his royal highness,’’ the Saale replied, ‘‘that I might give yellow man a black eye, but I mou not like te strom to make is entire thead b' “] Sleep Soundly, Feel Like New” All Who Lack Vigor, Those Who are Dispirited and Worn Out. Should Read This Carefully. sok That Health and Renewed Vitality y Return When Right Remedy most te ra I have felt more tke renty- have iennd imoult @leep at night, and in the morning felt go depressed and heavy that effort was difficult. My hands were always clammy and perspiration on slight effort would break all me. was not un- natural that I should begin to brood over the chance that ould be unfit to do Hg Sie perfect misery. medicines and mixtures, Dr. Pee Pilla gave me the first gleam the very first I could see t in action from other nsiny T telt. “much” better. 5 The o lesired?”” queried the BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS In the Spring ,Most People » Need a Tonic Medicine me of the surest signs that the blood is out of order is the pimples, Brunt amie ogee with, the a blood does not merely show itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this same condition is due attacks of theumatism and uses: ‘the sharp impurities, stimulates every organ and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, quickly it. will restore the appetite, revive drooping spirits, and fill your veins with new, health-giving blood. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 from The Dr. Co., Brockville, Ont. eee Ene, NEWS FROM SUNSET COAST HAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING Progress of the Great West Told in a Few Pointed Paragraphs. It is proposed to organize a joint hospital 2 commission for Greater Saal are re being peel for the Pri Rupert, which is oe Pieced 2,000,000: Teslin will prove another Klon- declares. a prospector _ on. from Silver Creek country. The South Vancouver ratepayers have aol the proposal to erect ole inthe municipality. cae Lulu Island C.N.R worable weather The Yukon Council has voted to abolish grants to Catholic Separate schools at the end of the term, July North Vancouver, Council will re- aust the Board of ‘Trade to prepare detailed proposals for the extension of the city boundaries, n epidemic of scarlet fever which has broken out, the This was tho experience of J. E. Park- hurst, a well known grocery dealer in| school authorities have clo: the Jefferson. Follow his advice, use est Point Grey Hig ool. Hamilton's Pills for your stomach, kid-| he British Columbia Gazette neys and liver, and Ml enjoy long life and robust good health. All drug- Ce £06 otiae DOs a TaAneD, ef iste and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamil. | the incorporation of the new cities ton'’s Pills, 250 ‘box, 6 boxes for $1.00 | Of Port coeultae and. Port Moody. or pootnald trom the Catarrhoxone Co.,| ‘“We want a provineial university Buffalo, N. and Kingston, Canada. ate ae sprovinetalien,” s Dr. x 1. Westbrook, the new’ president of ee University A British Lumb: Playing Safe. t f the new liquor li- a ‘want you to understand my Sas ae in New Westminster is word is a good as my bon t old a licen: «That me the city, nor can liquor be sol why I am playing safe and iusteting on the cash.’ Wrhan IY Murine Eye Remed When sie re ara YO Wor rosie Brahe stad Book Ineaeh, Package, MURINE sen Sees te Need eee Publis std wold by saseloe pr olla “ins alte ia Avcpiie Tetes, ede Sohne Eye Remedy Co., “chicago woman. Oem Couneil is in favor of pur- chasing, for a public park, nine acres from the OCU the Voght estate for $3,000, to be called Voght Par! A contr: act will shortly be award- a for additions to the Land Regis- try: fled ak Now Wertalibetar 1c; volying an estimated expenditure of $25,000. Gamble with your wife if you must le. It keeps the money in the| family. ECZEMA FROM TIEAD TO ANKLES Tarai ‘With Terrible Terrible ftching and nite Scratched Until Tore Flesh, Lay Awake for Nights at a iflime: Used Cuticura Remedies and Found a Cure, Ola, Ontarlo.—" When I was ten years ear. Iwas according to direc.” io T used sae Sy bes a aie applications I began ees baa ee sat Tellef ahead. It is nearly , fies Moe hel eee ee Pp fully say I've found a cure.” (Signed) + Dee. jcura .| stock: Wor a lberatiren apie Jo of each, with 32-p. Corp., Dept. 38D, Boston, ¥, 8, A. A new-national park of 5,000 square miles, comprising some of the wildest and most brofuresae scenery on the continent, is pla ned for British Columbi: The Dominion Gove’ to take over ihe 2 city hall prope. ee North Vancouver, which they purchased some time ago as the site for a post office. yers in South Vancouver objecting to the erection Ae ores vicinity, because it is feared that the value of property might go Bec asa result the Fraser R Eee girls will be employed, as in experiment in septkii Chinese ith white labo: ’ 8 Directory, shows that Greater Victoria has nearly 70,000 inhabitants, the actual popu- lation being estimated -at. 68,785. This represents an increase -in eleven months of 11,916. & mn couple, My g midt, ished. some oe River, the only oe of them rifle found on Las ae that pipeRey values there have increased ten per cent. as a result of the passage of thé O.N.R. ‘by-law By the rate- Payerg a short time a; An explosion of mee boxes of the store of George Leat at East Burnab; set remises in’ a blaze, and before the lollars’ worth of and structure eon de road: only a portion of which is Winara's Liniment Cures Gols, etn man agency. was of suc The deluge of water gigantic proportions that no reservoir ener could be 50 e | devised to take care of ee MORE THAN EVER. Increased Capacity for y Mental hor. Many former tea and coffee drink- ers who have mental wor form, day after day, better capacity and greater endur- ance by using Postum instead of An Old Settler Finds Quick Relief CHAS. MARSHALL CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. é band Suffered, and of His Speedy Recovery When He Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Parkinson, Algoma, Ont., May 5 (Special) Living far from tow: and Re oe reach, many of the settlers have found Dodd’s Kidney Pilly an ines- timable blessing. One Mr. Charles Marshall, recovery from a ney disease has rei cause, of much satisfaction to his family and friends. “My husband was suffering very much’ with his back and legs,” Mrs. Por her , and he told him he had urinary trouble, but he did not seem to_get any better. nt for some Dodd's he has-no more pain ers from Kidney disease will bene- his exherienee, and use Dedd’s Kidney Pills. Jrinary troubles are eee 2 diseased kidneys. iis ache, rheumatism, lau tert disease. The natural Pyomedy is to cure the kidneys by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills. os A Remembered Grudge. Queen Wilhelmina’s recent visit to Paris has moved a Paris corres- pondent to tell again the story of the days when her Majesty of Hol- land was the most popular young 01 tea and coffee. A Western woman|. In the revived edition, the stor writes: s to the effect that she found 4 “T had drank coffee for about|hard to learn English, and perhaps twenty years, and final the doctor called ‘ was Sas as sponden trouble and constipation e just as harmful because it tains caffeine, the same ae (aad in coffee.) “The fit noticeable benefit de- rived from the change from coffee to Postn was the natural action 3 w = 2 ue g z greatly improved and my nerves steady. “Then I became despondent, and the desire to be active again show- ed proof of pede physical and fence uch eng’ “Fam Heady gaining in physt call strength and brain formerly did mental work aad had to give it up on. account. of coffee, but since using Postum I am doing hard mental labor with less fa- tigue than ever “before. Name given by ‘Canadian Pos- tum Co., Windsor, O: Postum now comes in new, centrated form called Instant eae tum. It is regular Postum so pro- cessed at the factory that only the Soluble portions are retain spoonful of Instant Postum with hot water, and sugar and ream to taste, pee instantly a eras Write for me “Title book, Road to (Wellville.’ “There’s a sete for Postum. i “The Medium—Shall I cal] up the spirit of your dead wife? ‘‘Half a mo- ment while I put out my eae she | much never allow PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch. ing, a Bleeding or Protruding Piles 3a aye. “My dear, listen to es and tell); it be possible in a civilized country ?” Minard’s oe o., Limited. Dear Sire-—Yout ‘MEN’ mody colds ast ‘al granary 8 ailments. It. never and cure oe mptly. os CHARLES WHOOTEN, ‘Port Mulgrave. ‘The Reason, : Customer—That was the driest, flattest sandwich I ever tried’ to chew into. J Waitér—Why, here’s your sand- wich, You ate your check, be for sore throat, 500. | restaurant nex! gir gts an almost cess Gat ritail ‘o draw particular attention to the _diminveive island r epresenting England, sI alow it; “Lait St Mid’ s?” Ge Bhai woven 58). Years later the young Queen to the minister Ree ese of ‘Be sure to tell her Majesty, Queen Viena: that I love English- women, all Englishwomen.”’, To which the minister bowed, and the Queen added “All Englishwomen who are not governesses |”? bo er Aching Lumbago Backs Are Quickly Helped And Permanently Cured Release, Yes, and a Cure for Lum- bago is Now Known. YOU CAN EASILY PROVE THIS. To eure Lambace suse its thing to know how. This information nun t from his home say! seyere and prolong’ Lumbago are my. youth rendered me at all times liable to aches in Joins. So established became the predis- I ki the house. I he bor for help and received with a commendation a bottle of Nerviline. ee friend was surprised we didn’t use ery. I have cured my tendency to Lum- \bago with Nerviline, and consider it the most Gees pain-subduing liniment, ever mad For ae colds, hoarseness, tight chest and winter ills Nerviline is a mar- yel; as for Lumbago, Sciatica and Rheu- Jpatism. Nerviline is considered without a peer. In home it is valuable, ow rs and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. a ee It is thought clever to say sharp things, but it is often more sees not to say them. Winard’s Liniment. Cures Diphtherta. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if ft faile to eure, SB GRO ES Wmmatury lea geek fox, men ean more eitirctcaghe ealer” tand bi ee con these can un- derstand | the ¥ ony se ae shine my shoes at the same time and hand me that newspaper, By the way, get the door to send in a couple of Sees & and I can be eating my lun a pues _ Impossible. g “How do you get rid of the h office ' - Mrs. Marshall Tells How Her Hus-| jy legs, and his other troubles are all) (), one. “T am indeed ——- for what © n ack and} sai, FED BY PEN FILLER. Schoolboy Brings Baby Rabbit Through Critical Period. A baby rabbit, the property of = Horley —(Engla. nd) “school been ‘successfully reared with a jonni -pen ler as a feeding- bottle. ack St. John’ Smith, aged 13, ug around the hole, and ike toot blow the sur- es Tack (oe Shoe: 2 rabbit was hous ina chocolat + was too young to lick or chew anything, font epee filler was obtained and a drop” milk squeezed into the rabbit’ s mouth. me a tithe Pincher, as it was calléd, opened itd’mouth eager- ly when it fle t the first drep of milk es da filler of milk 4 sree times every two hours. eit ae The Original Lemon: The lemon, ‘which is going to be in large quantities to lemon tree, of which there are forty-seven varieties, is Particular- ly fertile, a good specimen in Sicily tipening as many as 3,000 lemons during the season THE BEST MEDICINE “The best medicine I have ever a mother has used the Tablets for her little ones she will use no other medicine and never fails to recom- | given Baby’s aby for constipation and think sie the best medicine I have ever send me two more be uld not care to be|m without vege The Tab! sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. — ee NAPOLEON AS A SMOKER. Asserted Now He Was Tobacco Hater—Did He Take es It has long been acc as a historical fact that, the F Tec Consul wi thayer, and from these, as reported by word of mot by, the Abbe Saliuet, comes lon’s_ story a tes if we may believe the apoleon ever pnutt, ‘although we find it categori- cally asserted in histories. Be aie worse, aA for he pre- ded to. He take, in or- € fie to alleviate a eae of tl @ Kept in his Berane eecoatl take a piece and nae es his nose tl snuff-taker and then ane put i into his mou oe This, says the Westminster Ga- zette, is a “somewhat startling vari- an was ee en is now me Yarnbsn fhe tiyellow: ee the imperia dhiioh: w thumb gelloged bo ttvans sant ane rs _ But even this, as he pointed mi be their ultimate truth, the non- smoking and non-snuff taking the- ories are delightful. ee ee CITY a Done: been. curing corns and warts for years. “Putnam's” never fails, 250. at alk dealers: Sag woman’s heart,’’ says the Chinese proberb, ‘‘is like the moon. It changes pS but ital ways has a man in i I HAVE EVER USED be used” is what thousands of mothers | eo Catarrhozone Inhal ed. dinary it ;|giste, or The Oatarrhozone Co. * You cannot afford brain-befogging headaches. NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers stop them in quick time and ol do not contain elther phenacetin, acetanilid, morphine, } JONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, Linrreo. lear your head. They aE drug. 25c. a box at 1a Influenza, pink thro: sured, epizootic, Giceases cured, and. all on Distribuiors AL ee DRUGGIBT: SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, indians, U.S.A. Suigving Fever searing es): Nowe eed from havi ee F t from. havi ni} 1 ‘DiotenPen cbr dE.” Three to SL Seen: tee 10 do eo. Bess thing for Brood sand panes 3 shops. Information on this subj teur bands and a print “2 wiineng: MANITOBA BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING A BRASS BAND tructions for ama- form of Goustitagon a ae Aerpther pers big catalogue, tagon aad By-Laws Br 3 1 ‘PEWILLIAMS Cimitee TORON’ ONTARIO \ HABITUAL | GRUMBEING. Many Homes Ape: Made Unhappy and Cheerless by It. The man or woman an & griev- ance is a candle of light compared with the habitual grumbler—the one whom nobody can ever satisfy, and who thinks the world is all go- ing to pieces because people will not do just exactly what this Pa ular person thinks at going out, would ae all the grumbles it is the same old story, and: is wife gets any qouthtalhoss abs out of her; viron overwrought nerves give and is a little Ge grumbler never thinks him- in the wrong—it is ares trial e ie to contend with, possi- bly he may thnk hi melee = ind of ee st his te 's cantrips, while all thi e plain fact of the eee is = tat he is the one who is responsible. i But, a self ii Couldn’t Breathe Through His Nose Stuffed With Catarrh the One Means of Rollef, and it Cured Quickly. ‘The extraordinary efficacy of Catarrh- cyt = without a parallel. A sneezing cold ured in ten h Spe Fis aad ae an hour, the most of- nsive catarrh is thor- aaebly drawn from the ick, “Every attack I ha seeme: Brow worse, nd could FARMS FOR SALE. 44 W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, _Toronto. G 20d. STOCK | FARM” OF 500 ACRES % with Three Hou u Most he sold ni nehear DESIRABLE FARMS — IN + Manitoba. hie and Saskatchewao that can be"bought sh the money for sa nek, HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontarie on my et, If you want arm cons! H_W._ DAWSON, Toronto. BVENTEEN ACRES—3 MILES PROM ao reer aenay, ° mxchange fo es city, ae village, property. or for ee Wapterh Real stave Exchinge, London, MALE HELP WANTED. UT OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU eo en always lovm: lor barber. Our im- a onesies camicaiee ental oe al eS '|inetructions qualify you for Bostticn 2 abort time. Bend. for catalogue, Collece. 24 Queen E., Toronto, STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP €O LLECTORS HUNDRED, Div. te. Tomn MISCELLANEOUS. AXCER.. TUMORS, LOMBS. Internal and by our ment, ut pain howe te before too late, Dr. Be Co. Limited. Collingwood. RUSSELL- aS _- MODEL “38” Cost $5000 Price $2000 HAS been overhauled and is in splendid condition: Fully eta RUSSELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED 100 Richmond St. West, TORONTO Phone, - JAIN 2072 If, you are looking for a pair of gloves that are as tough as a Mexican Snake whip and that will give you full satisfaction or a new pair free ask your dealer for H.B.K. Pinto Shell Gloves ‘These are the best wearing gloves ever turned out from a factory. Send for interesting story “The Pinto’s a HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. ‘Canada’s Expert Glove and Mitt Mal MONTRI ‘throat. One day * ‘atarrhozone, ‘There is no remedy so certain and safe But being *a6 At all storekeepers and drug- ., Buffalo, Y., and Kingston, Canada. % \ Niee. Willie’s Mamma—‘Is James a nice boy for you to play marbles with?” Wil Sure. I can beat him every time.” Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. ‘ He—Their marriage seems to have turned out well, after all. She— es. You sce, they both belong to several clubs and don’t meet often enough to get tired of each other. EXECUTION BY DROWNING. Tt Was Quite a setae Thing in the Middle Age: This mede of capital ieee has not Age seaceet in Euro is probably s' in use in ites of the ety As early as the first century of our era the Gei- mans executed th © meaner and more infamous criminals by plung- ing them in s and fens, In the Middle gee executing by retin was mmon that ¢ of the right anfiee iti eaeriten toi Me pieene gallow:”” The as for drowning female de- but the penalty was sometimes inflicted on men. The on. +docm of the pericie was to be tied and cast rowniag seems to haye been re- garded as a mild form ofthe death penalty, for in the year 1566 a man convicted of pees <e Scariicks was sigs enced s “by the Que ee special ‘grace. At “this ‘date the pen poe |Dr. ficuee Indian Root Pills exactly met the need which oo oft ea sree la vere to open up 41 tg bowels: Not only are they tdective in. al: cassacol ioe it > a ills are aT Rearly Scotland it tect il 1685. the ihtcon tl century. Onoof nitric modes of angele the penalty was adopted in Saxony in, the year. pare ‘A woman con- feted or ld murder-was See rep ine With a wee, 00" eat ones, and then dhtowa into the ee and drowned, hat some of our ‘less “experi- Aa Siac Remedy . ee education an ence, ouths rieed! is) yovrey VOC T TCT eT. phhshhs ss baihha PV UTE TOTey UT yer Ababa veue

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