Milverton Sun, 15 May 1913, p. 4

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s TN SF Fae tras a fo a" | The Milverton Sun PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six chs, 50 cents; ti Seance edt sarge peng te oe in arrears will betiableto pay $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES ight cents per pitas for Ar¥t lnecrilon add nts per line foreach subsequent inser- fon willbe charged for all transient adver- aie henciss without specific directions ovill be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Changes for contract advertisements: must | ing the Synod be in the office by noon Monday. + + + LINWOOD + + Es Mr. WP. Rennie of Listowel last veek sold a Studebaker auto to D. MeEachren. Its a’splend'd machine ir. Henry Holli ing: of Berlin police Saree event Sunday at eh rey Salat aillbank. penta een, . Jackson and daughter. of Liss 3|tonet spent Morday a r. D Wra and Mrs eae Berlip Bc eee ob nipsent vieiting at Mr. Henry Helnbueh’ lett “Wedaes: 10D with Nen- ak. a Tilsonburg spent Sunday A inti ane hers ae services w ill be held in fe | attend- sy) Verna Parsill returned home attention, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprictor Cs + MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT " Ae The following is the average per- ornce ioheaine d by the pupils of the nlor department for Arithmetic. car Guenthe 67. a oe “68. eitha ngmire 63. Ges Gernhaelder 62 Winnifred fees 61. Jack Grozch 60. Mary Lannin Charlie Barr 53. Pearl ‘Miller. a Herbert Ranney 45. Wilmot Bundscho gebra. Ge- amin sition. History. Spell- Br} n Read- | Monday after pen nding several mon- ths in the West. @r. Roy Gohl. of Toronto, is 'spend- ing a a at his home here a Bopre. pent a (en daa 1 Roe and friend of Mount at his home. motored to is spending iss Li, is qoltingsat ir taweiser's. Allingham. of Glenallan in g. Watch boys ! Rare a sitll. Messrs. Pitsgerald oe Fred Fried- man Pak Sunday in Elmira. Reiiey ‘of Welle: spent Sun: ee an eee John Voll left Tues- i the Saarel of the for eater at ‘St. ee E OWE ort the illne of Yrs Hy Foetd Poominer but hope for ing Arithmetic. Mental Arithmetic.) 4 speedy recov Be ping. Grammar Quite a num om here attend- Grope 61 Gertic Kerr |ea the Sunday Sch col Coarentian: held elterbor: in the Lutheran chureh: Philip psbure Il—Examined in same ©yb-|on Monday. fects Form J. Alvin. Barr 81. Ruby Ruby Wellesley. Groseh tice: Hamilton Basie uenert oe ee Xo ous 2g incival | Those marked “x” failed i N. R Boyce. Principal |e aster examinations but are cl ne thus on approval. noe 1V—Elinor Crookshan' Examined in Arith.. Spelling. Lit- erature. Writing. Hite Geography Sr. Hahn. oe Crookshank: Stricker THE OLD AND THE Bute yer pardner; Jet *er go; Balance all and do-sido NEW. an’ swing ‘er high; Is an’ circle roun your feet until the bound; Alaman left ’an balance all; hoofs an’ let om fall: Back to pardner. do-si-~ Ant tola- bands "eae oft you ao: —An Exchange Salute your partner, grab her there. Snap your fingers, It's a be ear! Glide an’ then your shoulders shrug. Bie ie elas, wana a i he and wiggle 3 round “the hall. tight— Writ Hel i her or es fall. am.” of Aone w Bi oe Mis Mr yerton. Mrs, Hu ugh Rost on Mendes f Milverton. called on renee here Eridey. Mr. Jas Lowrie. of ‘Toron wit ee e fas Saee i over lat ay Eliza ‘oa ith hee sister ihe Toronto scholars are, busy dens. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will observed in Knox church on Sun- Bey 18th at service will be held on e conducted by Re + | 2 MILLBANK + % ‘Mr: Roddie Ros and daughter. Annie. of Toronto. nt teste week ai the home of Mr, Hugh I Mr. and Mrs Wm. Ta ta spent Saturday at Str es d R Mulea xi ted over eg 2 reece w th Mr. and BURIED TREA TREASURE. Canadian Has Maps and Plans That Mark Huge Fortune. Almost any day you my expect to see in the papers a paragraph to the | effect that another expedition has | been fitted out to go in search of the | treasure which is supposed to be hid- | fe den a little island out on the Paci- re only of one lot of picks and shovels. got it, he says, tome a man w a wom 10 it ee oe sister who got it | rom. ee husband, now ‘dead, an old captain, named Richard Trevan. fobod:; mows exactly where Cap- tain Trevan got his information, but there is in existence another map that | is almost Sea authentic. This is thi in Hackett, who sailed from Puget Sou: $ map wa: y the man who.buried one of the treasures Cocos was a resting place for pir- ates in the old days before 1700, al whe: piracy. flourishe; id the Spanish main was nd of marvellous weal There = Ed ies A low wliere to find the lidine pleces: With the modern treasure, however, it is. diff Ma iets ee kee Oe ne part con- sists of money anid bullion and ane m Peru in 1820, and is valued Captain Thomp- 0 Gocos Island, and there burned hie Ut sotien gains in eret ae foxes with tl | as. terrible a sea. lished for their sins, Captai | Thompson, late of the Mery Dear, or eat Dra: Jr. IV: Winnie A ges Gladys h SMorineton was the sole surviv ‘or, Save one WriV--Honore. Luella. Zimomerman, |gtreme. Winnie Hesse. Hil's:t Beans | will also b n 1844 hi known his Bluneht Thomp on. Irvie Bockner, An-|Tryine Garnochan x. to a man named Keating, nic Hoffman. Wellington Thompson.| Sr, I1[—Hammond Wray. Wilfrid} mi Strong has Siinhed doen "atied out_an expedition in New. Pass. Charlotte Ohm. Edna Bund<cho| Hahn, Elgin Beggs. Wray Begasx. | nome after spending few weeks|foundland. Captain Thompson di Gert ‘anli, Roy — Coulter. eee Jr. eee eet tae Jean | with hen sister. Mrs. McKee. at At- teas os Resi OS na ge Li Hoffm Doris Ritter.) Beaton, Esther Berlet. Ceci Tay X, |. wood: Bs p exat ctions for ante as (Bs Gordon Yundt. Katie! willie elise After a Jong illness ‘Mr. Wm Bie | tr treasure finding. The expodition went Schmidt. Lizzie Schanber. E Carroll. Teacher. am passed. aw: as on Wednesday morn-| ont, and Keating and Captain Bogue Sr. I1[—Honors. Winnie — Bark sae Room five o'clock. er - Hoe: | of the treasure seckers! ship, i de ie Ai seh aeaie il ichnew yd| Place to. Knox ree eee On Eis reasure, whicl y gate Raney. Maurice | St To Tan ¢ Docheee) Bien eee ; See NRE the syt-| found with the aid of Captain:-Thomp- Schueer. Elsie offman, Laura Den- Rosetta aie Cota Lute | pathy. of the community in their be- |son’s map. ‘But there was mutiny on stedt. Olive Kelterborn. Roy Capling Tia dead Gammechan iene Deck. |Teavement.... their | Pod ee oe aud the captain Gordon . absent ee oe, ae Syeter. The mu oman’s Institute ca their | tried to = Saeawite aie Meee am Bebe ae Te peiins. Koenig. Arthur |@™™ x se ar je o,gaare that they had collec. we pee r as Soenig. Art 4 esident Willie Aikens. Geo: : the surf, The captain $s. drowned. Pass, Janet Pugh, “Olatus Piet ers pete Gee te Keating was picked up by a schooner Otto Neumeister. Lloyd Bastendorff. |) 000 Auma Lents, Bertha ; |iwo days later. His own ship sailed Loyd Sehmidt. pe Schauber. [Statin Am home without any treasure. enn, Teacher tienen Til atin; about, forty 1 Sr, I[—Honors. H Finkbeiner. Schmidt. F. -Oeseh, @ | Yun y Raat Pa ile Bundeeho. i peoolee Pit P. Kerr, Te Aiken: r. Ii—Honors. E Krajaef: B Tucker. R. Sige we uae R Bundscho. Guenther. D. Hest. ee Sicaltevioen- I Reis. G, Kerr U. ee ai Honors. J. Gowing! Pas. L. Thompson. Room Hook I—Honors. D: Schaijber. O, Berkner. HW Hamilton, ¢ Bandseho. A. ,Sely Pass. M etrie. A. Bastendonff 1 Darth: orn cae u sseate: Ine nbs da roll 60, average 66. 8, Ada Beamer.” Teacher We are enabled to offer the Daily Bail jnd_ Empire fora Ao 30 ntil the end of the year a the regular “prise "ot the daily Mail Empire is $4.00 per year t CENTRAL BUSINESS he Stratford, 1 The best practical ie school in Ontario, Three departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Graduates are placed in Bent Students may enter at any time, Write for our Free Catalogue at onec «McLACHLAN, ~ Principal z Pa vray’ Jetreb Manser. Har- Otto Koenig. Earl Gar- ae Ps soit to Lantz. Alvin Sch- ete Kreutzweiser, t lee tw Mrs. - eeegne . att. BURNS Ret m Omer Hastings commenced aS ile from. this: line to the nm Wein sday i “ of Boent fic week-end under the ne nt: al ica Loney spent a few days lasi | weak ‘visiting ree at ee: My ue od of h. spgnt a Beet Ah | fe iit eh of Me John Da¥lacon Mi, A Hackett. of Linwood. spent Sunday visiting friends on thi: | rom a trip through tl a sple: had a splendid trip and sas delighted ed with the oul ant tee HESSON + ; * We congratulate Mr. and Mrs Chas Voll and ae and Mrs. Herman’ Mid- HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS +h ‘Tnesday, untilOctober 28 HOMESEEKERS'TRAIN leaves Toronto pum. cachi Tuesday, May to Aug- ihefiiive. Best train'to take: ‘UPPER LAKES NA NGATION RT RonnecBuete ue ee: Toront 74 2. 458 he Steamer "Manitoba" Wednesdays will Sound, leasing that ae at 10.30 p.m mmencing M: STEAMSHIP EXPRESS leaves Toronto 12:45 p.m. on sailing day’ making direct connection with Steamers at Port MeNichol. AROUND THE WORLD via “ ja “Empress of Asi Leaving Liverpool June 14th, ealling at Madeira, Cape Town, ee ‘Colombo, Singapo pines arriving Van- i Kor yg Unie tp mugland- acpaterc ot ores press of Asia," and stop orckae Mone Particulars from Canndiba acide Agents: write— M.S: MURPH’ D. P.Ry., Toronto FW. THOMAS, Local Agent | dleholtz the arrival of aptightes “Mr. Eugham and. Mrs ee Helm 5 vent Monday at St. Clements | sors, BC, mobls. sch and Lou: SWekionbenise took { Elmira ain, Ors Salter Gohl. jr. loft for. De- troit Jas Mrs, Quinn left for her home in Elesherton’ ort Saturday’ ater speiid a few, weeks with her danghter Mrs, 2M. Leo Helm lett for pee on | Monday abies seouedsa lition for a few mon + = + + CROSSHILL Ea * + pee Miss Squire. of ‘Beechvale. the week-2nd wth Croschill fri con Isr; Snia Waterloo, Hastings. the home of the EJ urns. visited: at, ae parents, Mr, and Mrs“ aise Anderson spent afew days at her ome near Wing! A number of our Tee enjoyed pas eeoueert on Monday. WL be observed in faye chureh on on Sunday. May 1¢th ‘t would ‘surprise you to kaow the great t wife. has been using Cha: erlain's Tablets ‘and finds inds them very eehecnel and doing her lots of good.” you have xny trouble with your pe ch or Eize them atrial For sale ie a dealers, Speciat offer of Gaily Gi Globe —By r. mitting two dol lollars to The-Sun office you may obi the daily Globe fron Ist to Jan: 1: 4 This is an i nny mpuepeendes ted offer. { Scha Mr. R Stewart has fences ham Ry ON Oseer | Kurtzville. ab among 2 the ot da e 5 aud wer: enrictta amd Pr nday here man. ¢: Mr. Jas Kerr » nd = nds near W: vturday, A nt = ® ait visit Priday f Sunday > frown, here attend aos in Palio Mon Mr. ‘3 Hott n 4 ter nd M Ottman.. ub. ed ae and friends on aoe Rev. H Battenberg her neyed < 2 ve th GS on photograph taken. Thi ears stich apteerh ohn Horas: has: sold his "fine | farm to Mr, Alex McMillan. of Hamp sum of 000. s year's crop ession in the full. orge and Harold Belling i. and: Miss a ani Thonn | in nie bi tear. pees for Alarm | oees nite ~ 8, nl ‘llereeank spine at should _Itis We pie ait wie. walter froth inde - os aepe be withont equal. ce es mut eqn re prom} tralize acidity, inte promo pe Ee rect eos a rms. 30 cents, and $1.00. Tablets Mil The me Ontario ‘There Rexall Store in aoe every town cit the United Ste la and :| eae Sheet Raat : at i ac paral fovea cee The Rexall Stores nr- <mericu's Greatest " Drug sites : Ort! K iy years ago wile ke was preparing for anoth | expedition to Cocos, He le! = twenty-i five.” 3 partnership ton the amstte fhe trou- w whic h there has ees ds by tons a ets Hired: Man and His Bank Bills. ‘financial d man” p eepht sm pec ple | restern farmers ha ite tie ee of tne a es ‘ an fn Canatin= Wher pee Dane Totie the puts it in the Phot chee gee more available for >| general purposes, r| ‘This feature adds to the searceness | of money at this time of the year. It ial to say. that the money 4 wired for moving the eheee, This na Belling-! y of eer are Salting ander the parent } roof. f or a short cim they do in the’ cities. Manitoba's great number, Winnipeg t popular cars in the west anes machines, priced from z $2,000, but quite . somber of heavy cars-have been bow ig Salmon Shipmeni | ‘The frst direct shipment % salmon . from: Prince Rupert, the Grand Trunk Pacific’s terminus, to Europe, saile recently: via the Crown of Galacia, a Liverpool ee. Ss ment, constat portant beatae of export Hon. Louis Coderre. ~ t “Lami Lowis”-is the unassuming ti’ tle Hon. Louis Coderre, newly-selected a is ¥ mastiy= feuds ascribes him \al- Manitoba’s Legislative Qouncil, and ‘ost better than a photograph could. was Speaker‘of the se_for. some In the apt phrase of his native tongue time. Also ue was president of the you get nchalant, and Ooile and Surgeans ‘asy manner, which “has wi him aoe Me president a ‘innipeg Gen- hosts of friends. 1982, and Hon. Louis eal Saas eal boar of exam oderre is Be uot re a new man in Parliament, though he r aunsltvensy “tet DANGER PERIOD session of Cepia. LE ‘mental in the p oebiNte of he aes? for his oe along ae OF WOMANS’ LIFE. FROM OM 45 to 90 | Women—Their Statements Worth Reading. White Oak, Ont.—“‘At Change ot ite when doctors could do no more and I given up by ae friends, Lydia E. ache and Buber ae excessive flowing, I rec- ux Compound highly and do Sige se 8 avertie it as a genuine wo- man’s medic + Mrs. ‘SYLVESTER MANNING, White Oak, Ontario. The Case of Mrs. Kirlin. of it I began to i better, and I have eee taking f life.’*— Mrs. E ball St, Greve Ohio. ange of Bie is one of the most anarn periods o! man’s existe) Atsuch seston mayrely upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s ara’s Vegetable Compound, heey n years, and that by the astound- ing majority of 1,373 votes over L.A. oe ret. t. Coderre has advanced ven rapidly, beng still quite a young m n fact, few people eeaA ie lias te 47 years old. show his t only TEN BIG | SPECIALS SSS SS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ‘CES eae 5 doz. Children’s and Ladies’ Vests 5e # 4 doz. Women’s Cotton Hose at,, 106 400 yards Ginghams, reg. 124 to” ie 2 Oy $1 tre eaves oo Seas Ss 3 dozen Men’s Felt Hats, regular $2 to 2:50; fOr. Sebo Ge. ee ee 50 lbs, Fig Fruit Biscuits 2 Ibs. 256 20 jars nee and apaoee dc jes regular 20c for 100 tins Big Horn Salmon 2 for 25¢ 25 1-lb, tins Gilmour’s Taleum Powder reg. 20¢ for. 10c 75 pkgs. Seeded Raisins at, 9 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for...,.....50€ We want your Butter and Eggs POTATOES IN STOCK but he has. the heart of a boy, e meat jovial, and_quick-witted. Sah etre has always been ed upon by his fellow-members of W. K. LOTH in ee eaedied ae aes Just Finding Out. Canada is not yet stood or prope: nue publion Re rtic received from his agent “N B. Colcock item js an stipes vi pee which needs ved, photostephs s ‘fr ie tensils yout “hav ade many of the, specimens en- tire. The following is some of “the weights: White marrow, 18 3-4 pounds; OM 1-2 a = ash, 2 pouti¢ D erick at arrots and red peppers also tlord antthpeachabla avitenvorat the produetiveness and variety of the soil of Ontario. Samples of peaches grown fem. open air are also shown.” McGill’s Physical Test. MeGill, University has adopted the tule that all students entering that. ins titution Shas it | «| | | w too + them. This will be followed by ‘| House Cleaning ... SNaps... Ye Olde Firm of Heintzman & Co.Ltd. One Gennine Heintzman & Co. Upright Piano. fancy walnut casey slightl. ee in splendid condition, fully guaran: $6.00 teed 5 Regular price $450. Selling price Mostn ne H, Thomas Square Piano, rosewood case, 7 150° 00 octave overstrung seale, guaranteed 5 years . weeny One R.S. Williams Square Piano, rosewood case, 7 octave overs rae in soles SIE guaranteed for five $l 50%. BS 00 Month One Steadman, square, rosewood case, 7 ottave 150 $35.00 overstrung, splendid condition, guarant’d 5. years Moncks 15-0r 20 Organs in good repair, fully guaranteed; $1 to"$2 a snonth Heintzman & Co., Limited 38 Ontario St., Stratford C. E. PURDY, District Manager Phone 769 Heintzman & Co., please mail me to-day a list of slightly used ree right Pinta advertised in The Milverton Sun. NAME : 3 ~ ADDRESS and compulsory physical In Toronto, Thi it should be. etiaeens aateoikee ao pulsory physical. trai Hee cee et : ‘A sound mind in 2 iy” is not, @ university doctrine or goal in this country. McGill is leading the Ato great credit for its leadership. Bringing Out the Family. Women and children coming from gration them bound for the west, though’ Ontario is getting a good ber. The _mmiratioi? Department is ar- ranging a large exhibit at the Tlioace inahi esti pk Novaisber oa! Bull Moose In the Town. A huge bull moose. awoke many in the north en Your New Harness Leave your next-order, for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man_.who has worked in the best the country and understands the business Hens oughly. In prices you will find us eae hinets ” Geo. d. Coxon nts hur, Ont., recently anim lowing. The as firs! one a.m. by one MacVi j ten feet from ‘his tron} dite sep e ER v decamrs A Western Pioneer. Winnipeg lost an esteemed pi a few days ago, tario, in 1844,-and gr Fea Victoria University College. He for many years ‘iners from Riel, signing - Your Boy is Entitled to a Free Canadian Farm— — balk of-chete ete lee cated along ornear the Cas nadia Northern: Railway, the ine recognized in-the west as PIONEER Coe RAILWAY ‘This title was earned because the Canadian age to band Tes steite new districts, placin Stands for, within easy reach of meer un to the end of Sete rH jay. exe tieke' Northern Railway never lacked railway and all that it mefeshers Bxcursion tickets to. Wes t on exa'Canada are on sale every ts are good to. return. within two months from date of iss y to July, inclusive, ay be extended two months on ive dollars for each inonth or part thereof to agent at destination, ‘mitted at any Canadian Northern station west of Port fon of Passengers, & tourist car for Winnipeg via egress d dion Bt 11 pum, on the following di ine Sed July Ast, Jey Both, Auguste JOE aber 23rd and October “SOME cembe NORTHERN PESOS “4 Creator of Busine ry of the Canadian Northern Railway. Spee esos Alberta, aud ttow'to Reach ie” crity” —A story of the wheatfields of Westera Canada. Re “000 mesteads.’ agent sc oF te: company will gladly give you any or all of the above publica oan or write General Pesechoct Departments at 68 King Street Hast, ‘Toronto, Ontario, of 226 St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec,

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