For Weal or for Woe; Or, A Dark Temptation CHAPTER XXXVI. Percy Granville never remembered ho he made his way to the Remington ran: sion. “Hie brain was in 8 wi Phirl—hig heart Ww He ten a0. tbe marble staircase three steps at atime, ‘the hand which | she cloth the silver ell trembled with ik concealed emotic aa thbed eath-t s Gay. hig darling, found at last, and i fev. Unvet moments, would be clasped 10 sma ances heart! is fair, andgome face dushed and tet ns. It an age until Me oe cent Nimeelt who ad: mine best of news, Percy, my dear boy,” fe heagtily: ‘hase see ie Bane doubt, my dear boy," The poor bet that she is quite worn out ie hail see nes a aible—be sure, of poe paced { excitedly, up and ora Bs down the apartmen| ‘At length, in Reet pity tor a Pe ‘Mrs. Remington went up to Gay's out doir to hurry speeiees (up: As bring her down without ‘A ory of intense 2 ediatration broke from her lips as she open door, ‘and her upon ‘on her breast, a the lace Seer chanted ‘among hor siden curl ed the Her cheeks were flush heart soe ti har area elatlament: dati velvety ‘eves plowed hor as Dritliant a midnight stars. She wore no jewels of glittering gems rare beauty eich as Litt ga bers (but, she ing, half sobbing in her great joy as she clung to Mrs. Remington's arm, that the Lah old lady quite feared she was about | fh my dear!” she Sone would. think by the taking on that pt eel ng toa. ere torture instead of going to meet one Ww are ess, copied, | WOM giving Gage. ‘tating cheek a little: pinch, are bat loves you dearer ‘than Nite itself; fe, Te! for shame, my ‘de they down the long cor- abou ridots bet, ight ae thelr footatepa were on the velvet carpet, Perey’s strained ear Gy: stopped hhositatingly before the Ub. FRE Geet Sere: ie “ventered” to, neh a almost | seemed at Peroy hear, there. Meas steers knob with cold, tere fem fingers, turned it, and it swung wr back noiselessly on its hinges. ro} d of the room, leaning against the S28 Upo fe heard the door open, and he turned adoniy ands babes. the golden-haired iti airy standing hesitatingly.on the fe reached her side at a single fe “Ob, Gay, my darling, I hav ve found "you m Faining down passionate Kitses on the lovely ‘face, uttering every endearing name he could think of, and lavishing a world of paresses u ell me, you ante fae ae tw aceite alta: hive soueht ani when you wer. Little Gay, the prettiest darling fn “nie " Passaic Cotton Mill, but now that ou gfe 2 wealthy heiress: you mus at not lov the less, will you, dear?” Toey fush suffused Gay's face, as she Half an hour later, Mrs, Remin : ton, eatering the library, ‘found. them there, ater eye but T presume youedid iat bene irs. Remington, - 0ro' the "room 0 where oot overs ai some to” ekimmon both | to nit bedside,” gh vely3 ghe added moments on earth are waning, has expressed @ wish to seo you, Porcy; > ee, = “hard look crept into Percy | of he = stern, Geni riles fees ge an instant, and tae ses hold Ma he Tittle arms, holding ‘ont tt wikte Bands ‘im pl visaaingly. aes a go es intiniee jae dea mat Pred . Like Little peal ce fided eet ry, and was making er way to A terrible ery broke from the latter's she saw her. She cowered the pillows, buittering hoarse- “She has come with my I Gaynell, for is es Bt. ave orwl youtiee Saaiea: you fully and freely for the pas phere waned Against, you too deep! for. that, eck your ite, aud and—Perey' ae faintly. "Gurely you could not forgive that” St. Cl "T torgive fou fully, ‘and oe Miss | 66 gen ated Gay, agi me,” she love for one st Se a eae a ae ae Cn ne See an). re ae een? eee Tere have: knelt at his feet and. x emit whi had hidden her’ tree. in. the mS ‘hen lieved Hvelyn had relented on her eys You Would refuse to grant my pray: be, I=L Nalley,,of death without one tear— one “SALADA” Tea is sold only in sealed lead packets to pre- serve its native purity and goodness. Black, Greenand Mixed. 965 me square bit ot drain- ng the Ainepeei place it in the Her vial, “tel a Gaye tank f promle fully. shat "ie w is sein mortal power LY Bee ered diamonds as tee sighed Evelyn, Alot Bab aa Taine ee ees witew like. a rele ily stricken mn should vel ula gi sale dark eyes mast the ‘tiiditene tered the ae ‘old us. on hat That m | ness, a solita: ed, at the Passdi dea foe my cold ‘reast. . fags tae faded rie Gay's needed At length: sho was quite ready to go down to the library where Percy await-| ay, t trembled 60, half laugh-| Pate m th: violent” aiobbing ‘of her vending to “mhere {sm secret buried jn the bottom ie my at ‘he sate nt bar before a. atern nj as Her hay he seine ee tho death ake nad ‘which Jee no Bride-nset tiie ca iif Beazer Had beon granted. When AME: Cation c Phstiel uae of good w eyes wandered past in foll_athwart, it. sui purdia Moore thrust the peetty weapon in er som, then eaught up the vial: ene decided that Gay, trag. ald make: her-2908) ht, aber cover of the dark- ry, dark-robed figure alight- er ae ‘on foot to Redstone al, Guietly opened ‘the pondrous gate, and crept into the park. The servants little dreamed tripped on merrily toward the house the welcome poor Gay was to receive ere she Dagsed beneath the arch, At length the shrill whistle of the 220 sxprese from Jersey, City: sounded “shirilly an eee The horrible maori cat he face grew harder, aud. her bluck eves grew hot as Durniig coals as they, turned [eagerly toward. the main road that led), to the village. pane at last,” she muttered hoarse- ly, through her clinched teeth, “tt it have lon it was quite see, close re the gables of Redstone Hall loomed into sight in the , | distance. Perey pointed so it with pride, sleeping closer about the slim little figure nentling at his atond, happy stills, Peroy had ‘Soumted 10) the arch stretched across the ved wal Gay was looking at, it with grateful tears in met lovely dark eyes, {Welcome to Redstone Hall, Gay, my ved — the Poet Gr dhe sautovisct mag neve: a: ished. “Something tall and dark spring with the g: With a wild, white face, and scarcely ‘human: orou robbed me of my love! You shall were aon "tho iheenat of you: Bu all not you, butt shall toh you ot ae fatal sbebuty that me—take that red in single instant of giime a soft, ing breeze had from. an opposite ni hha hurled them with such a” diabolical: intent tiful-as Gay, with “hi er lovelighted, dark, ndid eyes, and ¢ golden hair, and every one Eejoiced “tnt Porey fou: happiness— 7 and Little at mth later, in’ a ion a wing mor ee f A, Little “Gay each passing day sort, mn 4 arms are around aa gon “sites User aes Ne ‘bushing | « eek mine. ould speak in young man -in the world foul he rT para END. eee Eats 600 Pounds Dallas hes and leave half of them mutciata d. I will strip off the bark from eee nd we ae and throw away a larg é por- when | tio , Good Hhbits. ne ae good work fail without Good oe es the Rus. s that no pis See tis £ ie fase in the world since tobac- co. was discovered. Of course, | is not true. No man can be at m: g best whose brain is inflamed b: ai LA ee are shaken “| by. nareoties And we must be at r best ore and “more other If every man 2 not at his es nf best. it is his own faul whose contents ‘bickiot ike" ioe the rays of the setting Pour over the gees and bread "they beck iat pares ‘A sauce which it would change all the gayety may ust into the. wilde fries of horror, aud in’ the’ wild’ ‘cont ion which would be sure to ensue, wor : Rub Gettlieb Von Jagow. 25 Foreign Minister of Germany, from /his latest picture a sack ae cayenne e and one c cul of e “I shall Asparagus A Toast. —Cut off the ice| bottom of the stalks of a bunch of pred my love's | Quarter of an hour, then drain and ie on buttered ae placing the a of re, oes oyer-the green heads in ft her enemy's pain, so heart- pehold, sweet, forgiving Little oh pabeits ay flew to her side, the poor face tae oe cotta parts of the stalk, neg, [either the whole or eut in inch Joi She wou! not have poor Lydia pies given into custody, but aae her tenderly B horrible, scarred creature, but truly Fepenta The grand ball at Redstone Hell was a gala affair, and amid all the belles of 8 beau- rom the sompanieneee of those I iy es the most ent rly, writes a IO of for “my the beauty or ths mi my wd dist = servants were not ie as 2 hpi of SD and it wise: related ee seaiaal ang our phys men are abot to be at their |“ muses ee fess are Ba neigh- B deiesidscieath recommends Na-Dru- « “MY STOMAGH IS FINE Since Taking Na-Dru-Go Dyspepsia Tablets” | . J. Merkhuger, Waterloo, Ont., «ABC NO MISTAKES if you use DY OLA ‘The Guaranteed “ON All Kini E DY! Srioe, ids of Cloth,” os ren hes leaming with TRY IP and prove it for yourself! she mutter Send for Free Color Card, ete ae rushers aula of ‘colors. Ts CLEAN, and = = had caused as SIMPLE as] from "becinming: ore. 01 ware Tatas vault in tl |road._ | aw up in chance of of ined Gay’ Sort es On the di ey [sch moulited revel er ee a8 she outlines it, explains why. won ne thi mene mit te See sl could, a Te mai a sie a yn eed cdr cre 01 Na-Dru-Co_) Dyspepsia nares is that it and easy to take, pet eas set ee each piety tt ae you feel like - — Deteaies a box at. your druggist’s wounded, Dy ths Nadonal Ding vert Co.” \ Limited, Dish cloths should be washed and gularly. Alk ae should ee to. sew on of, see ee present energy of cue AGW , Surprise is frequently Tie one te ie ous ay ae r _ Poultry fat is tical bene shorten: 0! Bont for chicken salad should be} | th: whom Lord Hobart, the WOlial Secretary, wrote in su terms? hs beub time ts begin the spring fires are then allowed to drain. 3} down carelessly if 'you wish i preserve its shape suger to the vista of an cue. from the sleeping room. water drains all the juices out. oven an away in glass jars. ef Perce kitchen Sane are those of al ursinum = Rey to keep dase and very light to handle. To cut thick ‘ilk satisfactorily, lay it between two pieces of tissue paper and cut with very sharp scis- rs. es oe -padded ironing board is a is fie Of the hese thkterials te it with. Luncheon sandwiches of brown bread spread with cottage cheese feasoned with salt and pepper are very g Iba ‘pitch of cream of tartar is added to any sugar and water candy in the cooking, there is less danger of granulation. bility -often resembling nervous prostration. — Be condition soon If there is occasion to wet cocoa, oe or cornstarch with water, use he THE FIRST CANADIANS, Were Forced to Marry or Forfeit Their Rights. Mandre Fribourg claims to prove in the Paris ‘‘Grand Revue,’ 1| through the cérrespondence of Col- b ert, oe great Minister of Louis {| X1V., that the strength and stam- your happy mood jusb as Ge they tful ina of French-Canadians are large- ly a to that statesman. a Ae st 5S. gee! et — 5 = i ants, under pe: of ctonieitng his right to tilh the t, or ‘to revisit France. ae prvieges were, moreover, granted by Colbert to the parents of numerous children. It was in this way that the magnificent stock a French-Canadian voyageurs and rappers, not to speak of the Sere sturdy agriculturists, was create eats question of Canadian virility eons. and one ofthe members ob- ed that with the exception. of the ordinance respecting marriage, e'same thing was practically true at he ae settlers in other parte Canada. They were drawn from tie Stongest of the race: anda is, 6a) Before making new sheets always meant the bed for which they are dl, ousecleaning is after the futnaea ow Wash wreen vegetables in warm water to remove the insects, and finish quickly in col ~|- Dates and figs are both much im- proved if thoroughly washed and ver throw a good tailored cont In making meringues, the rule is a quarter of a cupful of powdered be | put into a hamper, p: SS eiihe away Rice cooked with raisins’ makes a very palatable, simple dessert served with hard sauce or cream. Never, when wiping meat, allow it to stand in cold water. The Nuts when bought ready shelled oe _sealded, dried in the| nave decided to appoint a. whole: time tuberculosis officer who will dleba prac iets idlisds hia milters Many Hoey a by shooting, and then shot himself, Two big eyelets a in the et opposite corners of the kitchen tow- _ are better than bobs Coban Kees bor saver, and Turkish towelling pad work on English farms has commenced, and last week 500 left] The gre: Ww. by the North Wall route for theyis approximately the sai sun of England. gre ta Tagen of the Youghal ae age depth of the oce: 2 Rural Council, it was re 12,000 feet, as against ¢ that the village of Ardmore, si iand height above sea level of 2,300 Waterford, is doomed by the ini incom- | feet. i i i ing sea, and it was‘decided that the } land council would not spend any money on it, oe ae ele “TIP” WAS ORIGINALLY T.1.P. Ben Account of the Origin the Tipping System. Weird Wedding Ceremony. were pai y their employers to these guests would hand a servant a small coin in order to get this ser-} Wife—I wish, d Fant to wait upon him and his party] settle my af really can’t sleep for thinking of nary collection box or’ poor box, with a little slit in them for thee to be dropped in. Other ie ers saw the advantage of this plan, and so at one time there was scarce- ly a country inn throughout Eng- Jand ‘that did not contain one of them FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE \ NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE: LAND’S SHORES, Happénings in the Emerald Iste ol Interest to Irish« men. effort is bein made to bring tah roads back to their former ore standard. Judge Wright samme tiaiet the jury at the Mayo Spring Assizes on unt} neighborhood of over 90 acres for $4,600. For the first time at. the assem- bly. of the three squadrons of En- niskillen Horse the regiment as- sembled with arms. A farmer residing in Rostreur has at preserit seven ewes with 2: la aes six ae three each ed one ah fou: e After a sae hours’ illness. the death has occurred of Mr. W. Si- mons, Belfast, chief» pilot-of “the Dromalane Mill, at Howry owned ip uleued lw amine GG 5 ahake of ihe worker 8. B. ie “been ele ae chairman’ of the As the s.s. Sligo was preparing to leave Sligo for Liverpool the or- sity, hands went on "erik and eee sum of $250,000 is voted an-| change, tig cleansing purposes. bil be Cooney, aged called dwelling: and ti ‘The ‘County -Robmenaeivcouhell be debarred from other medical | Pet a rom Patil Hoey, of Rope Walk, rogheda, eit auddeniy insane The annual exodus of agricultur- al laborers from Connaught for ow ust when the custom of, tipping en two Negritos, 3) pede is rather difficult to deter-|the Philippine Islands, are w hole + Sse ed them the time freed servants took the | the heads of the couple meet: When place of slaves. But whatever this|the heads have thus com fee was called at the beginning, it| tact, the series is legally ee ti as been known as ‘tipping’? for | plish hundreds of years. place, a fantasti dance Paamione t is true that servants at inns the cerem id u e- fore there was, apparently, no} ‘Your father ae told me not need of paying them for something | hang around here after 10 0’ “clock, ss they were already paid for. But in} said Hea the inns in England, which were]|) “Did mostly small houses, there were gas Tethelinda frequently times when faciys vellers gathered at one inn, and as there were few servants, some of ign seh the guests had to await their turn, isten to be served. Nat some of aturally BH rst a Vito there is-no doubt id this | i is how tipping started, in England} “Hub—Your at least, the manner in cae this ele eh Harbor Commission. CONTAINS NOALUM. by Messrs. F. W. Harris and Co., COSTS NO MORE THANTHE ming Moors, Easy ORDINARY KINDS. Inte Duke of Abereeene ¢] |] MADE IN CANADA _————— sel was unable + sail. A guest would take some small or get some Saat to the Cleansing “Gompittes changed, explaining that it was ‘T. the Dublin corporation for pub-|I. P.” money. Tot r “a tip, while ies ‘on the top oe a puild, which was a much shorter way of = : cil Patrick Ritchie, Belfa st, at $21,-] with, the servants, you may 750 for ae erection of 25 artisan’s/sure, never forgot the giving part, i inued to ii Patrice MoDonagie Ballinafeigh, | crease, ue now it has beoor was fined five shillings at Celbridge for having been asleep while inthe be travelles-or abhor Hoe Stla chores end ‘each a6 08k rid; King Alfonso is Fatalist. 4 was a generous ‘riona apt where to the er and his death is widely |! : fouso aifatatiecn may have a fo curated in Kerry, and West Lim-| son in the deck t that he is the thir- teenth Alfon: The Great Gceai Ocean Depths. ea g cori earth, and the volume of an estim: them i bt 323,800,! ae eubic miles. eel It z “the first Ste Hi bui Bees ata right ae hese boxes were like an ordic ‘Women’s commonest ailment —the root of 1c} ill-health—promptly yields to the gentle but certain action of Na-Dru-Co Laxatives. ° 25c. a box at your druggist’s. MATIONALORUS ano OnEMiCAt Ce, FCA 5 a nation is the result of this en-