VVVV VV VV VY VV YOON v ye Do You Feel Chilly OR Feverish ana Ache all Over "eel worn out—blue and tired ? Don’t let your cold develop into yan poate i, poraimonts or catarrh, The: ay aie. ae Te oven its value in the DR. PIERCE’S Golden, Medical Discovery Restores to the ind to the circulation—the blood is uurified, the te digi tad sd sppetite improved and Si wh oe the invigo: sts this qtisant of ma ants. J apc “the 9 The dismantling of H.M C. 8. Rain- aboard. expire British oiicers Hes a have left for, ae lif: ond surprise you to know the. great Chambeslain'a Tablets. e them atnal alers, Miss Janet Allan. who is at present Piteniiog the Owen Sound Collegiate a enonegusnco, heart, brain sn ad "Harven feel the received an invitation from years le remedy New York Professional Basketball sold ia form by ail medicine deal 2 vi conttrmmeatens md genes Hour tgatt ag ola eae oe doesu’t Keep it, end60 one-cont stamps to RYPiere A. an or the coming Season. This is. Bliss an’s second offer to turn profess- yd pers Sense ne Medial Adve oak of ional. but she will decline the propos- Pages— . ition. owing to her love of clean sport Send 50cinone-cent stamps to R. V. Pierce, M.D. She is considered not on : Ontario's bes = also one. of the x players on the i The Milverton Sun fz [on the Stratford ‘team. which defea MONKTON | the omas girls S PUBLISHED s soaks | tario champions of 1913.—Owen Sound EVERY THURSDAY MORNING + + fete | Ban The Sun Printing Office nie Cole. of Toronto. spent the ,holi-| cences s just published by 6! days with their mother. Mrs. John] R It ia one of the most interest- Main Street, - Milverton, Ont) Ma asthe ing as well as the s dy of Dundas. Avent the) kind ever publis wih at in ow Merryfield Seorite onset epee peste wal “Sty al te mee arent es on ae sear, $1; six m 00 cents; thr aturd Sunday qalitiosband foc writing shen a book | ae age aad pe hee renee een Wieking ths ee There is not the mass of d y motor car Gosition ot ‘political yoLey which Sir CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES etter. ‘Sr. spent the | Richard Cartwright has writte Year 6 Mos. Mos. Mos| holidays with felends at Berlin and|ts there any trace of erne 70 $40. $25 $8} New dent ure c i k: Ae naae ars 3| Dr. Tf H Marshall. of Dayton, Ohio 2 1 s fath-| of eh. oil ight cents per t Insertion and eatarpit Mae (or cach eatecqacet inser aoa will be charged for all transient adver- oe eaitineaais without specific directions ait be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cording! shall. He — w of the flood a seenes of wreck and desolation. ‘ohn White Ses purchased st new bugay and driv A Miss Pearl Matthews and Miss An- the ‘tim: says that pond cannot onc the Getting a Parliament and Af- ok ter.” is the title of a reminis- as | t) | WOMAN'S MOST SUCCESSFUL |* MEDICINE Known All Over The World —Known Only For The Good It Has Done. Weknow of no other medicine which hes been s in relieving the suffering of wane or meer so many dia every woman you good it has been doing among suf- ering women 6 the past 80 years. Fox Creek, N. B.— ie have always weak- ek, had pains in'the | ae and a best remedy in the world You ean p lish ‘this a the papers.”?—Mrs. Bourque, Fox Creek, N. B. nd ed. fairn: and sympathy ae be foun i ail he a} Last neck the provisions of Ghamces for conteict aavertsement must = be tothe be in the office by noon Monda: SSeyectatie! be! a f JERS MALCOLM MacBETH. ratios = ous Mi Mac : Bubiisher and Proprietor Sen eratined tes ‘disposed of his boundary whieh con- + tara and lot of two “$ ieee ee * is but believethut + WELLESLEY {he ad within tho oonfities of the + villa adve a ape Lily Stewart «pent the holi-|week for three weeks preceding the ys. with friends in Toronto. application, and. failing that. e Mr, EE. Rate and Mi. and Mrs.) Mésers. © Heller and John Ullner | Re gistrar General may waive _ these eee SpROE SS FRR spent Sunday with friends in Toron- jours here Messrs, John Gar! —Rorle SMe. Kenneth G McKenzie who hi bei attending ‘Dorotito is soenaing the holidays at hom. in Jome when ne wi jon as House surgeon tae Genera) Hos: Mi gi e. n and Lizzie Mi ‘sabel Fleming ‘spent the Tying parsons Beredht-Iatt: oh Teeeday fora. trip 2 s of marrying pars through the West where they will] “sce 1) at eee towns, ae st are s Beas ae | daa es ye fet carat ete Sundgy with Miss qittieuliy ci gethitie -uhe “teamanty ‘Mr. John Stable. Jr. yr. spent | Maggie Bettger. _,,. |lieense that will comply with all the Sunday here with relatives and friends Mise ok a MsKenzie. of of California. yrovisions of the law in Ontario. attress| 0 on. on F ioKe: i Ames of At Rey. wood. w sanduee preparatory services in Knox church on Fri rs. Drape! s andi. a few Faber. Mr. . Miss. Henrietta ot ‘Sun erloo aind Ber. ai Say day: 3 with University | present her parents i upon application =e the department in | if are properly established. | ts will seriously af-| i] ANGLICANS EXTEND HAND OF FELLOWSHIP A Chureh Unity League was oe ized under Anglican auspices at Tor- ‘report the to last we ir p-Bymicnds of . he eq |in Milverton who.are moving onto the |e “ sy wile of aie ohn it” “Wagner whieh | farm they recently prebnsed’ from! Montreal, was clested resklent ah ? Mr. 7 At & a "ea tee Goins | 25 eitianicton wb cracker ae and lay took part in’the pro 34 r ‘afternoon [828 nearly doing ee nee age the | ceedings: TE 'lnrge concourse’ ot rebstive| ther day. Mir John Near was yoss-| ThE applause, which grected some wd friends paying their last €ribute {ina through the village on i ay ce 3 rea aa ar bs ea catas te cei | Mitchell when. the xplosion of the | of a ynultou reebea aoc ae: an ngod and. Wind mother |eracker frightened ‘his horse which [note of ist eallaedtinn nek Boat He sien tie rors" aid two oe ee eee eres Venerable Archdeacon a daughters. The yors have the | Near ‘ont and ran away. Th fibeas i UR ater eee = felt Be ae cae creat {tees itself by coming in «contact ouldn’t you like to sympathy of ‘the com }with a telephone pole. e buggy Sonn Bunyan, Framcis of Assisi, Thom f Borscht and harnest were slightly damaged | 38.8 Kemuls. Pather Sedat and Fa but fortunately no other damage was| stadt. Davs Heb bres. = Ke ot | ton ic Bc hets | There. ig ‘esent a case of me: and. Lizzie. Zi spe ding: “Bek day Elm: Tes in the vila but it is oped th Seid ace pate lt va ee Mines Ginell end sot: Bacal Ss t fraser Ie te inery flevertnient! spent Saturday and | left on Tues argus, {for Magze, Sarl. where she, will Sean, Cl eledeqatslatoat Skt Bera some tim iting Wer Sai Mir rs Ronnenberg spent BS CROSSHILL nd with friends vat Stratford + % Sebringvi James firs kine Su aster Eddie Hawke. of Wattrloo. parent ns at Ato ead ted friends on the 9th Tine tas! TARAS AF and famil n Huggins is spending w ut “he did to. Mi: ha : lace sigported by Ve this week “with friends nella Hawkins n Fae uskere wats Ander epee ae wi Deireer ME Bicattor that she would give him a x iting seks, ssthae ies ; Mr, Fred Arms' at ictor ie would saw and split wood enough | 2%! ee ae hierar heres ot aieetford | i. Day at his home near Sebringville, |to pay for it, he attempted to ap- oats & aoe h el a 5 D. Fergusson. s, Bergus-| peal to her sympath: - 3 a EE ES CO pane ea and Miss Olive will attend the |” Madam» sadly. “Pa. be | city eer ae ae ee 1 gE adc Ee a tay oun Congress ce ee to saw-and split the wood. fd] 9 visitors. old Crosshill. ad Toronto during the com- : seb cae seenery. = R. Rowland and Mr, fe Bete Gna Canal Weak and as Set: a ap of Monkton. speni Sunday at ‘Mir and Mrs J. Antick- ee ies’ Aid of os we Brown's 0 peering set. Mr. Rudy Bast hys moved“to the se dati “talon to Mr. Taha: Teorey 8 osially was spent by a village. ‘oresent Gypid “Maa Won! Homtiuge: ha Pe peace — moved their foteeold effects to Wat erloo where UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION VI! CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAM- SHIPS The Canadian Paci vee mbe t ns- (te. EB'U'p vat team we rel [th y| us 1 firmame snk tal oye patie GP ahaa ee hat we refused to; tht i recognize PROBABLY ry puget the: tramp shad seen Ti a o- judge of | | ic my what was meant for a wan. smile, | “Indeed” and Mi 4 [ineredulous sniff os ae ae d the palms outstretched for aid. Srnene ars Ugo eiien Ye sn | a 3 gave ai —for fear of getting drown- e y 10th. northbor deat May 1ith gret their departure all join in Bi | southbound: will operate Great Lakes HOW HE* APOLOGIZED Steamship ‘pre: trains between tinued pr |Toront aad Pork Me Nisclen the At the railway refreshment room “i q RETURN . FROM! following en dane with first-class |0n¢ of the’ passengers was ina burry 81.55 GALT AND RETURN - FROM qalguing ar running Chrous “Pledge past me thet pertaters MILVERTON ONT. Secaucus mister.” he said. addressing an ele- -—— és Nortiiecsabedve teas gant gentleman who sat next to him Plus eoone cents for admis- ° |e Dhe latter Hes focussed his gold on th Galt Horse Shaw. Tick- Trunk Rail- sion coip a — « eane via tikes y Thursday Friday and Saturday. Soe cme oven poe Jane Sth. 8th and 7th. All tickets The others held their knives and valid ua ts ae Galt until Mon- forks suspended in mid-air. iertaes = day, Tu une Ais ee Hea: the: uid ee Ay But such phenomenon too! Trimk Ticket office, ‘a a “ta- 45 a |tommed and. beckoned 3 the ‘nearest tion ticket agent. Phon : waite ‘Mondays “Walter comé here. please.” sf 1.45 “Yes ae ees ee the ce Unti oe Saar to epeegtse to you. that is busknéss dirnr to advertise it is also oo eae aa ccc | tulniok + thie arty & wise thing for a city or a town t Upner| here for, yoa. but 1 hope you es Spend money. ip ‘ablieity: iy. other advertis! Lakes ‘Stexmchips by leaving. Toront words. 9.45: Fall Ppictichiogs from any Agent or write trict Passenger Agent. Toronto To Manitoba, S and Alberta acl Taeeday. uadlpetobce 28, inclusive Froportionate low rates “5 aie points. Return limit two mo: Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars eg Without change e . leaving Toren Tickets also on sale evn Sarata ana North ern Navigation Full Sccinee: a By rece sions from aE yan dy nts or write G. B. Horn inion Station, Toronto $ ‘YOUNG, Agent, (Phone 1)- Milverton C. P_R.|#0 on with the din M. G Marohy. Dis- te RAILWAY) Sy SS PURE-BRED STOCK. ure township on “ REE ay 2 Mrs. JohnH” Re dolitfe © ‘Tribune waanats aged 54 years. 1 month ee cane SI oe ‘ure-bred male stock is to be dis- and 6 days. Cc (9) telbated by the Dominion Govern. |Glenn—At Mornington. on Saturday, I b t tl ‘May 24th. 1913, eae Camp- o| be offended a . Now’ just me them eran eee and we'll THS bell. relict of Glenn. aged 67 y 17. days. the late Alexander years. 3 months DEATHS. Kirkland—At Toronto. on Thursday, May 22nd. Martha Jane, —beloy daughter of (Mtr, rs George ‘land. of Newton, ee. 25 years, 9 months and 25 da Tanner—At ‘May years. Fleischhayer— ee Tuesday. Sia 27th. 1013, Honey Fleischhauer, ged 88 years. 9 mont! ths iS and: A days, wton. jaturday. 24th, James Tanner, oe q7 vl ineree of vk See ee | thousands of of whom state that ae has saved them from surgical operati TODAY AY. GERMANY Germany |se med overcrowded. Even in the aly’ elphtlea Ne: emighation t5 Ata oes trod Germ: b year, | tional means of liv ot ie ‘ins ane et it b 5 me the commercial n: a ward “The total foreign | 000,000 Ge hat t ortrant j 10.212.000, 000. 28 chile that of Ge oe as ¥ ee | only | Bri 10 (ei roils: a feeetaty | mm a: -ehievement ha spite of t in her colonies. yy wih id smaller than these ie: st class Power, leav- mparisén such Con- Ru the By Hamlin “ee ice is the world’s ecial L gomolon he 1 [Bowe Pala is inedia ‘he Bridge of es — Sisron sae The air is bad a most mon-. ev handed feria is counterfeit. The sealer is a bri ally passengers. | thi ‘ves who take your good Italian money and hand you anne rfeit iv change. } are For Loss of Hair We will pay for ee you use if Rexall 93" Hair Tonic does i not aes mote the goede of your all our experienbevwith “hats ‘patie use he shat bas done most te Fey are more satisfied users of pea 93" ee at tian any similar ee Rags ity only at our store: THE "PUBLIC DRUG viuaE. aueron Tae f2 Store _ Ontario Rexall Store in nearly ever ai fart and aly tes in. the es States cate sats | Mass., are files containing hundreds of | tho letters from women _| fallo: 5,000, 000. ‘Yet Bu a challenges STRATFORD METEORS DISTRICT The annual me: meeting of the Strat- the followin ing items aré summarized tac! In the member.h'p column inerea‘e eet r i decreases e Shown by the. mele preceded by the hyphen: 22h gy 2 &3 Ea Ci Be gm ge oe aa 670120 379 5 702i Fullarton 4 Embro. 214 1298 1 Kinto 238 2129 232136 a inne dioteme Ge Lucan ole mnilv -apparent and. is atoning ce rith Stet. 8 Malott as STRATFORD PRESBYTERY The report of the special oe e on peibematie benificene: x Urquhart ee con- were allocated the sums m for,1913 for th schemes of sums given expected of ‘The last year and what are them this year are 2° 1913 $1250 700 Str.tford &e gree 2 Tavistoc! Wellesley GZorra He it Mr mos corresnond with | congregations of the esbytery il petatosecea sas Soar paign, and as | in their desires and report to! tember meeting of the Pres-| journed to meet aga’ aa} church, Stratford. ibs the Sept Sie NEW MUSKOKA TRAIN te and Trunk Railway Systent ting on a mew train from ‘Tor- is pu [ont to atigskalee: WHET? “oortinenokat| ng Toronto| eh, ex arriv-| Muskoka Wharf 1.40 pm, making | with steamers S of car. Vestibule at and be assured mo: = ict is ae conga gate eway. of thi ed arf. the wi ie ees aay 3 eg Bundey: MILVERTON’S GRAND =| Summer Carnival TUESDAY, JUNE 3rd cg se STORE will be closed all day Tuesday, June 3rd—even to the side door. have an open day cn that King’s birthday with you. We want our clerks to date to celebrate our Come and hear the famous Berlin band. It will be one big-day for enjoyment. Our Friday and Saturday bargains will be very special, Come here for your holiday needs, LADIES’ GLOVES We have in stock all the best shades in ladies’ long Lisle Gloves at prices from 5oc to $1 per pair. SHIRT WAISTS_ We have a full line for the holiday, Our prices are very close inthis line of goods. BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR A fine range of Men’s Combination Underwear, made of best Egyptian The regular $125 per suit, Friday and Saturday $1.0 D. & A. CORSETS : Try a pair of these nice cool Summer “Corsets, reg. 75 cents, Friday and Saturday 55¢. PANAMA. HATS € our new style 1913 ‘<ec, Our great $4.00 Se special, Friday and Saturday $3.7: SOFT FELT HATS “King” Fedora Hats, special for Friday and Satur- day only $2.18. MEN’S RAINCOATS e havea rat! peril coat, ide only $9.35. reg. $10, Friday and DINNER SETTS “ 8 piece Dinner Set, worth $1 2,00, tue: only $9.75. for the holiday GROCERY SPECIALS Friday and Saturday 2.tins Tomatoes for ..... 3 cakes Sweetheart Soap for.....,.. 3 packages Corn Flakes for 6 tins Balaclava Sardines for . 1 large bottle Olves, ‘reg. 35¢, for... ‘ 2 cans Big Horn Salmon for. We want Butter and Eggs We pay the High Price CAR OF POTATOES COMING Particulars Later pm, | WM. K. LOTH “The Arcade” MILVERTON, - ONT. ye Tourist tickets at ‘reduced ate ie now on sale to Muskoka reso {or‘stop-over at any point and good November 30th. 1913. particulars a ickets_ gies Grand* Tron! Agents. S Agent. Milverton. Pigne HS MIRACULOUS ESCAPE CMs E. Kerr. ot Carthage. mae the came to t nimal w Drink . = New Harness ~.Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in-the best shops in the country and understands the business thor oughly. In pricés you will find us right. ioe "’ Geo. Jd. Coxon: g it broke a pl t2 glass in Hacking’s Astin bon: peables. But little dam age was don rig or harness. A CHANGE eels ae ey S ARES “Journal show awards are seeuineeslatly protiteleles sihiy ahould nybody want it? Poor appetite ‘sa a sure sign of im- paired digestion. ‘been benefitted by sae these. Tablets. Sold by all d homesteads in Western C gated along or near t line recognized in the ‘This title was earned nild its steel thin cane reach of the pion end of Octo! very Tu issue, except ticket extend ionths On pays agent at eidestination, Norticen ree ‘west of Port e the Canadian Brotperityr ke ee story "of the wheel An: ae of the company will glad tions, or write General seas trad Ontario, or 226 St. PIONEER FABMER‘S RAILWAY Your Boy is Entitled to a Free Canadian Why about the future of ernment at Ottawa is eiving 3 away. this ‘year’ 150,000 "hee Farm— ‘The bulk of these are lo- Canadian Northern Railway, the west Northern Railway never lacked becau: feel Into new adistricte, feed the railway and all that it aoe