Aintine) Forget color schemes a- while; get endurance truths Sirst. Take this good advice xom, before you paint or let acon- tract. Four years from now you'll be glad youdid. T,earn how vital is the large per- centage of Brandram’s B.. B. Genuine White Lead--World’s hundred year standard--com- bined in BRANDRAM -HENDERS “ENGLISH” PAINT Come in! We have a tell- ing booklet that will arouse you to nev interest in JAS. S. LOCKIE, - panit. Newton Kitchen Cabinets ! Manufactured by The H. E. Furniture Co., Milverton. The workmanship is unexcelled. The designs are up-the- minute and the prices are right. See our Immense Range of IRON BEDS SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, RUGS LINOLEUMS CARPET SWEEPERS BABY CARRIAGES, GO-CARTS HAMMOCKS Agent Gerhard Heintzman Pianos R. McMane, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Milverton, Ont. Try ANNUAL CUSSION GODERICH to DETROIT and RETURN BIG STEEL STEAMER CREYHOUND will leave Goderich June 10th, 9;30 a.m. . Arrive Detroit, June J0th, 6:30 p.m, Returning, leave Detroit, June 12th, 1;00 p.m. Tickets, 1.50 Round Trip MOONLIGHT EXCURSION, JUNE 9 FOR PARTICULARS, see small bills or write E.H. AYER, Excursion Agt,, Detroit, Mich, House and Garden Plants and Flowers ALL KINDS AT WEIR'S - RESTAURANT | FloorPaintSale To make room we are clearing out good Floor Paint at }45c QUART - 23c PINT - 12c HF. PINT 4 Ironing Tables, cork covered, at $3 Sack White Wash, Scrub and Stove Brushes A good supply kept in stock. Paste Stove Polish, regular 10c, for 5c 3 square Galvanized Shingles and 1 square Galvanized Siding at Greatly Reduced Prices HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS ae : Write on one side of the pap- only. Mail ta reach us UURD AY. of each week or soon Avoid all items reflecting on vince eharat au er but send AL! ie NEWS Check otf ‘this ne it naay ape im por- PERE EEE EEE ee ee oe Mr. shall spent a foe at ine home of ue R- FPlem Smit erlin. Bis oa sacar h ce Miss Katie Anderson spent Satur- da fo her cousim ays Hee siting made, Mr énelling ca quit a sensation with his-imitation mot- oreycle. Mi Johnston and. Irene of Atwood. spent M Monkton. end oe ann were holiday here. The number af Seroeebilen peasy by residents in town mow ‘total tw ty-six. ea + DIRECTORS’ MEETING + x al Fi ‘ire Insurance the The President The minutes of ‘read and econ- read askin aid oe publishing "ott heir annua! instruoted e testing adjourned till, Tuesday th 17th day of June. 1913, to meet at the usual: time an a IR Bamba Sec’y x * * MACTON e Mr. W A, Alingham. = ae Royal “one Toronto. and Mr. Alling- ing ee on Essent in te i e David Bi: 1a had he lived till ine would have attained the century mar! were interred at Glen- N. Allingham ee on triends an Elmira on Satu: t from her Se Aes 24th on hing Seoul sions. Thos Hackett and Miss % Jean lingam ee junday at the home aot hoe of Mr. gf has returned to her duties cb the Dubs school, .Mr Iva Nurse had charge of fhe anieilase week while attended the funeral o} crs Lame bots yaually ism of the muscles of PEE heh ebb ee ee he ae OES 2 | Tune sated ee i + * MILLBANK + eee seatbelt match at Poole Friday ev- Poole. W.F A =: Proudfoot, M-P.P.. at the W. home ir{ Toronto. Alice ‘Reid oS ai aunt ing hi Cia Muleahy. ‘0 ‘tow the funeritl = ine Sate Ae r tha Kirkland on Tue: tended Rage and C. Merrie! m Sunday , Te vii onS + + BRUNNER % + t G2 days with her ‘uncle. Mr. Beck. of Penetang. ited at her home in Wellesley Sia te Clark and son Prayer meeting will nhs held “at the nome of Mr. J Struthers on June 4th If ib is musio you want and musio and lots For Dyspepsia If you suffer Stomac! ar h Trouble, Smet youn cont Hitt : air 3 yee prove to oat that indigestion, ihestborousy ly re~ RNS ts whereby the well of Bismuth-Subnitrate epsin have been properly combate with Carminatives and other ae S. subni ae are constantly em) We are so Lgne ‘hat fice is. Hep Gpaepsrabletetairo res you to try them at our risk. Gone sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and You buy Rexall Despoa' ‘Tabet in this community THE PUBLIC Rua STORE. 2 The Store 23 Miss Luella Wilhelm spent the holi- c Mrs, W. Schneider and children vis-|""4 ov of music. come early | Chu: Grand Rally AND DEMONSTRATION «AT GODERICH In support of the course pursued by Mr. W. recent session of the Ontario Legislatu: aioe Holeech i ma an a bus, trip to Listow day, nor} URGebi and Mrs. Wm ie Mas Cuthbertson, Strat- the former's mother on will bewheld at — the Cooper on June 20th. sof the Epworth Intended for last er was held Ti given later. yn Cuthbertson spent cave last seek at the manes. Mile this vicinity and things are booming. The foundation is being erected. for ames spe" the new chéese factory, sunday. with friends ‘a tloakton, ;|man “Acheson has the wall: comple Man: tratford. spent | sor a mn : ag saturday Hire and Mrs G, remodelling fis b: ‘The days bave-extended the Poa andl the frat HR Petors spent, the holidays eh oes n Olver of Lon ES oe x, Brickman. of Str stor. aD Soros Si eich her alter. Mrs. H midt this week. + ie ‘Mis. @ Denstedt event Saturday | + CARTHAGE + with friends in Stratfor: ii + a teed building is being done in! Man. F = eee ee ss Callin nd noe atackeor : * ; : = || Clover and Timothy Messrs, John Tabbert and’ Thomas oa S Keeling who are at present ee Before buying elsewhere, their dr‘Ning outfit near Wint! spent Sunday ‘here, i Fr who spent the 24h |): and! Seed Corn We are now booking orders for ” ong t) of May out of town were; Mr, RE a Jack and family at the _ Mave you left your order ? clas fae remember a: WEST STREET RINK es hom? near Wellesley; Miss Car. 2 : " Births. Marriages. Death ris Zoster SARIS euHe Mewar Kiwi stock of Accidents. Church Neves, | FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913 aoucnter at Bertin; Mir. Wilbert Yot| || Oil Cake, Mollasse. Suppers ee ee ae il Cake, ollasse is. i Li 12. edge: News nc presene ofa large number of prominent ‘| and Linseed Meal é f Ontario, incliding M: ‘bbert. at Listowel; Miss Es- Always on hand, Public Improvements. | Rowell, the prominent leader, and. Nuaabe ie a4 t Welles! me ee: Law Cases. ( "members of the vs Cabs lesley; Mr. oy} Sete Nae ‘Schock Matters | eryorte who belle hone uiler at Mitchell; Mr. Pat Ranncy | ws ny is invited, Special at Stratford: Mr. Alex pastas at | Talso carry a full line of a | v acrvice sein arr tenins, rates, etc. ae home in Carthage; Atessrs. Aus: Stock and Poultry | Hie Schweitzer aid Milton Sen waresers la ___W, H, ROBERTSON, | qt Elmira eee Soods ... ; TS Raewee Sees 4 nu mber from here were treated | and all Poultry Supplies, ¢ + SESE ee Re SAS SU eee oo Sih In oR Gen mneesaen's athe} ~ Epeke in s 35 %] "Among those who spent the holi| I. D. ATKIN + DORKING + ax Attic || miLveRTON ~ = ONTARIO ei zl dy friend with his mother. Mrs. | S) Atw vs. pe ws Friday ig tratford. | evening. Every Siegner. of | Miss Sarah Ce See Thursday ; Ens es out of LOVEE OP EY, Mrs, Richard Johnston left Friday ost's: Mr. H.! laat-dm Btvattord: phemualitey were; Mrs. Hugh — Ross.| to spend the holiday with friends in! Warburton in town; Miss Flossie Mr. and Mrs Dunseith and family |at Stratforg. Mr. and Mr George | Palmers Sean of Listowel. and Mr. George, s BU: * ent Sqnday last with the latter's|Smith at Listowel nnd Tralee. Mir.; (Miss Mary Connolly. of Guelph iepner the parental root WARTBURG _ + eeonts iaotesiin Mis, and Miss Winkler at Ayton: spending a few days at her SES Me Bert Pierce and Miss Annie Burn . e. Miss Lydia Spenier is visiting with |Mecs-s. All im, Schiefer and Hodge home here. et john bbert’s; (Mrs bibs friends fu: Hamsbun at Toronto. Miss. Mary Mnlethy at, Mr, Ed Ranahan and sister May |Ad2m Meyer and two daughters fr eee ae » and Mrs ¥ Shearer spent | Elmira, m Gillespie at Listo- jeft Friday for Port Haron ~ where|St. Cle ¢ with Mrs 7. Meyexs | (sod ee souine their corn Tharsday last in Stratford. wel, Mrs. Leighton at Guelph, Mrs they will spend the holiday with|Mr. Chas Gies and Mr. Harry Hib-| 7 of our sitzens fetena. Mise Annie Chalmers spent the 2th |Helen Stewart at Linwood ani Listo- friends. bert. of St. Thomas. at Mrs Gies* te Se ae apohta at Mies to Listo rel Clarence Mules isto: lise Baith Brenner. of Toronto. ami| | Wir. Jas Freeman motored toStrat. age fo oat Aah noe pant Mr. 8th ae Mayberry attended the wok a See eo es M erlin. are spending a | ford on Sun he day was some-'iime, picnic’ at Fernbink on Saturday . McKee ai or} few swith their sister Mrs. John | W ss chilly E Biss Hilda ‘Oper of Baden: spent) Mr. and Mrs Montgomery, of Ed-| ‘ogal. are sorry to report the itiness| OE Zoe beip td a esis vistetne fae hy ee ontén: are visiting os Lizzie Me- ving Moser fa spending the | of Mr Chas Dede but trust he w: AW apie h ee aaighbor Pet hl. of Stratford. | Kee and of riends in this locality nolieys Sate frie: in Port Huron.|8oon be as hearty as ever. ‘Anthony Weiss and-da daughter voent aE holidays mt home here.| Miss 3 of Deel le. en nd Mrs Grehant Lavery. of is jie Barr Who has been re-! Botha of the Olassio City... spent Belle Fleming. of Monkton, | part of ot Gee ae Ten “Toronto and Mr, and Mr: ert. |erulting her health at her bore P| gina with his son ‘Mr. Ed on the aps ne a few days at her home here. “Abt ee spent Saturday and Sunday j ls v fo state able to ** tam a Miss Ruth Berdux, of | Wellesley.| Master ager Rutherford is iN gt thelr “parental home here, about again, | Junidt, ie pressing hay spent a few d ys at Mr. Robert Flem. of pleari aye Tanner and son Donald he sympathy of this community i ay nn ehghborhond for a few day: Ing’s we ey e tne 00, who have of ‘Hamitton. are spending a few days neuen us death Rete Vv eo ea The Ellice and Logan cheese ue George Grose! slmira ss ns. Helm | at ae home of Mr. ahd Mrs ‘Thos |through the death of Miss Martha/ the spent me oe days with her paren 7 the past ‘month Sa arher to her tani tory yreopened last pees pee ie on tans (Ben cei eee Kirkland and Miss Inez| in. Bunge finished pewine Bie ios Ane hacen “Hast ane now open for SS est to Atl prncts with his vvartable sawing ou!- ir, A proule and sister ie sonal We are sorry to report thait Mrs, M see Alfred | Hitter called on friends Conte pearaal sarees a Signet spent Sunday at Mr. aN, pore oots e ac Nee if », 2 a I Mr. rtin left Monday for to Thursday with tri uitemients aii Zinn and family ice for the past three weeks is ake a position with a bridge gang at | Sitedw in Siegner’ agecslapa! but slowly. Blyth mutt pent ine eens ues football team will el ay their], Mr. an Michael pelts ane ir. Hogh Preebots Bee moved Into el bet howe ins : first game at Poole on Friday evén: family, epend _Bundey with tr, and ay ste ple spent Saturday in Albert ing against fave, Ww eae abort Yost ‘Mr. and Mrs Roy Henry <pert : is place will gu Miss Mary Phair left El Tuesday tore ee the 4 te Teneeak ate at th the former’s pareutal home Hes jg. base ball and Sakis Spor is Sue ; Ae ieey one h a N nd Mrs Smith. of Stratford. ‘Messrs, Thos and Dave ‘Tanner amd | ing wi nee 2 “k bn Gago euro Oy Sey a pene oe spent Baten tom ew fille: fas Mie Hoary. Hattineyex. or event Sie eth ‘at oir. George Brick friday. Game called 6 30 0 veut ene ge} Sebringville. spent a few hours pavtisaares Phos Pridey. Game oal P. Se ae ae naib will bead friends in Millbank. copctery ee oon o at saree er oye get on their way to the ae bro ‘ ~ e a i i ° st. % f Milverton. ata ae missionary ee ons r a6 oy eer on bea lay las es ee + * LISTOWEL ae Mendes HAMPSTEAD %| vending a few weeks with yee - cae eS ewon ol : Paes : ‘ ‘o Mr. John Zoeger spent the 24th in) "EPS TF Presborn Ife on Tass aan iss Maude he fest teneue toot bell match So Me Hugh Hal WA. of Toronts | oO day for am. where | she \ ee ete — AO Cee be Ly } Medical School. ed home on Sat- é will pal ont ime among he Sea Bah aa : ie me urday and will spend the vacation Pee 2 many irelatives. towel resulting in a win for the lo-|* HAWKESVILLE % with fis erenis tie ena on sd SENS. = Mr. and Mrs John McDonald. *, cals by a seore 1-0." Shortly Gaps + a Hay - 5 Tavistock eae with friends here half ti Stanley Ford. ani Mrs M Wolfe. of Guelph. is ae on Satu Besar Seciden ta Ny sent ae ye ne ie and Mrs Harry Weiler fd sent visiting with her‘daughter.:Mrs |. Mr. Wall Wise. ote Soe nlt that the former will likely aggubrer? Wetie Siasebios Case Tue Bierare 7 of Listowel, spent ;Spent a few days this week with hi cay al tbe ages tor tthe Walesa at visiting at the Tater ig Hom here. Alex McMillan segently pur: th aan visting gh son. this Tine. | Hos ee Baas ee i cack Vowel vohazed another farm in the yieinity R | ing. of Newton. spent a Knog ehurch was crowded to the mir. V a on} days this week. guest. of her do ee y Suan fen nF ee Mr Me. an f Dou: of Pr 23 =u rber and pone alse a Atiss Annie Dewar. near Wel: Usa ar is farewell ser ee Day calor i 2 ; ton and oir, J. Donald. en Awaieries: ctoria Day or Sha A CSO spending she visited at’ od % Mrs, Jas St ys Fe Bk and Mrs Thos. Hammond, t nests Sid and Berey Suoneer. las Sieaterbe, ergs nneanaead t MacBeth = Xe |e ep eet eae visited in this vicinity over ad Geo. Tanne gee Martin visited at 2 and Mrs. 8 H, Pugh. Ja Mr, and Mrs J. Little. of Sackato ae town on Wednesday for the: football | turday and was accom Dorothy ave Saturday wi hile [dae ee onese ‘ie wes econ W Moffat. of Millbank, prere) match. he Mr. Louis D'Neil in n f the forinéris father” oa the vrecommunion ervice in Zi, Gepinigat talc ceeeh eh . a “enjovable rnoen was spent| Several children of B.S No. Opent | ‘church on Friday am Sacramen oy ren eee oF ¢ Irene and Violet ar 7 icinity on Vie: | Victoria Day fishing and made obthe teen eee iiee vas iapeunhd oe eC é n. are the guests of Mt rD xe bene é atte Sunday Sate members we! eae pare ler's flats, The spot al fi cofa of ceveral bens on added to Tot bat Je REOv SS “ inger epent Sonday iinaletand the ipeios thee which s been shingled during = Christian Schinidi ao at pre: elim the tir ocibland: wakomoct. pophlisive | eck hieige an addition N G: Seepoulee and Charles| successful altalr: BE. Dowd spent a reecee Ppene sa t0 hi “) tf Elmira. spent Sunday in -—— at ose weie leea ae BE Ineeugture wil soon Fe nt sroste gies Mr, Manfred orwell, of Waterloo, | Preebbeiteetrie Mir, We H, Dowd v ited friends ana | i vd teres in t i: ca SANE othe parental roof over} = Banna: *\ relatives at Listowel on’S Se¥eral Soune, ceil Ont 24th quite Dleassnty ‘ing in-the river Conest Jad 2) Waieldel v JFHOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS i hom, former's parents Waditell, of North Morning’ = (~ Each Tuesday, until October 28 : “INGTON {Winnipeg and Return - NORTH MORNINGTON | Edmonton and Return a3 her points in proporti Otnetahr Liat two menthe See and Mrs John Little. ne comet face pam cach TRAIN |. 2.00 i nutsiay May to Aude 00 p.m. cach Tuesday, Hi Gat, ineusivbe Beat irata wordnet UPPER LAKES NA/IGATION Steamers leave Port McNichol, Mondays. Tuesdays, Weduesdays, Thursdays and ell. of Ochre River Rl bab aunt Mrs Adam fae fs ec ds Mr. Bra: ‘entertained: a few Satordaye for SAULT O12 MARLEY ;PORT of his Trienne on the 24th of May, — |#’the Steamer “Manitoba” sailing from Mrs. Ollie Jones epent Friday in |ff MeNicholon Wednesdays will callatowen se Dlaste City. Sound, leaving that point at 10.30 p.m, 6° Annie . of efter EAMSHIP. EXPRESS iss Laura Hughes. of Port Hw leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. on sailing days: : wood Farm’ making Glrect. connection with Steamers: t Port MeNichol. Particulars from Canadian Buea or write M, G. MURPH. rm te and Mrs Ab, Waddell . and f eee spent the ee Sea ot “Delisot rae Farm.” t home of Mr. ane Mrs Wm. Waddell. Rew. Hogh Fergusson, of Stratford, preached in the h Mornington els last Sunday, Mr. Tobe. a veri the uth with riendat of Ellice as finished fe pant ol sawing lumber for ‘Walker. Kerr ‘spent “the holidays wi h friends in Newmarket je Askin svent the holi- days with erlcida Weare Mr. snd: Mne Geo Syotion, of Wing ham. were visitors in our burg last Sunday, number of teams are at present hauling gravel on the road south of our vil ve # +: HESSON + + F + Miss Katie Schiebel spent a days with her sister in Berlin last wee! e , Miss Mary Blatchford. Josephine of Newry. spent the 24th at_the ir, E C. Knoblauch Mrs, Ed Helm spent Sunday wi ler cousin Mrs. Chas es Reble. of Linwood. Has been| on his aerereae toa friends Logel. the ith “at Tinie ira, “Now is the time to get rid of your Fe “Chamberlain's Ean nt and mberlain’s ime: nd | plying | Cha: Foe vate aoe Mr. Geo Lantz spent Sinday at his |. What This Sectional Fire- pot Means to You | has a bo erie prevents | racking. e he eavy ribs- These are some of tthe ad- vantages of the Sunshine Furnace. Our agent will be ‘pleased to show en others, or write for bookl = euckinee Londen Toronto” Montreal Ie Bareilles: Clete pees "Pamenton by abe 7