ROSY CHEEKS STRONG NERVES - Should be the Birthright of Every Woman an Growig Girl, and growing girls step, and a good appetite, are seen not@ decline in health. ir spirits » grow sluggish, the become Pale apne fitful, and the nerves ‘over-sensitive to not rest whenever they should, but this strengthening medicine is with- and will ie ‘dia in the enjoyment of good Ith. And it is especially impor- tant that in every stage of woman’s ite the blood eis be kept pure ‘he value of Dr. Wi Be. "Pink Pills is well illustrated by the case of Mrs. David Cham- bers, oe Ont., who says: “Sor ears ago I suffered greatly from impoverished blood. was medicine without getting mee eae fit, and at last Boies pts Williams’ Pink Pills, ‘hich 1 had heard highly recommend not long before I began to feel he ter, and after taking the Pills for hay couple of months my health was “hel saad thecal and al- ugh some passed I have continued strong and Beal, and I think I owe it entirely to Williams’ Pink P: Pills. Dr Pink Pills and she Was soon ante well again. I al- recomm Dr, sissy, n Pink Pills to any suffering a: id, ee the benefit our fang Pfrevived from them ‘Dr. Williams? Pink Pills are es by all medicine dealers or. wil sent by mail, post paid, at a conte ox or six boxes for by eae eine The Dr, auilame’ Mediciny , Brockville, O; Correcting a Husband. ‘A colored woman went to the Phas tor of her church the other da; complain of the conduct of her ine and, who, she worthless rect them, the minister said “Have you ever tried heaping coals of fire upon his head?” | “No,” was the reply, “but T done tried oe water.’ “You can’t sit up up with ny. daugh- ter after 11 o’clock.’’ ‘Would you mind telling her that, sirt I have been trying, to get home early for six mont] When And Ags Heed Gare Smarting—Weels Bs and apie a rugs a an ops er bone Murine’ Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Love at first sight is apt’to fade on its initial trip to the wash. Winard’s Lintment Cures Diphtheria “T am glad to see your husband mons regularly, my He ‘says they're the best thing “hay eied ~A7get tor his insomnia SKIN ITCHED AND BURNED Plmpleson os and res, Scratched \ and Made Sores. Kept from Sleep- ing. First Application of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Gave Great | Relief, Cured in a Few Weeks. whine Locks, Quebec.—"I had itching commencing with my legs and incre gradually until it reached all parts of my body from eugtet se troubled with ‘At for about two ye ears. “After hay iE Ointment and from the first applesdea t warm baths with Cuticura Soap fol- sis oe and I 27, 1912. For red} rough; chapped and bleeding hands, itching, busing: palms, shapeless nails and ikreere a aga Cuticura treatment works wonders, Soale hh tiring, i joint with Cuticura Ointment; act | really esa Morally also woma: eemed in g| command of the situation, for the single standard was WHEN ROME RULED. Weman Enjoyed Privileges She Has Never Regained. “Under the Roman empire,” an Ttalian atenan said recently, wo- man arrived at a point of freedom and dignity which she later lost and has never regaine: “Under the empire women were innkeepers. and shopkeepers. “Tn the law courts woman after woman won fame and fortune. They and they fought in the arenas.’ Apparently their freedom ae ed in all ranks of life and a three particulars their conditi was To uate again this same Ital “Wome: portotsed unexampled. property rights. Also their right to cati ‘was never questioned, and a single standard of morality existed for men and women.” _ It seems that when a woman in e days of the empire married she sul pees. absolute legal inde- pendeni r dowry went to her hu: deen but apart from that all her property was held in her own right independently of her husband. In this way large sums of money accumulated in the hands of the as a result they often o their husbands at high rates of interest. the husbands often became business men who did nothing but look after their wives’ estates. Again, in education there was no From all that can be learned the enthusiasm of the man women r learning was great, though Roman man did not entirely like the educated woman. r A aeren judge said to a husband as he a decree against the wife: npegyded always it is es- tablished that by your life you gave her an vate le of fidelity. It is unjust for a husba his wife Bi that he himself does not kee! discrimination. When small, boys| naturally beginning to rise, but and girls were educated together ees he does not throw and later the girls of prosperous| money away on clothes. He gen nd to exact from | possi! SELECTS HIS OWN STYLES. Prince of Wales Refuses to Comply With Fashionable Customs. The Prince of Wales is yet too young to be ‘‘arbiter iskentinn, um,”’ but the time may co! A seal of his approval on their taste in elegant attire, writes a correspondent hil For example, he invariably wears his gloves buttoned, and never leaves the open and tucke down over the wrist, as is the cus- tom of the young swell.’ He wears a stand up turned down collar with a frock or morning coat simply because that sort of collar is more comfortable than the plain sti tnd up collar. 1 members in the royal feud it may be mentioned, have lately followed the young eine execu thiaintior aq ave discarded the stand up collar r tl evening than a turned down collar and such a collar is always worn by the Prince, The taste of the Prince in the matter of socks, however, delights the heart of the youth of fashion, for he frankly confesses to a taste for gaily patterned socks. These c The dress bills of the Prince are ally. oiere half a dozen suits ci a time, and does this at most three imes a year. Though the Prince is “fitted” at his tailor’s when ne- cessary his tailors have an accur- ate model of his figure and one fit- ting is the most that is necessary. eir apparent h inary white shirts as seldom as possible. His favorite day attire is a knick- er suit and soft shirt and collar, and directly he gets out of London he gets into such a suit as early as In the matter of walking sticks the Prince bids fair to exceed his mous collection in Fe Bright, or Lazy. “Johnny, I don’t believe you've studied your geography No mum; I heard pa say the — aoe eeld wat: Sianaing an’ I thought I'd wait gin jours Wl hii got vetted.” SS . WELL SATISFIED WITH BABY’S OWN TABLETS| ° Mrs. John Kenny, Bt, Norbert, used Baby’s with them. mothers say the same thing simply because there is no medicine for little ones to equal the Tablets. They act as a gentle laxative, regu- late the bowels and stomach, break Ss LEAVE EARS TO NATURE. Doctor Explains How They Are Kent Clean From Inside. The upper passage of the ear does not need regular clearing by jis owner. Nature understands the task ao in a healthy ear does it perfect eae ‘means for leating the away imperceptibly. In health the passage of the ear is never dirty, but an attempt to clean it will in- fallibly make it so. Washing the ear with soap and water is 5 it keeps the wax moist en it ught to become dry and makes it abhor st. But the most hurtful thing is ihe introduction of a corner of a towel, screwed up and twisted around. flakes or n ; of the tympanum, producing pain, inflammation and deafne: e washing should only extend to the outer surface, as far is the finger ‘An old to can reac say: ‘You will be on the ante side af you don’t put anything smaller han your thumb in your ear = TORTURE IN CALCUTTA. Police Make No Attempt to Stop Fanatic Doing Penance. An extraordinary scene was wit- nessed in Calcutta recently, when a small trolley, studded with rows of iron spikes on which a Hindu was lying atfull length, was being pull- man was oie pena: on his way to the tem; dess neat at Kalighat. had been son the jour- ney, and ae in a terrible condi- which rarcted spikes, aan 150, were quite sharp, and the man wore only a loin-eloth. He have sser-by made aor Siempt to stop number and interest, but of the thirty walking sticks he We the Prince rarely carrie: a large crooked gold nbudied coe given him by the Kaiser when to attend King known as the ‘Prince’ a designation that when it reached oe ears of the Princess oe she once gave to the sti ee ee “LIKE MAGIC.”* New Food ace Wonderful When “a man has suffered from cused for saying “it acts like ma- Bie. When it is a simple, wholesome food instead of any one ‘of a large number of so called remedies in the form of drugs, he is more than ever likely to feel” as though a sort of mniracle Sie been perfor n man, in the delight. of restored aeneoe puts it in this way ike magic, ae describes the manner in ‘Nuts relieved me of poor pean coat- ed tongue and loss of appetite, of many eS standing. “T fi that was recommended a wer with- out relie! ‘hen I Grape- Nuts on the suegeston ote @ friend. e time I shed the mothe 1 wave-boanennd with a relish, anything e2nsider the effects of oe on a weak stomach as sometl really wonderful. It builds up the entire bedy as well as the brain and nerves.’’ Name given by the ae oe Postum Co., Windsor, there's a reason;”” and it plained in the little book, Road to Wellville,”” in pleas Tone timent to ot on and fuil of human is é “The app ear genuine, tru Even if a man doesn’t hesitate he may be lost anyway. Ulnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta Her Diploma. & says. she went finish her education. she learned much?” ‘She’ told. me aes had six new ways to fix her hai: abroad to I wonder if self-imposed to: Ed- tel eral. a This particular stick at Oxford is tl about fiees medicine Doctor Said He Had Diabetes DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CLEAR- ED OUT EVERY TRACE: That’s Why Mr. David Heon, of Nicolet Co., Quebec, Is Recom- mending the Great Canadian Kid- ney Remedy To His Neighbors. St. Wenceslas, Nicolet, Go., Que: (Sp tarted oxes I was again examined by the fore and he told me that all trace of diabetes had disappeared.’’ This is the statement of Mr. Da- vid Heon, well-known and highly respected ‘here, and he is only one of many in this néighborhood who have found a new lease of life in ee great Canadian Kidney Rem- It is cures such as this that have given peels ey Pills nee reputed ©. from ae Atlantic ‘e the Pacific a ee the remedy that never fails to cure Sey disease, e sees where or form found. Dodd’s ola Pills are no cure- . They simply cure diseased kid- 7s. Th gia, diabete: 8, urinary troubles and Bright’s ican is that = ee are are either di eys or are caused by: disordered edie failing to do their pa ate LUCKY ORPHANS IN JAPAN. Government Gives Splendid Care to Its Destitute Children. There are few foundlings in Ja- it id. For the babies who nash the asylum there is what is called the placing-out 801 fresh air and am e strange baby, is paid four yon 8 month. This amounts to $2 of 0 money, power of $4 ii The pay | is supplied with clothes by the asy- lum authorities. A second department is the Su- ool where the asylum sees are eee from the learning household duties, as we apan, oud: the daljien ‘mist ot ee ee oe Ak Noe ania oe : ned. I improved to a marvelous degree mlm up 0) with Dr. Hamilton's Pills I now the position of the children coming r its care un’ has been nes and the asylum re- sponsibility ends. Day nurseries in‘ Japan are all private institutions under the care mi series spen it of doors in good Mr. Takata has. made a study of institutes for the feeble- minded in this country, but there is a small ale ata of such children in his ntry, he says. There is one pri- Sues institution for them, accom: modating from 60 to 100 in Tokio and experiments are being m i the treatment of children ae I little below norma! “Do you think this new photo- graph of mother looks like’ her, | yinara’s Liniment Co., Limited, father 1” asked the daughte “scaraouth N, “No, don’t,”’ enlied: the |_ Gentlemen, —In Jai father. Le , one of the te ¢ working in the Tumber woods, had What do you suppose is the mat- | fall him,. crushin, ter with it?” was, when found, pl Wee , taken home, where grav Why I suppose’ the man ‘told | tertained for his recovery, his hi your mother to Jock: plejtent and |» she was trying to d PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Yeur druggist» will refund money it Pa OINTMENT fails to cure any case of ah Ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles i (0 Happiness is a condition in our- selves, the outcome of devotion to something better than our selves. Minard’s Liniment Cures Dlstemper. Ever Try This? ‘What a magnificent bouquet of For your. wife, I pre- Iam a little on the outs in that, ee just now, and ——’” ae are for Fae centre of our dining table. of the family, the gilt ENFRANCHISING ITS WOMEN. ores Divorce Laws Give qual Rights to All. aes will probably be the first Latin country to enfranchise inau; ie of the Reruns oe ee a ‘two months afte overturning of the a ane egs jivorce laws, which before withheld from women the right petition for dissolution of ae under any circumstances, were so amended that they now enjoy equal privilege in the courts w: tthe the aad _A little later a law was , similar new French law, holding the fathers of illegitimay pee’ that aSajugal oe is based on the freedom aj nd equality of both parties.’’ ao wife’s freedom is safeguard- ed in many ways; for jamares: the husband may not take his wife in- to Spies country to live without tee ‘conse: ‘omen may now pub- lish thei own manuscripts veithout the hus! Do You Feel Moody, Irritable, ¢, Depressed ? When That Gee Laggy, Easily- Tired Feeling Comes, Your Liver Is Slow. Tells How to Cure Quickly. ven when I was young I was not robust and healthy like other girls. suffered I could not throw worries off like women, and those ae feelings of des- pondency and weariness made me very unhappy. There was no cause to feel 0, and my doctor said liver was slug- ish, and this ace my The pills the doctor gave m 100 purgative, made me weaker because they were too active for my constitution. Do: of my ended Dr. Ham. ilton’s Pills, and ere so mild and helpful. I acted s0 quietly as Dr. Hamilton's. "© so comfortable to use, I was atrata they would~-not™ help; But a” week I knew they had been actively engaged in cleaning up m; did the wo It is Mrs. £. at Gloucester, who relates the above perience. She proved what you an ers, men and wi , can prove—that, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are best for restor- ing health ‘and best for keeping the sys- in perfect running Don’t 2%e. a box, five for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or post- paid by the Catarrhozone Co,, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. That Coming Strain. Hewitt—What are you doing these days? ; Jewett—Resting up’ so as to get strong enough to go on a vacation. only ou “BROMO QUININE” That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Teak tor the signature tet owe nave Cusei = Cold 30 Ons Day. Gives vip “7 saw youn mother going to one | of the neighbors just as I crossed | the street,” wold. the lady ‘caller £01 her friend’s little son. “Do you) Jimmy ; just as soon as you left. e he was completely eured and able to — SAYVEUR DUVAL. Elgin Road, UIslet Co.. Que. A Sunday school teacher had just heel the story of Dives and Lazarus to his classy and at the close of the lesson he asked—‘‘Now, bays, which would you prefer to b>?” One smart lad replied quiel “Pd like to be the rich man while L lived, and Lazarus when I xm lead.” fork each something pleasant to look at while we eat. She can’t see me and| I can’t see her. me?’ The Biggest One. It’s almost time To hear men say “A seven-pounder away.’? ISSUE 22—'13. A Strange Kind of Fish, mie; ce what, “dear?” “The tinimies; the minister al- ways sae fron ‘the seas and all the ue the mother realized fo | tabs it sak the litle girl’s confused version of the text, ‘The seas and all that in them is!” What sort of creature had she expected to see? Evil Days for the Stage. The kind-hear' woman h given the frazzled tourist a gener- ous puanly a ig victuals. “Hayen’ any eeuly tradé or, seeupation ” she asked him. “Yes’m,” he answered, with his] mouth fl “Tm a actor.’ can’t vous find anything to do on oe stag “No, m wae ine ain, ait usin’ real jactors on the days.’ any tage these Guilty of Assassination A mi razor an wi ane Extractor; it's safe, oauleee: and ‘Try “Putnam’s’—cures so s val deale: i e The with the loudest voice outs: as win ihe argument. Winard’s Liniment Cures Garget In Cows Health is the greatest of gifts, contentedness riches, Truth is the best of sedatives Tho burning, rary nd smart- Ing pain Is ended, ¢ din; 97 he diseases of the horse treating the Stomach, Intestines, Dis! cases of the Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary organs, Worms'in the horse, Wounds, Cuts ad Abrasions, Bunches, Swellings ai FARMS FOR SALE. of Le. H.W. DAWSON, Ni oot W. DAM inety Colborne Se : | a, STOCK, GRAIN AND Dany * | Berta’ in all sections ot Ontar! SITES, WITH Of OUR Railway trackage, in Toronto, | Frampton and other towns and cities, ; ES iB nS RR'SDENTIAL | PROPERTINS iN nd_4 dozen other towne. | H. W. DAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronto MALE HELP WANTED, UT OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU right. Learn barber trade; always fmplovment tor barb College, 221 Queer STAMPS AND COINS. S™% MP Toreien stamp Catt oe x ferent Foreign 10) Albam, only. Bev ams mnan MISCELLANEOUS LADIES. , LISTEN. is oa Coin silverplate vttabloware, extr: ordinary prices eit with orders, ‘prepaid. Write awiokly 2s rmation. Buseell Supply 162, ote Que. Co ances. ORS, ‘internal = gut pain, by car ho LUMPS, ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLA der Stones, ‘Kidney, trouble, “dra Lumbago, and kindred allments positive ith the new Ge: Remedy, ica lee ta a new remne Yj for ‘Diab cure, le *“Banol a pan tes.’ 00 Frou drugel Tho Sanol Manutas toring ae rot al nade. Limited, Winnives, The Soul of isthe Action, lager a en athe “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action © best and lo ngest- | mitts ever tarned sure and a: @ gloves are specially tanned for hard Servige and. will pets 5 oney and reduce your glove expenso by the year. Send for a Seerive pamphlet —The Pinto’ HUDSON BAY KNITTING Co. } THO: 8 McGill College Ave., Montreal. MONTREAL. The Usual Way. loesn’t know ju what to say he generally cave it anyhow—and then regrets it, if You Have Two More Cows it will pay you to use Stanparp Cream SEPARATOR instead of skimming cream by the old method. By using the Zou, will Ket $15 more profit trom each cow per year—and this is a low yh better than this with the Standard. short he Stand: figu t dairymen do ming at experimental farme, c! farm. Write for folder, entitled proofs. Also ask for our catalog. The Renfrew Machinery BB Limited Head Office and Works, BRANCHES: skimming Results,” SUSSEX, N.B.; SASKATOON, SASK.; CALGARY, ALTA. AGENCIES EVERYWHERE IN CANADA, or the a gh for tl 5 And by taking advantage of pay for your Standard out of the RENFREW, CANADA, Don’t Break To Baste Your Bird The New: Perfection. Perfection oven is just the convenient height. Everything about this new stove is just right. Tt bakes, roasts, broils Made’ with 1, 2 and tion, and it does not heat up the kitchen. oh ried at all chief points. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY G mit nnipeg, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax, St. John Royalite Oil is the best kero= sene for all stoves and lamps. Your Back Stove with the ‘New and toasts to perfec- ‘ 3 burners. “Stocks