Milverton Sun, 19 Jun 1913, p. 5

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workman: a. od trimmings are one of the features of our trade. It's the way of the world “A Man is dudged More or Less by His Appearance.” Clothes— ' Are such a ‘necessity, and .. 80 conspicuous that to neg- lect your dress is equal to dropping out of the race. You owe it to yourself— “Phe Duty to Dress Well” A fine assortment of Suitings and Trouserings ‘our just pa in Aine for inspection. We gee y Perfect Satis- faction at a LOW COST. J.M. Fleischhauer all CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford, Ont. “Canada’s Best Business College’ resent we have applications from $600 to $1200 per annum for trained ‘help. Business men know where they get the best help. We have three departments — Gor mamaraiel, Shi and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal “Ringed Round With Gold |: 3 CUE, eee and gems is the splendid stock of Attractive Jewelry are displaying, . Jewelery is investment it bought trom a reputa- uch a: e e~ ble firm si our: have sp oiat facilities toe Mecacit the moet ionable je’ We buy largelv pay cas! 1 buy. This ans a saving to us os for you Always glad whether you buy o1 P. H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician “ Byes Tested Free Milverton, Ont. ty Tuesday, March 25 Ts x opening day of the pang teem at The Listowel Business College Two courses: Commercial and Shorthand EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Princip RY.FISH&CO. || LINWOOD Dealer in Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc, Grain, Flour and Feed ws and Furniture ors get endura tract get at is to paint. ram’s B, Lead is the ; ts : ie: lead--70 %--i what it does Come in! OSINT NTI Forget color schemes awhile Before you paint or let a con- paint question. Learn how wtal white lead and grind their own white lead. You'll then understand why ae large proportion of white BRANDRAM- Soria PAINT wruthis lesa tere ina oe Get it, JAS. S. LOCKIE, nee truths first. the heart of the Find that Brand- . Genuine White World’s hundred is guaranteed, and for you, in M-HENDERSON hole, interesting Newton “DE WILTON” Imp. --654~ (11645) Ro SEMPLE Rhos. Milverton Ont. Will breed mares in this dis! PEDIGREE: on, was foaled in 1907, bred by Dr. ig (7783 G. Gill, Hagiand, Sire — Druinl by Polonius (693). —Hoollin (23,588) by Sorkehiscuas Pit ampion Lady Bird by Lord Der! De Wilton stands 16.2 hands high lofty outlook and superb action. No. o better advan courage in neither beer and chi Smaplon face don Hackney Show Eagland, numerous to mention, ROUTE: De Wilton will go to Sth line Eima, for Monday man’s hotel, Linwood, for Wednesd: Will stand at bis able Lot 4, Co Mornington, the remainder of the wee r further particulars apply to ow THE FASHIONABLY BRED HACKNEY STALLION ott Poi that he is bred to be asire cpr horses th at wit be, ating hors He took t the Lon- nd others too | Listowel Mr iand Mi T Shearer spent ptablay and "Bendre ‘of last week with friends in and arouritl Pose Mrs Bolvaias event a days of inet week with Stratford ent O; Engel visited wecently with tr i in Wat Schmehl. of _ Stratford. spent Mishiay tyehlng bf st week v4 . a eae ere I~ E, Schmidt and Sonate Em- Ph inslionss be AB Iver! nt Friday eh Se, meh) argaret. Mayberry. of Van- will visit for a few mon- ds in this looallty Even some old settlers never settle FOR SALD gelding Ap: Heavy iy RS. Poole. thi ear-old. fo WB, StRUTHE LOST. Between We esley and ees = 8rd Ii ight noire leoat please leave oat Bank of Harnito, Mi i a 00 ao, anus act ead entry (includ Ito earn homestead pat- res extra. hausted Price $3.00 vorth $300.00, W.W.CORY, Deputy of the Mii Laat hdrlaes publication of By at wdvilegtiente will aot be pala for 1-6 erect @ house w SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND | REGULATIONS Sots his mer Stet ated June 6th. 1913, for the —Must reside six ee re it of three vears, cultivate fifty acres and wanton ahd receive: seven FOUND. Aw: ne in Milverton ‘on June 3rd Owner ma by proving |proverty end paving for this adv gNCE HASENPFLUG poeee ween ones Gernl Dia baliyettens tinier D at this office a Ne TO CORRESPONDENTS —x- Be eats on one side of the pap- : walt toa a = Rates of - ‘void ne ee One on SEES EP Eee eeee . ec & * BURNS * + + We are glad to know that’ Master ‘Warren Reid i G, Ma rok and family spent ee Qui mee io. OF letee attended ‘the idtcions service hel ‘Millbank on Mr and Mrs. Peter. Jagiient ond eon Herd: Eepent Sunday ii Berlin R ond. a Toronto, is with her sister inet, ci CLintapel apeee San: day'in our bury Alf. _Shetstogton and Carl Bal- nallan. spent Sunday with Mrs. Conrad Ee abe week-end with their ee erton. newed lacquaintanees. in ee ae tans week ‘Mr Willie Koenig. Ms of Berlin. is \e +] spending his vacation at Reha D EE ;. | here \e Eon gi Cur Ww. 9. Bundy spent the week-/3 i end in Barr eg oo th + | Tie oH, B, Crowle. of Edmonton, is | Ole end Mrs. Thomas Mayberry at present vis iting wnder the paren- | visited over Sunday with friends in er: of for- Zdith Crowle and friend sone Sunday atthe Heinbuch is spending a ome bere ber of Linwood sports Baio verty atl Macton fest faa evening 3 Frieda Berlet is spending 4 in Stratford The Misses Coulter. spending, a few weeks Cath of Toronto, are with Mr R. Mus ne Bonereth aster oer Williams spent week's vacation with his grandparent at Newton eee che circ! D. Siibank Jobn eet of Detroit, Mrs: épending a we: ante friends nd around ni MMs ‘Burke. ‘of Uleveland. Ohi spending a vacation with Mrs He cay Maniner Miss May Ransom, ——— ont a week with her Seis oe rear bg ve Mrs | John war nee me Mic D = at the last iso ae The ‘garden party under. the nieces of the we meh Institate Tas. on) ss sa eae ide u ae he ganization ¥ maale a decided tiyenn sow us the ‘ter Ww! = b eee inteaee taer > exhibition art>in the ON HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 3} iT MAIN STR A Pa nek Thoude. stable. For particulars ap- ois, ‘to oROBE ee LENNOX. gi erton Oni -p good s 4 LOST. on Friday night of last week awn by istian este in to of Charles ‘Trim The publio atti or sto’ eget Fe dase eral rinten weil! Se Te turn to 0 NAFZIGER. Top 3 ema ot $2 visiting ne eee home here for si il. fey ell and Son Jerome. n. spent Sunday at, Mr Geo. :.) Thompzon and daughters saa Ne Helen are “visiting friends Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand Canadian Pacific PUBLIC NOTICE! - MRS ¢. BOEGEL, LINWOO! on hand eign Cement ‘and all kinds of Bi Maté terial, such as 1 hath Shin a Cider and, nd Ape Bu Butter of the | Goon V. Meyer, Matai! OUR NEW SPRING SUITINGS Railway Time Tables FOR SALE Twenty - year Muni- cipal Debentures orge Forwel Pion spent Wednesday in coming in contact with poison ivy = reer piuasticn Sot send. : Mr John has returned home e = ‘rotm.spending several weeks in Wif- Cheek off this Ist it may assist | open (art of the west Eo aE tees h Davidson sustained a eon: ones neice asthe serie nee ie Ge ee a % ‘Accidents, Church News. 4 Lifes Seca ys * ae need 0s. Moore accompanféd by = pi + ther mén of this docality Es See {| motored to Palmerston on Friday "a z.| last where they attended Jubilee a antes {\services wheh Rey John MeNeII * = | of Cooke's church. Toronto. spoke to oe 2] large gathering of ‘delighted hear- 1 to report that Mrs oe = is recovering from her . + cAllister is a visitor * LINWOOD * ei a = re “ HAWRESVILE oy jah + eH EEE LETTER TEE EEE ir and Mrs. Benjamin Ballard. of ronto. are. spendin on with ner’s parents me isan Mery son Floren nee Sugden ee friends in Guelph over Sun- alley returned to her home | aie Sein on Monday after | wo h her Saglters PMs - Moailister. ae Fernbank eople from we's circus atound here nm Thursday last ‘The students at ‘the Listowel High pone in this vi nity are suffering the effects of erperes which cee were forced to under; ace eoynt of the small pox Bore bie towe mber from here attended the drawing gravel nil here ohn zz sawing and e order of the day aroun taken front Mr will room! 's pit be meio oto alte -communton services conducted on ecg ™ ehure! Aise by The Sacra Se: wi}l be Moffat. of Seititank or Mr nearing complet ing progressed rapidly sortie ene Dest week It promises to be a id ueture nore Tea ines eeeto meine fine soe sider! ng the dry weather hay n& motor-eyeles le at bebind them are 1 common iat this yéar in this vie- inity eee a ah — a + LISTOWEL + st + Poole Hey "Priay- Cane nee out to win a ng game is nssured oy 80 3 sharp id mild ¢: of smallpox are in Wallace. and ima town: ‘gst and ex: Game called i, Roos made a basivess tin wee ron spent Sunday ton 18 Mr to “Toronto this Mir Geo, at fardie called on friend: ae town > 2 his way home Spon the eral embly at Toronto last week very pretty meee wa ized oad at the hi br otek happy couple the 3 Tehaes and. New for Buffalo. or) Palmerston baseball team defeated ark in Listowel | Planned Sa Command” fe, ain AS or a sufferer from “A Perfect Woman Nobl, To Warn, to Comfort oes Nature never intended woman to ee itelisre ace yea tone ia thood Ree ores 4 fer need fe - shed eee hd bcc aaah t ir oa to Haare and and from moth moth: -down sensai Set eerie renee vee er relied fon ti these ‘distressing DR. PIERCE’S FAVORITE ee ae asa soothing: aod strengthening ner- The “Favorite Prescription’ ‘vine—allays and subdues nervous excitability, known everywhes irritability, ae uustion, the stand: Precnacy ferherneone om ba, distressing symptoms commonly “Stent Home. Your dealer in medicines sells tein one upon functional and organic dis Hui oe tablet form; grou can go a 5 feminine organs, Tt induces reteahing seep Favorite Prescription tab able ot Kidress De jeves mental anxiety and Pierce, invalids Hotel, Butilo, NoYes at ae sa Sn Momach, liver and Bowele Sageeteanteg™ a —— + : + + CARTHAGE MACTON + x + + Mr The lawn soci “S John Moore has returned hom» |’ a tri to the West of ‘A number from. here attended cireus in Stratford last Saturday Mr A, Ross has improyed the pearance of his place by having house painted {Mr and M Walter Adam was 4 great ssuéeess after the @ mbers in the House of” Mr ore made'a trip to New Ontario last ree s Ma tewart. of Stratford. Mr Mr. John Glenn attended the |* visiting friends im this viejnjty High Court serie of the Canadian| Cutting wood is the order of the Order of esters in London last | (ay q week as representative of-our local! A’ number from here took tn the : lawn social held a Mr. J. Boge's : ‘ Commynion services will be held in | Linwood. last Mond: ue Morley tp: charch mext Suin- Ne ‘nasi spent Sunday len Mr evening im Hollen GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM NEW SE W SERVICE TORONTO - SARNIA - ‘SAULT: STE. MARIE PORT ARTHUR - FORT WILLIAM - WINNIPEG STEAMBOAT SPECIAL tegiive dung 7th tin. — 8.00 pain. Tuesday 1 rt W p.m, Wed, Winnipeg. G2. Rall ti. Parlor-Cafe, Parlor Cars and First-class Coaches between Toronto and Sarnia tandard Sleeping Cars (clectrie lights in lower and upper berths) Colonist Sleep: the Listow: at ‘team in the p on Sa ae t anilten. of Li Palmerston. botle oitae dg Everybody Wath a béys in blue and white. Uriday night GLENALLAN gas Metho: i Be a ae tans he Kk in if at Mr Wa tes Adan s es { Dorking. spent attracting much Patented these days. New designs are neat, have them in various quacee Sik as Tans, Blues, Grays, These are worn oh i best dress is are Edmonton Skndl Return her points in proporti. penta tints Sey oma aistinctiv e and | ere ae bound to give satisfaction. Come in and let usfshow You: tices are moderate consi Our ering the ee of material | ae ans Ss N. SN SMITH UPPER __LAKES NAVIGATION amers leave Port MeNichol, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays. ‘and Saturday Sfor SAULT SEE MARIE, PORT THUR and Fe eT WILLIAM. ‘leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. on sailing days making direct connection with Steamers at Bont MecNic! “The S jee Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agent. MILVERTON, - ONT. or write M,G. MURPHY, D.P.A, Toronto 2 F. W, THOMAS, Local Agent ree Barman & Bailey cirens at Ber- 5 will be no servide in Boyd church next Sunday on account .c! Millbank annive “Miss Margaret Rennie — and Tea pene hebs hank hue ut antoe in Berlin city town on wae for Jeewers village that Tehte coaeotee: re ete on phos that does not hustle for it ‘stores suiddenly at her home ton Guelph and Goderich iss Rosie Dorseht. of Bamberg Going wr Tenders will be re iat by. the un- “st Sole of days with her sn “tnd Bee eat! ee at) Mr. dersigned for the purchase of $13,500 | grandparents here last wee kinda school debentures issued by Village of| Miss Loretta Walter is on the sick] ‘Bliss Garnett Cooke man, of Toronto. Milverton with interest at 54. “per| list We wish her a speedy recovery. is at present spen niting hor holidays cent payable in equal instalments of n't forget the lawn social onthe] under the parental rool Cer prineipal and interest each yea? for| 27éh which is to be held the| “Mliss Fern Cherty Bent last wee twenty 3 of the by-law | Methodist chufch ring your| with friends in shed oh calioation «Phe: tel sete maidel along und bay hor Joseph MeLangniin send sono ae offered is first-class Corres- | dish of ‘ralee. spent an evening la: wee invited and - information site with the former's Sister, Mrs James cli a promptly supplied + +4 | Cookman. sr ee W D. WEIR. + + Mrs Agn ents ath- Grand ES ¢ Clerk of Milyerton | CROSSHILL fl ganeoneet, cit ee aut Stations ora cae _%| Robertson. of the Glen 3 we nem, a ie Baraca aM, Carrol. a former teaoher of | 2 30 Newton 9.20 1.04. 4.45 —— ‘rosshill. now a sti al Pik, ROMER PESTS ST dah Baal Yt 6 5 | University ‘ealled. on et Sit triends| PEFFERS & we per © a | 48. 60 cently * ae eons ee Ae ates ee | wes andy. Gimmbrimanns ob. Dettolti te eS ctes 802 80. indy attended the Shantz reunion at] Mr Andy a i Fawn Jewel per owt... 275 2 75|Rerlin last wi Mich eaatedclete with his. sister Peco 908 3 60] ME Ree Aikman ont Ses, MSR Bone ey a yraeae per ewe.- 8 00 3 oo[snder the Trent ad Tackson. of {last week with Stratford frie HOMESEEKERS’ Gtenatan were renewing Len ahe Miss Abel. of Listowel. enn Sun- e on Sui day wit ¢ Atina Free! : EXCURSIONS Mr ‘Allan Shantz, of Wa terloo, nee vate from 1 ere Foo ook 3a or Bach Te until October 28 00 Sie a xe Shantz Mes aaa tr Thos. ars is building a new Winn RENN x ‘A number from Crosshill took in fetes Seb fe v Hurst Bros chipped & Gar of Hiockyon Montay. Mr H. Kenny spent Sun- nay nh Kahryville ae ES + “ = * * DONEGAL a my £ Soe number from ‘here Bor in the held on {Mr 0, Roul- adore ctu an report a vane good Tr ia oor md duty torréport the death of Mrs Jobn Roe. who itd Tuesday morning» The os have the sin- cere sympathy of the community ber nes between Fort William and Winnipeg ' Car will be Prank Lake and Rail Route Service between ae ee wa saa pe Fsaraiern Whart to Toronto, com- ; y thereafter. : ie , maybe obtained on: appil= Cc. E, HORNING, D.P.A., 8 S. YOUNG, Local Agent, Phone 1 Union Station, TORONTO, ONT: . 5 = A ¢ | House and Garden é ; ? , ants an owers 3 4 ‘ 4 ALL KINDS AT : ’ _ WEIR’'S - RESTAURANT 3 To Our Friends and Neighbors vou ees us. Ae Know we would oh — ages eo could ped ‘iford to mn our word. Nor ca! this ssh! Ae “it-not-satistied offeron this splendid laxaties We honestly beli have th remain “bat bowel rately fer made the the So pan ee ost pleasant , ranontly- benefioal lasatiye tor ret doch blue, meavoure from the miseries and dangers arising” Sus ills are common whee . from constipation. fail to act daily as nature inter Le nee wouldn’t say this if we didn't All this may pee mabe if you will cn to pass a We wouldn’ ae accept our advi - Btotem anes ts did ieee ese you i would find them true, Gesertion 3 Our faith is built both on the. taste. just like candy, TI “fopwledge ot int Hep Ooteelae i rat Ahead) = ee de es aes on Sess ae jon of do not cause griping, nat cases in which they or excessive looseness, ties proven tie bee! merit id to tone and si fe Feleve am section aad ane ip pa stipation, Try them at Our Risk — manently overcom : y Rexall Onderlion nee better ® If they do not abundantly nits and better health, In all of : their merit with you also — are vastly superior nol entirely satafed with thera — to old Pinskionel, harsh salts and Wewil retund yourmoney——and we eh purgatives, which are not only Will do that on your mere say-eo. Gnpleasant to take but which usually: We Se a yous risk a penny. * Jeave the in worse condition Isn't that than before, We particularly recom- Just i = toga in properly tend Rexall. Orderlies for children, loing their work —just let their ae, be aed ga eee esis, “os e ent and every Hata a H Other organ suffers, Wastes that cay 80 tablets, eo CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies aro not sold by all drug: gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores. ‘You ean buy Rexall Orderies in this eommu ity only at our store: bot Milverton The Store Ontario in nently every, town and ‘ity in the United Staton, Canada, and Bec cope Bei ef ice Risin The Rexall Stores are America’s Greatest Drug Stores ig Your New Harness! _ Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us, We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the i: country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right nasi Pomrty Geo, J. Coxon | ‘The Baa of this Naclalborberd are busy

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