Milverton Sun, 19 Jun 1913, p. 7

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a TRUCKS - Capacity 1,500 , importance. ARTs, HOME STUDY EDUCATION, ‘The Arts course MEDICINE, | may be taken by SCIENCE, correspondence, Including a spines dit ENGINEERING | must at: Sum: rr or calendars measion ay. CHOWN. July 2 to Aug. 16 ington, Ont. Toronto. Fhoue M, 2072-54 UNITED STATES AND CANADA Relations Are Very Close And Destined to Grow More Rapidly Still, Says J. J. Hill my magnate, in responding to the sat of “Our Guests’’ at the banquet of the New York State Bankers’ Asso- Ho held here Thursday. Hill, -after ae reference to ate hundred years of peace, pre- dicting that . agai war has broken do cemented more and navies of the armies r + Capital to-day furnishes the sinews of war. For none can long be car- velopment everywhere, y or perma- “A century has written in the| nent educational staffs, but devoted United States a record never before) +, practical instruction to the far- equalled. It has meant very much bmer in modern farm mi ethods ‘with to our neighbors of the north. Tf! his own hands on his own land Canada is now, in regard to the population, where + —*—. United Si NEW HAVEN WRECK. other respects she ut where the United States did sixty apparatus for her sah tially com- is going for- The development. is bien plete, and roe ward at a startling ate Commercial Relations Close. “Tn spite i aah relations ada and the Unit grown to ak proportions tonish even those familiar with the official figures. Accor 000,000 ; and of this resey 000,000 was cur: ada. i : It supplied forty-four per cent. of| ly inj y our com- Canada Second Best Customer. “Tt is usual to speak best customer of it is true. But the Dominion of | §% Numerous complaints: of op: nada is far and away the second | erations of pickpockets | and house ft, customer that we have. The | thieves, supposed to be follows statistics have been brought down Pek Barnum & Bailey ser which cover the first ten months of the | played here on Thursday, were alah fiscal year, which began | le in tl fea paca = the July 1 last. During that time | evening, an sus] were Suk oeertate the Untied Kingdom | picked up by detect ceo nlcare were $524,000,000; to ny, Said to be well-know mn $291,000,000; to France, $131,000. ga ie es of V. various ‘American 000 ; ‘anada, $338,000, cities as their addres: to all Europe combined $1,294,- aereen Great Britain and Germany even approaches Canada as a buyer in the markets of the United States. Her purchases were a_ seventh greater than those of Germany ‘They wore 26 per cent. of those made up by the whole of Europe Wy combined. Nor is bss trade.a one- it ae the ay ee 2xports ‘ot C: the latte: merce it abate direct tates, than it has at any uae cane the last forty to fifty year Sastins Banking. “On two main lines the bankers of the two countries may well take counsel and Jearn from each other. The next task of the United States is to provide a safe and adequate currency the country. For}? Canada that problem has “been lved ii t appea: a practical ‘way. By your. system banking facilities can be furnished, bet what Spgs to be a prac- way. By your system banking tnllites Ti be sala wie through brane! as tl re been to all the cthagvnttice | BE Silene rial | P NIVERSIT Wired inde wet sirens 0 hp. gine. wien ‘woroa CAR "sor Limited, 100 Rishmot@ St, West. a 5 foeuisan of farming; to stop the they. nae es ee of all obstructions, the eaete an.|New York, New Haven & Hartford States. have that as- ‘in, the | on tes Soest pres: le of | fir ecker Six Suspects Were Arrested at boiling Dut is prepared instantly Profit By Neighbor’s Blunders. “The bankers of Can: are in a position ie aaticiats and for tl rious agricultural development of piled eee: at Ss ae A late to pre the the ee ot veatligy eat ace ui: -ecentl; remains below the mtroduce am transfer of population from country to city. which has been a mark o} decline in practically 6 spent in and he the various provinces within the next * si done, C.P.R. Wife of a Tand Agent Among List of Killed. oe gaa ow Stamford, ae persons are afin some seri- main line of the Railroad, pri x ss, westbound, oe into the n s just leaving tie mepon. Tha deeds Mie, J. Kelly, 3 Dryden Avenue, Win- throp, Mass., wife of the land agent ‘of the Canadian Pacific Railway, instantly kill Frank Canfield, Spr Nees Maes, instantly killed ; 8 ae Mass., eck oc- Mrs, died res minutes ile red ; Woodruff, Flushing, | Ress that killed. The serious- red : J. Jennings, New York, ouiiens about the head. Ss Se PICKPOCKETS WITH ‘CIRCUS. London, Ontario. = despatch from London, Ont., Big Improvements s Planned for Goy- ernor General’s Residence. A Sea: from Ottawa says: The public works architects have the Rideau Hall improvements. A new front of four or five storeys, with an imposing tower, is what is planned. The cost will be about $150,000. The rear of the building is Jered new and with ene front the whole appearance of the vice regal residence me be “changed. BEGAN 0 UNG. s Had *‘Nerves’’ from Youth. “When very goung I began using coffee and continued up to the last six months,” writes a Southern it “f had been exceedingly nervous, thin and very sallow. After quit- ting coffee and drinking Postum about a month my nervousness dis- appeared and has never returned.” rug, eehene 6, found coffee.) “This is the more remarkable as I am a Primar, acher ar have kept shee ‘on with my work., “My complexion now is clear ond rosy, Sipe vat soft and smooth. were visiting me, use week without being sue ‘that hie were not drinking cof ann Anat by Candin pone sor, Ont. Write hackleb "The Road to Satine ostum comes in two forms, Regular (must be boiled). Tistant Postum doesn’t require by stirring a level teaspoontu a in an ordinary cup of hot water, aha makes it right for most persons. big cup requires more some people who like strong things put in a heaping ‘and te pe it es a Jetas, supply of cream. you dae mee Ssaninie thee” pleases you: future. NEW FRONT ao RIDEAU HALL to begun the preparation of plans for} rn cs exion was Remains Toronto, June 17.—Choi I had ‘onl desired I feel amply | $0 875, “Duteheas! = cattle, alee “we to en be en though this were the Seton ae Nga a8 to ‘to $5.25; good hice on. $4.75 to $5, A pene it derived from drinking ore wane 8% 8 nm nd cutters $2 to $2.60. al gpringers $40 “eBetore beginning its use I had to $75 each, according to suffered greatly from indigestion | quality: Heavy feeding. Yih io | ie ieaats id headache; these troubles are| $6.50 to §9 for good veal, down my sane for common;. light oho $5. a to $6.25, « : while heavier ewes’ ought from $4 t “T chai m coffee to Postum| §5. Lambs $7.50 to $8 for yearlings, = a i, 33 to va a Spring lambs. Hogs—$9.85 a headache. | weighed off cars, and_$9.50%> $9.55 Lae ae sets MW serine ge to 7 5; cows, $40 to § each. C sheep, en spring lambs, §4 to $6 each. Hog: 2, avy Thursday by Recorder His alais ‘‘Barney’’ Foley, th ate | before Thursday. and have it owed that y eas in- pee prisonment tl “There's: a Rebson’’ for ‘Postam. fation of the case. CANADIAN ORDER FORESTERS STH ANN UAL MEETING OF THE HIGH COURT. Over 500 Delegates in Attendance at the Annual Meeting in the City of London. 34th Annual Meeting of the The Hon, Andrew Fisher, «Prime Minister of Australia. PRICES OF FARM PRODUGTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADES ENTRES OF AMERICA, Frices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other ce at Home a ad. Breadstufis. a eerong, Tine: tt Flour—Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.95 to 84, Mouteal of Toronto freighis, “Mavitobas, in jute bags, , 34.005 Si 1 Northern, $0514, t $1.01; No. 5.20; ‘second strong bak: 2 white and rod heat, 97 t6 980, outside, and inferior et 0 to Boe. Oate—No. 2 Ontario eats, 34 to 350, out side, and at 371-2 to dé, on track, To- onto. Western Canada oats, 39% for No. 2, and at 310 for No. 3, Bay ports. rome Bla Sunae nominal. Ba Prices nomin: m-No. 3 American corn 660, all-rail, 62c, cit. Midland. nal, Buckwheat—No, 2 at 62 to B3c. Bran—Manitoba bran, $18 a ton, in ba: Rorenig: freight, “Storie; ‘$19 “to $19. ‘Toro Country Produce. jatter—Dairy prints, choice, 18. to tas inferior, 17 to 190; creamery, 26 to for rolls, and 2% to 27¢ for solids. i to 20 here, and at 19¢ outside. Cheese—t4 to 141-20 for twins, and at 131-26 for lari a per bushel; Primes, $2.4 cae No. 1 wholesale; Bacon, long clear, 153-4 to 160. per Ib. in onse lots, Pork-Short cute, 928; do., mess, $22, Hams—Medium to light, 19 to ato; heavy, 17 to tbo; rolls, 16 40, 161-40; reakfast bacon, 20 to 210; backs, 24 to ee re 141-20; tubs, 143-4c; paile, Baled Hay and Straw. d: hay—No. 1 ae Be $12, on track, ‘Toronto; No, 2 99.60 to $10. Mixed Teg ae veges: Baled etraw—$8 to $8.25, on track, To- ront Montreal Markets. ie sane. {1--Oste“Onnadien West- do., extra No. 1 5 3 do, it, No. 2, 5 ‘Spring wheat ‘pa- econds, $4.90; do., , Winter patents, ight llers, $4.76 straight rollers, bags, $2.15 oate, barrels, $4.45; do., $2. $16 to $17; Shorts, “$18.16. $195 middlings, 8 Lp aes aebe ae C ang t aes lke (HIRO tae AID: Ohasee, Dilent est) to 121. jest eagterne, Hi to mite _ Butter, choieset creamery; 251-2 to 0. nds, 241-2 to 250. Eggs, fre rie do., selected, 250. Po- tatoes, per bag, car hae 80 to 9c. Winnipeg Whéat June. 17; Cash Wheat Wo, 1 No. 2 Northern, '%60; No. Wlanioes, 4, 841-20; No. 5, op foe ”8e' No.1 ‘rejected Ne 30c. Barle; rejected, 421-26. United States Markets, eee, 90 1-26 0 NO. u Now 2 rye, 64 to ged. Bran prices rene i1.—Wheat-No. 1 apart 1 ane 91 7 duly, Eoptember $1.3158 bid. Octo: P gLa0 Te ae Live Stock Markets. pt0t0 ta + 3 8, 101-4 to 101+ ——_—™. COCAINE FIEND PUNISHED. Pleaded oe to lee Drug in the His Possessi i tence Geoftr: tion on e fiend, who pleaded pills in e result of the Tadeo! 8 consider- 0 combs, §2.50/ (29 result of the es vis per aowen for No. 1, and $2.40 for in 18 to Order am ‘So ultry—Well-fatted, clean, dry-picked Seige a Ss SO wo. Live poultry, about 20 lower than Potatoes—Ontario stocks, 871 900 et Dewan st $1.05 per bag, on track. 9 Provisions. Canadian West-| aj att reas ae of Bin 5 years, less than juse is no’ being represented. This order had its birth in London in November, 1879, and has on three subsequent occa- sions, aes the present, returned there for its Annual Meeting. The "to Mowiny officers of High Court were present at the opening session J. - Stewart, pate Chief Ranger, A. Brodeur, ase ae a. Uv. Medical er; Ww. L. Roberts, High Auditor; hs Cou Mena Que enson, Tor pide Out; “A, Hy Galpin, London, F. H. Davi deem ‘Winnipeg, Man. Monies of the Bxecutive Commit- “mn addition to the above, John Mur- ray, District High Chief Ranger, Ha- D. EB, McKinnon, Dis- yritate Vico ee Holland, ahs from th continued in the year 1912, which is eke by these reports. rder confines its business en- tire cate ae the Dominion of Canada, an is, therefore, peculiarly a Canadian In all its business of 1912 year interest earned on ii of Insurance Funds amounted to $167.- 166.16. In respect to the matter of invest- ments, it is ioe to know that the point of view, enabled the Executive Committee to vestments, taking into consideration the undoubted Sea offered in this class of investm Both the Sick rd Funeral Benefit $51,783.44 was ad- ded to the balance in this Depart- ment, as the result of the ustuess: for the year under review. The total amount standing to the credit of this fund at the present date is $306,927.03. ‘espect substantial progres; net result of the year’s operations showing an increase 4,41 ,|Foresters, as submitted in these re- ports,+is well worth the perusal of ose who have been perhaps too apt to decry the Reriemenes and sta- bility of fraternal insurance concerns. re is every evidence of careful Society in an intelligent and business- like manner. ve special interest as indi- T3 alta the cautious selection of ‘risks, fee e death rate, which for 1912 was jt .25 per cent, per further that the Superin- tendent of Organization has been able eral ably occupying thet: = situation ar ‘the 13th or 14th inst, a despatch from Moire saya ss was eee Macias LORD STRATHCONA’S Gurr, Assures ae ieee ee for ‘the Sales ak 50. x fro fects of hace from ig to come up for sentence} Lord Strathcona has made a con- 7. “i tubules of $50,000 toward the pur- was we of the Crystal Pi ac- alace, t! pore of which for the ie cy wassured, — a | nae the Bey Tales opeatiiurat a ureat | to. the eect that an insidious ontort ie ‘ism ig | were less thay been painted during the past vear. Ag obtain a handsome return on such in-} a often thought to be extreme i ®| by experts to represent the last word in s of the| has TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE BITS OF INTERESTING GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. Immigration From the Sritish tslos—Specl- mens of Farm Help—imperialism tn. the Univorsity—The New Hospital. Never before has there been such an flux of immigration trom the British Isles into this province as during the pre: tee ‘s the distributing centre, Woronto gets first choice of these fresli citizens. Often in a stroll along the street, ‘one would judge from the snatches of con- versation picked up from pessers by that one was walking on a London or Birm- ingham thorougafare rather than Can- adian. ‘The crowds in the offices are eloquent of tion, Dj local immigration 1 rom the 8. ost significant thing about the gures is the faot that almost the entire British immigration, which is so large as to giv the people ‘of Briain esses oyna to the Province of “According 10. the figures 10 less whe @ Americans and other foreigne: Only, Farnt elp Wayited: ue ae at any olty Job acs fs eet a help. domentio: eervios ‘seems. inexhaustible, uth many of the new arrivals wow Tebecliials Hothing of conditions on he farm, y farmer tells immigrant. in the evening he showed him to his room and in a few momenta heard: the thud of bots dropped : w hired man was aasang his boots outside to be cleaned. Anoiner who was auplying 10 a tamer if he could was his 36: for a posit! milk. “0! ion was asked aye, brawley,” ne she did not go ahead with her dishwashing she said that the water from the hot water tap had been hot che was waiting for it to eek The sobriety of Canada bothers others. ‘An employer who had engaged a number of Englishmen on some construction work Was scandalized on going up to the top of the Duilding one day recently, to find hat the new laborers had laid down dosaniRctttan ce leer But these are exceptional cases. On the addition to the Politics in University. wealth Something of a rumpus has been stirred up in University circles by the charge made at the annual meoting of the Alum- ni Association by Mr. Gordon Waldron Weis srnoe. te fron nbs the University. Mr. further In support of his charge than {0 say that a distinct tendency was obser- able to, introduce Oxford graduates. to the staff’ But he declared that in Uni- versity College, which is the bailiwick of Dr. Maurice Hutton, there were ten Ox- . In the whole institution there than 2, nine of whom to whether these men were conducting Eee Propaganda iand if eo by 10 have been oritloising the, University: be. At all events there seems little doubt, that political focling is running higher @ University now than it has for apeny yeare: 16 ta perhaps only a relloc- tion of increased political qeetaensp throughout the country, or it indi. the student body is more active interest in political aff: Professor Hutton is a very scholar with strong militarist. ideas. Tt was he who at the revent annual dinner of the Canadian Presa Assoc! eized the press and dre) Fepresentatives of the ‘newspapers who respondet Mr, Gordon Waldron is a law; eonsiderable force of character,” in his 5 r, with though ‘views. He spent many years in Cen! Amer- Toronto's New Hospital. Toronto's splendid new General Hogpi- tal, formally opened on June 19, is said hospital construction on the - American Sine ein New York. mous Bur- opean surgeon who a ft on ago looked over the new uidines Geclared as’ this parting word, “No man can say he has geen, the “hospitals of America anti she has seen this one of yours in Toron’ the Sedation ag it ene has igor gas ens xipount vpractieatly seamaie to be raised, desnite large dona. tlone oreo cial Government, through the University, from the. citi and from private subscriptions. Tho in- stitution tas necommodation foi (70 pa: tients, which may not seem a large ber in view of the amount of howtens that s been expended, but, it has to membered that a good deal of the mozey has been spent for laboratories aud other : goes standin will be required as a staff, and. thero willbe: teauired as a. etal,” and ‘hero ploy A Five Hours’ Watk. To illustrate the area covered by the ww an rdens whieh compare oreditably. in size with many of the ‘oily parks eee and shu have beci planipa ana here with a uum of fine old trees wh: n preserved, will add greatly, to the attrac: urrounds Tennis he ce ito ubbined foe Gua aee ot ing. irom launing the buildings the arent al angie eooure g maximum of # “oval sdeitoe ‘of ventilation ae "yest | © 19 commonly accept hued a pene the ‘vigdome ion ested sad See centre fieh a y ahat in which the new ig ted, this Ls picmane and in daz » With ms prentlai2a were enjoying halt a| Ontario. distinguished }. im|{number of pula 5 | ($1,000,000.00) . One of sre ie in Boston | Fir pol > highly recommend. well, with the Company is Sie to the purchaser of Profit Sharing Bonds in a successful and well organized Company which we can these securities enables the bond holder to participate, as Interest cheques mailed to investors twice a year. CONFEDERATION LIFE BLDG., y Y SEVEN PER CENT. The ‘Profit Sharing’ feature of in any further earnings, National Securities Corporation TORSATE: ONT. . y = WESTERN CRO Federal Inspector Wires atch from Ottawa says: ern provinces, as to conditions an! ine aoe SS r. White reports having just completed a trip along thé lines of railway north of the main line of the Canadian Pacific, having driven. a large portion of the country districts. He finds all crops show- y|this time last year. rm most encouraging | now a: PGE for the bal inee of the west- PS LOOK GOOD Back That Prospects Are Splendid. ing fully as much progress as at While much grain was sown late, the stored moisture and freduons showers have given wheat, and flax an excellent start and th ces crops are as they were at this time last year on showing ain more uniformity all over the coun- tr The crop crete ee Southern Alberta and Southe: Saskatche- S eedinaly favorable, and in the opinion of Mr. White there never was a spring when the prospects were as good. ty, it will be drawn through a curtain ally washed and dust and impuri tracted by the water curtain, Gan Accommodate 50 Victims. er} in, njure as man: anid sue of ‘he ‘offeleds, we certainly hope that such never occ un.” _ The group “ot ‘bulldings-are’ diptinotive a es ie, matter is defended on tho ground that © ordinary pressed bric! buildings made the look. like CONTRAC ee > $5,000,000 More Needed A ee Trent Valley Can spatch from. ree gays: After twenty years of more or less continuous construction work the on al fa $11,000,000. It will cost another $5,000,000 to complete it and give a continuous six to seven foot at way from Georgian Bay. to nena | tanianeneen BRITISH COLONIAL FIRE. A special meeting of the Sharehold- Board of nee of the proposed ae agreed t been so RE that a certain reholders have’ ex- pressed the de: ase to subscribe: the new issue, With the capital of one million the “British Colonial ‘e” will rank amongst the most im- tt companies doing» business -in Canada. oe ‘ | TOOK HOLD OF THE WIRES. Geo. J. Lebonville Was Killed By the Shock. despatch from Sarnia ae before li o’eloc day morning death came with te! ble Suddenness to Geo. J. LOWse! engaged in porte a fee ae ong Dae Street. house ¢: contact with ne wires of he hee trie Light Co., and the young man Lebonville went-up on top of the house to raise the wires. He took hold of one of the wires to lift it up, when 2,200 volts. of snag pasced through his body azd he instantly electrocuted. WANTS FINANCIAL BACKING. Prize.» A dig toe “wont se wee for ore = of of 0 iO pul Bp: See The aviator, if he can ry. in August or finishing touches aro now being put | moe arian ee Pifty Thou- ie vee) THE MEWS IN A PARAGRAPH QAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVED HE GLOBS INA NUTSH ALE, Canada, ths Empire and the World to General Before Your Eyes. Canada. Mr. Malcolm MeTavish, master in Bowmanville Public School for ears, died in his 82nd year on eday. Major-General Mackenzie, resigned his position as Chief-of- England. That two hundred girls are lured away from Toronto yearly was a ment made at a meeting of the way ae State Bankers’ Associ eeting at Ottawa, eaglat ad the century ‘of peace and cause of the recent ‘Srganization there of | for the lock gates on sections thr Young Men's Liberal Club. It ie known, | and fouy of the canal, thas eemolet. | foe srectin King George and too, that there is a considerable clique of i the Duke of Gonauett: ee age pene tf the stu-|ing the outlet to non the ody. wo or @ years ago Li i ietations Fee erate 25 2 | Bay: of, Quinte-from,Lake, Bancoe, Great Britain, assa an . Lavergne, the prominent| lenders will be called ahs for = 5 Nationalist leaders. Tt is now said that| beginning the work on the northern| A big majority was shown for the itl sehenaenof the"uies, YapentaSta [section of the canal from Lake Sim-| Unionists in the Wandaworth, bye- of certain members of the coe to Georgian Bay, via the Sev-| election. Prof, Hutton and Mr. Waldron. Oye tal expenditure the canal so has been t General. ¢ British Consul at Berlin a “Germany is hoarding her eat supp Bee entire crew of a Spanish warship was almost annihilated by the Moors, SENSATIONAL SCENE. Male Suffragetto Threw a Bag of Your at ee Asquith. A spatch from London says: One Ae the wildest scenes that ever marked a session of the House of ©. gette: sympathizer from the visitors’ gallery hurl b of flour at Premier AsquitN on the floor. ‘The missile narrowly missed the Pre- mier, speaki: at the 1, the members who were there. man who threw the flour also scat- fered pamphlets on the members ee below, shouting tee ern “and ‘wildly a i the death o wie Emily Davi oe A BRAVE RESCUE. Young Boy cre shea Girl From e Wh ning. A oe — Lindsay. says: On Wednesday afiernoon Patricia Primeau, the sata year-old daugh- ter of Mr. Lewis Primeau, commer- a8 traveller, Lindsay, fell. into 'the rescue of oe fan incitate the mea and s rushed tot the home of her oe _NApPIER TOURING Cc A Beaatih Staff a short Bee ago, has left, for i aA

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