Milverton Sun, 26 Jun 1913, p. 8

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5 cearrcmmiaaes eee ae SMALL TOWN N PROBLEM A erie tent 12x8 Apply to REV 4 2 | AD, GISCHLER % A Man is Judged More oi | ————$__—___- = INDUSTRIAL CHANGES HAVE AL- Less by His Appearance.” | e TERED LIVING CONDITIONS. Llverten cn vt y We e. a light brown co: FG ES Any een ae ee Thee anaplilition- oF ihn. Lesecebae ase leave at Bank of Hamilton M:- te : tres of Population by the Growth of othes verton and receive rew We buy direct from the Pictsiee le Naw 2 ; : aes grower and our facilities Adjusting Itself and the Trend To- ‘ . enable us to retail at a wards the Cities Is Likely To Be | Are cred @ necessity, and very smal margin of pro- che 80 conspicuous that to neg- fit. Give us atrial. : oe leet your dress is equal to er aay rciennes ate veel The problem of making life in our dropping out of the race. :: paving for this advt |: With: the preverving dee: jSmaller Canadian towns and cities CLARENCE IASENPFLUG Z sbi approaching you-will more attractive is quite as important | You owe it to yourself— a eT EE EE need a supply of sugar. as that of making brighter and more “The Duty to Dress Well” HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, We-sell2.. x pleasant the conditions of life on uo ae t A-fine assortment of | on, King Street an eight-roomed | . ee ee : | brick house with good fruit garden | Redpath’s Granulated Sass ae eee nas = Suitings and Trouserings For site varticulars apply to | |no dou at_ degeneration has. its HARVEY GRIFFIN. 15° McKenz $4.85 per cwt. [chief home in the large towns, just placed in stock.for your Creseont. Toronto 6 | that the inspection. 3: oz an: nae y le large town, families which | | HOUSE AND Lor FOR SALE on/? iginally the We guarantee Perfect Satis- | | | faction at a LOW COST, . A Gide brick hon id Mee f fresh blood from ‘the : q a [ele aie Bor petite | OTATION STORE 2 [iE n t | Here you get the choice of a ie 4 ROBERT LENNOX. Mily Eon be ce JU.M. Fleischhauer |i°"_ mabye ee Gs Be a anal vps a | $25000 stock to choose from. MAIN STREET ¢ 4k R | — IA ‘. f sre not renewed by_a-continn. the east piovinces of Canada at | jany rate, we cai | prosperous | without erous thriving ei CREAM WANTED | tow becomes of first importance |t0 take: stock of the position of small | v1 ns} an the con ions HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US |} /and guarantees of their presery ——— [Has business and social contr { Cites peer and pay express Pee | "Very tive ott |R I i ; ailway Time Tables igs eo PP ban Ws este ena eum | pect aneenerr uae ni Shorthand ara ‘Feledranhy. Canadian Pacific hin s and fast concl ag | Guelph and Goderich aa acking, and probably there ‘are. some falas $| Going eas 7 wiite us for fle cular hases of the D. A, MCLACHLAN, - Principal * BAG stM : | towr nitist solve 3 |the maritime provi PERTH CREAMERY CO. ALDRICH BROS., Managers LISTOWEL, ~ ONTARIO at f ae a n New eee Eee cotia. flourished in no mea ; = | and the population of the provinces s : = i steciy and ther ete Hoe |incresed rapidly. It is the fashion | New Raincoate: .f)0 csc 5 ns $7.00, 8.50, $10.00 eat epee to: progress and pros. ae peed eros ie erty slays 40 the modern Men's Suits. ...$5, 7.50, 8.50, $10, 12, 50, $15, up to $20 mong the pefienie ia’ ihe Instita: ® Bp eae ane Setieey ; Eee tion is a girl of 16 or 80, who has in Pihescias vee oeiy etn Boy's Suits.,..........$2.50, $3, 3.50, $4, $5, $6 and 7.50 a very marked degr : : Ra a ‘ ore commonly: t6-'| vas dae tolthe weds the; “prog Men’s Shirts,.,..., trersvereeees50C, 750, $1, 1.25 and 1,50 ¢ = be possessed by the ostrich, nae ‘ + th ais Ringed Round With Gold | An x-ray picture z the young We- | owned and’ sailed flo of ne i Men’s Straw Hats,. +256, 50, 75c, $1, 1.50, $2, 2.25 € i th ¢, iS 5 THE TQIABEY, BRED HACKNEY | and gems is thé splendid stock of LION lendid: variety Pi, a ae Siv lhe a in attendance have at other taings that should A splendid variety of First of July Ties just received Attractive Jewelry “DE WILTON" Feady taken ftom her a vat last |B, flo a wes usually the sont ~63: (isis ae which Pe 145 Ak ae {of a more or less self-contained com- Be’ sure/and sce our are displaying. | Jewelery ilver, a pete wuperines es ea and @ namber of other small Whitewear Display ola fuciitiee aay dave 60 | SEMPLE BROS., Milverton, OnrlWehieat ee near’ all fashionable jewelery, We buy largely Will bree; $ s ict. | of it yeh said Supt. f 3, wee fata os os oe wie bay . he 5 SE aE 8 exal ioidake no OF wool of | : Ladies’ Cotton Vests, short sleeves and straps, 2 for 25¢ : Cizst) | of insanity,” said one of the eotors, | 10a ker from leather prepared PH. a TEANOUEE . an tan ies ee in this. girl's cases quite 6 ein 3 loval tantety ‘trom hides of cattle Ladies’ Lawn Waists.., 69¢, 79¢, 89¢, $1, 125, up to $3 ion Lady Bird by Lor arp | |taised not many miles : The patient, unfortunately, isn : Briss ok: cs Jeweler and Optician Milverton, Ont. |c2s ions, 202 2 gh with niug veepr welt CRE ace nat tee merous small cal Ind Bh a In order to clear we have reduced all Summer Dresses pate abe : oven ne | ped ac Suit the dost glee r House Dresses, large range...g9c, 1,25, 1.50, 1. 75) 2.00 a his mov every Way pa i oa a immi 6 H ‘a +990, 1,25, 5 . opoi | B is bred to he | hope to get rid of the tae of the for. 06d ' ‘i sth te eign artes 4 sad pull her thr — raised ‘a greater variet, ae great: | 10 doz. Battenburg Doilies, special Atis i wesw seeents greater y @ gs cook " od ship at Guelph winter fat ked at least 4 cot accordin, Children’s Ribbed Stockings, fast black, 15 cents Als The Hali he horse Ladies’ Cotton Stockings, fast black sesseeee2? pair for 25¢ He Tuesday, March 25 ckney Sho r i Panama and Serge Dress Goods, all colois, ins, wide. The Listowel Husinead College : total A se oceeet lng ae ea ly one million actes in the g' * 54 e be sudd ast thirty or thirty-five years, ‘ |= Then caine the dualine of the whoa special per yard o.oo. sseesesegnseeseeees3Q Cents iri ce aia cone ornee in Long Lisle Gloves in tan, white and black......25 & 50 Two courses Commercial and Shorthand wil 5 ast ; ay for Mc nigh ed- | {leally synonymous with EDWING. MATTHEWS, Princip “for Weds t-| venture which cost John Edmunds his | nada, quickened by national Morainecon tea ew "| Tite. Beiee ‘and the development of the Long Silk Gloves in tan, white, black, sky blue and pink For further part a vite Edm: Dee eed Lallney syste: Loe oe 1 ag on a train as it ran sl the 3 lar, special per pair............,.s1000050C, 75¢ and $1.00. lle eb ede eee oooh hat" | ee o ing his 2 P ee. seh 75 : tl Umbrellas—our leader . we ssaee 89 cents R. y, FISH &CO, ‘ors; ae Bb te ine 1 ie ae ie yeas commu: Re . the ies lost their self-sufficing economic i ‘ Ss she's reamed Gee aa pr Pare: fect Parasols, ranging from........, seeserereeee 39C UP to $3.00 is own out and also the advance LINWOOD / Z tho talk of others and forthwith joined | th re conversation, althotgh his lips . Hope of re pro- sy ii SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND framed no word for almost fifteen | g Newest in Music: we Dealer in REGULATIONS see ae s of young ‘ people began. < ‘ oO Coal, Cement and Lime a jomething te jogous to the speciali- 66 . - ” ‘i : x nrion wa thle ead ofa fa| Football—Listowel vs Poole at] £4400 of function whiah has hares: Trail of the Lonesome Pine lotar Stain, Etc, mest sd auarter vee sui ble Do. | Pole on Friday evening PRICE: 15 CENTS pte Jand Ste initoba, vi] just shi ; OF | meas AR 1 tthe appli per. ; Grain, Flour and Feed pesicy 1 strict: Entry by % y may pale ize alo A Bitkas tact : an aad Fanitee Er as Wy agency, on ster beotter St | strayed onta Less ae = avelop thaie stention to those indu Window Blinds, special at .., tepee cane Bere ce ——_____}} : et ee es — a Here and there they > Dace-Curtains at, 2.01.05 Reduced Prices CMA SRR SUROON eae tare ee id in eg Ps -| developed new industries, some pos- ; Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand j Gaetteny one finn . ean same by pboving (propert ro ing promise of future expansion, Granite Pie Plates, ae each’ 4 +e hi eng : #er|ses JOHN SCHNEIDER. ‘Linwco), | others representing mere tra eerie! : ister, homettender in good | 8 es rise indus Ee eee Granite Dish Pans, speci srevvesves 25 CONtS es yameampt donttersettton | per fe his homestea aries eh w Se riers 1 : . PUBLIC NOTICE! cimotlon six south, in cach Of aie ae Panis "Tn aplte of big handicaps tn Grocery Specials hee MAGISare Carre to ear es ot se i ince feader sh i Notice “is hevabys piven thata oe é law was passed by th ieipal eis, Oe a9 gr : Me ee pil | great steel linets, driving the products 2 cans Engeland's Baking Howie 1 Ib, tins...... ev 2 50% i 3|0f Nova Scotia ship yards from the ‘ Sea e: ee iain for. the issue ‘of debentures | trans-Atlantic ay Pink Salmon, special per can, cach of three ‘yeark, joultivate jae acres and erect a house worth ee i d_ to obtai i their fie Village: of norton. mo” that id in some cases have gi 5 __ § Ib. pail Table Syrup. iis aS Deputy of che Minieter of the dace he [en : zi 3 ‘ h 4 = pees ee ne Registry Of Office om the 1ath industries by adi em to the 4 Ibs: Laundty Starch, cc.cciwss oan wean spe 4 Ibs. Seeded Raisins ..,...., _ OUR NEW SPRING cS : Torday the majority of small towne ace - Any ‘moti _ e : ‘ ny (motion to quash or se aside | do Have Seah erase - 6 lbs. Rice. + tettesesees sen vesteecaeeesense BSC 3 e { all Wheat... $96 t or any part thereof must be w ond: tions, and, although 25 Z : ia, 48 50 | made withi iy three isis ter the| the recent - ae : Pickles PO DEMOS shire, ace : i Qata 6 are . : i t 5 gm Ie, ae. f 39 |cammot be ma ter of po t the past: d 5 os ‘ qeee Dated at Milverton, Le 24th day de, there are signs that is | Fancy Cakes per Ib.. 1918 ings in store for 30 80 “Are attracting much “8 fention these Banner ened oe WD, WRIR, Clerk. [them, At t on Fe 2 2 Ibs. Icing PUBS aig a se Z : Oeste: handi. ir effor' * ‘ 3 Be: NOTICE fo CREDITORS. 2 Ee Corn Blakes . censor ee afeneat. ~ @ Oe = 3. ae i Ith; ¢ them in various shades ig) In the wmatter of f the Estaite of James | town communities the: ie is a healthy I ¢ 1 : : aden “ Tans, Blues, Grays, Etc. « ato tr , 00 me segs eg gos Towns! ee es demand for workers, male and female. STI by the best dr. “4 : - ‘ “ed mi base ae Suite yom made by us are ie! 34 Berth. Retired ate ‘Deceased | 8 ‘ # a : mee di the above named ryoul ana ive and on correct oe) bound @ inasey “90 A Rowiere ied oo ox abgut | 10 Parliament did not chal ‘of: | Di ‘ : the e OtiW day of, fay 1913, are r6-/ te earoaly five spe Someta 2d let safsow yo ickens. °° =... RT s mare: Hens ee Our prices are moderate eau Paasteriate and ‘im Ga mg one of the ard one iS Ae ‘ares and hal & oe those cies OE Which notice “Bas been | Sometim the thi 95 | receiv e ‘This notice is giv- Section 55 ote Trus- | I scareely ever remem im wee the House t

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