Milverton Sun, 26 Jun 1913, p. 3

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&® in the amount of fir and ; _-EnUPTIONS"Covenep age hemlock set for pulp. This pro- cairn; Quebee = | SPW at pygeent by Soe nee oid tid dinswas Goad ia hres mi Tat ec, yields oxcel- It started with red-| lent pulp for the manufacture of vem teen tata ton penta <cienie. finer grades of paper and for Tap- im. Open mat- | ping. The solution used for di im rom seeing at ug Hehe esrng solving the met wood lots pulp nsists of seventy-five per cent; THE SECRET OF GOOD HEALTH Koop the Blood Rich and Pure with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills The condition of the blood makes strength and the appetite becomes a Ailes Usd does solr obtain enough nourishment from the food, ble, despondent, worn out and For a time there may be no actual sickness, run- down, weak condition, but there is no defence ag: isease and from such a condition spring disorders such as anaemia, rheumatism, indi- [Silage te neuralgia, and even para- lysis itself. eople with impure, thin bk should take Dr. Williams’ strength ay stop the Dae ° red cheeks, abpetitey new sacaintie siecle the general improvement in the health. is an example. 14 deel it my duty to ee to the many now recom: ing Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. For years I was a sufferer with back- aches, rheumatism and nervous- ness. I was so bad at times that I my bed. since had the least petiek of the trouble. You can get these Pile iy “ak dealer in medicine or by mail al 50 cents a or boxes ae ua 50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medi- 16 Co., toes Ont. NEW Se PROCESS. Cheeso May Bo si Stored in a High Temperature, By tho use of pasteurized milk for Cheddar cheese two Wisconsin experimenters—J. L. Sammis and A. T, Bruhn—claims to have over- come the uncertainties of the manu- facture, The processes have varied from day to day, result of the great differences in the kind and quantity of bacteria in oe milk at the outset, degrees to 165 degrees Fah-| Babe kills 99 per cent. of the bac- teria. After next UP aiecia the acidity of the milk to 0.25 per cent. with not only of more uniform quality than that by the ordinary method, but the aver- age viele is higher, the losses of fat being reduced. The cheese may be safely stored at a temperature. The de- struction of possi isease organ- isms in the milk is a sanitary ad- vantage, a Are Your Feet Calloused ? Easy to remove lumpe by applying Put- nam’s Corn and Wart Extractor. This purely vegetable remedy acts Se and is guaranteed. Ineist on “Puti What man has done mia man may do better. Minard’s Liniment t Cures Distemper, but heating | coo THE Tees GUARDS. Former Regiment nt Was Ralsed in 1662 by Duke of Ormond. gee _jmporsnce prevails erally on the battlefie Africa. of Irish Guards is, after all, but a tardy recognition of the claims of the honor of the Sovereign, and which haye enjoyed mee Sea jes a traditional pr Behe regimental roll. There are a known, four distinct Sasenoute Colds ncas the “Scots, and the Trish—all of which, except the Trish, date their existence from the Restoration, But it seems to have been forgotten that, Aes ees greeted as a be! lated havation in he case of the Irish Guards, is ally 07 i in antiquity with the others. The form na Roman Catholic basis bexan, at the opening of the reign of James IL, it a France, At the Revolution of 1793 it became the 92nd rmy of France, but refus to serve under the Tricolor, 1794 again took service under the British Crown as one of the regi- ments of the Irish Brigade. oce, stancy, ae and bravery ; qual- ities whi i 1 be found have. been i na its present gal- lant pashan ere a CHILDHOOD DANGERS 'o symptoms oa indicate any of the bed of childhood should be allowed to pass without prompt Sena The little akan may n become a serious one, and per- haps a ditt life passes out. If |}, eee. 's Own Tablets are kept in the jouse minor troubles can be Cone cured and serious ones averted. The Tablets are guaran- teed absolutely safe and the growing child. Thousands ‘of mothers use no other medicine for ‘icin little ones. ‘The Tablets ld by médicine gets or by mal 5 at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co. , Brockville, Ont. See Sy PULP WOOD EXPORT. Increased Quantity ‘ity Went to the United States in 1912. A total of 1,846,910 cords of pulp- were cut in Canada during 1912, an increase of twenty-one and one-half (21.5) per cent. over the total cut of 1911. over one-half was expor e ited States, the remainder being manufactured into pul the forty-eight mills operating in Can- ada, ese are the figures given the Dominion Forestry Branch, Ottawa. Waiter—The oehe Why, ware "tit boiled long enough, sir? est — Yes! The trouble was it wast? t boiled soon enough. HANDS $0 SORE GOULD NOT SLEEP = Put Them in Water. in Red and All Swollen, Gist Soap ‘his increase in. quantity of raw material exported in 1912 over the amount exported in 1911 was prob- ee due to the Rises in price of ae He ee: oe cee the nadian Ca: fear re ae ae per cord, whereas foreign firms paid an age price of six oliare and eighty- sane ents ($6.82) per cord for the an aver- ply. fifty- four Hah mills of ei _and Ointment Cured in Two Days, | of mG 10 per ton as compared wit! ra a 8 price rf $6. 82 paid for ae un- eee en os manufactured wood, chapped Piecansdier cracked Tr would close sents a net loss to the iy sane the cracks wou! nuld bleed. I not put them in water or | lars, cB arty any ork, ‘Tho | Statistics show that sprace still ‘all: swollen, were 'so | Constitutes over seventy-five per I could not sleep. 1 | cont. of the pulpwood cit, that tried everything I could get | there has been in the drug. —_——_— re fir a the eastern Provinces made." (Signed) O; W. Murphy, Dec. 23, 1911. tly of Blanes) eee J.N, Racicot, pies 16, 1911: sediom sulphate (‘‘saltcake’’), and Se are the et the opinion The creation of a regiment gertain Foot Guards—tho Grenadier, the | yoo: and in| hy FLYING FOR HEALTH. 8atd to Be a Certain Cure for the Great White Plague. In spite of the ‘Brave risks run b; is mowing loctors that flying is 5 ex- selene cure for many Ii is claimed that ‘hey purity of the air at high altitudes is extremely beneficial. noted German salient on consumption gave it as his belief not long ago that flying a at inoee in r for “the great white plague.” His reason was that exposure to the sun’s rays at a very high altitude killed the germs as popular as they were nob wanting Sa ponies believed in ballooning for certain ailments. experience wonderful re- lief by going up into the air for about 3,000 feet, there for some considerable time. eee air at such an alti. great deal of good.”’ Many professional airmen have stated that they felt in ‘much better | so. health after their flights. All “cobwebs”’ are brushed away from the brain by aviation, and head- aoe are often banished as if by Me Trehawke Davies, the noted woman aviator, stated a short time ago that flying was good for curing feeling very ill it suddenly oc- sre to her that a trip in an aero- might effect a cure, Accor- “Finely she made an ascent with Mr. Valentine, and later on with an- other aviator, and to her great de- tte te found herselt araienly heal insomnia. When their illnesses there. On the other and, it must not be forgotten that aeroplane, and it is safe to assert that whi but benefit to health: will result| His lack of hearing. was proved i y seas a aan Ss suddenly % near tl did not move. Although shires Ae of age at that The Fat in the Fire. time he had never uttered a sound, Sir George Reid, High Commi nd already had the fixed look and id, = sioner for Australia, is well known for his geniality, his bulk and his ready tongue. Talking to him not long since, a correspondent askéd him had he ever found himself at a loss for a wk-answer. ‘‘Well,’” ‘down-under.’ close of my last campaign, and T remarked that I honey ot Las r pene. Upo: hall ufficient | Higt ntin nd (ithe woke et Anughter shat srected j felt so fine, she thought she would this sally was Homeric. I £ ate for a fow moments, but nothing ef. \fective by way of reply occurred to me, and + down—absolutely, Se for, I think, the first | ™¢3t- tie aie A neighbor of ours, 68. yea: —_t____. note "of could | Over six and one-half aa "asl. Winard’s Lintment Cures Cotas, Eta, Her Exception. Crabbed Old Lady (sarcastically) | —‘T don’t suppose there is another een an increasing use of | haby like that in the whole world?” _who have rid themselves of indiges | tion by changing from a heavy meat Young Mother—Oh, y there E ett one, of the twins a home nty-five per cent of ueet giving economy of oil ty haaete he i aeslad perish Ff, ¥or a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. | C88, which is, in tiie oo especial bool, ly, Corp., Dept. 62D, Boston, U. 8, A. {met wood are sdattal to the pro- , superior to soda and pata ethods. ED. 7. ISSUE 26—13 ; | HOW remaining ind the effect of watching ie gonna objects on the earth below would do the eye a en an absolutely perfect machine has been evolved, nothing = Bwitsetiind a well and has gained 40 po: SHE USED ONL’ THE NATURAL CURE NOVA SCOTIA WOMAN WAS RELIEVED OF HER HEART DISEASE, Made her Kidneys right with Dodd’s Kidney Pills and all her Troubles yanished speedily and conipletely. Eel Creek, Shale aed Co., ble, so run down, nervous and de- pressed that all the brightness had gone out of her life, ae never ex- be a healthy woman i W. Leadbeater, of this place, tried Dodd's Kidney i is once more in the best of health. Her simple statement is the best evidence that no case of so Dodd’s Kidney Pills will not cure e ““T was treated hy five doctors,” Mrs, gs states. ‘Four of them did me no good. The fifth operated on me and that gave me relief for a time. had Kidney and Heart trouble. nervous and run down that my friends apt not think I would ever get “An Ser led me to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and m ae cannot praise Dodd, Kidney Pills too highly.” Female Trouble and Heart Dis- se are caused by Kidney Disease, The natural -w ay to cure them is to cure the Kidneys by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills. S PRINCE IS A DEAF MUTE The Second Son of bine and Queen of Spa The Infante ae Jaime, second son of the king and queen of Spain, now fie years old, was born deaf and d oe strange behavior characteristic: of the deaf and dumb. Spanish «; ele adjudged him incurable. of them performed a difficult eas wither beneficial result. The child was, sent ium of a celebrated physician in bes he returned in the efore, = of Valencian nun: CS BOTH GAINED. Man and Wife Fatten on Grape= Nuts. The notion that meat is necessary for real strength and the founda- tion of solid flesh is now no. longer as pierce as former! Excessive meat eaters are usually sluggish a part of the time because cally a kind of eae that acts upon the blood and nerves, thus getting all through the ays “T was a heavy meat eater,” writes a Side easy “and up to two years ago, was in’ very Tr health, 1 suffered, with ndivestion eat Grape-N iow she is fat unds. ver have indigestion any more ad seldom feel the desire for old, was troubled with sghuekeiod yea ing Grape-Nuts regularly, he says he is well and never has indiges- tion: “T could name a lot of. persons ae pe-Nuts.’’ . ‘‘There’s a given hy Canadian pag Co., Windsor, Ont. Re. i “The Road rs pkgs. d the above letter? A new o1 apiuee trae time to time, They ‘Benuino, (rue, and full of human inte Liked to Wear Wife’s Shoes, Margerst 2 es poled a bill for a fi feet, of h extremely proud. He likes to dress them well and os cule the wife charges, he was wont to wear a pair of fine valent Sear boots which. had been a present to Mrs. Blum Kidney Disease is bad that | 82 Good Advice for All! Who Have Indiges- e tion Don Jaime a6 saa! is under the Dr. QUEEN MARY’S NEW FAD. She Keeps Her Flesh Down by Rowing and ‘‘No Potatoes.” There is no doubt that within re- cent years there are fewer stout women in the smart set in Europe and America. Almost every day we are shown Mrs. X. or Mme. Z. who was once abnormally large and at Present is as slim as the slim- ‘It is no secret # on i Ee submit to a headache fs to waste To stop it at once simply take anything that can harm heart or nes NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL co. NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers Your Druggist will confi our statement that they do not contain energy, time and comfort, lem. OF CANADA, LIMITED. 124 FARMS FOR SALB. Action, Insist on the The Heart ofa Pianois the H.W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toront “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action Rai Brampton and of FARCE STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY Farme in all sections ot Ontario, a Some snap: ACTORY SITES, WITH OW WITHOUT way trackage, in Toronto, ther towns and oitior. owing to the amount of walking t the patient has to do, or the hot water sh drink, or many pleasant, fat- making substances from which she must abstain. In fact, the apaacrit of people to-day have some fa aboutdiet that they would suffer agonies rather than disre- invtanoa, Queen Mary, whose weight is fai atoes, Git Ae chase no attics ‘all meals, even afternoon teas for hus. st “these gatherings Ohina tea is invariably preferred, and in smart houses is brewed with Mal- r, which can be got in Lemon aetead of milk or are carefully provided ti-fat biscuits are also thankfully re- ceived. A new idea is to have small silver ge to dainty and delicate finger-tips. At B ingham Palace and Sandringham, however, tea is a square meal, SERGEANT-HAJSR UNDER GE: HIERAL FRENCH VETERAN OF BOER WAR WHO LOST HEALTH ON THE VELDT TELLS XPERIENCE, or Stomach Disorders. In ‘his home at Waldegrove, N.S., no. known than rr paign upon a man’s Sergt. ae writes: ral h during the la’ the capacity of Be nae “Masor Tt was per- tinued diet of t bully nothing without the greatest suffering. ‘The army doctors did not help me much, and since leaving the service I have very miserable. Hamilton’s Pills; they cured him, fess it was without much faith I bought a box, but the first dose and in ere”, see the result has deen similar to mine. = a attend the use of N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. —$_—___ MERCHANT SHIPS ARMED. Admiralty’s Plan Carried Out by Steamship Companies. The decision of the inte Star Line to arm its new r Cera- mic, which will be the lnrget boat in the Australian. tri In, accor~ dance with the British Kasnieatty? 8 plans for the defence of merchant » to the effect that. the British Soar in the com- ine were to remain British, Snot se) elie and Oriental liners are with gun peas wee the "Hoalder boats La Rosarina él PeuAYO, La Negra el aera La _ Correntina, tes Liverpool Plate, are baie similarly equipped. is. also report that the two Union Castle liners recently order- at Belfast and the Pacific Steam nuseee Company’s: Andes will be fitted for guns, liners Lusitania and Ma which were built under a subven- tion from the Admi rey are of course in a different clas: - Me. A The girl who throws herself at a man mustn’t be surprised if he drops her. from her mother. 50 ; wen I asked to be excused they Pat Again. ESIDENTIAL Brampton PROPERTIES — IN and a dozen cther towns. s buying a clock, and in H. W. DAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronto nquir “Why, it goes eight ia without winding.’’ in| 3,000 FREE HOMESTEADS AND 10 “And phwat is|per acre. Rort country. Write Trade, Humboldt, Saek. proved farme, 815.00 to $45.00 grain and’ mixed farming Commissioner, Board of “So much as that,” exclaimed the MALE HELP WANTED. Triskaan ‘in agtoniahinente? Be: gorra, there’s wan thing Td loike to be after axing ye: If it goes eiglifedaye: qithont yiomitie othay long, will it go if yex do wind it Logie. “Tt surprises me that you.¢an say such cutting things about your best riends,’ ‘Why shouldn’t 1? T know them better than anyone else Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria G MMP COLLECTORS HUN DR C ANCER, TUMORS, pain by of ae before 90 Tater De Co., Limited, Collingwood, NTED; Trades apaat A Rho: arbor wages; tw . Bend Yor Cuan . Moler College, 221 Queen Bi 0. up? psieeiaiartot eae PNR UCL LR Las SN STAMPS AND FOINS ferént Foreign Album, only 8 Com: Paraete caktame, Mark MISCELLANEOUS. Internal and ar Bellman Medios) Ont. “I shan’t go to their house gain” What's the : matter! Didn’t they ask you sing?” “Yes.” “And didn't you?” "No. merely let it go at that. I supposed, of course, phere insist on it.” Murine Eye Rem: When Your Eyes | Need Care trated Book in each Packa; ine is gompounded by our Ocullsts—not a “Patent Meds einer but used In successful Physicians’ Brag tice for ma Now dedicated to the Pub: Jeand sgia ‘Sruggists at dso and We, per Bottle, ‘Maurice Hye Salvo in see ae cy Murt Ine. ‘tye Ret ly Co., Chicago A native station master on the Vacation. Trip TO G WHERE Niagara Falls, een Thou- sand Islands, St. Low rates for tickets including meals East Indian Railway had been given | strict pets not to do anything out of the ordinary without authority from thes superintendent. his ac- sont Beh his sending the following telegr: “Superintendent’s Of- Bes) CaleuttaTiger on platform eating conductor. Please wire in- structions.’ and berths. For infor. red of Bronchitis and Asthma ey MINARD'S LINIMENT. ‘A. LIVINGSTONE, een 5. BL a severe attack of Rheu-| 0: atom by Sih es LINIMENT Mitahione Ba; Was cured “Don’t-you think everyone ought to look for the good in the ea) but instead of looking for the| s good, they seem ,fo be looking for the good things. in a severe s A tourist who had been caught torm in the Highlands f Scotland finally came to a soli- ae tary cottage and eagerly accepted wae glare ze an invitation to Hd over night. by HNARD'S Lanier” After supper while he was wearing Bridgewater, JOSHUA 4 WyNactn | 9 suit of the guidman’s clothes till is own were dry he met’ the mis- tress on the stairs, She bore a broom in her hands, from, which he go exclamation : world?” “That's a ney for the man to tay a’ nich Minard’s Lintment cuts Carget in Cown AUTOMATIC SPRING BUMPERS 6PECIAL: PRICES: To lear ae ee over by Aug. tet. we wi ale these out at atly reduced miite of ite being acted When fasi with Siam elite springs there RUSSELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED Accessories Department, Branches at Toronto, Momreni earls Winnleeg Calgary, Vancouver, Melbourne, Aus' WEST TORONTO Cleaner than coal or than Stock carried at all Winnepeg ‘Toronto Montreal Bakes Bread to Perfection gas. For best results use ROYA LITE Oil. Gece wood. Cheaper chief points. _

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